Relativistic Quantum Computing: UH-511-946-99 November 19, 1999

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November 19, 1999

Relativistic Quantum Computing

S. Pakvasa, W. Simmons & X. Tata

Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Hawaii at Manoa
arXiv:quant-ph/9911091v1 19 Nov 1999

Honolulu, HI 96822


We present some informal remarks on aspects of relativistic quantum com-


The continuing miniaturization of electronic circuitry has forced design-

ers of computer chips to deal with all of the complications that are entailed
in using Quantum Mechanics. Meanwhile, physicists have identified dramatic
new possibilities for increases in computer performance by making use of such
uniquely quantum effects as superposition, the entanglement of states, and the
collapse of wave functions during measurement. Quantum computation and
quantum information theory have now become exciting new fields of research.
As circuits become yet smaller and the demand for higher clock speeds con-
tinues to escalate, relativistic effects, as well as quantum effects, will become
important in computing.
The energy-time uncertainty relation in Quantum Mechanics places a
number of interesting bounds on the performance of computers. We shall
show that as faster computer circuits are developed, a series of thresholds is
encountered, each requiring major changes of engineering approach. Eventu-
ally, in order to design the very fastest computer circuits, engineers will be
forced to deal with the full machinery of Relativistic Quantum Field Theory,
which is today used mainly by high energy physicists who study relativistic
particle collisions.
Let us pause to think back to the level of technology available to engineers
in the early part of the twentieth century at the time that Einstein proposed
his theory of the specific heat of solids. Just after his theory was proposed,

the internal states of solids were known to be astronomical in number, multi-
particle, quantized, and generally evanescent in character. Those internal
states could be manipulated only in the crudest way with the equipment
available at that time. Physicists and engineers of that period evidently did
not anticipate that by the last quarter of the century, the control of internal
states of materials would be at the core of all modern technology. In fact,
given some of the well known and laughable negative predictions made by
physicists at various times past, it seems possible that many physicists would
have dismissed out of hand the possibility of electronic micro-circuitry.
Today we know that relativistic collisions produce complex, non-linear,
multi-particle, quantized states that are highly evanescent and individually
inaccessible to our equipment. We suggest that is not unreasonable to suppose
that one day these relativistic states will be technologically significant in new
Uncertainty Principle Limitations
It is common in classical computer engineering to associate a bit with an
energy state. For example, a 1 might be represented by a high voltage and a
0 by a low voltage. As long as it is necessary to distinguish amongst states
with distinct values of energy in order to perform logical operations, then the
energy-time uncertainty relation dictates that there be a minimum energy
associated with any given clock rate. For a clock frequency, f , the minimum
energy, ∆E, required by the uncertainty relation is, (in atomic units),
f = ∆E (1)
Specifically, one electron-volt corresponds to a frequency of 1.5 × 1015
Hertz, or 1.5 peta-Hertz1 , which is a million-fold faster than today’s machines.
This relationship is quite general and applies to any form of energy when
used to distinguish bits; light, electric charge separation, electron spin in a
magnetic field, etc. Moreover, it applies to any mechanism that uses energy
to distinguish bits, whether it be a CPU, a memory device, or communication
For the same reasons, the power flowing through a logic circuit like the
ones described above, must increase with the square of the clock frequency.
We note that nothing dictates that the power flowing through the circuit
must be wasted, but it must flow for the circuit to do its job within the
restrictions of the uncertainty relation, and this quadratic increase of power
with frequency will become very burdensome.

1 Peta-Hertzequals 1015 Hertz, Exa-Hertz equals 1018 Hertz, Zetta-Hertz equals 1021 Hertz, and
Yotta-Hertz equals 1024 Hertz.
Femto-second equals 10−15 s, Atto-second equals 10−18 s, Zepto-second equals 10−21 s, and Yocto-
second equals 10−24 s.

Power Per Bit → f 2 (2)

As we shall discuss, below, the two simple and fundamental, equations

(1) and (2), when taken together with the properties of matter and radiation,
determine the shape of the future of both classical and quantum computing.
A quantum circuit that processes an input string, would read in qubits,
which are two component superposition states, one by one. Suppose that
the engineering choice is made to limit each qubit to only one of two energy
eigenstates, which differ in energy by E. That is, each qubit carries only one
bit of information. In this case, Eq. (1) gives us the maximum frequency of
this particular quantum circuit.
It has been known for more than twenty years that a single qubit cannot
carry more information than the single bit just discussed. For example, if we
set the qubit to be a superposition of the two eigenstates, then there are up
to three real parameters that describe the mixing. But a single measurement
of the qubit will result in one or the other of the eigenvalues and can yield
essentially no information about the mixing angles.
The Future of Computers
With the limitations imposed upon computers by the uncertainty relation
in mind, let us explore the future of this technology.
Let us begin with a simple application of Eq. (1). If all of the properties
of semiconductors, which make them so useful, are to be available, then the
energy of the electron state should be less than the energy gap, which might
typically be one electron-volt. This implies the existence of a sort of barrier at
the frequency corresponding to one electron-volt, i.e. 1.5 peta-Hertz. Above
that frequency, unique semiconductor properties start to become unavailable.
This barrier, like the sound barrier, is in some sense illusory, entailing no
problem of principle. Surpassing the barrier simply requires changing the
As another example, suppose that bits are distinguished using the energy
of orientation of a spin relative to a magnetic field. Then for a given frequency,
the magnetic field strength must be large enough so that the magnetic spin
energy, (which is proportional to the magnetic field strength) is at least as
large as the frequency. It follows that the energy stored in the magnetic field,
(which goes like the square of the field strength), must increase with the square
of the frequency, as does the power passing through the spin states. Thus, in
this example, both the (stored) energy of the computer mechanism and the
power passing through its circuits increase like the square of the frequency.
As a part of the trend toward higher clock frequencies, circuit engineers
are reducing the sizes of the elemental circuit elements. This means that they
must deal with individual electrons, whose energies are increasing with the
frequency. The smaller circuits also encounter all of the well known problems

associated with controlling quantum particles.
As we have said, as the desired clock frequency increases, the minimum
energy required to represent information increases in proportion. However,
quantized systems will, in general, have energy levels spaced closer than this
minimum, thus and these levels cannot be used to distinguish information.
Thus, as clock speed increases, there is a decrease in the number of energy
states available for representing information. For example, the hydrogen atom
has an infinite number of levels but only some of them could be used to store
information if one wants to get out answers in a finite time. One possible way
to release more levels for use is to engineer the over-all energy of the circuit
elements yet higher; that is, choose quantum systems of greater total energy.
As a final example of the importance of the uncertainty relation in com-
puting, we note that it has recently been suggested that spin-spin interactions
in semiconductors may be useful in quantum computing. If spin domains are
used to store bits, then the clock period will be limited by the light travel
time across the domains. If individual spin-spin interactions are used, in the
interest of speed, then the energy of interaction is of the order of 10−4 s eV
and the limiting frequency is only about 150 GHz.
Relativistic Effects
As engineers respond to the limitations discussed above, they must push
the maximum operating energy of circuit elements higher in order to facilitate
higher clock frequencies demanded by users. If the rapid progress in clock
speed proceeds as in recent years, then relativistic effects will appear shortly.
Once the limitations entailed in the uncertainty relation become important,
then, as mentioned above, the power throughput will increase quadratically
with frequency. Therefore, computers of the future may become high power,
relativistic devices similar to particle accelerators.
While, engineering practice has included classical relativistic electronic
effects ever since the introduction of radar, the combination of relativistic
and quantum effects in logic circuits will probably come as a rude surprise
to engineers who will have to begin using relativistic quantum mechanics or
quantum field theory
One relativistic effect, which will ultimately turn out to be very impor-
tant in computing, is the impossibility of localizing an electron to a volume
smaller than that characterized by electron’s Compton wavelength. An impor-
tant implication of this, which is discussed below, is that the time required for
light to cross this small distance, which is about one zepto-second, represents
a minimum time for a logical process involving electrons, and a maximum
operating frequency measured in zetta-Hertz. Furthermore, at zetta- Hertz
frequencies, there is another significant relativistic effect. At a frequency of
a few zetta-Hertz the energy-time relationship implies that the voltage in the
single electron logic circuits will exceed the threshold for the production of

electron- positron pairs. The positrons will quickly annihilate with environ-
mental electrons, producing 0.5 MeV gamma rays.
In semiconductor circuits, the annihilation of electron-hole pairs produces
electromagnetic radiation and that has not inhibited the development of prac-
tical circuits - in fact, the radiation is often quite useful. Similarly, the produc-
tion of gamma rays may not inhibit the development of high energy circuits.
The limitation upon the localization of electrons is, however, a barrier
of principle. Present day concepts of computer circuitry, based, as they are
on electrons, and extrapolated to high frequency and single particle circuits,
simply will not work above the zetta-Hertz frequency range.
Power Requirements
Based upon the discussion so far, we can estimate, very roughly, the power
consumption of a typical relativistic quantum computer.
Let us suppose we want to have a machine that operates on a clock cycle
of one zepto-second and which represents each bit by a single electron. From
the uncertainty relation, the electron kinetic energy must be at least one MeV.
If the through-put is one kilo-bit wide, then the machine has a throughput
of one yotta-bit per second. This might be a nice piece of equipment to look
forward to owning, because it is about fourteen orders of magnitude faster
than the 32 bit, 500 MHz machine that may now be sitting on the reader’s
desk. (Note, for example, that a computation that takes just one second at
a rate of one yotta-bit/second would require thirty million years to complete
on your desk machine.)
For simplicity in estimating the power requirements, let us set aside the
possibility of reversibility and of recycling energy from cycle to cycle. The el-
ementary circuit process involves energizing one thousand electrons and mak-
ing a logical operation on them in one clock cycle, then repeating the process
during the next cycle. At the uncertainty limit, the power is just the number
of electrons operating in parallel, times the energy of each electron, times the
frequency. The power required in this example is about one hundred billion
watts! Considering that almost all of that comes out of the machine as gamma
rays, it might not be a desirable replacement for the machine on your desk,
after all.
The power estimated, above, is only the power for a single tier of the most
elementary circuit elements. To estimate the power of the entire computer,
the power, above, must be multiplied by the number of elementary circuit
elements in the machine, which is generally a large number.
Ultimate Speed Computer
The question naturally arises as to whether there is any ultimate physics
limit to the speed of logic circuitry, or whether we can build as fast a computer
as we like if we are clever enough and are willing to commit unlimited power.

There is no fundamental unit of time in physics. That implies that there is
no known upper limit to how fast an event can take place. However, at a
fundamental level, there is a fastest process.
The fastest fundamental process now known to physics, is the formation
or disintegration of the Z 0 boson. The lifetime of the Z 0 is about one hun-
dredth of a yocto-second, which corresponds to a frequency of one hundred
yotta-Hertz. Therefore, assuming that no circuit can operate faster than the
fastest fundamental process, there is an ultimate limit to computation speed.
However, as emphasized earlier, due to relativistic effects, electrons cannot be
measured in times less than about one zepto-second. Therefore the ultimate
clock speed for an electronic circuit would be in the range of zetta-Hertz,
which was used in the example in the previous section.
These same limitations apply to digital communications. The fastest pro-
cesses that can be sustained using electrons are in the zetta-Hertz range.
How Soon Will We Reach These Limits?
Computer clock speed has been increasing dramatically in recent decades
and may well fit the exponential progress model. Early in this century data
communication was accomplished by using Morse code and by using manual
keyboard entry into hand cranked mechanical calculators. Today, the same
functions are performed by giga-Hertz or tera-Hertz data communication lines.
This represents an increase of ten or twelve orders of magnitude in speed over
eight or nine decades. For discussion purposes, let us take the average figure
to be an order of magnitude increase in clock speed, or equivalently, operating
frequency, every ten years. Is it plausible to suppose that progress in computer
speed will continue at this pace?
At each stage of development, the newest computers are applied to the
problem of designing better and faster equipment and for improving and con-
trolling the manufacturing processes. For example, enormous progress has
been made in recent years in simulating the properties of materials on the
computer; and this accelerates the development of materials to be used in the
manufacture of better equipment. At each stage of computer development,
the existing computers provide both tools for research and design and provide
components for yet more sophisticated machines. Additionally, all of the new
applications have opened up new markets causing an influx of capital into
development of new technology. It is thus, not implausible to speculate that
the rate of increase of clock speed is proportional to clock speed.
Let us suppose, then, that computer clock speeds are in an exponentially
increasing stage of development, and assume that the same pace, of an order
of magnitude per decade, will continue indefinitely. From today’s giga-Hertz
machines to peta-Hertz machines will take six decades. That is about all of
the time available to use today’s semiconductor and quantum dot technology.
With the same extrapolation in another six decades, around the year 2120,

the zetta-Hertz barrier will be encountered. In some sense, that will mark the
end of the era of electronics.
Quantum Mechanics, together with elementary properties of matter and
radiation, determine the future of computers and computation. The energy-
time uncertainty relation, together with strong engineering trends, implies
the ultimate computer will have to incorporate the principles of relativistic
quantum physics.
This work is supported in part by a grant from U.S. Department of Energy.
Note Added: After completing this work, we became aware of a paper by
Lloyd [1], which also addresses physics limitations of the ultimate computer.

[1] Seth Lloyd, Physical Limits to Computation, quant-ph/9908043 v2, 16 August 1999.

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