Part 4 - Organizationa L Constraints The Organization Itself Constrains
Part 4 - Organizationa L Constraints The Organization Itself Constrains
Part 4 - Organizationa L Constraints The Organization Itself Constrains
best when he hears nothingnegati ve, we shouldnt be surprised to find that his
plant managersspen d a good part of their time ensuring that negative informationdo
esnt reach the division boss.][If a college dean believes that an instructor should never
fail morethan 10 percent of her students to fail more reflects on theinstructors ability to
What choices are preferable in terms of personal payoff?If the organization rewards risk
aversion, managers are likely tomake conservative decisions.[Ge neral Motors consistently
gave out promotions and bonuses tomanager who kept a low profile, avoided
controversy, and weregood team players. The result was that GM managers became
the competition and keep customers be made quickly in orders tostay ahead
come with explicit deadlines. Th ese conditions create time pressures on decision
informationth ey might like before having to make a final choice. The rationalmodel
that isnt they way it I in the real world! Decisions arent madein a vacuum. They have a
as points in a stream of decisions.Dec isions made in the past are ghost that continually
factor of thesize of any given years budget is last years budget.Choice s made today,
therefore, are largely a result of choices madeover the years. Cultural Differences
The rational model does not acknowledge cultural differences. But,we need
makerbelieve that they can and should change situations to their benefit.
Part 5 Ethics in
Decision MakingUtilita rian criterion Decisions are made solely on the basis of their
outcomes orconsequenc es. The goal of it is to provide the greatest good for the
and privileges as set forth in documents suchas the Bill of Right.An emphasis on