Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Right Foot
Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Right Foot
Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Right Foot
1. Cleanse Feet 2. Foot Examination 3. Cover left foot and begin on the right foot. 4. Palm Rub Relaxation Technique - rub back & forth from ankle & heel upward to toes.
Cleanse both feet with diluted witch hazel (50% with water)
Examine for any unusual conditions on the feet. Do not work on any foot conditions.
5. Knuckle Draw/Roll Technique - draw or roll knuckles upward from heel to toes 3X.
8. Thoracic Chest Stretch Technique - fingers on top, thumbs on bottom. Stretch open in opposite directions horizontally 3X. Then reverse hands & repeat 3X.
10. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - upward from heel up to and including the toes in all zones.
12. Pituitary Gland Reflex - Zone 3, hook in and draw to medial side.
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13. Foot Clean-Out from Achilles Tendon upward to & over toes.
Spine Reflex:
Lateral Zone 5:
15. Leg & Arm Reflexes Zone 5, work and pinch upward from bottom.
16. Hip/Thigh/Knee/Elbow Reflex - Zone 5 at 5th metatarsal bone. 4-finger walk upward to Zone 4.
17. Dorsal Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4&5 above 5th metatarsal bone. Hook & draw downward 3X.
18. Dorsal Shoulder Reflexes - Zone 5, below 5th toe. Grid 3X with 4 fingers.
19. Clean-Out
20. Relative to Sciatic/ Rectum Reflex - Gently pinch Achilles tendon towards you.
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21. Relative to Large Colon Reflex - work or pinch above Achilles tendon.
22. Relative to Anus Reflex - end of Achilles tendon, gently pinch 3X.
23. Medial Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 1 - 4 finger-walk upward from heel to ankle.
24. Relative to Uterus /Prostate/Vagina/Penis Reflex - way between a n k le & heel. H o o k downward 3X.
25. Clean-Out
27. Hip/Lower Back/Sciatic Area Reflex - 4-finger walk under lateral anklebone in Zone 5.
29. Relative to Ovary /Testicle Reflex - way between ankle & heel in Zone 5. Hook downward 3X.
30. Clean-Out
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31. Plantar Pelvic Area Reflex - Grid heel, all 5 zones 3X.
32. Hemorrhoid, Testicle, Anus/Rectum & Prostate Reflexes - work upward on medial side of heel 3X to above pelvic line.
33. Plantar Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4 of heel, ust above bottom of heel, draw 3X to lateral side of heel.
34. Clean-Out
35. - Ileocecal Valve & Appendix Reflexes - Zone 4&5 line above pelvic line, hook 3X to lateral side.
36. Ascending Colon & Hepatic Flexure Reflexes work Zone 4&5 line upward to waistline. Hook into hepatic flexure 3X.
38. Small Intestine Reflex grid Zones 4 to 1 between waistline & pelvic line 3X.
39. Uterus, Ovary & Fallopian Tube Reflexes way between pelvic & waistline, work & hook 3X Zones 1 to 3.
40. Clean-Out
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41. Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Kidney & Adrenal Reflexes - work upward from bladder Zone 1 to adrenal Zone 2. Hook kidney & adrenal 3X.Then grid.
42. Duodenum, Stomach & Pancreas Reflexes - grid area between Zones 1&3, waistline & diaphragm line.
43. Esophagus & Mouth Reflexes - work upward in Zone 1 from diaphragm line to mouth reflex.
44. Liver Reflex - grid area between Zones 2 & 5 and waistline & diaphragm line.
45. Gallbladder Reflex hook 3X to lateral side in Zone 4, below diaphragm line.
47. Relative to Solar Plexus - middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.
48. Clean-Out
50. Plantar Bronchial Area & Heart Reflexes - grid Zone 1 between neckline & diaphragm line.
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51. Thymus Reflex - a up lateral side of big toe pad, hook to medial side 3X.
52. Plantar Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch 3X. Grid area between Zones 2 to 5 and diaphragm & necklines.
53. Plantar Relative to Jaw Reflex - Zone 4, below toe 4, hook to lateral side 3X.
54. Plantar Shoulder Reflex - grid area 3X in Zone 5, below baby toe.
55. Clean-Out
56. Dorsal Chest/ Breast /Thoracic/Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch & grid area 3X.
57. Lymphatic Drainage Point Reflex - between Zones 1 & 2 where channel narrows. Work & hook 3X.
58. Dorsal Relative to Jaw Reflex - work between Zones 3 & 5, below neckline.
59. Clean-Out
60. Plantar Transverse Neckline Reflex - work 3X across base of all toes.
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61. Inner Ear Reflex between toes 3 & 4, hook to lateral side 3X.
62. Thyroid/Parathyroid /Pharaynx Reflex - Zone 2 at base of big toe, hook to medial side 3X.
Head Area:
63. Head Area Reflex Zone 5 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
64. Head Area Reflex Zone 4 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
65. Head Area Reflex Zone 3 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
66. Head Area Reflex Zone 2 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
67. Head Area - Teeth, S i n u s & Head/Brain Reflexes - Zone 3 upward & hook reflexes 3X.
68. Head Area - Tonsil Reflex - Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.
70. Head Area Hypothalamus Reflex Zone 5, a up from base. Hook to medial side 3X.
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71. Head Area - Pituitary Reflex - Zone 3, hook to medial side 3X.
72. Head Area - Nose Reflex - upper of Zone 1, work & hook 3X.
73. Head Area - Pineal Reflex - up Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.
74. Clean-Out
76. Toe Rotation Technique - rotate each toe in each direction 3X.
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5. Thoracic Chest Stretch Technique - fingers on top, thumbs on bottom. Stretch open in opposite directions horizontally 3X. Then reverse hands and repeat 3X.
7. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - upward from heel up to and including the toes in all zones.
10. Foot Clean-Out from Achilles Tendon upward to & over toes.
Spine Reflex:
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Lateral Zone 5:
12. Leg & Arm Reflexes Zone 5, work and pinch upward from bottom.
13. Hip/Thigh/Knee/Elbow Reflex - Zone 5 at 5th metatarsal bone. 4-finger walk upward to Zone 4.
14. Dorsal Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4&5 above 5th metatarsal bone. Hook & draw downward 3X.
15. Dorsal Shoulder Reflexes - Zone 5, below 5th toe. Grid 3X with 4 fingers.
16. Clean-Out
17. Relative to Sciatic/ Rectum Reflex - Gently pinch Achilles tendon towards you.
19. Relative to Anus Reflex - end of Achilles tendon, gently pinch 3X.
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20. Medial Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 1 - 4 finger-walk upward from heel to ankle. Hook downward 3X.
21. Relative to Uterus /Prostate/Vagina/Penis Reflex - way between ankle & heel.
22. Clean-Out
24. Hip/Lower Back/Sciatic Area Reflex - 4-finger walk under lateral anklebone in Zone 5.
26. Relative to Ovary /Testicle Reflex - way between ankle & heel in Zone 5. Hook downward 3X.
27. Clean-Out
28. Plantar Pelvic Area Reflex - Grid heel, all 5 zones 3X.
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29. Hemorrhoid, Testicle, Anus/Rectum & Prostate Reflexes - work upward on medial side of heel 3X.
30. Plantar Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4 of heel, just above bottom of heel, draw 3X to lateral side of heel.
31. Clean-Out
32. - Anus/Rectum Reflexes - Zone 1 below pelvic line, hook 3X to medial side.
33. Sigmoid Colon & Sigmoid Flexure Reflexes work Transverse Pelvic line from Zones 1to4 horizontally 3X for sigmoid colon. Hook sigmoid flexure 3X laterally.
34. Descending Colon Reflex -work Zone 4&5 line upward to waistline & hook Splenic flexure 3X laterally.
36. Small Intestine Reflex grid Zones 4 to 1 between waistline & pelvic line 3X.
37. Uterus, Ovary & Fallopian Tube Reflexes way between pelvic & waistline, work & hook 3X Zones 1 to 3.
38. Clean-Out
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39. Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Kidney & Adrenal Reflexes - work upward from bladder Zone 1 to adrenal Zone 2. Hook kidney & adrenal 3X medially. Then grid.
40. Stomach, Pancreas & Spleen Reflexes - grid area between Zones 1 & 4, waistline & diaphragm line.
42. Esophagus & Mouth Reflexes - work upward in Zone 1 from diaphragm line to mouth reflex.
44. Relative to Solar Plexus - middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.
45. Clean-Out
47. Plantar Bronchial Area & Heart Reflexes - grid Zone 1 & 2 between neckline & diaphragm line.
48. Thymus Reflex - a up lateral side of big toe pad, hook to medial side 3X.
49. Plantar Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch 3X. Grid area between Zones 2 to 5 and diaphragm & necklines.
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50. Plantar Relative to Jaw Reflex - Zone 4, below toe 4, hook to lateral side 3X.
51. Plantar Shoulder Reflex - grid area in Zone 5, below baby toe 3X.
52. Clean-Out
53. Dorsal Chest/ Breast /Thoracic/Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch & grid area 3X.
54. Lymphatic Drainage Point Reflex - between Zones 1 & 2 where channel narrows. Work & hook 3X.
55. Dorsal Relative to Jaw Reflex - work between Zones 3 & 5, below neckline.
56. Clean-Out
57. Plantar Transverse Neckline Reflex - work 3X across base of all toes.
58. Inner Ear Reflex between toes 3 & 4, hook to lateral side 3X.
59. Thyroid/Parathyroid /Pharaynx Reflex - Zone 2 at base of big toe, hook to medial side 3X.
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Head Area:
60. Head Area Reflex Zone 5 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
61. Head Area Reflex Zone 4 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
62. Head Area Reflex Zone 3 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
63. Head Area Reflex Zone 2 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.
64. Head Area - Teeth, S i n u s & Head/Brain Reflexes - Zone 3 upward & hook reflexes 3X.
65. Head Area - Tonsil Reflex - Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.
67. Head Area Hypothalamus Reflex Zone 5, a up from base. Hook to medial side 3X.
68. Head Area - Pituitary Reflex - Zone 3, hook to medial side 3X.
69. Head Area - Nose Reflex - upper of Zone 1, work & hook 3X.
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70. Head Area - Pineal Reflex - up Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.
71. Clean-Out
73. Toe Rotation Technique - rotate each toe in each direction 3X.
2. Solar Plexus Push (Optional) - push in & up on both Relative to Solar Plexus Reflexes. Client breathes in & out for 3X. Release pressure.
Figure 16-117
Session Closing:
Apply olive oil evenly on both feet and wipe off excess oil.
3. Feather Touch Technique - brush both feet with both hands lightly.
End of Session:
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