ANZ Ag Morning Note - 120410
ANZ Ag Morning Note - 120410
ANZ Ag Morning Note - 120410
Authors: Paul Deane Victor Thianpiriya +613 9273 6295 +613 9273 5928 Agricultural Economist Agricultural Analyst 10 April 2012
CFTC data. CFTC data released on Monday gives us our first snapshot of market positioning post the March 30 USDA reports (Grain Stocks and Prospective Plantings). The speculative net long positioning between March 27 and April 3 fell for corn but increased for soybeans. Since the beginning of March, prices have been working to increase soybean acreage, with positioning across the agriculture complex favouring soybeans over corn. The size of the speculative net short in Chicago wheat also increased during the week. Across the complex, speculative positioning remains record long in soybeans at 203k contracts (breaking the 200k mark for the first time) and soybean meal. At the other end of the spectrum, net shorts in coffee, HRW wheat and cocoa are near historical highs. US Export Sales. The US export sales report released Thursday was supportive for wheat, corn and soybean prices in the final trading session of last week. Net sales of US soybeans in the week to March 29 were reported at 400k tonnes, well above the 135k tonnes required to meet the USDA full year estimate of 34.7mt. Net sales for the 2012/13 marketing year showed a sharp increase by 700k tonnes in the week and total commitments for the 2012/13 year have jumped by 1.8mt in the past 4 weeks. Cumulative sales for 2012/13 have reached 6.3mt, almost equal to the 6.5mt reached at this point in 2010/11. China accounts for the lions share of sales, with 2012/13 commitments totalling 5.3mt. Net sales of corn were up sharply from the previous week to 938k tonnes. The major destination was China, which booked 394k tonnes of corn (60k tonnes switched from unknown destinations) for 2011/12 delivery. Commitments of US corn to China for the current crop year total 4.2mt, well above the 1.03mt imported by China in the entire 2010/11 crop year. US Crop Progress. Corn planting across the US progressed 4ppts to 7% complete in the week to Sunday. Nationwide winter wheat conditions in the combined good to excellent (g+e) category rose 3ppts over the week to 61%. Our weighted average index for the 7 US HRW States improved to 55% g+e, also up 3ppts from last week and compared to 30% last year. Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado all showed improvements. Notably, ratings in Montana (11% of US HRW production) increased by 8ppts to 32% g+e. Data this week. There are a number of data releases with relevance for commodity markets this week. Today we get the Preliminary March China trade data as well as the Malaysian Palm Oil Board monthly statistics for March. The USDA will also release its monthly WASDE report tonight. Key market expectations are for tightening US and global ending stocks of wheat, corn and soybeans for 2011/12. USDA is expected to take more than 1mt each off Brazil and Argentina soybean production. MARKET ESTIMATES FOR USDA APRIL WASDE REPORT
US Ending Stocks 2011/12 billion bushels Wheat Average estimate 0.792 USDA March estimate 0.825 Highest estimate Lowest estimate 0.825 0.720 Corn 0.721 0.801 0.812 0.626 Soybeans 0.246 0.275 0.300 0.214
World Ending Stocks 2011/12 million metric tonnes Wheat Average estimate 208.6 USDA March estimate 209.6 Highest estimate Lowest estimate 209.7 207.0
WHEAT US SRW #2 (USD/bu) US HRW #2 (USD/bu) US DNS (USD/bu) EU Soft Milling (USD/t) Black Sea Milling (USD/t) Argentine Hard White (USD/t) Australian H2 (AUD/t) CORN US No. 2 Yellow (USD/bu) EU Maize (EUR/t) Black Sea Maize (USD/t) Argentine Corn (USD/t) Brazilian Corn (BRL/60kg bag) BARLEY Canadian Thunder Bay(USD/t) Black Sea FOB (USD/t) EU Feed (EUR/t) EU Malt (EUR/t) 241 269 200 217 1 0 1 3 3 (0) 2 (5) 7 8 11 2 11 (2) 5 (2) 13 10 11 7.09 205 268 254 24 (1) 2 0 (4) 0 (0) 4 2 (6) (1) 0 6 16 3 (8) 6 6 2 (7) (7) (14) 4 (13) (10) (7) 7.06 6.35 9.90 283 275 253 217 (2) 1 (0) (2) 0 1 1 1 (8) 4 (1) (1) (5) (4) 2 (4) 7 7 16 6 (6) 5 (5) (1) 8 14 (5) (10) (20) (27) (19) (24) 4 (29) (33) Spot 1 Wk 1 Mth 3 Mth % Change 6 Mth 12 Mth
Cont. Spot % Change High Low Volume
CBOT (US c/bu) Wheat Corn Soybeans Soybean Oil (US c/lb) Soybean Meal (USD/t) Lean Hogs (US c/lb) Live Cattle (US c/lb) KCBOT (US c/bu) HRW MGE (US c/bu) HRS ICE Winnipeg (CAD/t) Canola EURONEXT Paris (EUR/t) Wheat Corn Rapeseed EURONEXT Liffe (/t) Wheat MAY 12 #N/A N/A 1.3 ... ... ... NOV 12 #N/A N/A JUN 12 #N/A N/A NOV 12 #N/A N/A 1.1 1.8 1.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... NOV 12 583 0 586 579 3,262 JUL 12 841 0.2 844 835 894 JUL 12 670 (0.3) 678 669 5,378 MAY 12 MAY 12 MAY 12 MAY 12 MAY 12 JUN 12 JUN 12 643 649 1,431 57 389 94 116 0.7 (1.4) (0.2) 0.1 (0.8) (0.1) 0 649 664 1,447 57.2 396 94 116 637 60,261
SOYBEANS US Gulf (USD/bu) Argentine Soybeans (USD/t) Brazilian Soybeans (BRL/60kg bag) CANOLA Canada (CAD/t) PALM OIL Malaysia (MYR/t) Indonesia (IDR/kg)
1 Wk
1 Mth
3 Mth % Change
6 Mth
12 Mth
ICE NY (US c/lb) Sugar #11 Coffee JUL 12 MAY 12 JUL 12 MAY 12 24 178 2,118 89 (0.4) (2.7) 0.5 1.1 24 184 2,127 90 24 178 2,082 89 31,569 10,733 13,809 15,450
14.93 551 57
1 5 1
7 7 10
15 18 18
24 4 28
3 4 27
3523 -
2 0
9 0
9 0
24 0
3 0
MDEX (MYR/t) Crude Palm Oil ASX (AUD/t) JUN 12 3,575 (0.8) 3,623 3,575 12,822
1 Wk
1 Mth
3 Mth % Change
6 Mth
12 Mth
0.0 0.0
... ...
... ...
... ...
1 1 1
(3) (0) 1
(5) (5) 1
(12) (9) 5
(21) (25) 7
1 Day % Change
1 Mth
3 mth
12 Mth High Low 72.70 0.94 0.94 1.52 1.53 1.26 2.93 75.35
(16) 4 (23) 15
3 (4) 7
S&P 500 WTI Crude Oil Gold Copper (spot)
1 Day % Change
1 Mth
3 mth
100 82 33,400
(4) (4) 2
2 0 1
(1) (9) 4
(2) 3 (20) 12
VIX CRB Commodity Index S&P GSCI Agri Index Baltic Freight Rate
Source: Bloomberg
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