Pre Existence of The Soul
Pre Existence of The Soul
Pre Existence of The Soul
It is staring them in the face, and they claim the words as their own, yet many reject the implications because of the boxes theyve been taught to think inside of. A theme of marriage between humanity and their Creator runs throughout the entire Bible. Marriage in the Bible is the action of two souls intertwining and becoming one. In the preserved transmission of the Bible, the Author decides to let His children know that in the end, we will be One, that our souls will return to their Source. The church is known as the bride of Christ, and we are promised a marriage ceremony where we will become united with God. Adam and Eve were a picture of the original estate and relationship with YHWH from which we fell. Yshua, the promised husband, is referred to as a second Adam and the unity of Adam and Eve is representative of the union between Yshua and us. In the creation story, we are told that Eve was created out of the rib of Adam. We too were pulled from the Core of YHWH, from the rib next to the Heart of the Father, and are sent out into the world in different men and entities.The consciousness of all souls, from the lower forms of animals or hive-mind insects, to the higher creative forms of men and angels, comes as a separated, individual ration of the conscious functions of the Source Consciousness of YHWH. We are a sectioned off and filtered emanation of our Creator, and in the end we will return to Unity with our original Source. Before existence, we existed as One with the Heart of YHWH, and we are now the rib that inhabits Eve. We are headed back to our former estate of a Oneness that will now become a We, a singular unity of multiple individualities. Man, unlike animals, have a special place in creation as they are imbued with the conscious characteristics of Yshua, they are fashioned in the image of the Creator. We are the only creatures who can live in the family of Christ and have a direct access with the Heart of the Father. We are the conduits of the deepest forms of Love and energy in this physical emanation. -Matthew Chojnacki - 10th April 12 + a little revision and addition the next day - This impression was received during the teaching right before the Passover seder at Kingdom Sending Center and 12 School of Supernatural Ministry at the Kingdom House of Prayer in Algonquin, IL. (If anyone finds this, I only uploaded it to scribd so I could download another pdf. This is not me publishing anything, its one of my writings that I needed to exchange for another download. This is up for discussion. If you have any insight or arguments against it or resources (either for or against the preexistence of the soul) or whatever, please do not hesitate to send it to me on Facebook or at Matthew Chojnacki youtube channel: mattqatsi twitter: mattqatsi skype: mattqatsi anything else: probably mattqatsi facebook discussion group: Fractal Eschatology and no holds barred general discussion