Pakistans economic conditions started to drop in the early 2007 and up to 2010 they have faced a large set back due to the depressed consumer credit market, slow progress of public sector programs, inflation, reduction in subsidies, security threat, instability in the state and energy crisis.. The exports declined by 6% and imports by 10%. The only thing that became a silver lining was the increment in remittances by 22%. Shortages of energy and power do not let the boom enter into the industrial sector so home appliance industry had to suffer. In addition the sanction applied by IMF on different sectors creating a hurdle. This resulted in unemployment and services sector decline. Because of security crisis the graph of investment does not take any surge. The beginning of declining in core inflation is a hopeful factor but the domestic inflation is on peak. The poverty in country rise Pakistan has the highest population growth. The largest population represents a large potential market for goods and services yet the condition are deplorable. All these factors have affected home appliance Sector. The buying powers of people have declined. Due to inflation manufacturing costs have increased. The value of money has decreased so investing in such an industry is not that much favorable economically.
Pakistan is a country where status differentiations are very much in and every status level has its own lifestyle and buying patterns. Mainly the population of Pakistan either belongs to lower class, middle class or elite class.
Although the lifestyle of every class is changing at a fast pace, still the social factors affecting these lifestyle are same like always. People are more money and time oriented now. They are moving from traditional values towards western lifestyles. Now people prefer living separately than in joint families. As family size has decreased so more and more homes are required for each separate family and hence more are more home appliances are needs in turn. So it overall increases demand for home appliances products and especially for freezing unit industry.
In Pakistan people mostly purchase home appliances at the time of occasion like marriages as dowry item and it has changed the sales patterns. Now the sale for freezing unit is not seasonal but it is sold throughout the year. The availability of different products has also affected the buying patterns
Home appliance industry is mostly profitable in Pakistan by either the elite class or the middle to some extent. For elite class affording latest home appliances models is never a problem rather it suits their status consciousness. It is also somehow convenient for the middle class to afford such luxuries. But in the lower class, home appliance industry cant find much potential customers.
Pakistan is a country where people enjoy all four seasons, but summer stays more than others seasons, and overall climate in summer is very hot. People now purchase more freezing units in summer for their convenience and it also increase in demand.
Pakistan is among the top ten most populous countries of the world, increase in population also increase in demand for the products and it also increase demand for freezing unit industry.
The technology of this industry has taken a very positive change. Older Refrigerators were used to be manufactured by a type of gas called Freon. Freon is the brand name of the gas. This gas chemically is called chlorofluorocarbon or CFC. This gas was disastrous for the environment and was said to damage the ozone layer if leaks from refrigerators. Today's refrigerator technology is changing day by day. Globalization has made possible to transfer things/products from one country to other within days and this is happening because of fast mode of transportation and communication. Modern refrigerators don't use CFC because CFCs are harmful to the atmosphere if released. Instead they use another type of gas called HFC134a, also called tetrafluoroethane. HFC turns into a liquid when it is cooled to -15.9 degrees Fahrenheit (-26.6 degrees Celsius). A motor and compressor squeezes the HFC. When it is compressed, it heats up as it is pressurized. When you pass the compressed gas through the coils on the back or bottom of a modern refrigerator, the warmer gas can lose its heat to the air in the room. Some appliances includes micro processor based control that allows adaptive defrost .Certain parameters are monitored and the control software determines the moment of defrosting. In freezing units, products are made energy efficient keeping the view that People have to buy both refrigerators and deep freezers for capacity purposes.
Refrigerator like automatic operation for intelligent operation is a new feature. Vitamin C technology is using for fresh food storage. Slide-out shelf for easy food access is new trend. Automatic problem detecting and warming system, door cooling warning system, optimized condensing system. Water dispensers are also attached with new units. Nowadays industry is focusing on low noise operation and low energy consumption products.
Home appliance industry is particularly looked upon legally when it comes to energy usage, recycling methods and anti dumping. Legally this industry is bound to consume energy and manufacture energy dependent products effectively and efficiently. In a country like Pakistan where there is already energy crisis, a company like waves has to take care by providing its customers with such products that cater this problem it their own way. Moreover recycling methods are also very important. Recently, introducing some environment friendly techniques for refrigerators have helped this industry flourish. Law also forbids dumping in this industry i.e. The export of a product at a price (export price) lowers than the price it normally charges on its own home market (normal value). Dumping can harm the domestic industry by reducing its sales volume and market shares, as well as its sales prices. This in turn can result in decline in profitability, job losses and, in the worst case, in the domestic industry going out of business. Therefore it is not allowed.
Environment of Pakistan is although certain and precise but not for business industries. Pakistan enjoys all 4 seasons but primarily summer stays more. Therefore home appliance industry particularly manufacturing freezing units can be very profitable in this environment. However climatic disasters like the earthquake of 2005 and recent flood disaster has turned this environment very unfavorable for this industry. These disasters where on one hand have turned the lives of people towards economic crisis have also damaged many established businesses, created transportation problems, and hence the production costs.
Foreign brands like LG, HAIER etc. are a big threat for local brands. The quality and brand image of foreign brands is high as compared to local brands
Waves Company believed on the innovations so Waves has proudly introduced miraculous "Cool Bank Technology Waves Cool Bank technology facilitates not only the consumers but also the country in its need to economize scarce energy resources. The Cool Bank refrigerators and deep freezers consist of double back up system, one stores electricity and other stores cooling. In case of power failure or load shedding, Cool Bank provides internal light and cooling to maintain temperature up to 5 hours. Contrary to Cool Bank, common refrigerators and deep freezers loose their cooling rapidly within 20~30 minutes and food gets spoiled.
There are many products of Waves Company like refrigerators, deep freezers, air conditioner, visi cooler, microwave ovens, washing machines and home appliances.
Waves network of authorized dealers spread all over Pakistan. Waves distribution channel is through the retailers and his outlets.