SOMP 07 Education Cedron
SOMP 07 Education Cedron
SOMP 07 Education Cedron
Global Consortium
To address the educational and academic research needs of the global mining industry, the mining engineering departments of universities in major mining countries encouraged by support from the Newmont Mining Corporation, have taken the initiative to establish the GLOBAL CONSORTIUM ON MINING ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (GCMEER)
Increase enrollments in Mining Engineering programs by providing an attractive tool for recruitment and retention. Identify at an early stage the most talented students and encourage them to follow an international career starting by spending at least one semester at one of the other participating universities. To exchange faculty members and develop cooperative research projects
Making of a GEME
Each participating university establishes the requirements for applying to the GEME program annually. Common issues will be the need to have completed the basic engineering and science courses in mining or other engineering disciplines, have a minimum academic standing and be proficient in english and a second language.
Academic Activities
To attend classes for a semester at a host university taking courses equivalent to those in the curriculum of their home university and with a similar academic workload (Standard student exchange program). To complete at least one internship in a foreign country sponsored by a participating mining company. To attend a short course at their home university offered by a Consortium professor
GEME Scholarships
The GEME students will be awarded a scholarship at an escalating level as they progress with their studies. The amounts will vary depending on the tuition fees at different universities and the living expenses in the host countries. The scholarship will be renewed on a per semester basis as long as the student performs according to the requirements of the program (academic activities) The cost of supporting one GEME student per year will vary between KUSD 20 to 35 depending on the country of origin of the home university and will last for two years
Initially, the Consortium activities will be coordinated by a program coordinator and an assistant at the Colorado School of Mines. An Advisory Board consisting of representatives from both industry and academia will oversee the Consortium activities. Each university will be responsible for its recruitment of GEME students and administration of the program at its mining department.
UNIVERSITIES Colorado School of Mines USA Pontificia Universidad Catolica Peru Pontificia Universidad Catolica Chile University of the WitwatersrandS.A. Others from Australia, Brasil, Canada and Europe in process of joining MINING COMPANIES Newmont Mining Corporation Minera Yanacocha Cia de Minas Buenaventura Hochschild Mining Plc.