Sustainable Energy For India's Rural Development
Sustainable Energy For India's Rural Development
Sustainable Energy For India's Rural Development
Anil K Rajvanshi Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) Phaltan, Maharashtra, INDIA
China 2007
Structure of talk
Present problems in rural India Decentralized high technology solutions
Energy production from agriculture Energy devices for cooking and lighting
China 2007
Problems contd
Because of rural poverty large scale migration to cities takes place leading to serious urban problems. Increased aspirations because of mass media are leading to social unrest. Riots in various cities. Release of bottled-up emotions. Spark could be from any source. Energy is the basis of life. Lack of it produces economic stagnation and social upheavals.
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Problems contd..
Serious energy crisis in India. Per capita electricity in India 553 kWh/yr or 4% that in US and lowest in the world. In rural households 57 kWh/yr per capita electricity consumption. Linkage of HDI to electricity consumption. Last year India imported $ 45 b worth of petroleum products. Serious balance of payment problems. 8-9% p.a. growth in petroleum consumption. India and Chinas Oil consumption at present rate will create world wide crisis. WW III ? Need for alternatives.
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All the above problems in India are result of nongovernance. Centralized production and control inherently leads to corruption. Decentralization leads to accountability. Governance is the first casualty of corruption. Multiple ministries in GOI has further compounded the problem. With proper governance, one of the best technological solutions for the above problems is energy production via agriculture. Energy from agriculture can provide rural wealth and create employment. Can bring 60% marginalized people into mainstream India, without which India cannot become an economic superpower.
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Energy Production
India produces ~ 600-1000 million tons/yr of agricultural residues. Mostly burned in fields. Creates environmental pollution and loss of energy. In any agriculture 25-40% of produce is food and rest are residues. No remunerations from residues, hence farming is uneconomical. No industry can survive on such norms. Need for energy planners to seriously think of linking energy with agriculture. Residues for energy can give an extra income of $ 50-100/acre/season to the farmers. Insurance against distress sale of crops. With increased agriculture the residues will increase.
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Energy Production
From crops and residues we can produce three types of fuel Liquid fuels like ethanol, biodiesel or pyrolysis oil. Gaseous fuel like methane (biogas). Electricity via biomass-based power plants. Residues can produce 156 b l/yr of ethanol which is 42% of Indias oil demand in 2012; or 80% of oil demand via pyrolysis oil; or 80,000 MW of electric power. Electricity and liquid fuel production in rural areas will bring tremendous wealth. In India it is estimated to be 10 billion dollars/yr. It can also provide 30 m jobs.
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Water Issues
Increased farming for energy production will require adequate water supply. Already water shortage though adequate rainfall. Rainwater harvesting provides the best solution. Need for setting up private rural water utilities. Some experiments in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Issues of ownership of water bodies need to be resolved. Water Act similar to Electricity Act needed. Use of flue gases from power generation can provide potable water. Combined electricity and water plants will improve overall efficiency.
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China 2007
Noorie lantern
Lightweight 2 kg Light output ~ 1350 lm Runs on kerosene, diesel or low conc. ethanol Lighting and cooking Low cost ~ $15
Other Issues
There is a need to reduce our consumptive lifestyle. For rural areas urban lifestyle is role model. If we follow American lifestyle then we will need resources of 4 earths. A decent lifestyle is possible with energy consumption of 50-70 GJ/person/yr. US per capita consumption is 350 GJ and Indias is 18 GJ. This can happen when we become spiritual and hence internally secure. Motto of simple living and high thinking as guide for rural development work. Becoming sustainable in our personal lives and giving something back to the society will help make India and China a holistic and sustainable society and show the world a new way. Story
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Thank you
China 2007