Plant Reproduction Webquest
Plant Reproduction Webquest
Plant Reproduction Webquest
Go to The Great Plant Escape Select Case 4 Plantenstein is the suspect Read the facts of the case and complete the following activities 1. Flower Parts this should be revision for you! Read the information and click on perfect and imperfect to find a definition of each term. Imperfect flowers are:__________________________________________________________________________ Perfect flowers are: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Pollination Define: Pollination ____________________________________________________________________________________ Pollinators ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Nonflowering plants Ferns and mosses are called ______________________________ plants and produce __________________ instead of __________________. ______________ (eg mushrooms) also reproduce using ____________.
Spores are _________________________________________________________________________________. You can find them_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is a tuber? Explain in your own words..
What is a bulb?
In the space below make a labeled sketch of a bulb below showing the tunic, the basal plate, scale leaves and immature flower
I hope you got all these correct! 7. Complete Mystery #2 - Do all plants use seeds to reproduce?
Complete the table with a short sentence about how each of the following plants reproduce: Marigold
Pine tree
Now go to Case 3 Is it dust, dirt, dandruff or a seed? Read the facts of the case and complete the following activities 8. Define:
10. Complete Mystery #2 a) The plant produces its ____________. b) The seed is _______________ from a plant, _____________by the wind, or carried away by an ___________. c) The seed ends up on good __________. d) The seed takes up _____________. e) One part of the seed, __________________, begins to get energy from another part of the seed-the ______________________. f) The embryo begins to grow a small __________ (called the radicle) downward to find ________. g) A shoot(called the _____________) begins to grow upwards in search of ________ and _______. h) The seed leaves (called the _________) emerge.
Now go to: Seeds are distributed in many different ways. List each of the ways described on the website and describe how the system works. The first is done for you as an example Disbursement method Wind How it works
Seeds have adaptations that allow them to be caught by the wind easily and carried to other places. Dandelions are an example wind disbursement.
Now go to BBC Bitesize Biology Growing Plants _rev1.shtml Use the information to label the diagram of the seed below. For each of the parts indicated give the name and the function (job).
As you go through the 8 slides select 15 scientific terms for a crossword and record them in the table below along with a clue for that term. The first is done as an example for you. Scientific term Nectary Crossword clue The part of a flower that produces nectar
Complete the test bite at the end of the slides-what was your score? ___________________ Now go to and use your crossword clues to set up a crossword. For homework print the crossword.