Ahsan Internship Report

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Shamim & Co.

limited Multan
Submitted By:
Ahsan Yameen
MBS-09-32 Submitted To:

Miss sadaf HR Manager Shamim & Co. Boomer Cola Bottlers Multan

I am very thankful to ALLAH Almighty who gave me the opportunity, courage and confidence to explore more knowledge to complete my internship, which will help me greatly in my intellectual development and capitalize on skills. I express my deepest

gratitude to my parents whose prayers always supported in every task of my life and my advisor , Madam sadaf who really guide me to enhance my learning in Shamim & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Multan. . I am also very thankful to Mr. Junaid Riaz, Mr. Mansoor Ahmed, Mr. Imran Younus, Mr. Haider Ali Abidi, Mr. Khurrrum Shahzad, Mr. Abdul Qadir, Mr. Zain ul Abideen Mr. Asif Bukhari, Mr. Mohsin Shahzad, Mr. Mohsin Niaz, Mr. Tahir Mehmood Asad and Mr.Muhammad Asim who gave me very valuable knowledge about the workings in their respective department.

Institute of Management sciences has its prime objective to develop trained managers by offering them broad knowledge in a number of business areas and thus preparing successful management careers. One step to achieve this objective for students is to exercise internship program in any recognized organization. So this internship program facilitate the students to gain some understanding of complete working of the organization and at the same time enables the students to face challenges in their professional life by sharpening their skills of decision making, leadership, communication and team work. BZU sub campus Sahiwal issued me letter for internship at Shamim & Co (Pvt) Ltd Multan. I submitted letter in HRM office of Organization. After passing the internship test I joined the organization on Friday 23rd of July 2010. I completed my six week internship from 23rd of June to 4th of august 2011.

Shamim & Co. (Boomer Cola)

Shamim & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd. was established in 1964, Shamim & Co. is a franchise of Boomer Cola International Which deals in CSD (Carbonated Soft Drinks). Mr.Allah Nawaz Khan Tareen was the founder of the company and also chairman Boomer Cola International have 9 (nine) Franchises all over Pakistan. Shamim & Co.(Pvt.)Ltd. Jail Road Multan in one of them covering 18

District&135Stations.Shamim & Co. Multan has very committed staff and this is the reason that it captures More than 70% share of market share. Company has now serviced new experienced & competent sales staff & increases this share form 70% to 80 or 90%. As for as Distribution / Placement is conserved company has a very well-establish distribution network covering whole of the franchise areas. Depending on the potential of the town we have one and more than one distribution in each town. Sale supervisor / Sale officer is responsible for all the activities of that distributor. He looks after the stock availability, contingencies and all the routes covered by the salesman of that distribution. Salesman training is also a main responsibility of sale supervisor. Company has invested too much money in shape of Coolers, Visi Coolers, Counters and Cabin. Which are offered to those shops which are producing good sales to promote sales & oblige these shops? All the services matters of coolers and maintenance and look after of these assets are also the responsibility of our sales force.

Mission statement
Our mission is to be world premier products company focused on convince foods and beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in every thing we do, we strive to act with honesty, fairness and integrity.

The company operates through well experienced, loyal and hardworking employees. The first and the most basic plan it to train them according to the changing technology and computerized environment, and satisfying their needs and requirements. Upgrading the plant structure and installation of the new machinery are other plans. The company is planning to increase its sales force and development in its infrastructure in the coming time period.

The vision statement is we were number 1, and we will be number 1. Their collective success depends on their healthy balance strategies the organizations needs and the needs of their employees and their families.

Managing Director

General Manager Technical

General Manager Sales

General Manager Finance

General Manager Operations

Manager Production

Manger Sales & Marketing

Manager MIS

Manager Admin

Manager Quality Control

Manager Research & SIS

Manager Finance

Manager Personnel

Manager Account

Manager Shipping

Management of Shamim & CO.

It Includes:
Managing Director: Alamgeer Khan Tareen GM Sales& Marketing: MR. Amir Hameed GM Production: MR. Sarwar D Finance: MR. Mansoor Bukhari Manager Managements Accounts: Mr. Ch. TAHIR Ameen Manager MIS: MR. Rizwan Zafar Manager HR.D: Miss. Sadaf Manager Shipping: Mr. Major Farrooq

Internship program
During my six week internship program, I was moved through following departments: 1. Accounts Co-ordination Department 2. Supply chain Department 3. Banking and Finance Department 4. Management account Department 5. Human Resource Department 6. Audit Department

Accounts coordination department

My 1st week was in the accounts coordination department. . Mr. Khuram Shahzad is assigned the task of payment to supplier, others department and employees.

Function of department:
Supplier submits its Bill to respective department and that department sends it to Account Co-Ordination department. This department verified each bill and cross checking is made with account department. This department is basically a service department. The goal of the department is to make the payment of payable to supplier and others timely through a proper channel.

Mr. Haider Shah and Mr. Kashan are concerning with the sales budget. This budget includes

Publicity budget ( Banners, posters, gift, paint) TA ( Traveling Allowance) DA ( Daily Allowance ) TOT ( Tools of Trade) Department expenditure Insurance Payment

Mr. Khurm Shazad and Mr. Abdurehman look after the production budget. For production budget the main concern is the machinery maintenance. Because a working machinery is very much important for production. These includes Daily/Routine maintenance budget Seasonal/Annual maintenance budget New machinery budget

In the beginning large budget is approved from the Managing Director Alamgeer Khan Tareen. These payments subtracted from annual expenditure and production budget.

Purpose of department:
Make payment through cash if amount is less than 10,000 Rs and more than payment is made through cheque. In case of any problem and error The issue is discussed with the GM Finance Sohail . Bill delivery and receiving timing is noted. Provide help to every department through one window operation in accounts. Every department has a Co-Coordinator who looks after all the payment of that department.

My activities in accounts coordination department

Mr. Khurram Shahzad and his team cooperated with me very much. I worked mostly with Mr. Haider Ali Abidi. I learnt there how to give exclusive rights to their distributors. How

they do make agreements with them. I learnt how they maintain records of production budget and sales budget etc.

The future programs of the department are: Networking with depots Internet development within organization

There should be formal web site and e-mail accounts of employees in the organization. A small computer books library will help the staff to add their skills.

Supply chain department

My 2nd week was in Supply chain department. This department is working under the supervision of Mr. Abdul Qadir Assistant Manager of Supply Chain.

Function of department:
Mr.AbdulQadir looks after the procurement of raw material. These raw material include Labels Plastic Bottles Glass Bottles Glue Pallets and shells Cartons Layer Pad Case Pad

It performs various functions that are Generates inventory reports

Policy making Contacting with suppliers

Planning for future activities regarding inventory This department analysis daily stock reports and generates inventory reports showing how much stock is available.

It also performs the functions of policy making. It includes Policy designing Implementation Amendment

In this regard different policies about different activities Supply chain policy Driver policy NR Policy Plastic policy Mobile phone policy Cash shortage policy Plastic shell policy

Purpose of Supply Chain Department:

Mr. Abdul Qadir has been performing his job very efficiently. He himself set the target of raw material and approve it to CFO (Chief Finance Officer) Mr.Sohail Butt and GM Plant Mr. Sarwar. Mr. Abdul Qadir is very good planner. While looking at the current requirements he set the target for future o Cash flow. o Required raw material quantity.

Finance department
My 3rd week was in the finance department. This department is under the supervision of Mr. Shoaib Tirmazi. This department looks after the insurance of all the Assets of Organization. Leasing like direct leasing and sales and lease back. Letter of credit like Irrecoverable LC and Irrecoverable and Confirmed LC. Clearance of shipment is also comes under this department. Short term and long term financing too. This is one of the most important departments of this organization. This department made the financial plans of the organization, they analyze their resources and then concise other reports and gives the whole budget the organization can afford. Another job of this department is to make the complete record all financial and non-financial transactions made inside as well as outside the organization

Functions of Finance department

Insurance of Shamim & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Multan. Insurance of all the assets of Shamim & Co. (Pvt) Ltd Multan. These assets includes o Machinery o Building o Stock ( Empty & Liquid )

Modes of payment: By Sight Payment

By Acceptance By Negotiation By deferred payment

BY SIGHT PAYMENT: When shipment is delivered to buyer Supplier submit complete documentation to bank Bank inform the buyer through the letter or simply calling it Then buyer has to make the payment to beneficiaries

Letter of Credit: There are many types of Letter of Credit Irrevocable Letter of Credit Revocable Letter of Credit Irrevocable and Confirmed Letter of Credit Confirmed Letter of Credit Un-Confirmed Letter of Credit

Leasing: There are two type of leasing Direct leasing Sales and lease back

Sales and Lease back: You sale your working asset to bank when you need short/long term finance to fulfill your operating expense or any of the others. You have to make the payment to bank in installment with mark up/interest. After the complete payment assets again come under the organization ownership. Direct leasing:

Suppose you want to buy a new asset (Machinery). You go to bank ask him to purchase on the behalf of you and bank make the payment. You take that asset from bank on lease. You make the payment to bank in Installment with mark up. At the end asset will be your when you pay all the installment of that Machinery.

My activities in finance department

In finance department I learnt about leasing, insuralnce procedures and shipment clearance procedures etc.

Planning Leading Controlling Marketing Promotion Hiring and selection Interviewing new employees Supply and distribution channels Customer relationship

Managements Accounts Department

This department is working very efficiently under the leadership of CH.AASIM. He is a Assistant manager of this department. This department is very well established, having devoted workers.

The basic function of this department is to get data from production and MIS department to prepare report.
Daily stock position Ammanat Comparison Report Filled Stock position FIFO implementation Report Daily raw material yield report Daily production Losses Report Daily CO2 Production Report Labor Cost Tracking Report Shift wise record of daily transactions is maintained. Reconciling physical stock with MIS reports Posting on balance sheet register

Maintenance of stock FIFO system The whole companys function depends upon the reports generated by this department.

My activities in management accounts department I worked with them to prepare many reports which are prepared on daily and shift wise basis. For example these reports include daily losses reports, daily yield reports etc. I learnt how to calculate the stock, How the measure the quantity which is loaded out.


My 5th week was in Human Resource Department. This department deals mainly with a significant asset of the organization namely human resource. Miss Sadaf is manager of this department. Human Resource department is one of most important part of any organization which performs the activities for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee performance. The Human Resource mfg. process is as follow.

Recruitment Process
After collection of CVs a test is conducted. For all four levels there are different types of tests available. If the applicant passes the test then a realistic job preview is done. In which the applicant is shown the job environment and responsibilities. After the RJP further interviews are collected. The manager of HR takes 1st interview. It is an unstructured type of interview. The manager of respected department takes 2nd interview. This is a structured interview. After this GM and a panel of mangers take a 3rd interview. This interview is optional. Sometime it is taken and sometime not. It depends upon the level of job. Final Selection: After clearing all interviews final selection is made. Placement: Then employee is placed on his job.

Specifying jobs and roles:

When the new employees are hired the HR department specifies the job and the role of the new employee in the organization, which he will play in the future. In other words job specification and HR department does job description

Training: Then employee is trained. For this purpose On the job training is used.

Evaluation: Evaluation of employees is done by using software. This software helps the HR department in evaluation of employees. Evaluation is done on monthly basis. Feed Back: For feed back company uses the 360 degree rule. This enables the HR department to get feed back from every level and every side. Further feed back is provided and received by each employee. Career development Career development is the important function of the HR department because all the training programs are initiated by this department and therefore it plays a vital role in career development.

Outsourcing: HR department also outsource employees which are above manager level. For this purpose this department gets services of a recruiting agency named Abacus Recruiting Agency Lahore. So Shamim and Co. acts as a client of this agency for hiring of staff members above manager level.

Audit department
My 6th week was in the Audit Department of Shamim & CO (Pvt) Ltd Multan This department audits the empty Glass bottles, empty shells, Pallets on daily, weekly and monthly basis. The department also control and maintain the record of Khanpur Depot. This department is interlinked with the Management Account.

Purpose of Audit Department:

Check the availability of empty bottles to meet the demand of production. Accurately verified the empty of shipping and production. Check whether empty is short and excess. Daily report are made and matched with the production and shipping department. Plastic shell, Pallets verification are also made regularly Verification of empty of different depot.

Function of Department:
There are two types of empty in factory. Production empty at factory Shipping empty at factory In this department Audit of MIS department (Mela credit, Liquid Credit, Contingency short/excess reports). Audit of empty Glass bottles, empty shells, Pallets on daily and monthly basis. They daily verified the empty of shipping and production department. Verification of empty stock and liquid filled stock is also made. The department also control and maintain the record of Khanpur Depot Daily reporting of sale, cash and expense are made.

What I learnt in the organization

During my internship program I learnt a lot. For example How to deal with seniors and subordinates How to communicate with others Discipline Punctuality How to lead my subordinates How to maintain different records

The PEST analysis examines changes in a marketplace caused by the following factors.

Political changes Economic changes Social changes Technological changes

Political changes
From one party to another in control for example the rise in private healthcare and privatization under conservation governments. Non-alcoholic beverages fall within the food category under FDA. The government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products in terms of regulations.

There are potential fines set by government on companies if they do not meet a standard of law. The following are some standards of the factors that could cause Boomer -cola companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results described in their underlying companys forward statements.

The country like Pakistan whose economy is not strong enough is affected by so many economic variables which are the following. Low literacy rate is a problem due to which rural customers are not able to differentiate between BOOMER and Coke and etc. Employment opportunities will be higher. Increasing demand of BOOMER requires establishment of new production plants.

Combined pricing decisions with mutual agreement between BOOMER and Coke.


The social factors of each society and culture are

different from each other so these also influence the industries as well. Now it has become a trend that soft drink should be served in almost every gathering. Fast food popularity among teenagers has led to the increase in demand of BOOMER. Social welfare program is also active at BOOMER for example BOOMER donated 1 million Rs. For helping recent earth quake victims. They have been sponsoring different cricket events and Pakistan cricket team for almost 10 to15 years.

Technological changes:
Creates opportunities for new products and product improvements and of course new marketing techniques, the internet, E-commerce. Some factors that cause companies

actually results to differ materially from the expected results are as follows: The effectiveness of companys advertising, marketing and promotional programs. The new technology of internet and television which use special effects for advertising through media. They make some products look attractive.

SWOT Analysis

They are proactive in their competitive strategies. They are having more than one supplier for a particular material to avoid stock outs in case of high demand or suppliers inability to ship material. Daily revision of production schedule based on daily demand. They are financially very strong and require no financial help from country office Their plants are capable of producing round the clock. They offer attractive margins to the distributors, so distributors are willing to carry BOOMER brands They have a recovery department which is responsible for the collection of bad debts and identifying sales of low graded BOOMER. High brand image and customer loyalty On site training of 4 to 6 months enables plant engineers to manage plant operations effectively so that machine downtime is reduced to minimal. Very huge production capacity 500,000 per day. Boomer provides its own transport to distributors to cover those geographical areas where competitors are not distributing their products because of difficulties to reach there. Suppliers are bound to supply material on the terms and conditions specified by BOOMER

Poor feed back from employees Insufficient salaries Monopoly of distributors cause harm to company

Loading and unloading of trucks can take place only in the night because of the law permitting trucks to enter into urban areas only in the night. Factory is located in the residential areas with no proper parking arrangements for its vehicles.

Because of high customer loyalty and brand image new brands can gain customer preference very soon. There is high market growth opportunity Country office is responsible for national add campaigns which facilitate BOOMER Multan to enjoy the benefits of integrated advertisements. New brand introduction

Coca- Cola is on its way to get market share Amrat and Makka cola also trying to get market share Changes in consumer purchasing power Increase in competition Inflation Due to blame of religious group No proper employees orientation programs

On the basis of SWOT analysis I observed that shamim & Co. Multan is working in a very well manner. But I think they are lagging in some areas. So they need to improvement in some aeas. I have following suggestions to cope with their weakness and threats and take competitive advantage of theor strengths and opportunities. Taste

As the climate of Pakistan particularly Multan is very hot. The people were like sweet soft drinks as that of Coca-Cola. So there is a need to have slightly sweet drinks.

Promotional Schemes

Most o schemes introduce by the Boomer cola are standardized for all the regions. But the organization should recognize the differences in different regions and then launch the schemes to get feedback.

Rules & Regulation

Implementation of rules should be make sure in the organization at any cost. Some policies need to be redefined.

Islamic Activities

There is the perception that Boomer cola is the Jewish company and it facilitates Israel. The people who believes & dont like to drink. So it can be reduce by adding Islamic valued in the promotional campaigns.


The employees should be motivated to be loyal with the organization. It can be in the form of incentives and free sampling.

Shamim&Co focusing on continuous expansion especially in fixed assets like building and installing plant. The purpose of expansion is to increase its share. Committed staff is the main reason that it captures more than 85% share of market share. A very well-establish distribution network covering whole of the franchise areas. Company has invested too much money in shape of coolers, visi coolers, counters and cabin. Shamim&Co showing profits since last 5years and according to its annul reports its profit is increasing. Shamim&Co having 85%market share currently and market leader in Multan.

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