Natural Ventilation
Natural Ventilation
Natural Ventilation
NATURAL VENTILATION is possibly the single most cost effective building design
concept. Historically all buildings employed natural ventilation, yet ironically this practice
was dismissed as energy inefficient as it was believed to increase heating and cooling loads.
Natural ventilation is defined as passively supplying outdoor air to a building interior for
ventilation and cooling. With proper design, appropriate to the building location and
use, natural ventilation can replace all or part of a mechanical system, thereby reducing
construction, energy and operating costs. Most importantly, natural ventilation strategies
improve indoor air quality and improve occupant comfort, which translates directly to
healthier, more productive building occupants.
Cross ventilation, n. air flow
through a space due to ambient
wind patterns and resultant
pressure differential. PROCESS
Stack ventilation, n. air
flow generally in the Natural ventilation takes advantage of naturally occurring phenomenon such as
vertical direction caused by
temperature and pressure wind, humidity, and warm air buoyancy through design of building form to bring
differences. Also referred to as fresh outdoor air in and force stale indoor air out. Some strategies include:
the chimney effect.
• operable windows
Gerding/Edlen Development Company
• exhaust vents located high in the
surprised even themselves when they
LEED building’s envelope
learned that their new commercial office
• intake vents located low in
EA CREDIT 1 building was leasing faster and for more
building’s envelope
Optimize Energy Performance than the local market rate due primarily
1-10 points • open building plan to facilitate to operable windows.
air movement
Increased Ventilation • atria
• internal stairwells
Controllability of Systems: • ventilation chimneys
Thermal Comfort
• small fans (solar powered)
Thermal Comfort: Design