Constructive Learning and Structural Learning

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Trainable pattern classiers nd a broad range of applications in data mining and knowledge discovery (1,2), intelligent agents (3,4), diagnosis (5), computer vision (6), and automated knowledge acquisition (2,79) from data. Multilayer networks of threshold logic units (TLU) (1015) offer an attractive framework for the design of trainable pattern classication systems for a number of reasons including potential for parallelism and fault and noise tolerance; signicant representational and computational efciency over disjunctive normal form (DNF) expressions and decision trees (11); and simpler digital hardware implementations than their continuous counterparts, such as sigmoid neurons used in networks trained with an error backpropagation algorithm (16,17). A TLU implements an (N 1)-dimensional hyperplane which partitions an N-dimensional Euclidean pattern space into two regions. A single TLU neural network is sufcient to classify patterns in two classes if they are linearly separable. A number of learning algorithms that are guaranteed to nd a TLU weight setting that correctly classies a linearly separable pattern set have been proposed in the literature (11,18 24). However, when the given set of patterns is not linearly separable, a multilayer network of TLUs is needed to learn a complex decision boundary that is necessary to correctly classify the training examples. Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to the design of multilayer neural networks for pattern classication: 1. A priori Fixed Topology Networks. The number of layers, the number of hidden neurons in each hidden layer, and the connections between each neuron are dened a priori for each classication task. This is done on the basis of problem-specic knowledge (if available), or in ad hoc fashion (requiring a process of trial and error). Learning in such networks usually amounts to searchJ. Webster (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



ing (typically in an error gradient guided manner) for a suitable setting of numerical parameters and weights in a weight space dened by the choice of the network topology. 2. Adaptive Topology Networks. The topology of the target network is determined dynamically by introducing new neurons, layers, and connections in a controlled fashion using generative or constructive learning algorithms. In some cases, pruning mechanisms that discard redundant neurons and connections are used in conjunction with the network construction mechanisms (25,26). Structural Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks offer the following advantages over the conventional backpropagation style learning approaches (12,27,28): 1. Limitations of Learning by Weight Modication Alone Within an Otherwise a priori Fixed Network Topology. Weight modication algorithms typically search for a solution weight vector that satises some desired performance criterion (e.g., classication error). For this approach to be successful, such a solution must lie within the weight-space being searched, and the search procedure employed must in fact, be able to locate it. This means that unless the user has adequate problemspecic knowledge that could be brought to bear upon the task of choosing an adequate network topology, the process is reduced to one of trial and error. Constructive algorithms can potentially offer a way around this problem by extending the search for a solution, in a controlled fashion, to the space of network topologies. 2. Complexity of the Network Should Match the Intrinsic Complexity of the Classication Task. It is desirable that a learning algorithm construct networks whose complexity (as measured in terms of relevant criteria such as number of nodes, number of links, connectivity, etc.) is commensurate with the intrinsic complexity of the classication task (implicitly specied by the training data). Smaller networks yield efcient hardware implementations. Everything else being equal, the more compact the network, the more likely it is that it exhibits better generalization properties. Constructive algorithms can potentially discover near-minimal networks for correct classication of a given dataset. 3. Estimation of Expected Case Complexity of Pattern Classication Tasks. Many pattern classication tasks are known to be computationally hard. However, little is known about the expected case complexity of classication tasks that are encountered, and successfully solved, by living systems, primarily because it is difcult to mathematically characterize the statistical distribution of such problem instances. Constructive algorithms, if successful, can provide useful empirical estimates of expected case complexity of real-world pattern classication tasks. 4. Trade-Offs Among Performance Measures. Different constructive learning algorithms offer natural means of trading off certain subsets of performance measures (e.g., learning time) against others (network size, generalization accuracy). 5. Incorporation of Prior Knowledge. Constructive algorithms provide a natural framework for exploiting prob-

lem-specic knowledge (e.g., in the form of production rules) into the initial network conguration or heuristic knowledge (e.g., about the general topological constraints on the network) into the network construction algorithm. Several constructive algorithms that incrementally construct networks of threshold neurons for two-category pattern classication tasks have been proposed in the literature. These include the tower (29,30), pyramid (30), tiling (31), upstart (32), perceptron cascade (33), and sequential (34) algorithms. Recently, provably correct extensions of these algorithms to handle multiple output classes and real-valued pattern attributes were proposed [see (1214)]. With the exception of the sequential learning algorithm, these constructive learning algorithms are based on the idea of transforming the hard task of determining the necessary network topology and weights to two subtasks: (a) incremental addition of one or more threshold neurons to the network when the existing network topology fails to achieve the desired classication accuracy on the training set. (b) training the added threshold neuron(s) using some variant of the perceptron training algorithm [e.g., the pocket algorithm (11)] to improve the classication accuracy of the network. In the case of the sequential learning algorithm, hidden neurons are added and trained by an appropriate weight-training rule to exclude patterns belonging to the same class from the rest of the pattern set. The constructive algorithms differ in terms of their choices regarding restrictions on input representation (e.g., binary, bipolar, or real-valued inputs); when to add a neuron; where to add a neuron; connectivity of the added neuron; weight initialization for the added neuron; how to train the added neuron (or a subnetwork affected by the addition); and so on. The interested reader is referred to Ref. 10 for an analysis (in geometrical terms) of the decision boundaries generated by some of these constructive learning algorithms. Each of these algorithms can be shown to converge to networks that yield zero classication errors on any given training set wherein the patterns belong to one of two classes (i.e., two-category classication). To keep the discussion that follows focused, we use a specic constructive algorithmDISTAL to illustrate the key ideas. DISTAL can be viewed as a variant of the instance-based, nearest-neighbor, and radial-basis function-based approaches to pattern classication. DISTAL replaces the iterative weight update of neurons that is typically used in constructive learning algorithms by a comparison of pair-wise distances among the training patterns. Because the interpattern distances are computed only once during the execution of the algorithm, our approach achieves a signicant speed advantage over other constructive learning algorithms. DISTAL DISTAL differs from other constructive learning algorithms mentioned above in two respects: Firstly, it uses spherical threshold units (a variant of the TLU) as hidden neurons. The regions that are dened (or separated) by TLUs are unbounded. This motivates us to use spherical threshold units that cover locally bounded regions (8). A spherical threshold neuron i has associated with it a weight vector Wi, two thresholds i,low and i,high, and a suitably dened distance metric



d. It computes the distance d(Wi, Xp) between a given input pattern Xp and Wi. The corresponding output oip 1 if i,low d(Wi, Xp) i,high and 0 otherwise. The spherical neuron thus identies a cluster of patterns that lie in the region between two concentric hyperspherical regions. Wi represents the common center and i,low and i,high respectively represent the boundaries of the two regions. Secondly, DISTAL does not use an iterative algorithm for nding the weights and the thresholds. Instead, it computes the interpattern distance once between each pair of patterns in the training set and determines the weight values for hidden neurons by a greedy strategy (one that attempts to correctly classify as many patterns as possible with the introduction of each new hidden neuron). The weights and thresholds are then set without the computationally expensive iterative process (see the section on Network Construction for details). The use of a one-time interpattern distance calculation instead of a (usually) iterative, expensive, and time-consuming perceptron training procedure makes the proposed algorithm signicantly faster than most other constructive learning algorithms. In fact, the time and space complexities of DISTAL can be shown to be polynomial in the size of the training set. Distance Metrics Each hidden neuron introduced by DISTAL essentially represents clusters of patterns that fall in the region bounded by two concentric hyperspherical regions in the pattern space. The weight vector of the neuron denes the center of the hyperspherical regions and the thresholds determine the boundaries of the regions (relative to the choice of the distance metric used). The choice of an appropriate distance metric for the hidden layer neurons is critical to achieving a good performance. Different distance metrics represent different notions of distance in the pattern space. They also impose different inductive biases (7,8) on the learning algorithm. Consequently, many researchers have investigated the use of alternative distance functions for instance-based learning (6,35 38). The number and distribution of the clusters that result from specic choices of distance functions is a function of the distribution of the patterns as well as the clustering strategy used. Because it is difcult to identify the best distance metric in the absence of knowledge about the distribution of patterns in the pattern space, we chose to explore a number of different distance metrics proposed in the literature. The distance between two patterns is often skewed by attributes that have high values. Normalization of individual attributes overcomes this problem in the distance computation. Normalization can be achieved by dividing each pattern attribute by the range of possible values for that attribute or by four times the standard deviation for that attribute (38). Normalization also allows attributes with nominal and/or missing values to be considered in distance computation. The distance for attributes with nominal values (say with attribute values x and y) is computed as follows (38): Overlap: dol(x, y) Value difference: 0 if x y; 1 otherwise.

where Na,x(Na,y) is the number of patterns in the training set that have value x(y) for attribute a Na,x,c(Na,y,c) is the number of patterns in the training set that have value x(y) for attribute a and output class c C is the number of output classes q is a constant (Euclidean, 2; Manhattan, 1) If there is a missing value in either of the patterns, the distance for that component (of the entire pattern vector) is taken to be 1. p p p q [X1, , Xn] and Xq [X1, , Xn] be two patLet Xp tern vectors. Let maxi, mini and i be the maximum, minimum, and the standard deviation of values of the ith attribute of patterns in a dataset, respectively. Then the distance between Xp and Xq, for different choices of the distance metric d is dened as follows: 1. Range, value-difference based Euclidean:

1 n

n i=1

Xip Xiq maxi mini

or dvd (Xip , Xiq )2

2. Range, value-difference based Manhattan:

1 n

n i=1

Xip Xiq maxi mini

or dvd (Xip , Xiq )

3. Range, value-difference based maximum value:


|Xip Xiq | maxi mini

or dvd (Xip , Xiq )

Similarly, 4 mini for i can be used instead of maxi standard-deviation-based metrics, and dol(Xip, Xiq) can be used instead of dvd(Xip, Xiq) for overlap-based metrics in above formulas. 4. Dice coefcient:

n p q i=1 Xi Xi n n p 2 q 2 i=1 (Xi ) + i=1 (Xi )

5. Cosine coefcient:

n i=1

Xip Xiq
n q 2 i=1 (Xi )

n p 2 i=1 (Xi )

6. Jaccard coefcient:

dvd (x, y) =

Na, y, c Na, x, c Na, x Na, y

n p 2 i=1 (Xi )

n p q i=1 Xi Xi n q 2 i=1 (Xi )

n p q i=1 Xi Xi



7. Camberra:
n i=1

are computed again in the output layer to compare with the desired classication.

|Xip Xiq | |Xip + Xiq |

Network Construction Let S X1, X2, , XN represents the N training patterns. DISTAL calculates the pairwise interpattern distances for the training set (using the chosen distance metric d) and stores them in the distance matrix D . Each row of D is sorted in ascending order. Thus, row k of D corresponds to the training pattern Xk and the elements D [k, i] correspond to the distance of Xk to the other training patterns. D [k, 0] is the distance to the closest pattern and D [k, N] is the distance to the farthest pattern from Xk. Simultaneously, the attribute values of the training patterns are stored in D . D is essentially the entire training set with D [k, i] representing the ith attribute value of the kth training pattern. Each column (attribute) of D is sorted in ascending order. The key idea behind DISTAL is to generate a single layer of hidden neurons each of which separates a subset of patterns in a training set using D (or D ). Then, they are fully connected to M output TLUs (one for each output class) in an output layer. The representation of the patterns at the hidden layer is linearly separable (34). Thus, an iterative perceptron learning rule can be used to train the output weights. However, the output weights can be directly set as follows: The weights between output and hidden neurons are chosen such that each hidden neuron overwhelms the effect of the hidden neurons generated later. If there are a total of h hidden neurons (numbered 1, 2, . . ., h from left to right) then the weight between the output neuron j and the hidden neuron i is set to 2h i if the hidden neuron i excludes patterns belonging to class j and zero otherwise. Let Wlh be the weights between the lth hidden neuron and inputs. Let Wo be the weights between the output neuron for m class m and hidden neurons, and Wo be the weight between ml the output neuron for class m and the lth hidden neuron, respectively. Figure 1 summarizes the process of network construction. Use of Network in Classication The outputs in the output layer are computed by the winnertake-all (WTA) strategy. The output neuron m that has the highest net input produces 1 and all the other neurons produce 0s. The WTA strategy and the weight setting explained in the previous section guarantee 100% training accuracy for any nite noncontradictory set of training patterns. Each test pattern is fed into the network and the outputs are computed by the WTA strategy. If there is one or more hidden neuron that produces 1 (i.e., there exists one or more hidden neuron that include the test pattern within their thresholds), the outputs are computed by the WTA strategy in the output layer. Otherwise (i.e., all hidden neurons produce 0s and all output neurons produce 0s as well), the distance between the test pattern and the thresholds of each hidden neuron is computed. The hidden neuron that has the minimum distance is chosen to produce 1. Then the outputs

Example. Although DISTAL works on tasks with multicategory real-valued patterns, we illustrate its operation using the simple XOR problem. We assume the use of the Manhattan distance metric. There are four training patterns (S X1, X2, X3, X4 ):
Input X 1: X 2: X 3: X 4: 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Class A B B A

This yields the following distance matrix after sorted:


0 0 0 0

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

The rst row of the matrix is the distance of X1, X2, X3, and X4 from pattern X1. The second row of the matrix is the distance of X2, X1, X4, and X3 from X2. The third row of the matrix is the distance of X3, X1, X4, and X2 from X3. The last row of the matrix is the distance of X4, X2, X3, and X1 from X4. X1 excludes the maximum number of patterns from a sinX2, X3 , class B). A hidden neuron is gle class (i.e., Sk h introduced for this cluster with W1 [0 0], low 1, high Wo 1, Wo 0. X2 and X3 are now eliminated from further B1 A1 consideration (i.e., S S Sk X1, X4 ). The remaining 1 4 patterns (Sk X , X , class A) can be excluded by any pattern (say, X1 again) with another hidden neuron with h W2 [0 0], low 0, high 2, Wo 1, Wo 0, Wo Wo A2 B2 A1 A1 o o WB1 2 2. Now the algorithm stops since the 2 0, WB1 entire training set is correctly classied (i.e., S S Sk ). Figure 2 shows the network construction process. Structural Learning Using Feature-Subset Selection In pattern classication tasks, the choice of features (or attributes) used to represent patterns affect the following: Learning Time. The attributes used to describe the patterns implicitly determine the search space that needs to be explored by the learning algorithm. The larger the search space, the more time the learning algorithm needs for learning a sufciently accurate classication function (7,39). Number of Examples Needed. All other things being equal, the larger the number of attributes used to describe the patterns, the larger is the number of examples need to learn a classication function to a desired accuracy (7,39). Cost of Classication. In many real-world pattern classication tasks (e.g., medical diagnosis), some of the attributes may be observable symptoms and others might require diagnostic tests. Different diagnostic tests might have different costs as well as risks associated with them.



Initialize the number of hidden neurons: h while S do 0; Wo m

1. Double all existing weights (if any) between hidden and output neurons: Wo m 2 m 2. Increment the number of hidden neurons: h h 1

3. Interpattern distance based: Identify a row k of D that excludes the largest subset of patterns in S that belong to the same class m as follows: (a) For each row r 1, . . ., N do

i. Let ir and jr be column indices (corresponding to row r) for the matrix D such that the patterns corresponding to the elements D [r, ir ], D [r, ir 1], . . ., D [r, jr ] all belong to the same class and also belong to S. jr ir 1 (the number of patterns excluded). ii. Let cr arg maxr cr (b) Select k to be the one for which the corresponding ck is the largest: k (c) Let Sk be the corresponding set of patterns that are excluded by pattern Xk, D [k, ik ] (distance to the closest pattern of the cluster) and d k D [k, jk ] dk low high (distance to the farthest pattern of the cluster). 4. (a) Dene a spherical threshold neuron with Wh (b) S S Sk Xk,

dk , low 1; W o nh


dk . high n m

5. Connect the new hidden neuron to output neurons: W o mh

Figure 1. Pseudo-code for DISTAL.

end while

This presents us with a feature subset selection problem in automated design of pattern classiers. The feature subset selection problem refers the task of identifying and selecting a useful subset of attributes to be used to represent patterns from a larger set of attributes. Satisfactory solution of this problem is particularly critical if instance-based, nearestneighbor, or similarity-based learning algorithms like DISTAL are used to build the classier. This is due to the fact that such classiers rely on the use of interpattern distances that are intricately linked to the choice of features used to represent the patterns. Presence of irrelevant or misleading features (e.g., social security numbers in a medical diagnosis task) can skew the distance calculation and hence adversely affect the generalization performance of the resulting classier. A detailed discussion of feature subset selection is beyond the scope of this article. The interested reader is referred to Refs. 40 and 41 for discussion of a variety of alternative approaches to feature subset selection. Feature selection typically improves the performance of DISTAL.

SUMMARY Constructive algorithms offer an attractive approach to the design of pattern classiers. Some promising research directions include combining network pruning with network construction; incorporation of prior knowledge in network construction (42); and the use of constructive algorithms for cumulative multitask learning.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation, grant IRI-9409580, and the John Deere Foundation.

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A 0 1 1 1 0 0

B 0 1 1 0

A 1

2 0


2 0 0 0 0

Input (a) (b)

Figure 2. Process of network construction for the example in DISTAL (a) after the rst neuron is introduced and (b) after the second neuron is introduced (nal network).

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Iowa State University



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