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This is the author version of article published as: Fitzgerald, Daniel L. and Walker, Rodney A. and Campbell, Duncan A. (2005) A Vision Based Forced Landing Site Selection System for an Autonomous UAV. In Proceedings ISSNIP, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright 2005 (please consult author) Accessed from

A Vision Based Forced Landing Site Selection System for an Autonomous UAV
#Daniel Fitzgerald 1, Rodney Walker 2, Duncan Campbell 3

Airborne Avionics Research Group, Queensland University of Technology George Street Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia, 2 Airborne Avionics Research Group, 3 Airborne Avionics Research Group,

Abstract This paper presents a system overview of the UAV forced landing site selection system and the results to date. The forced landing problem is a new field of research for UAVs and this paper will show the machine vision approach taken to address this problem. The results are based on aerial imagery collected from a series of flight trials in a Cessna 172. The aim of this research is to locate candidate landing sites for UAV forced landings, from aerial imagery. Output image frames highlight the algorithms selected safe landing locations. The algorithms for the problem use image processing techniques and neural networks for the classification problem. The system is capable of locating areas that are large enough to land in and that are free of obstacles 92.3% 2% (95% confidence) of the time. These areas identified are then further classified as to their surface type to a classification accuracy of 90% 3% (98% confidence). It should be noted that although the system is being designed primarily for the forced landing problem for UAVs, the research can also be applied to forced landings or glider applications for piloted aircraft.

civilian airspace, with the majority of tasks requiring at least some flight over populated areas. Operating UAVs over populated areas raises the concern of what to do if there is an emergency onboard the UAV that requires the UAV to perform an emergency or forced landing. Traditional approaches have included the use of unguided parachute descents or explosive flight termination systems. Unguided parachute descents do not ensure that the UAV does not descend into the side of a building, a busy freeway or a crowded school yard. Other flight termination systems use explosive devices that aim to completely destroy the UAV if an emergency presents itself, thus ensuring that the aircraft remains within a restricted area. This is obviously not a suitable safety methodology for use in an all-purpose civilian UAV platform. These limitations in existing solutions lead to the development of an autonomous system onboard the UAV, capable of deciding where to land by itself. Implementing the initial stages of this system is the focus of this research. The motivation for the development of a UAV forced landing system is to enhance UAV operational safety. Resolving safety issues is seen as a key component for obtaining approval for UAV operations in civilian airspace particularly above populated areas. The argument is that a UAV must be capable of mimicking all the capabilities of a human pilot this includes the capability to safely land an aircraft in the event of engine failure. Thus the research will serve as a baseline for aviation regulatory bodies such as Australias Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). Finally, based on an exhaustive literature review during the past 2 years, the group has found no forced landing research or forced landing system currently available for the UAV market. The approach taken to date is to explore the development of a UAV forced landing system that minimises cost and complexity. The proposed system was to have minimal impact on any existing UAV systems and was to be lightweight to allow the implementation of such a system in smallmedium UAVs.



The growth of the international unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry in the past decade has been enormous with no observable signs of reduction. A report by the Department of Industry Tourism and Resources [1] stated that the Australian government expected the UAV industry to almost double (198%) between 2001-2010. Advances in UAV technology across a broad range of disciplines have enabled the use of UAVs in civilian applications. Border surveillance, pipeline or power line monitoring, fire fighting, search and support are all emerging examples of civilian applications for UAVs. A common requirement for these applications is that the UAVs fly in

A number of approaches were considered for implementing a UAV forced landing system. One approach investigated relied on the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) position and a geographical information system `data-base of pre-surveyed potential landing sites. This method, whilst feasible, was not considered sufficiently robust due to its inability to locate moving objects on the ground and the risk of using out-dated GIS information (new buildings erected etc.). The only suitable solution is one that is based on a self-contained sensing system, that can locate suitable landing sites with no a priori information. This research aims to explore the application of machine vision to this problem. A vision-based solution, which is analogous to the human pilot forced landing process, could be light weight, relatively low cost and could be totally independent of other onboard systems. A number of novel techniques have been developed, based on work from the image processing, remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and artificial intelligence fields. The methodology presented in this paper represents the most computationally efficient and effective way of solving the problem based the techniques that have been trialled. This paper will present the architecture of the UAV forced landing site selection system, and present the most recent results of performance for the various components of the system.

augmentation is concerned with using slope maps to assist in rejecting unsuitable landing areas in the image. These could be generated from readily available digital elevation maps for the operational area stored on board the UAV1. Danger area identification is concerned with identifying certain objects in the image that the UAV must avoid. Examples include, detection of buildings or moving objects.

Preliminary Site Selection Map / Layer 1 Surface Type Classification Map / Layer 2 Slope Augmentation Map / Layer 3 Danger Area Identification Map / Layer 4

Map / Layer N



Map Fusion

The system for locating safe UAV forced landing sites approaches the selection of landing areas in a manner similar to that of a human pilot. Elements in the human pilots decision-making process that will be useful during the forced landing of a UAV include identification and classification of the size, shape, slope, and surface-type (grass, water, road, etc) of the candidate landing site. Knowledge of these elements has been used to produce a machine-vision UAV forced landing system that aims to be comparable to the performance of a human pilot. The framework is illustrated in Figure 1, with the structure of the system designed in a way that allows additional layers of information to be augmented easily within the current architecture. This research is primarily focussed on a robust solution to the first two layers in Figure 1. These layers are responsible for locating areas in imagery that are of an appropriate physical size to allow a landing, free of obstacles and whereby an accurate classification of the surface type can be established. The other layers shown form other important aspects of the problem that must be considered at a later time. Slope

Candidate Landing Site Output Map Figure 1 - UAV Safe Landing Site Architecture

The layers will be combined at a decision support level in the final stage. Weightings can be applied to each level according to their importance, and also from confidence levels provided by the individual layers themselves. For example, measures of confidence in the surface type It is the assumption that terrain in the operational area would not change dramatically over time (between map updates), hence slope maps could be a viable option for this problem. Pre-loading safe landing sites into memory is not a suitable option for the problem, as the system would not respond to changes in the environment leading to outdated maps, nor would the system be able to detect objects in open areas suitable for landing such as tractors, animals or people. Finally, that approach does not conform to the see-and-avoid mindset of the evolving UAV regulations around the world.

classification from the neural network could be used to make a final site selection from a list of candidates. Any number of additional layers could be added to this architecture to improve the decision-making process for the final safe landing site.

Australia region at an altitude of 4,500 ft. The time of the flight was mid-morning (9:30 11:30 am), the weather was fine and visibility conditions were excellent. The validity of the result is also dependent upon the number of samples that were tested on the system. As the testing sample is large, the performance analysis used in this research assumes a Gaussian distribution of errors [3]. Standard statistical techniques are then used to determine the confidence levels [3].



The algorithms in the system have been developed and verified with flight-test imagery. A series of flight trials have been conducted in a Cessna 172 to gather aerial video data of the south-east Queensland, Australia region. The dataset is comprehensive, including urban environments, rural areas, dense forest regions and differing water features rivers, dams, lakes and oceanic. The dataset enabled an evaluation of the robustness of the forced landing site selection algorithms to be conducted. The interested reader is referred to [2] for specific details of the data collection procedure, including the system, camera positioning and mounting.



The aim of the preliminary site selection layer is to locate, within an image, candidate landing sites that are of an appropriate geometrical size for an aircraft landing and also free of obstacles within that landing site. The geometrical area required for a UAV landing is dependant entirely on the type of UAV and is an input to the layer. Examples of obstacles could include trees in large grass fields, or cars in large bitumen areas. An initial approach was to search the image for areas of similar texture, large enough to land in. The assumption was that areas of similar texture would correspond to areas of the same object for example, grass fields or water bodies. The methods for this approach included various image segmentation approaches, based on texture matching [4] and region growing algorithms [5]. The disadvantage with the techniques trialled was that the computation time was large, and although the output gave a number of areas, there was still no indication of potential obstacles within these regions. The solution presented in this paper is less complex in comparison, with results that were significantly improved, for significantly less computational time. The results with the new framework, have improved from identifying very few areas (approximately 10 %), to locating the majority of available areas in the images (approximately 95 %). The reduction in processing time was approximately 90 %. This figure can be attributed to the fact that the original method involved a number of complicated image processing steps compared with the simplicity of the current approach. Details can be found in [2]. The current approach uses Canny edge detection [6], followed by a line-expansion algorithm [2]. A series of pre-set landing site masks were then moved through the images to find areas containing no edges. It was the assumption that regions in the image that contained no edges, corresponded to areas that contained no obstacles. Additionally, since boundaries between different objects usually have a distinct border or edge (grass/bitumen boundary for example), areas with no edges were assumed to correspond to areas of similar texture (ie: the same object, for example a grass field).

Figure 2 - Cessna 172 and Camera used for Data Collection

The results for the preliminary site selection layer were formulated by using a human user to verify, on a frame-byframe basis, the number of correctly identified areas that were free of obstacles and large enough to land in. The user was able to judge areas that were large enough by using a passing sizing element manually over the image when required. These frames were selected at random from the data set. The surface type classification layer was tested with the type of data that would be expected from the first layer of the system. These testing samples were classified manually by a human operator. It should be noted that the results are limited to specific conditions imposed by the collected data set. The data set comprises of aerial imagery of the South-East Queensland,

The line expansion algorithm (presented in detail in [2]) aids the process in a number of ways. Firstly, it acts as a buffer zone between potentially hazardous obstacles and the candidate landing sites. The other advantage is that it reduces the quantity of mixed pixels2 that would reduce the classification performance in the classification stage [7]. Figure 3 shows an example of an output frame from nominal performance of the preliminary site selection layer. A number of conclusions can be drawn from this figure. The first is that the algorithm has identified 6 free obstacle areas in the image, each comprising of a number of different possible landing sites. These irregular areas are formed from the combination of a series of landing site masks (refer [2]). The second conclusion is that the algorithm has successfully avoided the obstacles nearby to the grass areas, such as trees and road borders.


Figure 4 Candidate Landing Sites: Layer 1; Incorrect Performance

The preliminary testing performed on this first layer has yielded good results. The testing methodology was to take image frames at random from the collected flight data (approximately 23,000 frames); pass the preliminary site selection algorithm over the frame (output similar to Figure 3); and then ask a human user 2 questions. 1. 2. Of the areas identified as free of obstacles, how many are free of obstacles? Are there any areas that are large enough and free of obstacles that the system has not identified?

These questions allow statistics to be formulated on the performance of the algorithm relating to: 1. 2. Probability (system says it is free of obstacles | human interpreter says it is free of obstacles); and Probability (system says it is not free of obstacles and large enough | human interpreter says it is free of obstacles and large enough).

Figure 3 Candidate Landing Sites: Layer 1; Nominal Performance

Figure 4 shows an example where the preliminary site selection algorithm has not performed correctly. In this example, 3 tree obstacles (labelled in the figure) have been missed. The reason for this is that there were no edges detected around these trees. This illustrates an important point about the approach taken. The success of the algorithm is dependant on its ability to find edges around objects if they are not found, the object will go undetected.

This process was repeated on as many frames as were required to quote the performance of this system statistically as described above. The system identified obstacle-free areas 92.3% 2% at a 95% confidence level. This means that approximately 92% of the time, whenever a region is identified (such as the regions in Figure 3), the area will be free of obstacles. This result was obtained by examining over 700 regions. The system misses obstacle-free areas 5.3% 2% at a 98% confidence level. This result indicates that out of all possible regions identified in the image frames, there were approximately 5% that were missed. These results were obtained by examining over 700 regions also. It is conceded that visual based examinations are a very subjective process, however the utmost care and diligence was taken by the human users in the collection of these results. The 2% confidence interval stated above accounts for some of the issues of subjectivity.

Mixed pixels is a term used to describe pixels from a different classification class mixed in with pixels in another class. An example is a region of trees surrounding a grass field, whereby both the trees and grass get classified together at the same time. Mixed pixels pose a serious problem in the remote sensing field, since the classification accuracy is reduced.



surface type to a classification accuracy of 90% 3% (98% confidence). This is based on testing of over 500 samples. Future work is planned for the surface type classification layer. The use of a more complex artificial neural network and the use of additional hidden layers is anticipated to improve the classification accuracy even further.

The surface type classification layer of the framework aims to robustly classify the surface type of the candidate landing sites from the preliminary site selection layer. This approach means that the entire image does not need to be classified only the areas of interest do. This saves a considerable amount of computation time. A variety of approaches were considered for the surface type classification layer. These included elements from the fields of texture classification [8, 9], pattern classification [10-13] and the field of automated image indexing [14, 15]. The specific approaches that were trialled included, probabilistic models [4, 16], Bayesian classifiers [17], Euclidian classifiers and Artificial Neural Networks [5]. As concluded in [18], these methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages for the different classifiers, however each usually performs adequately where the separate class data has adequate separation in the feature space. The results are usually determined by the careful selection of good features and good training practices. The use of multi-spectral data such as the near infrared spectrum, aids the classification between land cover classes quite dramatically particularly between water and vegetation for instance. For this research however, where only the visible spectrum is being considered, variations between features in the feature space are small and not easily distinguishable. Furthermore, input feature data is not necessarily normally distributed, as is required in maximum likelihood detection processes. Thus, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been chosen for this problem. ANN classifiers are able to learn more complex non-linear relationships between input features and desired output classes (suitable when classes lie close together in the feature space), and once trained can perform classification rapidly [7]. The current approach uses a single hidden layer, radial basis probabilistic ANN. These networks have been shown to be suitable for classification problems [5]. Input features include both colour and textural features. The features include the mean, variance and median of the hue, saturation and intensity images of the region to be classified. Additionally, the mean and variance of the Gabor filtered images of the regions at 7 different frequencies are also used. Gabor filtered images have been shown to work well for texture classification problem [19-22]. This feature space is then reduced down by running a piecewise component analysis (PCA), as described in [23]. Output classes include grass, water, bitumen and tree regions. Results at the time of writing demonstrate the surface type classification layers ability to classify the correct class of



In the past decade there has been prolific growth in the number of UAVs, UAV based companies and UAV operators all around the globe. This growth however, will ultimately lead to the increase in UAV related incidents, meaning there is a definite need for a forced landing system for UAVs, an area that has no attention to date. A report by the US Department of defence has stated that 48% of all UAV Class A failures could be attributed to communications and propulsion failures [24]. This means that the wide-spread use of a forced landing system could have prevented nearly half of all UAV crashes if available. This paper has presented the results to date for the vision based UAV forced landing site selection algorithm. The results have been promising, with the algorithm identifying free obstacle areas of appropriate geometric size 92.3% 2% (95% confidence). The areas identified were then further classified as to their surface type, with a vision sensor operating in the visible spectrum only, to a classification accuracy of 90% 3% (98% confidence). This classification accuracy is expected to be improved upon, with the use of a more sophisticated neural network. The results are limited to specific conditions imposed by the collected data set and the capacity of the humans to provide a reference data set, which in turn is limited by the technical capabilities of the imaging system (eg. ground resolution distance, dynamic range, etc). The data set comprises of aerial imagery of the South-East Queensland, Australia region at an altitude of 4500 ft. The time of the flight was midmorning (9:30 11:30 am), the weather was fine and visibility conditions were excellent. Issues that are still outstanding, include the effects of differing lighting conditions at different times of the day and the effects of differing altitudes on the classification accuracies presented. In conclusion, one goal as UAV researchers is to have UAVs fully integrated into civilian airspace flying over populated areas. This will never be achieved, without some kind of safety system to land the UAV in the event of a failure. It is believed that this research on a forced landing system for UAVs will be an ideal candidate for such a system.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Financial support for this project has been granted by QUT and the Faculty of Built Environment Engineering, QUT. This research was supported in part by a grant of computer software from QNX Software Systems Ltd.




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