How To Process Type
How To Process Type
How To Process Type
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1 Business Scenario
If you design a process chain, yet none of the SAP delivered process types do provide the functionality needed, you have basically two alternatives:
Use the process type ABAP Program to call a report This alternative is feasible when you have a stand-alone program, which does not have to interact with any other process type in the process chain. A drawback of this process type is the fact that no status can be provided for successor process types. Therefore, the successor process types runs unconditional, which is very often not desired. Implement your own process type based on an ABAP Object Oriented class This alternative allows you to implement any desired functionality for your process type with the additional benefit of providing status information for successor process types gathering information from the predecessors of your own process type writing to a log, which is displayed in the process monitor using extended input screens for your process types, which exceed the standard variant input features
As Business Scenario for this paper we wanted to check within a process chain whether or not a succeeding process type of Local Process Chain should be executed on the execution date of the process chain. To customize the execution date of the Local Process Chain we defined a custom table, which specifies at which date and time a process chain should run. In addition, you have the option of deactivating the setting by a flag provided in the table. On the execution of our custom-defined process type we check whether a specified process chain which should in general be the successor of our process type is scheduled to run. If so, we provide the status Successful (Green) for subsequent process types. If not the status is set to Errors (Red). A potential process chain, which depicts this scenario, is shown underneath. The process chain HowTo After Process Chain is only executed when it is scheduled to run in the custom table (see above). Otherwise, it is skipped, and the next process type is executed.
DISCLAIMER: Our implementation is only an example for a realization of a custom-defined process type. We do not guarantee the correctness of the ABAP coding or stability of the solution in future releases.
2 Introduction
In order to realize the Business Scenario, you have to implement a custom-defined process type. The following steps have to be executed: 1. 2. 3. Definition of the custom table Implementation of ABAP OO class for process type Specify settings for new process type
HOW TO I MPLEMENT CUSTOM-DEFINED PROCESS TYPE We have focused in our implementation on the mandatory components of a custom -defined process. Of the optional components, like variant maintenance, log entries, providing information to the successor, transport connection and extension of the context menu, we have only implemented the variant maintenance. If you want to learn more about custom-defined process types, please read the documentation on process chains (Documentation Administrator Workbench Administration Process Control Process Chains Process Application Process Implementing you own Process Type). The documentation provides you with information about which Interfaces have to be implemented for the respective functionality, when a certain functionality is called (during maintenance, run time or in the log view), and whether its implementation is mandatory or optional. In addition, you can use the SAP delivered process types as templates or spin doctors for your customdefined process types. To determine the implemented ABAP OO class for a specific process type, check the settings of the respective process type. In the maintenance of the process chains choose Settings Maintain Process Types, double-click on the process type and check the object type name, which provides you with the name of the ABAP OO class for the implementation of the process type.
1. Enter the maintenance screen for DDIC objects (e.g. with transaction SE11). Specify the name of the table you want to create, and press the Create-Button.
2. Specify the fields and the respective data elements that you want to use in your table. In our example, we have chosen: - ZCHAN_ID Process Chain name - ZRUN_DATE Date, when the Process Chain should run - ZRUN_TIME Time, when the Process chain should run - ZINAKTIV The setting in the table is NOT active 3. Activate the table ( ), and create optionally a table maintenance and / or a search help (via transaction SE11) for supporting F4 value help in the process chain maintenance. We have done both.
4. For the definition of the search help, we defined it as Elementary search help with: - Selection Method: The name of our custom table (ZPROCESS_ CONTROL) - The fields you want to display and select in the value help Activate the search value help ( ).
1. Enter the Class builder (e.g. with transaction SE24). Specify the name of the class you want to define, and press the Create-Button.
3. Switch to the Properties tab strip, and specify type group RS in the Forward declaration section.
4. Switch to the Interface tab strip, and specify the following interfaces: - IF_RSPC_EXECUTE Mandatory interface, which is called on the execution of the process type - IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT Optional interface for the selection of the variants - IF_RSPC_MAINTAIN Optional interface for the maintenance of the variants (in our case call of the Process Chain maintenance) 5. Switch to the Methods tab strip. To satisfy the minimum requirements implement the following methods: - IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT ~GET_VARIANT Pick Process Chain from custom table - IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT ~EXISTS Indicate variant exist (for syntax check of whole Process Chain) - IF_RSPC_EXECUTE~EXECUTE Performs the check against custom table - IF_RSPC_MAINTAIN ~GET_HEADER Define title for variant - IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT ~WILDCARD_ENABLED The other methods are not needed necessarily. Activate the class definition ( ).
1. Call transaction RSPC, or use the icon in the Administrator Workbench. Open any of the existing process chains, or create a new one. Call the maintenance of the process types as shown in the screen -shot (menu Settings Maintain Process Types). 2. Create a new entry in the table, and specify the following settings: Process Type Name of the process type Short & Long Description Object Type Name Name of your implemented ABAP OO class (in our case ZCL_PC_HOWTO) Object Type CL ABAP OO Class Possible Events 2 Process ends successful or incorrect Repeatable - X ID - Choose an icon via the F4value help Internal name X Process Category Choose a category where you want to find your process type later in the process chain maintenance Save your entries.
3. Now you can find / pick your new process type underneath the process category specified. We have chosen the Others category.
4 Appendix
The Appendix provides sample implementations for the methods of the implemented class. If you want to debug your implementation, set a break-point in the respective source coding, and use the OK-Code =synchon or =debug to run the process chain in synchron mode. This will cause the system to stop at the break -points in the source coding.
* ==== Get Instance ==== CALL FUNCTION 'RSSM_UNIQUE_ID' IMPORTING e_uni_idc25 = l_unique_id. e_instance = l_unique_id. e_state = 'A'. * ... Check wether process chain should SELECT SINGLE * into wa_zprocess_control FROM ZPROCESS_CONTROL WHERE ZCHAIN_ID = i_variant. if sy-subrc <> 0. "=> not even in e_state = 'R'. else. if wa_zprocess_control-zrun_date >= wa_zprocess_control-zinactiv is e_state = 'G'. else. e_state = 'R'. endif. endif. endmethod. run ...
table sy-datum and initial. "=> not future AND " not switched off
* ... Read Process chains from control table and choose one READ TABLE i_t_chain INTO l_s_chain INDEX 1. l_s_table-tabname l_s_table-fieldname l_s_table-value append l_s_table to = 'ZPROCESS_CONTROL'. = 'ZCHAIN_ID'. = '*'. l_t_table.
CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_GET_VALUES' EXPORTING POPUP_TITLE = 'Process Chain to Check' TABLES FIELDS = l_t_table. * ... Check selected process chain Read table l_t_table into l_s_table index 1. CALL FUNCTION 'RSPC_GET_CHAIN' EXPORTING I_CHAIN = l_s_table-value i_objvers = 'A' i_with_dialog = rs_c_true i_one_no_dialog = rs_c_true IMPORTING e_t_chain_ids = l_t_chainid e_t_chaint = l_t_chaint EXCEPTIONS aborted_by_user = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 RAISING nothing_selected. ENDIF. READ TABLE l_t_chainid INTO l_s_chainid INDEX 1. IF l_s_chainid-chain_id = l_s_chain-chain_id. MESSAGE i056(rspc). EXIT. ENDIF. e_variant = l_s_chainid-chain_id. READ TABLE l_t_chaint INTO l_s_chaint WITH KEY chain_id = l_s_chainid-chain_id objvers = 'M'. e_variant_text = l_s_chaint-txtlg. endmethod.
IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT ~EXISTS Indicate variant exist (for syntax check of whole Process Chain)
method IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT~EXISTS . r_exists = rs_c_true. endmethod.
method IF_RSPC_MAINTAIN~GET_HEADER . DATA: l_chain l_t_chainattr l_t_chaint l_s_chainattr l_s_chaint TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE rspc_chain, rspc_t_chainattr, rspc_t_chaint, rspcchainattr, rspcchaint.
l_chain = i_variant. CALL FUNCTION 'RSPC_GET_CHAIN' EXPORTING i_chain = l_chain i_objvers = 'M' IMPORTING e_t_chainattr = l_t_chainattr e_t_chaint = l_t_chaint EXCEPTIONS aborted_by_user = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. EXIT. ENDIF. READ TABLE l_t_chainattr INTO l_s_chainattr INDEX 1. MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_chainattr TO e_s_changed. e_contrel = l_s_chainattr-contrel. e_conttimestmp = l_s_chainattr-conttimestmp. READ TABLE l_t_chaint INTO l_s_chaint INDEX 1. concatenate 'Check Scheduling of Process Chain:' l_s_chaint-txtlg into e_variant_text . endmethod.
IF_RSPC_GET_VARIANT ~WILDCARD_ENABLED Whether the variant input popup should allow user entry.