From Worry To Worship Excerpt
From Worry To Worship Excerpt
From Worry To Worship Excerpt
By Julie Morris
These are scary times we are living in! There are so many things to worry about. If you are anything like I was, worries swirl around in your head taking turns tormenting you. Struggling against them is exhausting. They drag your focus away from the things you want to think about and keep you from doing a lot of the things you want to do. Maybe you feel, as I did, that you cant quit worrying. Even though I had been a Bible teacher for many years, I still couldnt control my anxious thoughts. So I worried because I couldnt stop worrying! I always hated it when someone told me to trust God because no one ever told me how to trust Him. Where was the trust button I could push? I felt like a terrible Christian because I couldnt trust Him like everyone else. I didnt realize at the time that many people were secretly worrying behind their contented-Christian masks. And I also didnt realize that there was an antidote to the panic that poisoned my thoughts. The Antidote to Panic I prayed earnestly for the Lord to help me stop worrying so He gave me something huge to worry about. I realize now that He did this so I would have a serious problem to practice not worrying about. This worry was the biggest one I had faced up to that point and I couldnt stand the panic it caused: My doctor told me he saw something very suspicious on my mammogram and he wanted me to go to a surgeon right away. The night before I was to go to the surgeon I was such nervous wreck that I couldnt sleep. I turned on the TV and the religious channel happened to be on. A choir was singing a soft melody We exalt thee. We exalt thee. We exalt thee, O Lord. Over and over they sang these words. My mind joined in their singing and soon I found that my panic subsided. A blanket of peace covered me and I fell asleep. Later, I woke up and fear gripped me again. I went back to the words that helped me before and began repeating them in my mind: We exalt thee. We exalt thee I exalt you I exalt you, O Lord. And after awhile I fell asleep again. I repeated this process
several times during the night. The next day, I was relieved to hear the surgeon say that I didnt have cancer, but I never forgot the valuable lesson I learned that night: It is impossible to worry and worship at the same time. Praise is the antidote to panic! That was the first of many exciting things the Lord has taught me over the last 25 years about dealing with worry, and I cant wait to share them with you! Spend 10 minutes a day going from worry to worship! I have designed this book so that you can make exciting progress on your journey from worry to worship in one month by spending just 10 minutes a day. Each daily lesson will lead you through a Bible study and brief assignment that will help you to apply the Word to your specific worries. I will never tell you what you should be able to do through Christ, or shame you because you tend to worry. Instead, I have sprinkled practical tips throughout the book that will help you to turn your worries to worship. Dont feel that you have to do everything I recommend. Just choose the things that you want to start doing to begin your journey. Later, you can add more when youre ready. I have received e-mails from people as far away as New Zealand and South Africa telling me how life-changing these things have been. Several have said that they use this book year after year to help them have meaningful quiet times. Isaiah 40 paints beautiful word pictures of God that help us to praise Him, no matter how many worries we have. I based the six chapters of this book on six of Gods qualities found in Isaiah 40. There are five daily lessons in each chapter and a total of 30 daily Bible studies. Here are the six chapters. We praise God for His PRESENCE. He is over us, next to us and inside of us. We praise God for His POWER: Everything that happens to us passes through His fingers first. We praise God for His PLAN: God knows what He is doing.
We praise God for His PURPOSE: No pain is wasted in Gods economy. We praise God for His PRIZE: God will reward us. We praise God for His PROMISES: His Word gives us something tangible to hold on to as we step out in faith. Daily Sections Each daily section includes the following parts that you can easily complete in 10 minutes: READ ABOUT ITa meditation on the verse in Isaiah 40 or parallel verse that explores the specific quality of God identified in that chapter. THINK ABOUT ITpractical information that will encourage you to apply that days Bible verse to your worries. WRITE ABOUT ITa questionnaire that will help you recognize the source of your worries. PRAY ABOUT ITEncouragement to write a prayer and read my prayer of praise. DO ITa helpful tip that will encourage you to put the principles into action. Leaders Guide for Small Groups At the end of the book, you will find a brief Leaders Guide so that you may use From Worry to Worship in a group setting--in Bible studies, support groups or Sunday school classes. You can also start a Worry to Worship group in your neighborhood or with another friend or two. The Leaders Guide offers questions that focus on one chapter a week, for a total of six weeks. These questions will encourage you to grow spiritually, share honestly and find support and encouragement from other Christians. I am delighted that God is using my weakness to help you. He has turned my misery to ministry. That is so like our Lord! He has made an ex-worrywart out of me and, whether
you are a worrywart like I was or you have a lot of serious problems in your life to worry about, He will use your problem with worrying for your good and His glory, as He helps you to journey from worry to worship. Contact me for information about my popular From Worry to Worship conferences and retreats. I would love to speak at your church and meet you personally! I would also like to hear how God is using From Worry to Worship in your life. E-mail me at Check out the website for other information and a valuable list of Worry to Worship verses that you can print out for your personal use.
Isaiah 40:12 Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance? Isaiah 40:15 Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales; he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust. Other people we have read about in Scripture had a Grasshopper Theology For example, in Numbers 13, Moses and his people were ready to enter the land God promised to give them. Moses sent twelve men over to spy on the land. Ten of them came back saying that they seemed like grasshoppers compared to the giants they saw there. Two of the men, Joshua and Caleb, looked at their problems from a heavenly perspective: they said that their God was big enough to defeat any giants in the land. But majority ruled and those with the Grasshopper Theology wouldnt be convinced. Joshua and Caleb got to enter the Promised Land, but the others missed out. I used to have a Grasshopper Theology and I let my worries get me down, but I am learning to have a heavenly perspective. When I praise my God for His greatness and remember that He is with me, my problems become like grasshoppers! Meditation on a heavenly perspective I remember that day so clearly. As Im writing this Im nine again and my ears are still ringing from the worst news in the world: Barbara and Nancy told Peggy that they couldnt stand me. Of course, Peggy couldnt wait to share every detail of their gossip with me. My dad planned to take the family to Grandmas in his sleek blue Navion that afternoon. Although I loved to fly, I entered the airplane so loaded down with hurts that I wasnt looking forward to the trip. Nancy and Barbaras fiery words echoed in the roar of the engine. After we took off, I glanced out the window and noticed, as if for the first time, that everything on the ground was miniature. Like Monopoly houses placed carefully on the board, the lovely homes near the airport suddenly dwindled in stature and
significance. As usual, Dad flew over our neighborhood, though a half-hour away by car, this detour took only a few minutes. Looking out the window, I strained to see if Barbara and Nancy were outside playing, but I was too far away. When I looked at the vast horizon before me, it didnt seem to matter anymore. I had broader perspective--a heavenly one. It was like I could see the whole picture now-where I had been and where I was going--and I was no longer stuck in tiny details like the cutting words of two unfaithful friends. As we soared effortlessly to Grandmas house, I looked forward in happy anticipation to the hugs that awaited me and I was relieved to leave Barbara and Nancy behind. THINK ABOUT IT Do you have a Grasshopper Theology? 1. Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by worries? YES__NO__ 2. Do you often feel defeated and say things to yourself such as, Ill never be able to do that!? YES__NO__ 3. When you are worried about something, do you find it impossible to turn off your anxious thoughts? YES__NO__ 4. Does God often seem distant to you? YES__NO__ If you answered YES to any of those questions, you might have a Grasshopper Theology. Continue reading and you will find out what to do about it. WRITE ABOUT IT What are you worried about today? You might think that listing your worries would be overwhelming, and it would be if you were stuck in a Grasshopper Theology. But you will be learning how to have a heavenly perspective and soon you will be able to deal with your worries and begin the process of
trusting God with them. So jot down in your notebook the things that worry you and underline the things that you worry about most. Terrorism, war Money Old age, death Health, appearance Getting along with others Loved ones poor choices Not enough time Inadequacy Surrounded by ungodliness Other peoples problems Unknown future Mistakes in the past, guilt Cant stop bad habit What people think about me Possessionsin disrepair Possessionswanting more PRAY ABOUT IT
Reflect on your problems in light of Todays Verse and journey from worry to worship by having a heavenly perspectivepraising God that He is with you and that He is bigger than any of your problems. Todays Verse Isaiah 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. Lord, Ive been worrying about Help me to rise above these problems and praise you because God, I praise you for your greatness. When I allow my thoughts to rise up with you, I am awestruck by your majesty. I see my problems from your eyes and I put things in their proper perspective. You are the creator and sustainer of the universe, yet you love me and are concerned about anything that concerns me. You dont want me to pretend that my problems dont exist. Instead, you want me to face them, praising you that you are far bigger than any of my problems and that you are with me, helping me deal with them one by one. DO IT Next time a worry hits you, ask yourself, Am I acting like I have a Grasshopper Theology?