Brand Glossary: Edited by Jeff Swystun
Brand Glossary: Edited by Jeff Swystun
Brand Glossary: Edited by Jeff Swystun
The most powerful ideas are simple, and brands adhere to the same rules. Just ask a few people you know, who arent in the industry, and you will find that they are able to articulate the idea behind a great brand in just a few short, focused words. Good branding is therefore easier said than done. Creating simple, but powerful, differentiation in the minds of your customers, your staff, indeed all your stakeholders, requires a clear and compelling vision that is expressed in everything you do; from product to service, through environments, to the people you hire, and the way you talk about yourself. Maintaining such simplicity throughout the complex systems, processes, and politics that characterize modern business is a considerable task, requiring absolute focus, passion, and conviction. No wonder then, that as competition increases, brands are playing an ever-increasing role in business strategy. It is now common knowledge that branding is fundamental to business success, and probably why our Best Global Brands league table is one of the top three published business rankings in the world. At Interbrand we have always placed great emphasis on the need for a balance between the logical and the creative. Brands, after all, live in our heads and our hearts. But ultimately, brands are value generators for business and this is our true obsession; using our creativity and strategic thinking to create value. Indeed, increasingly we are serving the need for a deeper understanding of how brands generate value and the use of that information to inform better business decisions. Initially, we thought it strange to be creating a glossary, which by its nature makes complexity easy to understand, about a subject area that demands simplicity! But the language of branding simply reflects the depth of the subject and, as we all know, brand language is varied, misunderstood, and often abused. This book became our duty, indeed a labour of love! With this glossary, the people of Interbrand have set out to demystify, educate, inform, and entertain. We hope to provide a common language allowing us, the brand practitioners, owners, and otherwise interested parties, to focus our debate and energy on improving our use and understanding of brands as a force for business. A simple idea indeed.
If you are setting out to edit a glossary (and I am quite confident that few of you are) there are three lessons worth sharing. The first is to more than double your original estimate of the time required to complete such an effort. I affectionately compare the process to that of cutting off a head of the mythical monster Hydra complete one term and it produces two more. The second lesson is to ensure it is not the only project you are pursuing. Diversions will maintain your sanity and actually offer greater context. Through the process I found myself re-examining many areas that are taken for granted, such as, how we process communications and information, how we purchase brands, and how subjectivity and objectivity compete in decision-making. This helped shape the content. The third and most important lesson is to have access to the leading subject matter experts. I thankfully had access to over 1,100 of my colleagues, representing different branding disciplines from all regions of the world. Their brainpower is truly impressive and I wish to acknowledge outstanding individual contributions. Jason Baer (New York) provided expertise in naming and verbal identity with his infectious enthusiasm for this aspect of branding. Walter Brecht (Cologne) put himself in the place of his clients to continually challenge the content. Jean-Baptiste Danet (Paris) provided calm guidance and support during the entire process. Rita Clifton (London), a recognized expert on global branding, offered valuable feedback throughout. Julie Cottineau (New York), innovator of Brand Tango, lent a hand in various areas. Matthew Cross (San Francisco) ensured we covered all the terms important to his clients and students. Alfredo Fraile (Madrid) provided a distinct and valuable European perspective. Jan Lindemann (London), a leader in brand valuation and measurement, made sure we kept matters appropriately tangible. Jessica Lyons (Melbourne) lent a hand from down under. Q Malandrino (New York) shared his expertise in brand culture. Jerome McDonnell (New York) focused on brand protection. Andy Milligan (London), author of many brand books, identified current trends. Lorena Noriega (Buenos Aires), who has a great passion for brand consulting, undertook tremendous research. Larry Oakner (New York) articulated the differences between internal communications and brand culture. Terry Oliver (Tokyo) made sure that the book took into account the rapid changes taking place in Asia. Sam Osborn (Melbourne) was a tremendous support in content, comment, and editing. Sarng Park (Seoul) represented the views of brand-savvy South Korea. Re Perez (New York) provided guidance in the area of brand culture. Romn Prez-Miranda (New York) offered up the Latin America-Iberia perspective, a region whose brand sophistication is growing exponentially. Robin Rusch (New York), the first editor of leading brand website, contributed to the online branding and brand automation areas. Gary Singer (New York) was a great supporter and contributor to key terms. Bev Tudhope (Toronto) helped on the nexus of branding and investor communications. Thomas Zara (New York) took on terms with vigor and intellect.
Branding has a huge creative and visual component and this is reflected in the theme and design of this glossary. Chris Campbell led the creative direction of the book with support from Gary Ludwig. Lynne Northwood developed the original concept. John Spicer ensured that the dual efforts of content and design wove seamlessly together. Ronan Tiongson and Michle Champagne designed the majority of the illustrations and overall layout that help immeasurably to bring the terms to life. Stephen Rutt of Palgrave-Macmillan deserves thanks for his great support and even greater patience. Thanks to Steven Schwartz, a thirtyyear veteran of written business communications, who worked on the terms and ensured quality and consistency. A very special thanks to Lisa Marsala, who worked tirelessly to see this book to market from initial concept, to term development, to design, to marketing and promotion. What you will find within is a great start, but it is admittedly a work-in-progress. A dictionary can claim to be definitive while a glossary, though a respected authority, captures a point in time in the evolution of a certain practice. We expect the glossary will require frequent updates to stay apace with brandings development. We also anticipate and welcome feedback in the hope of establishing a shared lexicon from which all can benefit. Send your
comments through and visit to contribute to the brand debate. From the outset, we intended the glossary to be a valuable companion rather than a dusty reference book forgotten on a shelf. It contains terms, illustrations big and small, facts, and relevant quotes, all to help communicate the practice of branding. The book is designed to inspire you to learn, question, and explore. I will know we have been successful when I see someone with their dog-eared copy full of Post-its, marked pages, doodles, and scribbled ideas for the next great brand.
A brand is a living entity and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures.
Michael Eisner
Above-the-line Communications
This term refers to marketing communications involving the purchase of traditional media such as television, radio, print, and outdoors; media in which results can be measured. As marketing and communications options have expanded, and advertising agency compensation has moved from commission-based to fee-based, this term has become increasingly dated and now reflects what traditional advertising agencies included in their base commission rate rather than what impact the media would have had on customers.
The tangible or intangible benefit provided by a product or service that generally commands a higher price and engenders customer loyalty and/or overall preference. Frequently, tangible added-value components are quickly copied so companies and brands strive to develop intangible ones that are uniquely ownable and more difficult to replicate.
Account Executive
Notes: In advertising agencies, this term refers to a person who is the day-to-day contact between the agency and the client. Over the years, the account executive function has evolved to exert a more strategic influence in managing agency relationships. Newer titles such as account planner and relationship manager are used interchangeably with account executive. Similar terms are used in branding and design consultancies. The fact remains that one individual from the agency or consulting organization must assume responsibility for the satisfaction of the client.
Addictive Consumption
This is a physiological and/or psychological dependence on specific products or services. Consumers have been known to be addicted to every possible type of product, but addictive consumption more often refers to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and tobacco. It must be noted, however, that the vast majority of consumerism is not addictive but habitual, and based on individual choice.
Ad Hoc Research
This is a one-off type of research carried out at a specific time for a specific client. Ad hoc research differs from longer term, ongoing studies such as sales and profitability monitoring, satisfaction tracking, and perception rankings.
This term represents the decision by a consumer to buy a product or use a service. The consumer weighs available information and makes a considered choice, which implies a level of repeat use that may result in brand or service loyalty.
Advertising is the communications that take place between a company and its target audience using any or all of the paid-for mass media. The process usually employs the services of various agencies, such as branding and design consultancies, full-service advertising agencies, market research firms, and
media-buying groups. Advertising is employed to inform target markets of available goods and services; used to remind consumers that existing brands continue to be available; and designed to create awareness and encourage loyalty. Advertising is also used to reassure consumers that their buying choice was the correct one, known as post-purchase rationalization. The practice of advertising has been classified as informative, persuasive, or manipulative and has led to debate on its effectiveness and efficiency. This debate has created a notable shift from advertising in mass media campaigns to increasingly targeted activities that can more credibly claim results while being less intrusive in consumers daily lives. The debate has also driven a trend toward integrated marketing, reflecting the broad mix of communication channels currently available.
Agency of Record
A designation assigned to the primary communications agency responsible for some or all of a companys or brands media planning, buying, and creative duties. It denotes an ongoing relationship, and implies legal agency responsibilities, that is, the ability of the agency to represent the client to providers and sellers of media services.
AIDA Model
This is a hierarchy of effect model that stands for awareness, interest, desire, and action, the four successive stages a buyer passes through while making a purchase decision. The model itself refers to a working format for charting consumer attitudes and buying behavior.
Affinity Marketing
This is a form of loyalty development or customer relationship management designed to cement the emotional bond between consumers and brands. It centers on an exchange of information that enables consumers to learn about brands, while companies gain insights into consumers. Unlike loyalty marketing, affinity efforts do not represent an economic exchange, although third parties may benefit, such as consumers rewarding charities based on credit card points. Affinity marketing may also take the form of helplines, membership clubs, newsletters, chat rooms, and so on.
Alignment is achieved when employees understand and demonstrate a companys brand and its values through their behavior and actions. It is an increasingly critical aspect of branding as it ensures that the brand experience matches and aligns with the promises made through external communication. Employees are recognized and rewarded based on their adherence to brand objectives so that consistency, a key aspect of branding, is delivered.
Alphanumeric Naming
The practice of assigning letters and numbers to differentiate brand names among versions of products. These products are often related, and the alphanumeric system communicates a hierarchy of value and/or delineates product relationships. For example, models of cars often have alphanumeric names as evidenced by the BMW car naming system.
making and add scientific support to areas which have largely been guided by intuition and past experience.
Anchor Store
This is a major retail store that serves as the prime attraction for shoppers in a mall. There are often two anchor stores, placed at either end, intended to encourage large numbers of customers to visit the mall, and to generate traffic for all the stores in the facility. Mall branding can rely on the image of the anchor stores but runs the risk of overreliance if those stores were to leave that location.
These are individuals who represent a brand but are not directly tied to marketing communication functions. Every employee is expected to live the values of the brand, but brand ambassadors go a step further and promote its values throughout the organization even though they may work in finance, operations, logistics, and so on. See Champion
Annual Report
This is a yearly record of a publicly held companys financial condition that is presented at its Annual General Meeting for approval by shareholders. It normally includes a profit and loss statement, a description of the companys operations, a balance sheet, and a report from the companys auditor and president. An annual report is designed for investors to understand a companys current status and future plans. This publication often acts as a corporate brochure so the content and design are reflections of the brand.
See page 8
Brand architecture is how a company structures and names its brands and how all the brand names relate to each other. Architecture is a critical component for establishing strategic relationships, and there are three types: monolithic, where the corporate name is used on all products and services offered by the company; endorsed, where all sub-brands are linked to the corporate brand by either a verbal or visual endorsement; and freestanding, where the corporate brand operates merely as a holding company, and each product or service is individually branded for its target market. There are multiple variations of these three primary structures. The key requirement is that any architecture be devised with the customer as primary focus, rather than by internal influences such as accounting, people organization, or history.
Digital files of a design or logo that are ready for print or production. Design work will be artworked following design approval. The artwork file ensures the correct size specification, resolution, colors, fonts, and optimum layout before handing over for print or production.
Brand Fact:
80 percent of companies believe they deliver a superior customer experience, but only 8 percent of their customers agree, according to Bain & Company.
Something that possesses attributable value and earning potential for its owner. There are three asset types: current, fixed, and intangible.
Audience Measurement
This is surveying consumers media habits, including viewing, reading, listening, and usage. Audience measurement tracks trends and takes place over time or at marked intervals. The resulting insights have historically been based on behavior tracking, but now include monitoring consumer satisfaction. The objective is to determine attitudes and adjust products and services accordingly.
The positive and negative feelings, beliefs, or knowledge consumers have about a brand, whether purchased or not. These associations are formed by mass media, word of mouth, trial use, and/or repeat use. Positive ones are leveraged, while negative ones are often difficult to overcome once they have taken root.
An audit is a comprehensive, systematic, independent, and periodic examination of an organizations performance. A brand audit specifically verifies performance, internal and external communications, customer experience, and so on. The results identify performance gaps, competitor advantages, and market opportunities. An audit is a blend of art and science employing quantifiable and qualitative data based on business and brand strategies.
See Qualitative and Quantitative Research
A lasting, but general, evaluation of an object. Attitudes may cover brands, products, services, organizations, advertisements, innovations, ideas, issues, activities, opinions, and individuals, and they are formed by what consumers hear and what their actual experience is.
Attributes are characteristics of a company, product, or service. They can be either positive or negative and can be functional (what a product does) or emotional (how it makes a person feel). Attributes are measurable and can be benchmarked versus important competitors. If attributes are what a brand has, then benefits (what the brand does for a customer) are why certain attributes are important. Much market research is focused on understanding the most important and powerful attributes of a product, service, or brand.
Awareness is the degree of a consumers knowledge about a specific brand. There are both quantitative and qualitative research techniques used to determine consumers ability to identify a brand versus competitors in sufficient detail to make a purchase. Brand awareness is a common measure of the effectiveness of marketing communications. Unaided awareness is spontaneous, while aided or prompted awareness is when a brand is recognized among others that are listed or identified.
See Aided Recall and Brand Awareness, and see Qualitative and Quantitative Research