Alaska Timeline

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1741 1728 1741 1774 1776 1778 1784 1784 1789 1790 1794 1799 1799 1802 1802

1805 1815 1818 1821 1821 1823 1824 1835 1843 1848 1853 1857 1860 1861 1865 1865 1867 1867 1868 1869 1872 1874 1878 1880 1880 1881 1882 1882 1884 1884 1884 1885 1887 1887 1887 1888 1889

1890 1890 1891 1893 1894 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1900 1902 1902 1902 1903 1904 1905 1905 1906 1906 1908 1909 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1914 1915 1915 1915 1917 1918 1922 1923 1923 1924 1924 1924 1925 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1928 1930 1931

1932 1935 1936 1936 1936 1938 1938 1940 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1944 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1950 1953 1953 1953 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1961 1962 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1965 1966 1966 1966

1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1980 1980 1981 1981 1982 1983 1984 1984 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1991 1992 1996

July 15 Aleksei Chirikov with Vitus Bering Expedition sights land - the Great Land is discovered. Chirikov, in command of the s Aug 10, Vitus Bering sights St. Lawrence Island and one of the Diomede Islands. Vitus Bering discovers Europeans don't know about Alaska... July 15, Alexei Chirikof, Bering's assistant, sights mainland Alas Charles III of Spain fears Russian expansion; sends expeditions north along northwest coast of North America. Spain leaves fe Captain James Cook of England searches for Northwest Passage. His maps of northern North America prove that America an Captain James Cook of England explores Arctic Ocean First permanent Russian settlement is established at Three Saints Bay on Kodiak Island in and attempt to stave off British inro First white settlement in Alaska on Kodiak Island. First American expedition sets out for northwestern North American to compete with British and Russians for fur trade. Aleksandr Baranov becomes director of Russian settlement Aleksandr Andreyevich Baranov builds first ocean-going vessel in northwestern America on the Kenai Peninsula at Voskressen First Russian trading charter grants Russian-American Company sole trading rights in America for 20 years. Aleksandr Andrey Czar Paul claims Alaska as Russian possission. Baranov named first Russian governor of Alaska. After the attack on Old Sitka, Baranov was forced to pay 10,000 rubles ransom for surviving settlers.1804 Baranov returned to Baranov moves his headquarters to Sitka First cargo of Russian furs from Russian America is delivered to Canton, China by Yuri Lisiansky. 1812 Napoleon invades Rus Otto von Kotzebue, an Estonian German, sets out on Russian round-the-world expedition; visits St. Lawrence Island and Unala Russian navy assumes authority in Alaska. Russian Trading Charter is renewed extending Russian jurisdiction to 51st parallel. During this period, the Hudson's Bay Comp Russian navy bars all foreign ships from Alaskan waters. December 2 President James Monroe, seeking to exclude European intervention in the New World, issues the Monroe Doctrin Russia and USA sign a treaty accepting 54 degrees, 4 minutes as southern boundary of Russian America. 1848 Cathedral of S United States and England obtain trading privileges in Alaska. First mission school for the Eskimos was established at Nushagak by Russian-Greek Orthodox Church Yankee whalers begin commercial whaling in Alaskan waters. Oil seeps in Cook Inlet discovered by employees of Russian-America Company. Coal mining begins at Coal Harbor on Kenai Peninsula to supply steamers. The Russian-American Company was suffering fro Second Mission School at Kwikpak Gold is discovered at Telegraph Creek at the Stikine River. 1867 March 30 - Secretary of State William H. Seward negotiates p Last shot of Civil War fired in Alaskan waters. 1865-67. Surveyors' map route for overland telegraph line through Alaska to Siberia. The Swedish Evangelical, Moravian, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Congregational, and Roman Catholic Churches established s The sale of Alaska by Russia to United States - which rightfully belonged to neither. October 18 is now celebrated as "Alaska First Alaska newspaper, "The Sitka Times," is published by Thomas Murphy. 1877 US troops withdraw from Alaska. 1878 First First appropriation from Congress for education in the Territory. The funds were never put into use as no agency was found to Mining act of 1872, land claims rights First School in Alaska established by the Russians at Three Saints Bay-Kodiak Island Salmon-canning industry started. Joe Juneau and Richard Harris discover gold on Gastineau Channel. Juneau is founded. In 1880, George Pilz, a German-born Gold discovered near Juneau. Parris Lode claim staked near Juneau and by 1885 is Alaska's most famous mine -- the Treadwell. In 1881 John Treadwell, a First Alaska salmon canneries are built in central Alaska. First commercial herring fishing begins at Killisnoo. The little Tlingit Indian village of Angoon on Kootznahoo Inlet, Admiralty Island has several claims to fame. In 1882 a shaman o Steamers begin bringing first tourists to Alaska. Congress passes First Organic Act; $15,000 appropriated to educate Alaska N United States establishes "District of Alaska" as a legal unit. Alaska received its first code of laws. Funds for education in Alaska appropriated to be distributed among the existing mission schools with Dr. Sheldon Jackson a Dr. Sheldon Jackson appointed as general agent for education in Alaska. Congress creates the Indian Reservation of Metlakatla on Annette Island. Around 1887, Reverend William Duncan brought 1,0 Society of Friends established a school at Kotzebue. Use of English in Indian Schools The Board of Education in Alaska was directed to prescribe a course of study for all government schools. Supplemental Report on Indian Education

First oil claims are staked in Cook Inlet. Sheldon Jackson introduces reindeer into Alaska. Large corporate salmon canneries b First missions established in Alaska north of Bering Strait Reindeer herds imported into Alaska. Gold is discovered on Birch Creek; Circle City is founded. 1896 Klondike Gold Rush begins. 1898 April 23 - Libby Partners mak Subsidizing of mission schools discontinued. Federal Bureau of Education took over most mission schools. Gold discovered along Klondike River and Bonanza Creek in Yukon Territory. Klondike gold rush Richardson Trail blazed from Valdez to Canadian border. Local communities authorized to set up school boards. First exploratory well is drilled in Cook Inlet. 20,000 gold miners on Nome beach. Capital moves from Sitka to Juneau. White P Stampede of gold-seekers to Nome. Railroad from Skagway to White Horse completed. First oil production in Alaska. Felix Pedro discovers gold near Fairbanks. President Theodore Roosevelt establishes the Tonga Gold discovered near Fairbanks. Local school board established at Nome. Alaska-Canada border is settled. Washington Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System (WAMCATS) begins to lay submarine cable between Seattle, Sitka, a First message is telegraphed from Fairbanks to Valdez. 1906 Native Allotment Act passes; first opportunity for Natives to obtain The Nelson Act provided for establishment of schools for white children outside of the incorporated towns. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to allot homesteads to the natives of Alaska. An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities was passed by the U. S. Congress on June 8, 1906. (34 STAT.L.225) It p The first teachers' conference was held in Juneau. Small seated Buddha-like figurines called Billikens carved of walrus tusk ivory by Eskimos are not actually Eskimo in origin a Morgan-Guggenheim Corporation builds railroad to serve Kennicott Copper Mine. July 7th - US, Canada, Russia, Great Britain, The Alaska School Service developed a tentative course of study for the schools of Alaska. The Alaska Native Brotherhood is founded in Sitka. Mt. Katmai explodes massively, forming Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Alaska Native Brotherhood founded the first modern Alaska Native organization. Alaska becomes a Territory with its own legislature. Mt. Katmai on Alaskan Penninsula erupts, creating Valley of Ten Thousa First Alaska Territorial Legislature Convenes; first law passed grants women voting rights. 1914 Surveying begins for Alaska Ra Alaska legislature gives women the right to vote. Ben Benson, who as a boy 13 years old, designed Alaskas flag, was born of an Aleut mother at Chignik in 1914. Upon the Alaska Native Sisterhood holds first convention in Sitka. 1916 Delegate James Wickersham introduces first Alaska statehood b Congress appropriated funds that allowed the Bureau of Education to build a 25-bed hospital for Alaska Natives at Juneau July 4, Cornerston laid for Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, later to become University of Alaska. 1917-1919 The first boarding schools established by Catholic, Moravian, and Lutheran Churches. Federal boarding school w Alaska salmon pack exceeds six million cases, valued at over $51 million. 1920 Anchorage city government is organized. The A Alaska Agricultural College & School of Mines, later the University of Alaska, opens at College near Fairbanks. When it opened President Warren G. Harding drives golden spike near Nenana completing the Alaska Railroad. Naval Petroleum Reserve No. Alaska Railroad from Seward to Fairbanks completed. Congress extends citizenship to all American Indians. William L. Paul, a Tlingit, is the first Alaska Native elected to Territorial Le Indian Citizenship Act grants citizenship to Native Americans, including Alaska Natives, without terminating tribal rights and p Law passed to protect Alaska's fish resources. Alaska Voters' Literacy Act of 1925 Serum Run to Nome, beginning of Iditarod race The possibility of an epidemic of diphtheria confronted Nome in January 1925 when Dr. Curtis Welch discovered seven case Alaska Native Townsite Act allows Natives to obtain restricted deeds to village lots. The design for the Alaska flag was selected A more formal and permanent course of study for the first eight grades in Alaska. In October, 1926 the American Legion, Department of Alaska, announced a contest in school grades 7-12 to design a flag fo Boarding school at White Mountain renamed "Industrial School." A policy and programming of industrial training for boarding The Alaska Legislature adopted Benny Benson's design as the official flag for the Territory of Alaska on May 2, 1927. It later be Court case resolves the right of Native children to attend public school. Federal Bureau of Education field administrative headquarters moved from Seattle, Wash. to Juneau, Alaska. Control of education among the Natives of Alaska was transferred to the Office of Indian Affairs. Became known as the Alask

Wrangell Institute Boarding School opened - Alaska Indian Service School. 202 farmers colonize Matanuska Valley. Salmon pack peaks at 8,437,603 cases. Congress extends the Indian Reorganization Act to Alaska. Nell Scott of Seldovia becomes the first woman elected to the Terri Indian Reorganization Act is expanded to include Alaska Native governments. Fourteen persons were killed in a slide that roared down the slopes of Mt. Roberts near the Juneau Cold Storage on Sunday Kennicott Mine closes at McCarthy. Chief Anatlahash was a Taku Tlingit Chief of the Raven phratry who moved to Douglas Island when mining commenced ther Military comes to Alaska. Fort Richardson is established and work begins on Elmendorf Air Force Base. Japan bombs Dutch Harbor; invades Aleutians. Pioneer Service Road (Alaska-Canada Military Highway) is built between Febru Mar. 12, Work started on 1,523-mile Alaska Military Highway from Dawson Creek, Canada, to Fairbanks. Japanese bomb Dutch Harbor and invade Kiska and Attu Islands of the Aleutians. June 3, Japanese bomb Dutch Harbor on Unalaska Island. Dec. 1, Alaska Military Highway completed. Upgrading and bridge building continues on the Alaska Highway providing first start for some of today's largest construction con Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine shuts down. An Act establishing February 16 as "Elizabeth Peratrovich Day" Alaska passes a law ending legal segregation in Alaska. Alaska Indian Service changed to Alaska Native Service. Boarding school for Native high school students opens at Mt. Edgecumbe. Alaska votes to apply for statehood. The Alaska Command is established; first unified command of the US Army, Air Force, and Navy. First Alaska Native land claim Mt. Edgecumbe, a former military installation is opened as a boarding school for Alaska Natives, operated by the Bureau of In Alaska Highway opens to civilian traffic. Alaskans vote to abolish fish traps by a 10 to 1 margin. Covenant restrictions for property in a sub-division of Anchorage The Venetie and Arctic Village Reservation is formed, the largest in Alaska. Johnson O'Malley Act provides for the transfer of schools in Alaska to the administrative control of the Territory. The first plywood operations begin at Juneau and the first large pulp mill opens at Ketchikan. DEW-Line construction begins in White Mountain Boarding School closed. 1953 Warranty Deed for Anchorage property Education specialists placed in district Offices to improve consultant services to teachers. Constitutional convention held at the University of Alaska. The constitution of the State of Alaska was agreed upon by the Delegates of the People of Alaska in Convention at the Unive Atlantic Richfield discovers oil at Swanson River on the Kenai Peninsula, beginning Alaska's modern oil era. The Swanson Riv First edition of "We Teach in Alaska" issued to provide a manual for BIA teachers in Alaska's remote schools. Congress passes Alaska Statehood Act conveying ownership of 104 million acres. First area-wide in-service training program for Principal-Teachers emphasizing community relations and development of Nat Alaska is admitted to the Union as the 49th state, and William A. Egan becomes Alaska's first governor. Sitka pulp mill opens. S Alaska Statehood Act includes provision to not take lands of Native peoples. Amoco finds offshore oil in Cook Inlet. First secondary level program in a BIA day school established with opening of 9th grade at Unalakleet. The 1960 Census of Alaska showed a total population of the largest state with the least people as 226,167. This was slightly Alaska Natives organize to protest "Project Chariot" - a plan to use nuclear weapons to blast an artificial harbor into existence The Tundra Times established, the first state wide newspaper devoted to representing the views and issues of Alaska Native Supplemental nutrition program changed to provide complete school lunch. Agreement that education is a State and local res Stevens Village and other Yukon villages protest the proposed Rampart Dam. Governor's Committee issues first report entitled "An Overall Education Plan for Rural Alaska" as a basis for cooperative rela Good Friday earthquake at 5:36 pm; Richter Scale measures 8.6. Alaska's population reaches 250,000. Fortunately, the loss o Area-wide workshop for primary teachers with emphasis on teaching English to children as a second language. State revenues total $82,964,000. Secretary of the Interior, Stewart L. Udall, imposes a land freeze until Native land claims can be settled. Alaska Federation of N Alaska Federation of Natives formed in Anchorage, Alaska. William E. Beltz School opens as first State-operated regional boarding high school. Teacher aides provided in BIA day scho

8/15/2012 Chena River floods Fairbanks. First bill introduced in Congress to settle Alaska Native land claims. Area-wide workshop for all education personnel emphasizing the linguistic method in teaching English as a Second language Advisory School Boards established. Atlantic Richfield pumps oil from exploratory well at Prudhoe Bay; recoverable reserves of oil estimated at 9.6 billion barrels. St Kindergarten program initiated. 9/10/2012 Prudhoe Bay Lease Sale provides $900 million in lease bonuses to state treasury. In this year, Alaska's population t Educational Television available in Barrow Day School. School Boards contract for instruction in cultural and linguistic heritag State revenues $1,067,264,000 First bill introduced in the legislature to establish a Permanent Fund. In this year, Alaska's pop Bilingual education inaugurated at primary level. Full high school program at Kotzebue Community School. Congress passes Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; transfers ownership of 44 million acres of land to newly established Na Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act becomes law. Mt. Edgecumbe - Wrangell Parent School Board established. Bureau's first pre-school programs for 2- and 3-year-olds. Adm The Marine Mammal Protection Act becomes law with the important provision that Alaska Native would be able to continue tr Congress passes legislation allowing construction to begin on the trans-Alaska pipeline. War in the Middle East in October cau Construction begins on the pipeline; thousands of workers flock to Alaska in search of jobs. Construction lasts 39 months, cost First Permanent Fund bill passes the legislature; Governor Hammond vetoes it and urges establishment of the Permanent Fun In November's General Election, Alaska's voters, by a vote of 75,588 to 38,518, approve constitutional amendment establishing The so-called "Molly Hootch" (Tobeluk vs. Lind) case is settled with the commitment by the state to provide local schools for Rural Education Attendance Areas are created for rural Alaska - modeled in many respects on the urban school districts in s February 28 - The Permanent Fund receives its first deposit of dedicated oil revenues $734,000 Construction on the pipeline is Inupiaq Education discussion continues Alaska Legislature creates the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, makes a special appropriation to the Fund of $900 million The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act becomes law creating over 80 millions acres of additional parks, prese Alaska Legislature approves second special appropriation to the Permanent Fund, this time for $1.8 billion. Bilingual Conference in Anchorage State revenues peak at $4,108,400,000 after OPEC fixes oil price at $34/barrel. Alaska Legislature enacts inflation-proofing to Crab stocks so low that most commercial seasons are canceled 1985 January 5 - Federal government transfers ownership of t Stephen E. Cotton re-caps Molly Hootch Case and Native education programs Berger Launches ANCSA Hearings Price of oil drops below $10 per barrel, causing Alaska oil revenues to plummet. Alaska Legislature approves third special appr Congress passes amendments to the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act, which protect lands and stocks. Trans-Alaska International efforts to rescue three whales caught by ice off Barrow captures world-wide attention. The Soviets allow a one-day On March 24, the Exxon Valdez spills 11 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound. On May 27, the 9,000th tanker loads in Alaska population reaches 550,000 according to the US Census Bureau. Over 800,000 visitors come to Alaska, some for busin January 1 - 8 billionth barrel of oil arrives in Valdez. Permanent Fund Dividends are paid to all Alaska residents for the 10th con Amendments to ANCSA take affect Alaska Highway celebrates its 50th anniversary. Denali National Park is 50 years old. Anchorage is now the largest city in Alask Permanent Fund celebrates its 20th anniversary.

kov, in command of the ship the St. Paul, sighted what is believed to be Prince of Wales Island of the Alexander Archipelago. Bering's ship, t

tant, sights mainland Alaska but does not make landing. July 16, Bering sights Mt. St. Elias on Alaskan mainland and goes ashore. Dec. 8, B America. Spain leaves few traces except place names such as Malaspina Glacier and Valdez ca prove that America and Asia are separate land masses and remain the standard for over a century.

pt to stave off British inroads. Grigory Ivanovich Shelikov brings his wife Natalya to Kodiak first European woman in Russian America. Sheli

ans for fur trade.

i Peninsula at Voskressenski. years. Aleksandr Andreyevich Baranov establishes Russian post known today as Old Sitka. Violating order against doing business with fore

1804 Baranov returned to Sitka with a large contingent of Russians and Aleuts, and the Russian warship Neva. The ship destroyed the Native

12 Napoleon invades Russia, increasing isolation of Russia from its distant colonies. awrence Island and Unalaska during summer.

, the Hudson's Bay Company, chartered by the British, was trying to gain a foothold in the Alaska fur trade. The British made a deal with the

ssues the Monroe Doctrine. erica. 1848 Cathedral of St. Michael is dedicated in New Archangel (Sitka).

ompany was suffering from financial difficulties and the Tzar wanted to revoke the charter. The company had been beaten by the Hudson's B

m H. Seward negotiates purchase of Russian America 375 million acres for $7.2 million - less than 2 cents per acre. Many called this "Sewa

c Churches established schools throughout Alaska. ow celebrated as "Alaska Day." w from Alaska. 1878 First Alaska fish cannery opens in Klawock. s no agency was found to administer them.

orge Pilz, a German-born mining school graduate living in Sitka, grubstaked his employee Joe Juneau and another man, Richard Harris. The

1881 John Treadwell, a promoter, obtained a claim from a prospector known as French Pete for a sum ranging from $5 to $400, depending

ame. In 1882 a shaman of this group was accidentally killed in the explosion of a whaling gun. According to Indian usage, a white hostage w ated to educate Alaska Native children.

th Dr. Sheldon Jackson appointed as general agent for education in Alaska the following year.

liam Duncan brought 1,000 Tsimshian followers from Metlakatla in British Columbia to Annette Island. On land obtained through a congress

orate salmon canneries begin to appear.

il 23 - Libby Partners make first major gold strike on Melsing and Ophir Creeks; Nome Gold Rush begins.

Sitka to Juneau. White Pass and Yukon Railroad is completed.

elt establishes the Tongass National Forest. Pedro and merchant Barnette played leading role in the establishment of Fairbanks. Barnette, w

between Seattle, Sitka, and Valdez linking Alaska to "Outside." tunity for Natives to obtain land under restricted title.

906. (34 STAT.L.225) It provides penalties for the removal, defacement, etc. of antiquities on ground controlled by the Federal Government

actually Eskimo in origin as most people have been led to believe. The figurine was made originally of plaster-of-paris and was patented by o da, Russia, Great Britain, Japan sign an agreement in Washington D.C. to preserve the fur seal in the North Pacific.

Ten Thousand Smokes. If the same eruption occurred on Manhattan Island, the sounds of the explosions would be plainly audible in Chicag

ing Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. eying begins for Alaska Railroad; Anchorage starts as construction camp on Ship Creek.

hignik in 1914. Upon the death of his mother in 1918, the orphaned boy and his younger brother were sent to the Jesse Lee Home at Unalas s first Alaska statehood bill in Congress. Congress creates the National Park Service through passage on an Organic Act. 1917 Pribilof fur s aska Natives at Juneau sity of Alaska. ederal boarding school was established at White Mountain. nment is organized. The Alaska Air Expedition from New York to Nome is successful. The Alaska Air Expedition was sponsored by the US A airbanks. When it opened in 1922, the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines had six students, one building, and an annual budget l Petroleum Reserve No. 4 is created.

ve elected to Territorial Legislature. minating tribal rights and property.

ch discovered seven cases of diphtheria in the area and no diphtheria antitoxin in town. He immediately issued and published instructions in t Alaska flag was selected in a contest for Alaska students in grades seven through 12 in 1926. The winning design, submitted by 13-year-old

es 7-12 to design a flag for Alaska. Benny Bensons design was winner in a field of 142 and in May, 1927 The Territorial Legislature made i strial training for boarding pupils was initiated. on May 2, 1927. It later became the official flag of the State of Alaska.

came known as the Alaska Indian Service.

oman elected to the Territorial Legislature.

Cold Storage on Sunday, November 22, 1936 at 7:30 p.m. Up until the slide occurred, the month of November had seen 20.31 inches of rai

n mining commenced there in the 1880s and died there on October 8, 1918. A monument to his memory, a yellow cedar shaft in a concrete

ay) is built between February 14th and September 24th from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Delta Junction, Alaska.

s largest construction contractors. American forces retake the Aleutian Islands, Attu and Kiska, from the Japanese. Secretary of the Interior

st Alaska Native land claims suit, filed by Tlingit and Haida people, introduced in US Court of Claims. erated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

he Territory. ne construction begins in the Arctic at Barter Island. First Alaska television broadcast by KENI, Anchorage.

n Convention at the University of Alaska, College, Alaska, on February 5, 1956. It was approved by the voters in April, 1956. oil era. The Swanson River field on the Kenai Peninsula was the first commercial production site for oil and gas in Alaska's modern oil era. D

and development of Native leadership. or. Sitka pulp mill opens. State revenues $25.4 million. British Petroleum begins to explore for oil on Alaska's North Slope.

26,167. This was slightly above the wartime high of 225,986 in 1943 which included armed forces then stationed throughout the Territory. Th ficial harbor into existence in Northwest Alaska. nd issues of Alaska Natives. on is a State and local responsibility.

basis for cooperative relationship of BIA and State of Alaska. 0. Fortunately, the loss of life caused by the earthquake was relatively low; but property damage was estimated at almost $500 million. The e

d. Alaska Federation of Natives is organized. provided in BIA day schools. Special education program introduced at Hooper Bay.

ish as a Second language.

d at 9.6 billion barrels. State budget exceeds $100 million for the first time.

ear, Alaska's population totals 295,000. ural and linguistic heritage.

d to newly established Native corporations.

r 2- and 3-year-olds. Administration of program funding at Agency level established. ould be able to continue traditional use of marine mammals. ddle East in October causes oil prices to rise from $3 to $16 per barrel. ion lasts 39 months, costs $8 billion, including the Marine Terminal in Valdez. ent of the Permanent Fund by amendment to the State Constitution. l amendment establishing the Permanent Fund. Article IX, Section 15 - At least 25 percent of all mineral lease rentals, royalties, royalty sale provide local schools for Alaska Native communities as it had in predominately white communities in the state. urban school districts in state with the allowance of local school boards to set many policies in their schools.

the Fund of $900 million, and approves the first Permanent Fund Dividend program (which is later ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme of additional parks, preserves and monuments in Alaska. It also contains language supporting continued traditional and customary use on de

acts inflation-proofing to protect purchasing power of Permanent Fund principal. First Permanent Fund Dividend check is distributed t transfers ownership of the Alaska Railroad, complete with 470 miles of mainline track, to State of Alaska; the purchase price was $22.3 mi

pproves third special appropriation to Fund principal $1.26 billion. and stocks. Trans-Alaska Pipeline celebrates its 10th anniversary. e Soviets allow a one-day visit of a group of Alaskans to the Siberian port city of Providenya. Total annual throughput of oil in the trans-Alask he 9,000th tanker loads in Valdez. to Alaska, some for business, most for pleasure. Mining ranks as Alaska's fastest growing industry. Permanent Fund makes its first investm residents for the 10th consecutive year.

ow the largest city in Alaska with more than 250,000 residents.

chipelago. Bering's ship, the St. Peter, had sailed a more northerly direction and came upon Kayak Island the next day.

nd goes ashore. Dec. 8, Bering dies and is buried on Bering Island.

n Russian America. Shelikov, a Siberian fur merchant, established the first permanent Russian settlement on Kodiak Island as a means of re

t doing business with foreigners Baranov made friends with James Shields, an English naval officer experienced in ship building. Baranov en

ship destroyed the Native village and its occupants. Baranov immediately began to build the settlement of New Archangel, now known as Si

ish made a deal with the Russians to lease the mainland south of Cape Spencer for 10 years at an annual payment of 2,000 land otter skins

beaten by the Hudson's Bay Company in the fur trade. The British company had better and cheaper items to trade with the Natives for furs.

e. Many called this "Seward's Folly" because little was known about Alaska, other than its cold climate. Fur seal population, stabilized under

man, Richard Harris. The two men went prospecting in the vicinity of Gastineau Channel. Harris and Juneau named the creek where they fo

om $5 to $400, depending upon one's source of information. The claim was located on Douglas Island. A Geologist had said the site containe

usage, a white hostage was taken and indemnity of 200 blankets demanded. Having been apprized of the situation, Capt. Merriman of the R

ained through a congressional grant he built a new Metlakatla, designed to make the Natives self-sufficient. They were taught trades such as

of Fairbanks. Barnette, who had been a trader for several years in Circle, came down the Tanana River in 1901. He anchored the ship that h

the Federal Government such as the National Parks, Monuments and Forests of Alaska. Fines of $500 and/or 6 months imprisonment are p

is and was patented by one Florence Pritz of Kansas City in 1909. It sat on a throne, around the base of which was the wording, Billiken, th

e plainly audible in Chicago. The fumes would sweep over all states east of the Rocky Mountains. In Denver they would tarnish exposed bras

esse Lee Home at Unalaska which later moved to Seward. nic Act. 1917 Pribilof fur seal exports exceed $274,000. Total Alaska fur exports $1,338,599. Treadwell Mine caves in at Douglas.

as sponsored by the US Army. The "Black Wolf" squadron of wheeled biplanes landed at Wrangell, Fairbanks, Ruby, and finally at Nome's Fo ng, and an annual budget of $30,000. It became the University of Alaska in 1935 and has since added campuses at Anchorage and Juneau.

published instructions in the Nome Nugget of January 24, 1925. The Nome Nugget of January 31, 1925 reported 22 cases and 5 deaths. 30 , submitted by 13-year-old Benny Benson, consisted of eight gold stars on a field of blue, representing the Big Dipper and the North Star.

ritorial Legislature made it official. Benny received $1,000 which he spent on his education and an inscribed watch which later he gave to the

d seen 20.31 inches of rain. Between 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 p.m. Sunday, the day of the slide, 3.89 inches had fallen. (AFTC)

w cedar shaft in a concrete base, was erected on the Douglas Highway near the Douglas city limits by the C.C.C. on June 1, 1938. Jimmy Fo

Secretary of the Interior creates the Venetie Reservation.

Alaska's modern oil era. During the next ten years, additional oil fields are discovered offshore in nearby Cook Inlet and production platforms

roughout the Territory. The 1950 census gave 128,643 as the civilian population compared to 193,475 in 1960. The 1960 census breaks dow

almost $500 million. The earthquake was more than 10 million times the force of an atomic bomb. The town of Valdez was completely destro

als, royalties, royalty sale proceeds, federal mineral revenue sharing payments and bonuses received by the State shall be placed in a perma

tional by the US Supreme Court). Congress passes and President Jimmy Carter signs the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act and customary use on designated Federal lands.

heck is distributed chase price was $22.3 million. Oil prices drop. During the 1985-87 recession, nearly 1 in 10 jobs disappear from the Alaska economy.

ut of oil in the trans-Alaska pipeline peaks at 744 million barrels (2 million barrels per day).

nd makes its first investments in stocks and bonds outside the United States.

Kodiak Island as a means of restricting the British fur trade. He wanted to establish a monopoly of the fur trade in Alaska, but the Empress C

ed in ship building. Baranov engaged Shields to construct a vessel. When it was finished the ship was christened the Phoenix. It was used in

w Archangel, now known as Sitka.

yment of 2,000 land otter skins. The British were a presence in Alaska for the next 30 years.

rade with the Natives for furs. The Company tried new business ventures. It opened a coal mine at Port Graham. By 1857 the mine produce

al population, stabilized under Russian rule, declines rapidly. Major General Jefferson C. Davis, U.S. Army, assumes command of the Depar

named the creek where they found placer gold, Gold Creek, and they named Silver Bow Basin at the head of the creek. A mining district was

ogist had said the site contained only low-grade ore. It was worthless to French Pete, who did not possess the capital to develop it. Treadwe

ation, Capt. Merriman of the Revenue Cutter Corwin steamed in from Sitka, shelled the town and demanded and received a counter-indemn

hey were taught trades such as carpentry, seamanship, and boat-building, built their own sawmills and a cannery, and engaged in other ente

01. He anchored the ship that his chartered ship on the Chena River, a tributary of the Tanana, in August of 1901. Persuaded by Pedro of the

r 6 months imprisonment are provided. (AFTC)

h was the wording, Billiken, the God of Things as They Ought to be. The item was immediately popular and sold well at the A.Y.P. Expositi

ey would tarnish exposed brass, and even linen hung out on the line would be so eaten by the sulfuric acid content that it would fall to pieces

caves in at Douglas.

Ruby, and finally at Nome's Fort Davis. For Alaska, the flight was significant because it demonstrated that airplanes capable of carrying hea ses at Anchorage and Juneau.

ted 22 cases and 5 deaths. 300,000 units of antitoxin were being relayed from Nenana to Nome by dogteam. On February 2, 1925 Gunnar K Dipper and the North Star.

atch which later he gave to the State Museum.

had fallen. (AFTC)

C. on June 1, 1938. Jimmy Fox, whose Indian name is Anatlahash is his legal heir. (AFTC)

Inlet and production platforms are installed to bring production on-line for the Middle Ground shoal field, the Granite Point field, the MacArthu

. The 1960 census breaks down as follows: Total Population: 226,167 Civilian Population: 193,475 Caucasian: 141,854 Eskimo-Aleut: 28,63

Valdez was completely destroyed.

tate shall be placed in a permanent fund, the principal of which shall be used only for those income-producing investments specifically desig

erest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). Legislature repeals Alaska income tax.

m the Alaska economy.

de in Alaska, but the Empress Catherine would not allow it. Shelikov did, however, force the Natives on the island into submission.

ened the Phoenix. It was used in American waters and made two voyages to Siberia. Its chief value was symbolic, a demonstration of what t

ham. By 1857 the mine produced enough coal to support the colony. Surplus coal was taken to San Francisco but it was sold at a loss. The

assumes command of the Department of Alaska. A decade of military rule begins.

f the creek. A mining district was established and called Harrisburg, and soon a town first named Harrisburg, then Rockwell, and finally June

he capital to develop it. Treadwell recognized its potential and developed a very profitable enterprise. The year-round employment at the min

d and received a counter-indemnity of 400 blankets. (AFTC)

nery, and engaged in other enterprises.

1901. Persuaded by Pedro of the area's potential, he established his store there. A town grew up and named for the vice president of the Un

d sold well at the A.Y.P. Exposition in Seattle in 1909. Then it disappeared from the stateside scene. But someone had brought one to Nome

content that it would fall to pieces.

irplanes capable of carrying heavy loads could fly to and across Alaska.

. On February 2, 1925 Gunnar Kaasen arrived with the antitoxin and his leader, Balto, became famous. The dog mushers who composed th

Granite Point field, the MacArthur River field and the Trading Bay field. By 1968, the Cook Inlet is producing nearly 200,000 barrels per day,

an: 141,854 Eskimo-Aleut: 28,637 Indian: 14,444 Negro: 6,771 Japanese: 818 Filipino: 814 Chinese: 137 (AFTC)

ng investments specifically designated as eligible for permanent fund investments. All income from the permanent fund shall be deposited in

the island into submission.

s symbolic, a demonstration of what the colony on Kodiak could accomplish.

ncisco but it was sold at a loss. The company quit the venture. It also failed at whaling because it could not compete with the more efficient A

burg, then Rockwell, and finally Juneau began to flourish at a shallow bay called Miners Cove.

e year-round employment at the mine gave the town an economic base. Eventually, four mines were opened -- the Treadwell, the 700, the M

amed for the vice president of the United States at that time, Charles Fairbanks.

t someone had brought one to Nome where the King Island and Wales Eskimos were put to carving replicas in ivory, however, without the th

The dog mushers who composed the relay were Johnny Folger, Nickoli, Dave Corning, Sam Joseph, Harry Pitka, Jackscrew, Victor Annaum

cing nearly 200,000 barrels per day, and the income generated by oil production in Alaska is contributing more than 20% of the state govern

ermanent fund shall be deposited in the general fund unless otherwise provided by law. Alaska's population passes 400,000.

not compete with the more efficient Americans. The ice trade prospered, but it was not enough to justify the company's existence. The comp

ened -- the Treadwell, the 700, the Mexican, and the Ready Bullion -- and five stamp mills.

licas in ivory, however, without the throne or lettering. They caught on immediately as a northern souvenir and have been made ever since. B

arry Pitka, Jackscrew, Victor Annauma, Mires Connigan, Henry Ivanoff, Leonard Seppala, Charles Olson and Gunnar Kaasen. Ed Rohn was

g more than 20% of the state government's total revenues.

tion passes 400,000.

the company's existence. The company's long tenure in the Americas soon came to an end.

ir and have been made ever since. But the Pullen Museum in Skagway had an original and they may still have it in their present Seattle loca

n and Gunnar Kaasen. Ed Rohn was expected to make the final dash but Kaasen went through without awakening him. The distance from N

ll have it in their present Seattle location

awakening him. The distance from Nome to Nenana by dogtrail is 658 miles. The quarantine which was established on January 21 was lifted

established on January 21 was lifted on February 21.

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