Polavaram (Post), Andhra Pradesh, Pin-533220 Cell phone: (91) 8057713039, 9286850884 Home phone: (91) 8856-279541 E-mail id: ACADAMIC BACK GROUND Course Ph.D Branch/Group Image processing for Telemedicine Measurements& Instrumentation Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering ----University / Institution IIT Roorkee
M.Tech B.Tech
IIT Roorkee BVC Engg College, Amalapuram,A.P. Andhra Polytecnic, Kakinada, A.P. Z.P.H.School Yelurupadu, A.P.
ACHIEVEMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Secured Mandal First In SSC Secured State 53rd Rank in ECET-2003 Secured All India 323rd Rank In GATE Got best paper award for Lossless Region of Interest Coding of Medical Images Using ESPECK Method for Telemedicine applications, in International Conference on Trends and Advances in Computation and Engineering, BUIT, Bhopal, Feb. 25-26, 2010.
RESEARCH INTERESTS Advanced Instrumentation Systems Power Systems Digital Image Processing Control Systems Electrical Machines Power Electronics
COMPUTER SKILLS Languages Application packages Architectures : C, SQL : MATLAB, Simulink 1 : Assembly Level Programming
PUBLICATIONS JOURNALS: 1. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, M.L.Dewal, R.S.Anand and Vijay.R.Rathod, Lossless Regionof-Interest Image Coding using ESPIHT for Telemedicine Applications, International Journal of Electronics and Computers, 2(1), pp. 149-156, 2009. 2. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, M.L.Dewal, R.S.Anand, Lossless Region-of-Interest medical Image Coding Using Modified JPEG2000 for Telemedicine Applications, International Journal of Electronics and Computers, 2(1), pp.263-269, 2009. 3. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, M.L.Dewal, R.S.Anand, Lossless ROI Medical Image Coding Methods based on SPIHT, International Journal of Digital Image Processing, 2(10), pp.415-421, Oct. 2010. 4. Tirupathiraju kanumuri, M.L. Dewal, R.S. Anand, Lossy To Lossless Medical Image Coding Using Joint Bit Scanning Method, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems 2(4), pp. 101-109, Sep. 2011. 5. Tirupathiraju kanumuri, M.L. Dewal, R.S. Anand, Performance Evaluation of Lossless ROI Coding Methods for Telemedicine Applications, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, (accepted for publication). CONFERENCES: 1. Presented a paper Titled "Flexible Alternating Current Systems" at BVCEC, Amalapuram, A.P, on occasion of National Level Technical Symposium. 2. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, R. S. Anand, M. L. Dewal, Lossless Region-of-Interest Image Coding Based on JPEG2000, IEEE 18th Annual Symposium on Emerging Needs in Computing, Communication, Signals and Power, Bangalore, Aug. 29TH, 2009. 3. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, M.L.Dewal, R.S.Anand,, Lossless Region of Interest coding of Medical Images Using RSPIHT Algorithm, 2nd international conference on RF and signal processiong systems,KLU, Vijayawada, Jan. 7-9,2010. 4. Tirupathiraju Kanumuri, M.L.Dewal, R.S.Anand, Lossless Region of Interest Coding of Medical Images Using ESPECK Method for Telemedicine applications, International Conference on Trends and Advances in Computation and Engineering, BUIT, Bhopal, Feb. 25-26, 2010. . M.TECH PROJECTS Effect of SVC & TCSC on Voltage Profile and Load Flows. The main objective of this project is to implement a matlab program to check the effect of SVC & TCSC in maintaining voltage profile & improving power flows . Implementation and Evaluation of Advanced Contextual Bio-Medical Image Compression Algorithms. 2 The main Objective of the Dissertation is to implement region of interest based SPIHT & JPEG2000 based MAXSHIFT methods for Bio-Medical image compression using MATLAB
Contextual Compression Of Bio-Medical Images Using JPEG& Wavelets The main objective of this project is to compare JPEG &Wavelets based methods for Contextual Image Compression of Bio-Medical Images. Mini Project: Implementation Of Hospital Database In this project I developed a database for Hospital Management using SQL.
B.TECH & DIPLOMA PROJECTS Effect Of Facts Devices On Voltage Stability And Power Flows The main objective of this project is to write a matlab program for a load flow solution using N-R method with and without inclusion of the FACTS devices. Design & Hardware Implementation of Sine Wave Inverter using MOSFETS The main objective of this project is hardware implementation of Sine Wave Inverter using MOSFET's.
PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth Gender Permanent Address : 11-07-1984 : Male : Tirupathi Raju Kanumuri, S/O Satyanarayana Raju, H.No: 1-4, Pedamadi, I.Polavaram (Post), Godavari Dist, Andhra Pradesh. Pin-533220 : Tirupathi Raju Kanumuri, Research Scholar, Electrical Engg Dept, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee Uttarakhand Pin-247667 : +91-8057713039, 08856-279541
Present Address
Contact No
REFERENCES Dr Vinod Kumar Professor & Head Electrical engineering IIT Roorkee Contact no: 01332-285593 Dr. Anand, R.S. Professor Electrical Engineering IIT Roorkee Contact no: 01332-285590 3 Dr. M.L.Dewal Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering IIT Roorkee Contact no: +91-1332-285898