S105 ABSTRACTS / Bone 42 (2008) S17 - S110
S105 ABSTRACTS / Bone 42 (2008) S17 - S110
S105 ABSTRACTS / Bone 42 (2008) S17 - S110
atypical apoptosis. The present study investigated the potential after a tooth extraction. All were men, with middle age of
Zol-resistance developed by osteosarcoma cells after prolonged 55 years old. After melanoma was diagnosed, treatment with
treatment. After 4 to 8 weeks of culture in the presence of 1 μM zoledronic acid and prednisone was initiated. After approxi-
Zol, the effects of high dose Zol (10 to 100 μM) were compared mately 3 months, they developed a periodontics of lower mo-
between the untreated rat (OSRGA, ROS) and human (MG63, lars, which were removed. The extraction socket never healed,
Saos2) osteosarcoma cells and Zol-pretreated cells in terms of and the patients underwent biopsy of the exposed bone, which
cell proliferation, cell cycle analysis, migration assay and was osteomyelitis. They were treated with antibiotics, without
cytoskeleton organization. Long-term treatment with 1 μM Zol resolution of the exposed bone. During that interval, the teeth
reduced the sensitivity of osteosarcoma cells to high concentra- adjacent to the nonhealing socket also became loose and were
tions of Zol as measured by XTT assay, cell cycle analysis and removed. 4 months later, the patients complained of jaw pain
cell migration assay. The molecular mechanisms involved in and numbness of inferior lip — Vincent symptom. On physical
this reduced-Zol sensitivity were then analyzed. XTT assays examination, patients had large areas of exposed and seemingly
demonstrated that the Zol-resistant cells were always sensitive nonvital bone in the mandible. There were purulent exudate
to conventional anti-cancer agents such as methotrexate, within the open wounds and numerous extraoral fistulas. All
mafosfamide and doxorubicin and that the resistance process inferior teeth became mobile. There were no lesions present in
was not associated with the multidrug resistance (MDR) pheno- the maxilla, and all of the maxillary teeth were stable. Pano-
type. However, similar experiments performed in the presence ramic radiographs showed areas of patchy radiolucency within
of clodronate and pamidronate revealed that this drug resistance the mandible, widened periodontal ligament spaces around the
was restricted to the nitrogen containing bisphosphonates. This mandibular dentition, and periosteal bone deposition along the
resistance was also correlated with a higher transcript level and inferior border of the mandible. Local wound care was initiated,
enzymatic activity of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS), the and patients had a good response with near resolution of the
molecular target of Zol, in resistant cell lines. To demonstrate infection and decrease in pain. Reparative granulation tissue in
the involvement of FPPS in the Zol-resistance mechanism, the intervening sites along the open wounds was noted during a 3-
Zol-resistant cells were transfected with a siRNA for FPPS. month period. Patients stopped bisphosphonate therapy. Defects
Inhibition of FPPS activity was then assessed indirectly, by of mandible were augmented with autogenously bone from
Western blot analysis of the unprenylated form of the small tibia. The rehabilitation period was favorable to place implants
GTPase Rap1A. The transfection of Zol-resistant cells with for dental rehabilitation.
FPPS siRNA strongly increased their sensitivity to Zol. This
study demonstrates the induction of metabolic resistance after doi:10.1016/j.bone.2007.12.203
prolonged Zol treatment of osteosarcoma cells, probably by
selecting clones overexpressing FPPS. This study confirms the
therapeutic potential of Zol for the treatment of bone malignant 194
pathologies but reveals the possibility that the treatment Preclinical renal safety profile of ibandronate
regimen may be important in terms of duration and dose to T. Pfister a, E. Atzpodien a, F. Bauss b
avoid the development of drug metabolic resistance. Preclinical Research and Development, F. Hoffmann-La
Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland
doi:10.1016/j.bone.2007.12.202 Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Pharma Research Penzberg,
Penzberg, Germany
creatinine, serum urea, or urinary excretion of enzymes or inhibition was determined after incubation with free or loaded
proteins). When administered repeatedly the risk of cumulative DXR. All the cell lines were able to selectively incorporate both
renal damage is expected to be related to the residual tissue DXR loaded NPs and free DXR. Selective nuclear uptake of the
concentration i.e. the amount of bisphosphonate remaining in drug, typical of sensitive cells, was observed after 30’ of expo-
the kidney from the previous dose. The terminal tissue half-life sure. The cell lines were sensitive to free DXR, as confirmed by
of ibandronate was determined as 24 days which is about growth inhibition after exposition to the free DXR. NPs-loaded
consistent with the treatment interval of 3–4 weeks in the DXR was effective at the equivalent concentration as free DXR.
oncology indication. Modeling of tissue concentrations predicts In conclusion, NPs loaded with DXR were able to inhibit cell
that there should be no relevant accumulation in the kidney proliferation in vitro at the same conditions as free DXR.
when ibandronate is given every 3 weeks. This was experi-
mentally confirmed in a controlled 25-week study of repeated doi:10.1016/j.bone.2007.12.205
dosing every 3 weeks: Sub-clinical renal damage after a single
dose of 1 mg/kg ibandronate did not accumulated to clinically-
relevant nephrotoxicity. In conclusion, ibandronate has not only 196
a high safety margin based on single doses but also a very low In vivo effects of zoledronic acid on peripheral γ/δ
risk of cumulative renal toxicity when given intermittently due T lymphocytes in early breast cancer patients
to a favourable short renal tissue half-life. Daniele Santini, Federico Martini, Maria Elisabetta Fratto, Sara
Dr. Thomas Pfister; Salary; Employed at F. Hoffmann-La Galluzzo, Bruno Vincenzi, Chiara Agrati, Federica Turchi,
Roche Ltd, pre-clinical research and development. Paola Piacentini, Laura Rocci, Giuseppe Tonini, Fabrizio Poccia
Medical Oncology, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy
doi:10.1016/j.bone.2007.12.204 Infectious Diseases, National Institute for Lazzaro Spallanzani,
Rome, Italy