AVR1907: Xplain Hardware User's Guide: Features
AVR1907: Xplain Hardware User's Guide: Features
AVR1907: Xplain Hardware User's Guide: Features
ATxmega128A1 microcontroller External Memory - 8MB SDRAM - 8MB Serial Data Flash AT90USB1287 - Communication gateway - Programmer for Atmel AVR XMEGA Analog Input (to ADC) - Temperature sensor - Potentiometer Analog Output (from DAC) - Mono speaker via audio amplifier Digital IO - UART communication through USB gateway - 8 micro switch buttons - 8 LEDs - 8 spare analog pins - 8 spare digital pins
1 Introduction
The Xplain evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the ATxmega128A1. The kit offers a larger range of features that enables the XMEGA user to get started using the XMEGAs peripherals right away and to get an understanding of how to integrate the XMEGA in their own design. Figure 1-1. Xplain evaluation kit.
Rev. 8203D-AVR-04/10
2 Related Items
FLIP (Flexible In-System Programmer) http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=3886 AVR Studio 4 (Atmels free IDE) http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=2725 JTAGICE mkII (On-chip programming and debugging tool) http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=3353 AVR ONE! (On-chip programming and debugging tool) http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=4279
3 General information
This document targets the Xplain evaluation kit revision 3 and parts of the document may therefore be inconsistent with earlier revisions of the product. For earlier revision please refer to the schematics, which is this only documentation available for these revision. The Xplain kit is intended to demonstrate the ATxmega128A1, and the hardware that relates to the AT90USB1287 is therefore not covered in this document. Figure 3-1. Overview of the Xplain kit.
AT90USB1287 JTAG (J200) SDRAM ATxmega128A1 JTAG (J100)
ATxmega128A1 XMEGA PORT A (J101) USB (COM and PSU) XMEGA PORT D (J102)
The preprogrammed AT90USB1287 firmware offers features such as a bootloader for self-programming and a UART-to-USB gateway.
4 Connectors
The Xplain kit has four 10-pin 100mill headers. Two are used for programming the ATxmega128A1 and AT90USB1287, and two are to access spare analog and digital pins on the XMEGA (expansion headers).
Table 4-1. XMEGA programming and debugging interface JTAG and PDI.
1. Standard pin-out for JTAGICE mkII and other Atmel programming tools. 2. Requires adapter to connect a JTAGICE mkII (refer to AVR Studio help). 3. It is only required to connect on VCC/GND pin.
The AT90USB1287 can be programmed through its bootloader. The bootloader is evoked by shorting the (PORTF4) pin to GND before applying power to the board. This can be done by shorting pin 1 and 2 on the JTAG USB pin header (J200) with a jumper. Programming is performed through the FLIP plug-in in AVR Studio (can be started as a stand-alone application also). FLIP (FLexible In-system Programmer) is a free Atmels proprietary software that runs Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP and Linux x86. FLIP supports in-system programming of Flash devices through RS232, USB or CAN. Alternatively, the AT90USB1287 can be also programmed by connecting a programming tool, such as a JTAGICE mkII, to the JTAG USB pin header (J200). Note that it is not recommended to program the AT90USB1287 using a programming tool as this will erase the bootloader.
5 Attached Memories
The Xplain kit demonstrates how to use the External Bus Interface (EBI) module to interface a 4-bit SDRAM. An 8MB SDRAM (16M x 4) is attached in 3-port EBI mode (PORTH, PORTK and PORTJ). An 8MB serial Dataflash is connected to the UARTC1 which can operate in SPI master mode to interface the dataflash.
6 Miscellaneous IO
6.1 Micro switch buttons
Eight micro switch buttons are connected to the XMEGAs PORTF. Internal pull-ups should be enabled to detect when the buttons are pushed as they short the respective line to GND.
6.2 LEDs
Eight LEDs are connected to the XMEGAs PORTE. The LEDs are active low and thus lights up when the respective lines are drawn low by the XMEGA.
6.3 Analog IO
An NTC and an adjustable resistor divider (potentiometer) are connected to PORTB on PINB0 and PINB1 respectively. These analog references can be used as input to the ADC. An audio amplifier (and mono speaker) is connected to PORTB on PINB2. This pin is connected to the XMEGAs DAC and thus offers a way to generate sound.
8 Revision history
Different revisions of the Xplain kit is released, these revisions are not fully identical it can therefore be relevant to identify the board used.
8.1 Revision 1
Revision 1 of the Xplain kit can be identified by not having a bar-code sticker on the back side. Table 8-1. Xplain revision 1 known issues.
Issue Speaker is noisy during programming and debugging of the ATxmega128A1 when using JTAG. AT90USB1287 cannot connect to FLIP programming software to reprogram the AT90USB1287 application section of the flash. Cause Problem due to cross-talk contaminating the audio amplifier input. No bootloader programmed in the AT90USB1287 Solution Use the PDI interface or remove resistor R305. Upgrade to the AT90USB1287 with the latest firmware using an external programming tool such as the JTAG ICE mkII.
8.2 Revision 2
Revision 2 of the Xplain kit can be identified by a bar-code sticker on the back side with the following product ID: A09-0560/2. Table 8-2. Difference between Xplain revision 1 and revision 2.
Difference Dataflash changed to 45DB642D-CNU AT90USB1287 bootloader R305 removed Two jumpers added default placed on the J101 and J102. Comment The 45DB642D-CNU is replacing the 45DB041D-SU. Bootloader is entered by shorting pin 1 and 2 on the J200. To eliminate noise on speaker during JTAG programming and debugging of the ATxmega128A1.
8.3 Revision 3
Revision 3 of the Xplain kit can be identified by a bar-code sticker on the back side with the following product ID: A09-0560/3. Table 8-3. Difference between Xplain revision 2 and revision 3.
Difference Series resistors on SDRAM lines removed Shunt resistor (R105) added Audio amplifier is default off (R300 is pulling down the SD line of the U300). Comment Not required and therefore removed. This is a zero ohm resistor that enables measurement of the ATxmega128A1 current consumption. Reduce power consumption and reduce faint noise from speaker.
8.4 Revision 4
Revision 4 of the Xplain kit can be identified by a bar-code sticker on the back side with the following product ID: A09-0560/4. Table 8-4. Difference between Xplain revision 3 and revision 4.
Difference Replaced resistor R400 with a 0 ohm resistor. Comment Reduce the noise on the power line but disable the Xplain board current measurement.
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