Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of flax use The Canadian prairie (Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta) is the major flax growing area in Canada. In the USA, flax has been grown primarily in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana (Berglund, D.R., 2002). In India, flax is grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, with three states accounting for about 74% of the linseed output in India (Gill, K.S., 1987). In India, flax is grown primarily for oil, although in temperate hill regions like Himachal Pradesh, it is grown for fiber on a small scale (Richharia, R.H., 1962). Flax for fiber purpose is grown primarily in China, Russia, Egypt, and near the northwestern European coast for the production of high quality linen and several other products (Vromans, J., 2006). Flax for Human Consumption: Flax was being used as a food source and natural laxative dating back as far as the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It was also being used as a food in Asia and Africa (Berglund, D.R., 2002). The unique and diverse properties of flax are reviving interest in this crop. In 2005, approximately 200 new food and personal care products were introduced in the US market containing flax or flax ingredients (Morris, H.M., 2007), which suggests that flax based products have the highest growth potentials in functional food industry. Conventional flax seed, containing a mixture of the fatty acids, is rich in two essential fatty acids, alphalinolenic acid (ALA; C18:3) (Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007; de Lorgeril, M. et al, 1999; Foulk, J.A., et al., 2002)) (-3) and linoleic acid (LA; C18:2) (Bloedon, L. T. and P. O. Szapary, 2004; Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007; de Lorgeril, M., et al., 1999)) (-6) (Table 1). In an average Canadian flax cultivar, ALA comprises about 57% of the total fatty acids in flaxseed, whereas -6 comprises about 16%, giving 6/-3 ratio of 0.3:1.0. The typical Western diet is high in -6 and low in -3. Current dietary -6/-3 ratio ranges from 10:1 to 25:1 while Health Canada recommends a ratio of 4:1 to 10:1, especially for pregnant women and infants (Scientific Review Committee, 1990). Consuming flax or other food rich in alpha linolenic acid like fish oil, -3 enriched eggs, increases -3 family intake, which improve -6/ -3 ratio. Flax is the richest source of ALA, a precursor for the synthesis of very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:50 (Bhathena, S. J., et al., 2002; Cahoon E. B., 2003; Clavel T., et al., 1991; Fitzpatrick, K., 2007; Green floors linoleum flooring. Linoleum flooring. Accessed: April 23, 2008)) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6) (Berglund, D.R., 2002; Blumenthal, M., et al., 2000; Chan, J., et al., 1991; Dev, D. K. and E. Quensel, 1988; Gill, K.S., 1987; Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. 2003)). Metabolism of ALA in animals by a series of alternating desaturations and elongations, converts it into very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLCPUFA), EPA, and DHA. Conversion of ALA to VLCPUFA in humans is affected by various hormonal changes and dietary factors (Yamazaki, K., et al., 1992). High level of -6 fatty acids in food supply interfere with the conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA because -3 and -6 family compete for the same desaturase enzymes. 4305
The -3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, are required for the optimal development of nervous system and maturation of visual acuity (retina) in preterm and term infants (Neuringer, M. and W.E. Connor, 1986; Uauy, R., et al., 1996). EPA and AA (arachidonic acid; C20: 4) (Bhathena, S.J., et al., 2002; Cahoon E. B., 2003; Clavel T., et al., 1991; Fitzpatrick, K., 2007)) are the precursors of eicosanoids and also components of mammalian cell membranes, including the prostaglandins, blood clotting, cell signaling and blood pressure regulation (Kinsella, J.E., et al., 1990). Deficiency in -3 increases the chances of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, inflammatory diseases, depression, heart disease, hypertension, memory problems, weight gain and some allergies (Morris, H.M., 2007).
Table 1: Comparison of fat profile of -3 enriched eggs and conventional eggs (Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007) content -3 enriched egga,b conventional egga Total fatty acids 4.9 g 5.0 g -6 0.7 g 0.7 g -3 0.4 g 0.04 g Monosaturated 1.6 g 2.0 g Saturated 1.2 g 1.5 g Cholesterol 185 mg 190 mg a based on one whole large egg b values are based on 10% flax in the diet Table 2: Fatty acids composition in conventional and Solin flax (Morris, H.M., 2007) Fatty acid No. of double bonds Omega family Formula Conventional flax 0 18:0 Saturated Stearic acid Monounsaturated Oleic acid 1 -9 18:1 9 Palmitoleic acid 1 -7 16:1 9 Polyunsaturated Linoleic acid (LA) Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) 2 -6 18:2 9,12 3 -3 18:3 9,12,15 Solin flax Saturated Stearic acid 0 18:0 Monounsaturated Oleic acid Palmitoleic acid 1 -9 18:1 9 1 -7 16:1 9 Polyunsaturated Linoleic acid (LA) 2 -6 18:2 9,12 Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) 3 -3 18:3 9,12,15
16 57 9 18 71 2 to 3
In leafy green plants, fatty acids are usually in the form of ALA alone; however, their over all lipid content is very low, so they can not meet the total requirement of ALA alone. Most fish contain only trace amount of ALA, although a few species of fish such as salmon are rich in EPA and DHA (Nelson, G.J., and J.G. Chamberlain, 1995). However, the consumption of fish oil is predicted to continue to decrease because of diminished global fish stocks and heavy metals contamination of oils derived from fish which may affect neuropsychological function in adults (Yokoo, E.M., et al., 2003). For vegetarian diets, flax is the richest plant source of ALA. Flax for Edible Oil: The direct use of unprocessed conventional flax oil in the human diet is limited by product stability. Linseed oil with high ALA is highly susceptible to oxidation and polymerization. While these properties make it suitable for other industrial applications (discussed below), it limits the direct substitution of flax oil in place of canola (Brassica napus) or corn (Zea mays) oil. The oil properties of flax are so unique that considerable effort is being expended to emulate the fatty acid profile. Modification of soybean oil (Glycin max) and canola oil using conventional and molecular approaches to enhance the ALA content and therefore the health benefits and to replace fish oils in the diet are an extremely active area of research ( Cahoon E.B., 2003; Scarth R. and Tang J., 2006).
To use flax oil in food applications where stability is essential Green and Marshall (Green, A. G. and D. R. Marshall, 1984) isolated mutants with as low as 1-3% -linolenic acid, a level which is considered suitable with self stability for traditional edible oil applications (Rowland, G. G., 1991). Solin is the name given by the Flax Council of Canada to describe the flax cultivars with less than 5 % ALA for use in the food industry. A domestic source of a vegetable oil high in palmitic acid also has potential in Canada for the manufacture of high quality margarines. Edible oil of linseed also provides an opportunity to produce cocoa-butter replacement oil (Rowland, G. G., et al., 1995). However, this oil has reduced health benefits due to the reduction in (<5%) ALA content. Flax For Functional Food: Functional or nutraceuticals are foods that claimed to have health-promoting or disease-prevention properties in addition to basic nutritional properties in the food. Many health-claims have been made for whole flax seed, flax meal and milled flax. While a complete assessment of the research on flax as a functional food is beyond the scope of this article, readers are directed to (Bloedon, L.T. and P. O. Szapary, 2004; Fitzpatrick, K., 2007). A recent study in Europe indicate that the consumption of flax oil for 12 weeks (one tablespoon, providing 8 g ALA/day) in daily diet lowered blood pressure significantly in middle aged men with high blood cholesterol levels (Paschos, G. K., et al., 2007). A role of the flax oil in preventing thrombosis has been reported in a study by 40% increase in the activated protein ratio in a population who consumed flax oil diet for six weeks (Allman-Farinelli, M.A., et al., 1999; Richard, S. and L. U. Thompson, 1997). In a study of 50 men with high blood cholesterol levels who consumed one table spoon of flax oil daily for 12 weeks reduced 48% C-reactive protein (CRP) and 32% serum amyloid A (SAA) levels (Paschos, G.K., et al., 2005). Clinical studies on rats and other animals reported that flax has antioxidant effects and decreases blood lipids and inflammation (Bhathena, S.J., et al., 2002; Prasad, K., 1997). Many studies revealed that consuming traditional milled flax or partially defatted flax decreased total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol without a significant decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (Chan, J., et al., 1991; Jenkins, D.J.A., 1999). Cardiovascular disease which includes several diseases (like coronary heart disease, stroke) is one of the leading causes of death in North America (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada 2003). Experiments revealed no effect of linseed oil on blood total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels (Layne, K. S., et al., 1996; Sanders T.B.A. and Roshanai F., 1983). However, studies conducted on rats suggest that the diets rich in ALA from flax seed have been shown to decrease blood cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels (Kim, H. and H. Choi, 2005; Vijaimohan, K., et al., 2006) and also in some human population (Chan, J., et al., 1991). The high mucilaginous soluble fiber content of flaxseed has been utilized in the cure of hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia in humans (Richard, S. and L. U. Thompson, 1997). Flax helps reduce cardiovascular diseases by altering the -3 fatty acid content of cell membranes by improving blood lipids and endothelial function and also by exerting antioxidant effects (Bloedon, L.T. and P. O. Szapary, 2004). The advantageous effects of flax in human health cited in previous studies were achieved with intakes of 2-5 tablespoon of milled flax which provides 4-11 g of ALA or 1-3 tablespoon of flax oil which provides 3-20 g of ALA in daily diet. Data derived from animal trials on the effects of flax on breast cancer suggest that the main nutritional components of flax interfere with tumor initiation and promotion. By altering estrogen metabolism and decreasing cell proliferation, flax favorably affected breast cancer risk (Hutchins, A.M., et al., 2000; Thompson, L. U., et al., 2005). Some studies have also suggested that flax may reduce prostate cancer risk by dampening inflammatory reactions (Zhao, G., et al., 2004; Zhao G., et al., 2007). However, there is no any direct evidence of flax contributes to prostate cancer and the data are mainly from animal studies. Indeed, more studies are required in humans. Lignan act as antioxidants in humans. Flax seed provides 800 times more lignans than any other plant seed (except sesame seeds which has 47 times less lignan than flax seed), thus it is considered as one of the richest sources of plant lignans. On consumption of flax, lignans are converted into phytoestrogenic compounds. Studies have revealed that the chemical release of phytoestrogenic compounds is believed to block the action of hormone sensitive cancers (Morris, H.M., 2007). However, it is reported that the activity of flax lignans depends on the presence of specific bacteria (Clavel T., et al., 1991). It is recommended that eating 2-4 table spoon of flaxseed in daily diet help in preventing the formation of the cancerous tumors. Flaxseed is also an important source of both soluble and insoluble fibers, which is important for the efficient digestive system. Most of the soluble fiber in flax is mucilage, which serve as an effective cholesterol4307
lowering agent. It is being utilized by backing of the flaxseed into muffins, bread or can also be added with juice. Studies have reported that insoluble fiber is also helpful in preventing constipation and regulating bowel movements. In Germany, the government has authorized use of linseed for constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and general stomach discomfort (Blumenthal, M., et al., 2000). Investigation of the functionality of flax is an exciting field of research that holds promise for additional flax products and health benefits (Fitzpatrick, K., 2007). Flax Fiber and its Uses: For centuries, flax fiber has occupied a prominent place in textile industry. Flax fiber was used by the prehistoric Lake Dwellers of Switzerland for the production of linen > 5000 years BP. The art of weaving flax fiber to linen may have originated in Egypt because winding-clothes for the bodies of the Pharaohs of Egypt were composed of flax fiber. It was then introduced in India, where, before the use of cotton, linen was worn by many tribes (Richharia, R.H., 1962). The early colonists brought flax for fiber to the United States. With the increased area and production of cotton and invention of cotton gin in USA, the use of flax linen for textile declined. Flax bast fibers are primarily phloem cells, in which cell wall thickness can reach 10 m and more (10 to 100 times thicker than other cell types). One of the limitations of flax is the separation of bast fiber from other stem fibers. This was traditionally done by retting; two traditional methods were used commercially to ret flax for industrial grade fibers, water- and dew-retting (Sharma, H.S.S. and C.F. Van Sumere, 1992). Water retting method was discontinued because of the high cost of drying and the pollution from the anaerobic decomposition of flax stem in lakes and rivers. Dew-retting has also limitations including poor quality fiber and is restricted to regions which have appropriate moisture and temperature ranges suitable for retting (Foulk, J.A., et al., 2002). In the 1980s, several efforts were made to overcome these limitations and to develop a new method known as enzyme-retting, replacing the anaerobic bacteria with enzymes (Van Sumere, C., 1992). Attempts were also being made by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop an enzyme-retting pilot plant method to replace traditional methods of retting, thus producing flax fibers with specific properties for industrial uses (Foulk, J.A., et al., 2002). Advantages of this new method include reduced retting time, increased yield and fiber consistency and consistency of supply (Foulk, J.A., et al., 2002). Flax fiber is soft, lustrous and flexible. It is stronger than cotton fiber but less elastic. Fiber obtained from flax is known for its length, strength and fineness; however chemical composition and diameter are also important (Smeder, B. and S. Liljedahl, 1996). In comparison to industrial wood particles, flax particles were characterized by higher length to thickness and length to width ratios and lower bulk density (Papadopoulos, A. N. and J. R. B. Hague, 2003). The best grades are used for linen fabrics such as damasks, lace and sheeting. Coarser grades are used for the manufacturing of twine and rope. Flax is a source of industrial fibers and, as currently processed, results in long-line and short fibers (Van Sumere, C., 1992). Long line fiber is used in manufacturing high value linen products, while short staple fiber has historically been the waste from long line fiber and used for lower value products like blankets, mats, mattresses and carpets. Flax fiber threads are strong enough for preparation of sewing threads, button threads and shoe threads. Linen is also used in making the highest quality handkerchiefs, bedding, curtains, drapery, cushion covers, wall coverings, towels, other decorative materials and materials for suits and traditional dresses in Asia (Gill, K.S., 1987). It can also be used for manufacturing composites such as particleboard (Papadopoulos, A. N. and J. R. B. Hague, 2003). Flax fibers are also becoming an integral part of new composite materials utilized in automobile and constructive industry. Biocomposites made up from the flax fiber based on polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) polymer could be an eco-friendly and biodegradable alternative to conventional plastics (Wrobel, M., et al., 2004). After extraction of bast fiber from flax stem, 80% of the remains fiber can be separated mechanically. This material can be converted into pulp and can be used for manufacturing papers. Flax fiber is also a raw material for the paper industry for the use of printed banknotes and paper for cigarettes. There are several advantages of using flax fibers for industrial applications. It is a biodegradable, renewable raw material, nonabrasive. However, for technical uses, the mechanical properties like tensile strength, elastic modules it may not be suitable (Smeder, B. and S. Liljedahl, 1996; Wedler, M., and R. Kohler, 1994). The relation between the cost of production and the comparative advantages of the fiber may limit the use of flax in large scale applications.
Flax as an Animal Feed: Flax is integrated into animal rations in several forms; whole seed, oil supplements, hulls, or as meal. Meal, known as LSOM or linseed cake in Europe and Asia, respectively, is the residue after the extraction of oil from seeds. This valuable feed product can be used to supplement the diets of both ruminants and non-ruminants. The quantity of hull in flax seed meal is about 38%, twice the level in canola or soybean meals ()Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1997. The fine fraction obtained as a byproduct of dehulling (a process of preparing flaxseed for value added industrial products) could be a potential ingredient in pet food; whereas the medium and mix fractions can be blended into poultry feed formulations (Oomah, D. B. and G. Mazza, 1998). Flax seed oil is also used in mixed pet diets, including dogs, cats and horses. The essential fatty acids (ALA and LA) present in flax seed contribute to a lustrous coat, help prevent dry skin and dandruff, and also help in reducing digestive and skin problems in animals. The -3 enriched eggs are produced by increasing ground flax seed to 10-20% of the diet of laying hens. Eggs produced from this diet formula would be ten times higher in -3 fatty acids than conventional eggs (Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007) (Table 1). A single -3 enriched egg provides half of the optimal daily intake of ALA and about one quarter of EPA and DHA (de Lorgeril, M., et al., 1999). Flax for Industrial Use: Industrial applications are possible because an average Canadian flax cultivar contains 57% linolenic acid (18:3 C (Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007; de Lorgeril, M., et al., 1999; Foulk, J.A., et al., 2002)). When this flax oil is exposed to air, the double bonds of ALA react with oxygen and result in relatively soft, durable film. This property is known as drying quality of linseed oil, is responsible for extensive use in manufacturing varnishes, oilcloth, printers ink, imitation leather and also as an anti-spalling and curing agent for concrete surfaces on highways (Rowland, G. G., et al., 1995). The drying quality of oil can be improved by addition of metal catalyst to promote oxidation and also by partially pre-oxidizing oil through exposure to the air. Along with the use of flax oil as an oil paint carrier, it is also being used as a painting medium, making oil paints more fluid, transparent and glossy. Linseed oil can also be used as finishing oil for wooden furniture to prevent it from denting. It does not cover the surface of wood but soaks into the pores, leaving a shiny but not glossy surface. It is used by billiards/pool cue manufacturers on the shaft portion of the cue. Linseed oil is the most important raw material used to make the flooring from linoleum. In the process of linoleum manufacturing, oxidized linseed oil is mixed with rosin and other raw material to form linoleum granules, which are pressed onto a jute backing, making linoleum sheets (Green floors linoleum flooring. Linoleum flooring. Accessed: April 23, 2008). This natural material made from a sustainable resource is long lasting and attractive. Flax seed mucilage has emulsifying properties better than Tween 80 and gum Arabic and has potential industrial uses (Minker, E., et al., 1973). Dehulling of flax seed is also an important process for preparing value added industrial products. To obtain low and high protein products, the attempts have been made to remove flax seed hydrocolloidal gum with dry dehulling of seeds (Dev, D. K. and E. Quensel, 1988). The hull fraction obtained through this process can be used as a raw material for the extraction of phytochemicals (Oomah, D. B. and G. Mazza, 1998). Conclusion: An oil seed cum fiber crop, flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) has been used by humans from more than 6000 years and it is among the first plants domesticated. The utilization of flax for various purposes including industry, nutraceutical, bio- pharmaceutical, fiber, animal feed and human food is continuing to develop. Increasing cost of artificial fibers and the advantages of natural flax fiber, new technology and equipments for growing, harvesting of flax is useful to make flax a model plant species. New improved methods of retting flax, more efficient processes at each stage of linen manufacture point towards a possible upturn of the utilization of flax fiber than its current limited use, especially in North America. There is a demand for alternative sources of VLCPUFA and the possibility of obtaining them from higher plants in commercial quantity is particularly attractive. As no oil-seed species produces such products naturally, genetically engineering would be required to synthesize these fatty acids. Because flax already contains the precursor to VLCPUFA and the highest value of ALA, it may be a choice platform species. Linoleum and other flax based materials such as linen will become increasingly popular as governments and consumers turn to products with smaller environmental footprints. There are also opportunities for production of sustainable bio-products and 4309
green building materials. The molecular and gene expression experiments are not widely studied in flax, which may also expand the applications and uses of flax in future. Several constrains must be overcome to facilitate the further development of flax and flax bioproducts. Because flax is a minor crop, it has not received significant research resources compared to other North American oilseeds such as canola and soybean. While flax can be easily transformed, (McHughen, A., 2002; McHughen, A. and F. A. Holm, 1995; McHughen, A. and F. A. Holm, 1995) and herbicide resistant traits have been developed to increase the agronomic yield of flax, constraints in the European market for transgenic LSO meal effectively block this pathway of crop improvement and economic enhancement (McHughen, A., 1995). The public sector remains the primary contributor to flax breeding and research because the lack of commercial prospects limits the interest of the private sector. Currently, a lack of basic knowledge of flax genomics, and a concerted effort in flax breeding limits rapid development of flax for bioproducts. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was financially supported by Alberta Ingenuity Scholarship Fund, Alberta Innovation and Science and Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Canada. We wish to express our thanks to Debby Topinka for her excellent technical assistance to prepare this manuscript. REFERENCES Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1997. Flaxseed: Situation and outlook, bi-weekly bulletin, Market Analysis Division, Policy Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 10: 22, Winnipeg, MB. Allaby, R.G., G.W. Peterson, D.A. Merriwether and Y.B. Fu, 2005. Evidence of the domestication history of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) from genetic diversity of the sad2 locus. Theor. Appl. Genet., 112(1): 58-65. Allman-Farinelli, M.A., D. Hall, K. Kingham, D. Pang, P. Petocz and E.J. Favaloro, 1999. Comparison of the effects of two low fat diets with different -linolenic:linoleic acid ratios on coagulation and fibrinolysis. Atherosclerosis, 142(1): 159-168. Berglund, D.R., 2002. Flax: New uses and demands. In: Janick,J. and A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in New Crops and New Uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA, USA, pp: 358-360. Bhathena, S.J., A.A. Ali, A.I. Mohamed, C.T. Hansen and M.T. Velasquez, 2002. Differential effects of dietary flaxseed protein and soy protein on plasma triglyceride and uric acid levels in animal models. J. Nutr. Biochem., 13(11): 684-689. Bloedon, L.T. and P.O. Szapary, 2004. Flaxseed and cardiovascular risk. Nutr. Rev., 62: 18-27. Blumenthal, M., A. Goldberg and J. Brinckmann (eds), 2000, Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council, Austin, TX, USA, pp: 85. Cahoon, E.B., 2003. Genetic enhancement of soybean oil for industrial uses: Prospects and challenges. AgBioForum, 6: 11-13. Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, 2007. Omega-3 enriched eggs. Canadian Egg Marketing Agency, Accessed: April 28, 2008. http://www.eggs.ca/pdf/omega-3_e.pdf. Chan, J., V. Bruce and B. McDonald, 1991. Dietary alpha-linolenic acid is as effective as oleic acid and linoleic acid in lowering blood cholesterol in normolipidemic men. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 53(5): 1230-1234. Clavel, T., D. Borrmann, A. Braune, J. Dore and M. Blaut, 1991. Occurrence and activity of human intestinal bacteria involved in the conversion of dietary lignans. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 53: 1230-1234. de Lorgeril, M., P. Salen, J.L. Martin, I. Monjaud, J. Delaye and N. Mamelle, 1999. Mediterranean diet, traditional risk factors, and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction: Final report of the Lyon Diet Heart Study. Circulation, 99: 779-785. Dev, D.K. and E. Quensel, 1988. Preparation and functional properties of linseed protein products containing differing levels of mucilage. J. Food Sci., 53: 1834-1837. Fitzpatrick, K., 2007. Innovation in western Canadian functional food. Cereal Foods World, 52: 289-290. Foulk, J.A., D.E. Akin and R.B. Dodd, 2002. Flax fiber: Potential for a new crop in the southeast. In: Janick,J. and A. Whipkey (eds.), Trends in New Crops and New Uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA, USA, pp: 361-370. Gill, K.S., 1987. Linseed. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, pp. 386. Green floors linoleum flooring. Linoleum flooring. Accessed: April 23, 2008. http://www.greenfloors.com/HP_Linoleum_Table_Insert.htm.
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