GE2112 Fundamental of Computing and Programming Jan 2010 Paper

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GE2112 Fundamental of computing and programming Jan 2010 paper

Posted by Varuna on 6:57 AM


For more question papers of CSE department PART A-(10*2=20MARKS)


1.Distinguish between Analog and Digital computer. 2.Convert 0.4375 decimal to binary system. 3.Distinguish between compiler and interpreters. 4.What is web server? 5.What is an algorithm? 6.Give the importance of a graphic packages. 7.Write a code segment using while statement to print numbers from 10 down to 1. 8.Write a c program for the following expressions. (a)a=5 <= 8 && 6!=5 (b)a = b++ + ++b where b = 50 9.How strings are represented in c language? 10.What are the advantages of unions over structures? PART B-(5*16=80 MARKS) 11.(a)(i)What are the characteristic of a computer? Discuss (ii)Briefly explain the various generations of computers. (iii)Convert the decimal number 59.8125 into binary and octal. (OR) 11(b)Explain the different components of a computer system with block diagram. 12.(a)(i)Describe the different types of software with examples. (ii)List the different software development steps and explain. (OR) 12.(b)(i)Explain the common types of internet access. (ii)Write short notes on web browser. (iii)Explain a typical structure URL. 13. (a)Draw and explain the various symbols of flowchart and also draw the flowchar to add an array of N elements (OR) 13.(b)(i)Explain the features of Power Point package. (ii)List and explain the features supported by spreadsheet package. (iii)Briefly write about Desktop Publishing Software. 14.(a)(i)What are the different operators available in C? Explain with examples. (ii)Differentiate between signed and unsigned integer.

(OR) 14.(b)(i)Explain the following conditional statements. 1.nested if-else statement 2.switch-case statement (ii)Write a C program that reads a number and display whether the number is prime or not. 15.(a)(i)Write a C program to reverse a given string. (ii)Differentiate pass by value and pass by address in c. (OR) 15.(b)Write a C program that gets and display the report of n students with their personal and academic details using structures.

PART - A 1. Differentiate hard water and soft water. 2. Define hardness. 3. What are the types of hardness? Differentiate them. 4. What are the tests for hardness? 5. Why hardness is expressed in CaCO3 equivalent? 6. What is EDTA? Write its structure? 7. What is the principle behind EDTA titration? 8. What is alkalinity? What are the possible reasons for alkalinity? 9. Give any four requirements for potable water? 10. What is boiler feed water? What are the basic requirements? 11. What are boiler problems? Name any 4 boiler problems? 12. Differentiate scales and sludge? 13. What is caustic embrittlement? How will you prevent it? 14. What is carry over? How will you prevent it? 15. What are the reasons for boiler corrosion? 16. What are boiler compounds? 17. How calgon conditioning is superior than other methods? 18. Why phosphate conditioning is preferred over carbonate conditioning? 19. What are the chemicals used for regeneration of ion exchange resins? 20. Give the name of membranes used in reverse osmosis process? 21. Give the advantages of RO process and ion exchange process? 22. What is break point chlorination? What is its significance? 23. What is disinfection? What are the different methods of disinfection? 24. Why a soft water need not be demineralised water but a DM is always soft water. 25. Give two examples for Cation exchange and anion exchange resins? PART- B 1. How the alkalinity of a water sample is estimated volumetrically? 2. Explain the aim, principle, procedure, calculation involved in EDTA method? 3. Write a note of boiler problems? 4. What is ion exchange method? Explain the concept. 5. What is reverse osmosis? Bring out the methodology behind it. 6. How will you treat the water for drinking purpose? 7. What are boiler compounds? How are they used in internal water treatment? UNIT-2 POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES PART-A 1. Define polymerization. 2. Define monomers and polymers. 3. Define degree of polymerization. 4. Give any four differences between addition and condensation polymerization. 5. What is copolymerization? What is co-polymer? 6. What are the three steps involved in free radical mechanism?

7. Define plastics. How can they be classified? 8. Mention any two advantages and disadvantages 9. Give four differences between engineering and commodity plastics. 10. Give any four differences between thermo and thermosetting plastics. 11. What are the uses of PVC and Teflon? 12. Write the synthesis of Nylon 6, 6 and polyurethane? 13. What is PET? Give its applications. 14. Define rubbers? What are the types of rubber? 15. What is vulcanization? What are the advantages of vulcanization? 16. What is Buna-S? How is it prepared? 17. Give the differences between raw and vulcanized rubber? 18. What are the defects of raw rubber? How can it be rectified? 19. What are composites? What are the advantages of it? 20. What are the two phases of composites? 21. What are the different types of composites? 22. What is FRP? Mention its applications. 23. What is polymer matrix composite? PART B 1. Write a note on addition polymerization. Differentiate it from condensation type. 2. Explain the steps involved in free radical mechanism. 3. Give the preparation, property, uses of PVC, Teflon and Polycarbonate. 4. Give the preparation, property, uses of Polyurethane, PET and nylon 6,6. 5. Differentiate thermo and thermoset plastics. 6. Differentiate engineering and commodity plastics. 7. Explain the mechanism, purpose and importance of vulcanization. 8. Differentiate raw and vulcanized rubber. 9. Explain the process of obtaining rubber from latex. What are the defects of raw rubber? 10. Write a note on any two synthetic rubbers. 11. Give a detailed note on different types of composites? 12. Explain about FRP and their applications.

UNIT 3 SURFACE CHEMISTRY PART-A 1. Define adsorption. 2. Differentiate adsorption and absorption. 3. What are adsorbent and adsorbate? 4. Differentiate physisorption and chemisorption. 5. Give any four characteristics of adsorption. 6. What is the effect of pressure, temperature on physisorption and chemisorption. 7. What is positive adsorption? And negative adsorption. Give examples. 8. Define adsorption isotherms. 9. What is Freundlich isotherm? What are the limitations? 10. What are the assumptions of Langmuir adsorption isotherm? 11. List out any four important applications of adsorption. 12. What is homogeneous catalyst? What is heterogeneous catalyst? 13. Why the solid catalyst should be used as a fine powder? 14. What are promoters and catalytic poison? 15. Give two examples for cation and anion exchange resins? 16. What is zeolite process? 17. What are the applications of activated charcoal? 18. What are GAC and PAC? 19. What are the factors affecting adsorption of gases on solid? 20. What are the factors affecting adsorption from solutions? 21. How is arsenic poisoning removed from the body? PART B 1. Differentiate physisorption and chemisorption?

2. Explain the factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids. 3. Explain the factors affecting adsorption of solutes from solutions. 4. What are the five types of isotherms possible? Draw and explain the cases with eg. 5. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm. 6. Bring out the role of adsorption in heterogeneous catalyst? 7. Explain the principle of adsorption in ion-exchange process of water treatment? 8. What are the common applications of adsorption? 9. How can the pollution be reduced by activated charcoal.

UNIT 4 NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES/ STORAGE DEVICES PART-A Differentiate nuclear fission and fusion. Give any four characteristics of fission. What is multiplication factor? What is mass defect? What is a nuclear chain reaction? Define critical, sub critical and super critical mass. What is nuclear energy? Give any one fission reaction; mention the factors that impede the chain reaction. Define nuclear reactor. What are the components of a nuclear reactor? What are moderators in nuclear reactor? What is its role? What is a breeder reactor? Mention any four applications of solar energy. Define thermal conversion and photo conversion with eg. What are the advantages of non-conventional energy sources than the conventional one? Write short notes on wind energy. Define fuel cell. Bring out its two applications. What are the advantages and drawbacks of solar and wind energy. What are fissile and fissionable nucleus? Give eg. What are the reactions involved in oxygen Hydrogen fuel cell? What is a battery? What are the basic requirements of a battery? Differentiate primary and secondary batteries? What are the advantages of alkaline battery over dry battery? Li battery is the battery of future How? What are the advantages of Li- S battery? How NICAD battery is constructed? Write the reactions taking place in an alkaline battery. PART- B What is a nuclear chain reaction? Explain the basic principles and characteristics of it. Explain light water power plant with a neat sketch. Explain the significance and working principles of breeder reactor with necessary equations and sketches. Write an elaborate note on solar energy harnessing and applications. Write a note on wind energy. Explain the construction of O2-H2 fuel cells. State itsadvantages? Explain the principle behind Lead acid accumulator. What is the basic constructional idea behind NICAD battery? Give the importance of Lithium battery. Explain the basic principles of it. UNIT 5 ENGINEERING MATERIALS PART-A 1. Define refractories. How can they be classified? 2. Give any four characteristics of refractories. 3. What is refractoriness? How is it measured? 4. What is segar cone test (or) PCE test? 5. What is RUL test? 6. Name the stages in manufacture of refractory? 7. What is porosity of a refractory? How can it be modified? 8. What is thermal spalling? How will you control it?

9. What are the two types of dimension change? 10. Name two refractories which should not be kept in direct contact with fireclay refractory. Why? 11. What are abrasives? 12. What is abrasive powder? 13. What is mohs scale? 14. How is carborundum prepared? 15. What is norbide? How can it be prepared? 16. Give the applications of garnet and emery. 17. What are the applications of abrasive? 18. How can we classify the abrasives? Give eg for each type. 19. Define lubricant. Classify them. 20. What is flash and fire point. 21. Define viscosity index. 22. Define cloud and pour point. 23. What are pour point depressants? Give eg. 24. What are greases? How can they be classified? 25. What are carbon nanotubes? What are the types? 26. What are nano materials? 27. What is nano chemistry? 28. Write down the synthetic methods to prepare carbon nanotubes. 29. Write any four applications of carbon nano tube. 30. Mention the various forms of SWNT. PART-B 1. Classify the refractories. Explain one example for each type. 2. What are the properties of refractory? Explain any three of them. 3. Write notes on alumina, zirconia and magnesite bricks. 4. Write a note on synthetic abrasives. 5. What is your understanding about natural abrasives? 6. How will you explain the mechanism behind the lubrication? 7. Explain any four properties of lubricants? 8. How can you classify lubricants? Explain. 9. Write notes on solid lubricants. 10. Bring out the important applications of CNT. 11. Write a note on structure and synthesis of CNT.


1. What is an Ultrasonic wave? Mention its properties. 2. Name the methods by which Ultrasonic waves are produced? 3. Define Magnetostriction effect? 4. What are the disadvantages of magnetostriction oscillator? 5. Define Piezo Electric effect? 6. What is the main difference in the quality of ultrasonic waves produced by Piezo electric and magnetostriction method? 7. What is Inverse Piezo electric effect? 8. What are the advantages of Piezo electric oscillators? 9. What are the demerits of the Piezo electric oscillator?

10. What is an acoustic grating? 11. Name any four methods of detection of ultrasonic waves. 12. Give the important applications of ultrasonics. 13. What is Cavitations? Mention its uses. 14. What is the principle of SONAR? 15. How can SONAR be used to find depth of the sea? 16. What is sonogram? 17. What are the methods to detect the ultrasonic waves? 18. Write a short notes on sonar 19. What is Coagulation? 20. State any four use of ultrasonic. 21. Define Non-destructive testing. 22. What is A-scan? 23. What is B- Scan? 24. What is C- Scan? 25. Write any two medical applications of Ultrasonics.


26. What is Laser? What are its characteristics? 27. Distinguish between Spontaneous and stimulated emission 28. What is Stimulated emission? 29. What is Spontaneous emission? 30. What is Stimulated absorption? 31. What are Einsteins coefficients? 32. Define population Inversion. 33. Define normal population. 34. What is pumping action? 35. What are the conditions to achieve the laser action? 36. Distinguish between Four level and three level lasers. 37. Compare the characteristics of laser with ordinary thermal source of light.

38. What are the three important components of laser device? 39. How lasers are classified? or Mention the various types of lasers. 40. What is Nd YAG laser? 41. What are the applications of Nd- YAG laser? 42. What is CO2 laser? 43. What is the active medium in CO2 laser? 44. What are the applications of CO2 laser? 45. What is Semiconductor laser? 46. What are the applications of Semiconductor laser? 47. Name any four uses of laser in medical field. 48. Name any four uses of laser in engineering field. 49. What is an optical resonator? 50. Define Active centre and Active medium? 51. What is hologram?


52. Define Optical Fiber. 53. What is the principle of optical fiber? 54. What are the conditions for total internal reflection? 55. What is meant by mode? 56. Define numerical apertures. 57. Define acceptance angle. 58. What is single mode fiber? 59. What is multi mode fiber? 60. What is step index fiber? 61. What is graded index fiber? 62. What is a wave guide? 63. What are the types of optical fibers based on number of modes? 64. What are the types of optical fibers based on refractive index profile? 65. Mention the components involved in fiber optical system?

66. Distinguish between step and graded index fiber. 67. Distinguish between single mode and Multi mode fiber. 68. Write a short note on losses in optical fiber. 69. What is intrinsic absorption? 70. Distinguish between Active and Passive fiber. 71. What is sensor? What are the good conditions for sensor? 72. Define Splicing. 73. What is dispersion? 74. What is attenuation? 75. What are the advantages of the fiber optical communication system? 76. Write the applications of fiber optical system. 77. Define Chromatic dispersion 78. Define Intermodel dispersion 79. What are the industrial applications of ultrasonics? 80. Distinguish between hologram and photography. 81. What are the detectors that are used in fiber optic communication? 82. Write a short note on temperature sensor 83. Write a short note on pressure sensor


84. What is Black body radiation? 85. What is Schrdinger wave equation? 86. Write the postulates of Plancks Quantum theory. 87. Write down Plancks radiation formula. 88. State Wiens displacement law. 89. State Rayleigh Jeans law. 90. State Heisenbergs uncertainty principle.

91. What is Compton Effect? 92. What is Compton wavelength? 93. What are minimum and maximum values of Compton shift? 94. What is a wavefuntion? 95. Mention some of the physical significance of the wave function. 96. What are Eigen values and Eigen functions? 97. What is meant by Photon? Give its properties. 98. What are de- Broglie wave or matter waves? 99. Explain degenerate states and non-degenerate states. 100. What is Schrdinger wave equation? 101. Write down Schrdinger time independent and dependent wave equations. 102. Write the energy value of the particle in one dimensional box. 103. Mention some important applications of quantum mechanics.


104. Define crystal. 105. Define unit cell. 106. Define atomic radius. 107. Define co-ordination number. 108. Define space lattice. 109. What are lattice parameters? 110. What is a primitive cell? 111. What is non-primitive cell? 112. Define Basis. 113. What is crystallography? 114. What are miller indices? 115. Define Bravais lattice. 116. Define burgers vectors.

117. What is dislocation? 118. Define Screw dislocation. 119. Define edge dislocation. 120. Define Frenkel and Schottky defect. 121. Define Substitution impurity defect. 122. Define interstitial impurities. 123. Define Stacking faults. 124. Define grain boundaries. 125. Draw (111) plane in simple cubic. 126. Draw (101) plane in simple cubic. 127. Define interplanar distance. 128. Define polymorphism and allotropy. 129. Write the atomic radius, co-ordination number for diamond structure. 130. Define packing fraction 131. Name seven crystal systems.


1. What is Magnetostriction effect? Explain Magnetostriction Oscillators. 2. What is piezo electric Effect? Explain piezo electric Oscillators. 3. Determine the velocity measurement of ultrasonic waves in liquids. 4. Write a short note on (i) Detection of ultra sonic (ii) Cavitation (iii)Sonar 5. Explain with neat sketch the application of ultrasonic in cardiology. 6. How ultrasonic waves are detected? Explain. 7. Give the industrial applications of ultrasonic waves in detail. 8. Give the medical applications of ultrasonic waves in detail. 9. Explain Non-destructive testing method in detail. 10. Explain ultrasonic imaging systems in detail.


11. Describe the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser. 12. Describe the construction and working of Co2 laser. 13. Describe the construction and working of semiconductor laser. 14. Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser. 15. Explain with neat sketch the construction and reconstruction of holographic image. 16. Explain Einstein coefficient and then prove ratio of stimulated to spontaneous emission is given by 1/ehv/kT-1. 17. Discuss the applications of laser in various fields.


18. Derive the expression for acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber. 19. Write a short note on (i) Principle of light in optical fiber (ii) Double crucible method. 20. Classify the optical fibers on the basis of materials, modes of propagation and refractive index difference. 21. Write a shote note on (i) step index fiber (ii) Graded index fiber. 22. Write a short note on (i) Single mode fiber (ii) Multimode fiber. 23. Write a short note on (i) losses in optical fiber (ii) Fiber optic communication system. 24. What are Fiber splices? Explain in detail. 25. Write a short note on (i) Pressure and Intensity sensor (ii) displacement sensor.


26. What is Black Body radiation .Derive the expression for Planck theory of black body radiation? 27. What is Compton Effect? Derive the expression for the Compton shift wavelength. 28. Derive the expression for schroedinger time independent and dependent wave equation. 29. Explain particle in one dimensional box and also explain three dimensional effects. 30. Explain (i) Transmission electron Microscope (ii) Scanning Electron Microscope.


31. Show that packing fraction for simple cubic is 52% 32. show that packing fraction for body centered cubic is 68% 33. Show that packing fraction for face centered cubic is 74% 34. What is Hcp structure explain c/a ratio is 1.632 and also packing fraction is 74% 35. What are miller indices? Show that interplanar distance is d=a/(h2+k2+l2). 36. Write a short note on (i) Diamond Structure (ii) Nacl structure (iii) Bravais lattice 37. Explain various types of defects in crystals in detail.


PH2161 ENGINEERING PHYSICS IMPORTANT 2 MARKS AND 16 MARKS I UNIT-CONDUCTING MATERIALS Part A Define mobility give its unit. Define Drift velocity. What are the drawbacks of classical free electron theory. Define Mean free path. Define Collision Time. Define Electrical Conductivity. Define Thermal Conductivity. State Wiedemann-Franz law. Define Lorentz number. Define relaxation time of an electron. What is Plancks Hypothesis. State Plancks radiation law. Define Compton-effect. Write Placks radiation formula. Write down Schroedinger time independent and time dependent wave equation with symbol. Give the physical significance of wave function. What are the eigen value and eigen function ? Write Fermi-Dirac distribution formula. Define Fermi level and Fermi Energy with its importance. How does Fermi function varies with temperature What is work function. what are bound and free electron. For Copper the relaxation time is 10-14 seconds. The free electron density is 2 1028/ m3. Calculate its electrical conductivity. What is the probability of an electron bring thermally promoted to the Conduction band in silicon (Ec= 1.07 eV) at 25C ? Give the expression for change in wavelength of a scattered X-ray Photon. Part-B Derive the electrical conductivity of a metal based on classical free electron theory. Derive the thermal conductivity of a metal based on classical free electron theory. State and Prove Wiedemann-Frantz law. What is Compton effect ? Give the theory of Compton effect and Show that the Compton shift = h . (1 cos)/m0c. Explain the application of Schrodinger wave equation to a one Dimensional Potential well. Derive Time independent Schroedinger wave equation and hence deduce the time dependent Schroedinger equation. Describe the energy band theory of solids with the help of neat band diagram. Distinguish between metals insulator and semiconductor on the basis of band theory. Derive the expression for Plancks theory of Black body radiation. Unit- II SEMI CONDUCTORS MATERIALS Part A What are compound semi conductors ? Give examples. Why do the conductivity of a semi conductor increase with temperature ? What is an intrinsic-semi conductor ? Why do masses of electron and hole vary in semi-conductor ? What is an extrinsic-semi conductor? Define Fermi level in the case of semi conductors. Mention its position in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors at 0K. Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted by LED made up of a semi-Conducting material with Band gap energy (Eg) 2.8 eV. What is an N-type semi-conductor? Give example. What is an P-type semi-conductor? Give example. How does the Fermi-level change with temperature in extrinsic semi conductors ? What is meant by band gap in solids ? Mention its units.

What is Hall effect. Part-B Obtain and expression for the carrier concentration in an intrinsic semi conductor. Calculate the intrinsic concentration of charge carriers at 300K, given me= 0.12mo, Discuss electrical conductivity of intrinsic semi-conductor and hence derive an expression for the band gap energy. Derive an expression for carrier concentration in an N-type semi conductor (Density of electrons in the conduction band). Derive an expression for the density of holes in the valence band of an P-type semi conductor. Discuss the variation of Fermi-level with temperature in N-type and P-type semi conductors. Discuss the variation of carrier concentration with temperature for N-type and P-type semiconductors. Explain the determination of Hall co-efficient, carrier concentration and mobility of charge carriers of a semi conductor.

UNIT-3 MAGNETIC AND SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS:M PART-A What is magnetic material? Define magnetic Induction give its unit Define magnetic field Intensity give its unit Define free space permeability Define Magnetic permeability Define relative permeability Define Intensity of magnetization What is magnetic susceptibility .What is the relationship between relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility? State any four properties of Dia magnetic substance State any four properties of Para magnetic substance State any four properties of Ferro magnetic substance Define domain Distinguish between Ferro magnetic and antiferro magnetic What is Curie temperature? Define Bohr magnetron Define Magnetic moment Define Hysteresis Distinguish between hard magnetic materials and soft magnetic material Define GMR effect Write a short note on bubble memories Distinguish between RAM and ROM Define Transition temperature Define Super conductivity Distinguish between Type-I and Type-II superconductor What is Meissner Effect? Define Isotope effect What is high temperature superconductor? give example What is SQUIDS? What is magnetic levitation? How are different magnetic materials classified? What are the different sources of permanent magnetic moment? What is curie Weiss Law? Give the significance of Curie Weiss law What is Heisenberg theory of ferromagnetism? What is meant by Hysteresis loss? Define Energy product of magnetic material. What are the applications of ferrites? Why are ferrites advantageous for use as transformer cores?

Explain the importance of the magnetic materials What are the five basic parts of a digital magnetic tape system? How is earth garnets used for data storage? Part_B Magnetic materials: What are diamagnetic and paramagnetic susceptibilities of material? Discuss the temperature variation of their susceptibility. Discuss Langevin theory of a paramagnetic gas and obtain an expression for the paramagnetic susceptibility of the gas. What are the main drawbacks of the theory? Derive an expression for the magnetic moment M of a paramagnetic solid on the basis of quantum theory. What is Ferro magnetism? Explain the reason for the formation of domain structure in ferromagnetic material and how the hysteresis curve is explained on the basis of the domain theory. a) Classify the magnetic materials on the basis of their spin. b) What are ferromagnetic domains? c) Discuss Weiss theory of Ferro magnetism D) What are its merits and demerits? Give an account of Weiss theory of Ferro magnetism and show from the post of Langevin function spontaneous magnetization exists below the Curie temperature and vanishes above the Curie temperature. Explain the domain theory of Ferro magnetism. Using that how will you explain the properties of Ferro magnetic materials? Draw a B-H curve for a Ferro magnetic material and identify retentivity and coercitive field on the curve. .Write an essay on different magnetic storage media. What are their relative merits and demerits? In detail explain how data are stored in magnetic materials. What are the functions of writing and reading heads? How are they designed? What are hard and Soft magnetic materials compare their properties Give example. Discuss the phenomenon of does an anti ferromagnetic substance differ from a diamagnetic substances SUPERCONDUCTING MATERIALS: Give the difference between type-I and type-II superconductor. Explain the superconducting phenomena. What are its properties? What are in application? Write an essay on superconducting materials and its applications. What is the new development? What are high Tc superconductors? Give four examples. Explain the following Meissner effect Explain the effect of Isotopes on superconductors What is SQUID? Explain BCS theory with a special note on copper pairs Give four medical application of superconductors Explain Magnetic levitation Unit_4 DIELECTRIC MATERIALS: Part-A Define electric polarization Compare active and passive dielectrics Define electronic polarization. What are the differences between polar and non polar molecules? Define local field. What is meant by dielectric loss and loss tangent? Why it occurs? What is meant by dielectric breakdown and dielectric strength? Explain electrochemical breakdown in dielectric. What are dielectric materials? Give its properties. Define dielectric constant Define polarization vector and electric displacement vector Define Ionic polarizations

Define Space charge polarization Define orientation polarization. What is the microscopic polarization mechanism involved in dielectric polarization Compare the electronic and orientation polarization. What is effect of frequency of an a.c field on polarization? What is the effect of temperature on polarization? What are the different breaks down mechanisms that occur in a dielectric material? Discuss the discharge and defect breakdown in dielectrics. What are the ways in which the dielectric breakdown can be minimized? Give any four applications of dielectric in transformer, Write any four applications of dielectrics in capacitors/ What is meant by electric susceptibility? List out of frequency dependence of polarization Write a note on temperature dependence of polarization? Part-B Discuss in detail the various dielectric breakdown mechanisms. Deduce Clausius Mosotti equation and explain its use in predicting the dielectric constant of solids Derive an expression for the orientation polarizability What is meant by polarization in dielectric? Arrive at the relation between the dielectric constant and atomic polarizability. Show that the imaginary part of the dielectric constant accounts for a condenser being lossy. Explain the different types of polarization mechanisms involved in a dielectric material What is meant by local field in a dielectric and how is it calculated for a cubic structure/deduce the clausius Mosotti equation Write a short note on dielectric loss and breakdown mechanism and application of dielectric materials UNIT-5 MODERN ENGINEERING MATERIALS:

PART-A SHORT ANSWERS: What are metallic glasses? What is the advantage of using metallic glasses as transformer core material? Name any four applications of metallic glasses. What are shape memory alloys? What are the merits and demerits of SMA? What are nano phase materials? Name any four methods employed to produce nano phase materials. What is meant by Super plasticity? Define Nano technology Define quantum confinement State any four properties of nano phase materials What are the types carbon nano tubes? What is meant by glass transition temperature? What do you understand by the term Quenching? What are the types of Met glasses? Mention any four properties of met glasses? List out any four recent applications of nano materials What is transformation temperature? What do you understand by Martensite and Austenite Phases? Define pseudo elasticity. What are the properties of SMA? What are the types of SMA? Give any four application of SMA. Part-B What are nano phase materials? Explain how the physical properties vary with geometry Give the concept properties and applications of metallic glasses. Explain the various technique used to prepare nano phase materials How are metallic glasses prepared? Explain how the melt spinner device can be used to produce metallic glasses.

Give the properties and applications of nano phase materials What is meant by SMA? Explain its working. Give the characteristics and applications of shape memory alloys. Explain the various techniques to produce carbon nano tubes. Give the properties and application of carbon nano tubes.


GE2112 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING QUESTION BANK PART A Define a computer. What is GIGO? What is diligence? Define Versatility. Give the full form of ENIAC, EDVAC. Give the full form of EDSAC, UNIVAC. What are the advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes? State any four characteristics of first generation computers. State any four characteristics of second generation computers. State any four characteristics of third generation computers. State any four characteristics of fourth generation computers. State any four characteristics of fifth generation computers. Define an IC. What is a transistor? Give the full form of LSI, VLSI, ULSI, and SLSI. What are the advantages of micro computers and mini computers over mainframes? Describe the largest computer of the computer family. Explain the second largest computer of the computer family. Which computer is known as PC? Which computer is known as notebook? Why? Which computer is known as palmtop? Why? How the computers can be used effectively in the field of science & education? How the computers can be used effectively in the field of medicine & health care? How the computers can be used effectively in the field of Engineering & entertainment? How the computers can be used effectively in the field of communication & banking? What are the advantages of secondary storage over primary storage? What are the functions performed by Input unit? What are the functions performed by output unit? What are the functions performed by control unit? What are the functions performed by storage unit? What are the functions performed by arithmetic and logic unit? What is CPU? What are the subsystems in it? Define software. What are the categories of software? What is system software? What is an operating system? Give one eg. What are device drivers? Differentiate between machine language and high level language. Difference between compiler and interpreter. What are system utility programs? What is application software? List out some of the application software. List out any four features of word processors. Give one eg. List out any four features of spreadsheets. Give one eg. List out any four features of image editors. Give one eg. List out any four features of DBMS. Give one eg.

List out any four features of presentation applications. Give one eg. List out any four features of desktop publishing software. Give one eg. Define public domain software. What is freeware? Explain donationware & postcardware. Explain abandonware & Adware. What is shareware? What is commercial software? What is open source software? Difference between open source software and closed source software. What is proprietary software? What is a firmware? Define software piracy. Enumerate the steps involved in program development cycle. What is a base of number system? What is a radix of number system? Determine the binary equivalent of (36)10 Determine the octal equivalent of (359)10 Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (5112)10 Determine the decimal equivalent of (11010)2 Determine the decimal equivalent of (456)8 Determine the decimal equivalent of (B14)16 Determine the octal equivalent of (10111)2 Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (11001011)2 Determine the binary equivalent of (231)8 Determine the binary equivalent of (5AF)16 Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (2327)8 Determine the octal equivalent of (2B6)16 Perform binary addition for the numbers 1010 & 1111 Subtract the binary number 101 from 1111 What is the ones complement of 1010? subtract 1010 from 1000 using ones complement method What is the twos complement of 1010? subtract 1010 from 1000 using twos complement method What is 9s complement of a number? What is 10s complement of a number?

PART B With a neat block diagram explain the basic organization of a computer and list out the functions performed by each unit. Discuss important features of various generations of computer system. Give some examples of computers for each generation. Explain the classification of computers in detail. Describe the evolution of computers. Explain the importance of system software for a computer system. List out the features of some of the most commonly known types of system software. What is application software? Describe briefly some of the most commonly known types of application software. Explain the steps involved in software development.

PART A What is the internet? How did it evolve? In what manner is e-mail similar to postal mail service? In what manner are the two different from each other? List out some of the advantages & disadvantages of e-mail service against telephone service? Explain the difference between downloading and uploading of information. What is ARPANET? What is USENET? What is a newsgroup? How is it useful? What is hypertext? How is it useful? Explain a typical structure of URL. What is the use of telnet service offered by internet? What is FTP? Define the terms online and offline. What are the 5 elements that are common to all video conferencing endpoint? Give the full form of FTP, WWW, HTML, HTTP, URL, TCP/IP, ISDN, and DSL. Describe the following terms with respect to the internet HTML HTTP Web server Web browser Webpage Website Homepage Index page ISP

PART B Name some of the basic services provided by the internet. Explain how each of these services helps the internet users. Describe the evolution of internet in detail. PART-A Why is it advisable to plan the logic of a program before writing it? Define an algorithm. What are the characteristics necessary for a sequence of instructions to qualify as an algorithm? What is a flowchart? What are the various basic symbols used in flowcharting? Give their pictorial representation. Describe the function of various basic flowcharting symbols. List out any some of the guidelines used for preparing flowcharts. What are the benefits of flowcharts? What are the limitations of flowcharts? Define a pseudocode. List out any some of the guidelines used for writing pseudocode. What are the benefits of pseudocode? What are the limitations of pseudocode? What are control structures? What are the three basic logic structures used in writing structured programs? Discuss the use of each.

What is a sequence control structure? What is a selection control structure? What is a repetition control structure? What is application software? What is a word processing package? List out some of the key features supported by modern word processing packages. What is a spreadsheet package? List out some of the key features supported by spreadsheet packages. What is an image editor? Give example. What is DBMS? Give example. What is the use of presentation applications? Give example. What is desktop publishing software? Give example. Write the algorithm, draw the flowchart, and write the pseudocode for the following. To find the area of a rectangle To find the area of a circle To find the circumference of a circle To find the centigrade value for the corresponding Farenheit value To find the Farenheit value for the corresponding centigrade value To find the sum and product of two given values To find whether the given year is leap year or not To find the largest of two numbers To find the largest of three numbers To find whether the given no is positive or not To find whether the given no is odd or even To find the factorial of a given no To find the sum of all the digits in a given no To find whether the given no is Armstrong or not To find the reverse of a given no To calculate 1+2+3+n To calculate 12+22+32+.+n2

PROGRAMS IN C Write a C program to find the sum of two numbers. Write a C program to find the average of three float numbers. Write a C program to swap two numbers using third variable. Write a C program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable. Write a C program to find the area and circumference of a circle. Write a C program to find the biggest of two numbers using ternary operator. Write a C program to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit. Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to centigrade. Write a C program to calculate the simple interest. Write a C program to find the area of a rectangle.
CY2161 ENGG. CHEMISTRY QUESTION BANK PART A UNIT I - ELECTROCHEMISTRY 1. 2. 3. What are the types of electrolytes? Give an example for each type. What is the difference between metallic and electrolytic conduction? What are single and Std. Electrode potentials?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

What is Nernst equation? Discuss the terms involved. Calculate the electrode potential of Zinc electrode dipped in 0.1M zinc sulphate solution at 250 C. Bring out the symbolic representation of SHE. What are its limitations? What are secondary reference electrodes? Discuss about a calomel electrode. Give the symbol, diagram and reactions of a calomel electrode. Define emf series. Bring out any four elements and their E0 values. How will you predict the spontaneity of a reaction using emf series? Zinc displaces H2 from HCl but Cu does not. Why? What is galvanic series? What are the significance of it? Discuss the rules to be followed while representing a cell. What is the difference between electrochemical and electrolytic cells? What is potentiometric titration? What is conductometric titration? What is standard electrode? Define ion selective electrodes? What are the conditions for a cell to be a reversible one? Differentiate electrolytic and electrochemical cell.

UNIT II CORROSION AND ITS CONTROL 1. Define corrosion 2. Why do metals undergo corrosion? 3. What are the types of corrosion? 4. What are the consequences of corrosion? 5. What is Pilling bedworth rule? 6. What is H2 embrittlement? 7. Write the elemental reactions involved during electrochemical corrosion. 8. What type of corrosion takes place when a Zinc rod dipped in HCl solution? 9. What is galvanic corrosion? Discuss 10. What is pitting corrosion? Why is it severe? 11. Differentiate chemical and electrochemical corrosion 12. How does purity of a metal influence corrosion? 13. How do pH of the environment affect corrosion of a metal? 14. How is corrosion minimized by proper designing of equipment? 15. What is cathodic protection? Discuss 21. What is the purpose of using Mg bars in ships? 22. What is the role of hydrazine and sodium sulphite in corrosion control? 23. What are anodic inhibitors? Give any two examples with the mode of action 24. What are vapour phase inhibitors? Give an example. 25. Define a paint. 26. What is the role of drying oil in a paint? Discuss 27. What are plasticisers? Give examples. 28. What are acid pickling and alkali cleaning? 29. What is electroless plating? 30. What are the constituents of electrolytic bath used for electroless plating? 31. Bring out the reactions taking place during electroless plating 32. What are the advantages of electroless plating? UNIT III - PHASE RULE AND ALLOYS 1. State phase rule 2. Define phase. 3. What is meant by the term component? 4. Define degree of freedom. 5. A system consists of benzene and water. What is the number of phases? 6. A gaseous mixture consists of N 2, H2 and NH3 in equilibrium. What is the number of phases? 7. How many components are present when NH4Cl is heated in a closed vessel? 8. A gaseous mixture contains NH3 , HCl in the molar ratio of 1:2. Whatr is the number of components of the system? 9. Give the number of components of the system: (i) Fe (s) + H2O(g) FeO(s) + H2 (g) (ii) CaCO3(s) <=> CaO(s) + CO2(g)

10. What is invariant system? 11. Give an example for invariant system. 12. Calculate the number of phases present in the systems: (i) MgCO3(s) <=> MgO (s) + CO2(g) (ii) Rhombic sulphur(s) <=> Monoclinic sulphur(s) (iii)NH 4Cl(s) <=> H3(g) + HCl(g) (iv) I2(s) <=> I2(g) (v) Ice(s) <=> water(l) <=> Water vapour(g) 13. What is the degree of freedom of the following systems? (i ) NaCl (s) <=> NaCl-water(aq) <=> Water-vapour(g) (ii) A gas in equilibrium with its solution in a liquid. (iii) A solution of a solid in a liquid in equilibrium with solvent vapour. (iv) Two partially misicible liquids in the absence of vapour. (v) I2(s) <=> I2(g) 14. What is condensed phase rule? What is the number of degrees of freedom at the eutectic point for a two component system? 15. What is thermal analysis. Draw the cooling curves of a pure substance and a mixture and discuss. 16. What is the effect of pressure on the melting point of ice? 17. What is metastable equilibrium? 18. What is triple point? 19. What is eutectic composition of lead-silver system? 20. Discuss the significance of eutectics. 21. What is meant by congruent melting point? 22. How many phases and components are existing at triple point in ice water water vapour system. 23. State the conditions under which two substances can form a simple eutectic. 24. Define eutectic point. 25. Eutectic is a mixture and not a compound explain. 26. What is eutectic alloy? 27. Mention some important properties of alloys. 28. What are Stainless steels? 29. What are solders? 30. What is meant by phase diagram? With the help of phase diagrams explain the following terms. (i) meta state equilibrium (ii) Eutectic point. 31. Explain the differences among melting point, eutectic point and triple point. Give examples. 32. PCl5 (s) PCl3 (l) + Cl2 (g) . Write the number of phases, components and degree of freedom for this system. 33. Mention the merits and demerits of phase rule. 34. What are the main purpose of alloying steel. 35. Give the composition of Nichrome and Alnico. 36. What is 18/8 Stainless Steel. 37. What is the basic differences between brass and bronze? 38. What are solders? Give examples. UNIT IV : FUELS AND COMBUSTION 1. What is coal? How is it formed? 2. Name the different varieties of coal. 3. What is calorific value? Mention its units. 4. Define GCV and LCV of a fuel. 5. What is meant by the term fixed carbon? 6. How is coke superior to coal? 7. Distinguish between proximate and ultimate analysis of coal. 8. Give the characteristics of metallurgical coke. 9. What is meant by hydrogenation of coal? 10. Define octane number. 11. How will you improve the octane number? 12. What is leaded petrol? Mention its advantages and disadvantages. 13. Define cetane number. 14. How is cetane number improved? 15. Distinguish between petrol and diesel. 16. What is aviation gasoline? How is it obtained? 17. Give the composition of water gas. 18. Write the composition of producer gas.

19. 20. 21. 22.

Explain how water gas is superior to producer gas. What is flue gas? Mention the uses of flue gas analysis. Name the reagents used for absorbing CO2,CO and O2 during flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus.

UNIT V - ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Explain emission spectra. What is an absorption spectrum? What are the differences between molecular spectra and atomic spectra? State Beer-Lamberts law. Write its mathematical form. What are the limitations of Beer-Lamberts law? What are the sources of UV light in UV-Visible spectrophotometer. What is a colorimeter? Mention the important components of a colorimeter. What are applications of colorimetry? Mention the advantages of colorimetry. What is flame photometry? Name few metals which can be easily detected by this method. What are the important processes that occur in the flame emission spectroscopy? What are chromophores? What are auxochromes? Give some examples. Define bathochromic shift and hypsochromic shift. What is hypochromic effect and hyperchromic effect? How are IR spectral range subdivided? How will you calculate the number of vibrational modes of a compound? What is finger print region? Mention its importance. What is group frequency region? Mention its importance. Give any two applications of UV spectroscopy. PART B UNIT I ELECTROCHEMISTRY 1. Define EMF. How is it determined? 2. Differentiate the following ; a) Reversible and irreversible cells b) Electrolytic and electrochemical cells 3. Derive Nernst equation? What are the applications? 4. With a neat sketch explain the principle, working of SHE. 5. Explain the concept of secondary reference electrode, taking calomel electrode as example. 6. Justify the V shaped graph obtained from conductometric acid base titrations. 7. Bring out the significance of potentiometer titration in redox reactions. 8. What is the procedure for determining the endpoint for a precipitation reaction using potentiometric titrations? 9. What is EMF series? What are the applications? 10. How will you measure pH of a solution using ion selective glass electrodes? UNIT II - CORROSION AND ITS INHIBITION 1. What are the constituents of paints? Discuss the functions with examples. 2. Explain the preparation of metals for coating 3. Discuss electroless plating in detail taking Ni as example. 4. Explain the mechanism of chemical corrosion 5. Explain the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion 6. Discuss the factors influencing corrosion 7. Explain the corrosion control by proper selection of metal and designing. 8. Explain cathodic protection in detail 9. What is differential aeration corrosion? Explain with four examples. 10. Write briefly about gold electroplating? 11. Compare different types of corrosion inhibitors. UNIT III - PHASE RULE AND ALLOYS 1. Draw a neat phase diagram and explain the lead-silver system? Briefly write about Pattinsons process. Explain the application phase rule to a one component system. How will you construct a phase diagram by thermal analysis?

Define phase rule and condensed phase rule. Explain the terms involved. Write note on heat treatment of steel. What are the non ferrous alloys? Give their properties. Define the term Alloy and bring out the effect of alloying of metals with stainless steel.

examples. Explain about

UNIT IV : FUELS AND COMBUSTION 1. Describe proximate analysis. What is the significance of it? 2. Bring out the importance of ultimate analysis. 3. In what ways Otto Hoffmann method is advantageous than the traditional method. Explain the various products and the recovery process. 4. Explain synthesis of petrol by Bergius process. 5. What is Fishcer Tropsch process. What are the advantages of the process? 6. What is Knocking? Explain about the mechanism of anti - knocking ? 7. What is Water gas? How is it manufactured? 8. How is producer gas manufactured? Give its composition and uses. 9. Write a brief note on CNG and LPG. 10. Discuss the points to be taken care in calculation of minimum air requirement for the complete combustion. 11. How is flue gas analysed using Orsats apparatus? UNIT V - ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES 1. Derive Beer Lambers law. What are the reasons for the deviations from Beers law? 2. Explain photoelectric colorimeter with suitable diagram. 3. Draw the schematic diagram of a flame photometer and explain its working. 4. Explain the working of atomic absorption spectrometer..How will you determine nickel using AAS? 5. Give an account on principle, application and intstrumentation of UV-Visible spectroscopy. 6. Give an account on principle, application and intstrumentation of IR spectroscopy Explain stretching and bending vibrations.

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