Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Right Foot

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Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Right Foot

1. Cleanse Feet 2. Foot Examination 3. Cover left foot and begin on the right foot. 4. Palm Rub Relaxation Technique - rub back & forth from ankle & heel upward to toes.

Cleanse both feet with diluted witch hazel (50% with water)

Examine for any unusual conditions on the feet. Do not work on any foot conditions.

Relaxation Warm Ups:

5. Knuckle Draw/Roll Technique - draw or roll knuckles upward from heel to toes 3X.

6. Ankle Rotation Technique - rotate foot 3X in each direction.

7. Spine Reflex Twist twist in opposite directions in Zone 1.

8. Thoracic Chest Stretch Technique - fingers on top, thumbs on bottom. Stretch open in opposite directions horizontally 3X. Then reverse hands & repeat 3X.

9. Relative to Solar Plexus - middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.

10. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - upward from heel up to and including the toes in all zones.

11. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - on big toe in all zones.

12. Pituitary Gland Reflex - Zone 3, hook in and draw to medial side.

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Chapter 16 - Page 27

13. Foot Clean-Out from Achilles Tendon upward to & over toes.

Spine Reflex:

14. Spine Reflex - Zone 1, work vertically from heel to toe.

Then work horizontally from heel to toe. Clean-out spine reflexes.

Lateral Zone 5:

15. Leg & Arm Reflexes Zone 5, work and pinch upward from bottom.

16. Hip/Thigh/Knee/Elbow Reflex - Zone 5 at 5th metatarsal bone. 4-finger walk upward to Zone 4.

17. Dorsal Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4&5 above 5th metatarsal bone. Hook & draw downward 3X.

18. Dorsal Shoulder Reflexes - Zone 5, below 5th toe. Grid 3X with 4 fingers.

19. Clean-Out

Medial Pelvic Area:

20. Relative to Sciatic/ Rectum Reflex - Gently pinch Achilles tendon towards you.

Clean-out the lateral side of the foot in Zone 5.

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Chapter 16 - Page 28

21. Relative to Large Colon Reflex - work or pinch above Achilles tendon.

22. Relative to Anus Reflex - end of Achilles tendon, gently pinch 3X.

23. Medial Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 1 - 4 finger-walk upward from heel to ankle.

24. Relative to Uterus /Prostate/Vagina/Penis Reflex - way between a n k le & heel. H o o k downward 3X.

25. Clean-Out

Groin Lymphatic Area:

26. Fallopian Tube/Groin Lymphatic Reflex - dorsal, anklebone to anklebone 3X.

Lateral Pelvic Area:

Clean-out the Medial Pelvic Area.

27. Hip/Lower Back/Sciatic Area Reflex - 4-finger walk under lateral anklebone in Zone 5.

28. Lateral Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 5 - 4 finger-walk upward.

29. Relative to Ovary /Testicle Reflex - way between ankle & heel in Zone 5. Hook downward 3X.

30. Clean-Out

Clean-out the Lateral Pelvic Area.

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Chapter 16 - Page 29

Plantar Pelvic Area:

31. Plantar Pelvic Area Reflex - Grid heel, all 5 zones 3X.

32. Hemorrhoid, Testicle, Anus/Rectum & Prostate Reflexes - work upward on medial side of heel 3X to above pelvic line.

33. Plantar Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4 of heel, ust above bottom of heel, draw 3X to lateral side of heel.

34. Clean-Out

Plantar Lower Abdominal Area:

35. - Ileocecal Valve & Appendix Reflexes - Zone 4&5 line above pelvic line, hook 3X to lateral side.

36. Ascending Colon & Hepatic Flexure Reflexes work Zone 4&5 line upward to waistline. Hook into hepatic flexure 3X.

Clean-out Plantar Pelvic Area

37. Transverse Colon Reflex - work Zones 4 to 1 on waistline.

38. Small Intestine Reflex grid Zones 4 to 1 between waistline & pelvic line 3X.

39. Uterus, Ovary & Fallopian Tube Reflexes way between pelvic & waistline, work & hook 3X Zones 1 to 3.

40. Clean-Out

Clean-out Plantar Lower Abdominal Area

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Chapter 16 - Page 30

Plantar Upper Abdominal Area:

41. Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Kidney & Adrenal Reflexes - work upward from bladder Zone 1 to adrenal Zone 2. Hook kidney & adrenal 3X.Then grid.

42. Duodenum, Stomach & Pancreas Reflexes - grid area between Zones 1&3, waistline & diaphragm line.

43. Esophagus & Mouth Reflexes - work upward in Zone 1 from diaphragm line to mouth reflex.

44. Liver Reflex - grid area between Zones 2 & 5 and waistline & diaphragm line.

45. Gallbladder Reflex hook 3X to lateral side in Zone 4, below diaphragm line.

46. Diaphragm Reflex work horizontally 3X.

47. Relative to Solar Plexus - middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.

48. Clean-Out

Plantar Thoracic Area:

49. Plantar Thoracic Area Reflex - Chest Stretch Technique 3X.

50. Plantar Bronchial Area & Heart Reflexes - grid Zone 1 between neckline & diaphragm line.

Clean-out Plantar Upper Abdominal Area

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Chapter 16 - Page 31

51. Thymus Reflex - a up lateral side of big toe pad, hook to medial side 3X.

52. Plantar Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch 3X. Grid area between Zones 2 to 5 and diaphragm & necklines.

53. Plantar Relative to Jaw Reflex - Zone 4, below toe 4, hook to lateral side 3X.

54. Plantar Shoulder Reflex - grid area 3X in Zone 5, below baby toe.

55. Clean-Out

Dorsal Thoracic Area:

56. Dorsal Chest/ Breast /Thoracic/Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch & grid area 3X.

57. Lymphatic Drainage Point Reflex - between Zones 1 & 2 where channel narrows. Work & hook 3X.

Clean-out Plantar Thoracic Area

58. Dorsal Relative to Jaw Reflex - work between Zones 3 & 5, below neckline.

59. Clean-Out

Plantar Transverse Neckline:

60. Plantar Transverse Neckline Reflex - work 3X across base of all toes.

Clean-out Dorsal Thoracic Area

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Chapter 16 - Page 32

61. Inner Ear Reflex between toes 3 & 4, hook to lateral side 3X.

62. Thyroid/Parathyroid /Pharaynx Reflex - Zone 2 at base of big toe, hook to medial side 3X.

Head Area:

63. Head Area Reflex Zone 5 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

64. Head Area Reflex Zone 4 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

65. Head Area Reflex Zone 3 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

66. Head Area Reflex Zone 2 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

Head Area Large Toe - Zone 1:

67. Head Area - Teeth, S i n u s & Head/Brain Reflexes - Zone 3 upward & hook reflexes 3X.

68. Head Area - Tonsil Reflex - Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.

69. Head Area - Mouth Reflex - Zone 1, hook upward 3X.

70. Head Area Hypothalamus Reflex Zone 5, a up from base. Hook to medial side 3X.

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Chapter 16 - Page 33

71. Head Area - Pituitary Reflex - Zone 3, hook to medial side 3X.

72. Head Area - Nose Reflex - upper of Zone 1, work & hook 3X.

73. Head Area - Pineal Reflex - up Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.

74. Clean-Out

Clean-out the big toe.

75. Foot Clean-Out

76. Toe Rotation Technique - rotate each toe in each direction 3X.

The Right Foot Is Now Completed

Wrap right foot in towel and proceed to left foot.

N101 - Foot Reflexology Course - Reflexology Foot Procedure

Chapter 16 - Page 34

Summary of Reflexology Foot Procedure - Left Foot

1. Palm Rub Relaxation Technique - rub back & forth from ankle & heel upward to toes. 2. Knuckle Draw/Roll Technique - draw or roll knuckles upward 3X from heel to toes. 3. Ankle Rotation Technique - rotate foot 3X in each direction.

Relaxation Warm Ups:

4. Spine Reflex Twist - twist in opposite directions in Zone 1.

5. Thoracic Chest Stretch Technique - fingers on top, thumbs on bottom. Stretch open in opposite directions horizontally 3X. Then reverse hands and repeat 3X.

6. Relative to Solar Plexus middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.

7. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - upward from heel up to and including the toes in all zones.

8. Longitudinal Zoning Technique - on big toe in all zones.

9. Pituitary Gland Reflex Zone 3, hook in and draw to medial side.

10. Foot Clean-Out from Achilles Tendon upward to & over toes.

Spine Reflex:

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Chapter 16 - Page 35

11. Spine Reflex - Zone 1, work vertically from heel to toe.

Then work horizontally from heel to toe. Clean-out spine reflexes.

Lateral Zone 5:

12. Leg & Arm Reflexes Zone 5, work and pinch upward from bottom.

13. Hip/Thigh/Knee/Elbow Reflex - Zone 5 at 5th metatarsal bone. 4-finger walk upward to Zone 4.

14. Dorsal Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4&5 above 5th metatarsal bone. Hook & draw downward 3X.

15. Dorsal Shoulder Reflexes - Zone 5, below 5th toe. Grid 3X with 4 fingers.

16. Clean-Out

Clean-out the lateral side of the foot in Zone 5.

Medial Pelvic Area:

17. Relative to Sciatic/ Rectum Reflex - Gently pinch Achilles tendon towards you.

18. Relative to Large Colon Reflex - thumbwalk above Achilles tendon.

19. Relative to Anus Reflex - end of Achilles tendon, gently pinch 3X.

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Chapter 16 - Page 36

20. Medial Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 1 - 4 finger-walk upward from heel to ankle. Hook downward 3X.

21. Relative to Uterus /Prostate/Vagina/Penis Reflex - way between ankle & heel.

22. Clean-Out

Groin Lymphatic Area:

Clean-out the Medial Pelvic Area.

23. Fallopian Tube/Groin Lymphatic Reflex - dorsal, anklebone to anklebone 3X.

Lateral Pelvic Area:

24. Hip/Lower Back/Sciatic Area Reflex - 4-finger walk under lateral anklebone in Zone 5.

25. Lateral Relative to Pelvic Area Reflex - Zone 5 - 4 finger-walk upward.

26. Relative to Ovary /Testicle Reflex - way between ankle & heel in Zone 5. Hook downward 3X.

27. Clean-Out

Plantar Pelvic Area:

28. Plantar Pelvic Area Reflex - Grid heel, all 5 zones 3X.

Clean-out the Lateral Pelvic Area.

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Chapter 16 - Page 37

29. Hemorrhoid, Testicle, Anus/Rectum & Prostate Reflexes - work upward on medial side of heel 3X.

30. Plantar Sciatic Nerve Reflex - Zone 4 of heel, just above bottom of heel, draw 3X to lateral side of heel.

31. Clean-Out

Plantar Lower Abdominal Area:

Clean-out Plantar Pelvic Area

32. - Anus/Rectum Reflexes - Zone 1 below pelvic line, hook 3X to medial side.

33. Sigmoid Colon & Sigmoid Flexure Reflexes work Transverse Pelvic line from Zones 1to4 horizontally 3X for sigmoid colon. Hook sigmoid flexure 3X laterally.

34. Descending Colon Reflex -work Zone 4&5 line upward to waistline & hook Splenic flexure 3X laterally.

35. Transverse Colon Reflex - work Zones 4 to 1 on waistline.

36. Small Intestine Reflex grid Zones 4 to 1 between waistline & pelvic line 3X.

37. Uterus, Ovary & Fallopian Tube Reflexes way between pelvic & waistline, work & hook 3X Zones 1 to 3.

38. Clean-Out

Plantar Upper Abdominal Area:

Clean-out Plantar Lower Abdominal Area

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Chapter 16 - Page 38

39. Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Kidney & Adrenal Reflexes - work upward from bladder Zone 1 to adrenal Zone 2. Hook kidney & adrenal 3X medially. Then grid.

40. Stomach, Pancreas & Spleen Reflexes - grid area between Zones 1 & 4, waistline & diaphragm line.

41. Spleen Reflex - hook 3X to lateral side.

42. Esophagus & Mouth Reflexes - work upward in Zone 1 from diaphragm line to mouth reflex.

43. Diaphragm Reflex work horizontally 3X.

44. Relative to Solar Plexus - middle of diaphragm in Zone 3. Push in & up 3X.

45. Clean-Out

Plantar Thoracic Area:

Clean-out Plantar Upper Abdominal Area

46. Plantar Thoracic Area Reflex - Chest Stretch Technique 3X.

47. Plantar Bronchial Area & Heart Reflexes - grid Zone 1 & 2 between neckline & diaphragm line.

48. Thymus Reflex - a up lateral side of big toe pad, hook to medial side 3X.

49. Plantar Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch 3X. Grid area between Zones 2 to 5 and diaphragm & necklines.

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Chapter 16 - Page 39

50. Plantar Relative to Jaw Reflex - Zone 4, below toe 4, hook to lateral side 3X.

51. Plantar Shoulder Reflex - grid area in Zone 5, below baby toe 3X.

52. Clean-Out

Dorsal Thoracic Area:

Clean-out Plantar Thoracic Area

53. Dorsal Chest/ Breast /Thoracic/Lung Reflexes Chest Stretch & grid area 3X.

54. Lymphatic Drainage Point Reflex - between Zones 1 & 2 where channel narrows. Work & hook 3X.

55. Dorsal Relative to Jaw Reflex - work between Zones 3 & 5, below neckline.

56. Clean-Out

Clean-out Dorsal Thoracic Area

Plantar Transverse Neckline:

57. Plantar Transverse Neckline Reflex - work 3X across base of all toes.

58. Inner Ear Reflex between toes 3 & 4, hook to lateral side 3X.

59. Thyroid/Parathyroid /Pharaynx Reflex - Zone 2 at base of big toe, hook to medial side 3X.

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Chapter 16 - Page 40

Head Area:

60. Head Area Reflex Zone 5 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

61. Head Area Reflex Zone 4 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

62. Head Area Reflex Zone 3 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

63. Head Area Reflex Zone 2 - grid toe upward & hook head/brain reflex 3X.

Head Area Large Toe - Zone 1:

64. Head Area - Teeth, S i n u s & Head/Brain Reflexes - Zone 3 upward & hook reflexes 3X.

65. Head Area - Tonsil Reflex - Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.

66. Head Area - Mouth Reflex - Zone 1, hook upward 3X.

67. Head Area Hypothalamus Reflex Zone 5, a up from base. Hook to medial side 3X.

68. Head Area - Pituitary Reflex - Zone 3, hook to medial side 3X.

69. Head Area - Nose Reflex - upper of Zone 1, work & hook 3X.

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Chapter 16 - Page 41

70. Head Area - Pineal Reflex - up Zone 5, hook to medial side 3X.

71. Clean-Out

72. Foot Clean-Out

73. Toe Rotation Technique - rotate each toe in each direction 3X.

Clean-out the big toe.

1. Oil Application (Optional)

2. Solar Plexus Push (Optional) - push in & up on both Relative to Solar Plexus Reflexes. Client breathes in & out for 3X. Release pressure.
Figure 16-117

The Left Foot Is Now Completed

Session Closing:
Apply olive oil evenly on both feet and wipe off excess oil.

3. Feather Touch Technique - brush both feet with both hands lightly.

End of Session:

The body is now functioning in a parasympathetic response, returning to a state of homeostasis.

N101 - Foot Reflexology Course - Reflexology Foot Procedure

Chapter 16 - Page 42

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