444 Project

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(Fall 2001)


The structural floor plan of a three-story (ground floor, two suspended floors, and a roof) office building is shown on the next page. The roof covers the hole used for the elevator shaft and stairwells. The new building will be located in Houston, Texas. The floor systems consist of oneway pan joists slabs supported in one direction by beams located on column lines A through F. In addition, beams are located on column lines 1 and 4 as part of the lateral force resisting system. The design loads for the floor (in addition to the self-weight) include a superimposed dead load (SDL) of 20 psf to account for moveable partitions, ceiling panels, etc. and a superimposed live load (LL) to be determined from ASCE 7-95. In addition, a 0.5 kip/ft. wall load is applied around the building perimeter. The design loads for the roof (in addition to the self-weight) include a superimposed dead load (SDL) of 10 psf. Overview of Required Design: A. B. C. D. E. Design the continuous beams of the first floor on column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor system (3 parts). Design the slab of the second suspended floor as a one-way pan joist system supported in one direction on column lines A through F (3 parts). Design and detail the columns for all three stories for the location where column lines E and 2 intersect (1 part). Design the roof system as a two-way slab without beams (1 part). Design the footing for the column on column lines E and 2 (1 part). Follow detailed instructions on separate assignment sheets!!!

Dimension Assignments by Groups

Parameter L fc fy bw Sw 1 35 4 ksi 60 ksi 4 20 2 35 4 ksi 60 ksi 6 30 Group Number 3 4 40 40 4 ksi 4 ksi 60 ksi 60 ksi 6 7 30 53 5 45 4 ksi 60 ksi 7 53 6 45 4 ksi 60 ksi 6 66

(Fall 2001)

1 A
1 1



2 2

Hole for Elevator shafts and stairwells


2 Pan joist - rib direction (typ) 2



L 0.85L L

Plan View

t = 5

t = 5

10-20 *





L = _______ fc = _______ fy = _______ bw = _______ Sw = _______

* Use standard pan joist dimensions.

Section 1-1 (Joists)

Section 2-2 (Beams)

(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #A1 Design the continuous beams on column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor slab system. The design loads for the floor (in addition to the self-weight) include a superimposed dead load (SDL) of 20 psf to account for moveable partitions, ceiling panels, etc. and a superimposed live load (LL) to be determined from ASCE 7-95 for an office building. In addition, a 0.5 kip/ft. wall load is applied around the building perimeter. The design loads for the roof (in addition to the self-weight) include a superimposed dead load (SDL) of 10 psf. Use a factored load case of U = 1.4(DL) + 1.7(LL). Requirements: 1. Establish team goals and expectations for your group. List these goals and expectations and sign them. Everyone in the group should keep a copy for themselves and a copy should be turned in with this assignment. Estimate the total depth of the slab, joists, and column line beams using ACI Table 9.5 (a) and then use these dimensions to estimate the dead weight. Normal weight concrete is used for all members. Assume a web thickness for the column line beams (between 12 and 24). Estimate the loading on the beams using the "tributary area method". Determine the design moment and shear envelopes for the beams on column line D using an elastic analysis (SAP 2000 or equivalent). Use the appropriate load patterns to maximize the member forces due to the live load. Turn in a hard copy of the input and output files for your analysis, along with plots of the moment and shear envelopes for all beams along column line D. Assume the column cross sections are 24" square, story heights are 14 ft., and all beams are identical to the beam selected in step 2. For the effective second moment of area in stiffness computations, use 70% and 35% of the gross section properties for the columns and beams, respectively. Note the beam stiffnesses are based on the slab flange width specified by the ACI Code (Sec. 8.10). 5. Determine the design moment and shear envelopes for the beams on column line E according to the approximate method using the ACI moment coefficients (ACI 8.3.3). Verify that these coefficients may be used for this structural layout.


3. 4.

(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #A2 Design the continuous beams on column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor slab system. Using the data from Assignment #A1, design the continuous beams of column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor system. The columns, beams, and joist slabs are poured monolithically. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. Determine the beam cross-sectional dimensions and reinforcement required for bending on column lines D and E. Consider all beams to have T-sections or inverted L-sections. Determine the lengths of the reinforcement for proper development (bond) based on the moment envelopes. Show the reinforcement on a sketch with all the required details - bars and cross sections. A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged.

Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.

(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #A3 Design the continuous beams on column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor slab system. Using the data from Assignments #A1 and #A2, design the continuous beams of column lines D and E of the second suspended floor assuming that they support the one-way pan joist floor system. The columns, beams, and joist slabs are poured monolithically. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. Determine the shear reinforcement required for the beams on column lines D and E. Determine the specific dimensions and details (hooks, etc.) of the shear reinforcement. Provide sketches detailing the shear reinforcement. The sketches should show the distribution of shear reinforcement along the length of the beams plus cross-sections with all the required details for each stirrup type. The information for the longitudinal reinforcement determined for Assignment #A2 should also be shown. A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged.

Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.

(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #B1 Design the slab of the second suspended floor as a one-way pan joist system supported in one direction on column lines A through F. Requirements: 1. Determine moment and shear envelopes for the pan joist slab using the ACI coefficient method or a more rigorous elastic analysis (SAP 2000 or equivalent) and moment redistribution for the load combination of 1.4 DL + 1.7 LL. Determine the reinforcement required in the ribs for moment resistance. Determine the required development based on the "shifted" moment envelopes. Verify the shear resistance near the interior supports. If necessary, design the shear reinforcement using stirrups or by widening the longitudinal ribs. Sketch a plan of the floor and the reinforcement required for construction. Specify the length and the number of bars (including stirrups). A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.


(Fall 2001) ASSIGNMENT #B2 Design the slab of the second suspended floor as a one-way pan joist system supported in one direction on column lines A through F. Requirements: 1. Evaluate the deflection for a typical joist spanning between column lines A and B. When choosing the permissible deflection criteria in the ACI Code, assume that glass partition walls will be used on this floor. Assume the SDL of 10 psf is applied after the glass partitions are in place and 50% of the live load will be sustained for at least 6 months. Use any reasonable analysis procedure(s) to determine the deflections. Explain your work and state all assumptions made in your analysis. When computing the average effective moment of inertia for the span, it will be acceptable to use the same effective moment of inertia for each of the joist ends. 2. Check the ACI Code crack width provisions at midspan of a typical joist between column lines A and B.

Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.

(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #B3 Design the slab of the second suspended floor as a one-way pan joist system supported in one direction on column lines A through F. Requirements: 1. Using assignments #A1-#A3 and #B1, determine quantities of reinforcing bars required per floor. For example, find the total number of a particular stirrup type (assume you can order stirrups directly) and the total number of longitudinal reinforcing bars at a given length (assume that bar lengths can only be purchased at 20, 30, 40, and 50 and can be cut to the appropriate length in the field). Assume that the beam and rib reinforcement calculated previously is the same for all beams on the given floor. Determine the total weight of reinforcement and volume of concrete per sq ft of floor area (divide the calculated reinforcement weight and concrete volume by the plan dimensions of the building). Estimate the materials cost per floor area assuming that the concrete costs $100 per yd 3 and reinforcement costs $0.25 per lb.



(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #C1 Design and detail the columns for all three stories for the location where column lines E and 2 intersect. Requirements: 1. Develop a spreadsheet that calculates the interaction diagram for a generic four-layered reinforced concrete short column. Display the variables (see below) and the final interaction diagram at the top of the spreadsheet for ease of use and visibility by the user. d1

d3 d4


As,1 As,2 As,3 As,4

fc= h fy =

b 2. Determine the axial loads on each column of column line E (E1, E2, E3, E4) at each level of the building using the tributary area method. Show all factored axial loads in a table. Determine approximate dimensions for these columns using Eq. 11-18a (MacGregor, 1997) with a 2% reinforcement ratio. Calculate the required longitudinal reinforcement assuming short column behavior with no bending. Determine the design forces (P and M) for column E2 at each level of the building using elastic analysis (SAP 2000). Find design demands for gravity loading only (U=1.4DL+1.7LL). Consider two cases: (1) maximize Pu and Mu, and (2) maximize the eccentricity due to the Mu divided by Pu. Show all critical combinations of the factored forces for each story in a table. For column E2, determine whether short column behavior or slender column behavior must be considered for each story level, based on the approximate dimensions selected in part 2 of this assignment. If the column segments turn out to be slender, assume for this project only that they are short columns. Continued on next page. CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #C1 (cont.) 9



(Fall 2001)


Using the forces found in step 3, determine the size and reinforcement for column E2 at all story levels and verify that the strength provided is adequate using axial load-bending moment interaction diagrams generated using your spreadsheet from part 1 of this assignment and the PCACOL software (assume bending in only one direction). Show a view of the column from the foundation to the roof and detail the reinforcement including ties and lap splices. Show typical cross-sections wherever there is a change in reinforcement or column dimensions. A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged.


Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.


(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #D1 Design the roof system as a two-way slab without beams. Design the slab of the roof supported by columns (assume 24" x 24") without beams (flat plate construction). There is no need to increase the load for the panel which covers the elevator shaft due to the elevator's own weight. Limit your design to the frames along column lines 2 and E. Neglect wind loads in this analysis. Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Divide the slab into frames suitable for design using the direct design method (column lines 2 and E). Determine the required slab thickness from ACI Table 9.5a (make uniform throughout). Determine the positive and negative moments on the frames using the coefficients from the direct design method. Divide the frames into column and middle strips and distribute the longitudinal moments to these strips. Determine the reinforcement for each strip. Show the floor plan and display the reinforcement for each strip along each frame in two different plans. Show the lengths and bends of the bars based on ACI requirements. A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged. Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.


(Fall 2001) CVEN 444: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE DESIGN ASSIGNMENT #E1 Design the footing for the column on column lines E and 2. Design and detail a spread footing for column E2 of the office building. Assume that the unfactored demands (dead + live loads) on this footing from the column are given as: P = 350 kips; M2-2 axis = 150 kip-ft; and ME-E axis = 0 kip-ft. The factored demands (1.4 DL + 1.7 LL) on this footing from the column are given as: Pu = 550 kips; Mu2-2 axis = 220 kip-ft; and MuE-E axis = 0 kip-ft. Use fc = 3 ksi and fy = 60 ksi. Requirements: 1. Estimate the size and thickness of a square footing by limiting the unfactored bearing stresses from the column on the soil to 5.0 ksf. Note that there are no adjacent buildings or property lines to limit the size or geometry of the footing. Neglect any overburden soil that may exist on the footing Determine actual thickness of footing to satisfy one-way and two-way shear requirements according to ACI 318 such that transverse shear reinforcement would not be required in the footing. Determine flexural steel reinforcement for both directions 2-2 and E-E according to the factored demands. Note that the steel in each direction will not be the same. Also detail the reinforcement for proper embedment length. Assuming 8-#9 bars will be used as dowel reinforcement, detail for proper embedment length. Show plan and elevation views of the footing as well as required reinforcement. A portion of your grade will be based upon the neatness of your calculations and sketches. A computer-generated drawing showing your details is encouraged. Reminder: The cover sheet of each project assignment must identify the calculator(s) and checker(s). In addition, the calculator(s) and checker(s) must initial each sheet within the assignment to indicate their final approval of the project documents.



4. 5.


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