December 7, 2008

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916 N. LOCUST, PO BOX 214

PHONE: 620-231-2135 FAX: 620-231-4804

Advent: Today’s readings help us focus
on the reality of our sin that necessitated
the Son of God taking on flesh to redeem REV. DAVID T. MARSTALL, ASSOCIATE PASTOR &
us. As we hear today of John the Baptist, CHAPLAIN, ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER
we are to remember our own need for
repentance and our own mission to make
straight the way for the Son of God to be 6:30 a.m. — Monday through Friday
known by those around us. 8:00 a.m. — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
SCRIPTURE READINGS 11:30 a.m. — Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
We need God’s Word each day. SUNDAY MASSES
Mon (8) Immaculate Conception: Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Ephesians 1:3-6, Sunday 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon
11-12; Luke 1:26-38 Spanish Mass—2:00 p.m.
Tue (9) Isaiah 40:1-11; Matthew 18:12-14
En Español: La misa en español, cada domingo a las 2:00 pm, confe
Wed (10) Isaiah 40:25-31;
siones a las 1:30 pm antes de la Misa. Se puede llamar al Padre
Matthew 11:28-30
Ruben Ortiz (620) 231-2135
Thur (11) Isaiah 41:13-20;
Fri (12) Our Lady of Guadalupe: Revelation Before the 8:00 a.m. weekday Masses — 7:30-7:50 a.m.
11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Luke 1:39-47 Saturday — 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Sat (13) Saint Lucy: Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11;
Matthew 17:9a, 10-13 MARRIAGES-Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to
Sun (14) Third Sunday of Advent: desired wedding date.
Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11;
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; PSR—Parish School of Religion (School Year)
John 1:6-8, 19-28 Elementary (K-8) Wednesdays 6:15—7:30 p.m.

ST. PIUS X Missionary Catechists ST. MARY’S COLGAN SCHOOLS

of the Poor Mr. John Kraus, President of Schools/Director of
Rev. David T. Marstall, Chaplain Spanish Sisters Email:
301A E. Cleveland,
Pittsburg, KS 66762
620-235-1732 Mr. Thomas Gorman, 7-12 Principal
PHONE (620) 235-1138 117 E. 10th 235-0564 Mr. Michael Martin, Preschool-6 Principal
117 E. 10th 235-7448 ELEMENTARY (PRE-SCHOOL - 6) (620)-231-6941
(When PSU is in session.)
Sunday: 11:00am & 6:00 pm; PRAYER LINE JR. HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL (7-12) (620)-231-4690
Monday: 8:30pm; Elementary:
9:00am – 5:00pm 231-6824
Wednesday & Thursday -Noon 5:00pm – 9:00pm 231-8816 SMC:
Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Mary's Religious Gift Shop
Celebration Dinner ST. PIUS X 235-7448
With Bishop Jackels Thursday 10:00-3:00
Make your reservation for the dinner NEWMAN CENTER
Fridays 9:00-3:00
following mass on Dec. 12th by Providing Catholic Ministry Saturdays 10:00-1:00
placing a token in the basket in the to Pittsburg State University By appointment call:
back of church this weekend. Find 620-235-1138 Denise 232-6955 or
out more about our parish’s festivities WWW.CATHOLICGORILLAS.ORG
Elizabeth 232-6865
for Our Lady of Guadalupe and Las
Office Hours: 1:00-3:00 M, W, Th, F
Posadas by checking the insert of
and other random times St. Mary’s Altar Society
today’s bulletin or on MRS. AMY LOMSHEK, SECRETARY
Office Hours: 9:00-2:00 M-F STORE HOURS Thursday—Friday—Saturday
ALTAR SOCIETY 9 a.m.—4 p.m.
SUN 11:00am, 6:00pm
The annual Christmas Party for ALL Mon 8:30pm Please do not leave items
ladies of the parish will be this Wed, Thu 12:00pm when store is closed
Sunday, December 7th at 4:00pm at RECONCILIATION
Parrot Bey, 408 N. Locust. Hope to 30 min. before all Masses
We Need Your Help!
se you there! ADORATION Thursday 10:00-3:00
See website for full weekly schedule
Several parish and school families
NO PRACTICES: The Executive have suggested that we must do
Board of KSHSAA has established a "something" in our schools to honor
UPCOMING EVENTS the years of service by the Sisters of
consecutive five-day period (including
December 25) where there shall be no St. Joseph. These sisters worked in
school practice of interscholastic
Immaculate Conception: Holy our schools for many, many years
contests or activities. The Executive Day of Obligation and were a visible connection to the
Board has set December 23-27, 2008 Mon. 12/8. Mass 12:00, 8:30. religious life. Students in the future
as the five-day moratorium for this Party following 8:30 Mass need to know of their service and we
school year. Wine and Cheese Party need to publicly recognize their
Students in grades 7-12 may not be in Fri. 12/12 8:00. See website dedication. If you have ideas or
member school owned or operated for important details. would be interested in working on
facilities during the Christmas this project, please contact Frances
Adopt a Family
Moratorium, for involvement in Mitchelson, fmitchelson@sbcglobal.
activities under the jurisdiction of the Collection to be taken up
net or 620.231.3485. Any and all
KSHSAA. Weight rooms may not be following Masses on 12/14.
suggestions are welcome. The
open for students in grades 7- Finals Week Fun Fun
simplest idea might spark another
12. Medical rehabilitation in school Study break snack food idea or be able to be developed by
athletic training rooms is permissible if provided by PSU faculty each
approved by the administration of the
the committee.
night during finals week.
member school. Member schools may
elect to completely close their facilities Senior SMC student Paige Holmes
to all activities and groups if they so Hays, KS, Feb. 13-15. Early
registration deadline is Dec. was recognized for showing Panther
15. Pride and organizing the National
Cards for Soldiers Honor Society’s Salvation Army
The PSU Newman Club thanks Thanksgiving bell ringers. Thank
the Knights of Columbus and the Write a card for a soldier
you Paige and thank you to all of the
people of our parish for their very serving in Iraq or for the members of the honor society for
generous response to the benefit wounded in Washington. your stewardship to our community.
breakfast sponsored by the K of C Turn cards in to the office
several Sundays ago. We before break.
appreciate your show of support.
Wed. (Dec. 10) Regular Classes
Your generosity will help us Go to for Wed. (Dec. 17) Attend Parish Posada
continue to provide opportunities more information on all events. Wed. (Dec. 24 &31) NO CLASSES
to reach out to students on campus. Wed. (Jan 7) Regular Classes
A new book entitled My Child, My Sun (7) Confirmation Class Elementary Commons 10:00—11:50am
Gift: A Positive Response to a Sun (7) Altar Society Christmas Party 4:00pm, Parrot Bey
Serious Prenatal Diagnosis quotes Mon (8) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation)
one mother of a child with Down Mon (8) Our Lady’s Prayer Group 6:00pm Chapel
Wed (Dec 10) PSR Classes Elementary School, 6:15-7:30pm
Syndrome. “the greatest surprise is Wed (Dec 10) RCIA Classes Elementary School, 6:30-7:45pm
this: Our life together has been Thur (Dec. 11) Rosary & Presentation of Apparitions of Mary to Jaun Diego
less about my helping him reach Church 6:30pm
Fri (Dec. 12) Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass with Bishop Jackels 7:00pm
his potential than about him Wed (Dec17) Parish Posada 6:30 Activity Center
helping me reach mine.” Wed (Dec 17) PSR Classes (Attend Parish Posada) 6:30 pm
Wed (Dec 17) RCIA Classes Elementary School, 6:30-7:45pm
Thur (Dec 18) Parish Penance Service 7:00 pm
Generations music CD’s make
great Christmas gifts! To purchase
a $20 CD filled with music from Confirmation classes are: December 7, SCHOOL LUNCHES
each of the choirs Our Lady of 2008, January 11, 2009, in the elementary Mon — Hamburger, Fries,
commons. February 8, 2009—Retreat (all
Lourdes, please contact the rectory, Fruit Shape Up
day). Fr. Ruben will lead classes from
Religious Gift Store or Little Shop 9:45-11:50. Candidates are encouraged to
Tues— Lasagna, Salad, Bread,
of Flowers. All proceeds go the attend Noon Mass together afterwards. Peaches
youth groups of our parish. Thanks Celebration of the Sacrament of Wed— Chili Dog, Tater Tots, Pears,
for your support. Confirmation by Bishop Jackels is Cookie
Sunday, February 22, 2009 (12:00 Thur— Chicken & Cheese Crispitos,
noon). Corn, Pineapple Chunks,
Teenagers can have high blood Cookie
pressure, too! In fact, people of any COLD AND FLU SEASON Friday— Hamburger Pizza, Salad,
This is always a difficult time of the year. Pudding, Fruit Juice
age can develop it. Why not get There is no way to eliminate colds and the
yours checked? Even if it’s normal, flu bug but we can take precautions to
it’s good to know what your reading reduce the spread of them. Therefore, at CONFESSIONS:
is. The Health & Wellness Ministry mass we need to be conscious of the Saturday, Dec. 13 — 3:30-5:15 pm
provides B.P. checks after all the person next to us. If we have a cold we can
bow and say peace be with you without Penance Service—
Masses next weekend (2nd weekend shaking hands at the exchange of peace.
of the month). Thursday, Dec. 18 —7:00 pm
The celebrant of the mass may choose not
to offer the invitation for the greeting of
peace. Please be careful and respectful of
Saturday, Dec. 20 — 3:00-5:15 pm
Christmas Call To Sharing *********************
others during the next few months.
You should all have received an 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00pm
invitation to consider a gift to the BLANKETS-SMC stadium 12:00pm Midnight
Christmas Call to Sharing — a blankets have arrived!!!! These
gift of gratitude to support retired would make a great Christmas CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES
gift. Contact Beth Smith @ 7:00, 9:00, 10:30
priests and the education of
Elementary School 231-4691 or & Noon (Spanish)
seminarians. God has blessed us
this year with 46 men in the Lisa Jordan @ 249-7979
seminary and continues to bless Alumni Newsletter
Start a Christmas Tradition with If you would like a copy of the
us with so many retired priests
A Stocking for Jesus available at latest newsletter, mailed to our
who serve the Church in many the Religious Gift Shop. Copies are
ways. I would ask that you be as alumni, please pick one up at the
autographed and can be
generous as you possible can be personalized. All royalties donated church doors, the parish offices,
at this most holy time of year. to the elementary school library. or at either school office.

Please remember to name Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Mary’s Colgan Schools in your will.
May we leave a legacy of faith and education for the generations to come.
Please consider informing Fr. Tom or the parish office of your legacy plans,
John the Baptist’s call to repentance is echoed in the
Weekly Sunday Offering needed US bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship: “Christians
to sustain Parish Budget: $35,500.00 must beg God for the grace of conversion: the grace to
know who they are, to whom they belong, how they
Sunday Offering Last Week $32,427.77 are to live — the grace to repent and change and grow,
the grace to become good disciples and stewards.”
Surplus or <Deficit> $ <3,072.23>
Dear God, bless your church with love. Raise up
1) Fr. Tom Stroot 2) Fr. Ruben Ortiz
dedicated and generous leaders to serve as priests,
3) Fr. David Marstall deacons, sisters, brothers, members of secular
SUNDAY (7) institutes, and lay ministers. Send your Spirit to
7:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society
9:00 (1) People of the Parish strengthen them to serve your people, following the
10:30 (1) For the Sick & Suffering example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
12:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society
2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Carlos Rodriguez
5:30 (2) Al Ortolani Sr. + Wesley House and Salvation Army ask for assistance.
MONDAY (8) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Help by donating toys, food items, or cash donations.
6:30 (1) Sharrene Meyer+ Also, Community Christmas Party (Memorial
8:00 (1) Steve Allen+
11:15 (2) Donna Smith+
Auditorium, Mon. Dec. 15th @ 6:30 pm). Volunteers
7:00pm (2) Diney DeRuy+ needed to wrap presents, Set up and help serve dinner,
TUESDAY (9) meet and greet families.
6:30 (3) Ruth VanBecelaere+
8:00 (2) Intentions of Sisters of St. Joseph WESLEY HOUSE FOOD PANTRY: Our help is
11:30(1)M/M Verdan Butler & M/M Wm Dawdy+
WEDNESDAY (10) needed to fill the shelves. A basket is located near the
6:30 (2) John Gilmore+ entrance of our church. Thank you.
8:00 (1) Margaret Gruder Morgan+
6:30 (1) Virginia Monahan+ 5:30pm - Chandler Bishop, Christian Cedeno, Drew Dawson
11:30 (2) Yankoviz, Bavuso, Dalrymple, Jackson+ 7:00 – Alex Gilmore, Audrey Whetzell
6:00 (2) Our Lady Of Guadalupe Service 9:00 – Tucker Hoffman, MacKenzie & Madison Lewis
FRIDAY (12) Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
10:30 – Rachel Martin, Bailey Beykirch, Jacob Drenick
6:30 (1) Leona Cashero+
8:00 (2) Jack Mocnik+
NOON – Tommy Wilson, Marcus Yoakam, Adam Zafuta
11:30 (3) Anna & Angelo Farabi+
7:00pm (4) Our Lady of Guadalupe(Bishop Jackels) OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS – DECEMBER 13-14:
SATURDAY (13) 5:30pm — John Ison Family
8:00 (2) Angie Ciardullo+ 7:00am – Volunteers
5:30 (1) Norma Decaire+ 9:00am – John & Beverly Marin
SUNDAY (14) 10:30am – Leroy Castagno Family
7:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society NOON – John Patterson Family
9:00 (2) People of the Parish
10:30 (1) For the Sick & Suffering EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – DECEMBER 13-14:
12:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 5:30pm– Gary & Fran McGrath, Betty Masterson, Hazel Peak
2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Celebrant 7:00 – Ann Elrod, Pat Forbes, Bill Gill
9:00 – Mary Askins, Jerry Lomshek, Bob & Peggy Fleming
NEWMAN CENTER — Fr. David Marstall
Sunday (7) 11:00am Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30– John Martel, Jerry & Cathy Stockard, Chris Bettega
6:00pm Int. of Faculty Students & Staff NOON – Steve & Nancy Hicks, Bev Pommier, Frances Mitchelson
Monday (8) Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Noon Intention of Mary Giocondo LECTORS – DECEMBER 13-14:
8:30pm Parish Purgatorial Society 5:30pm - Tom Gorman & W.W. O’Bryan
Wed (10) Noon Melvin Madl+ 7:00am – Joe Hart
Thur (11) Noon Rose Plumlee+ 9:00am — Cheryl Mayo & Karen McCormick
Sun (14) 11:00am Parish Purgatorial Society 10:30am – Becky Casey & Dean Cortes
6:00pm Int. of Faculty Students & Staff NOON - Ken Burbach & Doug Lee
Parish & Ministry News December 7, 2008

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Mass times for Monday’s Holy Day of Obligation are
Sunday evening at 5:30, and Monday at 6:30am, 8:00am, 11:15am, and 7:00pm.

The Immaculate Conception is accused of heresy; this freedom was indirectly by the writings of many
the conception of Mary, the mother reiterated by the Council of Trent. of the Church Fathers, as well as
of Jesus without any stain ("macula" The existence of the feast was a strong sensus fidei, and often calls Mary
in Latin) of original sin. indication of the Church's belief in the the Blessed Virgin (Luke 1:48).
Immaculate Conception, even before Catholic theology maintains that,
The dogma thus says that, from the its 19th century definition as a dogma. since Jesus became incarnate of the
first moment of her existence, she Virgin Mary, it was fitting that she
was preserved by God from the lack In the Roman Catholic Church, the be completely free of sin for
of sanctifying grace that afflicts Solemnity of the Immaculate expressing her fiat.
mankind, and that she was instead Conception is a Holy Day of
filled with divine grace. It is further Obligation, except where conferences For the Roman Catholic Church
believed that she lived a life of bishops have decided, with the the dogma of the Immaculate
completely free from sin.[1] In the approval of the Holy See, not to Conception gained additional
words of Pope Pius XII in Mystici maintain it as such. It is a public significance from the apparitions of
Corporis, "she was free from any holiday in some countries where Our Lady of Lourdes in 1858. In
personal or hereditary sin" [2] Her Roman Catholicism is predominant Lourdes a 14-year-old girl,
immaculate conception in the e.g. Italy. In the Philippines, although Bernadette Soubirous, claimed a
womb of her mother, by normal this is not a public holiday, the beautiful lady appeared to her. The
sexual intercourse, should not be predominance of Catholic Schools lady said "I am the Immaculate
confused with the doctrine of the make it almost a holiday. Conception" and the faithful
virginal conception of her son Jesus. believe her to be the Blessed Virgin
The Immaculate Conception was Mary. (information from
The feast of the Immaculate solemnly defined as a dogma by Pope Wikipedia). A more “pastoral”
Conception, celebrated on Pius IX in his constitution Ineffabilis explanation of this feast is given by
December 8, was established as a Deus, on December 8, 1854. The Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk of
universal feast in 1476 by Pope Roman Catholic Church believes the Cincinnati at
Sixtus IV. He did not define the dogma is supported by Scripture (e.g.
doctrine as a dogma, thus leaving Mary's being greeted by Angel Gabriel liveletters/immaculateconception.htm
Roman Catholics freedom to as "full of grace" or "highly
believe in it or not without being favoured"), as well as either directly or

St. Mary's Colgan Drama Department is presenting You're a

Good Man, Charlie Brown Saturday Dec. 6 at 7:30 PM, and
Sunday December 7th at 3:00 PM in the SMC Auditorium.

Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for students and seniors..

Parish & Ministry News December 7, 2008

—Our Lady of Guadalupe—

Our Parish Celebration Timeline:
Join our parish in Conception (a holy day of and our celebrant will be
welcoming Bishop Jackels obligation). Mass will Bishop Jackels. After This Weekend
December 12 for the follow at 7pm. There are Mass, all are invited to a Make reservations for
celebration of the Patron no receptions following meal in the Activity Dec. 12 feast day by
Saint of the Americas— the rosaries Dec. 3-10. Center, catered by El depositing tokens at
Our Lady of Guadalupe! Charo. During the meal, a Mass.
The evening of Dec. 11,
the parish will host a mariachi band will play
and cultural dancers will Dec. 3-10
In celebrating this great celebration including a
perform, and a film will Novena for OLG
feast, our several parish rosary, a telling of the
play for those gathered to Rosaries said at homes
families will host rosaries story of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, a mariachi learn more about the at 7:00pm
during the nine-days prior custom and feast.
to December 12. Each band and dancers and a
brief reception. The Dec. 8
day, parishioners may Rosary at Parish,
come to the host house evening will begin with a Reservations are made by
rosary at 6:30pm. 6:00pm, Mass at 7pm
for that evening and pray “tokens”. During Masses
the rosary. Those unable this weekend you are Dec. 11
to pray at the home are Friday, December 12 is invited to pick up a token Celebration in Church
encouraged to pray the (one per person) in the
the feast day! We will and Parish Hall, begins
rosary as a family at 7pm begin with a 6pm rosary back of church and place
at 6:30pm w/ rosary.
or sometime that evening. on the plaza of the church, it in the basket. The
Learn about OLG,
Days and homes will be Mass will be at 7pm in the number of tokens will tell
mariachi music, Pan de
listed in next week’s church. The Mass will be us how many dinners to
bulletin. Some rosaries prepare for the Dec. 12 luce, reception.
bilingual; it will include the
during the novena will be 9am Mass choir and a meal.
in English, some in Dec. 12,
Hispanic choir singing, an FEAST DAY
Spanish, and some offertory in the Hispanic
bilingual. The rosary our Pre-Mass rosary and
custom, decorations for a festivity, 6:00pm. Mass
parish will host will be on traditional Our Lady of
Dec. 8 at 6pm, the feast of with Bishop, 7:00pm.
Guadalupe celebration, Meal will follow in
the Immaculate
Activity Center.

Account of the Guadalupe Apparitions Dec. 16-24

Posada Novena in
According to traditional for a church to be built at found there Castilian
Catholic accounts of the that site in her honor. roses, gathered them, and
Dec. 17
Guadalupan apparitions, When Juan Diego spoke the Virgin herself re-
Parish Posada begins at
during a walk from his to the Spanish bishop, arranged them in his tilma.
village to the city on the Fray Juan de Zumárraga, When Juan Diego Activity Center at
early morning of the bishop asked him for a presented the roses to 6:30pm.
December 9, 1531, Juan miraculous sign to prove Zumárraga, the image of
Diego saw a vision of the his claim. The Virgin the Virgin of Guadalupe
Virgin - a young girl of asked Juan Diego to miraculously appeared
fourteen to sixteen, gather some flowers at the imprinted on the cloth of
surrounded by light- at the top of the hill, even Diego's tilma (source-
Hill of Tepeyac. Speaking though it was winter when Wikipedia)
in Nahuatl, the Lady asked no flowers bloomed. He

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