Lesson 08-Chapter 8 Shallow Foundations

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Chapter 8 Shallow Foundations




g Topic g Topic

1 (Section 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4) 2 (Section 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9)

- General and Bearing Capacity - Settlement - Spread footings on embankments, IGMs, rocks - Effect of deformations on bridge structures
3 (Section 8.10)

g Topic

- Construction

Shallow Foundations
Lesson 08 - Topic 1
General and Bearing Capacity

Section 8.0 to 8.4

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Identify different types of shallow foundations - Recall foundation design procedure - Contrast factors that influence bearing capacity in sand and clay Compute bearing capacity in sand and clay Describe allowable bearing pressure for rock foundations

Stresses Imposed by Structures

g Abutment

and piers may have shallow or deep foundations

General Approach to Foundation Design

g Duty

of Foundation Designer

- Establish the most economical design that safely

conforms to prescribed structural criteria and properly accounts for the intended function of the structure

g Rational

method of design

- Evaluate various foundation types

Recommended Foundation Design Approach

g Step

1: Determine:

- Direction, type and magnitude of foundation loads Tolerable deformations Special constraints

Underclearance requirements Structure type, span lengths Time constraints on construction Extreme event loading Construction load requirements

Recommended Foundation Design Approach

g Step

2: Evaluate subsurface investigation and laboratory testing data for reliability and completeness Choose design method consistent with quality and quantity of subsurface data

Recommended Foundation Design Approach

g Step

3: Consider alternate foundation types

Foundation Alternatives
g Shallow

Foundations g Deep Foundations

- Piles, shafts

Foundation Cost
g Express g TOTAL

foundation capacity in terms of $

cost of foundation system divided by the load supported by the foundation in tons cost of a foundation must include ALL costs associated with the foundations - Need for excavation support system, pile caps, etc. - Environmental restrictions - All other factors as applicable


Foundation Cost
g If

estimated costs of alternative foundation systems during design are within 15%, the alternate foundation designs should be considered for inclusion in contract documents

Loads and Limit States

g Loads

- Permanent and Transient - Codes specify load combinations

limit states

g Foundation

- Ultimate

Bearing capacity, eccentricity, sliding, global stability, structural capacity Excessive settlement, excessive lateral displacement, structural deterioration of foundation

- Serviceability

Types of Shallow Foundations

g Isolated

Spread Footings

- Length (L) to width (B) ratio, L/B < 10

Types of Shallow Foundations

g Combined

Strip Spread Footings

- Length (L) to width (B) ratio, L/B 10

Shallow Foundations for Bridge Abutments

Shallow Foundations for Retaining Walls

Combined Footings

Abutment Fill 2 1 Toe of End Slope

Original Ground

Toe of Side Slope

Mat Foundations


Spread Footing Design Procedure

g Geotechnical

design of spread footing is a two part process Part:

g First

- Establish an allowable stress to prevent shear

failure in soil

g Second


- Estimate the settlement under the applied stress

Allowable Bearing Capacity

g Allowable

bearing capacity is lesser of:

Applied stress that will result in shear failure divided by FS - Ultimate limit criterion OR Applied stress that results in a specified amount of settlement of the structure - Serviceability criterion

Bearing Capacity Chart

Ultimate Bearing Capacity, qult Allowable Bearing Capacity,

Allowable Bearing Capacity, ksf (kPa)

q q all = ult FS

Contours of Allowable Bearing Capacity for a given settlement S1 S2 S3

Effective Footing Width, ft (m)

Design Process Flow Chart

g Figure


Bearing Capacity
g Bearing

capacity failure occurs when the shear strength of foundation soil is exceeded g Similar to slope stability failure
Q L=



Bearing Capacity Failure Mechanisms

g General



shear g Local shear g Punching shear






Footing Dimension Terminology

g Bf

= Width of footing
Df Bf

- Least lateral dimension

= Length of footing

g Lf g Df

= Depth of embedment of footing

Basic Bearing Capacity Equation

g Equation


q ult = c (N c ) + q (N q ) + 0.5 ( )(B f )(N )

c = cohesion q = surcharge at footing base Nc, Nq, N = Bearing capacity factors = unit weight of foundation soil

Assumptions of Basic Bearing Capacity Equation (Section 8.4.3)

g Strip

(continuous) footing g Rigid footing g General shear g Concentric loading (i.e., loading through the centroid of the footing) g Footing bearing on level surface of homogeneous soil g No impact of groundwater

Bearing Capacity Factors


Figure 8-15 Table 8-1

Bearing Capacity Factors



Nc Nq N
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

1 0

Friction Angle, degrees

Example 8-1
d = D = 5

T = 125 pcf
B = 6

sub = 63 pcf

= 20 c = 500 psf

Example 8-1
g Solution

Effect of Variation of Soil Properties and Footing Dimensions (Table 8-2)

Properties and Dimensions = a = effective unit weight b = submerged unit weight Df = embedment depth Bf = footing width (assume strip footing) A. Initial situation: = 120 pcf, Df = 0', Bf = 5', deep water table B. Effect of embedment: Df = 5', =120 pcf, Bf = 5', deep water table C. Effect of width: Bf = 10' = 120 pcf, Df = 0', deep water table D. Effect of water table at surface: = 57.6 pcf, Df = 0', Bf = 5' Cohesive Soil =0 c = 1000 psf qult (psf) 5140 Cohesionless Soil = 30o c=0 qult (psf) 6720

Effect of Variation of Soil Properties and Footing Dimensions (Table 8-2)

Properties and Dimensions = a = effective unit weight b = submerged unit weight Df = embedment depth Bf = footing width (assume strip footing) A. Initial situation: = 120 pcf, Df = 0', Bf = 5', deep water table B. Effect of embedment: Df = 5', =120 pcf, Bf = 5', deep water table C. Effect of width: Bf = 10' = 120 pcf, Df = 0', deep water table D. Effect of water table at surface: = 57.6 pcf, Df = 0', Bf = 5' Cohesive Soil =0 c = 1000 psf qult (psf) 5140 5740 5140 5140 Cohesionless Soil = 30o c=0 qult (psf) 6720 17760 13440 3226

Student Exercise 5
g Find

the allowable bearing capacity assuming a FS=3 for the condition shown below for a 10x50 footing with rough base
Final Grade 4 30 10 Sand = 115 pcf = 35 C=0

Bearing Capacity Correction Factors

g Footing g Depth


- Adjusted for eccentricity

of water table g Embedment depth g Sloping ground surface g Inclined base g Inclined loading

Student Exercise 5
g Solution

Modified Bearing Capacity Equation Equation 8-11

q ult = cN c s c b c + qN q C Wq s q b q d q + 0.5 B f N C W s b
g g g g g

sc, s, sq

shape correction factors

bc, b, bq base inclination correction factors Cwq, Cw dq groundwater correction factors embedment correction factor

Nc, N, Nq bearing capacity factors as function of

Estimation of for Bearing Capacity Factors (Table 8-3)

Description Corrected N-value N160 Friction angle Degrees Moist unit weight () pcf Very Very Loose Medium Dense Loose Dense 0 25 30 70 100 4 27 32 90 115 10 30 35 110 130 30 35 40 120 140 50 38 43 130 150

Shape Correction Factors

g Basic

equation assumes strip footing which means Lf/Bf 10 footings with Lf/Bf < 10 apply shape correction factors

g For

g Compute

the effective shape of the footing based on eccentricity

Effective Footing Dimensions

Bf = Bf 2eB ; Lf = Lf 2eL ; A= Bf Lf

Pressure Distributions
Structural design Sizing the footing

Shape Correction Factors

Factor Friction Angle Cohesion Term (sc)
Bf 1+ 5L f
Bf 1+ L f

Unit Weight Term (s) 1.0

Bf 1 0.4 L f

Surcharge Term (sq)

Shape Factors, sc, s, sq

g In

=0 >0

Bf tan 1+ Lf

N q N c

routine foundation design, use of effective dimensions in shape factors is not practical

Location of Groundwater table

g To

correct the unit weight

DW CW CWq 0 0.5 0.5 Df 0.5 1.0 > 1.5Bf + Df 1.0 1.0 Note: For intermediate positions of the groundwater table, interpolate between the values shown above.

Embedment Depth
g To

account for the shearing resistance in the soil above the footing base

Friction Angle, (degrees) 32

Df/Bf 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8

dq 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

Note: The depth correction 37 factor should be used only when the soils above the footing bearing elevation are as competent as the soils 42 beneath the footing level; otherwise, the depth correction factor should be taken as 1.0. See Note

Sloping Ground Surface

g Modify

the bearing capacity equation as follows:

q ult = c (N cq ) + 0.5 ( )(B f )(N q )

g Useful

in designing footings constructed within bridge approach fills

Footing in Slope

Footing Near Slope

Inclined Base
g Footings

1 b q 1 bq N 147.3tan c

with inclined base should be avoided or limted to angles less than 8-10 g Sliding may be an issue for inclined bases
Cohesion Friction Term (c) Angle bc Unit Weight Term () b 1.0 Surcharge Term (q) bq 1.0


Base =0 Inclination Factors, >0 (1-0.017 tan)2 (1-0.017 tan)2 bc, b, bq = friction angle, degrees; = footing inclination from horizontal, upward +, degrees

Inclined Loading
g If

shear (horizontal) component is checked for sliding resistance, the inclination correction factor is omitted g Use effective footing dimensions in evaluation of the vertical component of the load

Comments on Use of Bearing Capacity Correction Factors

g For

settlement-controlled allowable bearing capacity, the effect application of correction factors may be negligible of correction factors is secondary to the adequate assessment of the shear strength characteristics of the foundation soil through correctly performed subsurface exploration

g Application

Local or Punching Shear

c* = 0.67c *=tan-1(0.67tan)
g Loose

sands g Sensitive clays g Collapsible soils g Brittle clays

Bearing Capacity Factors of Safety

q ult q all = FS
g qall

= allowable bearing capacity g qult = ultimate bearing capacity g Typical FS = 2.5 to 3.5 g FS is a function of

- Confidence in shear strength parameter, c and - Importance of structure - Consequences of failure

Overstress Allowances
g For

short-duration infrequently occuring loads, an overstress of 25 to 50 % may be allowed for allowable bearing capacity

Practical Aspects of Bearing Capacity

Presumptive Allowable Bearing Capacity


recommended for soils g See Tables 8-8, 8-9 and 8-10 for rocks

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Identify different types of shallow foundations - Recall foundation design procedure - Contrast factors that influence bearing capacity in sand and clay Compute bearing capacity in sand and clay Describe allowable bearing pressure for rock foundations

Any Questions?

Shallow Foundations
Lesson 08 - Topic 2
Settlement, footings on embankments, IGMs, rocks, effect of deformations on bridge structures

Section 8.5 to 8.9

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Calculate immediate settlements in granular -

soils Calculate consolidation settlements in saturated fine-grained soils Describe tolerances and consequences of deformations on bridge structures

Settlement of Spread Footings

g Immediate

(short-term) g Consolidation (long-term)

Immediate Settlement
g Houghs

method method

- Conservative by a factor of 2 (FHWA, 1987) - More rational - Based on nonlinear theory of elasticity and

g Schmertmanns

Charts Figure 2-11

g Ds

= 4B to 6B for continuous footings where Lf/Bf 10 = 1.5B to 2B for square footings where Lf/Bf = 1

g Ds

Trend of Analytical Results and Measurements

Legend: Square footings where Lf/Bf =1 Continuous footings where Lf/Bf 10
Depth below Footing

Vertical Strain, %



Schmertmann Method
S i = C1C 2 p H i
i =1 n

Iz H i = H c XE
t (years) C 2 = 1 + 0.2 log10 0.1

po C1 = 1 0.5 p
g Iz gE gX g C1 g C2

0 .5

Strain Influence Factor Elastic Modulus, Table 5-20 Modification factor for E Correction factor for strain relief Correction factor for creep deformation

p I zp = 0 . 5 + 0 . 1 p op

0 .5

see ( b ) below
Axisymmetric Lf/Bf =1 Lf = Length of footing Bf = least width of footing

p = p po

Plane Strain Lf/Bf 10

Bf /2 (for axisymmetric case) Bf (for plane strain case) Depth to Peak Strain Influence Factor, Izp

p op

Example 8-2
g Given:

6x24 footing on soil profile shown below. Determine settlement at end of construction and 10 years after construction
Ground Surface

Clayey Silt Sandy Silt Coarse Sand Sandy Gravel Bf = 6 ft

3 ft 3 ft 5 ft 25 ft

t = 115 pcf; N160 = 8 t = 125 pcf; N160 = 25 t = 120 pcf; N160 = 30 t = 128 pcf; N160 = 68

Draw Strain Influence Diagram

0 0 0.1 0.2 Influence Factor (Iz) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 4 4

Depth below footing




Axisymmetric Lf/Bf =1


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Influence Factor (Iz) 0.5 0.6 0.7




Plane Strain Lf/Bf 10

g Calculate

peak Iz = 0.64

Strain Influence Diagram Divide into layers

0 0
Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3



Influence Factor (Iz) 0.3 0.4



0.7 0

Depth below footing (ft)

Layer 4




20 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Influence Factor (Iz) 0.5 0.6 0.7


Determine Elastic Modulus, Es

g Use

Table 5-20, Page 5-90

Layer 1: Sandy Silt: E = 4N160 tsf Layer 2: Coarse Sand: E = 10N160 tsf Layer 3: Coarse Sand: E = 10N160 tsf Layer 4: Sandy Gravel: E = 12N160 tsf
g Calculate

X-factor, X = 1.42

Setup Table for Settlement Computation

Layer Hc (inches) 1 2 3 4 36 12 48 96 25 30 30 68 N160 E (tsf) 100 300 300 816 XE (tsf) 142 426 426 1,159 Z1 (ft) 1.5 3.5 6 12 0.31 0.56 0.55 0.22 Hi= IZ at Zi
I Hi = Z Hc XE

(in/tsf) 0.0759 0.0152 0.0599 0.0176 0.1686

Compute Correction Factors C1 , C2

po 3 ft 115 pcf = 1 0.5 C1 = 1 0.5 1655 psf p = 0.896

t (years) C 2 = 1 + 0.2 log10 0.1

g At

end of construction, t=0.1 year

0.1 C 2 = 1 + 0.2 log10 = 1.0 0.1

g At

t=10 years

10 C 2 = 1 + 0.2 log10 = 1.4 0.1

Determine Immediate Settlement

g At

end of construction, t = 0.1 year

S i = C1C 2 p H i 1655psf in S i = (0.896)(1.0) 0.1686 psf tsf 2000 tsf S i = 0.125 inches

g At

t = 10 years

1.4 S i = 0.125 inches = 0.175 inches 1.0

Consolidation Settlement
g Same

procedures as in Chapter 7 (Approach Roadway Deformations)

Example 8-3

Calculate consolidation settlement for following case: 130 kips

4 10 10

Gravel T = 130 pcf Normally consolidated clay sub = 65 pcf, e0 = 0.75, Cc = 0.4 Rock

Example 8-3
p0 = (14 130 pcf) + (5 65 pcf) = 2,145 psf
130 kips 130kips p = = = 0.208 ksf = 208 psf 2 625 ft (10 ft + 15 ft)
p 0 + p Cc H = H log 10 p 1 + e0 0
2145 psf + 208 psf 0.4 H = 10ft log10 2145 psf 1 + 0.75

H = 0.09 = 1.1

Student Exercise 6
g Find

footing settlement (immediate + consolidation) for the following case

5 25 Sand and Gravel Avg. N = 40

Clayey Silt CC = 0.25 e0 = 0.90 (Normally Consolidated)


Student Exercise 6

Pressure - psf

Depth ft.

Spread Footings on Embankments

g Section

8.6 g If spread footings are placed on embankments, structural fills that include sand and gravel sized particles should be used that are compacted properly (minimum 95% of standard Proctor energy)

Settlement of Footings on Structural Fills

g In

absence of other data, use N160 = 32 for the structural to estimate settlement of footings on compacted structural fill

Vertical Stress Distribution

0 20 40 Depth
h=20 h=20 h=40 h=40 Bridge Pier Bridge Pier Earth Earth Embankment Embankment

60 80 100
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

Vertical Stress Vertical Stress

Footings on IGMs and Rocks

g Use

theory of elasticity

Cd p Bf (1 2 ) v = Em
where: v Cd p Bf Em = = = = = = vertical settlement at surface shape and rigidity factors (Table 8-12) change in stress at top of rock surface due to applied footing load footing width or diameter Poissons ratio (refer to Table 5-23 in Chapter 5) Youngs modulus of rock mass (see Section 5.12.3 in Chapter 5)

Effect of Deformations on Bridge Structures

g Section

Tilt (Rotation)

Differential Settlement

Differential Settlement

Tolerable Movements for Bridges (Table 8-13)

Limiting Angular Distortion, /S 0.004 0.005 Type of Bridge Multiple-span (continuous span) bridges Single-span bridges

Note: is differential settlement, S is the span length. The quantity, /S, is dimensionless and is applicable when the same units are used for and S, i.e., if is expressed in inches then S should also be expressed in inches.

Construction Point Concept for Evaluation of Settlements

g Divide

the loadings based on sequence of construction g Key construction point is when the final load bearing member is constructed, e.g., when a bridge deck is constructed
g Table


- Put in a slide

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Calculate immediate settlements in granular -

soils Calculate consolidation settlements in saturated fine-grained soils Describe tolerances and consequences of deformations on bridge structures

Any Questions?

Shallow Foundations
Lesson 08 - Topic 3

Section 8.10

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Discuss elements of shallow foundation


Key Elements of Shallow Foundation Construction

g Table

8-15 set-up

g Contractor g Excavation g Shallow

foundation g Post installation

- Monitoring

Structural Fill
g Tests

for gradation and durability of fill at sufficient frequency to ensure that the material meets the specification g Compaction tests g If surcharge fill is used for pre-loading verify the unit weight of surcharge

g Check

elevations of footing, particularly when footings are on embankment fills g Periodic surveying during the service life of the footing, particularly if the subsurface has soft soils within the depth of influence g Impacts on neighboring facilities g Use instrumentation as necessary

Learning Outcomes
g At

the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

- Discuss elements of shallow foundation


Any Questions?

Interstate 0 Apple Freeway Note: Scale shown in Station Form

S.B. Apple Frwy N.B. Apple Frwy

Baseline Baseline Stationing Stationing

90 90

91 91

92 92

93 93

Interstate 0 Interstate 0

Proposed Toe Proposed Toe of Slope of Slope Proposed Final Grade Proposed Final Grade

Existing Existing Ground Surface Ground Surface

Proposed Proposed Abutment Abutment

Apple Freeway Exercise

g Appendix

Subsurface Investigations Basic Soil Properties

Terrain reconnaissance Site inspection Subsurface borings Visual description Classification tests Soil profile Po diagram Test request Consolidation results Strength results Design soil profile Circular arc analysis Sliding block analysis Lateral squeeze analysis Design soil profile Magnitude and rate of settlement Surcharge Vertical drains

Laboratory Testing

- Section A.7

Slope Stability

Approach Roadway Settlement

Spread Footing Design

Design soil profile Pier bearing capacity Pier settlement Abutment settlement Surcharge Vertical drains

Driven Pile Design

Design soil profile Static analysis pier Pipe pile H pile Static analysis abutment Pipe pile H pile Driving resistance Lateral movement - abutment Wave equation Hammer approval Embankment instrumentation

Construction Monitoring


Assumptions: Footing embeded 4 below ground Footing width = 1/3 pier height = 7 Footing length = 100 L/W = 100/7 > 10Continuous 9

4 6 11 21 22 40 37 33

4 7 10 15



Compute N160 values

Depth (ft.) 5 7 8 10 12 14 p0 (psf) 550 770 880 1100 1195 1290 p0 (tsf) 0.275 0.385 0.440 0.550 0.598 0.645 N (bpf) 11 21 22 40 37 33 Hammer Efficiency (Ef) 65 65 65 65 65 65 Ef / 60 N60 (bpf) Cn N160 (bpf) 17 30 30 52 47 41 36

1.083 12 1.43 1.083 23 1.32 1.083 24 1.28 1.083 43 1.20 1.083 40 1.17 1.083 36 1.15 Average corrected blow count =





Time (days)
50 100 150 200 250

H = 2.85


Pressure (psf)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Sand 10



5550 4920





Depth (ft)


5650 6200




Gravel Layer
Time (days)
0 100 200 300 400 500


H = 2.59


Time days
100 0 Assume Wick Drains Installed 5 *0.25 Remaining 30 days after abutment loaded Begin Abutment Footing Construction 12.66 emb. 15 200 300 400


15.25 Emb. + Abut

Time Days
0 0.83 5 100 200 300 240 days 400 400 days 500

Total 10 13.7 t90 15

30 Fill to 10 Surcharge

*Assume 10 Surcharge Used

15.25Total H


Design Soil Profile Strength and consolidation values selected for all soil layers. Footing elevation and width chosen. Pier Bearing Capacity Qallowable = 3 tons/sq.ft. Pier Settlement Settlement = 2.8", t90 = 220 days. Abutment Settlement Settlement - 2.6", t90 = 433 days. Vertical Drains t90 = 60 days - could reduce settlement to 0.25" after abutment constructed and loaded. Surcharge 10' surcharge: t90 = 240 days before abutment constructed.

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