A Strong Energy Portfolio For A Strong America: For More Information Contact: Principal Investigator
A Strong Energy Portfolio For A Strong America: For More Information Contact: Principal Investigator
A Strong Energy Portfolio For A Strong America: For More Information Contact: Principal Investigator
combinations with a consistent methodology. The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model was developed by Dr. Michael Wang, Argonne National Laboratorys Center for Transportation Research, with support from the U.S. Department of Energys (DOEs) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Solar Energy
The peer-reviewed model has laid to rest some long-held misunderstandings about ethanol (EtOH) and its important role in reducing petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of key energy and environmental benefits, Argonnes GREET shows that cornstarch ethanol clearly outpaces petroleum-based fuels, and that tomorrows cellulose-based ethanol would do even better. According to GREETs calculations, the fossil energy input per unit of ethanol is lower 0.78 million British thermal units (Btu) of fossil energy consumed for each 1 million Btu of ethanol deliveredcompared to 1.23 million Btu of fossil energy consumed for each 1 million Btu of gasoline delivered (see Figure 1). Some confusion arises because a portion of the total (not fossil or petroleum) energy input in the ethanol cycle is the free solar energy that ends up in the corn. Since the solar energy is free, renewable, and environmentally benign, it should not be taken into account in the energy balance calculations. While the total (includes solar) energy needed to produce a unit of ethanol is more than the total energy needed to produce a unit of gasoline, ethanol is superior when calculating either (1) the amount of fossil energy needed or (2) the amount of petroleum energy needed (see GREET results in Figure 2).
Producing Ethanol (EtOH) from Corn: 0.78 million Btu Fossil Energy Input Fertilizer Production
Producing Gasoline from Petroleum: 1.23 million Btu Fossil Energy Input
Corn Farming
Fertilizers Natural Gas Liquefied Petroleum Gas Electricity Diesel Fuel
Petroleum Recovery
Natural Gas
Petroleum Transportation
Corn Transportation
Diesel Fuel
Fuel Residual Oil Natural Gas Residual Oil Electricity Natural Gas
EtOH Transportation
EtOH Production
Coal Natural Gas Electricity
Gasoline Transportation
Petroleum Refining
Refinery Gas Natural Gas Coal Electricity
Animal Feeds 1 million Btu of EtOH at Refueling Stations 1 million Btu of Gasoline at Refueling Stations Other Petroleum Products
Figure 1: Fossil energy inputs used to produce and deliver a million Btu of EtOH and gasoline to a refueling station.
Moreover, the use of ethanol reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On a per-gallon basis, GREET shows that corn ethanol could reduce GHG emissions by 18% to 28%; cellulosic ethanol offers an even greater benefit, with an 87% reduction in GHG emissions (see Figure 3). However, if coal is used in EtOH plants, corn EtOH may not have GHG reduction benefits.
A range of studies has looked at the fossil energy required to produce ethanol (see Figure 4). Studies above the zero line (including GREET) found that ethanol has a positive net fossil energy value (that is, less fossil energy is used to produce ethanol than the energy that is available in ethanol). Studies below the zero line found that ethanol has a negative fossil energy value. Most of the studies and, more importantly, the preponderance of the recent studies, show that ethanol has a positive net fossil energy value.
Weinblatt et al.
Chambers et al.
Total Energy
Fossil Energy
Energy balance here is defined as Btu content in a gallon of ethanol minus fossil energy used to produce a gallon of ethanol
Figure 4: The majority of corn ethanol/fossil energy studies (especially more recent studies) show that corn ethanol has a positive net fossil energy value.
Figure 2: The energy benefits of fuel ethanol result from (1) reduced fossil energy and petroleum use in production and (2) the absence of fossil and petroleum content in the final product.
Corn EtOH: NG
Guide GREETs lifecycle analysis shows that any type of fuel to abb reviati ons: ethanol can help to reduce petroleum use in the Btu British Cell. therm transportation sector. An investigation of the energy al unit Cellulo EtOH s sic Ethano balance alone would be less meaningful because it does GHG l Green NG ho not provide comparative results between ethanol and the Natura use gas l gas energy products it replaces (i.e., gasoline). Even the fossil energy balance, which is favorable, does not show the critical petroleum savings benefits of ethanol which may be the greatest energy concern. In addition, while corn-based ethanol can achieve moderate reductions in GHG emissions, cellulosic ethanol (the focus of DOE/EERE research) can produce much greater energy and GHG benefits.
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