Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Introduction: How to Use This Tool

An RFP is a formal invitation issued by a business or agency requesting interested vendors to submit written proposals meeting a particular set of requirements. If interested in bidding for the project, vendors respond with a description of the techniques they would employ to meet the requirements, a plan of work, and a detailed budget for the project, along with supporting information. An RFP may form part of the final contract once negotiations between the enterprise and the vendor are completed. Delete all information where text is colored GREY (such as this paragraph). Fill in or delete all form fields shaded in GREY (such as the Insert Company Name Here field below). Form shading is not visible in printouts. Be sure to change all necessary text to BLACK before printing or sending.

Insert Company Name Here

Request for Proposal for a Desktop Virtualization Solution
Insert Date of Issue Here RFP ID No.: Deadline to Submit Questions: Responses to Questions: Proposal Due Date:, 12:00pm EST Contact/Submit To: RFP ID No. (if required) Insert Date Insert Date Insert Date Contact Name Company Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Phone: (Area Code) Phone Number Fax: (Area Code) Fax Number Email: Contact E-mail Address

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Table of Contents

1STATEMENT OF WORK..................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2COVERAGE & PARTICIPATION.......................................................................................................................................................3 2GENERAL INFORMATION..............................................................................................................................................................4 2.1ORIGINAL RFP DOCUMENT..........................................................................................................................................................4 2.2THE ORGANIZATION....................................................................................................................................................................4 2.3EXISTING TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT..........................................................................................................................................4 2.4CURRENT VIRTUALIZATION ENVIRONMENT......................................................................................................................................6 2.5SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.................................................................................................................................................................6 3PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................................7 3.1VENDORS UNDERSTANDING OF THE RFP......................................................................................................................................7 3.2GOOD FAITH STATEMENT.............................................................................................................................................................7 3.3COMMUNICATION........................................................................................................................................................................7 3.4PROPOSAL SUBMISSION................................................................................................................................................................8 3.5METHOD OF AWARD...................................................................................................................................................................9 3.5.1SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION.................................................................................................................................................10 4SCOPE OF WORK, SPECIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................11 4.1 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS (EXAMPLE TEXT BELOW)...................................................................................................................11 4.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (EXAMPLE TEXT BELOW).....................................................................................................................12 4.3 OPERATIONS & SUPPORT (EXAMPLE TEXT BELOW)........................................................................................................................13 4.4 PHASED ROLLOUT (EXAMPLE TEXT BELOW)..................................................................................................................................13 5VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS & REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................14 6BUDGET & ESTIMATED PRICING.............................................................................................................................................17 6.1 FIVE YEAR TOTAL COST SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................................17 7VENDOR CERTIFICATION...........................................................................................................................................................19

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

1 Statement of Work
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective vendors to submit a proposal to supply a complete desktop virtualization solution to Company Name. The RFP provides vendors with the relevant operational, performance, application, and architectural requirements of the system. Preference will be given to suppliers who have demonstrated a clear understanding of the desktop virtualization solution requirements, overcome technical challenges presented by the requirements, and have a proven track record designing, implementing, and supporting proposed solutions. [Company Name] is seeking a supplier capable of providing a comprehensive, cost-effective solution based on all of the requirements encompassed within this RFP, a solution with a well-defined architecture, and a solution that includes a comprehensive plan for continuing service and support. Suppliers are required to architect/propose a solution that best meets [Company Name]s stated requirements using industry best practices.

1.2 Coverage & Participation

The intended coverage of this RFP, and any agreement resulting from this solicitation, shall be for the use of all departments at Company Name along with any satellite offices. Company Name reserves the right not to enter into any contract, to add and/or delete elements, or to change any element of the coverage and participation at any time without prior notification and without any liability or obligation of any kind or amount.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

2 General Information
2.1 Original RFP Document
Company Name shall retain the RFP, and all related terms and conditions, exhibits and other

attachments, in original form in an archival copy. Any modification of these, in the vendors submission, is grounds for immediate disqualification.

2.2 The Organization

Describe the enterprise in a few brief paragraphs. Include a description of the business and location, including any satellite offices that will be involved in the project. Also include the objectives of the groups who will be using the system, the number of users for the system, expected growth, and what you hope to achieve with the system. Insert Enterprise Description Here Industry: Products/Services offered: Customer types (e.g. B2B, B2C, G): Sector (public, private, NFP): Major drivers for desktop virtualization (e.g. security, centralized management, lower operational costs): Geographic presence (e.g. centralized, region, global):

2.3 Existing Technology Environment

The following is a listing of our current technology environment Insert Existing Technology Environment Here

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Sample Reference Table: Technical Standards Reference Model Application Presentation Corporate Applications COTS Custom Hosted Business Applications COTS Custom Hosted Core Application Services COTS Custom Hosted Availability Database e.g. Data Design and Schemas e.g. Analysis and Reporting e.g. Corporate Database e.g. Metadata Management Security e.g. Help Desk e.g. Management (IT) e.g. Mobile Devices e.g. Desktop/Laptops e.g. Video Conferencing e.g. Voice Systems e.g. Storage e.g. Backup/Replication e.g. Appliances e.g. Servers e.g. Server Virtualization e.g. Protocol e.g. WAN e.g. LAN e.g. Facilities (Location)

List Applications List Applications Etc...

List Applications List Applications

Application Layer

e.g. 99.9%

e.g. 99.5%

Data Layer Security Layer

Infrastructure Layer

Hardware Software

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

2.4 Current Virtualization Environment

Company Name currently has in place a mix of virtualization technology: Server virtualization is Vendor X [version] running on [x]. The system was implemented in year. The system is currently available e.g. 24x7 or 8x5. The major functions include [...]. The system is used e.g. corporate wide. There are # users, including type of [e.g. task] users who utilize # apps. The system interfaces with X technology to locations with limited bandwidth. The system has been customized to [...]. CPU utilization averages [...].

The Company Name technical staff is currently responsible for maintenance, operation, availability, update, backup, and support.

2.5 Schedule of Events

The following is a tentative schedule that will apply to this RFP, but may change in accordance with the organizations needs or unforeseen circumstances. Changes will be communicated by e-mail to all invited bidders. Issuance of RFP Technical Questions/Inquiries Due RFP Closes Complete Initial Evaluation Final Award Notification Example: Issuance of RFP Technical Questions/Inquiries Due RFP Closes Complete Initial Evaluation Final Award Notification November 10, 2011 December 8, 2011 17:00 EST December 15, 2011 14:00 EST January 5, 2012 January 12, 2012 Date Date, Time, and Time Zone Date, Time, and Time Zone Date Date

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

3 Proposal Preparation Instructions

3.1 Vendors Understanding of the RFP
In responding to this RFP, the vendor fully accepts the responsibility to understand the RFP in its entirety, and in detail, including making any inquiries to Company Nameas necessary to gain such understanding. Company Name reserves the right to disqualify any vendor who demonstrates less than such understanding. Further, Company Name reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether the vendor has demonstrated such understanding. That right extends to cancellation of award if award has been made. Such disqualification and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to Company Name.

3.2 Good Faith Statement

All information provided by Company Name in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time. Company Name makes no certification that any item is without error. Company Name is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted therefrom.

3.3 Communication
Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by a specified procurement official in charge of managing this RFP process. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communication. 3.3.1 Vendors Inquiries. Applicable terms and conditions herein shall govern communications and inquiries between Company Name and vendors as they relate to this RFP. Inquiries, questions, and requests for clarification related to this RFP are to be directed in writing to: Company Name Department Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Attention: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Contact Name (Area Code) Phone Number (Area Code) Fax Number Contact E-mail Address

3.3.2 Informal Communications shall include, but are not limited to: requests from/to vendors or vendors representatives in any kind of capacity, to/from any Company Name employee or representative of any kind or capacity with the exception of Contact Name for information, comments, speculation, etc. Inquiries for clarifications and information that will not require addenda may be submitted verbally to the named above at any time. 3.3.3 Formal Communications shall include, but are not limited to:
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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing and be received prior to Date, Time, Time Zone. Errors and omissions in this RFP and enhancements. Vendors shall recommend to Company Name any discrepancies, errors, or omissions that may exist within this RFP. With respect to this RFP, vendors shall recommend to Company Name any enhancements, which might be in Company Names best interests. These must be submitted in writing and be received prior to Date, Time, Time Zone. Inquiries about technical interpretations must be submitted in writing and be received prior to Date, Time, Time Zone. Inquiries for clarifications/information that will not require addenda may be submitted verbally to the buyer named above at any time during this process. Verbal and/or written presentations and pre-award negations under this RFP. Addenda to this RFP.

3.3.4 Addenda. Company Name will make a good-faith effort to provide a written response to each question or request for clarification that requires addenda within Insert Number of Days (#) Here business days. Indicate how written responses will be addressed. Example: All addenda will be posted to our Web site only. Insert Site Address or other Form of Communication Here Example: Company Name will not respond to any questions/requests for clarification that require addenda, if received by Company Name after Date, Time, Time Zone.

3.4 Proposal Submission

Proposals must be delivered sealed to: Contact Name Company Name Department Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 on or prior to Date, Time, Time Zone. Company Name shall not accept proposals received by fax.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Vendors are to submit Insert Number of Copies (#) Here original copies of proposal marked Original and Insert Number of Copies (#) Here, marked Copy. Each original and copy must be individually bound.

3.5 Method of Award

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on its demonstrated competence, compliance, format, and organization. The purpose of this RFP is to identify those suppliers that have the interest, capability, and financial strength to supply Company Name with a desktop virtualization solution identified in the Scope of Work. Evaluation Criteria: 1. Insert Criterion Here 2. Insert Criterion Here 3. Insert Criterion Here 4. Insert Criterion Here 5. Insert Criterion Here Example: 1. Requirements. Evaluation of the suppliers overall solution with regard to how well it satisfies our requirements. Areas evaluated include planning, scheduling, designing, implementing, and managing a comprehensive solution incorporating the latest technology and industry best practices. 2. Experience. Evaluation of the suppliers experience implementing proposed solution. Supplier must demonstrate that they are capable of providing a solution that meets the requirements of this RFP and encompass flexibility, scalability, performance, management, security, and usability while leveraging our existing system components where feasible. Evaluation of the suppliers track record of product service, support, and customer satisfaction. Supplier commitment to developing, enhancing, and maintaining systems and flexibility of systems to meet future changing business needs. 3. Security. The proposed solution must clearly demonstrate that it will introduce no unacceptable business risk to the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of [Company Name] information assets or resources. 4. Architecture. The proposed solution must meet or exceed all [Company Name] architecture standards outlined within this RFP. The solution must be scalable, flexible, robust, and perform well across our WAN.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

5. System administration. The solution must provide comprehensive system administration and management that is flexible for rapid, efficient, and cost-effective configuration changes. 6. Integration. The solution must demonstrate the capability of integrating with existing solutions as well as permit incorporation of future technological advances. 7. Capability of vendor to meet or exceed requirements set forth in the Scope of Work. 8. Expressed interest in working with [Company Name] and ability of vendor to communicate its vision and capacity for establishing a relationship that addresses current and future needs and trends in the industry. 9. Affordability of product(s) and support available from the vendor. 10. Financial stability of vendor. 11. Apparent likelihood and desirability of proposed software.

3.5.1 Selection and Notification

Vendors determined by Company Name to possess the capacity to compete for this contract will be selected to move into the negotiation phase of this process. Written notification will be sent to these vendors via mail. Those vendors not selected for the negotiation phase will not be notified.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

4 Scope of Work, Specifications & Requirements

Include a detailed list of the Business and System Requirements. Include a further description for each requirement (typically, in order of importance or in logical categories with importance ranked), and ask the vendor to describe how they will fulfill each requirement. Use the list of potential features listed below as a starting point. Add, expand upon, modify, or delete requirements as needed.

4.1 Functional Requirements (example text below) Requirement Criteria

The proposed solution must be able to serve virtual Windows 7 desktops with predetermined application software stacks to up to 1500 seats. Access devices can include but are not limited to thin clients, legacy PCs, new PCs, and home PCs. End-user should have as "near native" experience of their Windows desktop environment as possible. Demonstrate how the solution will provide an enriched end user experience (for example, technologies for remote access acceleration.) Describe how the proposed solution manages virtual desktop configuration both in terms of single configuration shared by groups of users and individual personalization. For example, desktop pooling, gold image templates, personalization of desktops, user profile management. Describe how the connection between the end user device and the virtual desktop host machines is brokered. How will it integrate with existing directory services such as Active Directory?

Windows 7 virtual desktops for up to 1500 users

End user experience

Management of users and groups


Management of the solution

Describe how the proposed solution integrates with desktop and virtual machine management stacks. Estimate of how many administrators will be required to manage the solution (per 100 desktops). [Company Name] requires the capability to host multiple versions of software within a single desktop (for example, multiple versions of Internet Explorer). Describe how application virtualization can be integrated with the proposed solution for application isolation within a virtual desktop.
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Integration with application virtualization

Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

"Offline" or cached desktops

What features are available for potential off-line virtual desktop users, such as a mobile user who is not connected to the network? [Company Name] currently uses VMware for virtual machine hosting. The solution should be able to manage VMware hosted desktop VMs on a VMware hypervisor (or make a compelling case for a different hypervisor such as XenServer or Microsoft Hyper-V).

Support for VMware virtual infrastructure on the back end

4.2 Technical Specifications (example text below) Requirement

Architectural Map Server Capacity Recommendation

Detailed map indicating the technical requirements for the solution. Detailing the server layer, the transport layer, and the access device layer. Recommendation on the required server capacity to host the solution in terms of expected number of VMs per core as well as the expected amount of memory per VM. Recommendation on the expected amount of storage capacity required for the solution in terms of total storage requirements per VM and total requirements for solution. Total network capacity requirement per VM. [Company Name] currently uses Citrix NetScaler and Branch Repeater technologies for enhanced endpoint connectivity. Describe how solution could leverage these technologies.

Storage Capacity Recommendation Network capacity Recommendation Integration with existing network acceleration technologies

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

4.3 Operations & Support (example text below) Requirement

Implementation support Customer support Training Software updates Technical documentation User manuals

Requirements Criteria
Provides complete turnkey on-site implementation and project management support. Provides toll free customer support 24 hours, seven days per week. Provides on-site training to technicians. Provides future software releases and updates to all applications as part of regular software maintenance fees. Provides technical documentation for support staff including system overviews, design, flowcharts, and file layouts. Provides complete set of user manuals for all software applications to document and explain system features and functions.

4.4 Phased Rollout (example text below)

The desktop virtualization project will include consulting services for design, configuration, testing, and implementation will take place in four stages. 1. Demonstration. 30 days. [Company Name] will ask up to 3 vendors to participate. The demonstration period will consist of a 10-seat trial in order to determine the baseline metrics for the implementation. We will be measuring throughput, response times, and over all end user satisfaction. 2. Pilot. 30 days. [Company Name] will ask 1 vendor to participate. The pilot stage will consist of a 200-person no-hardware Windows 7 upgrade. The requirement is that the vendor must develop a pilot project to have 200 people move to a Windows 7 desktop using existing server and desktop hardware (i.e. legacy PCs). Success will be measured on delivery of an acceptable user experience and full software stack to the users plus hardware cost avoidance. 3. Initial Rollout. X months. The selected vendor with roll out the solution to an additional 550 desktops, for a total of 750 desktops or 50% of the total users. 4. Rollout to rest of eligible users. X months/years. [Company Name] anticipates moving up to 80% of all end users to the selected desktop virtualization platform.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

5 Vendor Qualifications & References

All vendors must provide the following information in order for their proposal to be considered: Example: 1. A brief outline of the vendor company and services offered, including: a. Full legal name of the company. b. Year business was established. c. Number of people currently employed. d. Income statement and balance sheet for each of the two most recently completed fiscal years certified by a public accountant. 2. An outline of the product line-up they currently support. 3. A description of their geographic reach and market penetration. 4. An outline of their partnerships and relationships to date. 5. An outline of their current and future strategies in the marketplace. 6. Information on current clients, including: a. Total number of current clients. b. A list of clients with similar needs using the same software. c. Evidence of successful completion of a project of a similar size and complexity. 7. References: Contact information for 3 references (if possible) from projects similar in size, application, and scope, and a brief description of their implementation.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Relevant Client List: Reference 1 Organization Name Industry Contact Name and Title Phone Number Email Address Number of users Product name and version number Installation timeframe Go-Live date Number of client business staff involved Number of client IT staff involved Number of supplier staff Reference 2 Organization Name Industry Contact Name and Title Phone Number Email Address Number of users Product name and version number Installation timeframe Go-Live date Number of client business staff involved Number of client IT staff involved Number of supplier staff

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Selection Advice

Reference 3 Organization Name Industry Contact Name and Title Phone Number Email Address Number of users Product name and version number Installation timeframe Go-Live date Number of client business staff involved Number of client IT staff involved Number of supplier staff

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

6 Budget & Estimated Pricing

Company Name has a total budget of Insert Total Budget Figure & Currency Type Here for this project. All vendors must fill out the following cost breakdown for the implementation of their desktop virtualization solution for Company Names project as described in this RFP. Costs should be identified as either capital or non-capital in nature. The vendor must agree to keep these prices valid for Number of Days (#) days as of Date, Time, and Time Zone.

6.1 Five Year Total Cost Summary

Provide a five year cost summary as displayed below.
Five Year Total Cost Summary Costs Server Hardware VDI Software Licensing Windows OS Licensing Server Licensing (if applicable) Documentation & Training Maintenance Installation Integration Project Management Miscellaneous Other (specify) Total: Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

Descriptions: Server Hardware: Cost of server capacity based on virtual machine density (number of virtual machines per core) extrapolated to total servers required. Software Licensing: Total per seat licensing multiplied by number of seats. Windows OS Licensing: Cost of Windows OS licensing plus virtualization rights Server Licensing (if applicable): Server licensing fees associated with the proposed software. Installation: Describe any labor, equipment, supplies, or other costs associated with installing the proposed software. Integration: Describe any labor, equipment, supplies, or other costs associated with integrating the proposed software into our current architecture and back-end systems. Maintenance: Describe and cost out any other ongoing costs associated with the operation and maintenance associated with the proposed software. Documentation & Training: Any documentation and/or training fees associated with the proposed software. Project Management: If there are project management fees associated with the proposed software, list and describe them here. Miscellaneous: List and describe any other costs associated with the proposed solution.

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Desktop Virtualization Solution RFP Template

Selection Advice

7 Vendor Certification
This certification attests to the vendors awareness and agreement to the content of this RFP and all accompanying calendar schedules and provisions contained herein. The vendor must ensure that the following certificate is duly completed and correctly executed by an authorized officer of your company. This proposal is submitted in response to Request for Proposal for Collaboration Solution(s) issued by Company Name. The undersigned is a duly authorized officer, hereby certifies that:

(Vendor Name) agrees to be bound by the content of this proposal and agrees to comply with the terms, conditions, and provisions of the referenced RFP and any addenda thereto in the event of an award. Exceptions are to be noted as stated in the RFP. The proposal shall remain in effect for a period of Insert Number of Days (#) Here calendar days as of the Due Date of the RFP. The undersigned further certify that their firm (check one): IS IS NOT currently debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by any federal entity. The undersigned agree to notify Company Name of any change in this status, should one occur, until such time as an award has been made under this procurement action. Person(s) authorized to negotiate on behalf of this firm for the purposes of this RFP are: Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Signature of Authorized Officer: Name: Signature: Title: Date: Title: Date: Title: Date:

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