A High-Speed Multiplication Algorithm Using Modified Partial Product Reduction Tree

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AbstractMultiplication algorithms have considerable effect on

processors performance. A new high-speed, low-power

multiplication algorithm has been presented using modified Dadda
tree structure. Three important modifications have been implemented
in inner product generation step, inner product reduction step and
final addition step. Optimized algorithms have to be used into basic
computation components, such as multiplication algorithms. In this
paper, we proposed a new algorithm to reduce power, delay, and
transistor count of a multiplication algorithm implemented using low
power modified counter. This work presents a novel design for
Dadda multiplication algorithms. The proposed multiplication
algorithm includes structured parts, which have important effect on
inner product reduction tree. In this paper, a 1.3V, 64-bit carry hybrid
adder is presented for fast, low voltage applications. The new 64-bit
adder uses a new circuit to implement the proposed carry hybrid
adder. The new adder using 80 nm CMOS technology has been
implemented on 700 MHz clock frequency. The proposed
multiplication algorithm has achieved 14 percent improvement in
transistor count, 13 percent reduction in delay and 12 percent
modification in power consumption in compared with conventional
Keywordsadder, CMOS, counter, Dadda tree, encoder.
HERE are two kinds of multiplication algorithms, serial
multiplication algorithms and parallel multiplication
algorithms [1,2]. Serial multiplication algorithms use
sequential circuits with feedbacks. In serial multiplication
algorithms, inner products are sequentially produced and
computed. Parallel multiplication algorithms often use
combinational circuits, and do not contain feedback structures
[3,4]. There are two well-known kinds of parallel
multiplication algorithms, array multiplication algorithms and
Dadda multiplication algorithms. In array multiplication
algorithms, cells, which consist of an AND-gate computing
inner products and a counter, are put in a network pattern like
an array. Dadda multiplication algorithms use AND-gates,
carry save counters and a carry propagate adder (CPA) [5,6].
Dadda multiplication algorithms have a tree structure. While
Dadda multiplication algorithms work at higher speed than
array multiplication algorithms, Dadda multiplication
algorithms have more complicated structure than array
multiplication algorithms [4]. Multiplication is the
fundamental arithmetic operation important in several
P. Asadee is with the Islamic Azad University Varamin branch
(e-mail: asadee2@gmail.com).
processors and digital signal processing systems. Digital
signal processing systems need multiplication algorithms to
implement DSP algorithms such as filtering where the
multiplication algorithm is directly within the critical path [4].
Therefore, the demand for high-speed multiplication
algorithms has become more important. The higher speed
results to enlarged power consumption, thus, low power
architectures will be the choice of the future. This has given
way to the growth of new circuit algorithms, with the plan of
reducing the power consumption of multiplication algorithms
with having high-speed structures and appropriate
performance [7,8,9].
The proposed structured Smith multiplication algorithm
uses a recognition component, a radix-4 Smith encoder, and a
structured inner product producer component, 16-bit high-
speed Dadda-trees for inner product reduction, a 4-bit counter
tree and a final carry-hybrid adder. The recognition
component generate the efficient signals of the input data,
appropriately selects the multiplication algorithm and
multiplicand operands, and then produces control signals to
disable the units of the Dadda-trees and the counter-tree to
match the desired data precision. Based on the number of
multiplication algorithm bits, the Smith encoder and inner
product generator calculate the number of inner products
produced, while maintaining the unused inner product
generator segments in the static state. The control and enable
signals produced by the recognition component choose either
the Dadda-tree or the 4-bit counter-tree for a given single
multiplication operation. Therefore, the units of the unused
circuits are able to continue their static condition. In the static
condition, the previous values are held, to avoid any switching
from happening in the unused part of the structure. To take
advantage of short accuracy, signal gating can selectively turn
A High-Speed Multiplication Algorithm Using
Modified Partial Product Reduction Tree
P. Asadee
Fig. 1 Four to two counter using full adders
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
off those parts of the Dadda-trees and 4-bit counter-tree,
which are not currently in use, and make the proposed Smith
multiplication algorithm perform like a changeable size
multiplication algorithm. In the final step, the product is
generated from the outputs of the active Dadda-tree and carry-
hybrid adder. Thus, the Smith encoder, inner product
generator and carry-hybrid adder can be shared and use again
to calculate 16 or 8-bit multiplications. For 4-bit
multiplications, the Smith encoder and inner product generator
components are unused and turned off. The proposed Smith
multiplication algorithm is implemented with five pipeline
steps, with an input enable signal being used as a power-
reduction part for each step.
The four to two counter organization in fact adds five inner
products bits into three. The structure is connected in such a
way that four of the inputs are coming from the same bit place
of the weight j while one bit is come from the adjacent place j-
1 (recognized as carry-in). The outputs of four to two counter
uses one bit in the place j and two bits in the place j+1. This
architecture is named counter since it adds four inner products
into two (while using one bit exactly connected between
adjacent four to two counters). The block diagram of four to
two counter can also be built using 3-2 counters. It consists of
two 3-2 counters (full adders) in series and involves a critical
path of 4 XOR delays as shown in Fig. 1. Counters are the
fundamental building blocks in all the multiplication
algorithm components. Hence using fast and efficient full
counters plays an important role in the performance of the
total system. In the following section, we describe the counter
units used in our design.
The 28 transistor counter is the CMOS traditional adder
circuit. This counter unit is built using equal number of N-
MOS and P-MOS transistors. The logic for the complimentary
MOS logic was realized using
out in in
C AB BC AC = + + (1)
( )
in in out
Sum ABC A B C C = + + + (2)
The first 12 transistors of the circuit generate
C and the
remaining transistors generate the Sum outputs. Thus, the
delay for computing
C is added to the total propagation
delay of the Sum output. The structure of this counter circuit
is very large and therefore uses large on-chip area.
The stationary counter circuit was implemented using new
logic and reduced number of transistors. The basic idea in the
stationary counter is the use again of charge stored in the load
capacitance during the high output to drive the control logic.
In regular counter designs, the input charge applied at logic
high will be drained off during logic low form. This is
achieved by using only one voltage source (
V ) in the
circuit. As an added advantage, there will be no path from one
voltage level (
V ) to the other (GND). The removal of the
direct path to the ground eliminates the short circuit power
unit for the counter structure. This reduces the total power
consumed in the circuit and making it an energy efficient
implementation. The stationary counter is not only power
optimized but also area efficient due to its transistor count.
The main disadvantage of the stationary counter is the
threshold voltage drop at the output voltage for certain input
structures. A detailed relative study of this counter with other
low power counters can be found in [9,10,11].
In the counter unit, the design of XOR and XNOR of A and
B is done using pass transistor logic and an inverter is to
invert the input signal. This design results in faster XOR and
XNOR outputs and ensures that there is a stability of delays at
the output of these gates. This results to less false SUM and
C signals. The capacitance at the outputs of XOR and
XNOR gates is also decreased, as they are not loaded with
inverter. Since, the signal reduction at the SUM and
C is
important for sub-micron circuits, drivers can be used to
decrease the degradation. The driver will help in producing
outputs with equal rise and fall times. This consequences in
better performance concerning speed, low power consumption
and driving capabilities. The output voltage swing will be
equal to the
V , if a driver is used at the output. Fig. 2 gives
the circuit level diagram of counter. A detailed comparative
study of presented counter with other low power counters can
be found in [12].
The recognition component uses the effective input data,
and then produces the control signals that are used to turn off
the appropriate units of the Dadda-tree and counter-tree, to
match the data precision. In the presented multiplication
algorithm, the control signals not only select the data flows,
but also calculate the pipeline register components, in order to
maintaining the non-effective bits in their previous states and,
thus, ensure that the functional components addressed by
these data do not consume switching power. In addition, these
control signals are used to control the Dadda-trees and
counter-tree. Fig. 3 shows the functional blocks of the active-
range recognition unit that includes one-detect circuit (OR
gate), comparator, multiplexers and logic gates. The OR gate
is used, which determines the output to be high if any of the
inputs are high. Both the 16-bit wide multiplication algorithm
and the multiplicand input operands are partitioned into three
parts, where the detection is done for the 15-bit, 8-bit and 4-
Fig. 2 A novel full adder
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
bit ranges. The presented multiplication algorithm supports
three multiplication forms that are 15-bit, 8-bit and 4-bit
multiplication forms. Both the 16-bit and 8-bit multiplication
forms are implemented using Smith multiplication algorithm
values greater than 8F h-decimal utilize the 16-bit
multiplication form. This problem is solved in the 4-bit
multiplication form by using a 4-bit unsigned counter-tree.
The output of the three circuits of both the multiplication
algorithm and multiplicand are grouped into a 3-bit line,
where the most significant bit shows the 16-bit multiplication
form, the second bit shows the 8-bit multiplication form and
the least significant bit shows the 4-bit multiplication form.
The two 3-bit buses are compared using a 3-bit comparator.
This comparison detects if the input multiplicand operand is
greater than the input multiplication algorithm operand. The
output of the comparator is used to switch the input
multiplicand and multiplication algorithm operands.
The radix-4 smith encoder can generate five possible values
of -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2 times the input [5]. Three control signals
ZERO (j=0,,7) are produced
depending on the 3-bit coding method shown in the Smith-
coding table [4]. The Smith encoder is used to produce these
control signals, which are used in the inner product generation
component to direct appropriate operation (
OP , i=0,,7) on
the input multiplicand operand. Fig. 4 shows the inner product
generator component, which is designed to be shared between
the 16-bit and 8-bit multiplication forms. The ZERO signal is
used to output zeros as output of that inner product step, the
COMP complements the input multiplicand operand, and
finally the SHIFT signal shifts the input multiplicand operand
left by one. The total numbers of inner products (PP)
produced are N/2 (N=max. number of multiplication
algorithm bits), where
i i i
PP =OP.M (
M =ith-bit of the
multiplicand, i=0,,15). The 8-bit multiplication form only
needs first four of the inner products. Thus, in the pipeline
step between the Smith encoder and the inner product
generator component, all the necessary control signals are
produced to turn on (turn off) the circuit in use (not in use).
There are three types of arrangement forms for the inner
product, which are steady with the operation forms for the
inner product, which are consistent with the operation forms
of the low-power multiplication algorithm. In the 16-bit
multiplication form all eight of the inner product (
PP , where
j=0,,15) producer rows are active and in the 8-bit
multiplication form only the first four of the inner product
PP , where j=0,,7) producer rows are active, and the rest
of the circuit is in static state. Finally, in the 4-bit
multiplication form all eight of the inner product producer
rows are put in the steady state.
In this section, we present the proposed design for Dadda
multiplication algorithms. The proposed multiplication
algorithm contains multiple parts. If no or one part is faulty,
the proposed multiplication algorithm works correctly. We
divide an nn Dadda multiplication algorithm into 2n parts.
We show the presented design for Dadda multiplication
algorithms. Dadda multiplication algorithm uses a carry chain
counter. As is well known, there are several kinds of carry
chain counters. We use the simplest kind of carry chain
counters, ripple-carry counters (RCCs). Dadda multiplication
algorithms using other kinds of carry chain counters are
discussed. Some improvements of the proposed design are
also presented [5].
Here, we divide an nn Dadda multiplication algorithm into
Fig. 3 Recognition component
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
2n parts
SL ( 0 i<2n s ). What gates and counters belong to
which parts are recursively decided as described below: 1) An
counter whose sum output is the i-th part belongs to
SL . 2)
An counter whose sum output is connected to an counter
which belongs to
SL also belongs to
SL . 3) An AND gate
whose output is connected to an counter which belongs to
also belongs to
SL . Note that the carry output of an counter
which belongs to
SL is always connected to
SL . Fig. 5
shows eight 44 Dadda multiplication algorithm. In this
figure, the dotted arrows mean carry outputs of carry save
counters. Fig. 5 shows the 44 Dadda multiplication algorithm
divided into eight parts. Each part consists of AND-gates and
The counters and wires in every part make the same tree
structure as the Dadda multiplication algorithm shown in Fig.
5 except two difference discussed in the next paragraphs.
For example, in
SL , the counters
FA ,
FA and counter
HA correlate to the carry save counters
CSA and
the carry propagate counter
CPA , respectively. The inner
product A[0]B[3], A[1]B[2], A[2]B[1] and A[3]B[0] correlate
to AB[3], AB[2], AB[1] and AB[0], respectively. The third bit
of product Y[3] correlates to the product Y. One of the
differences is the following. For most parts
SL , the Dadda
multiplication algorithm uses some counters and wires which
do not correlate to any counters and wires in the parts
SL .
For example, the fifth part
SL does not use wires for inner
products correlating to AB[1] and AB[0] as well as counters
correlating to
The other difference is that carry output of the counters in a
SL are connected to not a part of the part
SL but a part
of its neighbor part
SL . For example, the carry outputs of
FA and
FA in
SL are connected to
FA and
FA of
SL and not counters in
SL . The proposed nn Dadda
multiplication algorithm consists of 2n parts
( 0 i 2n-1 s s ) and a part
SL' . The i-th part
SL' ( 0 i 2n-2 s s )
can play the role of both
SL and
SL . The (2n-1) part
2 1 n

' plays the role of only
2 1 n

, and the part
SL' plays
Fig. 4 Inner product generator
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
the role of only
SL . Fig. 5 shows an example of the
presented 44 Dadda multiplication algorithm. The
multiplication algorithm contains eight arrangement parts and
a redundant part. The arrangement parts use AND gates,
counters and switches. The control signals for switches are
implemented by high-speed circuits. In the proposed
multiplication algorithm, arrangement is made in the chain
method, that is, if
SL' is faulty,
SL' plays the role of
SL ,
SL' ( i k < ) arrangement part plays the role of
1 i
The arrangement part
SL' ( j k > ) plays the role of
SL .
The AND gates in
SL' (0<=i<2n-1) must be capable of
calculating not only the inner products A[x]B[y]
(x+y=i, 0 x,y<n s ) but also the inner products A[x+1]B[y]
(x+y+1=i, 0 (x+1),y<n s ). For those calculations, switches are
inserted between the input A and the AND gates.
Similarly to the AND gates, counters and wires in the parts
of the Dadda multiplication algorithms, also make the same
tree structure as the non-Dadda multiplication algorithms but
presented circuit makes high-speed structure. As shown in
Fig. 5, some counters are full adders and others are half adders
in different parts. The kind of the counter
, j i
A correlating to a
carry save/propagate counter
CA . No counter in
SL' and
1 i
do not correlate to
CA . In the example shown in Fig.
FA' correlating to
CSA in
SL' would be a counter
because the correlating counter
FA in
SL is a counter. An
HA' is a half adder because the correlating counter
HA in
SL is a counter and any counters in
SL and
SL do
not correlate to
CSA . No counter in
SL' correlates to
because no counter in
SL and
SL correlates to
CPA . No
wires for inner products and sum outputs in
SL' correlates to
a data path in the Dadda multiplication algorithm if and only if
any wires in
SL and
1 i
do not relate to the data path.
The carry inputs of
SL' (0<=i<=2n-1) are connected back
to not only
1 i

' but also
2 i

' through switches selecting
those carry signals. It is because
SL' uses carry signals output
2 i

' if
1 i

' is faulty while it usually uses carry signals
output from
1 i

' . In the example shown in Fig. 5, the
Fig. 5 Dadda multiplier divided into eight parts.
Fig. 6 CHA array architecture
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
FA' in
SL' is linked back to the carry output of both
FA and
FA throughout a switch. The i-th bit of the
product Y[i] is calculated in either
SL' or
1 i

' . So, switches
using the output signals are linked to those outputs.
SL' plays the role of only
SL , the building of
SL' is
the same as that of
SL . In the similar fashion, the
construction of
2 1 n

' has switches selecting the carry inputs.
Note that switches selecting multiplicand A and carry signals
are repairable because the false switches in
SL' can repaired
by deleting
SL' . Switches using output signals are not
Minimizing the critical path is the most usual way to
decrease the propagation time [5]. Therefore, we use a method
built with an extremely compact array of cells, each
implementing the "*" operator. Its critical path down to
log n logical levels while keeping the fan-out to two for each
unit. A 64-bit CHA is presented for high-speed and low-
power multiplication algorithms. Since the speed of a CHA
adder mainly relates on the speed of carry propagation chain.
In order to speed up the generation of the carry chain and
obtaining low power, low voltage logic, was used to
implement the high-speed, low-power CHA adder. As shown
in Fig. 6 the 64-bit carry hybrid adder has parallel structure.
The key element of the 64-bit CHA was "*" operator. The "*"
operator algorithm was shown as follows:
( , ) *( , ) ( , )
i i j j i i j i j
g p g p g p g p p = + (3)
g=a*b and p=a b if a, b were input signal. The "o" cells
were similar to the "*" ones as shown in Fig. 6, but are only
used as buffers in order to make the signal propagation
consistent across the adder. Each black unit is the "*" operator
and the various circuits of the black unit were designed. By
using the N-P logic components, the 64-bit adder can be
designed as a pipelining structure.
As mentioned earlier, the CHA units were used to
implement the "*" operator in the 64-bit CHA. In order to
make the carry propagation chain have the critical delay path,
we input the pipeline signal
31 30 1 0 31 30 1 0
( ... ) ( ... ) A A A A B B B B + as follows:
(00000)+(11111) and (11111)+(00001). The 64-bit
CHA adder using 80 nm CMOS technology with 1.3V power
supply. Due the CHA units, operation speed comparison
results show the new circuit has the speed advantage over the
conventional circuit. The new 64-bit CHA adder could be
operated on 700 MHZ clock frequency with 1.3V power
supply and the conventional adder could not operate on 700
MHz. It was just about 500 MHz. The maximum operation
frequency and power consumption comparison results are
calculated, and the power consumption is calculated under
maximum operation frequency. Note that the normalized
Power freq. is also given. It shows that the new circuit has less
power consumption under same operation frequency.
In this paper, we presented a novel high-speed, low-power
multiplication algorithm. Three important modifications have
been implemented in inner product generation step, inner
product reduction step and final addition step. The new
functional units, together of optimized Dadda-tree were used
to design the proposed Smith multiplication algorithm. The
presented multiplication algorithm has better power-
consumption characteristics, and thus be more power efficient
than other multiplication algorithms. In this work, the low-
voltage and high-speed 64-bit CHA was designed and
implemented. The internal delay and power considerations
reduce voltage swing scheme. Based upon the SPICE
simulation results, the 64-bit CHA has the speed and power
dissipation advantages over the conventional adder. This
paper has proposed a novel design for Dadda multiplication
algorithms. A high-performance algorithm for the proposed
design has also been shown. The presented design has been
evaluated from the aspects of the area, power and delay time.
The new multiplication algorithm has achieved 14 percent
improvement in transistor count, 13 percent reduction in delay
and 12 percent modification in power consumption in
compared with conventional designs. Table I shows
comparison between present study and other designs.
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[6,7,8] [9,10,11,12]
Technology ( nm ) 80 80 80
Transistor counts 31169 36245 38654
Multiplication time (ns) 4.5 5.3 6.8
Chip Area (
mm )
0.69 0.94 0.85
Power Diss. (mW/MHz) 0.67 0.85 1.19
nm: Nanometer; ns: Nano second; MHZ: Mega hertz
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010
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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:4 2010

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