Mat133y5y Lec0101
Mat133y5y Lec0101
Mat133y5y Lec0101
Description MAT133Y5Y is an introductory survey of some basic theory and applications of Calculus and Linear Algebra. Topics covered include: minimizing and maximizing continuous functions of one or more variables; modeling; numerical methods; matrix methods. In addition, there will be an introduction to techniques of integration. Most applications will be of an economic nature -- e.g. minimize cost, maximize profit, etc. -- but many assigned exercises will be purely mathematical. The course begins with an introduction to financial mathematics. Prerequisites The prerequisites for this course are Grade 12 Advanced Functions (MHF4U) and Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U). All students are required to complete the Prerequisite Declaration Form, and declare their high school preparation in mathematics. The form can be found on the course website, under Course Info & Forms, and should be filled out by Sept. 19, 2010. This course cannot be used for the specialist or major programs in Mathematics, Statistics, or Computer Science. Students interested in taking more Math/Stats/Comp. Sci. courses should enrol in MAT135 or MAT137 (whichever is appropriate). However, students who complete this course and achieve 80% or more, may take MAT233H and be considered as having taken the equivalent of MAT135/137 and MAT232H. Textbook Introductory Mathematical Analysis, 13th edition, by Haeussler, Paul, and Wood, bundled with an access code for MyLabsPlus, which is required for the Online Problem Sets (more info on this below), is available for purchase at the UTM Bookstore. Note: Students who do not wish to purchase the above package, can buy only the access code to MyLabsPlus from the bookstore. (A Student Solutions Manual may also be purchased, but is NOT necessary). Calculator The ONLY calculators allowed for use during tests, and the final examination are: TI-30X, TI-30XIIS, or TI-30XIIB. These are available for purchase at the UTM bookstore and elsewhere, for less than $25, and are also required for ECO100Y5Y at UTM. Course Web Site You can access the course web site via the University of Toronto Portal at , using your UTORid and password. Once you have logged in, click the course name under My Courses. You should check the course website regularly since this is where all announcements, handouts, problem sets, and grades will be posted. Instructors Section LEC0101 LEC0301 LEC0201 LEC6001 Lecture Time/Location Wed. 1-2pm in SE 2074 Fri. 11am-1pm in SE 2072 Tues. 3-5pm in SE 2074 Thurs. 3-4pm in SE 2074 Tues. 5-6pm in SE 2074 Thurs. 4-6pm in SE 2074 Tues. 6-8pm in SE 2072 Thurs. 6-7pm in NE292 Name Any Wilk (Course Coordinator) Mircea Voda Lindsey Shorser E-mail address Office SE 3093B Office Hours Details on the course website under Staff Information
SE 2110Y SE 2110Y
Help available A list of office hours, work sessions (Fridays 4-6 pm), and Peer Facilitated Study Groups (PFSG), will be posted on the course web site. It is up to you to make sure that you use these, in a timely manner. You are also encouraged to use the discussion board on the course web site (within BlackBoard) to communicate about mathematical or logistical problems within the course. E-mail Policy E-mails must originate from a address and must contain the course code MAT133 in the subject line. You must include your FULL NAME, STUDENT NUMBER, and LECTURE SECTION in your e-mail. Tutorials Each student must be registered in one of the tutorials listed on ROSI. Tutorials start during the week of Sept. 13. You may change tutorials via ROSI, ONLY until Sept. 20, 2010. All tutorial times and locations are listed online at:
Tutorials are where you will be given information and guidance complementing the lectures and where you will have a chance to ask questions about the problem sets once you have tried to solve them. Unlike the BIG lectures, you will be meeting with your TA in a class of ~30 students. You will hand in assignments and pick up your graded assignments and test papers in YOUR tutorial. Calculus Readiness Assessment (CRA) The Calculus Readiness Assessment (CRA) is an online assessment to be written by all first year calculus students at UTM, during the second week of classes (September 17-19, 2010). The assessment is based on high school material (noncalculus), and it is meant to help you measure your readiness for university math courses. Your mark on the CRA will count as 3% of your course mark. More details on the CRA will be given separately. Problem Sets There will be two types of homework assignments: 12 Online Problem Sets You will complete these assignments through MyLabsPlus, which is an online learning and assessment tool, developed and maintained by Pearson Education. Each problem set will be available a week before the deadline and should be completed by the deadline (midnight on the Friday of the appropriate week). No extensions! Each online assignment will consist of 10-15 questions, and may be attempted any number of times. The highest score achieved will count as the grade for that problem set. See page 4 for detailed instructions on how to register and log into MyLabsPlus. NOTE: Students are advised to start working on Online Problem Sets early, since the Friday Midnight deadlines are ironclad. Making sure that the computer you are using works properly is YOUR responsibility. Technical difficulties WILL NOT be accepted as a valid reason for not completing the Problem Set on time. 6 Hand-in Problem Sets The hand-in problem sets will be posted on the course website, and MUST be submitted to your TA at the beginning of the tutorial on the day it is due. The TA will mark your work and will return it to you in the next tutorial. NOTE: You are encouraged to work with your fellow students while working on questions from the problem sets. However, the written work you submit must be done without any assistance and must be your own. IMPORTANT: Submit only ONE COPY of your work, in the tutorial you are officially registered in (on ROSI). No extensions or make-ups! Your problem set mark will be determined by taking the best 9 Online Problem Sets and the best 3 Hand-in Problem Sets. Each of those 12 Sets count as 1% of your course mark (to a total of 12%).
Term Tests There will be FOUR Term Tests, all on the following Fridays, from 4-6pm: Term Test 1: October 15, 2010 Term Test 2: November 19, 2010 Term Test 3: January 28, 2011 Term Test 4: March 11, 2011
Details about the tests, including room assignments, material covered, and more, will be posted on the course website closer to the date of the particular term test. If you have written all 4 tests, your lowest term test mark will count as 6% of your final grade in the course, while the other three term test marks will count as 13% each. Overall, your term tests will count as 45% of your final grade in the course. Missed Term Tests If you have to miss a term test because of illness or any other special reason, UTM now has a system for reporting these on ROSI. For this course, you must also submit your documentation in person to Any Wilk, the course coordinator, no later than one week after the test date (for medical notes, you MUST use the official UTM medical certificate, which can be downloaded from the course website, in Course Info & Forms).There will be NO make-up tests. The course coordinator will adjust the marking scheme properly for students who have missed a test due to illness or other legitimate (approved) reason, as follows: One missed test: Each of the other three tests will be worth 15% (no change to the weight of the final exam). Two missed tests: Each written term test will count as 15%, and the final exam will be worth 55%. Final Exam Your Final Exam will be scheduled by the UTM Registrars office, during the April-2011 exam period. Note that the Final Exam, while it will cover the whole course, will rely more heavily on material from the second term. Details about what the final exam will cover will be posted on the course web site, some time in March 2011. Marking Scheme Your final grade in the course will be computed in the following way: 3% CRA + 12% Problem Sets + 45% Term Tests + 40% Final Exam Code of Behavior/Plagiarism Students should become familiar with and are expected to adhere to the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters which can be found in the UTM Calendar or at: (Academic Honesty) (Advice on avoiding plagiarism) Course Contents REVIEW of background material: Chapters 0 - 4 FINANCIAL MATH: Chapter 5 MATRIX ALGEBRA: Chapter 6 INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Chapter 7 (to 7.3) LIMITS AND CONTINUITY: Chapter 10 THE DERIVATIVE AND APPLICATIONS: Chapters 11, 12 and 13. INTEGRATION, AND APPLICATIONS: Chapters 14, 15 CALCULUS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES: Chapter 17
Course Outline A tentative course outline is attached (pages 5 and 6). Any changes to this outline, as well as your weekly Problem Sets and test details will be posted on the course web page.
Once you are in the MAT133 textbook website on MyLabsPlus, you will see a menu on the left with various options such as Problem Sets, My Grades, etc., and links to the electronic version of the textbook.
ACCESS CODES The first time you try to access one of the online items, you will be required to accept the license and Privacy Agreement, and enter an access code. The access code is sold at the UTM bookstore, as part of the course package, with the textbook. The access code may also be purchased separately, also from the UTM bookstore.
SUPPORT Login Problems: Contact Sue McGlashan at All other technical Problems: Contact Pearson Student Support via e-mail, phone or online chat ANYTIME! Go to for details. The Discussion Board on our course website within BlackBoard, where you can post technical and mathematical questions. For best results, use/choose an appropriate thread in which to post your question.
Sections to be covered
Review: Chapters 0 4 Mathematics of Finance 5.1- Compound Interest 5.2- Present Value 5.3- Interest Compounded Continuously Mathematics of Finance (continued) 5.4- Annuities 5.5- Amortization of Loans Matrix Algebra 6.1- Matrices 6.2- Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication 6.3- Matrix Multiplication 6.4- Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices Matrix Algebra (continued) 6.5- Solving Systems by Reducing Matrices (cont.) 6.6- Inverses Matrix Algebra (continued) 6.7- Leontiefs Input-Output Analysis Linear Programming 7.1- Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Linear Programming 7.2- Linear Programming 7.3- Multiple Optimum Solutions Limits and Continuity 10.1- Limits 10.2- Limits (continued) 10.3- Continuity Differentiation 11.1- The Derivative Differentiation (continued) 11.2- Rules for Differentiation 11.3- The Derivative as a Rate of Change 11.4- The Product Rule and the Quotient Rule 11.5- The Chain Rule Additional Differentiation Topics 12.1- Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 12.2- Derivatives of Exponential Functions Additional Differentiation Topics 12.3- Elasticity of Demand 12.4- Implicit Differentiation Additional Differentiation Topics (continued) 12.5- Logarithmic Differentiation 12.6- Newtons Method 12.7- Higher Order Derivatives
Classes begin NO tutorials this week Tutorials begin. CRA: Sept. 17-19 Last day to fill out the online prerequisite form: Sept. 19 Last day to change your tutorial section on ROSI: Sept. 20 Problem Set A is due Problem Set B is due
Problem Set C is due Term Test 1 Oct. 15, @ 4pm Problem Set D is due
Week 9 (Nov. 1 5)
Problem Set G is due Term Test 2 Nov. 19, @ 4pm Problem Set H is due
Sections to be covered
Curve Sketching 13.1- Relative Extrema 13.2- Absolute Extrema on a Closed Interval 13.3- Concavity 13.4- The Second Derivative Test Curve Sketching (continued) 13.5- Asymptotes 13.6- Applied Maxima and Minima Integration 14.1- Differentials 14.2- The Indefinite Integral 14.3- Integration with Initial Condition Integration (continued) 14.4- More Integration Formulas 14.5- Techniques of Integration Integration (continued) 14.6- The Definite Integral 14.7- The Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus Integration (continued) 14.9- Area between Curves Methods and Application of Integration 15.1- Integration by Parts Methods and Application of Integration 14.10- Consumers and Producers Surplus 15.2- Integration by Partial Fractions Integration JUMBLE (Strategy)
Classes begin: Jan. 3 Tutorials resume Problem Set I is due Problem Set J is due
Week 2 (Jan. 10 14) Week 3 (Jan. 17 21) Week 4 (Jan. 24 28) Week 5 (Jan. 31 Feb. 4)
Problem Set K is due Term Test 3 Jan. 28, @ 4pm Problem Set L is due
Reading Week
Methods and Application of Integration Week 8 (continued) (Feb. 28 Mar. 4) 15.4- Average Value of a Function 15.5- Differential Equations Methods and Application of Integration (continued) Week 9 15.7- Improper Integrals (Mar. 7 11) Multivariable Calculus 17.1- Partial Derivatives Multivariable Calculus (continued) Week 10 17.2- Application of Partial Derivatives (Mar. 14 18) 17.4- Higher-order Partial Derivatives 17.5- Chain Rule Multivariable Calculus (continued) 17.6- Max. and Min. for Functions of Two Week 11 Variables (Mar. 21 25) 17.7- Lagrange Multiplier 17.9- Multiple Integrals Week 12 Course overview (Mar. 28 - Apr. 1)