Mobile Agent Computing
Mobile Agent Computing
Mobile Agent Computing
A White Paper
A new software paradigm for distributed application development
operating system combined with an agent runtime environment. In the case of Mitsubishi Electric ITAs product, Concordia, this again will be Java and may even be pre-installed. The third step is to define security credentials and permissions which can be used to identify agents and their users to the existing database service, or whatever services are chosen for export by the corporation. An administrative process is then undertaken to manage and map these permissions, and the credentials are assigned to the users. Finally, the corporation needs to create the agents which will actually perform the requests. This is not necessarily a major undertaking. For instance, Mitsubishi Electric ITAs Concordia system uses existing Java tools combined with a powerful Agent Tools Library to make easy the authoring of useful agents. In any case, the agent application is much easier to create and therefore is in production sooner. This is because it is the agent framework which transparently provides security, communications, and distribution so the programmer can focus on the job at hand. Sales people then go to work productively, using the power of agents to perform their queries!
the point that agents can use such channels with no degradation in reliability or response. Because the agent data processing takes place locally to the source, the network has no effect on the agent as it executes.
the agent itself that creates the system, rather than the network or the system administrators. Server administration becomes a matter simply of managing systems and monitoring local load. The problem of robust networks is greatly diminished, for several reasons. The hold time for connections is reduced to only the time required to move the agent in or out of the machine. Because the agent carries its own credentials, the connection is simply a conduit, not tied to user authentication or spoofing. No requests flow across the connection, the agent itself moves only once, in effect carrying a greater "payload" for each traversal. This allows for efficiency and optimization at several levels. Last and most important, no application-level protocol is created by the use of agents. Therefore, compatibility is provided for any agent-based application. Complete upward compatibility becomes the norm rather than a problem to be tackled, and upgrading or reconfiguring an application may be done without regard to client deployment. Servers can be upgraded, services moved, load balancing interposed, security policy enforced, without interruptions or revisions to the network and clients. All in all, a significant advantage in Mobile Agents!
The Portable PC
The laptop or portable PC is basically identical to the desktop system, with the possible reduction in memory and disk resources, and of course the frequent disconnection from the LAN. This environment is where the advantages of Mobile Agents become apparent. While the machine may be able to function in a traditional client/server environment when docked in the office, it becomes much less useful as a remote client when used remotely. However, except for the network, all the software infrastructure is still available. Mobile agents can easily bridge this gap.
The Server
Finally, agents run on servers, such as databases, groupware servers, and virtually any other system of interest. The Java virtual machine is omnipresent on such systems and in many cases is already supporting local access to their services. To such a server, Mobile Agents are simply another standard client. When coupled to the power of the Mobile Agent network, an entirely different, more powerful system is created without impacting the server at all.
even machines being built today that execute Java natively. For Mobile Agents this is a tremendous opportunity. The more platforms capable of executing the agents code, the better. A second advantage comes from the ubiquitous nature of Java on the Internet. Because it is embedded in many Web browsers, as well as application servers, there are many platforms deployed already. Application Programming Interfaces such as AWT, the Advanced Windowing Toolkit, and JDBC, Java Data Base Connectivity, are leading toward even more deployment of Java. Additionally, this deployment exactly targets the sort of services that agents can best use. Another major advantage is the proliferation of tools that support Java programmers. Many programmers are already familiar with C++, which Java resembles in many ways. Added to that is the migration of existing tools to Java and the creation of many more. The net result is an abundance of high quality, easy to use tools for both development and debugging. Finally, there is the movement of major segments of the software industry to Java. Not only will Java be here for many years to come, it will be employed in ever increasing applications. We at Mitsubishi Electric ITA, as well as others, are committed to making Mobile Agents part of this progression.
A Framework for Mobile Agents
Introduction to Concordia
Concordia is a full-featured framework for the development and management of network-efficient Mobile Agent applications which extend to any device supporting Java. Concordia consists of multiple components, all written wholly in Java, which combine together to provide a complete, robust environment for applications.
Concordia Overview
A Concordia system, at its simplest, is made up of a Java VM, a Concordia Server, and at least one Agent. The Java VM can be on any machine: it is a standard environment. The Concordia Server is a Java program which runs there, and at any other nodes on the network where agents may need to travel. The agent is also a Java program which the Concordia Server manages, including its code, data, and movement.
Usually, there are many Concordia Servers, one on each of the various nodes of a network, both user and server nodes. The Concordia Servers are aware of one another and connect on demand to transfer agents in a secure and reliable fashion. The agent initiates the transfer by invoking the Concordia Servers methods. This signals the Concordia Server to suspend the agent and to create a persistent image of it to be transferred. The Concordia Server inspects an object called the Itinerary, created and owned by each agent, to determine the appropriate destination. That destination is contacted and the agents image is transferred, where it is again stored persistently before being acknowledged. In this way the agent is given a reliable guarantee of transfer. After being transferred, the agent is queued for execution on the receiving node. This happens promptly but possibly subject to certain administrative constraints. When the agent again begins executing, it is restarted on the new node according to the method specified in its itinerary, and it carries with it those objects which the programmer requested. Its security credentials are transferred with it automatically and its access to services is under local administrative control at all times. The work that the agent performs depends on its purpose, that is, the code which it was programmed to execute. Generally, agents have several components, just as any program has. An agent might start interactively, by prompting the user for search information, then may travel to a server to perform the query. Or, the agent may simply be a kind of remote demon, such as a mailbox filter or notification sender. As its methods complete, the itinerary causes the agent to be moved to other Concordia nodes. Therefore agents with different purposes will typically have different itineraries. In all cases, the Concordia agent is autonomous and self-determining in its operation. In this way, it is unique since it is in control of its own itinerary. The Concordia system is made up of numerous components, each of which integrates together to create the full Mobile Agent framework. The Concordia Server is the major building block, inside which the various Concordia Managers reside. Certain Concordia Managers have a user interface component, such as the Administration Manager. In any case, each Concordia Manager is responsible for a component of the Concordia design, in a modular and extensible fashion.
Concordia Components
All Concordia components are coded completely in the Java language. Concordia Server [Conduit Server] The Concordia Server, also called the Conduit Server, provides the communications infrastructure that allows for agents to be transmitted from and received by nodes on the network. It abstracts the network interface in order that Agent programmers need not know any network specifics nor need to program any network interfaces. The Concordia Server also manages the life cycle of the agent. It provides for agent creation and destruction, and provides an environment in which the agents execute. Administration Manager Administration of the Concordia network is provided by the Administration Manager, in cooperation with Concordia services running on the various nodes under administration. The Administration Manager manages all of the services provided by Concordia, including Concordia Servers, Security Managers, Event Managers, etc. The Administration Manager supports remote administration from a central location, so only one Administration Manager is required in the Concordia network,
although more can be employed as desired. The Administration Manager has a user interface component which is its primary means of use. Security Manager The Security Manager is responsible for identifying users, authenticating their agents, protecting server resources and ensuring the security and integrity of agents and their accumulated data objects as the agent moves among systems. The Security Manager is also responsible for authorizing the use of dynamically loaded Java classes which satisfy the needs of agents. The Security Manager has a user interface component, in order to configure and monitor the security attributes of the various users and services known to Concordia. This user interface function is integrated into the Administration Manager interface. Security credentials used by the Security Manager may come from a number of sources. For secure, self-contained systems, it may be that no credentials are needed. For systems that traverse public or semi-public networks, encryption may be required but credentials may need only reflect user identity, such as user name or group id. For fully fledged agent systems deployed on the Internet, strong authentication and security can be provided from external authorities such as Verisign. All these security levels can be supported by Concordias Security Manager. Persistence Manager The Persistence Manager, also called the Persistent Store Manager, maintains the state of agents in transit around the network. As a side benefit, it allows for the checkpoint and restart of agents in the event of system failure. Additionally, it can checkpoint objects upon request by agents, to provide finer granularity of reliability guarantees for critical procedures. The Persistence Manager is completely transparent in its operation, that is, neither the agents nor the administrator need control or monitor its operation. However, management access is available if needed. Event Manager The Event Manager handles the registration, posting and notification of events to and from agents. The Event Manager can pass event notification to agents on any node in the Concordia network. The Event Manager works in conjunction with the Concordia Server to distribute events as needed. An important function of the Event Manager is to support Concordia agent collaboration. Queue Manager The Queue Manager is responsible for the scheduling and possibly retrying the movement of agents between Concordia systems. These features include the maintenance of agents as they await the opportunity to perform their work, maintaining their persistent state as they enter and leave a system, and retrying as necessary when Concordia systems are disconnected from the network. The Queue Manager provides the mechanism for prioritizing and managing the execution of agents on entry to Concordia nodes. Agent Tools Library The ATL is a library which provides all the classes needed to develop Concordia Mobile Agents. This of course includes the Agent class, and others derived from Java base classes, with interfaces to the Concordia infrastructure.
Advantages of Concordia
Well, if youve read this far, we dont need to sell you again on the advantages of developing applications using Mobile Agents. What, however, are the advantages of Concordia itself? Concordia is written in Java. Therefore its portable, even ubiquitous. It runs on platforms large and small, and integrates easily with existing applications and frameworks. Concordia agents provide for mobile applications. Agents support mobile computing as well as off-line processing and disconnected operation. These applications are in turn written with little or no knowledge of the underlying communications that they will employ. Concordia both hides the details from the programmer and user, as well as allows the agent to adapt to its environment and administration. Concordia agents are secure. Each agent carries the identity of the user that created it, and the operations the agent requests are subjected to the same users permissions. Each agent is securely transmitted across the network, and no additional code is required to provide for secure, distributed operation. Concordia agents are reliable. All Concordia agents are checkpointed before execution by the Persistence Manager, and they may return to these checkpoints if necessary. Objects the agents may create are checkpointed as well. Coupled with the services of the Queue Manager while they are being exchanged across the network, Concordia agents are assured of reliability at every stage of their operation. Concordia agents can collaborate. The concept of collaboration is important and useful to the agent programmer. It can provide a number of benefits, such as enabling parallel operation over multiple servers or multiple networks. It can divide a task into suitable pieces, and these pieces can be carried out in the most appropriate places. The results of these sub-tasks are then assembled by collaboration. The collaboration framework then permits a decision to made based upon the results, which can be used to determine destination, action, or other appropriate behavior.
Uses of Concordia
Concordia: Enables mobilization of legacy applications Is a great way to program mobile devices as clients of applications Breaks client/server barriers Integrates with distributed objects e.g. CORBA Integrates with legacy systems e.g. databases. Easily piggybacks on Web Easily runs standalone
Pull data with them as they travel, i.e. they "learn" Can literally run anywhere: Web, desktop, palmtop, etc. Enable highly scaleable and parallel programming. Hide the network transport from application, developer, and user. Hide distribution, scale, parallelism from application.
And Concordia systems: Offer rapid prototyping with easy paths to production. Offer robust operation via persistent agents. Provide security and integrity. Support off-line and/or disconnected operation. Provide for heterogeneous database access Are a natural for software distribution - agents carry code to remote platforms
Deploying Concordia
Deploying Concordia is made substantially easier by Concordias use of Java as its runtime framework. The portability of the Java virtual machine, coupled with Concordias advanced administration makes the process an evolutionary one. This is because Java can be integrated into practically any system which runs the services that agents might need to access. In this way, no additional systems need be added to the network. Next, Concordia provides its own advanced management functions, including administration and security. These are provided with easy to use GUIs and since they are coded completely in Java, they are immediately available wherever Concordia runs, without installation or porting effort. Finally, Concordia makes use of available networks, it does not impose a protocol or distributed computing service of its own. Normally, Concordia employs existing TCP/IP communications services, widely available and compatible with local area network, dialup networks, and wireless public and private networks. Concordia provides its own security layer to protect the agents and their data as they pass across all such networks.
Management of the many servers in a Concordia network is provided by the Concordia Administration Manager, which operates in conjunction with services available at each Concordia node. These services include the Concordia Servers themselves, along with the various Concordia Managers, including Security, Queue, etc. The Concordia Administration Manager provides a single graphical interface to the administrator for all the Concordia nodes in the network.
Administration Concordia provides for administration of all its servers and services from any Concordia Administration Manager. The administration available falls into two major area, roughly divided along managing the Concordia Server and managing Concordia Agents. The Concordia administrator can perform the following operations on Concordia Servers. This is not an exhaustive list but is intended to outline the major features of Concordia administration. Start and stop Concordia Servers. Upgrade and install Concordia Servers and installed software. Monitor Concordia Server performance. View Concordia Server logs. Manage the Concordia Persistent Store. Manage the Concordia Queues.
The Concordia administrator can also perform the following operations on individual Concordia agents. Again, this list is not exhaustive, but representative. Install and remove Agent code and libraries Manage agent itineraries Remotely launch agents Terminate, suspend, and resume agents. Monitor individual agent operations.
Security The Concordia Administration Manager additionally manages Concordia security. Among the security aspects are the following. Management of trust relationships between Concordia Servers. User permission administration: user account, group and access to services. Encryption key administration. Monitor security logs. Monitor security statistics.
Given these powerful tools, deploying Concordia is easy to achieve. Starting with an existing system or without, the requirements are few. First, users must be assigned to devices, and these devices need the Java virtual machine, Concordia software, and a network connection such as TCP/IP. Second, services must be provided and Java virtual machines must have access to them, either locally or remotely. Generally, the servers will have a local Java virtual machine, and will be connected to a LAN. User devices will be on the LAN or will connect via remote means. User devices could even be assigned accounts on the server itself, and both user and service will share the same Java virtual machine. Concordia software will be installed and configured. Third, an administration node will be identified and configured. Again, this node can easily be the same as the major service node, or a different one. There can be multiple administration nodes in the network, for redundancy or for partitioning of tasks. Fourth, agents are deployed in the new software infrastructure. These agents are individual and specially coded to perform their task, so there may be many or few, depending on need. Some agents will serve to execute tasks on user demand, others may reside close to services to perform disconnected service enhancements. Agents are expected to travel as necessary to complete their tasks in the Concordia network.
System.out.println("CustomerID = " + rs.getString(1)); System.out.println("CompanyName = " + rs.getString(2)); System.out.print("\n"); } } } In the above example, we start by specifying a JDBC database called "corp", which is presumably located on some accessible machine. We connect to the database and execute an SQL query, then print two fields in the result. Its useful to note how simple it is to code a relatively powerful example in a very few lines of Java. Agent-based Database Lookup Now, instead of using the client/server method of remotely querying the database, lets take advantage of Concordia to travel across the network to perform our database search locally, like this. First, we need to change our SQL query method to store the results into an object which we will move across the network. Our agent will travel to the server, execute the query and store the results, then return to the user and print them. We partition these tasks into individual methods, which we will instruct Concordia to invoke at the appropriate locations in the network. Heres the updated Java code: class QueryResult { public String customerId; public String companyName; } public class DBAccessAgent extends Agent { Vector itsResults; public DBAccessAgent() { itsResults = new Vector(); } public void queryDatabase() { String url = "jdbc:odbc:corp"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName FROM Customers"); while ( { QueryResult result = new QueryResult(); result.customerId = rs.getString(1); result.companyName = rs.getString(2); itsResults.addElement(result); } } public void reportResults() { Enumeration enum = itsResults.elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { QueryResult result = (QueryResult)enum.nextElement(); System.out.println("CustomerID = " + result.customerId); System.out.println("CompanyName = " + result.companyName); System.out.print("\n");
} } } Note that we have coded our application in three distinct pieces, creating the object to store the results, actually generating the results and storing them in the object, and finally reporting them. In addition to being good coding practice, Concordia will use the individual pieces to schedule execution of our program at the appropriate locations in the network, as we see following. We now have the itsResults object, the SQL query and the reporting; we need only to provide the "launcher" for the agent. Here we specify the itinerary, codebase, and classes to be used in constructing the agent, then set it about it task. First, we create the agent, then create an itinerary to move it first to a machine called dbserver, then back to the workstation. The agentsCodebase and relatedClasses specify the objects containing the methods and data necessary to complete our task. public class TestLaunch { public static void main(String args[ ]) { DBAccessAgent agent = new DBAccessAgent(); Itinerary itinerary = new Itinerary(); itinerary.addDestination(new Destination("dbserver", "queryDatabase")); itinerary.addDestination(new Destination("workstation", "reportResults")); String agentsCodebase = "file:C:\MyAgent"; String relatedClasses[ ] = {"QueryResult"}; BootStrap.launchAgent(agent, itinerary, agentsCodebase, relatedClasses); } } In the above example, the programmer created the Itinerary. When an agent is ready to travel in the network, it prepares a list of its intended destinations. The agents itinerary is used by the Concordia Server to determine the network destination of the agent. As each method in the itinerary is completed, the local Concordia Server will move the agent and its objects to node specified in the next itinerary entry. When the itinerary is exhausted, the agents journey is complete. The itinerary may be dynamically modified in transit by the agent or by any Concordia administrator. Here, the itinerary caused the agent to move to dbserver and execute the queryDatabase method, then to move back to workstation and execute reportResults. The additional arguments to the launchAgent method cause the codebase and the QueryResult class definitions to travel with the agent. Our agent-based example performs exactly the same function as the stock client/server version in the previous example, but with the significant added features of agents. We achieved this simply by restructuring code and adding the "launcher". In return we have a distributed, mobile, secure and manageable solution.
One way would be to program the agent to travel to several servers or databases in the Concordia network, picking up information as it traveled. When the agent completed its itinerary, it would return with the results. Another, better way, would be for the original agent to spawn individual agents to perform the queries and to each return with a single result, then to assemble them in a process we call collaboration. The advantages of collaboration are several. First, the operation is distributed, if a server is unavailable the other operations will not fail. Second, the queries happen in parallel, which increases throughput. Third, the agent could be programmed to make decisions based upon the results. For instance, if the agent were checking for the best price, it could then check availability and decide dynamically with which supplier to place an order. Collaborating Agent-based Database Lookup Heres an example of such an agent. In order to show the power of collaboration, lets consider a more complex SQL query, one which results in a report of the total sales for the region represented in each database. Then we will consider this for several regions, in this case "North America", "Asia Pacific", and "Europe", with the aim to be to determine the region with the highest sales. We will use collaboration to return the results of the individual queries and also to analyze them by sorting the results. class QueryResult implements Serializable { public String region; public float sales; } public class DemoQueryAgent extends CollaboratorAgent { String itsRegion; public DemoQueryAgent(AgentGroup group, String region) { super(group); itsRegion = region; } public void queryDatabase() { String url = "jdbc:odbc:regional"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); // The following SQL finds and sums the sales for the specified "itsRegion". ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT DISTINCTROW Regions.Region, Sum([UnitPrice]*[Quantity]) AS Total " + "FROM (Customers INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID) ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) INNER JOIN Regions ON Customers.Country = Regions.Country " + "GROUP BY Regions.Region " + "HAVING (((Regions.Region)='" + itsRegion + "')) " + "ORDER BY Regions.Region;");; QueryResult result = new QueryResult(); result.region = rs.getString(1); result.sales = rs.getFloat(2); AgentResult aresult = new AgentResult(getAgentID(), result); AgentGroup agroup = getGroups().nextElement(); agroup.collaborate(aresult);
} } Now that we have coded the basic SQL queries, assembled their results, and provided them to the collaboration, we need to provide the collaboration routine, which will analyze the results. In this case, we will sort the results to determine the highest sales. We do this by overriding the analyzeResults method of the AgentGroupImpl, which will be called only after all members of the AgentGroup have completed their tasks. This DemoAgentGroup is created on the intermediary server and exists there with the DemoBossAgent, but in fact it could be created anywhere in the Concordia network. class CollaborationResult { public QueryResult highest; public QueryResult[ ] others; } class DemoAgentGroup extends AgentGroupImpl { protected synchronized Object analyzeResults(Enumeration results) { QueryResult highest = null; QueryResult[ ] others = new QueryResult[getGroupSize()-2]; int i = 0; while (results.hasMoreElements()) { AgentResult result = (AgentResult)results.nextElement(); QueryResult query = (QueryResult)result.getResult(); if (query != null) { if (highest == null) { highest = query; } else if (query.sales > highest.sales) { others[i++] = highest; highest = query; } else { others[i++] = query; } } } CollaborationResult result = new CollaborationResult(); result.highest = highest; result.others = others; return result; } } We see that the Concordia collaboration resulted in an enumeration of the results of each DemoQueryAgent, which was passed to the analyzeResults method. While iterating over all the results, we remember the region with the highest sales, as well as the individual results. This CollaborationResult is captured in the next code fragment. Finally, we create the "DemoBossAgent", which initiates the collaboration. It will travel from an enduser device to an intermediary server. Once there, it constructs the three other Agents which travel to the database servers and perform the SQL queries. The DemoBossAgent shares in the collaboration, and once complete, takes the results back to the user for display. public class DemoBossAgent extends CollaboratorAgent { CollaborationResult itsResult; public void performCollaboration() {
DemoAgentGroup group = new DemoAgentGroup(); addGroup(group); DemoQueryAgent agent1 = new DemoQueryAgent(group, "North America"); Itinerary itinerary1 = new Itinerary(); itinerary1.addDestination(new Destination("", "queryDatabase")); DemoQueryAgent agent2 = new DemoQueryAgent(group, "Asia Pacific"; Itinerary itinerary2 = new Itinerary(); itinerary2.addDestination(new Destination("", "queryDatabase")); DemoQueryAgent agent3 = new DemoQueryAgent(group, "Europe"); Itinerary itinerary3 = new Itinerary(); itinerary3.addDestination(new Destination("", "queryDatabase")); BootStrap.launchAgent(agent1, itinerary1, getHomeCodebaseURL(), null); BootStrap.launchAgent(agent2, itinerary2, getHomeCodebaseURL(), null); BootStrap.launchAgent(agent3, itinerary3, getHomeCodebaseURL(), null); itsResult = (CollaborationResult)group.collaborate(new AgentResult(getAgentID(), null)); } } In the example above, note that the programmer created an AgentGroup which permits collaboration among its member agents, wherever they may be. Then the original agent created copies of itself which each carried out as a separate task, and provided the results. When all the agents tasks were complete, the DemoAgentGroup brought the results together via the analyzeResults method, and the original agent took subsequent action. The only thing left to add is the launcher for the DemoBossAgent, which will create the master agent, send it to an appropriate node to start the three query agents and collaborate their results, then travel back to the user to report them. It is similar to the previous example and left as an exercise for the reader. Mitsubishi Electric ITA has prepared a paper, "How to Write Collaborating Concordia Agents", which covers collaboration in more detail. It is available upon request.
Creating Services
Now that we know how to create Concordia Mobile Agents, all we need to know to take advantage of them is how to make services available to them, so that they may make themselves useful. In many instances, this is trivially easy: the services are already available in Java. The best example of this is JDBC, the Java Data Base Connectivity layer. Most commercial databases are already available through this API. The examples above use it, in fact. Another example of an established service is AWT, the Java Advanced Windowing Toolkit. This set of interfaces allows Java programmers to present a graphical user interface. Many other services are available in Java, and many more are arriving every day. The Web itself is available programmatically and with it the many services it provides. Interfaces to CORBA and IIOP are available for importing the significant systems available there. In the case of private services, it becomes simply a matter of developing a Java API for them to be accessed by agents. This API is useful for any Java programming, but in the context of agents it becomes even more powerful. It is a simple matter to create such API bindings.
A contact manager or group scheduler type application is ideal for agents when the problems of wider distribution of users and frequent disconnection from the network are present. Agents can serve as proxies to solve the disconnection problem. Agents can collaborate to solve scheduling problems, to solve problems of scale and distribution. Agents can even notify users when critical events occur, such as priority meetings.
Example: Workflow
Agents carry workflow in distributed, scaleable fashion, Agents are well suited to watching and waiting, as well as dynamically making decisions. They can carry requests from user to system and from system to system. They can watch databases and carry out actions when critical events occur, such as inventory falling below certain levels. They can notify users and request information specific to the task, such as purchase approval from the appropriate individual in the promptest fashion. In such a system, its interesting to notice that agents can carry dynamic workflow between systems. While its not necessary that agents carry all such workflow, they are extremely well suited to the asynchronous, user-driven events such as order taking and signature authority, especially in conjunction with an agent-aware messaging system (as explored in a previous example). Even within an enterprise, agents can solve highly complex or large scale problems cleanly and efficiently.
IBM: Aglets
IBM Japan is developing a framework for Java "Agent Applets" which is similar to Concordia. Some of their work has been submitted to the Object Management Group (OMG) for consideration in regard to OMGs request for a Mobile Agent Facility (MAF).
IBMs Aglets are Java programs which may travel and execute on specialized nodes in the network. Aglets are similar to Concordia Mobile Agents in the sense that they are mobile Java programs. However, Concordia provides several technical advantages, most significantly the Itinerary facility in conjunction with the Security Manager. With Itineraries, agents can travel flexibly and may invoke any arbitrary method as they travel. The Security Manager provides permission checking at each node, and the Concordia itinerary may change dynamically. Information on Aglets can be found at
Standards Organizations
A few organizations are sponsoring work in the standardization or development of agents.
CORBA facilities with the code mobility features of agents. Its MAF is an ongoing effort and is currently unreleased. Information on OMG can be found at
The following languages are being used today for authoring agents.
The Java language is a product of a Sun Microsystems subsidiary, JavaSoft. The language is a general-purpose tool for authoring object oriented portable applications, and has received significant interest in the past year. It is being adapted to everything from a tool for creating desktop Web content to full blown office applications, even to an operating system. Mitsubishi Electric ITA and IBM, among others, are interested in applying it to agents. Java is well suited to mobile agents because of its high degree of portability, both in the languages use of interpreted bytecodes at runtime, as well as the highly portable "Java Virtual Machine" which supports it. As well, Java is easily integrated into existing software frameworks such as databases and GUIs, making it a clear choice as a porting layer. Information on Java can be found at
Telescript is an object oriented language and runtime environment from General Magic. It innately has support for mobile agents, by means of an object interface called "go", which invokes the services of local processes called Telescript Engines. By invoking "go", the agent is suspended and resumes execution at its destination with the next instruction. Telescript has been used to create a messaging system deployed by AT&T PersonaLink, which is now defunct. Telescript continues to be today the best example of a language and framework for creating mobile agents, however it is completely proprietary, and no commercial products using it are available which would allow the creation of useful mobile agents. Information on Telescript can be found at
TCL, or Tools Control Language, began originally as an academic research project but has since become a more active project at Sun Microsystems, especially a variant of TCL called Safe TCL. TCL is basically a scripting language which codifies APIs available on many systems, such as Unix shells, GUIs, and selected interfaces. Safe TCL adds permissions and security checking. TCL, however, is not object oriented, does not provide for an agent framework, and is at its base only an interpreter for running TCL scripts. Recently, a project called Agent TCL has begun at Dartmouth College. Information for TCL can be found at, and Agent TCL can be found at
Obliq is an interpreted, object oriented language with support for mobile computation, much like Mobile Agents. Obliq maintains its lexical scope, even when a computation is distributed across a network. Obliq is a research project at Digital Equipment,
Python is an object oriented scripting language which some are experimenting with as a base for authoring agents. It grew out of development in the Netherlands and is now hosted at