CFC YFL Covenant Recollection

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It is important that our covenant with God as a community is embedded in the hearts, minds and actions of every member. It is only this way that the community would be able to truly form young and committed Christians. Thus the covenant recollection is created to serve as a tool to explain to our member how they can understand and live out our covenant!

The COVENANT RECOLLECTION is a series of talks enriching how each YFL member will be committed to translate the covenant of the ministry to concrete actions. It is a part of the first year formation program (community circle) in CFC-YFL. It is given about two months after joining CFC Youth for Family and Life. After initially responding to Gods invitation during his Youth Camp, the Covenant Recollection will teach YFL members how to put into action his commitment to God.

Target Audience
The COVENANT RECOLLECTION is the first formation track given to community members upon graduation from the YFL Youth Camp.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the COVENANT RECOLLECTION, participants will be able to: 1. To expound on the meaning and importance of our covenant and life in CFC YFL. 2. To deepen the spirituality of the participants by teaching them basic practices that will strengthen their relationship with God, Family, Community and the Church. 3. To encourage them to be Gods witnesses to the world by active evangelizing other young people. 4. To develop a sense of identity, responsibility and mission as YFL members.

The talks will be delivered in the following order: 1. Orientation Talk 2. Follower of Christ 3. Building a Christian Family 4. Committed 5. Witnesses of Gods Love These talks will begin or end through application activities that deepen the topics/ideas in the talks. This will give YFL members the opportunities to apply the topics of the talk. There will also be group discussion activities to process the realization of the participants. Praise and worship shall take place at the beginning and end of each day. There will also be moments for reflections and personal testimonies.

Resource Persons
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Couple Coordinator Youth Team Leader (Brother) Assistant Team Leader (Sister) Worship leaders Music ministry Service team (seat arrangements, registration, food committee, etc.) Speakers for each talk



Resource Materials
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Expanded outlines - to be given by the team leader / couple coordinator to the assigned speakers. Sound System and Band Set Up (if feasible) Videos and LCD Projector (if feasible) Snacks Registration Sheets Participants Handouts

How are these given

The Covenant of YFL should be given to every member within 2 months after a Youth Camp. The Covenant talks may be given as a whole day activity or as two half-day activities. The Chapter Couple Coordinator in coordination / consultation with the youth leaders in his chapter should be the one to plan and schedule this recollection. It may be scheduled on the chapter level or as a joint effort of a cluster / district depending on the venue, availability of speakers. Only youth leaders who have already undergone this training track must deliver the talks. Like any YFL activity, the teachings should be given in a light atmosphere. The talks should be made interesting and its importance stressed (e.g. anecdotes, jokes, stories, personal life experiences), making it real to the youth. After each talk, copies of the teaching outline are distributed, and the assembly is divided into discussion groups (or even into their own households if possible) to further discuss the teaching. The household or discussion groups allow members to bring up and share more personal aspects of the teachings. This system also trains Household Heads in true Christian leadership. The suggested format for the teachings is as follows: SCHEDULE 8:00 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:15 10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:00 12:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 1:15 1:15 - 2:00 2:00 - 2:30 2:30 - 3:15 3:15 - 3:30 3:30 - 4:00 Arrival/Registration/Teaching of songs Worship Orientation Talk Talk 1: Follower of Christ Prayer Time Group Discussions Ice Breakers Talk 2: Building a Christian Family Group Discussions Lunch Break Gathering songs / Afternoon Prayer / Energizer Talk 3: Active and Committed CFC YFL Pat on the Back Talk 4: Witnesses of Gods Love Commitment Ceremony Closing Worship

To break the monotony of having discussion groups all the time, each group may instead be asked to come up with a skit, dance/song number to interpret what was heard from the talk or to express decisions that they may have made because of the teaching. Other activities that achieve this same goal may also be used.



Note to the Team Head
1. Before the first talk, give a short orientation about the activity. (See orientation talk outline) a. A common covenant - way of life/culture brings unity within YFL. It gives us an identity as YFL members. (We should be aware that YFL members all over the world are receiving these same teachings, accepting this same covenant.) b. Run down the schedule for the day. (Refer to schedule) c. Introduce first speaker. 2. Make sure to connect the talks, stressing the importance of each. 3. Take this opportunity to help new members to grow is worship - many of them still havent raised their hands, clapped, danced as an expression of love for God or have spoken out words of prophecies in faith. Encourage them to do so. May God bless you and the whole service team for accepting this service for the Lord. You will be helping more youth in deepening their commitment to the Lord.



CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Covenant Recollection Orientation Talk

It is important that our members understand the formation track that they are about to enter. Through this orientation talk we can explain to them what our covenant statements are and what is the nature of our communitys covenant with God.

It is a 10 minute orientation talk that will explain the meaning and the nature of our covenant with God. This talk will also explain briefly the different covenant statements of our community.

Target Audience
CFC YFL members who have finished the youth camp and are actively attending CFC YFL activities for the past 2 months.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: To understand the meaning and importance of our covenant with God. To appreciate the different covenant statements of our community. To encourage them to live out our covenant statements

Orientation 10 minutes

Expanded Outline
I. Introduction In the fifth talk of our Youth Camp, we heard / learned how we could deepen our relationship with the Lord; how we could know God more and eventually live out our covenant with Him. Now two months after our camp we enjoyed belonging to CFC YFL where we experienced how to Honor God, Be Empowered, Actively Serve, Enjoy Relationships and Testify Gods love to others! But do we remember the covenant we made with God during our camp? Have we been faithful to our commitment of living out our covenant with God? This recollection will refresh us. More so, it will help us understand more our covenant to God as CFC YFL members and how we can truly live it out. II. What is a COVENANT? If we try to look at how the word covenant is defined in English dictionaries, we will find this meaning: "An agreement or promise . . . between two or more parties, esp. for the performance of some action" (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary). Other dictionaries define covenant as a formal agreement of legal validity, or a pledge.



But in the BIBLE a covenant can be described as: A solemn agreement between two parties/persons. It establishes a significant family-like relationship between the parties. It is not just an ordinary promise for it involves commitment and sacrifice to remain faithful to the covenant. A popular example of this covenant relationship is that between God and Abraham (Genesis 15). Today, God is asking us to enter into the same kind of covenant relationship with Him! III. The Nature of Gods Covenant with Us God wants to make a covenant with us and to have a personal relationship with us. It is not an agreement between equals, and this is not created on our initiative. Rather, God acted first in forming this covenant. 1. The Old Covenant The first time God established a covenant with His people was during the time of Moses. In order for the people to live a holy life, God sent His laws engraved in two tablets of stone. In the Old Testament, His promises were written on ROCK. These were the Ten Commandments. In response to this, the Israelites promised to obey Gods laws. However, the Israelites broke this promise and lived in sin. 2. The New Covenant Because God is merciful, He gave man another chance to live a life in unity with Him. In order for to revive this covenant with man, God sent His only son, Jesus Christ. a. Gods new covenant with man is created by the blood of Jesus
"After supper, [Jesus] took another cup of wine and said, 'This wine is the token of God's new covenant to save you an agreement sealed with the blood I will pour out for you. Luke 22:20

Jesus died in order for us to be saved from our sins. He has died as a ransom to set us free from the sins that mankind committed under the first covenant. (Hebrews 9:15) b. The New Covenant is written in our hearts
"'This is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,' says the Lord. 'I will put my law in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people'" (Jeremiah 31:33)

Since God has etched the new covenant in our hearts, then this new covenant is not merely a matter of obeying a set of laws, but it means entering into a living relationship with Jesus. If we accept this new covenant relationship with God with all our hearts and soul, we will certainly be blessed for all of our lives. IV. Our Covenant with God Since God enters into a new covenant relationship with us through Jesus Christ, then we are to concretely respond to Him by striving to faithfully live out our covenant as CFC YFL members:



1. 2. 3. 4. I shall live as a follower of Christ. I dedicate myself to the task of building a strong family for Christ I shall be a committed and active member of CFC YFL. I shall be a witness to the world of Gods love
(Note: The team leader should explain that as they go through the next talks, they shall know further how it is to live out our covenant as CFC YFL)

V. Conclusion Realizing all of these things, let us now prepare ourselves to listen and to learn how we can rightfully respond to Gods invitation of a covenant relationship with Him!



CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Covenant Recollection Talk 1: Follower of Christ Rationale
As CFC YFL members we are called to be holy as our God is holy, that is our first covenant. Hence it is important for our members to learn that we can only be holy if we have a personal relationship with God. This session is created in order for our members to understand how one can live a lifestyle of holiness.

It is a 45 minutes talk that will explain how we can have a lifestyle of holiness. This session will also explain the basics of praying and scripture reading. It will also discussed the different challenges that a CFC YFL member can experience as they struggle to live a life of holiness and how they can won over these challenges.

Target Audience
CFC YFL members who have finish the youth camp and are actively attending CFC YFL activities for the past 2 months.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: To realize that living a life of holiness begins with a personal relationship with God To understand that in order to grow in relationship with God one must have a regular time to pray and study the scripture To encourage in living their lives in line with the teaching of Jesus in spite of the many challenges and temptation surrounding them

Talk Reflection and Prayer 45 minutes 15 minutes

Covenant Orientation
I. Introduction The new Covenant is an act of grace on God's part for reconciling man to himself. Since man has continuously refused to live by their old covenant with God, God sends Jesus to us so that he can pave the way for the establishment of Gods new covenant with man. (Luke 22:20) Jesus died on the cross in order for us to be saved from our sins! And this sacrifice allowed us to be one with God again. Jesus is the reason why we are now living under Gods blessings and grace! Since Jesus bought us by his blood (Acts 20:28) and that blood reunited us with God its just right that we honor Him by becoming a follower of Jesus Christ! II. Follower of Christ The first statement of our covenant in YFL states that: I shall live as a follower of Christ.



To live as a follower of Christ isnt a simple task, because it means we need to embrace the life Christ had lived, and live our everyday lives in the way Christ had lived His. (Gal 2:20) This means that in order to follow Christ, we must allow ourselves to grow in holiness and strive to be holy in this temptationfilled world. III. Growing in Holiness To grow in holiness we need to know God and His ways more. The most basic way for us to do this is to communicate directly with Him (Prayer) and to study His word (Scripture) Note to speaker: Our goal here is to teach the participants how to pray and read the bible and not to give a prayer time or blessed by the bible workshop) 1. Prayer Many of us had been taught how to pray early in our childhood (Our Father, Glory Be, etc.) but what we never learned is why we need to pray. Praying is more than asking God for things! We pray because it is our means of communicating with God. Prayer should not be difficult rather it should be as simple as a child talking to his Father. It is our way of being in His presence and talking to Him about how great HE is in our lives! It is our way of establishing a personal relationship with Him! a. Decide on having a personal prayer time of at least 15 minutes everyday If 15 minutes is still hard for you then you can start with something that you are comfortable. We are not after the length of time or the loftiness of our prayer; rather we are concerned on constantly talking and building a personal relationship with God. b. Decide on a specific time of the day, which you can then protect. Choose the time of the day when we are most attuned in talking and listening to God. It should not just be a left over time! Most of us dont have a prayer time because we believe that we dont have the time but if we believe that prayer is important then we will find the time. c. Find a place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. Mk 1:35 d. Prayer format Adoration Praising God Contrition Being sorry for sins and mistakes Thanksgiving Thanking God for blessing and graces Supplication Asking God for help and needs If we follow the steps above it makes it easier for us to pray faithfully everyday. Thus, making it a habit just like brushing your teeth 3x a day, taking a bath daily, gargling a mouth-rinse for 30 sec., etc you can't leave your house without. We should have a habit of praying until our day feels not complete without it. 2. Reading the Scriptures Aside from having a personal prayer time, another way to grow in holiness is by reading and meditating on the Word of God. Learning more about God and His ways through reading the scriptures will help us to witness to other people how the Lord is working in our lives. a. Hear the Word



Use daily prayer guides (e.g., God's Word Today, Didache) Read the bible reading for the day
Note: Show the participants how to find the verse for the day in the bible

Read the bible verse for today slowly and attentively for several times b. Meditate on the Word Look for the word or sentence that moves you or affects you the most while you are reading the verse Ask yourself, What message does the bible verse is trying to say to me? c. Respond to the Word Decide to put into practice the message of the bible verse to you Accept the invitation of the message of the bible verse to you d. Contemplate the Word Pray to God that His word may grow in you By reading and studying Gods words daily, it convicts us to change our lifestyle. It also inspires and strengthens us in times of difficulties. Reflecting on Gods word will give us wisdom and guidance through life, and will allow us to fight temptations in the same way Jesus fought the temptations thrown at Him by Satan.
Note: The speaker should cite personal examples what the scriptures has done this to his/ her life!

III. Striving to be Holy A follower of Christ is a person who does not only grow in holiness but strives to be holy as well. This means faith alone will not suffice; we must ACT out what we have learned through prayer and scripture reading. Furthermore, as Catholics, we are called not just to be good persons, rather we are called to be HOLY (1 Pt. 1:15-16). We are to be perfect as our heavenly father is perfect (Mt. 5:48) This road to holiness, however, isnt an easy path. Once we become Christs followers, we shall encounter the same difficulties that Jesus had encountered: 1. Persecutions especially from our family and friends who do not understand what we do. (2 Timothy 3:12) They might start calling as names like father, bishop, or pope! They might tease us Parang Tunay ah! May sakit ka ata! They might call us Hypocrite or Pakitang Tao 2. Temptations will come our way (Mt 4:1-11) Afraid of failing Cheating Afraid of not fitting in Vices, Sinning Afraid of not being love Entering to early BF / GF relationships But even though we are surrounded by these difficulties, we must remember to remain steadfast and continue to carry our crosses just like Jesus. At the end of this journey, if we do remain in Christ, we shall receive the greatest reward of all: an eternal life with God. IV. Conclusion We are made in the image and likeness of God, and we are privileged to be called holy because our God is holy. Lets acknowledge this and respond to Him by striving to be a follower of Christ: one that grows in holiness through prayer and scriptures and in so doing strives for Christian perfection (life of holiness).



Activity: 1. After the talk, have a 15 minutes scripture reading and personal prayer time with the Lord. Ask the participants to find a spot in the session hall The music ministry will play a slow song (ex. How great is our God) The speaker will lead the group in prayer The speaker will read the bible reading for the day The speaker will now ask the participants to pray and reflect After 15 minutes the speaker will close the prayer together 2. Process the activity then ask the participants to group themselves into their household. Allow them to share to one another what they experienced during the prayer time. 3. After the sharing, ask the household heads to get the prayer time schedule of their members so that they can follow up their progress.



CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Covenant Recollection Talk 2: Building a Christian Family


As CFC YFL members, we are called to build a Christian family that is our second covenant. Hence it is important for our members to learn their vital role in building their families back to the original plan of God. This session is created in order for our members to understand how as sons and daughters of their parents and as brothers and sisters of their siblings, they can realize Gods plan for their families.

It is a 45 minutes talk that will explain how we can build a strong Christian family. This session will also discuss how our members can be a source of healing and joy to their respective families. It will also explain how we as young people can start promoting and defending a culture of life.

Target Audience
CFC YFL members who have finish the youth camp and are actively attending CFC YFL activities for the past 2 months.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: To realize that God has a wonderful plan for our families and that it is constantly being attacked by the evil one To realize that their families is Gods special gift for them To understand that they can be a source of healing and joy to their families To appreciate our efforts in promoting and defending the culture of life

Family Portrait / Paint Me a Picture Activity Talk Sharers 5 minutes 40 minutes 10 minutes

Paint me a Picture Game: The speaker will ask the groups to make a mannequin display of the different situations that the speaker will mention. Examples: Family in the mall, Family watching TV on a Saturday night. Family hearing Sunday mass Family Portrait Display: The speaker shows different pictures of popular families to the participants (Ex: Muhlach family, Adams family, Simpsons family). He asks the participants if they recognize whose families are in the different pictures. The last picture to be shown will be the family picture of the speaker.

Sharers Profile
CFC YFL member who is currently struggling with family problems but continue to see their family as Gods gift to them and who will commit to be a source of joy and healing to their families CFC YFL members that enjoys a good relationship of their families who will commit constantly making Gods plan for their families to happen



Expanded Outline
I. Introduction The different pictures shown allowed us to see how wonderful it is to be a part of a family. This session will make us realize two things about the family. 1. The family is Gods plan (Gen. 1:27-28; Gen. 2:18-24) The family is Gods plan whatever situation a family is into right now. He created the family because no one is to live alone. God created the family to be part of everyones lives. a. God planned that the family is the basic unit of the society It is not accident that the society is composed of different families A family is composed of the parents and their children b. God created the family for a purpose to be a mean by which His kingdom is established on earth A place to teach the children how to love and serve God A place to teach the children wisdom and values c. God created the family in order for his grace to flow to His people. He created the family as one of the channels of His love. The family is Gods great gift to everyone that should be taken cared of. It is one of his means to secure us in our lives with his abundant blessings. As the old clich goes, There is no place like home. God planned that our families be our homes that we should treasure. 2. The family is under attack/ being destroyed Gods grace continues to flow with the lives of everyone. However, families lose these flowing graces because they are under attack. a. b. c. d. Hatred and problems in the families Violence in the families (ex: abusive parents, rebellious sons) The advent of different anti-life materials (ex: contraceptives, abortion) Roles of family members are being distorted (ex: father plays the roles of the mother and the mother plays the roles of the father) e. Threats to marriages increases divorce, separation, same sex marriage, live-ins This culture continues to grow in the society. It keeps on attacking the family. What we should do is take our part in this battle by bringing our families back to the plan of God. II. Building a Strong Family for Christ The second statement in our covenant states that I dedicate myself to the task of building a strong family for Christ We are to build a strong family for Christ and defend it from various threats! It is our obligation to God to strengthen our families so that He can use it powerfully to fulfill His will on earth! And so we start with our own family by:



1. Being Instruments of Healing to our Family a. Choose to love (Mt. 22) Our closest neighbors are our families. Type of love 1 Cor. 13:4-7 We choose to love our parents and siblings in spite of all their shortcomings and mistakes. b. Choose to forgive Be forgiving, patient, and loving towards your parents and brothers and sisters Initiate healing find ways to reconcile differences within the family c. Choose to pray Have a family prayer time The family that prays together, stays together Always pray for your family. Include its concerns in your personal prayer time 2. Being a Source of Joy to our Family a. Relating with our family i. Honor and Respect (Ex. 20:12) We should honor and respect our family (our parents and brothers and sisters) Show them their importance to us (ex: stand up to greet them, pleasing them) Express our appreciation to them. Show the attitude of gratitude. Speak well of them. Avoid speaking negatively about them. We should honor and respect them in spite of their faults, mistakes, and problems.

ii. Obedience We should obey our parents Accept direction and listen to their advice. Our parents are Gods stewards on Earth. Accept correction (Prov. 13:1) iii. Generosity We should be generous with our brothers and sisters. We should find opportunities where we can share Our time spend quality time together enjoying, helping one another Resources sharing our talents b. Prioritizing our family i. Spend time with your family Join family activities Cut down activities if it lessens your time with your family

ii. Invite your family in the CFC FFL Community CFC FFL (for parents) Singles for Family and Life (21-40 years old) Youth for Family and Life (13-21 years old) Kids for Family and Life (5-12 years old) iii. Serve together with your family Serve together in church and in CFC FFL



c. Do well your responsibilities i. Be a responsible family member We make our family happy if we do our responsibilities at home. (Ex: cleaning the dishes)

ii. Be a good student We make our family happy if we excel in our school. III. Being a Defender and living out the Culture of Life YFL means Youth for Family and Life. We are called by God to renew the family and defend life. YFL is PRO LIFE. Hence, as YFL members we should stop the culture of death and start defending life by: 1. Live out the culture of life Stand firm and live out your convictions regarding pro-life as early as now by: a. Being Chaste Virgin and Proud We believe that our virginity is the best gift we could give to our future husband and wife. Thats why we are saving sex until we got married.
Note to the speaker: There might be some participants who already lost their virginity. In this case encourage your participants to claim their second virginity and commit not to engaged in pre-marital sex again

Avoiding Pornographic Materials We avoid watching pornographic materials because it can lead us to commit other sexual sins such as petting, masturbation even pre-marital sex. b. Living a pure lifestyle by : Not smoking cigarettes Not drinking alcohol Not taking illegal drugs Not engaging to homosexual acts such as cross-dressing and entering in a same sex relationships 2. Defend the culture of life We dont only live by our conviction but we also inspire others to be PRO LIFE by: a. Being a PRO LIFE Advocate Spread the importance of being PRO LIFE by talking about it, inviting friends to PRO LIFE activities, organizing Chastity/PRO LIFE forums and sharing our PRO LIFE work in our school, village and parish. Involve yourself with the latest issues in the PRO LIFE work. b. Strengthen your PRO LIFE conviction Read PRO LIFE materials, websites, books Attends PRO LIFE forums, trainings and seminars. IV. Conclusion The family is Gods plan. Jesus himself had his own family. God gave us our families as His great gifts to us that we should take care of. As YFL members, we are called to take a stand to protect and build the family become witnesses and a hope to other families and take our part in renewing the face of the earth. Live out and defend the culture



of life. Discussion Starters 1. What area in my relationship with my parents can I grow in? With my siblings? 2. How can I contribute in building and strengthening my family? 3. How can I live out the value of being Pro-life today?



CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Covenant Orientation Talk 3: Active and Committed CFC YFL


CFC YFL is a community of young men and women who supports and inspires everyone as they lead each other closer to Christ. Hence, there is a need for every member to understand how to have a common life together and grow in relationship with each other. This session is created in order for our members to understand that each one plays a vital role in building up our relationship within the community.

It is a 45 minutes talk that will explain how we can become active and committed CFC YFL members. This session will also discuss our relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ. It will also explain how, as a community, we can relate with love, loyalty and understanding with each other.

Target Audience
CFC YFL members who have finish the youth camp and are actively attending CFC YFL activities for the past 2 months.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: 1. To realize that we receive a new life as CFC YFL members 2. To realize that CFC YFL is Gods special gift to us and as a gift we need to be actively involved in its life and mission 3. To realize that we in CFC YFL have a deeper relationship with each other as brothers and sisters through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ 4. To realize that we should relate with love, understanding and loyalty with each other

Talk Pat on the Back 45 minutes 30 minutes

Expanded Outline
I. Introduction After our youth camp we have gained a new identity, we are now part of CFC-YFL! By becoming a member of this community, we also become a part of Gods People! (1 Pt 2:10) This means we are now called to live a common life where we can grow with our relationship with God and with each other. Thus, the third statement in our YFL covenant states that: I shall be a committed and active member of CFC-YFL. II. Bound by the Blood of Jesus Christ Blood relations are often the strongest type of relationships. Families have strong ties because of the same blood they share. Soldiers feel a close bond among themselves after they have sacrificed and shed blood together. The blood that unites us here in YFL is greater than any of these the blood of Jesus Christ (John 3:16). We



are a part of a bigger family of this community because of this sacrificial blood the Lord has shed for us. 1. The Blood of Jesus gives us New Life God promises us a new life as we become part of this community, and we would be able to experience the fullness of this New Life only if we commit ourselves in becoming an active member of CFC YFL. a. We are called to faithfully attend meetings, to participate in official activities and to undergo all formation courses. i. Attend your households The primary group where we can receive nourishment in the community A time where we can share with each other our stories and Jesus experiences ii. Attend YFL assemblies and area wide activities Chapter Assemblies, District Assemblies, World Youth Congress, Praise Concert Opportunity for us to grow in relationship with our brothers and sisters in our community and to grow in relationship with the Lord. iii. Undergo all the formation courses of the YFL Formation Track These will help and guide us to become the persons God wants us to be and to lead lives that are most pleasing to the Lord b. We are called to give generously our time, treasure and talent for the furtherance of our mission. i. Share your talent Join the different ministries (such as the dance ministry, music ministry, communications, etc.) that will further harness our gifts and will inspire others to do the same We are all called to our talents for the greater glory of God. ii. Share your time Be present in all YFL activities Be mission ready when opportunities to serve in other districts, provinces and ministries arise iii. Share your treasures Live simply so we could save up and have available resources for the mission in the community (Ex. paying for the registration fees of conferences and mission trips) 2. The Blood of Jesus makes us Brothers and Sisters in Christ Not only does God promise us of a new life in YFL, He also promises us a family, as we become part of this community. By His Blood, we have gained the identity of being His children, making us all brothers and sisters in Christ. With this, we are called to relate in love, loyalty and respect with all the members of CFC YFL. a. We are called to LOVE Love should always be a part of our relationship as brothers and sisters. For if we love God, we must love our neighbor as well (Matthew 22:39) Show respect and give importance to our brothers and sisters Ex. greeting one another, listening to one anothers ideas and opinions, putting value in the experiences that other share



Be gracious in our speech. (Colossians 4:6, Eph 4:29) Express praise and affection Called to communicate faith and joy Being ready and willing to be inconvenienced on behalf of a brother or sister Ex. brother giving his seat for a sister Choose to be a real brother / sister to others no matter what happens Ex. choosing to love in spite of misunderstandings Have the attitude What can I give? (servant hood) as opposed to always asking, What can I get? Without love, pride can take over at times when differences arise in our community. This can later on destroy our being sisters and brothers in this community. We must strive to overcome pride by always choosing to love others. b. We are called to be LOYAL Loyalty to each other is very important if we want to be a real brother or sister to every member of our community. i. Protect our brothers and sisters through our speech Avoid believing and starting gossips about others ii. Give loving correction to a brother or sister Correct in private We correct them out of our love for them When corrected, listen and be thankful for the brother or sister correcting us iii. Physically protect our brothers and sisters Ex. brothers making sure that the sisters get home safely Show concern and look out for one anothers safety all the time iv. Protect YFL as a body or community. Keep ourselves from doing things that will destroy the name of our community. More than the community, it is Gods name that we bring with us Without loyalty, rejection and distrust would take over. This may create an environment that may destroy the name of our brothers and sisters and of our community as a whole. c. We are called to be UNITED How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! (Ps. 133:1) By living together in unity we are showing that we are a real family! i. Avoid being exclusive. Choose to be a brother/ sister to everyone even to those you arent close to. Go beyond your chapter, clusters and districts and be in relationship with everyone else ii. Decide to grow in our relationships with our brothers and sisters Get to know everyone, and share ourselves to others that they may share theirs to us iii. Honor the anointing of our leaders in the community Listen to our elders and allow them to guide us at all times iv. Pray for unity within YFL. Cliquishness causes division in our community. Let us avoid sticking just with those we are comfortable with. Entering an exclusive boyfriend / girlfriend relationship often hinders other relationships. If we do have to enter into such relationships, we are to make sure that our elders and our parents guide us accordingly).



III. Conclusion If we love God, then it follows that we should love one another (1John 4:20). This community is Gods gift to us. The Lord has a beautiful plan why He called each one of us in to be part of this community. Let us allow Him to unfold these plans Let us choose to grow in relationship with our brothers and sisters in this community. Let us choose to grow in His love and grace by being an active and committed member of YFL. Activity: Pat on the Back 1. Each participant will be given a piece of paper and a ball pen. 2. The paper shall be carefully taped at the back of each participant. 3. With their pen in hand, they will be given the chance to go around the room and write on the paper taped on the back of every participant. 4. They shall be instructed to write only what they feel will uplift, affirm or encourage others. 5. Songs about friends may be played throughout the activity (such as Count on Me by Mariah Carey, At your Side by The Corrs) 6. At most two songs can be played. This would limit the activity for only 10 minutes. 7. After the time given for them to write, allow them to read their own papers. 8. Ask one or two participants to share how the feel after reading the things written on their paper.



CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Covenant Recollection Talk 4: Witnesses of Gods Love


CFC YFL is an evangelistic and missionary community. Hence there is a need for every member to understand how they can respond to this call of evangelization and mission. This session is created in order for our members to understand what they need to do to evangelize other young people.

It is a 45 minutes talk that will explain how can we witness Gods love to others through our work in the parishes and through our work with the poor. This session will also discuss how we can evangelize our family and friends by our own witnessing. It will also explain how the Youth becomes our primary evangelization tool.

Target Audience
CFC YFL members who have finish the youth camp and are actively attending CFC YFL activities for the past 2 months.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to: 1. To realize that our ministry is just a part of the body of Christ that is the Catholic Church. 2. To understand that our mission to evangelize and to love our poor brethren stems from the mission of the Church. 3. To be empowered to be living witnesses of Gods love. 4. To encourage the youth to evangelize their friends and family by bringing them to our youth camps.

Talk Praisefest 45 minutes 30 minutes

Expanded Outline
I. Introduction We have heard a lot of great things in this covenant recollection. We have realized that through keeping our covenant with God by having a personal relationship with Him, by loving our families, and by serving our brothers and sister in the community, He will make His blessings and graces flow abundantly in our lives. But it doesnt end there; in living out our covenant, we are also witnessing to the world how much Gods love them! The fourth statement in our YFL covenant states I shall be a Witness to the World of Gods Love. We are commissioned by God to be His witnesses (Lk 24:48) and missionaries to the end of the world (Matthew 28:19- 20). II. Witnessing Gods Love In YFL we witness Gods love by doing our mission! We believe that everything that we do in YFL should contribute in the growth and propagation of the body of Christ, which is the Church (Eph 4:12) and we do this by: 1. Loving and Serving my Parish



Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you individually is a member of it.I Corinthians 12:27

We are just a part of the body of Christ, which is the Catholic Church. As a body part cannot exist apart from its body so are we in YFL. We cannot stand apart from the Catholic Church; we need to be one with it in its life and mission. The concrete way of being one with the body of Christ is by loving and actively serving our own parishes. a. As Catholics We begin to be one with our parish when we start to celebrate with it the Mass specially Sunday Mass Feast Days Sacraments (Ex. Confession, Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) b. As a Community We begin to be one with our parish as a community when we are serving together with the different religious communities or church groups in our own parishes. Actively involving ourselves in the PYM Serving and joining in various parish, vicariates and diocesan activities Offering our pastoral formation services to the parish e.g. camps, retreats, training Partnering our work with the poor, justice and life programs to the parish. By loving and serving in our parishes, we dont just get spiritual nourishment but we also show others that the Church is alive. When the Church is alive, more people can experience Gods love. 2. Loving and Caring for the Poor
That there should be no division in the body; but that the members should have the same care for one another. - I Corinthians 12:25

We recognize Jesus mission of bringing glad tidings to the poor (Mt. 22: 15 - 22.)! As part of Christs body, we in YFL are called to have a preferential option for the poor. We are called to emulate God by showing a special concern for those who are poor (materially and spiritually) and weak. a. Live simply so others may live This means we are to be one with the poor in heart and spirit! Share our time (ex. Talking to them, Visiting them) Share our talents (ex. Conducting talent workshops) Share our blessings/treasures (ex. Food, Books, Clothes) Being contented with the necessities of life Buy only what we need Dont insist on having the latest gadgets or the hottest brands of clothes Everything we own belongs to God. It is just right that we share what the Father gave us to our poor brothers and sisters. May we live simply and embody an attitude of contentment so that we could give to others out of our abundance. b. Live a life of honesty, integrity and respect for others



Committing ourselves to lead a good and honest life is our little contribution in battling todays social issues oppressing the poor. But as one community of young believers, things can happen out of the little that we offer. As we continually convict ourselves to goodwill and compassion for others sake, we slowly effect change in the society. Concrete ways in leading a good life is by choosing to follow basic rules such as no jaywalking, no littering etc. and by involving ourselves in causes which will improve the environment for others sake such as recycling etc. 3. Actively Evangelize and Do Mission
Woe to me if I dont preach the gospel 1 Cor. 9:16

St. Paul tells us through this verse how urgent it is to preach the gospel! He is reminding us that we cannot just be complacent and indifferent regarding evangelization, and so we are to preach the gospel by: a. Testify We can never evangelize our classmates and friends not unless they can see how real Gods love is in our lives. We need to show them how much God has touched and continues to affect our lives! This doesnt mean that we are to be perfect in their eyes because surely, we will always fall short of their expectations of what a Catholic is. Rather, we should show them how we try to live out Christs teachings and how much joy this brings to our lives. Examples Living a life of holiness by praying and resisting temptation to sin Living a life of excellence by being a good student / citizen Living a life full of joyful relationship by being a good friend, sibling, and son / daughter Sharing our life and service in YFL b. Evangelize The youth camp is our communitys concrete way of introducing Jesus Christ to the youth. In this camp, we let them experience Jesus through the activities, sharing and talks we facilitate. Through this, we allow them to see how real and alive God is in all of us the service team. Hence, inviting our families, classmates and friends, most especially those who are troubled and lost, to a youth camp are our concrete ways of evangelization as YFL members. When we bring these people to the camp, we are sharing to them how beautiful our lives have been since the day God became real to us. III. Conclusion We are called by God to be his witnesses! Let us share His love to others by evangelizing them and through serving our parishes and our poor brothers and sisters! Commitment Ceremony: 1. The music ministry should play some reflection songs 2. The team will now distribute the covenant cards 3. The speaker should now lead the participants into prayer. They will ask God to give them the grace



and the strength to live by the covenant as the speaker reads aloud the main points of the covenant 4. The speaker will instruct the participants that if they want to show their commitment in our covenant with God they should signed their covenant cards and stand up for God 5. The session will end with a praise fest.


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