The Object of Education Is To Prepare The Young To Educate Themselves Throughout Their Lives.
The Object of Education Is To Prepare The Young To Educate Themselves Throughout Their Lives.
The Object of Education Is To Prepare The Young To Educate Themselves Throughout Their Lives.
In answer to the first question, the reasons are identified as being associated
with the mushrooming of B-schools and growing demand of management
personnel in the market, with the result leniency of government for
encouraging more number of B-schools moreover certain loopholes in major
government bodies giving affiliation and recognition
to these institutes as is discussed in Chapter 3.
Every research work has its own set of limitations so has mine. I tried a lot
to cope up with the limitations but still some of the limitations which I
cannot neglect are as follows:-
To address its research questions, the thesis is divided into seven chapters.
The following describes the content of each. In order to trace the
development of education in India vis-à-vis management education and its
quality Chapter 1 examines the overview of education how it got
transformed from “Gurukul” type to specialization focused. Its development
after post independence and emergence of education as India’s super
infrastructure. It also focuses governing/ managing bodies of higher
education in India. Then, it also focuses social status of management
education in India which discusses the pre independence education attitude
of society. It also throws some light on shift in social status of business
education during 1980. However, after analyzing emergence of management
education in India Chapter 1 also gives an overview of quality of higher
education as well as management education which went towards negative
side with the growth of management institutes after 1990 i.e. liberalization
after which various Multinational companies entered into India.
In order to have an in depth look into the management education and its
quality chapter 3 gives us the description of quality in management
education. In this chapter various parameters like admission , Faculty,
infrastructure, placement etc have been discussed in detail and their affect on
the quality of management education.