Handbook of SWIFT Payments

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for payments via SWIFT

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

No guarantee can be given for the information contained in this manual, which is subject to change without notice. SIX Interbank Clearing reserves all rights for this manual including the rights of photomechanical reproduction, storage on electronic media and the translation into foreign languages. Although great care has been taken in the compilation and preparation of this work to ensure accuracy, errors and omissions cannot be entirely ruled out. SIX Interbank Clearing cannot be held liable for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this manual or for any consequential, special or similar damages. If you detect any errors or omissions in this manual or have any ideas or suggestions for improvements we would be extremely grateful if you would notify these to SIX Interbank Clearing by sending an e-mail to operations@six-group.com.

remoteGATE is a registered trademark of SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of the respective legal owner.

Copyright 2011 SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd, CH-8021 Zurich

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

About this document

About this document

Target audience This document is intended for users and technical staff at banks which access the RTGS systems SIC and euroSIC via SWIFT, and direct debit procedures. Purpose This handbook describes how to process payments and direct debits via SWIFT. In it, reference is made to the current SIC/euroSIC User Manual and to the SWIFT User Handbook. These handbooks are essential supplements to this document, especially in relation to how messages are constructed and further information on the SWIFT FIN platform. Examples The examples in this manual refer alternately to SIC and to euroSIC. All the examples given are entirely fictional. Amendment record All amendments to this document will be listed in an amendment record table showing the date of the amendment, a brief description and a reference to the relevant sections. Associated documents Important supplementary information accompanying this handbook can be found in the following documents: SIC/euroSIC User Manual Sections A and B of the SIC/euroSIC User Manual contain basic information about the SIC/euroSIC platform with which financial institutions users should be familiar. SWIFT User Handbook The SWIFT User Handbook contains further information about SWIFT messages and the SWIFT FIN platform. Technical rules and regulations The Technical Rules and Regulations explain the regulations for how to use SIC and euroSIC. It is therefore strongly recommended that sections 2 and 4 in particular, and Appendices I, II and III, are read carefully. Forms For further information on the standard forms used in Switzerland, for example deposit slips (Einzahlungsscheine ES) or deposit slips with reference numbers (ESR), please refer to Appendix I-2 of the Technical Rules and Regulations and to the Design Guidelines from PostFinance (441.03). LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions The LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions contain bank-specific and technical processing details about the direct debit procedure.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Table of contents

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Table of contents
Information .................................................................................................................................................. About this document ................................................................................................................................... Table of contents ........................................................................................................................................ Amendment record ..................................................................................................................................... Section A A.1 A.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.2.1 A.2.2.2 A.2.2.3 A.2.3 A.2.4 A.2.5 A.2.6 A.2.7 A.2.8 A.2.9 A.2.10 A.3 A.3.1 A.3.1.1 A.3.2 A.3.3 A.3.4 A.3.5 A.3.6 A.3.7 A.3.8 A.3.9 A.3.10 A.3.11 A.3.12 A.3.13 A.3.14 A.3.14.1 A.3.14.2 A.4 A.4.1 A.4.1.1 A.4.2 A.4.3 A.4.4 4 2 3 4 9

Overview ............................................................................................................................ 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21

The service ............................................................................................................................... 11 Basic principles ....................................................................................................................... Payment process ....................................................................................................................... Message types .......................................................................................................................... Permitted SWIFT message types ............................................................................................. Submitting payments via SWIFT and SIC/euroSIC platform interface ..................................... Names of message types .......................................................................................................... BIC of SIX Interbank Clearing ................................................................................................... SWIFT/SIC standards ............................................................................................................... Fields not listed ......................................................................................................................... Using BIC/BC numbers ............................................................................................................. Incorrect BC number/wrong BIC ............................................................................................... Incorrect information in fields, and repairs ................................................................................ Return ........................................................................................................................................ Interface Bank Customer ....................................................................................................... Going into operation for new participants ........................................................................... Requirements SIC/euroSIC ....................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC documentation ..................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC master data .......................................................................................................... Timing ........................................................................................................................................ Extranet ..................................................................................................................................... Responsibility for services ......................................................................................................... SWIFT Closed User Group ....................................................................................................... SWIFT test system .................................................................................................................... SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA) ................................................................. Web application remoteGATE .................................................................................................... Debit authorization for SIC/euroSIC .......................................................................................... Tests before production starts ................................................................................................... Bank clearing mutation circular ................................................................................................. Start of production ..................................................................................................................... Example of the procedure for customer connection ................................................................. Responsibilities of SIX Interbank Clearing ................................................................................ Responsibilities of the new participant ...................................................................................... Going into operation for the additional of payments/direct debits submission via SWIFT FIN ........................................................................................................................... Requirements SIC/euroSIC ....................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC documentation ..................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC master data .......................................................................................................... Timing ........................................................................................................................................ SWIFT Closed User Group .......................................................................................................

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Table of contents

A.4.5 A.4.6 A.4.7 A.4.8 A.5 A.5.1 A.5.1.1 A.5.2 A.5.3 A.5.4 A.5.5 A.5.6 A.5.7 A.5.8 A.5.9 A.6 A.6.1 A.6.1.1 A.6.2 A.6.3 A.6.4 A.6.5 A.6.6 A.6.7 A.6.8

SWIFT test system ..................................................................................................................... SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA) .................................................................. Tests before production starts ................................................................................................... Start of production ...................................................................................................................... Going into operation for migration to remoteGATE ............................................................. Requirements ............................................................................................................................. SIC/euroSIC documentation ...................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC master data ........................................................................................................... Timing ........................................................................................................................................ Responsibility for services ......................................................................................................... SWIFT Closed User Group ........................................................................................................ SWIFT test system ..................................................................................................................... SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA) .................................................................. Tests before production starts ................................................................................................... Start of production ...................................................................................................................... Going into operation for obtaining SWIFT MT950 ................................................................ Requirements SIC/euroSIC ....................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC documentation ...................................................................................................... SIC/euroSIC master data ........................................................................................................... Timing ........................................................................................................................................ SWIFT Closed User Group ........................................................................................................ SWIFT test system ..................................................................................................................... SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA) .................................................................. Tests before production starts ................................................................................................... Start of production ......................................................................................................................

21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27

Section B B.1 B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3 B.1.4 B.1.5 B.1.6 B.1.7 B.2 B.3 B.3.1 B.3.1.1 B.3.2 B.3.2.1 B.3.3 B.3.3.1 B.3.3.2 B.3.3.3 B.3.4 B.3.4.1 B.3.5 B.3.5.1

Messages ............................................................................................................................ 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 32 33 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 40 5

Special features of payments ................................................................................................. Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... Identifying the beneficiary bank ................................................................................................. Priority ........................................................................................................................................ Transaction Reference Number (SWIFT field 20) ..................................................................... Bank-to-Bank Information (SWIFT field 72) ............................................................................... Value date fields ........................................................................................................................ MT202COV/B12 (cover payments) ............................................................................................ SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment ................................................................................. STP customer payment ............................................................................................................. Example: STP customer payment ............................................................................................. Non-STP payment with red deposit slip ..................................................................................... Example: Non-STP payment with a red deposit slip in favour of the bank ................................ STP payment with red deposit slip ............................................................................................ Example: STP payment with a red deposit slip in favor of the bank ......................................... Example: STP payment with red deposit slip with IBAN ........................................................... Example: STP payment with red deposit slip in favor of PostFinance ...................................... STP customer payment with IPI ................................................................................................ Example: STP customer payment with IPI ................................................................................ Cash outpayment order (non-STP) ............................................................................................ Example: Cash outpayment order .............................................................................................

STP ............................................................................................................................................ 31

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Table of contents

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

B.4 B.4.1 B.4.1.1 B.4.2 B.4.2.1 B.4.3 B.4.4 B.5 B.5.1 B.5.1.1 B.5.1.2 B.5.1.3 B.5.1.4 B.5.1.5 B.5.1.6 B.5.1.7 B.5.2 B.6 B.6.1 B.6.1.1 B.6.1.2 B.6.2 B.6.2.1 B.7 B.7.1 B.8 B.8.1 B.9 B.9.1 B.9.2 B.10 B.10.1 B.10.2 B.11 B.11.1 B.11.2 B.11.3 B.12 B.12.1 B.13 B.13.1 B.13.2 B.14 B.14.1 B.14.2 B.15 B.15.1 B.15.2 6

SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment ................................................................ Payment using a multiple beneficiaries structure ...................................................................... Example: Payment using a multiple beneficiaries structure ..................................................... Non-STP payment with euroES of PostFinance ....................................................................... Non-STP payment with euroESR in favor of PostFinance ........................................................ SEPA credit transfers ................................................................................................................ Non-SEPA credit transfers ........................................................................................................ Returning a payment ............................................................................................................... Returns within SIC and euroSIC ............................................................................................... MT103 A10/A11 return with payment reference < 31 characters ............................................. MT103 A10/A11 return with payment reference > 30 characters ............................................. Example: Return of a payment A10/A11 ................................................................................... MT103 A10/A15 return with payment reference < 31 characters ............................................. MT103 A10/A15 return with payment reference > 30 characters ............................................. Example: Return of a payment MT103/A15 .............................................................................. Example: Return of a non-SEPA payment via SECB ............................................................... SEPA returns ............................................................................................................................. SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment ....................................................................................... Customer payment with orange deposit slip ............................................................................. Example: STP ESR customer payment in favor of a bank ....................................................... Example: STP ESR customer payment in favor of PostFinance .............................................. ESR payment received from customer using MT103/A15 ........................................................ Example: ESR payment received from customer using MT103/A15 ........................................

41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 55

SWIFT MT202/B10: Balancing payment ................................................................................ 56 Example: Balancing payment after clearing stop 1 ................................................................... 57 SWIFT MT202/B11: Bank-to-bank payment .......................................................................... 58 Example: Bank-to-bank payment .............................................................................................. 58 SWIFT MT202COV/B12: bank-to-bank payments ................................................................. 59 Example: cover payment ........................................................................................................... 60 Cross-border bank-to-bank payment ........................................................................................ 60 SWIFT MTn92/H70: Cancelation of a payment ..................................................................... 61 Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface ............................................................................ 61 Example: Cancelation of a customer payment ......................................................................... 62 SWIFT MTn96/S32: NOK message ......................................................................................... Example: NOK message wrong Senders Reference ............................................................... Example: NOK message wrong value date .............................................................................. Example: NOK message wrong BC number ............................................................................. 63 64 64 64

SWIFT MTn96/L55: Cancelation log for the sender .............................................................. 65 Example: Cancelation log .......................................................................................................... 66 SWIFT MT299/N20: Clearing closing time message ............................................................ 67 Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface ........................................................................... 67 Example: Clearing closing time message ................................................................................. 67 SWIFT MT299/N21: Start of DEP message ........................................................................... 68 Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface ........................................................................... 68 Example: Start of DEP message ............................................................................................... 68 SWIFT MT950: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC .......................................................................... 69 Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface ........................................................................... 70 Example: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC ...................................................................................... 70 Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Table of contents

Section C C.1 C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 C.1.4 C.1.5 C.1.6 C.1.7 C.1.8 C.1.9 C.1.10 C.1.11 C.2 C.2.1 C.2.1.1 C.2.2 C.2.2.1 C.3 C.3.1 C.3.2 C.4 C.4.1 C.4.1.1 C.4.2 C.4.2.1 C.5 C.5.1 C.5.1.1 C.5.2 C.5.2.1 C.6 C.6.1 C.6.2 C.6.2.1 C.7 C.7.1 C.8 C.8.1 C.8.2 C.8.3 C.8.4 C.9 C.9.1 C.9.1.1 C.9.2 C.9.2.1

Direct debit procedure ...................................................................................................... 72 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 77 78 79

Start of LSV+/BDD operation ................................................................................................... General ...................................................................................................................................... Requirements LSV+/BDD ........................................................................................................... Debtor's bank ............................................................................................................................. SWIFT MT104 Message User Group (MUG) ............................................................................ Tests before production starts ................................................................................................... Creditor's bank ........................................................................................................................... Limits .......................................................................................................................................... Debit authorization and LSV ID ................................................................................................. Reference numbers ................................................................................................................... Cancelation of direct debits ....................................................................................................... Returns ....................................................................................................................................... SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit ................................................................ Variant 1: Direct debit with ESR reference number ................................................................... Example: Presentation of a direct debit with ESR reference number ....................................... Variant 2: Direct debit with IPI reference number ...................................................................... Example: Presentation of a direct debit with IPI reference number ..........................................

Arrival of a direct debit ............................................................................................................ 80 Example: Arrival of a direct debit with ESR reference number ................................................. 80 Example: Arrival of a direct debit with IPI reference number ..................................................... 81 Payment of a direct debit ........................................................................................................ SWIFT MT103/A15: Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number ............................. Example: Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number ............................................. Payment of a direct debit with IPI reference number ................................................................. Example: Payment of a direct debit in EUR with IPI reference number .................................... Arrival of a paid direct debit ................................................................................................... Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number .......................................................... Example: Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number .......................................... Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number ............................................................. Example: Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number ............................................. SWIFT MT190: Return debit note from LSV+ ......................................................................... Example: Return debit note due to revocation .......................................................................... MT202/B10: Payment of a return debit note .............................................................................. Example: Payment of a return debit note .................................................................................. 82 82 83 83 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 89 89 89

SWIFT MT996/L89: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank .................................................... 90 Example: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank ............................................................................ 91 SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank .................................................. Variant 1: Delivery by the creditor's bank .................................................................................. Example: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank ........................................................................ Variant 2: Delivery by the creditor .............................................................................................. Example: Delivery by customers via payCOMweb ...................................................................... 92 93 94 96 97

SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank ................................................ 99 Variant 1: Automatic cancelation of MT104/D10 ..................................................................... 100 Example: Automatic cancelation of a MT104/D10 ................................................................... 101 Variant 2: Automatic cancelation of payment groups .............................................................. 102 Example: Automatic cancelation of a payment group ............................................................. 103

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Table of contents

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section D Section E E.1 E.2

SIC SWIFT cross-reference list .................................................................................. 104 remoteGATE code lists .................................................................................................. 108

SWIFT field 72 ........................................................................................................................ 108 User Header in FIN ................................................................................................................ 109 Backup procedure .......................................................................................................... 110

Section F F.1 F.1.1 F.1.2 F.2 F.2.1 F.2.2

Breakdowns at individual banks ......................................................................................... 110 Backup payments by the SNB ................................................................................................ 110 Backup payments by the SECB .............................................................................................. 111 Breakdowns at SIX Interbank Clearing ............................................................................... 111 The miniSIC system ................................................................................................................ 112 Backup for delivery .................................................................................................................. 112 Acceptance testing (test cases for participants) ......................................................... 114

Section G G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4

Arrivals: SIC/euroSIC Customer ...................................................................................... 114 Web application remoteGATE .............................................................................................. 115 Outputs: Customer TKZHCHZZ ....................................................................................... 116 Direct debit procedure .......................................................................................................... 118 CUG/MUG Registration ................................................................................................... 120

Section H H.1 H.2

Registration in CUG .............................................................................................................. 120 Registration for MT104 MUG (only for LSV+/BDD participants) ....................................... 120

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Amendment record

Amendment record
The table below shows a list of all the amendments made to this document, together with the date of the amendment, a brief description and a reference to the section(s) involved.
Date 03.06.2001 01.10.2001 01.12.2003 01.08.2005 Version V 1.0 V 1.1 V 2.0 V 3.0 Description of amendment First issued New SIC logo New version Totally revised in association with the new LSV service, with additional examples of payments via SECB, ES/ESR payments and returns General revision of all sections: Section A: Amendment of some sections on commencing productive operation Section B: Various examples of messages newly included Section C: Introduction of a separate section on the direct debit procedure, examples amended Section D: No change Section E: Minor amendments Section F: Amendments to the backup process Section G: List of test cases for commencing productive operation Section H: Inclusion of instructions on CUG/MUG registration Name changes of the SIX Group Ltd companies Modifications as a result of SIC Release 2.3 Swiss STP definition added More precise details about commencement of production New note about unlisted fields Examples relating to STP definitions modified and explained New section on SEPA transfers added New section on returning a payment added 20.08.2009 01.11.2010 V 3.3 V 3.4 Modifications for cross-border payments Editorial review, terminology check Section on security and data protection removed New MT202COV message

Section(s) all all all all


V 3.1



V 3.2

all all A.3.9, B.1 A.4.12 B B.2, B3 B.4 B.5 B.3, B.7 all A.2 A.2.2, A.2.4, B.1.7, B.9

Section on going into operation divided into different A.3, A.4, A.5, A.6 categories (new entry, additional delivery of payments/direct debits via SWIFT FIN, migration to remoteGATE and obtaining SWIFT MT950) (sections A.4 to A.6 with no amendment markings)

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Amendment record

Handbook for payments via SWIFT



Description of amendment New section on special features of payments Section on STP revised Notes inserted for banks with SIC/euroSIC platform New section on User Header in FIN CUG/MUG registration revised

Section(s) B.1 B.2 B.10.1, B.13.1, B14.1, B.15.1 E.2 H A.2.4, B.1.7, B.9, G.3 A.2.9 A.3.11, A.4.7, A.5.8, C.1.6


V 3.5

New MT B12 message in SIC/euroSIC for cover payments Section "Swiss STP definition" deleted New SIX Group phone numbers


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

The service

Section A


The service

SIX Interbank Clearing offers banks the opportunity to take part in the RTGS systems of SIX Interbank Clearing (SIC/euroSIC) and in and in the direct debit procedures LSV+/BDD directly via SWIFT and Internet. Via SWIFT financial institutions can send payments, receive payments and other messages and make queries. A financial institution can use its existing SWIFT infrastructure to send or receive messages. For queries, SIX Interbank Clearing offers a cash management service via Web Applications, providing online access via Internet to the relevant service (SIC or euroSIC). To guarantee the greatest possible level of security for the user, this is achieved using password combinations together with a SmartCard with electronic certificate.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Basic principles

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Basic principles
Payment process
A financial institution sends the SWIFT message to SIX Interbank Clearing. Provided that the payment complies with SWIFT FIN validation criteria, the payment reaches SIX Interbank Clearing. Our system checks whether all the relevant fields for conversion into SIC format are available and correct. If all conditions are met, the payment message is converted from SWIFT into SIC standard and forwarded to the relevant system (SIC or euroSIC). If a message cannot be forwarded to the relevant system, an error message is returned to the sending BIC. If everything is in order, the payment joins the waiting queue. Settlement is made provided that there are sufficient funds in the settlement account. The settlement process runs in a cycle through all settlement accounts, checking each time whether the balance is sufficient for settlement of the next payment from the waiting queue. Only payments with a current value date go into this process. Following final settlement, the payment is delivered to the recipient.


Message types
Permitted SWIFT message types The following SWIFT message types are permitted:
Message type SWIFT MT103 SWIFT MT104 SWIFT MT202 SWIFT MT202COV SWIFT MT192 SWIFT MT292 Designation Single Customer Credit Transfer Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message General Financial Institution Transfer General Financial Institution Transfer Request for Cancelation Request for Cancelation

SIX Interbank Clearing accepts and processes all permitted SWIFT messages which it receives from a financial institution. It is the responsibility of the financial institution to take internal steps as appropriate if it wishes to restrict the message types. A.2.2.2 Submitting payments via SWIFT and SIC/euroSIC platform interface Financial institutions can also use SWIFT to supplement an existing SIC/euroSIC platform interface. Examples: a) A financial institution only sends cross-border payments via SWIFT, all other payments via the SIC/euroSIC platform interface. b) A financial institution obtains only MT950 by SWIFT, all other messages via the SIC/euroSIC platform interface.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Basic principles


Names of message types In SIC/euroSIC, a distinction is made between different types of messages. In this document, SWIFT message types, e.g. MT104 (Direct Debit and Request for Debit Transfer Message) are always referred to together with the corresponding SIC/euroSIC message type for that specific case: MT104/D10 (MT D10 is the corresponding message for direct debits in SIC/euroSIC). The idea is to make it easier for participants using remoteGATE to communicate with banks which use a SIC/euroSIC platform interface. This could happen if a partner bank reports that they would like to send a credit advice using message type SIC A10.


BIC of SIX Interbank Clearing

SIX Interbank Clearing as a clearing house participates in SWIFT using the following BICs: TKZHCHZZ TKZHCHZ0 for production for test


SWIFT/SIC standards
SIC standards are based on the standards for SWIFT FIN, and in principle all relevant SWIFT releases are incorporated. The two standards are therefore compatible in principle. In rare cases, it may happen that some data from SIC/euroSIC cannot be completely converted into SWIFT. See also section B.2. Certain SWIFT message types, e.g. MT103, may correspond to different SIC/euroSIC message types from one case to another: MT103/A10 (customer payment), MT103/A11 (extended customer payment) or MT103/A15 (VESR payment). Further details about the possible SIC message types can be found in section D 4 of the SIC/euroSIC User Manual. Summary of message types:
SIC message type A10 A11 A15 B10 B11 B12 H70 D10 remoteGATE message type MT103/A10 MT103/A11 MT103/A15 MT202/B10 MT202/B11 MT202 COV/B12 MTn92/H70 MT104/D10


Fields not listed

Any SWIFT fields which are not listed in this document are not permitted. If such fields are used, this may lead to rejects, or the content may be ignored.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Basic principles

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Using BIC/BC numbers

To identify a SIC or euroSIC participant, it is recommended that the relevant BC (bank clearing) number is used instead of the BIC. Calling up BC numbers is possible online, and the bank master data is also available online as an Excel file. In principle, it is possible to address the SIC/euroSIC participant who is to be credited using the BIC, which will be converted into the relevant BC number. Some banks use a BIC for more than one branch or bank. If, as a result, the same BIC is used for more than one BC number, the BC number of the head office (headquarters) will be used. In such cases, using the BIC can mean that there is a delay in crediting the payment to the receiving customer. The name of the branch to be credited can be omitted in field 72 (e.g. /ACC/Your Branch in 5000 Seldwyla). It is recommended that the IBAN is used wherever possible, see also section A.2.9.


Incorrect BC number/wrong BIC

Payments are rejected which have BC numbers which do not or no longer exist BICs to which no BC number can be attributed BICs for which the relevant BC number is concatenated


Incorrect information in fields, and repairs

SIX Interbank Clearing does not carry out any repairs. Messages which cannot be properly converted or automatically processed will be rejected by the respective system (SIC or euroSIC) and, after being corrected, must be sent again with a new reference number.


Any return of the payment by the beneficiary financial institution due to the absence of required information (e.g. the recipient is not known) must be made directly to the ordering financial institution in accordance with the Technical Rules and Regulations (appendix I-8). See also section B.8 of this handbook.


Interface Bank Customer

In principle it is assumed that bank customers will deliver their credit transfers and direct debits using the bank's own channels at their financial institution. The bank ensures the required compatibility with SIC and euroSIC. If customers wish they can submit direct debits via payCOMweb. Further information is available on the website www.lsv.ch.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for new participants


Going into operation for new participants

This section describes how to put the system into operation for financial institutions which are not yet SIC/euroSIC participants.


Requirements SIC/euroSIC
The following conditions are required: Application for participation SWIFT production and test system Sight deposit contract with the relevant system manager (SNB/SECB) Supplementary or service agreement with SIX Interbank Clearing for the appropriate system Closed User Group Registration (through SWIFT) Access to the SIX Interbank Clearing Extranet SWIFT RMA Completed test procedure and authorization from SIX Interbank Clearing Publication in the bank clearing mutation circular Productive access to the Web application remoteGATE


SIC/euroSIC documentation The following documentation is to be provided by the financial institution:

Form (SIC/euroSIC) Application for participation Web applications remoteGATE Person in charge of service Debit authorization for SIC Debit authorization for euroSIC SWIFT CUG confirmation SWIFT RMA Online form: BC Segment (Test/Production) Online form: Settlement Segment (Test/Production)


SIC/euroSIC master data

SIX Interbank Clearing requires the relevant master data sheets (BC Segment/Settlement Segment) at least fifteen days before the start of test or production operation. These can be filled in by the financial institution on the Extranet and submitted online. It is not possible for test or production operation to begin without the correct master data. For the online forms BC Segment (Test/Production) and Settlement Segment (Test/Production), a data entry aid is available.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for new participants

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


The average lead time before productive operation can begin is 6 weeks from the receipt of the completed documentation at SIX Interbank Clearing. Experience shows this to be the average length of time, but it depends among other things on whether all the tests are successful. In some cases the process may take longer. A financial institution states its preferred date for commencing production when it submits its application. This is confirmed or adjusted by SIX Interbank Clearing. It is only possible for this date to be altered to a limited extent, because that then affects the timing for other financial institutions. SIX Interbank Clearing therefore reserves the right to refuse requests to alter the date.


The Internet and the password-protected Extranet (login on www.six-interbankclearing.com) is the information platform for SIX Interbank Clearing customers. All the important information is available there, in particular handbooks, the Technical Rules and Regulations and circulars. The financial institution will automatically receive an e-mail alerting it to new information on the Extranet. The entire registration process has to be carried out on the Internet/Extranet. The financial institution appoints someone to be responsible for the Extranet. This person can register additional users of the Extranet. The people registered there are responsible for ensuring that information from SIX Interbank Clearing is disseminated in-house.


Responsibility for services

The person in charge of services is the point of contact for a particular service. A financial institution appoints one person for each service, who may be responsible for more than one service.


SWIFT Closed User Group

SIX Interbank Clearing is a SWIFT participant in the PCH (Payments Clearing House) category. Financial institutions must register their participation in the CUG (Closed User Group) online with SWIFT. SWIFT requires about two to three weeks to process this registration. SWIFT informs the financial institution directly when it has been included in the CUG. Details of the registration are to be found in Section G.


SWIFT test system

For the tests, the participant must make available a functioning SWIFT acceptance test environment including their own SWIFT test BIC. The sending of messages using a production BIC to the SIX Interbank Clearing test system and vice versa is not possible. For test purposes, the SWIFT test BIC of the financial institution is required. SIX Interbank Clearing must be informed immediately if a financial institution has no SWIFT test environment in which to send and receive payments.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for new participants

The new participant must inform SIX Interbank Clearing immediately if a) they have no SWIFT test environment in which to send and receive messages. b) they are unable to test all the messages prescribed in the acceptance testing process. SIX Interbank Clearing makes adequate credit for test purposes available every day at the start of clearing. Apart from the different clearing times (approx. 12.00 CET), the test system offers the same conditions as the production system.


SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA)

RMA is carried out shortly before test and production operation begin. To do this, SIX Interbank Clearing will contact the bank.


Web application remoteGATE

The security media ordered for online access (Web application remoteGATE) will be produced and tested by SIX Interbank Clearing and if possible sent to the respective persons within two weeks. These security media will be needed even in test operation.


Debit authorization for SIC/euroSIC

SIX Interbank Clearing sends invoices by direct debit. Each financial institution must therefore provide a debit authorization when registering. It is not possible to go into production without a debit authorization.


Tests before production starts

Every financial institution must complete an acceptance test before production can begin. During this time, the customers can familiarize themselves with SIX Interbank Clearing's systems and acquire the necessary knowledge about, for example, correct formatting of payments. SIX Interbank Clearing makes its test environment available for this purpose. The test consists of a so-called compulsory part and an "optional" part. The voluntary tests serve to ensure that financial institutions are able to produce all the required message types. Details on the tests can be found in Section F. It is recommended that all the examples shown there are tested. The test process is supported by the Operations Center. This should therefore be notified before testing begins, by phone +41 58 399 4200 or by e-mail to operations@sixgroup.com.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for new participants

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Bank clearing mutation circular

Upon successful completion of the test procedure, SIX Interbank Clearing will include the financial institution in the next bank clearing mutation circular. This is sent out to the system participants on the 20th of each month, informing them about the new remoteGATE participant joining from the first of the following month. Inclusion in the bank clearing mutation circular is confirmed by SIX Interbank Clearing by the 10th of the preceding month. A financial institution cannot be included in a bank clearing mutation circular without having successfully completed the acceptance testing.


Start of production
Once the bank has been included in the bank clearing mutation circular, the financial institution is obliged to start production on the date in question. It is not possible to start production without being published in the bank clearing mutation circular.


Example of the procedure for customer connection

Responsibilities of SIX Interbank Clearing
7 weeks before production Phase 0: Customer decides on participation Documents sent to new participant Phase 1: Administration for the test system Registration in the SWIFT CUG/MUG Production and dispatch of the authentication media Administration of the SIC/euroSIC test system Administration of online access 5 weeks before production Phase 2: Individual test phase for the financial institution SWIFT RMA for test system Operations Center available for customer queries during testing 3 weeks before production Phase 3: Administration for the production system Notification received from the financial institution of successful testing Operations Center authorizes date for start of production Inclusion in bank clearing mutation circular SWIFT RMA for production system Administration of SIC/euroSIC production system Start of production Phase 4: Production

Operations Center available for customer queries


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for new participants


Responsibilities of the new participant

7 weeks before production Phase 0: Customer decides on participation Phase 1: Administration for the test system Return of completed documents to SIX Interbank Clearing Application for SIC participation at the Swiss National Bank Registration in the SWIFT CUG/MUG 5 weeks before production Phase 2: Individual test phase for the financial institution SWIFT RMA for test system Notification to Operations Center of start of testing Carrying out of testing 3 weeks before production Phase 3: Administration for the production system Notification to Operations Center of successful testing SWIFT RMA for production system Registration in the SWIFT CUG/MUG Start of production Phase 4: Production

Payments accepted and delivered

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for the additional delivery via SWIFT FIN

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Going into operation for the additional of payments/direct debits submission via SWIFT FIN
This section describes how to go into operation for SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who in addition to sending SIC messages also want to send SWIFT FIN to SIC/euroSIC.


Requirements SIC/euroSIC
The following conditions are required: Application for participation Participation in the SIC/euroSIC system SWIFT production and test system Closed User Group Registration SWIFT RMA Completed test procedure and authorization from SIX Interbank Clearing


SIC/euroSIC documentation The following documentation is to be provided by the financial institution:

Form (SIC/euroSIC) Application for participation Person in charge of service SWIFT CUG confirmation SWIFT RMA Online form: BC Segment (Test/Production) Online form: Settlement Segment (Test/Production)


SIC/euroSIC master data

SIX Interbank Clearing requires the relevant master data sheets (BC Segment/Settlement Segment) at least fifteen days before the start of test or production operation. These can be filled in by the financial institution on the Extranet and submitted online. It is not possible for test or production operation to begin without the correct master data. For the online forms BC Segment (Test/Production) and Settlement Segment (Test/Production), a data entry aid is available.


The average lead time before productive operation can begin is 6 weeks from the receipt of the completed documentation at SIX Interbank Clearing. Experience shows this to be the average length of time, but it depends among other things on whether all the tests are successful. In some cases the process may take longer. A financial institution states its preferred date for commencing production when it submits its application. This is confirmed or adjusted by SIX Interbank Clearing. It is only possible for this date to be altered to a limited extent, because that then affects the timing for


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for the additional delivery via SWIFT FIN

other financial institutions. SIX Interbank Clearing therefore reserves the right to refuse requests to alter the date.


SWIFT Closed User Group

SIX Interbank Clearing is a SWIFT participant in the PCH (Payments Clearing House) category. Financial institutions must register their participation in the CUG (Closed User Group) online with SWIFT. SWIFT requires about two to three weeks to process this registration. SWIFT informs the financial institution directly when it has been included in the CUG. Details of the registration are to be found in Section G.


SWIFT test system

For the tests, the participant must make available a functioning SWIFT acceptance test environment including their own SWIFT test BIC. The sending of messages using a production BIC to the SIX Interbank Clearing test system and vice versa is not possible. For test purposes, the SWIFT test BIC of the financial institution is required. The new participant must inform SIX Interbank Clearing immediately if a) they have no SWIFT test environment in which to send and receive messages. b) they are unable to test all the messages prescribed in the acceptance testing process. SIX Interbank Clearing makes adequate credit for test purposes available every day at the start of clearing. Apart from the different clearing times (approx. 12.00 CET), the test system offers the same conditions as the production system.


SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA)

RMA is carried out shortly before test and production operation begin. To do this, SIX Interbank Clearing will contact the bank.


Tests before production starts

Every financial institution must complete an acceptance test before production can begin. During this time, the customers can familiarise themselves with SIX Interbank Clearing's systems and acquire the necessary knowledge about, for example, correct formatting of payments. SIX Interbank Clearing makes its test environment available for this purpose. The test consists of a so-called compulsory part and an "optional" part. The voluntary tests serve to ensure that financial institutions are able to produce all the required message types. Details on the tests can be found in Section F. It is recommended that all the examples shown there are tested. The test process is supported by the Operations Center. This should therefore be notified before testing begins, by phone +41 58 399 4200 or by e-mail to operations@sixgroup.com.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for the additional delivery via SWIFT FIN

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Start of production
Having successfully completed the acceptance testing, the financial institution can begin the migration. This must be done by arrangement with the Operations Center and allowing for the usual lead time for mutations.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for migration to remoteGATE


Going into operation for migration to remoteGATE

This section describes how to go into operation for SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who want to convert it to remoteGATE.


The following conditions are required: Application for participation Participation in the SIC/euroSIC system SWIFT production and test system Closed User Group Registration SWIFT RMA Completed test procedure and authorization from SIX Interbank Clearing


SIC/euroSIC documentation The following documentation is to be provided by the financial institution:

Form (SIC/euroSIC) Application for participation Person in charge of service SWIFT CUG confirmation SWIFT RMA Online form: BC Segment (Test/Production) Online form: Settlement Segment (Test/Production)


SIC/euroSIC master data

SIX Interbank Clearing requires the relevant master data sheets (BC Segment/Settlement Segment) at least fifteen days before the start of test or production operation. These can be filled in by the financial institution on the Extranet and submitted online. It is not possible for test or production operation to begin without the correct master data. For the online forms BC Segment (Test/Production) and Settlement Segment (Test/Production), a data entry aid is available.


The average lead time before productive operation can begin is 6 weeks from the receipt of the completed documentation at SIX Interbank Clearing. Experience shows this to be the average length of time, but it depends among other things on whether all the tests are successful. In some cases the process may take longer. A financial institution states its preferred date for commencing production when it submits its application. This is confirmed or adjusted by SIX Interbank Clearing. It is only possible for this date to be altered to a limited extent, because that then affects the timing for other financial institutions. SIX Interbank Clearing therefore reserves the right to refuse requests to alter the date.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for migration to remoteGATE

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Responsibility for services

The person in charge of services is the point of contact for a particular service. A financial institution appoints one person for each service, who may be responsible for more than one service.


SWIFT Closed User Group

SIX Interbank Clearing is a SWIFT participant in the PCH (Payments Clearing House) category. Financial institutions must register their participation in the CUG (Closed User Group) online with SWIFT. SWIFT requires about two to three weeks to process this registration. SWIFT informs the financial institution directly when it has been included in the CUG. Details of the registration are to be found in Section G.


SWIFT test system

For the tests, the participant must make available a functioning SWIFT acceptance test environment including their own SWIFT test BIC. The sending of messages using a production BIC to the SIX Interbank Clearing test system and vice versa is not possible. For test purposes, the SWIFT test BIC of the financial institution is required. The new participant must inform SIX Interbank Clearing immediately if a) they have no SWIFT test environment in which to send and receive messages. b) they are unable to test all the messages prescribed in the acceptance testing process. SIX Interbank Clearing makes adequate credit for test purposes available every day at the start of clearing. Apart from the different clearing times (approx. 12.00 CET), the test system offers the same conditions as the production system.


SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA)

RMA is carried out shortly before test and production operation begin. To do this, SIX Interbank Clearing will contact the bank.


Tests before production starts

Every financial institution must complete an acceptance test before production can begin. During this time, the customers can familiarise themselves with SIX Interbank Clearing's systems and acquire the necessary knowledge about, for example, correct formatting of payments. SIX Interbank Clearing makes its test environment available for this purpose. The test consists of a so-called compulsory part and an "optional" part. The voluntary tests serve to ensure that financial institutions are able to produce all the required message types. Details on the tests can be found in Section F. It is recommended that all the examples shown there are tested. The test process is supported by the Operations Center. This should therefore be notified before testing begins, by phone +41 58 399 4200 or by e-mail to operations@sixgroup.com.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for migration to remoteGATE


Start of production
Having successfully completed the acceptance testing, the financial institution can begin the migration. This must be done by arrangement with the Operations Center and allowing for the usual lead time for mutations.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Going into operation for obtaining SWIFT MT950

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Going into operation for obtaining SWIFT MT950

This section describes how to go into operation for SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who carry out reconciliation in SIC/euroSIC via SWIFT MT950.


Requirements SIC/euroSIC
The following conditions are required: Application for participation SWIFT production and test system Closed User Group Registration (through SWIFT) SWIFT RMA


SIC/euroSIC documentation The following documentation is to be provided by the financial institution (to be checked/supplemented by the Operations Center):
Form (SIC/euroSIC) Application for participation Person in charge of service SWIFT RMA SWIFT CUG Registration (Test/Live) Online form: Delivery Segment (Test/Production)


SIC/euroSIC master data

SIX Interbank Clearing requires the relevant master data sheets (BC Segment/Settlement Segment) at least fifteen days before the start of test or production operation. These can be filled in by the financial institution on the Extranet and submitted online. It is not possible for test or production operation to begin without the correct master data. For the online forms BC Segment (Test/Production) and Settlement Segment (Test/Production), a data entry aid is available.


The average lead time before productive operation can begin is 6 weeks from the receipt of the completed documentation at SIX Interbank Clearing. Experience shows this to be the average length of time, but it depends among other things on whether all the tests are successful. In some cases the process may take longer. A financial institution states its preferred date for commencing production when it submits its application. This is confirmed or adjusted by SIX Interbank Clearing. It is only possible for this date to be altered to a limited extent, because that then affects the timing for other financial institutions. SIX Interbank Clearing therefore reserves the right to refuse requests to alter the date.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Going into operation for obtaining SWIFT MT950


SWIFT Closed User Group

SIX Interbank Clearing is a SWIFT participant in the PCH (Payments Clearing House) category. Financial institutions must register their participation in the CUG (Closed User Group) online with SWIFT. SWIFT requires about two to three weeks to process this registration. SWIFT informs the financial institution directly when it has been included in the CUG. Details of the registration are to be found in Section G.


SWIFT test system

For the tests, the participant must make available a functioning SWIFT acceptance test environment including their own SWIFT test BIC. The sending of messages using a production BIC to the SIX Interbank Clearing test system and vice versa is not possible. For test purposes, the SWIFT test BIC of the financial institution is required. The new participant must inform SIX Interbank Clearing immediately if a) they have no SWIFT test environment in which to send and receive messages. b) they are unable to test all the messages prescribed in the acceptance testing process. SIX Interbank Clearing makes adequate credit for test purposes available every day at the start of clearing. Apart from the different clearing times (approx. 12.00 CET), the test system offers the same conditions as the production system.


SWIFT Relation Management Authorisation (RMA)

RMA is carried out shortly before test and production operation begin. To do this, SIX Interbank Clearing will contact the bank.


Tests before production starts

The financial institution checks whether it can carry out reconciliation correctly using SWIFT MT950.


Start of production
Having successfully completed the acceptance testing, the financial institution can begin the migration. This must be done by arrangement with the Operations Center and allowing for the usual lead time for mutations.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011



Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section B


Unless otherwise stated, the messages described can be used for both SIC (CHF) and euroSIC (EUR). SIX Interbank Clearing decides on the basis of the fields that are completed in a SWIFT message into which SIC/euroSIC message it should be converted. This is why different types of SIC/euroSIC payment can be handled with one SWIFT message type, and these are each explained in their own section. To help you find the right section, the title gives both the SWIFT message type and the corresponding SIC/euroSIC message type and the type of payment. For each message, the relevant SWIFT fields for SIC or euroSIC are shown in a table with the field name and SIC status. The given SIC status may be different from the SWIFT status of the corresponding field. The following are possible: M = Mandatory O = Optional C = Conditional (i.e. mandatory in certain cases)


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT



Special features of payments

The sending bank only receives acknowledgement messages if a transaction was rejected.


Identifying the beneficiary bank

A sending bank defines which beneficiary bank in SIC/euroSIC is to receive the credit by filling in the SWIFT fields 56a-58a. The beneficiary bank (B-Bank) is identified as follows:
Field Comment/content 1. It must be possible to identify the B-Bank from the first SWIFT field that is used (56a-58a). Otherwise the transaction will be rejected. 2. If, in the first SWIFT field that is used, both the values "Identifier Code" and "Party Identifier" are used for Option A, the value from "Party Identifier" is ignored. 3. Values in the "Location" or "Name & Address" fields are ignored. 4. The "Party Identifier" field should be filled in with the 6-character SIC no. as shown in the BC Bank Master Data.

Identification of the BBank 1


Payments can be given priority codes. Payments with higher priorities will be processed first. This is important, for example, if payments have to be made which bypass a queue. For details on priority codes, Section E.


Transaction Reference Number (SWIFT field 20)

A transaction reference number can only be assigned once within an eight day period (two days in the past, the present value date and five pre-valued days).


Bank-to-Bank Information (SWIFT field 72)

If several SIC fields which have to be converted into SWIFT field :72 contain the maximum amount of data, the data cannot always be supplied in full online.

Applies to customer-to-bank and bank-to-bank payments 29

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Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Value date fields

A participant prescribes a value date (SWIFT 32A) for outgoing payments; the SIC/euroSIC system, on the other hand, uses the "Target value date" 2 and "Settlement date" 3 fields. The contents of these fields may be different, for details please see the SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section B1, paragraph "Setting the settlement date". When a settled payment is being delivered to the beneficiary bank, the following therefore applies to all SWIFT messages:
Field User Header in FIN, Message User Reference; Feld 108 (Optional Message User Reference) 32A Comment/content The settlement date and settlement time are shown using the following code words: Settlement date = Code A plus date in the form (YYMMDD) Settlement time = Code T plus time in the form (HHMMSS) The required value date from the original message is transferred into SWIFT field 32A.


MT202COV/B12 (cover payments)

Banks can send cover payments via SWIFT MT202COV/B12 to SIC and euroSIC. These messages are also sent out as MT202COV/B12 to those banks that are connected via SWIFT. For SIC/euroSIC Interface banks, they are sent out as MT B12 "Extended covering funds (cover payment)" (see also SIC/euroSIC User Manual).

2 3

SIC field 16; the value date required by the sender bank SIC field 92A; the clearing day on which the transaction was actually settled Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT



For details about STP payments in SIC/euroSIC, please see the "STP-Guide" produced by the working group on STP in payment transactions, reporting to the Payment Committee Switzerland. Comments on individual fields:
Field 56a 57a 59a Comment/content In the Party Identifier an IBAN (CH or LI) counts as an STP feature. In the Party Identifier an IBAN (CH or LI) counts as an STP feature. 1. The IBAN (CH or LI) counts as an STP feature. 2. The 27-character ES reference number from the encoding line on the red "ES Bank" counts as an STP feature. 3. The postal account number only counts as an STP feature if the transaction is not sent directly to a bank. 4 Use of this field is a non-STP feature. Excluded from this are transactions with remoteGATE codes (see Section E).


An MT103/A10 counts as STP provided that the following conditions are met: Comments on individual fields:
Field 59a 72 Comment/content Contains the ES reference number or IBAN or alternatively the postal account number of the beneficiary. 5 Contains only remoteGATE codes.

An MT103/A11 counts as STP provided that the following conditions are met: Comments on individual fields:
Field 57a 59a 72 Comment/content Where a Party Identifier is used, an IBAN (CH or LI) is given. In the account, an IBAN (CH or LI) is given or alternatively the postal account number of the beneficiary. 1. Contains only remoteGATE codes. 2. Returns (code/SICAVIS/9) in SWIFT field 72 count as STP.

An MT103/A15 counts always as STP.

4 5

Only recommended for payments under section B.3.3.2. The postal account number only counts as an STP feature if the transaction is not sent directly to a bank. That is why this is only recommended for payments under section B.3.3.2.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

MT103/A10 is used for processing bank bulk payment transactions. This payment can be automatically processed by the beneficiary's bank provided that it is sent with a valid account number and the necessary data about the beneficiary. The following cases where MT103/A10 may be used are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: STP payment without deposit slip (see B.3.1) Non-STP payment with red deposit slip (see B.3.2) STP payment with red deposit slip (see B.3.3) STP payment with International Payment Instruction (IPI) (see B.3.4) Payment instruction (see B.3.5) For a SIC/euroSIC A10 customer payment, only the following fields on the MT103 SWIFT message should be completed:
SWIFT field ID 20 23B 32A 33B 36 50a 57a 59a 70 71A 71F 72 SWIFT field name Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Exchange Rate Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges Senders Charges Sender to Receiver Information SIC status M M M O O M M M O O O O

Comments on individual fields:

Field 23B 57A 72 Comment/content Only CRED possible Both the "Party Identifier" and the Identifier Code (BIC) can be used. In this case only the BIC is transfered. If possible only use remoteGATE codes (e.g. /SICAVIS/1 for salary payments) or /AUTH/. Details see Section E.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment


STP customer payment

This use of SWIFT MT103/A10 applies to processing customer payments made into a bank account with no accompanying deposit slip.


Example: STP customer payment The Remote Bank Frankfurt transfers CHF 250,000 on behalf of the watch wholesaler to the account of the Horlogerie de Joux at the Banque Commerciale, Fribourg. Since the payment complies with the requirements of the Swiss STP definition, the transaction counts as STP.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ k84cmt CRED 051118CHF250000, CHF250000, /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude //SW09881 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets SHA

57C 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer


Details of Charges


Non-STP payment with red deposit slip

This use of SWIFT MT103/A10 applies to processing customer payments made with a red deposit slip (ES) issued by the banks or PostFinance (only possible in SIC). Details on deposit slips are provided in the Technical Rules and Regulations, Appendix I-2. Comments on individual fields:
Field 57a 59a Comment/content May be a bank or PostFinance. Proprietary account number or beneficiary reference or IBAN. When using the beneficiary reference, Field 2 or Fields 1-3 of the encoding line should be reproduced. It is the responsibility of the sender to validate the contents (check the plausibility of the account or reference number).

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Non-STP payment with a red deposit slip in favour of the bank The Banque Commerciale receives from the Horlogerie du Joux a red deposit slip (ES) to pay an invoice for CHF 5627.50 payable to Muster AG into their account at the Seldwyla Bank. Since the account number of Muster AG is used, the transaction counts as non-STP.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k84esb CRED 051118CHF5627,50 CHF5627,50 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie de Joux Les Brenets //SW92300 /KK 2.345.123-4 Muster AG Engros-Handel, Bahnhofstr. 5 8001 Zuerich Invoice no. 7496 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer

57C 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment


STP payment with red deposit slip

This use of SWIFT MT103/A10 applies to processing customer payments made with a red deposit slip (ES) issued by the banks or PostFinance (only possible in SIC). Details on deposit slips are provided in the Technical Rules and Regulations, appendix I-2. Comments on individual fields:
Field 57a 59a Comment/content May be a bank or PostFinance. Beneficiary reference or IBAN. When using the beneficiary reference, Field 2 or Fields 1-3 of the encoding line should be reproduced. It is the responsibility of the sender to validate the contents (check the plausibility of the account or reference number).

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: STP payment with a red deposit slip in favor of the bank The Banque Commerciale receives from the Horlogerie du Joux a red deposit slip (ES) to pay an invoice for CHF 5627.50 payable to Muster AG into their account at the Seldwyla Bank. In order to handle the transaction in accordance with the Swiss STP definition, the Banque Commerciale uses the 27-character ES reference number instead of the account number for Muster AG.


Designation Sender Receiver


20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code

Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount 051118CHF5627,50 Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer CHF5627,50 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie de Joux Les Brenets //SW92300 /192532685100000000234512348 Muster AG Engros-Handel, Bahnhofstr. 5 8001 Zuerich Invoice no. 7496 SHA

57C 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment


Example: STP payment with red deposit slip with IBAN The Banque Commerciale receives from M. Beispieler a red deposit slip (ES) to pay an invoice for CHF 8479.25 payable to Muster AG into their account at the Seldwyla Bank. Since the IBAN is quoted, the transaction counts as an STP payment.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89esi CRED 051122CHF8479,25 CHF8479,25 M. Beispieler Bahnhofstrasse 356 7000 Chur //SW08888 /CH3808888123456789012 Muster AG Bahnhofstrasse 5 8001 Zuerich Rechnung. Nr. 7496 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer

57C 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: STP payment with red deposit slip in favor of PostFinance The Banque Commerciale receives from Boris Lehmann a red deposit slip (ES) to pay an invoice for CHF 8479.25 payable to Robert Schneider SA into their account at PostFinance. Since the transaction is not forwarded directly to a bank, the transaction meets the requirements of the Swiss STP definition.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89esp CRED 051122CHF8479,25 CHF8479,25 Lehmann Boris Marktplatz 4 9400 Rorschach POFICHBE /250090342 Robert Schneider SA Grands magasins 2501 Biel Invoice no. 408 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer

57A 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment


STP customer payment with IPI

This example of the use of SWIFT MT103/A10 shows the handling of customer payments using IPI. Details on IPI can be found in the Technical Rules and Regulations, Appendix I-2. Comments on individual fields:
Field 57a 59a 70 Comment/content May be a bank or PostFinance. Only IBAN /IPI/ and the reference number


Example: STP customer payment with IPI The Banque Commerciale receives from Peter Haller an IPI to pay an invoice for EUR 3421,00 payable to Muster AG into their account at the Zrcher Kantonalbank. Since the IBAN for Muster AG is used, the transaction counts as STP.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89ipi CRED 051118EUR3421, EUR3421,00 Peter Haller, D-80036 Muenchen //SW00762 /CH9300762011623852957 Muster AG, Seldwyla /IPI/52000005678123480912 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57C 59

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A10: Customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Cash outpayment order (non-STP)

This use of SWIFT MT103/A10 applies to the processing of a cash outpayment order (only possible in SIC). Comments on individual fields:
Field 33B 57A 59 Comment/content Contains the sum to be paid to the beneficiary Always the BIC of PostFinance (POFICHBEXXX) Contains the name and address of the beneficiary of the cash outpayment order. All lines must be filled in. The 4th line must contain a numerical value (postcode) in the first four positions, followed by the name of the location in the remaining 26 positions. Only 30 characters may be used per line. OUR Contains the charges calculated by the sender for cash outpayment orders according to the PostFinance price list. Must contain the code /SICAVIS/3 or /SICAVIS/4. In the case of notification code /SICAVIS/3, the relevant PostFinance supplement must be entered in field 71G. In the case of notification codes 3 and 4, SIC checks whether the charges in 71G have been calculated correctly.

71A 71G 72


Example: Cash outpayment order The Horlogerie de Joux wants to transfer CHF 750 to their colleague Pierre Mueller. Pierre Mueller is currently in a non-local hospital following an accident and therefore asks for the money to be paid to him personally in cash (i.e. following authentication) by cash outpayment order.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer 1 2 3 4 Line Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89zaw CRED 051118CHF779,00 CHF750,00 Horlogerie de Joux Les Brenets POFICHBE Pierre Mueller Marienkrankenhaus Rorschach Zimmer B504 9400 Rorschach Personal cash outpayment order OUR CHF29,00 /SICAVIS/3

70 71A 71G 72

Remittance Information Details of Charges Receivers Charges Sender to Receiver Information


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment


SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment

In principle, MT103/A11 is like MT103/A10 (see section B.3); the additional fields are all optional and mainly intended for more complex situations where money is being forwarded. The following cases where MT103/A11 may be used are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: STP payment using a multiple beneficiaries structure (see B.4.1) Non-STP payment with euroES or euroESR of PostFinance (see B.4.2) Cross-border customer payment (see B.4.4) For an A11 SIC/euroSIC customer payment, the following fields of the MT103 SWIFT message can be filled in:
SWIFT field ID 20 23B 23E 26T 32A 33B 36 50a 52a 56a 57a 59a 70 71A 71F 72 SWIFT field name Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Instruction Code Transaction Type Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Exchange rate Ordering Customer Ordering Institution Intermediary Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges Senders Charges Sender to Receiver Information SIC status M M O O M O O M O O M M O O O O

SIX Interbank Clearing decides on the basis of the fields that are filled in the MT103 SWIFT message whether this should be converted in SIC/euroSIC as an A11 extended customer payment or an A10 customer payment. Comments on individual fields:
Field 23B Comment/content Codes SPRI; SSTD; SPAY not allowed

56a, 57a Only options A, C or D possible 56A, 57A //SW can be used in both the account number line and BIC. In that case, only the BIC is used. 72 If possible only use remoteGATE codes. Details see Section E.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Payment using a multiple beneficiaries structure

In some cases it can happen that the postal account named in a payment is not in the name of the beneficiary but of a third party. In these cases the payment is to be processed as MT103/A11. Comments on individual fields:
Field 56 57D 59 Comment/content POFICHBE (always BIC of PostFinance) The holder of the account with PostFinance The legal beneficiary (not the account holder). The account number is to be made up to nine digits.


Example: Payment using a multiple beneficiaries structure The Horlogerie de Joux pays an invoice for CHF 50 to the smallholding Stoos. The latter asks the Banque Commerciale Fribourg to send the invoice total to account no. 40-4616-0 belonging to the Grossisten Gartencenter (Wholesalers' Garden Centre), Schwyz at PostFinance.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ K90MBS CRED 051118CHF50, CHF50, /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets BACOCHFR POFICHBE /400045160 Grossisten Gartencenter, Schwyz /123456.789 Kleingaertnerei Stoos 71A Details of Charges SHA

52A 56A 57D 59

Ordering Institution Intermediary Institution Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment


Non-STP payment with euroES 6 of PostFinance

The Banque Commerciale receives from Boris Lehmann a red deposit slip (ES) to pay an invoice for EUR 1250 payable to Maria Bernasconi into their account at PostFinance.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89ese CRED 051122EUR1250,00 EUR1250,00 Lehmann Boris Marktplatz 4 9400 Rorschach POFICHBE /919999993 Maria Bernasconi Eurostrasse 2000 1234 Irgendwo Rg. 1207 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer

57A 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges

The deposit slip always results in a non-STP payment

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Non-STP payment with euroESR 7 in favor of PostFinance The Banque Commerciale receives from Hans Muster an orange deposit slip with reference number (ESR) to settle an invoice for CHF 3,949.75 payable to Maria Bernasconi's account with PostFinance.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89eer CRED 051122EUR3949,75 EUR3949,75 /CH5008841123456789012 Hans Muster Weg 2003 1234 Irgendwo POFICHBE /030000014 Maria Bernasconi Eurostrasse 2000 1234 Irgendwo /ESR/2100000000031394714300 09017 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer

57A 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A

Remittance Information Details of Charges

The deposit slip always results in a non-STP payment


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A11: Extended customer payment


SEPA credit transfers

By means of MT103/A11, euroSIC participants can send SEPA credit transfers. The outgoing SEPA credit transfers will be converted by euroSIC to a FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer in accordance with SWIFT MX Standard (pacs.008.001.01) and forwarded via SECB. Details about SEPA transfers can be found in the Handbook for financial institutions for participation in the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme.


Non-SEPA credit transfers

Payments to financial institutions outside euroSIC are forwarded by SECB Swiss Euro Clearing Bank GmbH. The routing to the SECB is done by specifying the BIC of SECB (SECGDEFF) in the SWIFT field 56A by the A-Bank or automatically during the conversion. The second variant occurs, if the payment is addressed to a bank, which is not participating in euroSIC. These payments will be automatically sent to the SECB. By using appropriate codes or filling in the appropriate fields, the A-Bank can forward payments to the German electronic bulk payment system EMZ. Details are available on demand from the SECB.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Returning a payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Returning a payment
Customer payments which cannot be credited to a beneficiary because of incomplete, incorrect or unrecognised information must be returned to the financial institution of the ordering party. The process is governed by Appendix I-8 "Return of payments that cannot be processed in SIC/euroSIC" of the Technical Rules and Regulations. It is essential that the beneficiary's bank returns such payments according to this system. The following cases where MT103/A11 may be used are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Return of payments that cannot be processed in SIC/euroSIC (see B.5.1.3) Return of ESR payments that cannot be processed in SIC/euroSIC (see B.5.1.6) Return of incoming payments via SECB that cannot be processed in euroSIC (see B.5.1.7) Comments on individual fields:
Field 32A 33B 50a 57a 70 Comment/content Amount of original credit transfer. Note: in national payment transactions no charges are applied. Original credit transfer amount. Contains optionally the internal transaction number and the short name of the sender taken from the SIC bank master data. Original sender to which the payment should be returned. Fix text /RFB/ and the original reference number Original data from the original credit transfer 72 Payment reference of the ordering customer should be given if available. If this is more than 30 characters long in the original message, it can be continued on the second line. For returns via SECB, code /ACC/ is to be used. 32A 52a 20 70 72 Field in original message 32A

Note: This section is about rules on how to handle returns. The messages have not been validated to check they are technically accurate.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Returning a payment


Returns within SIC and euroSIC

National returns can be easily distinguished in SWIFT field 72 from those for returns arising from incoming payments via SECB.


MT103 A10/A11 return with payment reference < 31 characters

Field 59a 59a Line 1 2-4 Comment Original bank postal account number (if available) Beneficiary's address Content Account number Original ordering party's address from the payment which is being returned /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/ plus payment reference /RETOUR/ A10 A11 DD.MM.YYYY (original value date) //BEGUENSTIGTER UNBEKANNT Origin Field 50a Field 50a


1 2

Code for return Payment reference of the ordering customer (if available) Error message

generate Field 72 /ROC/ plus payment reference generate

4 5-6

Variable error text

generate Field 59

27-character ES reference //ES reference no. and no. (if available on account name & address line); name & address of the beneficiary from the original payment


MT103 A10/A11 return with payment reference > 30 characters

Field 59a 59a Line 1 2-4 Comment Original bank postal account number (if available) Beneficiary's address Content Account number Original ordering party's address from the payment which is being returned /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/ plus payment reference a) //max. 5 characters and separator "BLANK" and b) Text: "RETOUR A10 A11 DD.MM.YYYY (original value date)" //BEGUENSTIGTER UNBEKANNT Origin Field 50a Field 50a


1 2

Code for return Payment reference of the ordering customer (if available) Remaining characters of the payment reference of the ordering customer and error message Variable error text

generate Field 72 /ROC/ plus payment reference a) Field 72 b) generate

4 5-6

generate Field 59

27-character ES reference //ES reference no. and no. (if available on account name & address line); name & address of the beneficiary from the original payment

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Returning a payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Return of a payment A10/A11 The Banque Commerciale Fribourg returns a payment to Remote Bank Frankfurt, because the beneficiary, Mller SA, Le Locle, cannot be identified.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Line Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ 2000abc CRED 051118CHF100000, CHF100000, /0815 BANQUE COMMERCIALE FRIBOURG REMODEFF /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude /RFB/k100cmt Rechnung 1234 SHA 1 2 3 4 5 6 /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/12345678789789 /RETOUR/ A10 A11 21.09.2006 //BEGUENSTIGTER UNBEKANNT //Mueller SA //Le Locle

70 71A 72

Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information


MT103 A10/A15 return with payment reference < 31 characters

Field 59a 72 Line 2-4 1 2 Comment Fix text Code for return Payment reference of the ordering customer (if available) Error text Content "Unknown ESR customer " /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/ plus payment reference /RETOUR/ A15 DD.MM.YYYY (original value date) //ESR-REF./ESR-TN-NR. UNBEKANNT Origin generate generate Field 72 /ROC/ plus payment reference generate

4 5 6

Variable error text Fix text Fix text


//original ESR reference 70 value of number without code /RFB/ /RFB/ //original ESR participant number 59 nach Text "VESR PARTICIPANT"


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Returning a payment


MT103 A10/A15 return with payment reference > 30 characters

Field 59a 72 Line 2-4 1 2 Comment Fix text Code for return Payment reference of the ordering customer (if available) Remaining characters of the payment reference of the ordering customer and error message Variable error text Fix text Fix text Content "Unknown ESR customer " /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/ plus payment reference a) //max. 5 characters and separator "BLANK" and b) Text: "RETOUR A10 A11 DD.MM.YYYY (original value date)" //ESR-REF./ESR-TN-NR. UNBEKANNT Origin generate generate Field 72 /ROC/ plus payment reference a) Field 72 b) generate

4 5 6


//original ESR reference 70 value of number without code /RFB/ /RFB/ original ESR participant number 59 from text "VESR PARTICIPANT"


Example: Return of a payment MT103/A15 The Banque Commerciale Fribourg returns a payment to Remote Bank Frankfurt, because the ESR participant cannot be identified.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 70 71A 72 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information 1 2 3 4 5 6 Line Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ 2000abc CRED 051118CHF2830,50 CHF2830,50 /0815 BANQUE COMMERCIALE FRIBOURG REMODEFF Unknown ESR customer /RFB/ k89esr SHA /SICAVIS/9 /ROC/1234567890 /RETOUR/ A15 18.11.2005 //ESR-REF./TN-NR UNBEKANNT //215703000075200334559000126 //010001456

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Returning a payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Return of a non-SEPA payment via SECB The Banque Commerciale Fribourg returns a transfer to Remote Bank Frankfurt, because the beneficiary, Mller SA, Le Locle, cannot be identified. With these returns, the code /ACC/ is to be used in SWIFT field 72.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/ Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Line Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ 2000abc CRED 080318EUR100000, EUR100000, /0815 BANQUE COMMERCIALE FRIBOURG TEBADEFF /DE21700519950000007229 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude /RFB/k100cmt SHA 1 2 3 4 5 6 /SICAVIS/9 /ACC/RETOUR VAL 13.03.2008 //Mueller SA //Rue de la Gare //Le Locle

70 71A 72

Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information


SEPA returns
SEPA credit transfers which cannot be credited to a beneficiary because of incomplete, incorrect or unrecognized information must be returned to the financial institution of the ordering party. The process is governed by Appendix I-8 "Return of payments that cannot be processed in SIC/euroSIC" of the Technical Rules and Regulations and the Handbook for financial institutions for participation in the SEPA Direct Debit Scheme for euroSIC. It is essential that euroSIC participants return SEPA payments using this process.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment


SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment

MT103/A15 is used to process payments resulting from the VESR procedure (Verfahren Einzahlungs-Schein mit Referenznummer = procedure for deposit slip with reference number). This is based on the orange ESRs or ESR+ using layout code 609, which are given by the creditor to their debtors. Where the ESR participant number is that of an SIC participant, and this participant number is entered in the BC segment, the payment is forwarded in the SIC platform directly to the corresponding SIC participant. PostFinance has three ways of structuring participant and reference numbers (5/15, 9/16, 9/27). The banks use only ESR version 9/27. Charges can also be entered in the MT103/A15 (including in favor of PostFinance). The following cases where MT103/A15 may be used are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Customer payment with orange deposit slip For an MT103/A15 payment, the following fields may be filled in:
SWIFT field ID 20 23B 32A 33B 36 57a 59a 70 71A 71F 72 SWIFT field name Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Exchange Rate Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges Senders Charges Sender to Receiver Information SIC status M M M O O M M M O O C

If the fields needed to process the payment as MT103/A15 are not there or are incomplete, the payments are converted in SIC/euroSIC as an A10 or A11 customer payment. It is to be expected that these incorrectly issued payments will be returned by the beneficiary bank. For details on ESR payment slips, please refer to the Technical Rules and Regulations, Appendix I-2 and to the Design Guidelines from PostFinance (441.03). If a financial institution would like to enable its customers to use ESR slips for incoming payments, this must be agreed with PostFinance in advance. It is also recommended that you carry out an acceptance test of the forms with PostFinance.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Customer payment with orange deposit slip

This use of SWIFT MT103/A15 applies to processing customer payments with orange ESRs or ESR+ with layout code 609 (only possible in SIC). Comments on individual fields:
Field 23B 32A 50K Comment/content Only CRED possible Currency must be CHF Generic information, e. g "A15 Ordering Customer". Note: it is not possible to enter a name for the ordering customer. The corresponding SIC message type has no field for entering the debtor name. 57A POFICHBE (always BIC of PostFinance) It is recommended that the PostFinance BIC is used. If a beneficiary bank would like to have the ESR payment forwarded to its SIC settlement account, it must have saved its ESR participant number in the SIC master data. However, the BC number or BIC of the beneficiary bank can also be used. 59a Account number: ESR participant number of the bank (ESR in favor of a bank) or of the beneficiary (ESR in favor of PostFinance). Length = 9n. The last character must be a valid check digit (Modulo 10, recursive). The details should be right-aligned, with the spaces to the left filled with zeros. Structure of a 5-character participant number: 0000nnnnP Structure of a 9-character participant number: 01nnnnnnP Additional checks for: 5-character participant number: Valid values: 000010000 to 000079999 9-character participant number: The structure of the field (99-999999-P) must be noted. The first 2 spaces must contain 01, and the master number must be >000000. Name: Generic information, e.g.: VESR PARTICIPANT Information about the name and account number of the beneficiary cannot be entered. The corresponding SIC message type has no field for entering details of the beneficiary. When payment is made to the beneficiary bank, the ESR participant number of the beneficiary bank is preceded by the text "VESR PARTICIPANT", e.g.:VESR_PARTICIPANT_010001456 ("_" = blank) 70 Code word /ESR/ and ESR reference number (27 characters) The ESR reference number is filled in right-aligned, and made up to 27 characters with leading zeros. In the case of the old 15 character reference number, the 2character check digit is not added. The following validation checks take place: If in field 59a, the account number line, the first two positions are not = 00, the last position must be a valid check digit (Modulo 10, recursive). If in field 59a, the account number line, the first two positions are = 00, there is no further checking. Other details should be omitted. The booking process at the beneficiary's uses only the ESR reference number.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment


Example: STP ESR customer payment in favor of a bank The Banque Commerciale receives from Pia Rutschmann an orange deposit slip with reference number (ESR) to settle an invoice for CHF 2,830.50 payable to Muster AG's account with the Seldwyla Bank.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89esr CRED 051118CHF2830,50 CHF2830,50 A15 ORDERING CUSTOMER POFICHBE /010001456 VESR PARTICIPANT /ESR/2157030000752003345590 00126 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 70 71A

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: STP ESR customer payment in favor of PostFinance The Banque Commerciale receives from Pia Rutschmann an orange deposit slip with reference number (ESR) to settle an invoice for CHF 3,949.75 payable to Robert Schneider SA's account with PostFinance.


Designation Sender Receiver

Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k89esr CRED 051118CHF3949,75 CHF3949,75 A15 ORDERING CUSTOMER POFICHBE /010391391 VESR PARTICIPANT /ESR/2100000000031394714300 09017 SHA

20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57A 59 70 71A

Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT103/A15: VESR payment


ESR payment received from customer using MT103/A15

This example of the use of SWIFT MT103/A15 shows the receipt of customer payments with an orange ESR or ESR+ with layout code 609 (only possible in SIC). Where the ESR reference number is used, the "Account Number" in field 59a is not the account number of the beneficiary. Here the ESR participant number of the beneficiary's bank is shown. The beneficiary himself is entered in the ESR reference number in field 70. Comments on individual fields:
Field 50K 59a Comment/content Fix text "A15 Ordering Customer". Fix text "VESR_PARTICIPANT" and the ESR participant number of the beneficiary bank e.g.: VESR_PARTICIPANT_010001456 ("_" = blank) Codeword /ESR/ and ESR reference number (27 characters).



Example: ESR payment received from customer using MT103/A15 On the basis of the example in B.6.1.1, the Seldwyla Bank receives a credit for CHF 2,830.50 via MT103/A15, in favor of Muster AG.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 52A 59 70 71A Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Ordering Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Details of Charges Content TKZHCHZZ SELDCHXX k89esr CRED 051118CHF2830,50 CHF2830,50 A15 ORDERING CUSTOMER BACOCHFR VESR PARTICIPANT 010001456 /ESR/2100000000031394714300 09017 SHA

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT202/B10: Balancing payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT202/B10: Balancing payment

MT202/B10 is used only for balancing payments between clearing banks. The beneficiary bank can recognize the original transaction from the remoteGATE code /SICPTCOD/ and the SIC payment code, which must be sent at the same time.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 32A 58a 72 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information SIC status M C M M M

Comments on individual fields:

Field 21 Comment/content Must be there in the case of a conformity payment (3rd position of the payment code = 1 or =3 respectively). Either field 21 or field 72 with /REFORD must be there, or both fields may be there. On the subject of valuation see also section A4.2/A4.3 of the SIC/euroSIC User Manual. remoteGATE Code /SICPTCOD/ plus 3-character SIC payment code. If it is necessary for settlement to be on the same value date between clearing stop 1 and clearing stop 2, this is only defined by the payment code. SIC payment codes can be seen in section D4 of the SIC/euroSIC User Manual. Optionally possible: /REFORD/ and reference number (max. 16 characters) One of field 21 or field 72 with /REFORD must be there, or both fields may be there. In the case of ESR credit notes (payment code 712), the ordering party reference number is structured as follows: BYYMMDDKKKKKKKKK, where: B = type of entry (B = EGA-B, V = EGA-V, E = ESR) YYMMDD = Value date KKKKKKKKK = Account number

32A 72


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT202/B10: Balancing payment


Example: Balancing payment after clearing stop 1

The Banque Commerciale, Fribourg transfers CHF 500,000 to the Remote Bank Hanover. This means that payments by the Remote Bank that have not yet been settled because of a shortage of funds can still be settled between clearing stop 1 and clearing stop 2.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 32A 58A 72 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ d99dck NONREF 051118CHF500000, REMODEFF /SICPTCOD/222

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT202/B11: Bank-to-bank payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT202/B11: Bank-to-bank payment

MT202/B11 is used for bank-to-bank payments.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 32A 52a 56a 57a 58a 72 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Ordering Institution Intermediary Account with Institution Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information SIC status M M M O O O M O

Comments on individual fields:

Field 58A 72 Comment/content Where payments arrive following the daily sight deposit transactions, in SIC the system manager (SNB) is entered instead of the SIC participant. If possible only enter remoteGATE code /SICPRIO/ (see Section E). Where payments arrive following the daily sight deposit transactions, in euroSIC the text "/INS/and the BIC of the euroSIC participant" and the text "/REC/BALANCE TRANSFER" are entered.


Example: Bank-to-bank payment

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt (SWIFT BIC REMODEFF) transfers CHF 1,000,000 to its account with the Schweizerische Bank, Zurich (SWIFT BIC SCHBCHZH).
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 32A 57A 58A Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Account With Institution Beneficiary Institution Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ d98rep NONREF 051118CHF1000000, SCHBCHZH REMODEFF


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT202COV/B12: bank-to-bank payments


SWIFT MT202COV/B12: bank-to-bank payments

The MT202COV/B12 message is used for bank-to-bank payments to give information about the underlying credit transfer instruction.
SWIFT field ID SWIFT field name SIC status

A General Information 20 21 32A 52a 56a 57a 58a 72 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Ordering Institution Intermediary Account with Institution Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information M M M O O O M O

B Underlying customer credit transfer details 50a 52a 56a 57a 59a 70 72 33B Ordering Customer Ordering Institution Intermediary Account with Institution Beneficiary Customer Remittance Information Sender to Receiver Information Currency/Instructed Amount M O O O M O O O

Comments on individual fields:

Field Comment/content

56a/57a/ Where the "Party Identifier" is used in the A Sequence, the 6-character SIC number 58a as given in the BC Bank Master Data must be used. 72 If possible, only enter the remoteGATE code /SICPRIO/ (see Section E).

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT202COV/B12: bank-to-bank payments

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: cover payment

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt (SWIFT BIC REMODEFF) sent an MT103 directly to the Banque de Commerce in Brussels (SWIFT BIC BACOBRBE). The Schweizerische Bank is the CHF correspondent of the Banca Commerciale. So the Remote Bank sends a cover payment MT202COV to the Schweizerische Bank, Zurich (SWIFT BIC SCHBCHZH).
Field Designation Sender Receiver Mandatory Sequence A General Information 20 21 32A 57A 58A Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Account With Institution Beneficiary Institution d98rep MT103IT 101118CHF1000000, SCHBCHZH BACOBRBE Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ

B Underlying customer credit transfer details 50K Ordering Customer /DE89370400440532013000 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude /987654321 Paul Miller Low Street 15 London GB


Beneficiary Customer


Cross-border bank-to-bank payment

Payments to financial institutions outside euroSIC are forwarded by SECB Swiss Euro Clearing Bank GmbH. The routing to the SECB is done by specifying the BIC of SECB (SECGDEFF) in the SWIFT field 56A by the A-Bank or automatically during the conversion. The second variant occurs, if the payment is addressed to a bank, which is not participating in euroSIC. These payments will be automatically sent to the SECB. The specifications for cross-border bank-to-bank payments are contained in the document "Business rules for cross-border payments" of the SECB. The document is available on demand from the SECB.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MTn92/H70: Cancelation of a payment


SWIFT MTn92/H70: Cancelation of a payment

By using this type of message, individual payments in the waiting file (value date today or pre-value dated) can be canceled by the sender. MT103 must be canceled with MT192, MT202 with MT292. Banks can only present cancelations of payments with "value date today" until clearing stop 2. Only payments in the waiting file (value date today or pre-value dated) can be canceled. Payments that have already been settled can no longer be canceled. MT104/D10 direct debits cannot be canceled with MT192/H70. SIX Interbank Clearing performs no manual interventions. It is therefore essential that the information is correct. If a reference cannot be traced, the cancelation will not be carried out. It is possible to check online to find out whether a cancelation was successful.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 11S 79

SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference MT and Date of the Original Message Narrative Copy of at least the Mandatory Fields of the Original Message

SIC status M M M M M

Comments on individual fields:

Field Header 21 11S 79 Comment/content Sender BIC of the original message Transaction number of the payment to be canceled Three-digit number of the message type with which the payment order was given and the date from field 32A of the original message Entering a text in the narrative field is optional

Original Message (OSMG): Field 32A of the original message must be there in full; the OSMG field must begin with ":32A". Note: Depending on the application, (e.g. with SWIFT Alliance) the data from the "original message" may have to be entered in a separate field.


Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface

For SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who send SWIFT FIN (e.g. MT202COV) to SIC/euroSIC, the following applies: Incorrect SWIFT-FIN transactions can, alternatively, also be canceled using SIC message H70.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MTn92/H70: Cancelation of a payment

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Cancelation of a customer payment

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt presented the following payment order to the SIC system and shortly afterwards wants to cancel the payment. Customer payment SWIFT MT103/A10 to be canceled:
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K Transaction Reference Number Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ k104cmt CRED 051118CHF5000, CHF5000,00 /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude //SW08841 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets SHA

57C 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer


Details of Charges

Cancelation of the customer payment using SWIFT MT192/H70:

Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 11S 79 OSMG Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Message Type and Date of Original Message Sent Narrative :32A:051118CHF5000, Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ stornok104cmt k104cmt 103 051118 /Annullation/


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MTn96/S32: NOK message


SWIFT MTn96/S32: NOK message

This message is used to inform the sender that there were errors in the original message. The sender must send the original message again with a new transaction reference number. Details on SIC error messages can be found in section D 6 of the SIC/euroSIC User Manual. The SIC/SWIFT field conversions can be seen in Section D.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 76 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers

Comments on individual fields:

Field 20 Comment/content Fix text: "NOK-FROM-SGW-CHF" or "NOK-FROM-SGW-EUR" or "NOK-FROM-SIC-CHF" or "NOK-FROM-SIC-EUR" 21 Field 20 reference from the corresponding order.

If error message: NOK-FROM-SGW-CHF or NOK-FROM-SGW-EUR:

Field 76 Comment/content Fix text: SGW-ERROR-CODE plus error code (according to the SIC/euroSIC User Manual) and indication of the SWIFT field in which the error occurred. This information is shown in the format eee:fff (3-character SIC error code, SWIFT field number). Example: NOK-FROM-SGW 103:20 Exception: If the beneficiary bank cannot be shown, then SIC field 18 is shown in place of SWIFT field 56/57/58. Example: NOK-FROM-SGW 103:18

If error message: NOK-FROM-SIC-CHF or NOK-FROM-SIC-EUR

Field 76 Comment/content Fix text: "SIC-ERROR-CODE" plus error code and indication of the SIC field in which the error occurred. This information is shown in the format eee:fff (3-character SIC error code, SIC field number). Details on SIC fields and on the corresponding SWIFT fields can be found in Section C. Example: SIC ERROR CODE 178:40S

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MTn96/S32: NOK message

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: NOK message wrong Senders Reference

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt sends two MT103/A10 with the same Senders Reference. The second payment is rejected in the course of conversion. The error code 103:20 tells us that the content of SWIFT field 20 is invalid (Code 103). A reference can only occur once within the permitted value dates (5 days pre-value date, today and 2 days in the past).
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ NOK-FROM-SGW k84cmt SGW ERROR CODE 103:20


Example: NOK message wrong value date

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt sends an MT103/A10 with an incorrect value date. The error code 103:16 tells us that the content of SIC field 16 (intended value date) is invalid (Code 103).
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ NOK-FROM-SIC-CHF k84cmt SIC ERROR CODE 103:16


Example: NOK message wrong BC number

The Remote Bank, Frankfurt sends an MT103/A10 giving only the name of the beneficiary's bank in 57D. The beneficiary bank cannot be correctly identified, so the payment is rejected in the course of conversion. The error code 103:18 tells us that SIC field 18 (corresponds in this case to SWIFT field 57a) could not be filled in correctly and so the content of the field is invalid (Code 103).
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ NOK-FROM-SGW k86cmt SGW ERROR CODE 103:18


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MTn96/L55: Cancelation log for the sender


SWIFT MTn96/L55: Cancelation log for the sender

One MT196 or 296 is sent for each payment (charged to the participant in question) which was canceled on the previous clearing day.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 76 11R 79 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answer MT and Date of Original Message Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates

Comments on individual fields:

Field 20 21 76 1 2 3 4 Line Comment/content Set value: CH1L55 + value date + sequential number This field contains the reference number from field 20 of the original payment. Input date/input time (YYMMTT/HHMMSS) of the original payment. Desired settlement date (YYMMTT) of the original payment. Cancelation date/cancelation time (YYMMTT/HHMMSS) Status code/B10 marking Possible status code values: 4 = cancelation of waiting file using MTn92 5 = cancelation of pre-value-dated payment using MTn92 6 = canceled following cut-off (only in euroSIC) 7 = cancelation of pre-value-dated payment due to withdrawal of a BC no. 8 = cancelation of waiting file in day-end processing due to account stop 9 = cancelation of waiting file in day-end processing due to balance being too low. Possible values for B10 marking: 1 for MT202/B10s presented between clearing stops 1 and 2 0 for all other payments 5-6 Cancelation by participant: Transaction Reference Number of the message N92/H70 Fix text: "ANNULLIERE:" and the BC number of the sender bank and the transaction number of the canceled payment Cancelation by SIC/euroSIC: Fix error text 11R 1 2 79 SWIFT message type Transmission date of the original payment. original payment message

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MTn96/L55: Cancelation log for the sender

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Cancelation log

The customer payment from section B.3.1 could not be settled for lack of funds and was canceled by SIC. At the end of the SIC clearing day, the Remote Bank receives the following MT196/L55.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 11R MT and Date of Original Message Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF CH1L55-18-000001 k104cmt 051118/140718 051118 051118/140722 5/0 stornok104cmt ANNULLIERE: 088416 k104cmt 103 051118 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates :20: k84cmt :23B: CRED :32A: 051118CHF250000, :50K: /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude :57C: //SW08841 :59: /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets :71A: SHA


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT299/N20: Clearing closing time message


SWIFT MT299/N20: Clearing closing time message

At the beginning of the clearing day, this message notifies all users of the closing time for that clearing day, and the expected times of clearing stop 2 and clearing stop 3. It is also confirmation that the previous clearing day, including day-end processing/daily start-up processing, was successfully completed. If clearing stop 1 is postponed, the same message is sent to all users. If the expected times for clearing stops 2 and 3 are postponed, the message is sent giving the new information about the expected times. The message is sent on the afternoon or evening of the previous calendar day, for SIC approx. 16.30, for euroSIC approx. 18.30. The times may vary.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 79 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Narrative

Comments on individual fields:

Field 20 79 1 2 3 4 Line Comment/content Fix text: "N20-FROM-SIC-CHF" or "N20-FROM-SIC-EUR" Fix text: "CLEARINGDAY:" and date DD.MM.YYYY Fix text: "CLEARINGSTOP1:" and date and time DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM Fix text: "CLEARINGSTOP2:" and date and time DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM Fix text: "CLEARINGSTOP3:" and date and time DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM


Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface

For SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who obtain an MT950 instead of the SIC message L80, the following applies: Instead of the SIC N21 message, the MT299/N21 message is sent.


Example: Clearing closing time message

At the start of clearing day 18 November 2005 the Banque Commerciale receives the following MT299/N20 with new clearing stop times for the euroSIC system.
Field Description Sender Receiver 20 21 79 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Narrative 1 2 3 4 Line Contents TKZHCHZZ BACOFRCH N20-FROM-SIC-EUR EU10052005-11-18 CLEARINGDAY: 18.11.2005 CLEARINGSTOP1: 18.11.2005 16:15 CLEARINGSTOP1: 18.11.2005 17:15 CLEARINGSTOP3: 18.11.2005 18:15

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT299/N21: Start of DEP message

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT299/N21: Start of DEP message

This message reports that in SIC or euroSIC day-end processing (DEP) has started.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 79 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Narrative

Comments on individual fields:

Field 20 79 Comment/content Fix text: "N21-FROM-SIC-CHF" or "N21-FROM-SIC-EUR" Field content: EOD PROCESSING STARTED


Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface

For SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who obtain an MT950 instead of the SIC message L80, the following applies: Instead of the SIC N21 message, the MT299/N21 message is sent.


Example: Start of DEP message

At the end of clearing day 18 November 2005 the Banque Commerciale receives the following MT299/N21 about day-end processing in SIC.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 79 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Narrative Content TKZHCHZZ BACOFRCH N21-FROM-SIC-EUR EU10052005-11-18 EOD PROCESSING STARTED


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT950: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC


SWIFT MT950: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC

After day-end processing, SIX Interbank Clearing sends an MT950 (Statement Message) to participating banks. If the data cannot be put in a single MT950, then so-called chaining takes place. As an aid in reconciliation, the MT950 supplements the MT950 statement sent by the system manager which contains the initial and final balances of the settlement account in question and the accumulated sums per service.
SWIFT field ID 20 25 28C 60a 61 62a SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Account Identification Statement Number/Sequence Number Opening Balance Statement Line Closing Balance (Booked Funds)

Comments on individual fields:

Field 20 25 28C Comment/content Where two or more MT950s are chained together, either the same TRN or different ones can be used. The TRN for SIC begins with "CHL", that for euroSIC with "EUL". Contains the settlement account number (=5 digit BC number plus "0"). The settlement account number is the same for SIC and euroSIC. This field contains: a) the current day number b) the current page number The balance is always zero. The balance of the sight deposit account (which generally corresponds to the balance before day-end) is recorded as a credit by the system manager (SNB/SECB). Details of payments. The mandatory sub-fields 1 (value date), 3 (debit/credit), 5 (amount), 6 (transaction type identification code) and 7 (transaction reference) are used. Followed by separators "//" and details of the services. The transaction reference is generated by the preceding systems. It contains no detailed information about particular transactions (e.g. information about the underlying transaction). SIC EUROSIC REPO (SIS) Payments resulting from the SIC system Payments resulting from the euroSIC system Payments resulting from the Eurex Repo Platform of Eurex Zrich Ltd via the SECOM Clearing and Settlement Platform of SIX SIS Ltd Payments resulting from the SECOM Clearing and Settlement Platform of SIX SIS Ltd Payments resulting from the Eurex Platform of Eurex Frankfurt AG via SECOM Clearing and Settlement Platform of SIX SIS Ltd Special payments of the Swiss National Bank to cover debit balances or to operate sight deposit accounts for cash payments Transactions resulting from the national direct debit procedure (MT103/Axx with code /AUTH/ in field 72) Payments resulting from the Swiss Bancomat (ATM) service Payments resulting from point-of-sale payments




Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT950: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Comment/content CASH Payments resulting from charging/discharging the Swiss CASH card


Always zero, because the final balance of the SIC settlement account is always transfered with reference "BALANCE" to the SNB account. This reference has no separators "//".

The message contains no information about MT104/D10 messages.


Banks with a SIC/euroSIC platform Interface

For SIC/euroSIC participants with a SIC/euroSIC platform interface who obtain an MT950 instead of the SIC message L80, the following applies: Instead of the SIC N20/N21 message, the MT299/N20 or MT299/N21 message is sent.


Example: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC

On the evening of 18 November 2005 the Banque Commerciale receives the following MT950 for three transfers to the SIC settlement account.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 25 28C 60F 61 61 61 61 62F Transaction Reference Number Account Identification Statement Number/ Sequence Number Opening Balance Statement Line Statement Line Statement Line Statement Line Closing Balance (Booked Funds) Content TKZHCHZZ BACOFRCH CHL9508539080001 098810 322/00001 C011122CHF000000000000,00 051118C0000000002500,00S100123k444 //SIC 051118D000000002500,00S202123k447 //SIC 051118C000000015000,00S103123k445 //SECOM 051118D000000015000,00S103123k448BALANCE C051118CHF000000000000,00


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT950: Recapitulation SIC/euroSIC

Interleaf for paging in case of double-side printing.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Direct debit procedure

remoteGATE Handbook

Section C

Direct debit procedure

This section is intended for financial institutions which take part in the Swiss direct debit procedures LSV+/BDD. The following situations are explained in this section and clarified using examples: 1. Direct debits Presentation of direct debits with ESR reference number (see C.2.1) Presentation of direct debits with IPI reference number (see C.2.2) Arrival of direct debits with ESR reference number (see C.3.1) Arrival of direct debits with IPI reference number (see C.3.2) 2. Payments Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.4.1) Payment of a direct debit with IPI reference number (see C.4.2) Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.5.1) Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number (see C.5.2) 3. Special situations Reverse routing via SWIFT MT190 incl. cover payment (see C.6) List messages from LSV+ (see C.7, C.8 and C.9)


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Start of LSV+/BDD operation


Start of LSV+/BDD operation

The LSV+/BDD operation can start about four weeks after starting to use SIC/euroSIC. Details on LSV+/BDD are available on the Extranet in the LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions.


The Swiss direct debit procedures LSV+ and BDD are different from the national procedures of other countries. For example, direct debit instructions from the creditor's bank are not credited in advance on presentation, but rather the presentation of direct debits is to be regarded as a "Request for Credit". The direct debit is redeemed by the debtor's bank. The latter makes a single payment which is credited to the creditor's bank on the due date in the relevant SIC/euroSIC settlement account. If a direct debit is not redeemed, no message is sent to the creditor's bank. Details on the procedure can be seen in the LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions.


Requirements LSV+/BDD
The following conditions are required: Productive SIC/euroSIC connection Service agreement LSV+/BDD MUG MT104 Registration with SWIFT Test procedure completed and authorization from SIX Interbank Clearing Productive access to Web Application, the "LSV+/BDD orders" module and the "LSV+/BDD master data CR" module.


Debtor's bank
The following documents are to be provided by the financial institution:
Form (LSV+/BDD) Service agreement LSV+/BDD Online form: LSV+ - Financial Institution Online form: Test direct debit LSV+/BDD DEB-FI


SWIFT MT104 Message User Group (MUG)

Participants in LSV+/BDD who are acting as the debtor's bank receive direct debits as MT104/D10. Financial institutions must register at www.swift.com to participate in the Message User Group MT104.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Start of LSV+/BDD operation

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Tests before production starts

New participants must carry out an acceptance test which can be done after commencing operations in SIC/euroSIC. Details about the test process are also described in section 2.12 of the LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions. It is not possible to begin productive operation without successfully completing the acceptance test. Details about the tests can be found in Section F.


Creditor's bank
The financial institution receives collection orders from its customers (creditors) through its own banking channels (e.g. e-banking) and presents them to SIX Interbank Clearing as MT104/D10s. The rules of the Swiss direct debit procedure apply (see LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions). Financial institutions acting as the bank for the creditor should also carry out an additional acceptance test with SIX Interbank Clearing. This allows the whole process to be tested. Details of the test can be found in Section F. It is also possible for customers of the financial institution to present direct debits to SIX Interbank Clearing online via payCOMweb. The specifications for this can be found in the Guidelines for creditors. If a bank wants to act as the bank for the creditor, it is recommended that they contact Product Management at SIX Interbank Clearing on telephone number +41 58 399 4747 or by email to pm@six-group.com. In addition to C.1.3, the following documents should also be supplied by the financial institution:
Form (LSV+/BDD) Online form: LSV+ - Financial Institution Online form: Test direct debit LSV+/BDD CR-FI

The creditor's bank always also acts as the debtor's bank.


The creditor's bank must have agreed an appropriate daily limit. For details see LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions, section 2.4.4.


Debit authorization and LSV ID

The creditor's bank must give its creditors an LSV identification. This five-character identification is administered by SIX Interbank Clearing and can be ordered by the financial institution via Web Application, "LSV+/BDD master data CR" module.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Start of LSV+/BDD operation


Reference numbers
The reference number used in the "Direct Debit Reference" field must be either the 27-character reference number in ESR format or the 20-character reference number as used for the structured IPI remittance information. The creditor's bank tells the creditor which type of reference number must be used. Details on reference numbers are to be found in the Guidelines for creditors, appendix A 6.


Cancelation of direct debits

MT104/D10 cannot be canceled using MT192/H70.


The process for sending returns by SWIFT to the creditor's bank is described in section 2.7.2 of the LSV+/BDD Guidelines for financial institutions. Examples can be found in section C.6 of this Handbook. A request for a return is settled by a bank-to-bank payment.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit

MT104/D10 is used to send direct debit orders from the bank of the beneficiary to SIC/ euroSIC. The process for acceptance of direct debits by the debtor's bank is also based on MT104/D10. There is no settlement in SIC/euroSIC on the basis of MT104/ D10. Direct debits can only be sent as individual instructions. A multiple MT104 is not possible. The following cases where MT104/D10 may be used are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.2.2) Direct debit with IPI reference number (see C.2.1)
SWIFT field ID 20 21E 30 50K 21 23E 21D 32B 57a 59a 70 32B Seq. A A A A B B B B B B B C SWIFT field name Senders Reference Registration Reference Requested Execution Date Creditor Transaction Reference Number Instruction Code Direct Debit Reference Currency and Transaction Amount Debtors Bank Debtor Remittance Information Currency and Settlement Amount SIC status M M M M disregarded M M M M M O disregarded

Other optional fields in MT104 that are not listed in this table will be disregarded.


Variant 1: Direct debit with ESR reference number

This variant is based on the reference number from the orange deposit slip. The LSV reference number in ESR format has 27 characters and is numerical. The last position is occupied by a test digit which is calculated according to the test digit procedure Modulo 10, recursively. The data in the freely configurable remaining 26 positions of the ESR reference number (giving customer ID, invoice number, debtor number, date, period etc.) is defined by the creditor's bank. If the ESR reference number is used, the 9-character ESR participant number of the creditor's bank is also required. Unlike the situation with direct debits with IPI reference numbers (see C.2.1) the information about the creditor and the debtor (name/account number) are not sent back in the payment advice. See also C.4.1 and B.6.1.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit

Comments on individual fields:

Field 21E 30 50K Seq. A A A Comment LSV identification of the creditor Required processing date ESR participant number of the creditor's bank (not creditor's account) At least 2 lines of the address must be filled in. SWIFT mandatory field; the contents will be disregarded AUTH ESR reference number Required processing date 57A or 57C possible No concatenated or inactive BC numbers are allowed 59a B Debtor's name At least 2 lines of the address must be filled in. 32B C SWIFT mandatory field; the contents will be disregarded

21 23E 21D 30 57a



Example: Presentation of a direct debit with ESR reference number The Remote Bank Frankfurt presents a direct debit instruction in CHF on 17.11.2005. The creditor is the watch wholesaler Buxtehude (LSVID: UHR01), the debtor the Horlogerie de Joux which has an account with the Banque Commerciale. The required processing date is 22 November.
Field Seq. Designation Sender Receiver 20 21E 30 50K A A A A Senders Reference Registration Reference Requested Execution Date Creditor Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ d101lsv UHR01 051122 /012019993 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude d101lsv AUTH /ESR/2100000000031394714300090 17 CHF850, //SW08841 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets Invoice of current month CHF850,

21 23E 21D 32B 57C 59


Transaction Reference Number Instruction Code Direct Debit Reference Currency and Transaction Amount Debtors Bank Debtor

70 32B


Remittance Information Currency and Settlement Amount

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Variant 2: Direct debit with IPI reference number

This variant is based on the reference number from the IPI (International Payment Instruction, see B.3.4). The reference number used for the structured IPI remittance information has 20 characters and is alphanumerical. The first two positions are occupied by a test digit which is calculated using the test digit procedure Modulo 9710. The data in the remaining freely configurable 18 positions of the structured IPI remittance information (including invoice number, debtor number, date, period, etc.) can be selected by the creditor. Swiss or Liechtenstein IBANs must be used. Unlike the situation with direct debits with ESR reference numbers (see C.2.1) the details about the creditor and debtor (name/account number) are sent back with the payment advice. See here also C.4.2 and B.3.4. Comments on individual fields:
Field 21E 30 50K Seq. A A A Comment LSV identification of the creditor Required processing date CH-IBAN of the creditor At least 2 lines of the address must be filled in. SWIFT mandatory field; the contents will be disregarded AUTH IPI reference number Required processing date No concatenated or inactive BC numbers are allowed Debtor's name At least 2 lines of the address must be filled in. 32B C SWIFT mandatory field; the contents will be disregarded

21 23E 21D 30 57a 59a



Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT104/D10: Presentation of a direct debit


Example: Presentation of a direct debit with IPI reference number The Remote Bank Frankfurt presents a direct debit instruction in EUR on 17 November 2005. The creditor is the watch wholesaler Buxtehude (LSVID: UHR01), the debtor is the Horlogerie de Joux which has an account with the Banque Commerciale. The required processing date is 22.11.2005.
Field Seq. Designation Sender Receiver 20 21E 30 50K A A A A Senders Reference Registration Reference Requested Execution Date Creditor Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ d101lsv UHR01 051122 /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude d101lsv AUTH /IPI/55000005678123489011 EUR500, //SW08841 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets Invoice of current month EUR500,

21 23E 21D 32B 57C 59


Transaction Reference Number Instruction Code Direct Debit Reference Currency and Transaction Amount Debtors Bank Debtor

70 32B


Remittance Information Currency and Settlement Amount

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Arrival of a direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Arrival of a direct debit

This example of the use of the SWIFT MT104/D10 relates to the arrival of direct debit instructions at the debtor's bank. One MT104/D10 is sent for each direct debit. There is no settlement in SIC/euroSIC on the basis of MT104/D10. The direct debit instruction is subsequently paid by the debtor's bank via MT103/A10 (see B.3) or MT103/A15 (see B.6). The following cases are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Arrival of a direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.3.1) Arrival of a direct debit with IPI reference number (see C.3.2) Comments on individual fields:
Field 52C 57 Seq. B B Comment Only Option C is used (contains the BC number of the creditor's bank). Left blank


Example: Arrival of a direct debit with ESR reference number

The Banque Commerciale Fribourg as the debtor's bank receives the direct debit instruction from C.2 on the evening of 3.12.2005.
Field Seq. Designation Sender Receiver 20 21E 30 50K A A A A Senders Reference Registration Reference Requested Execution Date Creditor Content TKZHCHZZ BACOCHFR d101lsv UHR01 051122 /012019993 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude d101lsv AUTH /ESR/2100000000031394714300090 17 CHF850, //SW08899 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets Invoice of current month CHF850,

21 23E 21D 32B 52C 59


Transaction Reference Number Instruction Code Direct Debit Reference Currency and Transaction Amount Creditors Bank Debtor

70 32B


Remittance Information Currency and Settlement Amount


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Arrival of a direct debit


Example: Arrival of a direct debit with IPI reference number

The Banque Commerciale receives a direct debit with IPI reference number on the evening of 19.11.2005.
Field Seq. Designation Sender Receiver 20 21E 30 50K A A A A Senders Reference Registration Reference Requested Execution Date Creditor Content TKZHCHZZ BACOCHFR d101lsv UHR01 051122 /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude d101lsv AUTH /IPI/55000005678123489011 EUR500, //SW08899 /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets Invoice of current month EUR500,

21 23E 21D 32B 52C 59


Transaction Reference Number Instruction Code Direct Debit Reference Currency and Transaction Amount Creditors Bank Debtor

70 32B


Remittance Information Currency and Settlement Amount

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Payment of a direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Payment of a direct debit

This example deals with the payment of direct debit instructions which the debtor's bank has received via MT104/D10. A direct debit instruction is always paid by the debtor's bank via MT103/A10 (see B.3) or MT103/A15 (see B.6). One payment must be made for each direct debit, this must be paid on the required processing date. The date of payment must never be more than two banking days after the "Requested Execution Date". Otherwise the payment will be rejected. The following cases are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.4.1) Payment of a direct debit with IPI reference number (see C.4.2)


SWIFT MT103/A15: Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number

Direct debit instructions which a bank has received as MT104/D10 with the ESR reference in field 21D must be processed according to this example. The table below gives advice about which fields in the MT104/D10 can be used to fill in the fields on the MT103/A15. Unlike with payments with IPI reference numbers (see C.4.2) it is not possible to provide details of customer data (e.g. name/IBAN of the debtor/creditor). The "Account" of the creditor is the ESR participant number of the creditor's financial institution. It is not possible to give any details about the customer (account/name). See also B.6.1. Comments on individual fields:
Field 23B 32A 50K 57a 59a Comment/content CRED Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Generic data e.g. "A15 Ordering Customer". BIC or BC number of the creditor's bank /ESR reference number of the creditor's bank plus generic data, e.g.: VESR PARTICIPANT /ESR/ESR reference number SHA /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/Value Date 1 2 Line Original MT104/D10 field generate 30/32B Generic data 52C ESR reference number from 50a NAME: Generic data Code /ESR/ and ESR reference number from 21D generate 23E Generate /SICLSVGV/ code Value Date from 30 Format: YYYYMMDD /SICLSVID/LSV identification 3 Generate /SICLSVID/ code LSV identification from 21E

70 71A 72


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Payment of a direct debit


Example: Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number The Banque Commerciale receives the direct debit from example C.2.1.1 on the evening of 19.11.2005. On value date 22.11.2005 the Banque Commerciale authorizes the necessary payment as an MT103/A15.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 57C 59 70 71A 72 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Account with Institution Beneficiary Customer Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ 0555552 CRED 051122CHF850, CHF850, A15 ORDERING CUSTOMER //SW08899 /012019993 VESR PARTICIPANT /ESR/2100000000031394714300 09017 SHA /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/20051122 /SICLSVID/UHR01


Payment of a direct debit with IPI reference number

Direct debit instructions with IPI reference numbers must be processed according to this example. The table below gives advice about which fields in the MT104/D10 can be used to fill in the fields on the MT103/A10. Unlike payments with ESR reference numbers, (see C.4.1) customer data (e.g. name/ IBAN of the debtor/beneficiary) can be given. See also B.3.4. Comments on individual fields:
Field 23B 32A 50K 57C 59 70 Comment/content CRED Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Ordering Customer Account with Institution IBAN Beneficiary Customer /IPI/IPI reference number or /ESR/ESR reference number (ESR only for direct debits in EUR) SHA Line Original MT104/D10 field generate 30/32B 59 52C 50K /IPI/ and IPI reference number from 21D or /ESR/ and ESR reference number from 21D generate


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Payment of a direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Field 72

Comment/content /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/ Value Date

Line 1 2

Original MT104/D10 field 23E Generate /SICLSVGV/ code Value Date from 30 Format: YYYYMMDD Generate /SICLSVID/ code LSV identification from 21E

/SICLSVID/LSV identification


Example: Payment of a direct debit in EUR with IPI reference number The Banque Commerciale receives the direct debit from example C.2.2.1 on the evening of 19.11.2005. On value date 22.11.2005, the Banque Commerciale authorizes the necessary payment as an MT103/A10.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Content BACOCHFR TKZHCHZZ k102cmt CRED 051122EUR500, EUR500, /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets //SW08899 /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude 70 71A 72 Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information /IPI/55000005678123489011 SHA /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/20051122 /SICLSVID/UHR01

57C 59

Account with Institution Beneficiary Customer


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Arrival of a paid direct debit


Arrival of a paid direct debit

Payment of a direct debit instruction is made on the required processing date (in exceptional cases up to max. two banking days later) by the debtor's bank. For each direct debit that is presented, the creditor's bank receives an MT103/A10 or MT103/A15. The following cases are explained in this section and demonstrated with examples: Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number (see C.5.1) Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number(see C.5.2)


Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number

This example of the use of SWIFT MT103/A15 shows the arrival of customer payments on the basis of a direct debit with ESR reference number. Instructions based on a direct debit with ESR reference number can be distinguished from those based on an ESR deposit slip (see B.6.2) by the codeword /ESR/ and the fact that field 72 is filled in. Unlike payments with IPI reference numbers (see C.4.2) no customer data (e.g. name/ IBAN of the debtor/beneficiary) is shown. The "Account" of the creditor is the ESR participant number of the creditor's financial institution. See also B.6.1 and C.4.1. Comments on individual fields:
Field 50K 59a 70 72 1 2 3 Line Comment/content Fix text "A15 Ordering Customer". Fix text "VESR PARTICIPANT" and the VESR participant number of the creditor's bank. Code word /ESR/ and ESR reference number (27 positions). Code /AUTH/ Fix text /SICLSVGV/ and the value from field 30 of the MT104/D10 that was presented Fix text /SICLSVID/ and the value from field 21 of the MT104/D10 that was presented

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Arrival of a paid direct debit

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Arrival of a paid direct debit with ESR reference number On the basis of the direct debit that was presented in the example in C.2.1.1 the Remote Bank Frankfurt receives a direct debit as an MT103/A15 on value date 22.11.2005.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K 52A 59 70 71A 72 Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Ordering Institution Beneficiary Customer Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF 0555552 CRED 051122CHF850, CHF850, A15 ORDERING CUSTOMER BACOCHFR VESR PARTICIPANT 012019993 /ESR/2100000000031394714300 09017 SHA /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/20051122 /SICLSVID/UHR01


Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number

This example of the use of the SWIFT MT103/A10 shows the arrival of customer payments based on a direct debit with an IPI reference number. Unlike payments with ESR reference numbers (see C.4.1) the customer data (e.g. name/IBAN of the debtor/beneficiary) are shown. See also C.4.2 and B.3.4. Comments on individual fields:
Field 50K 59a 70 72 1 2 3 Line Comment/content Name of the debtor Name of the creditor IPI reference number Code /AUTH/ Fix text /SICLSVGV/ and the value from field 30 of the MT104/D10 that was presented Fix text /SICLSVID/ and the value from field 21 of the MT104/D10 that was presented


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Arrival of a paid direct debit


Example: Arrival of a paid direct debit with IPI reference number Based on the direct debit presented in the example in C.2.2.1, the Remote Bank Frankfurt receives the required payment as an MT103/A10 on value date 22 November 2005.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 23B 32A 33B 50K Senders Reference Bank Operation Code Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Currency/Instructed Amount Ordering Customer Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF k102cmt CRED 051122EUR500, EUR500, /CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets REMODEFF /CH4089999001234567890 Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude 55000005678123489011 SHA /AUTH/ /SICLSVGV/20051122 /SICLSVID/UHR01

57A 59

Account With Institution Beneficiary Customer

70 71A 72

Details of Payment Details of Charges Sender to Receiver Information

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SWIFT MT190: return debit note from LSV+

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT190: Return debit note from LSV+

In this message the creditor's bank is asked to credit the debtor's bank with a return debit note. The message is to be sent directly to the creditor's bank. SIX Interbank Clearing rejects this message. Details on returns are available in the Technical Rules and Regulations, Appendix IV-6. Comments on individual fields:
Field Receiver 20 21 25 32D 52D Field 71B Comment/content BIC of the creditor's bank (not TKZHCHZZ) Debtor bank's own reference number Original Transaction Reference Number from the payment instruction MT103/Axx under which the direct debit was paid in SIC/euroSIC. Creditor's IBAN Settlement date on which the direct debit was paid, with currency and amount. Name and address of the creditor Line 1 2 3-6 72 1 2 Comment/content LSV-ID of the creditor Account number of the debtor. Name and address of the debtor Fix text "RLS aus LSV+" LSV reference number of the objected direct debit: With ESR = 27 digit LSV reference number in ESR format With IPI = 20 digit LSV reference number for structured IPI payment details 3 3 4-6 Beneficiary reference (this is given in SWIFT field 21 of the covering funds application MT202/B11 from the creditor's bank) Not used


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT190: return debit note from LSV+


Example: Return debit note due to revocation

In an MT190, the Banque Commerciale asks the Remote Bank to pay back the direct debit from example C.2.2.1 because of an objection from the Horlogerie de Joux.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 25 32D 52D 71B Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Account Identification Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Ordering Institution Details of Charges Content BACOCHFR REMODEFF 0103rls k101cmt /CH4089999001234567890 051118EUR500, Uhrengrosshandel Buxtehude Buxtehude UHR01 CH1708841000987654321 Horlogerie du Joux Les Brenets /RLS aus LSV+ /55000005678123489011 /051122 RL Horlo


Sender to Receiver Information


MT202/B10: Payment of a return debit note

The MT202/B10 is also used for balancing payments based on return debit notes. From the remoteGATE code /SICPTCOD/ and the SIC payment code 021, which must be supplied, the beneficiary bank recognizes that the cause was a return debit note which it sent. Comments on individual fields:
Field 72 Comment/content remoteGATE Code /SICPTCOD/ plus 3-character SIC payment code 021.


Example: Payment of a return debit note On the basis of the return debit note from C.6.1, the Remote Bank Frankfurt sends an MT202/B10 giving the payment code 021 to the Banque Commerciale Fribourg.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 32A 58A 72 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Value Date/Currency/Interbank Settled Amount Beneficiary Institution Sender to Receiver Information Content REMODEFF TKZHCHZZ d103dck 20061130 RLS Hologerie 051219EUR500, BACOCHFR /SICPTCOD/021

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SWIFT MT996/L89: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT996/L89: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank

Those financial institutions which take part in LSV+ as debtor's banks receive the list message MT996/L89. The list serves to reconcile the MT104/D10s sent via the SIC platform and gives an indication of the liquidity requirement for the value date, so as to allow outgoing payments for LSV+. Where no direct debits have been delivered, lines 2 and 3 of field 77A contain zero values.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 76 77A SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers Narrative

Comments on individual fields:

Field 21 76 1 2 3 4-5 77A 1 2 3 Line Comment/content Always LSV+ Fix text: "SICL89 REKAPITULATION ZP-FI" Currency/SIC settlement account number of the debtor's bank. Date of the clearing day/date of commencement/ duration/page number Short address of the debtor's bank, taken from the SIC bank master data Fix text: "AUSLIEFERUNG AN ZP-FI" Total number of direct debits delivered to the debtor's bank on the clearing day (9 positions) Total amount of the direct debits delivered to the debtor's bank on the clearing day (15 positions)


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT996/L89: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank


Example: Recapitulation for the debtor's bank

Following day-end processing on 9.11.2005 the Banque Commerciale, Fribourg is sent the following MT996/L89. It refers to the MT104/D10 from example C.2.2.1.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 77A Narrative 1 2 3 Line Content TKZHCHZZ BACOFRCH EUL88088411 LSV+ SICL89 REKAPITULATION ZP-FI EUR/08841 20051118/20051111/162214/1 BANQUE COMMERCIALE FRIBOURG AUSLIEFERUNG AN ZP-FI 000000001 000000000500,00

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SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

Those financial institutions which take part in LSV+ as creditor's banks receive the list message MT996/L88. This is a summary list of all direct debit notes delivered to LSV+, or canceled, on the processing date, from the bank's own creditor, sorted by BC number, account number of the creditor and LSV-ID (payment group). A separate MT996 is sent for each payment group. An MT996/L88, giving the overall total of deliveries, marks the end. This last MT996/L88 contains "999999" as the BC number of the creditor's bank and "Total CR deliveries" as the account number of the creditor. A message giving the overall total is also sent if there were no deliveries/cancelations. In this case the values in lines 6-17 of field 7&A are zero values. The MT996/L88 messages with field 77A are sent first, then come the MT996/L88 messages with field 79.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 76 77A 79 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers Narrative Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank


Variant 1: Delivery by the creditor's bank

Comments on individual fields:
Field 21 76 1 2 3 4-5 77 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Comment/content Fix text: "LSV+" Fix text: "SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI" Currency of the canceled direct debit/settlement account number of the creditor's bank. Date of cancelation of the direct debit/date of commencement/ duration/ page number Short address of the creditor's bank, taken from the SIC bank master data Not used Fix text: "EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE-FI" BC number of the creditor's bank Creditor's account number Creditor's LSV identification Requested value date Total number of direct debits delivered Total number of payment groups delivered Number of payment groups delivered via payCOM Number of payment groups delivered via FTP Number of payment groups delivered via SWIFT Number of correct direct debits Total amount of correct direct debits Number of incorrect payment groups resulting from limit checking of the creditor Total amount of incorrect payment groups resulting from limit checking of the creditor Number of manually authorized payment groups Number of manually canceled payment groups Number of automatically canceled payment groups

Length -

5 var. 5 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 15 9 15 9 9 9

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Example: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank At the end of clearing day 11 November 2005, the Remote Bank receives from SIX Interbank Clearing a recapitulation list MT996/L88 for the direct debit presented as in the example in section C.2.2.1.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051111/162015/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE-FI 89999 CH93007620116238529573000 UHR01 20051118 00000001 000000001 000000000 000000000 000000001 000000001 000000000500,00 000000000 000000000000,00 000000000 000000000 000000000


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

In addition the Remote Bank also receives an MT996/L88 list giving the total values.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051111/162015/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE-FI 999999 TOTAL DURCH ZE-FI EINGELIEFERT LSV+ 20051118 00000001 000000001 000000000 000000000 000000001 000000001 000000000500,00 000000000 000000000000,00 000000000 000000000 000000000

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SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Variant 2: Delivery by the creditor

If customers of the creditor bank present direct debits using payCOMweb, the bank receives a recapitulation list showing this category of presentation. The list can easily be distinguished from the recapitulation list in C.8.1. Comments on individual fields:
Field 21 76 1 2 3 4-5 77A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Comment/content Fix text: "LSV+" Fix text: "SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI" Currency of the canceled direct debit/settlement account number of the creditor's bank. Date of cancelation of the direct debit/date of commencement/ duration/ page number Short address of the creditor's bank, taken from the SIC bank master data Fix text: "EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE" BC number of the creditor's bank Creditor's account number Creditor's LSV identification Requested value date (YYYYMMTT) Total number of direct debits delivered Total number of payment groups delivered Number of payment groups delivered via payCOM Number of payment groups delivered via FTP Fix value: 000000000 Number of correct direct debits Total amount of correct direct debits Number of incorrect payment groups resulting from limit checking of the creditor Total amount of incorrect payment groups resulting from limit checking of the creditor Number of manually authorized payment groups Number of manually canceled payment groups Number of automatically canceled payment groups

Length 5 var. 5 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 15 9 15 9 9 9


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank


Example: Delivery by customers via payCOMweb The watch wholesalers Buxtehude delivers the direct debit via payCOMweb to SIX Interbank Clearing. At the end of the clearing day 11 November 2005, the Remote Bank receives the following recapitulation list MT996/L88 from SIX Interbank Clearing.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051111/162015/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE 89999 CH93007620116238529573000 UHR01 20051118 00000001 000000001 000000001 000000000 000000000 000000001 000000000500,00 000000000 000000000000,00 000000000 000000000 000000000

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SWIFT MT996/L88: Recapitulation for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

In addition, the Remote Bank also receives an MT996/L88 list giving the total values.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL88 REKAPITULATION ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051111/162015/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT EINLIEFERUNG DURCH ZE 999999 TOTAL DURCH ZE EINGELIEFERT LSV+ 20051118 00000001 000000001 000000000 000000000 000000001 000000001 000000000500,00 000000000 000000000000,00 000000000 000000000 000000000


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Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank


SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank

This message is used to report the direct debits that have been canceled on that processing day to the creditor's bank. The list is only relevant to banks which take part in LSV+/BDD as the creditor's bank. One MT196/L58 is sent for each cancelation which took place on the previous clearing day.
SWIFT field ID 20 21 76 77A 79 SWIFT field name Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answer Narrative Narrative

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Variant 1: Automatic cancelation of MT104/D10

In some cases it can happen that direct debits are accepted when they are presented, but cannot be delivered to the debtor's bank. If the latter is no longer participating in LSV+/BDD by the date for payment, those direct debit notes will be automatically canceled. Comments on individual fields:
Field 21 76 1 2 3 4-5 77 79 1 2 Line Comment/content Always LSV+ Fix text: "SIC L58 STORNOLISTE ZE-FI" Currency (CHF/EUR)/settlement account number of the creditor's bank Date of cancelation of the direct debit/date of commencement/ duration/page number Short address of the creditor's bank, taken from SIC bank master data Not used Fix text: "STORNIERTE LASTSCHRIFT" Category according to SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4, Message MT L58 Comments on field 79D. Usual values: D10 = Delivery with MT104/D10 3 4 Status code according to SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4, Message MT L58 Comments on Field 79D. Error code (generally 000, with status code 19 according to SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4, Message MT L58 Comments on field 79D). BC number of the creditor's bank LSV identification of the creditor Account number of the creditor Creation date of original message YYYYMMTT Intended value date (required processing date) YYYYMMTT Modified value date YYYYMMTT Total amount of direct debits 2 3 3 Length -

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

6 5 34 8 8 8 15 6

12-17 Fix text "/" 18 19 20 BC number of the debtor's bank Fix text "/" LSV reference number with no short code /IPI/ or /ESR/



Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank


Example: Automatic cancelation of a MT104/D10 The direct debit presented in example C.2.2.1 cannot be processed, because when it is delivered to the Banque Commerciale Fribourg the BC number is no longer active. The transaction is automatically canceled.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL58 STORNOLISTE FR ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051115/161522/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT STORNIERTE LASTSCHRIFT D10 19 301 89999 UHR01 /CH4089999001234567890 20051111 20051118 20051118 000000000500,0 / / / / / / 08841 / 55000005678123489011

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SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


Variant 2: Automatic cancelation of payment groups

If the creditor's bank delivers MT104/D10s, or its customers deliver direct debits, via payCOMweb, these can be automatically or manually canceled as payment groups. Individual MT104/D10s are treated as one payment group. Comments on individual fields:
Field 21 76 1 2 3 4-5 77A 1 2 3 4 Line Comment/content Always LSV+ Fix text: "SIC L58 STORNOLISTE ZE-FI" Currency (CHF/EUR)/settlement account number of the creditor's bank Date of cancelation of the direct debit/date of commencement/ duration/page number Short address of the creditor's bank, taken from SIC bank master data Fix text: "STORNIERTE ZAHLUNGSGRUPPE" BAN = Delivery with MT104/D10 KUN = Delivery via payCOM

Length 3 2 3

Status code according to SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4, Message MT L58 Comments on field 79D. Error code (generally 000, with status code 19 according to SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4, Message MT L58 Comments on field 79D). BC number of the creditor's bank LSV identification of the creditor Account number of the creditor Creation date of original message YYYYMMTT Intended value date (required processing date) YYYYMMTT Modified value date YYYYMMTT Total amount of direct debits Total number of direct debits Amount of correct direct debits Number of correct direct debits Amount of incorrect direct debits Number of incorrect direct debits Sender ID Fix text "/" D10 = Delivery with MT104/D10 PCOM = Delivery via payCOMweb

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 79

6 5 34 8 8 8 15 9 15 9 15 9 5 5 -

Fix text "/" Not used


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SWIFT MT196/L58: Cancelation log for the creditor's bank


Example: Automatic cancelation of a payment group The direct debit presented in example C.2.2.1 cannot be processed, because the Remote Bank is no longer participating in LSV+/BDD on the required value date.
Field Designation Sender Receiver 20 21 76 Transaction Reference Number Related Reference Answers 1 2 3 4 5 79 Narrative Description of the Original Message to Which the Answer Relates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Line Content TKZHCHZZ REMODEFF EUL58899991 LSV+ SICL58 STORNOLISTE FR ZE-FI EUR/89999 20051118/20051115/161522/0001 REMOTE BANK FRANKFURT STORNIERTE Zahlungsgruppe BAN 19 113 89999 UHR01 /CH4089999001234567890 20051111 20051118 20051118 000000000500,00 000000001 000000000500,00 000000001 000000000500,00 000000001 / / D10 /

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SIC SWIFT cross-reference list

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section D

SIC SWIFT cross-reference list

The following cross-reference list shows which SIC fields (both SIC and euroSIC) are assigned to which SWIFT fields. This cross-reference table may be of assistance in the event of error messages, because they always refer to SIC fields. It makes it easier to find the errors in the corresponding SWIFT message.
SIC field 02 03 Description of the SIC field BC number ordering bank (BCNO-A) Transaction reference number SWIFT field Header 20 21 11 13 15 16 17A 18 Reference message type Reference transaction reference number Currency code Value date debit Credit amount BC number beneficiary bank (BCNO-B) 11S 21 32A 32A 32A 56a 57a 58a 18 20 21 BankID-B of the receiving bank (debtor's bank) Priority code (value according to /SICPRIO/) Service application 57a 72 72 23E 31A 31F 31I Client account number (banks) Code and identification Client IBAN 50a 59a 50F 50a 59a 32A 32F 32S 33A 35A 35I 36A Client's address Name and address Client's SWIFT address (BIC) Client's reference number (value according to /REFORD/) Sender account number Sender IBAN Sender address, Client's address 50K 59a 50F 50A 72 52a 52a 52D 52D 36S

SWIFT MT 103/104/202 8/ n92/n96/n99 103/104/202/ n92/n96/n99 104 n92 n96/202 103/104/202/ n92 103/104/202/ n92 103/104/202/ n92 103/202 103/202 202 104 103/202 103 104 103 104 103/202 103 104 103 104 103/202 103 202 202 202 103 202 103

Sender address, Client's SWIFT address (BIC)


Incl. MT202COV, even if not explicitly mentioned below Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SIC SWIFT cross-reference list

SIC field

Description of the SIC field

SWIFT field 52A

SWIFT MT 202 103/202 103/202 103/202 103/202 103/202 103/202 103/202 103/202 202 103 103/202 103/104 104 103 103/104 104 202 103 104 103 202 202 103/202 104 103 103/202 104 104 103 104 103

39A 39I 40A 40S 41A 41I 42A 42S 45A 45C 45D 45E 45I

Intermediary financial institution's account no. Non-registered account no, conventional format Intermediary financial institution's account no. Intermediary financial institute, Full address

56a 56a 56D

Intermediary financial institute, SWIFT address (BIC) 56A Account number of the account with institution. Not 57a saved account number, conventional format Account number of the account with institution Account with institution, Full address Account with institution, SWIFT address (BIC) Beneficiary's account number. Not saved account number, conventional format Beneficiary's Post account number Beneficiary's account number, ESR participant number ES reference number Beneficiary's account number, IBAN 57a 57D 57A 58a 59a 59a 59a 50a 59a 59a 50a


Beneficiary's address, Full address

58D/59a 59 50K

46D 46S 49A

Beneficiary's address for payment instructions Beneficiary's address, SWIFT address (BIC) Beneficiary's reference number, (value according to /RFB/) LSV-ID of creditor Beneficiary's VESR reference number, (value according to /ESR/) Messages to the beneficiary. Free text. Messages to the beneficiary, purpose taken from the ESR (value according to /ESR/)

59 58A 21 70 21E 70 70 21D

49B 49E 51A 51E 51I

Messages to the beneficiary, "Purpose of use" from 21D IPI (value according to /IPI/) 70 LSV+ information, Messages to the debtor LSV+ information, Required processing date/LSV ID (value according to /SICLSVGV/ and value according to /SICLSVID/) Bank-to-bank information Instructed payment amount with exchange rate (value according to /OCMT/ and value according to /EXCH/) Expense options and amounts Payment reference of the ordering customer (value according to /ROC/) 70 72

52A 52B

53 54

72 33B 36 72

103/202 103/202 103 202 103 103

55y 56

71A/F/G 70

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


SIC SWIFT cross-reference list

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SIC field 57B 57E 58 58T 59 92A/C

Description of the SIC field Function codes, Bank operation code Function codes, Instruction code Payment code (value according to /SICPTCOD/) Payment code, Transaction type code Notification code (value according to /SICAVIS/) Settlement date

SWIFT field 23B 23E 72 26T 72 User Header in FIN, Message User Reference; Feld 108, (Optional Message User Reference) 32B 79

SWIFT MT 103 103 202 103 103 103/202

92B 98

Required value date Cancelation identification/cancelation text

104 n92


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

SIC SWIFT cross-reference list

Interleaf for paging in case of double-side printing.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


remoteGATE code lists

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section E

remoteGATE code lists

SWIFT field 72
If more than one code is used, a separate line should be used for each code. Otherwise their values are disregarded.
Code /SICPRIO/ plus 2-character priority code B1-B9 Meaning Priority code The A bank uses this to control the settlement sequence of its payments. A0 = highest possible priority Z9 = lowest possible priority The following codes are valid: B1 B7 B9: Payments from banks (B1: must be used in the MT B10 with payment code 088, otherwise recommended to be used with restraint.) B5: Service payments from BM, TM, POS, CASH, SECO, REPO A5: Service payments EURX, SNB/SEB, SIS Advice code: 0 = normal payment 1 = salary payment, only valid in MT103/A10 2 = urgent payment, only valid in MT103/A10 and MT103/A11. This advises the beneficiary bank to give it priority processing. 3 = Payment instruction (mandate) is paid personally to the beneficiary; only valid in MT103/A10 (only SIC). This field should take account of the supplement to normal charges for payment instructions. 4 = Normal payment instruction (mandate), only valid MT103/A10 (only SIC) 9 = Return; only valid in MT103/A11 /SICPTCOD/ plus 3-character payment code Payment code: Defines the original transaction in the MT202/B10 message, balancing payment. For valid values see section B.7. For details see SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section D 4. Direct debit identification of the creditor: Defines the creditor in the messages MT103/A10 or MT103/A15 based on direct debit notes Value date: Defines the date requested by a creditor in the messages MT103/A10 or MT103/A15 based on direct debit notes

/SICAVIS/ plus 1-character Advice code

/SICLSVID/ plus 5-character ID of the creditor /SICLSVGV/ plus date in the format YYYMMTT


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

remoteGATE code lists


User Header in FIN

In the "User Header in FIN", Message User Reference; Field 108, the following codes are used.
Code A T Meaning Settlement date = Code "A" plus date in the form (YYMMTT) Settlement time = Code "T" plus time in the form (HHMMSS)

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Backup procedure

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section F

Backup procedure

This section describes the guidelines for processing payments for participants in the following cases: breakdowns at individual banks breakdown at SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd.


Breakdowns at individual banks

The term "breakdown" refers to a situation in which a bank can no longer execute payment processing via SWIFT. The cause of the breakdown is irrelevant in reference to the applicable measures. The SIC platform concept provides for an integral backup system in addition to online operation around the clock. Each participant must be in a position to submit his payments electronically to SIC or euroSIC in case of breakdowns. This requires a backup solution that is ready to be used at any time (contractual obligation) and which must be provided for by a backup of the SWIFT infrastructure. Breakdowns at a SIC or euroSIC participant have the following effect: Outgoing payments can no longer be processed in full online Messages (e.g. inputs or NOK messages) can no longer be accepted online. The sending bank must ensure that at least the payments of over 1 million CHF/EUR can be sent to the relevant organisation on the value date. If the financial institution decides not to use backup media in SIC format, it should be able to handle payments via another participant, as a backup. In the case of interruptions where the end can be predicted and there is a need to clear significant volumes of traffic before clearing stop 1, it is possible to apply to the SNB or SECB for a postponement of the clearing stop, see SIC/euroSIC User Manual, section B "Backup payment by the system manager".


Backup payments by the SNB

Individual payments Note the following guidelines: The SNB will only record individual payments for the banks in case of a failing A-Bank backup option. The SNB will only execute backup payments starting at CHF 1 million. The payments must be delivered to the SNB Zrich, Zahlungsverkehr/SIC, as early as possible, continuously, either on paper or per fax with subsequent acknowledgement, or by means of a SWIFT MT299. The latest submission time is 2.00 pm. Payment entry in the SIC system must be completed before clearing stop 1.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Backup procedure

Submissions after 2.00 pm must be jointly agreed upon with the SNB. These backup payments are executed exclusively by SIC-transaction B10 "Covering funds". The SNB enters only the fields required for this message type along with an Aand/or B-reference number. Details pertaining to the individual payments must be forwarded directly from the A-Bank to the B-Bank. Global payments SIC participants can also place global payments with the SNB. In exceptional situations (e.g. large volume of backup payments) the SNB can arrange or order that global payments are made. Note the following guidelines: The SNB only executes global payments starting at CHF 1 million. The B-side amounts must be combined into a global payment per SIC settlement account. The payments must be delivered to the SNB Zrich, Zahlungsverkehr/SIC, as early as possible, continuously, either on paper or per fax with subsequent acknowledgement, or by means of a SWIFT MT299. Global payment reimbursements must occur according to the applicable technical rules and regulations.


Backup payments by the SECB

Submissions must be bilaterally agreed upon and reconciled with the SECB.


Breakdowns at SIX Interbank Clearing

Various alternative and backup procedures are set up to maintain operation of the SIC or euroSIC system in case of breakdown. The procedure used corresponds to the cause of the breakdown. The following procedures are designated: Backup computer center: A second computer system is available in disaster recovery computer center (AWRZ), which serves as a replacement in case of hardware problems. Data is mirrored and maintained in both computer centers. Restart from log file: For disruptions originating from software problems (in applications, the database or operating system), which cannot be solved within a specific period of time (see also below, "Procedures for disruptions"), the disrupted day will be post-listed in a log file. Thereafter, processing occurs normally. Restart: The procedure is used if the "Restart from log file" cannot be used. The system is regenerated, without the data from the disrupted day, but otherwise with its complete range of function. The participant must resubmit the data from the disrupted day. In this case, SIX Interbank Clearing takes the data from its SWIFT application and transfers it to SIC/euroSIC. If necessary, a request can be submitted for messages to be sent again.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Backup procedure

Handbook for payments via SWIFT


The miniSIC system

miniSIC is the normal instance SIC, with the limitation that the online communication (and thus all online functions, such as submission and delivery, queries, system manager control, etc.) and authentication are switched off and settlement of the payment instructions is made without coverage control. With miniSIC the disrupted processing is traced (repeated) and the day concluded and the processing is carried out on the following days. miniSIC basically runs until the normal SIC instance is again completely operational. In order to have miniSIC be fully operational as an alternative at any time, it must be tested regularly. Participation in miniSIC tests is therefore mandatory for all financial institutions. The system does not allow financial institutions with remoteGATE to meet certain requirements (e.g. presentation in SIC formats), so SIX Interbank Clearing takes over some of the tasks of those participants. Each year at least one miniSIC parallel run is performed to ensure perfect operating conditions. Participation in these tests is mandatory for all SIC participants. This requirement is defined in the contract in which each SIC participant is obligated to be "backup capable" at any time. In all cases, the financial institution, as the contracting partner, is responsible for participating in miniSIC parallel runs. Each SIC participant receives a fax from the SNB shortly before the beginning of the test run, containing relevant information on the exercise, with the value date which is to be repeated. The tasks of the participant for the miniSIC parallel run are carried out by SIX Interbank Clearing. If necessary, it can be requested that messages be sent again. In all cases, the financial institution, as the contracting partner, is responsible for the success of the miniSIC parallel run. Please see also the Technical Rules and Regulations, section 2 for SIC and section 3 for euroSIC and section B 7 in the SIC/euroSIC User Manual.


Backup for delivery

If payments cannot be sent via SWIFT, then SIX Interbank Clearing sends out paper lists as a backup after day-end processing. Payments are sent when online operations resume. All participants should ensure processes are in place for selecting payments that are made late using a value date in the past.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Backup procedure

Interleaf for paging in case of double-side printing.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)

Section G

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)

Arrivals: SIC/euroSIC Customer

Number 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section B.3/B.4 B.8 B.7 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.3 B.3 B.4 B.11 C.9 B.6 B.6/B.3 B.7 B.9

Process Arrival of a customer payment MT103/A10 and MT103/A11 Arrival of a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 Arrival of a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B10 Receipt of clearing closing time messages MT299/N20 Receipt of start of DEP messages MT299/N21 Receipt of account data MT950 Arrival of an urgent customer payment MT103/A10 with advice code 2 Arrival of a salary payment MT103/A10 with advice code 1 Arrival of a reverse routing MT103/A11 with advice code 9 Arrival of a NOK messages MT n96/S32 Arrival of a cancelation log MT 196/L58 Arrival of a payment MT103/A15 with ESR reference number Arrival of a payment MT103/A15 based on LSV+ with ESR reference number or MT103/A10 with IPI reference number Arrival of a payment MT202/B10 based on a return direct debit Arrival of a payment MT202COV/B12

Test date

Trx reference: (Field 20)


Tests successful:
9 10


Date, signature of member of Operations Center staff

Mandatory/Optional Transactions marked with "M" must be tested successfully before operations commence. Section in this Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)


Web application remoteGATE

Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.4 5.4 5.4

Process Retrieve account balance and total disposable balance (with details) Retrieve account balance and total disposable balance (without details) Retrieve details of outgoing payments Retrieve details of canceled outgoing payments Retrieve details of incoming payments Retrieve details of single transactions Retrieve details of pre-value-dated payments Retrieve details of settled payments (status code "1") Retrieve details of payments not yet settled (status code "0")

Test date


11 12

Mandatory/Optional Transactions marked with "M" must be tested successfully before operations commence. Section in this Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)


Outputs: Customer TKZHCHZZ

Note: If the beneficiary bank participates in SIC/euroSIC, then the test BIC of the beneficiary banks must be used in the test system. For all other banks, the live BIC can be used.



Number Section 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 B.7 B.7 B.8 B.8 B.8 B.8 B.8 B.8 B.8 B.10 B.3


Process Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B10 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B10 with priority code B1 and payment code 088 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202COV/B12 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 with priority code B7 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 with priority code B1 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 with wrong BIC in Field 56A or 57A Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 with wrong BC number in Field 56 C or 57C Send two bank-to-bank payments MT202/B11 with identical reference number Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B11 with a future value date (max. 5 days) Send cancelations MT292/H70 Send a customer payment MT103/A10

Test date

Trx reference: (Field 20)




Mandatory/Recommended/Optional Transactions marked with "M" must be tested successfully before operations commence. It is strongly recommended that transactions marked with R are tested, to avoid problems during operations. Section in this Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)

M/R/O 13 Number Section 14 R O O O O O O O O 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 B.3 B.4 B.10 B.6 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.4 B.4

Process Send a customer payment MT103/A10 as an urgent payment with advice code 2 Send a customer payment MT103/A11 as a reverse routing with advice code 9 Send a cancelation MT192/H70 Send a customer payment MT103/A15 Send a customer payment MT103/A11 via SECB with option NOB Send a customer payment MT103/A11 via SECB with option LVP Send a customer payment MT103/A11 via SECB with fields 56A and 57A completed Send a customer payment MT103/A11 via SECB with field 57D incorrectly completed Send a customer payment MT103/A11 via SECB with German bank sort code (BLZ)

Test date

Trx reference: (Field 20)


Tests successful:


Date, signature of member of Operations Center staff

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)


Direct debit procedure

Number 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 Section B.3 B.6 C.2 C.2 B.3 B.6 B.7 B.7

Process Payment of a direct debit with IPI reference number with customer payment MT103/A10 Payment of a direct debit with ESR reference number with customer payment MT103/A15 Presentation of a direct debit MT104/D10 with IPI reference number Presentation of a direct debit MT104/D10 with ESR reference number Payment of an Euro direct debit with IPI reference number with customer payment MT103/A10 Payment of an Euro direct debit with ESR reference number with customer payment MT103/A10 Send a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B10 based on a return direct debit Arrival of a bank-to-bank payment MT202/B10 based on a return direct debit

Test date

Trx reference


Tests successful:


Date, signature of member of Operations Center staff

15 16

Mandatory/Optional Transactions marked with "M" must be tested successfully before operations commence. Section in this Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Acceptance testing (test cases for participants)

Interleaf for paging in case of double-side printing.

Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011


CUG/MUG Registration

Handbook for payments via SWIFT

Section H

CUG/MUG Registration

Registration in CUG
Registration in CUG is organised by SIX Interbank Clearing. The financial institution receives an email from SWIFT which must be acknowledged. Then SWIFT authorizes the financial institution for CUG.


Registration for MT104 MUG (only for LSV+/BDD participants)

Registration in MT104 MUG should be carried out by the financial institution as early as possible. 1. To register for the MT104 MUG please click www.swift.com and choose: Ordering & Support Ordering Existing customers Messaging services Change subscription SWIFTNet FIN Service under the heading "Change subscription" Click on "Message User Group" Click on "Register for a Message User Group" Click on "Message User Group Registration Request" and fill in the user name and password fields. Please accept the SWIFT Ordering Tool terms and conditions. Enter the details and select the options necessary to process the order: 2.01: Ordering institution information: Your "live" BIC 3.01: Preferred implementation date: Please choose the earliest possible date, which is the third weekend following the date of submission. 4.01: Message type: Please enter your BIC Codes, as well as both the "live" and the "test & training" BIC. 4.02: Add message type: Please select MT104 Request for direct debit. 5.01: MT204 Sender information: Do not select this position not needed.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Version 3.5 / 18 November 2011

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