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Bonus Training Manual #8

James R. Knippenberg

2006, 2008 Free Newsletter at www.mindcontrolresources.com

Ancient Secrets of the Non-Local Universe You Can Use to Attract Virtually Anything You Want in Life, INCLUDING THE WOMAN OF YOUR DREAMS!!!
I realize that some of you might not totally buy into metaphysical concepts, and thats okay. Try them out and see for yourself. Do them as if they are real, and notice the incredible results you can get almost right away. If youve been brought up with different beliefs, thats okay. You can KEEP those beliefs. Just put them on the shelf for a moment, where they are safe, as you look a little more closely at something you might not have considered before right now. Some people dont buy into these techniques because they are not spelled out, word-for-word, in the Bible. We could make a good case for the idea that these secrets are hidden in the Bible, but we are not here to prove or disprove a set of beliefs for you. Try these things for yourself and see what happens. The only valid proof or disproof of a belief will be the results you can get right now. The fundamentalist preacher down the street might not like what were about to show you, but there is a verse in the Bible that talks about those who have a form of God-liness, but deny the power thereof. We are learning to have power that some of you might have never had before. The kind of power to create good feelings and romance that God (or Higher Intelligence, or however else you want to describe a Higher Power) intended for you to have. And Im willing to bet that most preachers and Christian counselors dont know many of the secrets Im sharing with you.

I know this for a fact. I was a religion major and was pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree before dropping out of seminary because it just wasnt for me, and I know that much of the pre-marital counseling that people have rammed down their throats before the preacher will agree to perform their ceremony is crap. Im giving you tried and true methods of finding, attracting, and keeping the romance you want and deserve. Your preacher will tell you to pray and trust God. Im about to show you the REAL way to supercharge your prayers and trust that God created you with a good enough mind and abilities to go create romance on your own! Most preachers CANT give you this kind of power because they dont have it to give to you! And if they do, find out what sources they used to learn the secrets. But dont count on it! Anyway, do these drills and see how you can work them into your belief system, or even get rid of those old, limiting beliefs, and create newer and better beliefs. After you try these things out that might be new to some of you, you can always keep the parts you like, or go back to the old beliefs that you put on the shelf, if you want to. Its YOUR choice. However, I would encourage you to give these things a try. In this exciting training manual you will learn: Secrets of consciously creating your intended reality and manifesting it in this world instead of living as a victim of chance. Secret accupressure points to jump-start your psychic ability to know what to do and say with a woman. Secrets to get what you want virtually EVERY TIME you program for what you want. Secret Ancient Breathing Exercise to SUPERCHARGE your prayers for success with women!

LAUNCH your desires into the digital age and get AMAZING clarity and results. How-to-tap into UNIVERSAL LAWS which work for EVERYONE who uses them!!!

The first tool you will need in order to consciously create in the non-local universe and to manifest that reality is the ability to balance your brain wave activity. This may sound like a bunch of hocus pocus mumbo jumbo at first, but many of you are already aware that there are left brain people and right brain people. Actually, there is no such thing; there are no normal people running around with only a half a brain. Although you might tend to want to argue that based on some of the people you might work with or for. There are, however, many people walking around with half a mind. Theyve half a mind to do this or that or the other. Half a mind to go and talk to that woman. And none of it ever gets done. Basically, you know about the two brain hemispheres if youve read much about how your mind works. Theres the creative side that daydreams and is spontaneous, and theres the logical side that you use to figure things out and make sense of things. Most people lean more to one direction or the other. When you balance your brain wave activity, you are balancing the blood flow and the energies to the two hemispheres and hooking them up together so your mind can simultaneously and efficiently use your creative abilities AND your logical faculties. You really should take the opportunity to invest in a Silva ULTRAMIND Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Course. In that course, as you do the exercises, you will gain hypnotic and psychic conditioning to function at the correct level of the mind.

Its difficult to teach a Mind Control Seminar in a manual without having live interaction. However, I can give you some drills you can do on your own to balance the hemispheres of your brain so you can think with your entire mind, which is actually much, much greater than the size of your brain. In order to condition your mind, start out by going somewhere that you will be able to relax, without distraction or outside influences. I would recommend that at first, you sit in a chair in a relaxed position, feet flat on the floor, palms resting lightly on your thighs. The reason for avoiding laying down at this point is to make sure that you stay awake. You can not think consciously unless you are awake, unless you have learned the art of lucid dreaming. And THAT skill, which will help you to learn and create and heal yourself and others while you sleep is much easier to learn once you do THESE drills FIRST. Close your eyes and take a deep, relaxed breath, and exhale all tension and all distractions. Turn your eyes up at a 20 degree angle. This will facilitate going into an Alpha brain wave state. Starting with the top of your head, and working down your entire body, as you continue to breathe deeply in a relaxed manner, release the tension from every part of your body. If a part of the body does not want to relax, you can tense that muscle and hold it tightly for 5 seconds, then relax it, and continue. Make sure as you breathe that you breathe deeply and do not hold any tension in the throat, neck, or head. The purpose is to relax, and holding the breath in those areas can result in unwanted straining (even rupturing) of blood vessels. So after you have completely relaxed from head to toe, continue keeping your eyes closed and turned up at a 20 degree angle, and picture a mental screen in front of you. On this screen, picture the number 25 and say the number inside your mind, going more deeply relaxed with each count. Inhale, and with each

exhalation, count down to the next number down. After you reach the number one, you should be fully relaxed. If not, thats okay. Just keep your current level of relaxation, and do the countdown again. It might help you at first to tape record yourself giving the instructions. Your mind already recognizes your own voice. This is a basic crash course. For more information, get the Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course I mentioned previously and also in the meantime, check out The Silva Method for Getting Help From Your Other Side by Jose Silva and Robert B. Stone or You the Healer by the same authors. Another very excellent book that is out of print, but you should be able to find on a used book search, and you should make this book a part of your library is Jose Silvas ULTRAMIND ESP System, edited by Ed Bernd, Jr. Anyway, now that you are in a fully relaxed state of body and mind, take your right hand, and lightly hold the horns on the foreheadthe bumps below the hair line, above the eyes. The precise location will vary a bit from person to person, but they are located about an inch to two inches above the eyebrows, for most people. Hold the pads of the index and middle fingers to the one on your left, and the pad of the thumb to the one on your right. Make sure you use your right hand. There is also a technique for using BOTH hands on these points, however once you learn to use the one-handed method, you can hold those points while talking with someone, and it will seem perfectly normal to do so. These are the points on your forehead where you hold your hand when you go Oh my God! so thats why Donna Eden, in her book Energy Medicine, calls these the Oh my God points. When you get serious about using your energy to increase your health, vitality, and psychic abilities with women, you really should go buy Donnas book. It should be at your local Borders or Barnes & Noble, and costs a very inexpensive $16 or $17. Dr. La Tourrette (www.mentaltrainingsecrets.com) also has some excellent video tapes that demonstrate these things for you with real live people doing actual drills and getting instantaneous feedback on the results.

I am giving you the techniques you need to make things work for you. And I am also including various resources you can study in addition in order to gain even more abilities. There is no way I could include everything under the sun in this one manual on creating romance with the woman of your dreams, but these are some real good tools to start with. Onward. You want to just lightly hold those points. Hold them until you feel the energies balance between the two. It may take a couple of minutes sometimes, and other times it may only take seconds. Whenever the body/mind/energy is stressed, for whatever reason(s), the blood flow goes to the fight or flight response. So only things that are hard-wired in for survival work. And unless youve programmed and rehearsed repeatedly and properly ahead of time, that stress creates instant stupid. Instant stupid is a state of mind/energy where the energies are no longer crossing over properly. Many of you have already experienced instant stupid when trying to talk to some woman you really wanted to meet. You got stressed and perhaps made a complete ass of yourself, or at the very least, couldnt think of what it is you really wanted to say to her that would have gotten you a better result. Anyway, in order to have the most effective mental programming at the subjective or psychic level in the non-local universe, you need to be able to balance your energies for your mind to operate and create at optimum levels. Otherwise, its like trying to run a computer with 4 MB of RAM and a fragmented hard drive that has bad sectors where the operating system is stored on it. Or like watching a ballgame from the sofayou see and hear what is going on, but you cant do anything to change the outcome. Im gonna show you how to get in the game and change the outcome so you and her both win! Being a victim just doesnt work all that well.

Now that you know how to function at the correct levels of mind, I would recommend practicing this on a daily basis. This is not only effective for programming, which Im about to show you how to do, it will also put your ability to psychically influence women into hyperdrive! And when you are talking with a woman, you can reach up with your right hand, and you can hold those points while you are talking with her. You can just go Oh my God! That is so RIGHT! You think JUST LIKE ME! I remember a time when... Then you just go into a story. It LOOKS as if you are holding the Oh my God points to help you remember something. Actually, you are balancing your brain wave activity so you can think intelligently and know what to say when you talk with women. It is much easier to be able to trust your mind to help you know what to say while you are talking with women than thinking about what you could have done after the fact. And with some practice, you will start to notice that you DO know what to say when you meet a woman. It just starts to happen naturally when you go get some practice at doing it! And using the suggestions in the manual on repeating your successes and avoiding the failures will aid you immensely in this regard. At first, many guys think they need all the words ahead of time, but you will find it much easier when you learn to use what has meaning for a woman, instead of trying to rattle off some memorized language pattern. Now the next thing you need to do is to sit down and write out what you want in the form of a project. Youve got to write it out so you can program it and make your prayer the same way each time. Its funny watching people in church praying over the sick, the way they think the Bible told them to do. You got all these weirdos laying hands on someone, and one of them is praying, God, dont let her die! Another is praying, God heal her, in the name of Jesus! And yet another is praying, Dont let this sickness destroy her faith, oh Father!

Theyre all praying a bunch of DIFFERENT mumbo jumbo, much of it contradictory, and then they expect some sort of miracle. So when you program for your project, keep it to yourself! Do NOT allow others to interfere with your programming. If you do have a very close friend who knows these secrets and will program the exact same way you are programming for what you want in a way that benefits all concerned, then fine. But most of the time, its best to not allow others the opportunity of interfering with your mental projects, programs, prayers, or whatever you want to call them. Its a real shame that many church people wont read this book. They might learn something from it. Ill bet you anything the church will condemn this as heresy and not want you to read it and learn the secrets I am teaching you, though. Anyway, you want to write out your project or prayer so you program for it the same way every time, so the Universe or Higher Intelligence or God or whatever you want to believe knows you are serious and want that result. You ever try watching tv with some schmuck who cant make up their mind what they want to watch? They flip through all the channels, and you never do get to see any one program in its entirety. You got to know what program you want to tune in to, and you got to stick to it until you either get what you want, or you get some sort of feedback that suggests a better course of action. You certainly CAN write out things such as a woman who has a particular hair color who just happens to be a 36-24-36. However, would you be perfectly happy with a woman who had a 34 or 35 or 37 inch bust who gave you all the wonderful things in a relationship you ever wanted? And what if she were a blonde instead of a brunette or a redhead? It is much more effective to be a little vague on physical characteristics. Its okay to program for a certain body type or hair color or age.

However, when you get to specifics of 5'6" blonde, 18 years old, 36-24-36, who has a bi-sexual brunette girlfriend who is 19 and is also a 36-24-36, then it gets a bit ridiculous. You are certainly welcome to program that way, if you want to. I like a certain body type, within a degree of variation, and Ive had some of my best experiences with women who didnt match that body type. I like to program for qualities, for experiences, for things we can share with each other. And the better looking they are, then the better! I certainly HAVE programmed to meet women with certain breast sizes and hair color, and programmed to have specific experiences with them. Hey, it works! I have found, also that some of the women who physically looked like 10's were not all that great in the personality department. Some of them are, also. Just know what you WANT. If you only program for a certain body type, and end up with a hottie bimbo who is dumber than snot and bores you to tears, you know you didnt set your outcome properly. Personally, one of my favorite things to program for is a specific learning experience with a woman. I love going out and finding a really cool woman to talk with that I can practice a particular skill with, and also make her feel good. In karate, they have the teacher, the student, and the uke (pronounced ookie) who the student practices the technique with. They both learn from each other. And a student learns much faster when he has an uke. You can learn lots of things by yourself, but that learning doesnt have any practical application until youve used it in the real world. So go have some fun and find an ukea womanto practice with. And by the way, when you find a good one, a nookie is much, much better than being by yourself!

So, for me, I program THOSE kinds of wonderful learning experiences where the intimacy is coupled with something wonderful I can take with me and use the rest of my life. And also something that she can take with her and cherish. Women are MORE than just someone to stick your dick in. If women only used you for your money or your status or your car or whatever, you might tend to take offense to that. Well, womenat least the healthy, normal oneswant a guy who wants to do more than just use her for someplace warm to release sperm. There are women, who just like some of you, are looking for one-night stands. You are certainly free to program for that, also, if thats what youre looking for. Just remember to make the experience good for both of you. Program a little fun and romance into your encounters with women. It will make the sex a thousand times more enjoyable for both of you! Write out what you want. There are a couple of reasons for writing it out. One is that the more senses you get involved in the process, the easier it will be for your mind to create the reality. Some of you have been rehearsing failure with women for many, many years. Writing out the project, and making it successful will get all of your senses involved in many ways. There will be kinesthetic and digital reinforcement while you are writing it down. Someone is going to ask Well, can I type it instead? Yeah, you can type it. You can write it. Find what works for YOU. Personally, if I type it, I then have to print it out so I can hold it in my hand while I look at it, and so I can write various notes and things I get while programming. Try it both ways, and see which is more successful for you. And KEEP YOUR PROJECTS A SECRET TO YOURSELF! There is absolutely no reason for watering down the psychic energy involved by telling others and allowing them to add their negativity or mismatching or whatever else to it. Keep it to yourself!


I remember when I first learned about some of the seduction secrets I learned (from a Ross Jeffries home study course), I told a friend of mine. He was jealous and told me all kinds of crap about how it was manipulative to seduce women and how it was evil and he stacked up multiple manipulative and hateful suggestions on me because I was learning something new. And every time we went somewhere and we would see a hot babe, hed make some snide remark about why didnt I go seduce her if this stuff works so well. (One of the reasons I DIDNT do pickups when I was around that friend, is because he has a habit of interrupting and talking to women about things he wants to hear himself say, and she gets bored and walks off. Then he thinks it was her fault she wasnt interested. He shoulda studied that damn Ross Jeffries course) So while you are learning, keep these secrets to yourself. You will find your projects have much more power that way! Also, keeping it to yourself builds up psychic energy, because instead of releasing the emotion by telling others, you are holding it in. It makes it much easier to accumulate the vital energy needed for the project. Remember emotion and enthusiasm are collectors of vital force, and emotion is one of the key ways that telepathic communication takes place. So it might be a darn good idea to learn to control your emotions and to learn mental and emotional state control. Make sure you word your project in positive terms. For example, avoid things such as I dont want a woman who whines and complains and doesnt ever want to have sex. Word it as I want a woman who is positive, enjoys life, and has a healthy sex drive who wants to share that with me. Or whatever YOUR criteria and values are. Also check your outcomes. If you program for a nymphomaniac, what happens when you are tired or at work, and she has to have some right away? Or what happens when her low-self esteem creeps up and sabotages


the relationship? Make sure you are being congruent with what you say you want and with what you really do want. For more on this, refer to my training manual on how to reprogram your subconscious mind. Include all the benefits the woman will receive in the project. Make it something MORE than just sexual. Give her good feelings, meet some emotional need or desire she has, create the kind of bond shes always longed for with a man, and so on. The more your project includes benefits to others, the more likely it will be manifested. So even if you are programming for a different area of life, such as for more money, add in the benefits of how having more money will benefit others also. For example, with programming for more money, you and your new woman can move into a big, new, beautiful house, and that will benefit the construction workers and their families, the salesman who sells you the furniture and big screen tv, etc. Just dont make it too ridiculous. Keep the list short enough that you can still have time to program for it and keep your own outcomes in mind! When you have your project written out, put it into a moving picture, where you can see yourself and others involved enjoying the final outcome. When you have that written project and moving picture, you will use it to program every day until you get your outcome. It is important to program for the same thing exactly the same way each time you do it, and you cant do that, unless you remember exactly how you programmed it before! So you write out your goals in positive terms of what you want! What you want to do now is to add vital forceenergyto the project. There are many ways of accumulating vital energy. One of the strongest is emotion. When you have a strong desire to get a result, and that is constantly on your mind, you are adding tremendous amounts of vital force to the project. A lot of people use emotional energy to shoot themselves in the foot they approach the psychic skills from a position of want, lack, neediness, or begging, or they have feelings of fear and doubt, then they wonder why things dont work well for them.

The truth is, they used the techniques to screw themselves over instead of using the techniques for success. Another way to add vital force is with your breath. Some systems call it Chi or Ki. Some call it Mana. It is your life force, your breath. Go back to the level of mind we showed you how to achieve. Place your fingers on the Oh my God! points, and as you keep your eyes turned up about 20 degrees, see a mental screen in front of you, and play that moving picture, in color. Also, practice adding in how good the other person will feel. Imagine you are them, and feel all the good feelings they will have as they look at you, talk with you, get to know you, and get more intimate with you. Start out casual, and turn up the heat. Feel as if you are them, realizing they have met the kind of man theyve always wished they could be with. When you get to the end of the movie, take that final frame of the movie with you and her enjoying being together and begin breathing your vital energy into it by taking two seconds to inhale through the nose, then holding the breath deep for six seconds. Exhale through the mouth for two full second, and hold that for six seconds. When you hold the exhalation, it allows you to accumulate much more energy when you inhale. Then inhale fully through the nose again, in for two seconds, and hold for six seconds. Repeat several cycles of this, and hold your hands outward, as you send that picture up toward heaven, breathing more and more life into that picture, that final result you want. You have just programmed the big picture. Continue programming for success every day, until you get your outcome. Then you can start programming for something else in that relationship or some other project. It is best to program 3 times a day, 15 minutes each time. When you first get up in the morning, go to the bathroom, then lay back down. Your mind will already be just coming out of sleep and will be in an alpha state. Do the programming then before you get up and take your shower or whatever you do. If at first you are concerned about falling asleep when you first start doing this, set your alarm to go off in about 20 or so minutes from the time you lay back down. Soon you will feel comfortable with your ability to stay awake


and program, then get up, feeling refreshed, full of energy, and ready to get on with your day. One of the interesting things you will find as you do this is that you will start having ideas about where to go to meet women. You will start having coincidences that you didnt have before. Take advantage of these opportunities to meet women. Then, in further programming sessions, add in progress reports. For instance, when you meet a woman and start talking with her, and get her number, then you have something further to add into the programming before you call her on the phone. Program you and her talking on the phone, having fun communicating, setting up a date, getting together and doing something fun with each other. And also program for the techniques in this and my other training manuals to mentally practice and condition in the skills. Program to learn how to anchor and embed commands. Program for control of your state of mind. These are all important segments of the overall picture. Program each segment. This is known as segment intending at alpha brain wave level. You also have to have to take physical steps to get where you want to go. If I want to go see the California Coast, thats a whole lot different than saying I want to go to San Diego. And getting in the car and driving EAST will not get me there very fast. Neither will driving northwest from Lake Michigan. Have a plan. Keep it flexible enough, but have steps you can take to get where you want to go. Flexibility means you are open to various routes to get there. If you are only willing to meet women at a particular bar, what if the woman you want to meet never goes to that bar, but she shops every week at the Super Target down the street? So when you start having urges to go someplace you havent been before, to see something new, to meet new people, go do it! And surprise yourself with the opportunities you can start to have to meet women right now. And while learning techniques, such as anchoring, you program, seeing yourself doing those techniques every day, then you go practice the

techniques. When you program again, rehearse your successes, and fix what got screwed up, if anything, so you can do it better the next time. When you get to the point that you naturally do it without thinking, you dont need to program that segment anymore, although you definitely can and should still include using that skill in your psychic programming with women. For instance, you can anchor things at the subjective level (psychic communication between your subconscious mind and someone elses subconscious mind). You have to get good at the skill and learn how to use it, though. Higher Intelligence will not be inclined to help you if you dont take action on what you program. If you program to meet beautiful, friendly women, and then sit in front of your tv with your thumbs up your rear, you wont ever get anywhere. And while were on the subject, real life is NOT like what tv makes it out to be. So, you can slouch in front of your tv, watching some porno and think you are learning how to please women, or you can be a real man, and go out and learn in the real world, get some feedback, and go back and program in the new learnings you acquire. Anyway, you program the segments of intent, the steps to get where you want to go, the same way you program for the big picture. Just 5-10 minutes three times a day programming for those specific skills and then 20 to 30 minutes of practicing daily in the real world will make you incredibly good at these skills in a very short amount of time. Now to get into some UNIVERSAL LAWS that will immensely enhance the results you are able to get with women. The very first secret law of THIS universe AND the non-local universe that you must keep in mind is the Law of Allowing. This is NOT the Law of Tolerating or the Law of Ill Put Up With It. It is ALSO NOT the same as accepting something. I can ALLOW someone to be who or what they are going to be without accepting their behavior. As

long as they dont interfere with MY life, they are allowed to do as they please. I do NOT accept certain things into my life. For example, I had a girlfriend at one time who had a very bad case of neurotic religion. Anytime somebody didnt agree with her on something, she made it out to be them vs. her and God. Fact of the matter is she was hard-headed, had low self-esteem, and had an incredible guilt complex that she let other people put on her. Then she took it out on whatever unlucky sap happened to stroke her ego the wrong way. Well, Im not into that crap. Shes ALLOWED to have whatever neurotic beliefs she wants. I just refuse having them directed at me. So, you must decide for yourself what you will and will not allow into your life. If you are opposed to something, and you are not congruent and true to your own beliefs and values, you will not be able to have respect for yourself, others will not be able to respect you, and you will end up getting what you dont want instead of what you do want. You should take pride in yourself as a human being. If youve been seeing someone who treats you like garbage, maybe its time to get rid of the trash in your life and decide you will ALLOW yourself to have something better in life. And allow the nasty snob who was treating you like trash to find someone who wants to be treated the way she insists on treating people. The more you learn and grow as a person, the more you develop, the more skills you acquire, then the more quality you will want to attract into your life. Those who have settled for less in life than what is best for them have cheapened themselves and have cut themselves off at the knees, as far as getting help from Higher Intelligence. So know what you want. Have a well-defined outcome in mind. And always keep your standards high. Lowering your standards because of being horny or lonely or whatever only cheapens your self-esteem, and that psychically is transmitted to others that you dont respect yourself.


So stick to what you DO want! At the same time, if you have been madly in love with someone, and they arent interested, understand also that when you ALLOW them to have the freedom to make their own choices, it also gives you the incredible freedom to go find what YOU want to experience from someone else. I learned this the hard way. I was madly in love with a woman. She was and still is a good woman. And she happened to fall in love with just about everybody else EXCEPT for me, so it seemed. I was convinced she was the only one for me and that nobody else could fill the void in my lifethe void I needed to learn to fill for myself. I deeply resented the fact that she didnt love me like I thought I loved her. Even after I figured out that there are many, many women in life that I can enjoy who have the characteristics, looks, and personality traits that I want, I still held a great amount of bitterness for all that wasted time. And I learned yet another lesson from the Law of Allowing. The lesson of ALLOWING yourself to learn from what has happened in the past, and move on with life. Look, the past failures, the women who turned you down, the little girls who made fun of you when you told them you liked you, the chick who dumped you for your friend, or whatever else crappy might have happened to you is JUST SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED! It is an opportunity for you to learn something you didnt know. A friend of mine, Mark Cunningham, who is a hypnotist told me many, many times, You learn the lesson, leave the crap behind, and take the lesson with you so you can use it. (By the way, once you have the woman of your dreams, and you want to turn them into your ideal lover, go to Marks website and get his materials on Building A Better Lover, and tell him I sent you.) At first, Id go out, and Id try to meet women, and Id either trip over my tongue and forget what I wanted to say, or Id say or do something dumb,

and the only thing that ran through my mind was THE LESSON IS I SCREWED UP!!!! Except I wasnt quite so nice about it. What Id really do, was Id go home and curse at myself for the better part of the night about how I Fd things up and kept reliving the same screwups with much emotion, which, by the way, is a suggestion to the subconscious mind. In fact, I made the same mistake you might have made in the past. I kept replaying my screwups over and over again and again so that I reinforced what I DIDNT want inside my mind. REMEMBER that the mental programming techniques work BOTH WAYS. SO make sure you are programming for SUCCESS instead of failure. I finally figured out that the LESSON is you can allow yourself to learn and gain experience and find a better way of doing things. If what you did in the past didnt work, you now know to do something DIFFERENT! If a woman gave you a cruddy response in the past, FIND ANOTHER WOMAN! And while you are at it, you might also want to find another approach for that type of woman, if thats what you want to have. Anyway, when something gets screwed up, no use crying over spilled milk. When you spill a carton of milk, you go get another carton of milk! Learn from it, and move on, and do it better the next time! There are ALWAYS going to be more women. ALWAYS. The only irreversable mistake you can make is the mistake of doing nothing. The faster you stay seated in front of the tv with your thumbs up your rear, the faster you dont get anywhere. So get off your butt, turn the tv OFF, and go get some good experiences talking with friendly, intelligent women! No matter what happened in the past, Allow yourself to move on. Allow the mistakes of the past to be lessons to show you how to get what you DO want. Allow the cold-hearted bitches to go around being that way to OTHER people, and put them OUT of YOUR life. When you havent found what you want, KEEP MOVING.

Onward. The next secret you need to learn is regarding Thoughts, Words, and Actions. Thought comes before anything else. Without thought, none of the things we know as real would exist. The kinds of thoughts you have will determine your final result. Words are the next logical step in the thought process. A person has thoughts, sees things in their mind, hears words and self-talk, and repeats those things over and over again inside their minds. Finally, those thoughts and words turn into action. By the way, this is a USEFUL secret you can use to get women to TAKE ACTION with you. Their thoughts, their words will eventually propel them to take action when you frame it in a way that gives them reasons to act on what they want to have with you. And REMEMBER that her words, her thoughts are INFINITELY more powerful with her than your words and thoughts! So learn to make it seem as if its all her idea to be with you! This applies to psychic influence and dream invader techniques too! If all your doing is mentally projecting to her to try to get her to submit to your commands, well that only works with some people. However its much more powerful to use her thoughts and her emotions and her energies for attraction with you as the focus! (See the telepathic training manual for more information on this!) Thoughts and words without action are meaningless. They are just mental masturbation. The universe does not look very favorably on people who are all thoughts and words, but are too lazy to take action. Perhaps you have known people such as that who had opinions on EVERYTHING under the sun, could argue till the cows come home, and


just thought they were the greatest thing to ever walk the planet, but they couldnt DO anything! You have to have a willingness and a desire to take action, or the thoughts will never become reality. How many guys DREAM of going out with that hot chick you see every day, but they never talk with her, never get to know her, never give her a reason to want to feel that sort of attraction. A guy who doesnt take action and just sits at home in front of the tv or plays video games on his computer all day will never go out and meet women. How the hell will he ever find romance, companionship, and sexual satisfaction? So once you decide to take action, you need a plan to get there. You have your intent. What steps or segments can you take to get there? There are several of the best techniques in these manuals that work extremely powerfully. Those who do not take action to learn the skills will never be able to use them. Even we can not multiply zeros. So, you go out, and you talk with women, and you have an intent, a reason for talking with them. Its okay to just get practice talking with and meeting women so you feel more at ease around women. However, if you dont keep your PURPOSE in mind, you will have a very difficult time controlling your life so you get what you DO want. For instance, if youre looking for a night filled with passion and romance, and all you do is talk about the weather and how many people are out in the mall today, you will not have a lot of control over the frame of the conversation or the final outcome. Then youll just be another guy hoping to get lucky. And thats NOT what you want. You bought this home study course so you could learn to take control of your love life!


Remember, you will start to attract what you create inside your mind, so create what you want! And always find ways to make it fun and increase your vital energy that you add to whatever you are doing! Once you find the woman you are looking for, it still helps to have some more tips, tricks, and insiders secrets to know what to say and how to say it, so once you program to meet her, and you find her, wouldnt you love to program her mind so that she truly believes that you are a gift sent from God, that you are, in fact, Gods gift to her as a woman! Stay tuned while an (Continue to bonus manual #9) [For information on ordering the other 8 Lost Seduction Manuals along with a rare and out of print manual on Mesmerism, write to me at jim@mindcontrolresources.com and ask about my DVD on Using Energy Influence & Remote Influence For Having Better Sex! that come with a training manual on how to combine hypnotic suggestions with telepathic suggestions and when you write, say you want the seduction manuals too!]


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