Preaching Takes Off in Mathura : by Prem Vilas Das
Preaching Takes Off in Mathura : by Prem Vilas Das
Preaching Takes Off in Mathura : by Prem Vilas Das
For the past 4 months devotees from ISKCON Vrindavan have been holding regular Sunday feast programs in Karhagarh (prison house) of Kamsa, where Vasudev and Devaki were imprisoned. The temple popularly known by locals as Prachin Janambhumi (very old birthplace of Lord Krishna) houses the beautiful deities of Vasudev, Devaki and Keshav Dev Ji (baby Krishna with four arms). Prachin Janambhumi is west of Potara Kund (Mother Devaki washed baby Krishnas dirty cloth) and a 5 minute walking distance from the heavily guarded Janambhumi. Prachin is centrally situated in Malpura(district of the wrestlers), so Kamsa had the prison guarded by these wrestlers. According to Krishna Cand Goswami the current sevait, Caitanya Mahaprabhu met the sanodiya brahmin here and Srila Prabhupada often visited this temple during his visits to Mathura. He recalls his grandfather worshipping Keshav Dev Ji but has no recollection has to how or when the Deities manifested. Keshav Dev Ji has been in his family for generations. The temple in a state of complete disrepair and hardly frequented by quests and locals, with the permission of Krishna Chand Goswami devotees enthusiastically started the Vasudev Devaki Sunday School for over 25 local children, college preaching, congregational development and the Sunday feast program. During Nityananda Trayodasi, devotees held an abhishek for Gaura Nitai and Krishna Chand Goswami with his son Shiv Kumar Goswami installed Gaura Nitai with our parampara on the alter of Keshav Dev Ji. A sumptuous feast, cooked on cowdung patties was later served. His Grace Niranata prabhu is developing the congregation, His Grace Madhur Murli Das takes care of the Sunday school and Parsada dasi and Gaurangi Dasi are involved in college preaching. Project Director, HG Devakinandan das said, We are indeed grateful to Krishna Chand Goswami and his son Shivkumar Goswami for allowing us to render some service to Krishna in this most holy place. As Kali-Yuga advances we see even in a holy place like Mathura, slaughterhouses, wine shops and other sinful vices. We appeal to our worldwide community of devotees to please help us in preserving this rare jewel. he said. Due to neglect, the temple is in need of renovation and upgrading. Anyone wishing to assist in cash or kind can contact Devakinandan Das on, mobile: 91-8909829179. Below please find ecstatic pics of the Sunday programs.
First program at Prachin Janambhumi inaugurated by His Holiness Veda Vyas Priya Swami on Makara Sankranti -2012
The goswamis carrying Gaura Nitai to the alter of KeshavDev Ji after the abhishek
Krishna Chand Goswami gives Bhagavad Gita to special guest senior police officer of Janambhumi, Col Sharma Above right: Congregation Matajis from Govardhan Choraya
Students of Vasudev Devaki Sunday school in their dhotis and kurtas donated by Bhaktivedanta Gurukula. Vrindavan Temple President His Grace Pancha Gauda Prabhu leads harinam around Janambhumi.
Over 200 visiting devotees participated in the program. Pancha Gauda Prabhu sang sweet bhajans