The Philippines, Occupational Safety and Health Standards: RULE 1140 Explosives

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The Philippines, Occupational Safety and Health Standards

RULE 1140 EXPLOSIVES Source: Occupational Safety and Health Standards (As Amended). Bureau of Working Conditions, Department of Labour and Employment, Manila, Philippines. Second Publication, as amended, 1990. Copyright Reserved per P.D. 49 RULE 1140 1141 : General Provisions: 1141.01: The provisions of this Rule shall apply to the manufacture, handling and storage of explosives, fireworks and other pyrotechnic products. 1141.02: For the transportation of explosives outside of the plant site, the Fire Code of the Philippines shall apply. 1141.03: Rule 20 of the Fire Code of the Philippines on Storage of Explosives is adopted. 1142 : Definitions: (1) "Explosives" shall mean and include any chemical compound or.other substances intended for the purpose of producing an explosion or that which contains oxidizing or combustible unit or other ingredients in such proportion or quantity that ignition by fire, friction, concussion or detonation may produce an explosion capable of causing injury to persons or damage to property. (2) "Inhabited Building" shall mean a building regularly occupied in whole or in part as a habitation for human beings and includes church, school house, railroad station, store or other buildings where people assemble, other than buildings in explosive plants. (3) "Explosives Plant" shall mean and include all lands and the buildings situated thereon, used in connection with the manufacturing or processing of explosives or in which any process involving explosion is carried on, or the storage of explosives thereat, as well as any premises where explosives are used as a component part or ingredient in the manufacturing process. (4) "Factory or Explosive Budding" shall mean a building or

structure (except magazines) in which explosives are manufactured or any process involving explosives are carried on. (S) "Magazine" shall mean a building or structure, other than factory building, used exclusively for the storage of explosives. (6) "Railway" shall mean and include any steam, diesel, electric or other railroad or railway for public use. (7) "Highway" shall mean and include any public street, public alley, public road, or navigable stream used for transport. (8) "Barricaded" means that the building containing explosives is effectually screened from a magazine, building, railway or highway either by a natural barricade or by an artificial barricade of such height that a straight line from the eaveline of any magazine or building containing explosives to a point 3.70 m. (12 ft.) above the center of a railway or highway will pass through such intervening natural or artificial barricade. (9) "Natural Barricade" means natural features of the ground which covers a building from another building, or timber of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures which requires protection cannot be seen from the magazine when the trees are without leaves. (10) "Artificial Barricade" means an artificial mound or revetted wall of earth of a minimum thickness of one (I) meter (3.3 ft.). 1143 : Authorization: (1) Explosives shall be manufactured, handled or stored only in approved places. (2) Building authorized for use in the manufacture of explosives shall not be used for any other purpose. (3) Specially approved precautions shall be undertaken where primary or initiating explosives are manufactured, handled or stored in addition to the precautions contained herein. 1144 : Limitation: 1144.01: Building in which any quantity of explosives are manufactured, handled, used or temporarily stored shall be classified as "explosives buildings". These buildings wherein finished explosives are kept or are stored for periods exceeding forty eight (48) hours shall be classified as Magazine ". 1144.02:

Explosives materials used in loading detonators, timing or priming caps or other similar manufacturing processes shall not be stored in workrooms wherein people are employed except under the following conditions: (1) Where the quantity used for an eight-hour work does not exceed 45 kgs (100 lbs.). Only this quantity shall be stored in the workroom at any one time and at a place where it shall be suitably protected from uncontrolled or irresponsible handling. Additional supply be brought from the magazine as needed after the first 45 kgs. (100 lbs.) is processed and transferred to magazines. 1144.03: Explosives materials not in the process of manufacturing, use or leftover in any manufacturing process shall be stored in magazines. 1144.04: Only a maximum of 136,360 kgs. (300,000 lbs.) or twenty million (20,000,000) blasting caps shall be stored in any one magazine. 1144.05: Explosives or blasting caps shall not be stored or kept in any building used in whole or in part as a dwelling school, theatre or any other place of public assembly. 1145 : Quantity and Distance Tables: Explosives shall not be kept or stored other than in magazine of Class I and Class II types. (1) Table of Distance All buildings and magazines in explosives plants shall be located away from inhabited buildings. railways or highways, in conformity with Rule 1141.03 (2) Precautions: a. The table of distance applies only to the manufacture and permanent storage of commercial explosives. It is not applicable to the transportation, handling or temporary storage of explosives. It is not intended to apply to bombs, projectiles or other heavily encased explosives. b. Where a building containing explosives is not barricaded, the distance shown shall be doubled. c. When two (2) or more storage magazines are located on the same property, each magazine shall comply with the minimum distance specified. In addition, they shall be separated from each other by not less than the distance shown for "separation of magazines", except that the quantity of

explosives contained in cap magazine shall determine the spacing. d. If any two (2) or more magazines are separated from each other by less than the specified distances, such two or more magazines shall be considered as one and the total quantity of explosives stored shall be treated as stored in a single magazine with the specified minimum distances with other magazines, inhabited buildings, railways. highways and navigable streams complied with. (3) Intra-plant Quantity and Distance Table: All factory buildings in which explosives are processed, kept or stored shall be located apart from each other and from other buildings in the explosives plants and magazines shall be located away from factory and other buildings in explosives plants in conformity with Table 15. 4) Precautions to Table 15: Where a factory building or magazine is effectively barricaded, the distances specified may be reduced by "one half". 1146 : Storage of Explosives: 1146.01: Class I Explosives: Class I magazines shall be those containing over 22.5 kgs. (50 lbs.) of explosives. Such magazines shall have no openings except for ventilation and entrance. It shall be of masonry or metal construction or a combination of both constructed and maintained as follows: (1) Doors - Doors must be kept closed and securely locked at all times except when opened for the purpose of storing or removing explosives or to allow persons authorized to enter such magazines. (2) Signs - The premises on which explosives are kept or stored must be conspicuously defined and marked by appropriate signs, such as, EXPLOSIVE-KEEP OFF", legibly printed thereon in letters not less than 15 cm. (6 in.) high. Such signs must not be placed on magazines but shall be so located that a bullets passing through the sign will not strike the magazine. (3) Wood - The outside walls shall be of 5 cm. x 10 cm. (2 in. x 4 in.) studding with a 5 cm. (2 in.) plank or tongued and grooved lumber having a nominal size of 2.5 cm. (1 in.) covered with not less than No. 26 gauge galvanized iron or steel on the outside. The inside walls shall be lined with tongued and grooved reefers. The space between the outer and inner walls shall be filled with dry course sand (not crushed stone or gravel) or a weak mixture of cement mortar. All lumber used shall be well seasoned and free

from loose knots, bark edges or decay. (4) Brick - Brick walls shall be 20 cm. (8 in.) in thickness of medium soft variety laid in cement mortar containing not over 25% lime. (5) Concrete - Concrete walls shall be 15 cm. (6 in.) in thickness constructed of nine (9) parts sand to one (1) part cement with a 1.25 cm. (1/2 in.) face surface of three (3) parts sand to one (1) part cement. (6) Cement Block - Cement block walls shall be 20 cm. (8 in.) thick hollow cement block, a mixture of seven (7) parts sand and one (1) part cement. The spaces in the block shall be filled with dry coarse sand (not crushed stone or gravel) or a weak mixture of cement mortar. (7) Fabricated Metal - Walls and roof shall consist of approximately No. 14 gauge metal securely fastened together. Walls shall be lined with 10 cm. (4 in.) of brick of at least a 15 cm. (6 in.3 sand fill between the interior and exterior walls. (8) Lining of Magazines - Lining of magazines as specified in paragraphs (3) and (7) above, may not be required for the storage of black powder or for the storage of not more than 100,000 pieces of blasting caps. (9) Foundation - The foundation shall be of stone laid in concrete, wood posts or brick piers. Magazines of less than 13,600 kgs. (30,000 lbs.) capacity shall have flooring of lumber having a nominal size of 2.5 cm. (1 in.) tongued and grooved. Magazines of larger capacity shall have double flooring. (10) Ventilation - the floor and ceiling shall be constructed to within 5 cm. (2 in.) of the walls to provide a 3 cm. ventilation space. This shall be provided by constructing a 2-.5 cm. x 15 cm. (1 in. x 6 in,) lattice wood lining on 5 cm. x 5 cm. (2 in. x 2 in.) wood stud 60 cm. (2 ft.) on centers. Foundation ventilators shall be spaced not more than 150 cm. (5 ft.) on center in all sides and properly screened to prevent the entrance of sparks of fire. (11) Nails - All heads of nails shall be countersunk. No spark producing metal shall be exposed inside the buildings. (12) Doors - the doors shall be 1 m. (3.28 ft.) wide and 1.8 m. (6 ft.) high constructed of at least three (3) layers of hard wood, having a nominal size of 2.5 cm. (1 in.) and covered on the outside with a steel sheet of at least No. 20 gauge. Where there is a need for bullet proofing, the thickness of the steel sheet shall be a minimum of 1 cm. (3/8 in.) (13) Roof - except where permission for other construction is

approved, a bulletproof sand roof shall be used constructed as follows: Form a box by laying a floor of a good grade of tongue and groove boards on ceiling joists and build a 2.5 cm. x 10 cm. (1 x 4 in.) rim lined with one (1) layer of building paper and filled with 10 cm. (4 in.) of dry coarse sand. Except for fabricated metal magazines, the outer roof shall be covered with not less than No. 26 gauge galvanized iron rige roll fastened to 2.2 cm. (7/8 in.) sheating. (14) Gutters and Down Spouts - Where water may enter through the door, gutters and down spouts shall be provided on the door sides. (15) Materials and Workmanship - Only superior materials and workmanship shall be used. 1146.02: Class II Magazines: Class II magazines shall be used for storing not more than 22.5 kgs (50 lbs.) of explosives. It shall be of wood or metal construction or a combination of both. (1) Construction - The principle of construction is simply that of placing one box inside of another with a 12.5 cm. (5 in.) space in between filled with dry coarse sand, not gravel or crushed rock. (2) Outer Box - The outer box shall be constructed of tongued and grooved lumber having a nominal size of 2.5 cm. (I in.) plain lumber. The outside of the box shall be covered with no less than No. 24 gauge iron sheet. The outer box shall be 0.33 m. (1 foot) longer, 0.33 m. (1 foot) wider, and 15 cm (6 in.) deeper than the inner box allowing a 12.5 cm. (5 in.) space on all sides for sand filling. The inner box shall be set inside the outer box with the tops at level with each other and fastened into place. (3) Inner box - The inside of all boxes shall be surfaced No naiL bolt or metal screw heads shall be exposed on the inside of the box. (4) Ventilation - At the top of each box, on the sides and ends, cut 0.625 cm (1/4 in.) by 5 cm. (2 in.) notches, spaced about 0.33 m. (1 foot) apart, and not directly opposite. (5) Setting - The box (magazine) shall be set in a level position and supported by either wooden sills, bricks or piers and the bottom of the magazine kept at about 15 cm. (6 in.) off the ground. (6) Sand Fill - Fill the space between boxes with dry coarse sand (not gravel or crushed rock) to within 0.625 cm (1/4 in.) of the top. To prevent sand from falling into the storage space, a cover may be placed over the sand space.

(7) Locks - magazines shall be provided with adequate locks. (8) Signs - At each end and on top of the magazine, above the side wall and on its barricades, there shall be conspicuously posted at all times appropriate, signs, such as, "MAGAZINE-EXPLOSIVE-DANGEROUS" legibly printed in letters not less than 15 cm. (6 in.) high. 1146.03: Temporary Storage At Job Sites: (1) When used for temporary storage at a job site for blasting operations, Class II magazines shall be located away from neighboring buildings, railways, highways and other magazines. A distance of at least 45 m. (150 ft.) shall be maintained between Class II Magazines and the work site when the quantity of explosives kept therein is in excess of 11.4 kgs. (25 lbs.) and at least 15 m. (50 ft.) when the quantity of explosives is 11.4 kgs (25 lbs.) or less. The enforcing authority may require greater separation between Class II magazines and the work site where conditions warrant. (2) Class II portable magazines for transporting small amounts of explosives from the permanent magazine to the work site and for temporary storage in the work site shall be constructed or built of 5 cm. (2 in.) hardwood or 7.5 cm. (3 in.) soft wood, well braced at corners, with sheet metal exterior sheathing. 1146.04: Existing Magazines: (1) Magazines existing prior to the promulgation of this Standards, which comply substantially with the intent and purpose of this requirement but not with the detailed specifications, may be allowed for a period of one (1)year subject to the reduction of capacity for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this Rule. The Secretary may require changes as are necessary to come into compliance, or to reduce magazine capacity in accordance with the requirements on construction or distance. 1146.05: Number of Employees: The number of employees allowed in workrooms or portions of an explosives plant shall be limited to the minimum requirements of manufacturing. 1146.06: Admission to Plants: (1) Explosives plants shall be fenced to prevent the entrance of person/s. (2) No person, other than authorized employees or duly authorized enforcement officers, shall be allowed in any explosives plant unless they have been given permission and

accompanied by the owner or his authorized representative. A record of such visits shall be kept on file in the office signed in each case by the visitor/agent and the owner/ representative. 1146.07: Approval of Plans: (1) For purposes of this Rule, the plans of all buildings in the explosives plant shall be submitted to the Integrated National Police for approval copy furnished the Regional Labor Office concerned before such buildings are constructed with the following a. Maps, plans or sketches of the topographical site showing the location of plant buildings, highways and also showing the existing barricades, if any, and barricades that are intended to be used. These plans shall be drawn to a scale of 1:2000 meters (100 or 200 feet to an inch) submitted in triplicate in white or blue print. b. Plans and specifications of proposed magazines and other factory buildings drawn scale of at least 1.50 meters (1/4 in. to a foot) submitted in triplicate in white or blue print. (2) A copy of the approved plans shall be kept in the office of the plant superintendent of each plant for inspection by duly authorized representatives of the Secretary. The superintendent of each plant shall, upon the demand of said representative, furnish the following information. a. the number of persons ordinarily engaged at work in or at each building or the maximum number allowed: b. the maximum amount and kind of explosive materials allowed and present in each building at one time; c. the nature and kind of work carried on in each building and whether or not such buildings are surrounded by natural or artificial barricades and dimension of each barricades; d. record of visits and inspections; and other necessary information. 1146.08: Certificates of Safety Inspection Fees: (1) Certificate of safety inspection issued by the Regional Office shall be required of all explosives plants showing compliance with the provisions of this Standards. Such certificates shall be valid for one (I) year from the date issued, renewable annually. (2) Safety Inspection Fee: Refer to Rule 1970. 1146.09: General Precautions:

(1) Handling and Housekeeping a. Packages of explosives shall not be opened within 15 m. (50 ft.) of any magazine. Only wooden, rubber, rawhide, fiber, zinc or babbitt mallet and wood wedge shall be used in opening packages of explosives. b. all premises surrounding magazines must be kept free from bush, dry grass, and similar growth for at least 7.5 m. (25 ft.) around and no flammable materials shall be placed near or about magazines; and c. only authorized persons shall have access to magazines. (2) Lighting: a. No open or naked lights such as lanterns, stoves and torches shall be allowed in rooms or portions of manufacturing plants. Watchmen or others using portable lighting shall be supplied with electric safety flash lights or electric safety lanterns. b. No artificial light shall be used in magazines except approved portable electric dry cell battery lamps or lanterns. c. Rooms or portions of plants shall be lighted, if artificial light is needed, by means of an electric system installed in conduit or in lead encased cables, with vapor proof lamps. All switches or fuses shall be located in a protected place away from such rooms or buildings. All lights, if possible, shall be protected by reflections into rooms from the outside. The use of electric motors other than those of a sparkless induction type, is prohibited. (3) Materials Allowed in Explosives Buildings: a. all explosives buildings shall be kept clear of all unnecessary loose tools, refuse and debris of any kind at all times, and shall not be used as temporary storehouse of materials not necessary in the process of manufacture. b. explosives buildings, while containing explosives, shall not be used as storehouse for implements and any other material. (4) Matches: Workers shall not be allowed to carry at all times inside explosives plants, any match or other flame-producing device, unless he is authorized in writing by the plant superintendent. In such case, only safety matches shall be used and such entry and authorization properly recorded and open for inspection. (5) Clothing of Employees:

a. all employees handling loose explosive or working in or around buildings used for manufacturing explosives shall wear lubber soled shoes without iron or steel nails and with no metal attachments. b. all explosives buildings shall be provided al each entrance with suitable device whereby the shoes of all persons entering Such buildings can be cleaned. (6) Change or Locker House. Suitable change or locker houses shall be provided where employees can wash and change their clothes. No lockers shall be allowed in explosives buildings. (7) Transportation, Machinery and Platforms. a. all trucks or conveyors used for the transportation of loose explosives materials, except smokeless powder not in dry state or wet nitro compounds, shall be provided with side or end rails or guards to prevent any concentration of explosives from slipping off the truck. b. careful inspection shall be made daily by the plant foreman to see that all machinery and equipment used in the manufacture or handling of explosives are in perfect order. If any is found nol in good order, it shall not be used until placed in perfect condition. c. all dangerous machinery and moving parts of machinery shall be guarded. d. all platforms, stairways, tanks, vats, runways, and other dangerous places shall he guarded by standard railings and toeboards Where there is danger of dust collection, toeboards shall not be used. Metals shall not be used for railings and toeboards where its presence increase the danger of an explosion. No railings or toeboards shall be installed that will interfere with safety exits. e. the tread of all wheels on trucks or conveyors or the rails used inside the explosives buildings shall be of non-sparkling materials. (8) Hand Carrying of Explosives: When explosives are carried from one building to another or from magazines to workrooms, employees carrying such explosives shall not be allowed to follow each other closely but must allow an interval of at least one (1) minute in time or 30 m. (110 ft.) in distance. (9) Cleanliness: a. if any explosive material or ingredient is spilled, it

shall be cleaned immediately. b. all floors of explosives buildings shall be free, as much as possible, from cracks, openings for any irregularities. No projecting or visible iron or steel nails shall be permitted on such floors. 1146.10: Protection Against Lightning: (1) Lightning protection shall be provided for all electric conduits and circuits entering explosives buildings by means of suitable lightning arresters installed outside the buildings. (2) Unless otherwise approved by the Regional Director recommended lightning protection for magazine shall be constructed as follows: a. Magazine for 2,270 kgs. (5,000 lbs. ) or less: A vertical conductor of 2 cm. x 0.3 cm. (3/4 in. x 1/8 in.) copper tape attached to a vertical pole which shall be installed so that the horizontal distance between the conductor and the nearest part of the magazine shall not be less than 1.2 m. (4 ft.). Joints in the conductor shall be tinned and riveted with 0.47 cm. (3/16 in.) copper rivet. The conductor shall terminate at least 3 m. (10 ft.) higher than the highest point of the magazine. The lower end of the conductor shall be attached to a point of at least 7.5 cm. (3 in.) above ground level by 0.47 cm. (3/16 in.) copper rivets to one or more copper rods 2 cm. (3/4 in.) in diameter which have been driven vertically into the ground to a depth of at least 3 m. (10 ft.). The resistance to earth shall be less than 10 ohms. b. Magazine for 2,2 70 kgs (5, 000 lbs. ) explosive or more: Masts shall be erected at each end of the longer axis of the magazine and at least 0.33 m. (1 foot) from any part of the magazine. Copper tape 2 cm. x 0.3 cm. (3/4 in. x 1/8 in.) shall be attached to the mast. The conductor shall terminate at least 0.33 m. (1 foot) above the top of the mast and at a point of at least 7.5 cm. (3 in.) above ground level attached by 2 cm. (3/4 in.) in diameter copper rods which have been driven at least 3 m. (10 ft.) vertically into the ground. An aerial of 2 cm. x 0.3 cm. (3/4) in. x 1/8 in.) copper tape shall be suspended between the masts so that it is either horizontal or curved upwards in the middle and is at least 3 m. (10 ft.) higher than the highest part of the magazines. The aerial shall be attached to the copper tape conductors by 2 cm. (3/4 in.) copper rivets and binds of at least 0.6 m. (2 ft.) radius. Joints in the aerial and vertical conductors shall be tinned and riveted with 2 cm. (3/4 in.) copper rivets. The resistance to earth shall be less than 10 ohms.

c. Method of Determining the Resistance to Earth: The use of megger "Earth Tester" or similar instrument is recommended. d. Earth Termination: Where the nature of the ground makes the driving of the earth rods impossible, other construction providing the same resistance to earth may be allowed by the enforcing authority. 1147 : Records of Disposition of Explosives: Every person, firm, association, or corporation manufacturing, selling, giving away, or distributing explosives, shall keep at all times an accurate journal or record in which purchase of explosives powder and every sale or disposition of explosives are legibly entered. Such record must show the names and addresses of persons to whom sales or dispositions were made, name of persons to whom delivered, and the nature of business or persons receiving the same. Other pertinent data shall be furnished the Integrated National Police or its authorized representative, copy furnished the Regional Labor Office. TABLE 15 TABLE OF DISTANCES FOR STORAGE OF EXPLOSIVES DISTANCES IN FEET EXPLOSIVES WHEN STORAGE IS BARRICADED ______________________________________________________________ Separation Pounds Inhabited Passenger Public of Pounds Not BuildRailways highMagaOver Over ing ways zines _______________________________________________________________ 2 6 70 30 30 6 5 10 90 35 35 8 10 20 110 45 45 10 20 30 125 50 50 11 30 40 140 55 55 12 ______________________________________________________________ 40 50 150 60 60 14 50 75 170 70 70 15 75 100 180 75 75 16 100 125 200 80 80 18 125 150 215 85 85 19 ______________________________________________________________ 150 200 235 95 95 21 200 250 255 105 105 23 250 300 270 110 110 24 300 400 295 120 120 27 400 500 320 130 130 29

______________________________________________________________ 500 600 340 135 135 31 600 700 355 145 145 32 700 800 375 150 150 33 800 900 390 155 155 35 900 1,000 400 160 160 36 ______________________________________________________________ 1,000 1,200 425 170 165 39 1,200 1,400 450 180 170 41 1,400 1,600 470 190 175 43 1,600 1,800 490 195 180 44 1,800 2,000 505 205 185 45 ______________________________________________________________ 2,000 2,500 545 220 190 49 2,500 3,000 580 235 195 52 3,000 4,000 635 255 210 58 4,000 5,000 685 275 225 61 5,000 6,000 730 295 235 63 ______________________________________________________________ DISTANCES IN FEET EXPLOSIVES WHEN STORAGE IS BARRICADED ______________________________________________________________ Separation Pounds Inhabited Passenger Public of Pounds Not Build- Railways highMagaOver Over ing ways zines _______________________________________________________________ 6,000 7,000 770 310 245 68 7,000 8,000 800 320 250 72 8,000 9,000 835 335 255 75 9,000 10,000 865 345 260 78 10,000 12,000 875 370 270 82 _______________________________________________________________ 12,000 14,000 885 390 275 87 14,000 16,000 900 405 280 90 16,000 18,000 940 420 285 94 18,000 20,000 975 435 290 98 20,000 25,000 1,055 470 315 105 _______________________________________________________________ 25,000 30,000 1,130 500 340 112 30,000 35,000 1,205 525 360 119 35,000 40,000 1,275 550 380 124 40,000 45,000 1,840 570 400 129 45,000 50,000 1,400 590 420 135 _______________________________________________________________ 50,000 55,000 1,460 610 440 140 55,000 60,000 1,515 630 455 145 60,000 65,000 1,565 645 470 150 65,000 70,000 1,610 660 485 155 70,000 75,000 1,655 675 500 160 _______________________________________________________________ 75,000 80,000 1,695 690 510 165 80,000 85,000 1,730 705 520 170 85,000 90,000 1,760 720 530 175

90,000 95,000 1,790 730 540 180 95,000 100,000 1,815 745 545 185 _______________________________________________________________ 100,000 110,000 1,835 770 550 195 110,000 120,000 1,855 790 555 205 120,000 130,000 1,875 810 560 215 130,000 140,000 1,890 835 565 225 140,000 150,000 1,900 850 570 235 _______________________________________________________________ 150,000 160,000 1,935 870 580 245 160,000 170,000 1,965 890 590 255 170,000 180,000 1,990 905 600 265 180,000 190,000 2,010 920 605 275 190,000 200,000 2,030 935 610 285 200,000 210,000 2,055 955 620 295 210,000 230,000 2,100 980 635 315 230,000 250,000 2,155 1,010 650 335 250,000 275,000 2,215 1,040 670 360 275,000 300,000 2,275 1,075 690 385 _______________________________________________________________ TABLE 15a INTRA-PLANT QUANTITY AND DISTANCE TABLE Explosives Pounds Over 10 25 50 50 100 200 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Distance Feet Separate building or within Pounds Not Over substantial dividing walls 40 60 80 80 100 120 130 140 160 180 210 230 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 450 470 490 530 560 590 620

10 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 750 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000

40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000

45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000

640 660 680 700 720 740 770 780 790 800 820 830 900 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150

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