Advanced Control Technologies For 5-Axis Machining: Masako Sudo
Advanced Control Technologies For 5-Axis Machining: Masako Sudo
Advanced Control Technologies For 5-Axis Machining: Masako Sudo
Development Report:
Demand for 5-axis machine tools has grown rapidly with the appearance of high-performance machines and growing requirements for high-efciency to enhance competitiveness. To meet market needs, FANUC provides innovative CNCs, including the FS30i-A and FS31i-A5, that control up to 24 axes simultaneously with maximum paths of 10 enabling high-speed and high-precision multiple-axis and path control. FANUCs wide-ranging functions developed for powerful 5-axis machining include tool center point control and tilted working plane command, which enable high-precision complex shape machining minimizing changeover. Nano smoothing, interpolation for generating smooth curves on a nanometer scale, enables high-quality workpiece machining. 3D interference checking enhances the safety of machines whose motion has become increasingly complex. Operability has also been improved to facilitate programming and simulation for 5-axis machining. This report presents the latest control technologies maximizing 5-axis machine tool performance. Keywords: 5-axis machining function, tool center point control, tilted working plane command, nano control, high-quality machining
Using 5-axis machine tools increases the possibility of simultaneously reducing machining time and improving machining precision. The high performance of machine tools and controllers have enabled 5-axis machine tools to evolve dramatically as the reduction in the number of machining processes has reduced manufacturing cost. In keeping with the increasing scope of 5-axis machine tools, functions taking advantage of 5-axis control features have greatly advanced.
1. Introduction
The major feature of 5-axis machine tools is their integration of machining, conventionally divided into multiple processes, into processes with a single setup thanks to their capacity for complex operation. Reducing setup enables the following: - Reduced interprocess wait and machining time. - Improved machining precision due to eliminating mounting error due to setup changeover. Because the tool axis can be controlled at any angle to the machining surface: - The cutting tool angle to the machining surface can be controlled to be constant, it can improve surface roughness. - Tool rigidity is improved by machining with short tool projection, thereby increasing the machining feed rate. 108
Head rotationtype
Table rotationtype
Fig. 1. Three mechanical congurations.
Mixed type
Machine position
Control point path with tool Control point path with tool 2
Fig. 3. Tool movement paths with cutting point commands. Fig. 2. Tool center point control.
Selecting the TWP Command type from the menu by moving cursor with graphic guidance Then the individual data input screen is displayed
line segments, using the same concept as an axis orthogonal to three axes as in linear interpolation, circular interpolation, etc. (Fig. 2). This has the following advantages: - The number of program steps decreases, reducing cycle time. - The CNC interpolates directly, increasing gure precision. - The program is easy to understand intuitively, making it easy to make minute modications in the eld. - The tool center point speed is specied, so the machining feed rate at the tool center point is made constant, improving surface precision. The two types of tool center point control are type I, in which angular displacement of the rotary axis is specied directly to the rotary axis, and type II, in which it is specied with a vector. Using tool center point control type II enables the same program to be used regardless of the mechanical conguration (head rotation, table rotation, or compound). For ball-end mills, machining should be at a constant point on the tool tip with good precision/efciency machining. With type II, it is easy to create data vertical to the machining surface because tool directions are specied with vectors as I, J, and K. (1) Cutting point command The cutting point on the machining path can be directly specied in the program. The control point used with the actual machine move command is automatically calculated from the cutting point, corner rounding compensation, cutter compensation, and tool length compensation to control the tool movement path. Even when the tool gure, tool radius, or tool length changes, the program need not be basically modied. Even when the tool is changed, Int. J. of Automation Technology Vol.1 No.2, 2007
the same program can be used, increasing programming efciency (Fig. 3). (2) Tool positioning control By interpolating the attitude of the tool from the tool direction at the start point to the tool direction at the end point, a plane can be machined with the side face of the tool during Tool center point control. When the tool passes near a singular point, however, the rotary axis becomes unstable, it may cause a large rotation. The tool must therefore be made to pass through a singular point while avoiding passing near the singular point and to keep the rotary axis from unstable operation by inverting the rotary axis sign. The travel distance and direction of movement of the entire block must be checked for whether the block is supposed to pass through a singular point and, if so, to modify the block command so that the block does so.