ISKCON London (UK) - 2008 11-November Newsletter
ISKCON London (UK) - 2008 11-November Newsletter
ISKCON London (UK) - 2008 11-November Newsletter
Providing knowledge of Krishna to All
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder-acharya His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
10 Soho Street - London
T: 0207 4373662
new s
Bhava Bhakti dd: What do you find most 5. Build up momentum - do it regularly and
appealing about book distribution? as frequently as possible and always hear
and chant about Krsna.
Taruna Krsna dasa: The taste you experi-
ence whilst doing it; the importance to Srila Bhava Bhakti dd: How important is sad-
Prabhupada; the adventure part of it; seeing hana in distributing books?
the world through the eyes of Sastra while
doing it; the enlivening effect it has on one’s Taruna Krsna dasa: All important. Krsna will
sadhana. only use you to the extent you are usable. If
you think YOU are doing it then you will
Bhava Bhakti dd: What top 5 tips do you become puffed up and Krsna won’t allow
have for budding book distributors? that to happen. So to see that you are
merely Krsna’s instrument one needs very
Taruna Krsna dasa: strong sadhana.
1. Stick at it. In the beginning it’s tough but
if you persevere you will get a taste that can
be matched by nothing else.
During the month of November, Jai Nitai On the 22nd, attended the Vyasa Puja cele-
dasa carried out the following engage- brations of HH Srila Radhanath Swami at the
ments. house of HG Prem Sankirtana dasa & HG
On the 3rd, returned from Vrindavan, India Radhika Priya devi dasi.
after 3 weeks.
On the 28th, gave a presentation on
On the 7th, attended a house programme at Bhagavad-Gita at Harrow Jammin’ to 60-70
the Dattani household. students.
During the month of November we had the opportunity to hear from the
following transcendental VIP speakers.
HH Janananda Goswami
HH Candramauli Swami
HG Ranchor dasa
HG Parabhakti dasa
HG Radha Krishna dasa
Dear Jai Nitai Prabhu, and didn’t get the names of your in-charge
devotees there but everyone was very kind
Please accept my humble obeisances, all and helpful. My regret is I could only stay a
glories to Srila Prabhupada few hours and was not able to give class as
they requested.
Thank you for arranging my reception at
Soho Street. I got a much needed rest and Thank you again for doing such a wonderful
shower and had a great feast. Was able to job of serving there.
lead mangal arotik and met many sweet I thank Krishna for your kindly providing a
devotees who took very nice care of me. place for me to spiritually refresh in London.
In particular Bhakta Niket Biyani made me All the best with your retreat and studies
feel very comfortable at his flat and there in Vrindavan,
Danvantari das invited me to the British
library. I am afraid I was a bit spaced out Jnanagamya das
Iskcon-London Monthly Report - Page 7 November 2008
new s
Bhava Bhakti dd - Can you share a person- Bhava Bhakti dd - Does strong sadhana
al sankirtan story with us please? play a factor in successful book distribution?
Srutikirti dasa - I remember in May of 1972, Srutikirti dasa - Strong sadhana is most
at that time we were distributing BTG’s. We important. It gives us the strength to remain
Prabhupada told me so many times that if that whatever we are doing we are doing
ones chants 16 rounds, follows the regula- for Krishna’s pleasure. All the results are
tive principles and rises early in the morning
offered to Him. We don’t have to be afraid.
for Mangala Arati that Maya can not touch It is not up to us what happens while are
you. It is a bubble of protection that we get.
out distributing books. The more we focus
It is real and it is something we can realizeon satisfying Krishna with our efforts the
by our steadiness in devotional service. By more blissful we will become. People will
the practice of Krishna consciousness one naturally be attracted to us when we are
can see Krishna and also see how Krishna connected to Krishna in this way. I often say
protects them in all circumstances. that we can’t give what we don’t have. We
only have to connect to Krishna and medi-
Bhava Bhakti dd - How can a novice sankir- tate on pleasing Him. Everything else will
tana devotee break the fear factor associat- happen automatically. Fear comes when we
ed with street book distribution? are thinking about results.
Srutikirti dasa - The key to rendering serv- Bhava Bhakti dd - Will you be taking part in
ice in all circumstances is to always remem- the December Prabhupada Marathon?
ber that we are performing devotional serv-
ice to Krishna. That means that whatever we Srutikirti dasa - To this point I have given a
do we are doing for the pleasure of the few book distribution classes. I will be leav-
Supreme Lord. Once in the early days one ing on December 10th for the USA and will
devotee asked Srila Prabhupada what he stop at temples in Alachua, Los Angeles,
could do on Harinam to attract the condi- Laguna Beach and San Diego. I hope to
tioned souls. Srila Prabhupada responded by encourage the devotees in book distribution
saying we are trying to attract Krishna by while I am at these temples.
chanting with devotion and if we do that
then automatically living entities will be
We made the following memberships this 2 patrons
month during the celebrations of Sri-Sri 1 subscription member
Radha Londonisvara’s 39th installation 1 member
anniversary at Conway Hall:
This month I was become enlightened enough by reading
very fortunate to Prabhupada’s books as received from the
be given the sankirtana devotees that they will demand
opportunity to put the big companies to stock the books, and
forward questions the bookstores will order them.
from our commu-
nity to HH Bhava Bhakti dd - What is best - to read
Satsvarupa dasa Srila Prabhupada’s books or to stop and
Goswami - a sen- make
ior disciple of Srila Prabhupada and author notes and read and stop, etc.?
of Srila Prabhupada’s Lilamrita. Please visit to read the Satsvarupa das Goswami
latest writings by Maharaj and to catch up Either way of reading is all right; it is not
with the latest news. that one way is better than another. The
main thing is to attentively and submissive-
Bhava Bhakti dd - Why can’t we find Srila ly read his books, with or without notes. I
Prabhupada’s books in the mainstream personally like to do “writing while read-
bookstores? ing.” It helps my retention powers, and
what I write can be shared by others.
Satsvarupa das Goswami: The bookstores
order their books from huge companies. Bhava Bhakti dd - What is your favorite
These companies do not stock Prabhupada’s Srila Prabhupada memory?
books because they consider them sectari-
an,religious books. Bookstores do sell sec- Satsvarupa das Goswami
tarian religious books (Christian, Muslim, I have many favorite memories. One mem-
Buddhist, and others), so a service devotees ory I like is of a lecture that Prabhupada
could take up is to approach the big compa- gave in 1975 at the annual Mayapur festi-
nies and try to convince them to stock val. Prabhupada quoted Bhaktivinoda
Prabhupada’s books. This is an unfortunate Thakura saying that he longed for the day
misunderstanding on their part, because when the Europeans (and Americans)
Prabhupada’s books are actually books of would join with their Bengali brothers and
knowledge and are not limited to one sec- chant the holy names of Krishna and
tarian religion. Also, the sankirtana devo- Caitanya. Prabhupada announced from the
tees have so much flooded the market with vyasasana that now that prophecy had
Prabhupada’s books by selling them on the taken place today. It was a wonderful
streets that the bookstores are aware of this moment of history to be present while
and don’t stock them separately. Perhaps Prabhupada announced that the prophecy
the day will come when the people will of Bhaktivinoda Thakura had been fulfilled—