Edexcel GCSE 2009 Drama - Spec
Edexcel GCSE 2009 Drama - Spec
Edexcel GCSE 2009 Drama - Spec
Edexcel GCSE
in Drama (2DR01)
Welcome to the Edexcel GCSE
in Drama Specifcation
This specication has been written to help all your students succeed.
It has been designed in sections to help you nd your way around
the content.
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Specifcation at a glance 4
Qualifcation content 6
List of unit contents 8
Unit 1 Drama Exploration 9
Overview 9
Detailed unit content 13
Assessment criteria 16
Unit 2 Exploring Play Texts 18
Overview 18
Detailed unit content 23
Assessment criteria 24
Unit 3 Drama Performance 27
Overview 27
Detailed unit content 30
Assessment criteria 33
Assessment 37
Assessment summary 37
Assessment objectives and weightings 37
Relationship of assessment objectives to units 38
Entering your students for assessment 38
Student entry 38
Forbidden combinations and classifcation code 38
Access arrangements and special requirements 39
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 39
3 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Controlled assessment 40
Summary of conditions for controlled assessment 40
Internal standardisation 41
Authentication 41
Further information 42
Assessing your students 42
Awarding and reporting 42
Unit results 43
Qualifcation results 43
Resitting of units 44
Language of assessment 44
Quality of written communication 44
Stretch and challenge 44
Malpractice and plagiarism 45
Student recruitment 45
Progression 45
Grade descriptions 46
Resources, support and training 48
Edexcel resources 48
Edexcel publications 48
Endorsed resources 49
Edexcel support services 50
Training 51
Appendices 52
Appendix 1 Key skills 53
Appendix 2 Wider curriculum 54
Appendix 3 Codes 56
4 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Specifation at a glance
The Edexcel GCSE in Drama is comprised of t hree unit s.
Unit 1 Drama Exploration *Unit code: 5DR01
Internally assessed
Availability: June series
First assessment: June 2011
30% of
t h e GCSE
Over vi ew of cont ent
Application of the programme of study
Application of a centre devised topic/theme/issue
Over vi ew of assessment
six- hour pract ical explorat ion
Documentary response (recommended maximum 2000 words)
30% of
t h e GCSE
Over vi ew of cont ent
Application of the programme of study
A full and substantial play text chosen by the centre
Experience of live theatre as a member of the audience
Over vi ew of assessment
six-hour practical exploration of the play text
Documentary response to practical exploration (recommended maximum 1000 words)
Documentary response to live theatre (recommended maximum 2000 words)
Specifcation at a glance
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Unit 3 Drama Performance *Unit code: 5DR03
Externally assessed
Availability: June series
First assessment: June 2011
4 0% of
t h e GCSE
Over v i ew of cont ent
Demonst rat e knowledge and underst anding of pract ical drama skills t hrough t heir applicat ion in
a live performance
Communicat e t o an audience
Over v i ew of assessment
St udent s will present t heir work as eit her performers or performance support st udent s in a
single performance to an examiner appointed by Edexcel.
* See Appendix 3 for a description of this code and all other codes relevant to this qualifcation.
6 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Programme of Study
The Programme of Study sets out the essential content for the
It represents a comprehensive scheme that allows students to gain
relevant skills, knowledge and understanding that can be applied to the
required work in t he assessment unit s.
The content of the Programme of Study is designed to cover all the main
requirements that contribute to the drama form and allows students to
appreciat e what is needed t o communicat e meaning t hrough drama.
The Programme of Study will introduce students to:
Ex pl or at i ve st r at egi es
St ill image
Thought - t racking
Narrat ing
Hot - seat ing
Role play
Cross- cut t ing
Forum t heat re
Marking t he moment
The dr ama medi um
The use of cost ume
The use of masks and/or make-up
The use of sound and/or music
The use of light ing
The use of space and/or levels
The use of set and/or props
The use of movement, mime and gesture
The use of voice
The use of spoken language
Qualifcation content A
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
The el ement s of dr ama
Cont rast s
Charact erisat ion
For ms of st i mul i
Artefacts: photographs, pictures, masks, props, costume, sculpture,
objet dart
Play scripts
Live theatre performance
Television, flms, DVDs and videos
Newspaper and magazine articles
Extracts from literary fction and non-fction
A Qualifcation content
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
List of unit contents
Unit 1 Drama Exploration 9
Unit 2 Exploring Play Texts 18
Unit 3 Drama Performance 27
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Unit 1 Drama Exploration
Unit overview
This unit requires st udent s t o engage in a programme of work t hat will
help them appreciate how a variety of drama activities can be used to
deepen t heir underst anding of drama form. St udent s will learn t hat it is
through practical engagement that understanding might be enriched.
The unit requires students to explore a theme, topic or issue through the
application of learning from the Programme of Study. Stimuli, chosen
by the teacher, will allow students to deepen their understanding of
the central aspects of the chosen theme, topic or issue and come to
appreciate how the dramatic medium and strategies can be used to
creat e drama form and communicat e meaning.
Students will have the opportunity to make connections between
different stimuli which support the theme, topic or issue and explore
the creative potential of the material. The work produced for this unit
is intended to have meaning for the participants and is not intended for
performance t o a t heat re audience.
The process of teaching this unit will be based on the Programme
of Study and include sharing work with others and responding to
constructive feedback. This will offer students the opportunity to:
engage in a range of drama activities
explore a range of st imuli chosen across different t imes and cult ures
make connections and comparisons between different stimuli.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment overview
Pr act i cal ex pl or at i on
Students will participate in a teacher led and teacher supervised six hour
practical exploration of drama. The six hours may be conducted in one
session or divided into suitable sessions that make up the six hour total.
During the practical exploration students should be given the opportunity
to work in a variety of different sized groups.
The practical exploration will be based on the activities that students
have experienced during the Programme of Study and will include:
at least two different types of stimuli
at least four explorative strategies
at least t wo examples of t he drama medium
the provision of opportunities to select and use appropriately the
elements of drama identifed in the Programme of Study.
Evidence for this unit will consist of:
a video or DVD of one explorative session, lasting no more than
two hours. Five students must be identifed, representing within the
the highest achieving student
the lowest achieving student
three students representing a range of achievement between the
highest and lowest
a t eacher comment sheet for t he sample st udent s
a teachers Record of Work clearly showing the content of the
workshop and indicating how the assessment objectives were met.
The teacher-assessor must make accurate judgements about the quality
of students practical and written work.
Reference should be made to the tutor support materials, Teachers
Guide, for guidance on the process of assessment.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Document ar y r esponse
Students will produce a documentary response to the work conducted
during t he six- hour pract ical explorat ion t hat will allude t o t he process in
the following terms:
a refection on the students own work and the work of others
an evaluation of the students understanding of the explored theme,
t opic or issue
an evaluation of how the use of explorative strategies informed the
students understanding of the explored theme, topic or issue
an evaluation of how the drama medium can contribute to the creation
of dramat ic form.
The response can include any form of suitable documentation, for
example drawings, plans, sketches, illustrations, photographs.
The documentary response must be no longer than 2000 words.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Controlled conditions
The compass of the work for this unit will be centre devised. A topic,
theme or issue will be chosen by the teacher.
Pr act i cal ex pl or at i on
Pract ical explorat ion will t ake place in t he cent re under formal
supervision and be led by the teacher. The teacher will:
introduce the topic/theme/issue through a choice of at least two
suitable stimuli
supervise student response to the stimuli through suitable selection of
at least four explorative strategies
supervise student response to the theme/topic/issue through at least
t wo examples of t he drama medium
supervise student response to a suitable selection of drama elements
t eachers must make det ailed not es for assessment purposes of all
student activity during t he six- hour pract ical explorat ion.
Document ar y r esponse
Students may make notes after the six-hour practical exploration but
the fnal completion of the documentary evidence must take place under
It is recommended that the fnal preparation of the documentary
evidence will take between four and six hours. During the process of
completing the documentary evidence the work must not be removed
from t he cent re.
Aut hent i cat i on
Both practical and written evidence for this unit will be carried out under
controlled conditions and each student, and the teacher, will be required
to authenticate that the work submitted for assessment is the students
own unaided work.
Teachers will monitor and track each students work and apply refective
practice to ensure that the work submitted for assessment is the
students own.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Detailed unit content
Pr ogr amme of St udy
The Programme of Study on pages 6 and 7 forms the basis of the
cont ent for t his unit .
The t opi c/ t heme/ i ssue
The choice of topic, theme or issue must be devised by the centre.
A topic might be expressed, for example, as fame
A theme might be expressed, for example, as monsters
An issue might be expressed, for example, as the environment.
Choi ce of st i mul i
The choice of at least two stimuli will be made in the light of the topic,
theme or issue. Choice of stimuli should be made to allow students the
maximum potential for creative and imaginative activity.
Examples of possible stimuli are:
art ifact s
play scripts
live theatre performance
television, flms, DVDs and videos
newspaper and magazine articles
ext ract s from literary fction and non-fction.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Ex pl or at i ve st r at egi es
The choice of at least four explorative strategies will be made in order
that students can gain a depth of understanding of the topic, theme or
issue that is the object of their exploration. Students should be able to
evaluate how the strategies helped them gain greater insight into their
Examples of explorative strategies are:
st ill image
t hought - t racking
narrat ing
hot - seat ing
role play
cross- cut t ing
forum t heat re
marking t he moment .
The use of t he dr ama medi um
At least two examples of the drama medium will be chosen in order
that students can develop their explorations. This will also give them
the opportunity to see how the application of the drama medium can
enhance the communication of the meaning of the topic, theme or issue
when recreat ed in dramat ic form.
Examples of the use of the drama medium:
cost ume
masks and/or make-up
sound and/or music
light ing
space and/or levels
set and/or props
movement, mime and gesture
spoken language.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
The appl i cat i on of dr ama el ement s
St udent s should come t o recognise t he element s of drama wit hin t heir
work and how these can assist and clarify dramatic form.
Examples of drama elements are:
cont rast s
charact erisat ion
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment criteria
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO1 Practical
explor at ion
Ther e is an out st anding under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial of
the theme/topic/issue. There is an in-depth response to the use of
strategies, elements and medium and a creative and collaborative
involvement in all practical tasks which are committed and
f ocused. Communicat ion of ideas demonst r at es an out st anding
creative and imaginative facility that clearly benefts both the
st udent and t he wor k of ot her s.
Ther e is an excellent under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial
of the theme/topic/issue. There is an assured use of strategies,
elements and medium and a creative and collaborative
involvement in all practical tasks which are committed and
f ocused. Communicat ion of ideas demonst r at es an excellent
creative and imaginative facility that benefts the students work
and has some ef f ect on t he wor k of ot her s.
Ther e is a good under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial of t he
theme/topic/issue. There is an inconsistent use of strategies,
elements and medium, and creative and collaborative involvement
in pr act ical t asks is ir r egular. Communicat ion of ideas
demonstrates a good creative and imaginative facility.
Ther e is an adequat e under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial of
the theme/topic/issue. There is some use of strategies, elements
and medium, and a creative and collaborative involvement in
some practical tasks but there is a lack of commitment and focus.
Communication of ideas demonstrates an adequate creative and
imaginative facility.
Ther e is a limit ed under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial of t he
theme/topic/issue. There is poor use of strategies, elements
and medium and a lack of involvement in all practical tasks.
Communication of ideas demonstrates a limited creative and
imaginative facility.
Ther e is no under st anding of t he dr amat ic pot ent ial of t he
theme/topic/issue. There is no evidence of the use of strategies,
elements and medium and there is a lack of involvement in all
pr act ical t asks. Communicat ion of ideas does not demonst r at e
creative and imaginative facility.
Unit 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO3 Documentary
r esponse
There is an outstanding evaluation of the students understanding
of the explored theme, topic or issue. The use of strategies and
medium shows an outstanding knowledge of how they contribute
t o t he cr eat ion of dr amat ic f or m. Ther e is an out st anding
response to the work of others demonstrating a highly perceptive
appreciation of the collaborative involvement required.
There is an excellent evaluation of the students understanding
of the explored theme, topic or issue. The use of strategies and
medium shows an excellent knowledge of how they contribute to
t he cr eat ion of dr amat ic f or m. Ther e is an excellent r esponse t o
the work of others demonstrating a considerable appreciation of
the collaborative involvement required.
There is a good evaluation of the students understanding of the
explored theme, topic or issue. The use of strategies and medium
shows a good knowledge of how they contribute to the creation
of dr amat ic f or m. Ther e is a good r esponse t o t he wor k of
others demonstrating a notable appreciation of the collaborative
involvement required.
There is an adequate evaluation of the students understanding
of the explored theme, topic or issue. The use of strategies and
medium shows an adequate knowledge of how they contribute
t o t he cr eat ion of dr amat ic f or m. Ther e is an adequat e r esponse
t o t he wor k of ot her s demonst r at ing some appr eciat ion of t he
collaborative involvement required.
There is a limited evaluation of the students understanding of
the explored theme, topic or issue. The use of strategies and
medium shows a limited knowledge of how they contribute to the
cr eat ion of dr amat ic f or m. Ther e is a limit ed r esponse t o t he wor k
of others demonstrating little appreciation of the collaborative
involvement required.
There is no evidence in the evaluation of the students
understanding of the explored theme, topic or issue. The use of
strategies and medium shows an absence of knowledge of how
they contribute to the creation of dramatic form. There is no
r esponse t o t he wor k of ot her s demonst r at ing no under st anding
of the collaborative involvement required.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Unit 2 Exploring Play Texts
Unit overview
This unit introduces students to the content of plays written for the
theatre. They will learn how to interpret a play in various ways and
understand how a play works in performance.
The play text to be studied will be chosen by the centre to ensure that it
is suitable for students interests and abilities. It must be a complete and
substantial play text that has been published professionally.
The explorat ion process should make reference t o t he experience
gained through the Programme of Study. There should be a focus on the
communication of meaning in the play through:
the interpretation of a complete and substantial play text
recognition of the ways in which playwrights, directors, designers and
performers communicat e meaning t hrough t he medium of drama
t he select ion of appropriat e element s of drama t hrough t he explorat ion
of a complete and substantial play text
gaining a pract ical underst anding of t he medium of drama t hrough a
complete and substantial play text
evaluating the effectiveness of different interpretations of a complete
and substantial play text
developing performance skills and rehearsal techniques
developing and realising ideas in response to a play within a group
using t he language of drama t o communicat e ideas t o ot hers
recognising the ways in which playwrights record their instructions in a
applying drama skills to the realisation of extracts from a complete
and substantial play text
approaches to developing characters and/or roles
exploring different st aging met hods
understanding the social, cultural and historical context of a complete
and substantial play text.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Students must have experience of live theatre as a member of the
audience. The live theatre could be a performance of:
the play chosen for exploration
any other play
a play performed by peers wit hin a cent re.
Reference should be made to the tutor support materials, Teachers
Guide, for guidance on the process of assessment.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment overview
Evidence for this unit will consist of:
participation in a six hour practical exploration based on a complete
and substantial play text.
This unit requires students to:
part icipat e in a six hour pract ical explorat ion of a complet e and
substantial play text that includes:
t he use of at least f our of the explorative strategies listed in the
Programme of Study in response to sections of the play
at least t w o of t he skill areas list ed in t he drama medium sect ion of
the Programme of Study
opportunities to select and appropriately use the elements of drama
listed in the Programme of Study.
Evidence for this unit will consist of:
a documentary response analysing and evaluating the students own
and other students work during the exploration process (maximum of
1000 words. Drawings, sketches, plans etc may be included)
an evaluation of a live performance of a complete play (maximum of
2000 words)
while style of presentation may be fexible, there must be some
sustained writing within the documentary evidence
a video or DVD of one explorative session, lasting no more than
two hours. Five students must be identifed representing within the
the highest achieving student
the lowest achieving student
three students representing a range of achievement between the
highest and lowest
a t eacher comment sheet for t he sample st udent s
a teachers Record of Work clearly showing the content of the
workshop indicating how the assessment objectives were met.
The teacher-assessor must make accurate judgements about the quality
of students practical and written work.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Controlled assessment
The work for this unit will be centre devised. A complete and substantial
play text will be chosen by the teacher.
Pr act i cal ex pl or at i on
A six-hour practical exploration of the chosen play text will take place
under formal supervision in the centre and be led by the teacher. The
teacher must:
introduce the chosen play text
supervise student response to the play text through suitable selection
of at least four explorative strategies
supervise student response to the play text through at least two
examples of t he drama medium
supervise student response to a suitable selection of drama elements
make detailed notes for assessment purposes of all student activity
during t he six hour pract ical explorat ion
Document ar y r esponse
Students may make notes after the six hour practical exploration but
the fnal completion of the documentary evidence must take place under
It is recommended that the fnal preparation of the documentary
evidence will take between two and four hours. During the process of
completing the documentary evidence the work must not be removed
from t he cent re.
Response t o l i v e per f or mance
Students may make notes following their attendance at live theatre but
completion of the evaluation must take place under supervision.
It is recommended that the fnal preparation of the documentary
evidence will take between four and six hours. During the process of
completing the documentary evidence the work must not be removed
from t he cent re.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Aut hent i cat i on
Both practical and written evidence for this unit will be carried out under
controlled conditions and each student and the teacher will be required
to authenticate that the work submitted for assessment is the students
own unaided work.
Teachers will monitor and track each students work and apply refective
practice to ensure that the work submitted for assessment is the
students own.
Quality of written communication
Quality of written communication will be taken into account in the
marking of the response to live theatre. The assessment descriptors of
quality of written communication is embedded within the appropriate
assessment criteria grid (page 26).
Quality of written communication includes:
clarity of expression
st ruct ure and present at ion of ideas and grammar
punct uat ion and spelling
t he use of t echnical language.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Detailed unit content
The emphasis in this unit is on students developing an understanding
of the ways in which playwrights record their ideas in a script and how
performers, directors and designers use drama to interpret and realise
t hese ideas in performance.
Within this unit, work is intended to have meaning for the participants
and is not int ended for performance t o a t heat re audience. The work
for this unit may, however, be developed and used as the material for
the performance support or scripted performance in Unit 3. Part of the
process of t eaching t his unit will include sharing work in progress wit h
others and responding to constructive feedback.
This unit requires students to:
participate in an explorative six hour workshop. This must include:
t he use of at least f our of the explorative strategies listed in the
Programme of Study in response to sections of the play
at least t w o of t he skill areas list ed in t he drama medium sect ion of
the Programme of Study
provide opportunities to select and appropriately use the elements
of drama listed in the Programme of Study.
provide a documentary response to their work on the chosen play and
the explorative work conducted in the six hour exploration.
Included should be:
reference to the connection of the explored extracts of the play to
the whole play
an explanation of how the explorative strategies enhanced their
understanding and appreciation of the play
an explanation of how the play was explored using the drama
an explanation of how the play was explored using the elements of
write an evaluation of an experience of live theatre as a member of the
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment criteria
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO1 Practical
explor at ion
Students practical exploration shows an outstanding
understanding of the text. There is a fuent use of strategies,
elements and medium and a creative and collaborative
involvement in all practical tasks which are committed and
f ocused. Communicat ion of ideas shows an out st anding
knowledge and understanding of plot, character, form and
st r uct ur e.
Students practical exploration and understanding of text is
excellent showing imaginative use of strategies, elements and
medium and sustained, collaborative involvement in all practical
tasks. Communication reveals an excellent knowledge and
understanding of plot, character, form and structure effectively in
all practical activities.
Students demonstrate a good understanding of the text, which
is explored with appropriate engagement and use of strategies,
elements and medium in practical tasks. Communication reveals
a good grasp of plot and character, and there is a confdent use of
f or m and st r uct ur e.
Students practical exploration of the text is adequate with
some contribution of ideas and understanding of strategies,
elements and medium to meet the tasks. There may be stronger
involvement in some aspects of the practical exploration than
others, and they may not always be able to demonstrate their
understanding of text and form clearly.
Students practical exploration of the text is limited. Their
response to, and understanding of the text is basic or fawed, or
they cannot communicate their ideas and intentions. Cooperation
and interaction with others may be inconsistent.
Students practical exploration of the text is limited. There is no
evidence of a response to and understanding of the text and there
is no communicat ion of ideas and int ent ions. Cooper at ion and
interaction with others is not evident.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO3 Documentary
Students analysis and evaluation of their own work and that of
others is outstanding. They show considerable understanding and
appreciation of the way the medium and elements of drama are
used to interpret a play.
Students analysis and evaluation of their own work and that
of others is excellent. They show clear understanding and
appreciation of the way the medium and elements of drama are
used to interpret a play.
Students documentary evidence shows a good understanding
of their own work and that of others and evaluate it with some
Students documentary evidence will be adequate, largely
descriptive and evaluative comments will lack development and
3- 4
Students documentary evidence will be limited in terms of
cont ent and under st anding.
Students documentary evidence will not demonstrate any
evidence of content and understanding.
Unit 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO3 Response to live
per f or mance
The evaluation of a live performance is outstanding. There are
coherent and critical judgements that are informed and extremely
well justifed.
Quality of written communication (QWC): there is an outstanding
application of written communication. Spelling, punctuation
and grammar are faultless and the selected form and style are
appr opr iat e.
The evaluation of a live performance is excellent with evidence of
informed and justifed critical judgements.
QWC: there is an excellent application of written communication.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar show only minor errors and
the selected form and style are suitable.
The evaluation of a live performance is good. There is evidence
of the inclusion of some appreciation of the narrative and
identifcation of some performance elements.
QWC: there is a good application of written communication.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar show some errors and the
selected form and style are acceptable.
Comments on the live performance are adequate and may have
t oken r ef er ences t o pr oduct ion element s and unsuppor t ed
evaluation, but will be mainly descriptive and concentrate mainly
on narrative rather than performance.
QWC: there is an adequate application of written communication.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar show a number of errors and
the selected form and style are acceptable.
Evaluation of a live performance will be limited with little or no
r ef er ence t o dr ama media or element s.
QWC: there is a limited application of written communication.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar show few accuracies and the
selected form and style are basic.
Evaluation of a live performance will offer no reference to drama
media or element s.
QWC: there is insuffcient application of written communication.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar show no accuracies and the
selected form and style are inappropriate.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Unit 3 Drama Performance
Unit overview
This unit provides students with the opportunity to:
demonst rat e t heir knowledge and underst anding of pract ical drama
skills through their application to a live performance
communicat e t o an audience.
The knowledge and understanding will be gained from the Programme of
Work carried out in Units 1 and 2 can form the basis of the skills needed
for this fnal examination performance.
Students have the opportunity to show either their skills as a performer
or as a performance support student in one performance only.
It is the responsibility of the centre to choose the options and content for
the performances based on the assignment brief.
Edexcel does not recommend or approve the choice of performance
mat erial for t his unit .
Assessment overview
This is an externally assessed unit. All students will present their work
as eit her performers or performance support st udent s in a single
performance to an examiner appointed by Edexcel.
Edexcel will provide an externally set assignment brief which must be
addressed for the fnal Unit 3 performance.
The examiner will visit the performance venue chosen by the centre. The
examination will take place between 1 February and 31 May at a date
and time agreed by the centre and the examiner.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Per f or mer s
Students must work collaboratively as members of a performance group
t aking t he role of eit her a performer or performance support st udent .
The group size must be between three and nine performers.
Performers can offer scripted performance, devised performance or a
combination of both.
The assessment will be based on the assessment criteria grids on pages
33-35. Note should be taken of the four aspects of assessment that will
be applied to each students performance. These are:
voice and movement
roles and charact erisat ion
communicat ion
content, style, form.
Performance times must be no less that 15 minutes for smaller groups
and no longer than a maximum of 45 minutes for groups of nine.
Per f or mance suppor t
Examiners will award marks wit hin t hese t ime limit s only.
There can be a maximum of three performance support students in a
performance group.
Only one student in each performance group may offer any one
performance support opt ion.
Performance support students must offer only one of the options in one
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Performance support options are:
light ing
cost ume
Examiners will award marks only on the evidence of the work seen on
the examination day(s).
Performance support students will make a presentation, lasting
a maximum of fve minutes, to the visiting examiner before the
performance is given.
The assessment will be based on the assessment criteria on pages
35-36. Note should be taken of the four aspects of assessment that will
be applied to each students design. These are:
justifcation of design decisions
an explanat ion of t he rat ionale t hat led t o t he design decisions
(either in writing or orally)
document at ion
relevant documentation must be available during the presentation
realisat ion of design
the visiting examiner must be given the opportunity to inspect the
realised design
communicat ion of t he design in performance
communication of the design will be assessed during the
The presentation must be recorded on video/DVD.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Detailed unit content
Opt i ons
Students can be examined in one of the following options.
Performance devised by the students from a stimulus chosen by the
centre and related to the assignment brief.
Performance of a complete short published play.
Performance of an extract from a full length published play.
Performance of an adapt at ion of a select ion of scenes from a full
length published play.
Performance based on a full length published play using some of the
original text with additional devised work based on the situations and
roles in t he original t ext .
Performance of a Theat re in Educat ion piece t o a t arget audience
chosen by the centre.
Performance based on the assignment brief that can include devised
work plus existing play texts, poetry, song lyrics and factual material.
Whichever option is chosen students will be required to:
work collaboratively with all other group members
take advice, guidance and direction from the teacher
prepare and rehearse for a sust ained period
show their vocal and movement practical skills in performance
communicat e wit h ot her performers and t he audience
demonstrate an understanding of style and form within their chosen
opt ion
demonst rat e an underst anding of t he cont ent and purpose of t he
perform to the visiting examiner
prepare in advance an individual written description of the role(s)
performed in t he cont ext of t he performance
prepare in advance as a member of the performance group a copy of
the script as performed or a detailed breakdown of the scenes seen in
justify the fnal design decisions.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Per f or mance suppor t
Students can be examined in only one of the following options to support
the performance (chosen from the above options):
light ing
cost ume
Performance support st udent s are required t o produce document at ion
and a justifcation of the fnal design decisions. They must give a
presentation of their work to the visiting examiner.
Documentation must be available at the presentation and must include:
fnal design with grid plan and lantern schedule
light ing plot or cue sheet wit h at least four light ing st at es.
fnal sound tapes to include at least one original cue that was created
and recorded live and three further sound cues
cue sheet showing order, length and output level of each cue.
a scale model of the fnal design as realised in the performance space
a scale ground plan and/or scale drawing of any designed properties.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
the fnal design of at least two constructed and/or found costumes
costume plot or list of costumes/accessories worn by each actor.
fnal design for at least two masks and/or make-ups
designs for all other masks and/or make-ups used by each actor.
Whichever option is chosen students will be required to:
work collaboratively with all other group members
take advice, guidance and direction from the teacher
research and prepare for a sust ained period
communicat e t heir chosen skill t o t he audience and examiner
supervise the relevant equipment during the performance
provide appropriate documentation
give a presentation of no more than fve minutes to the examiner
before the examination to include reasons why the option was chosen
reasons why and how the skill is expected to work in the performance
an account of t he realisat ion of t he skill prior t o performance
alternative ideas not used in the fnal performance.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria performers
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Voice and
Vocal skills demonstrate an outstanding use of pace, pitch, pause
and t one.
Movement demonstrates an outstanding use of gesture, stillness,
fuency and expression.
Vocal skills demonstrate an excellent use of pace, pitch, pause
and t one.
Movement demonstrates an excellent use of gesture, stillness,
fuency and expression.
Vocal skills demonstrate a good use of pace, pitch, pause and
t one.
Movement demonstrates a good use of gesture, stillness, fuency
and expr ession.
Vocal skills demonstrate an adequate use of pace, pitch, pause
and t one.
Movement demonstrates an adequate use of gesture, stillness,
fuency and expression.
Vocal skills demonstrate a limited use of pace, pitch, pause and
t one.
Movement demonstrates a limited use of gesture, stillness,
fuency and expression.
Vocal skills demonstrate no apparent use of pace, pitch, pause
and t one.
Movement demonstrates no apparent use of gesture, stillness,
fuency and expression.
Assessment criteria performers
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Roles and
char act er isat ion
There is an outstanding demonstration of the creation of role/
char act er showing complet e commit ment and imaginat ion.
There is an excellent demonstration of the creation of role/
character showing signifcant commitment and imagination.
There is a good demonstration of the creation of role/character
showing variable commitment and imagination.
There is an adequate demonstration of the creation of role/
char act er showing some commit ment and imaginat ion.
There is a limited demonstration of the creation of role/character
showing lit t le commit ment and imaginat ion.
There is no evidence of role/character, showing no commitment or
imaginat ion.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment criteria performers
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Communication There is outstanding communication with other performers,
audience members and the visiting examiner.
The sense of rapport with all members of the ensemble is
out st anding.
There is excellent communication with other performers, audience
members and the visiting examiner.
The sense of rapport with all members of the ensemble is
excellent .
There is a good communication with other performers, audience
members and the visiting examiner.
The sense of rapport with all members of the ensemble is good.
There is adequate communication with other performers,
audience members and the visiting examiner.
The sense of rapport with all members of the ensemble is
adequat e.
There is limited communication with other performers, audience
members and the visiting examiner.
The sense of rapport with all members of the ensemble is limited.
There is no evidence of communication with other performers,
audience members and the visiting examiner.
There is no evidence of rapport with other members of the
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Qualifcation content A
Assessment criteria performers
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Content, style,
f or m
There is outstanding control over the appreciation of the chosen
style and form.
Ther e is an out st anding under st anding of t he cont ent of t he
per f or mance.
There is excellent control over the appreciation of the chosen
style and form.
Ther e is an excellent under st anding of t he cont ent of t he
per f or mance.
There is good control over the appreciation of the chosen style
and f or m.
Ther e is a good under st anding of t he cont ent of t he per f or mance.
There is adequate control over the appreciation of the chosen
style and form.
Ther e is an adequat e under st anding of t he cont ent of t he
per f or mance.
There is limited control over the appreciation of the chosen style
and f or m.
Ther e is a limit ed under st anding of t he cont ent of t he
per f or mance.
There is no evidence of control over the chosen style and form.
There is no evidence of understanding of the content of the
per f or mance.
Assessment criteria performance support
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Justifcation of
design decisions
The design decisions demonst r at e an out st anding under st anding
of t he chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of
t he per f or mance.
The design decisions demonst r at e an excellent under st anding of
t he chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of t he
per f or mance.
The design decisions demonst r at e a good under st anding of t he
chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of t he
per f or mance.
The design decisions demonst r at e an adequat e under st anding of
t he chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of t he
per f or mance.
The design decisions demonst r at e a limit ed under st anding of
t he chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of t he
per f or mance.
The design decisions do not demonst r at e under st anding of t he
chosen design skill in t he cont ext of t he r equir ement s of t he
per f or mance.
Unit 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A Qualifcation content
Assessment criteria performance support
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Documentation The document at ion demonst r at es an out st anding r esponse t o t he
needs of t he planned design.
The document at ion demonst r at es an excellent r esponse t o t he
needs of t he planned design.
The document at ion demonst r at es a good r esponse t o t he needs
of t he planned design.
The document at ion demonst r at es an adequat e r esponse t o t he
needs of t he planned design.
The document at ion demonst r at es a limit ed r esponse t o t he needs
of t he planned design.
The document at ion does not demonst r at e a r esponse t o t he
needs of t he planned design.
Assessment criteria performance support
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Realisation of
Designs are realised with an outstanding level of technical skill. 17-20
Designs are realised with an excellent level of technical skill. 13-16
Designs are realised with a good level of technical skill. 9-12
Designs are realised with an adequate level of technical skill. 5-8
Designs are realised with a limited level of technical skill. 1-4
Designs ar e r ealised wit h no t echnical skill. 0
Assessment criteria performance support
Assessment cr i t er i a Level of r espon se Mar k r an ge
AO2 Communication
of t he design in
per f or mance
The design communicat es an out st anding enhancement t o t he
performance, audience members and the visiting examiner.
The design communicat es an excellent enhancement t o t he
performance, audience members and the visiting examiner.
The design communicat es a good enhancement t o t he
performance, audience members and the visiting examiner.
The design communicat es an adequat e enhancement t o t he
performance, audience members and the visiting examiner.
The design communicat es a limit ed enhancement t o t he
performance, audience members and the visiting examiner.
The design offers no contribution to the performance, audience
members and the visiting examiner.
37 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
B Assessment
Assessment summary
Units 1 and 2 are internally assessed.
Unit 3 is externally assessed.
Summary of table of assessment
Unit 1 Drama Exploration Unit code: 5DR01
Internally assessed under controlled conditions
Six- hour pract ical explorat ion
Documentary response (recommended maximum 2000 words)
Assessment B
41 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Response t o l i v e per f or mance
Unit 2: students may make notes following their attendance at a live
theatre performance but completion of the evaluation must take place
under supervision.
Aut hent i cat i on
Both practical and written evidence for this unit will be carried out under
controlled conditions. Each student and their teacher will be required to
authenticate that work submitted for assessment is the students own
unaided work.
Internal standardisation
Teachers must show clearly how the marks have been awarded in
relat ion t o t he assessment crit eria. I f more t han one t eacher in a
centre is marking students work, there must be a process of internal
st andardisat ion t o ensure t hat t here is consist ent applicat ion of t he
assessment crit eria.
All st udent s must sign an aut hent icat ion st at ement . St at ement s relat ing
to work not sampled should be held securely in your centre. Those which
relate to sampled students must be attached to the work and sent to
the moderator. In accordance with a revision to the current Code of
Practice, any student unable to provide an authentication statement
will receive zero credit for the component. Where credit has been
awarded by a centre-assessor to sampled work without an accompanying
authentication statement, the moderator will inform Edexcel and the
mark will be adjusted to zero.
B Assessment
42 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Further information
For more information on annotation, authentication, mark submission
and moderation procedures, please refer to the Edexcel GCSE in Drama:
I nst ruct ions and administ rat ive document at ion for int ernally assessed
unit s document, which is available on the Edexcel website.
For up-to-date advice on teacher involvement, please refer to the JCQ
I nst ruct ions for conduct ing coursework/ port folio document on the JCQ
website: www.jcq.org.uk
For up-to-date advice on malpractice and plagiarism, please refer to the
JCQ Suspect ed Malpract ice in Examinat ions: Policies and Procedures and
I nst ruct ions for conduct ing coursework/ port folio documents on the JCQ
Assessing your students
The frst assessment opportunity for Units 1, 2 and 3 of this qualifcation
will take place in the June 2011 series and in each following June series
for the lifetime of the specifcation.
Uni t Jun e 2010 Jun e 2011 Jun e 2012 Jun e 2013
Unit 1: Drama Exploration X
Unit 2: Exploring Play Texts
Unit 3: Drama Performance
Awarding and reporting
The grading, awarding and certifcation of this qualifcation will comply
with the requirements of the current GCSE/GCE Code of Practice
for courses starting in September 2009, which is published by the
Qualifcations and Curriculum Authority. The GCSE qualifcation will be
graded and certifcated on an eight-grade scale from A* to G. Individual
unit results will be reported.
The frst certifcation opportunity for the Edexcel GCSE in Drama will be
Students whose level of achievement is below the minimum judged by
Edexcel to be of suffcient standard to be recorded on a certifcate will
receive an unclassifed U result.
Assessment B
43 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Unit results
The minimum uniform marks required for each grade for each unit:
Unit 1 and Unit 2
Unit grade * A A B C D E F G
Maximum unif or m
mark = 90
81 72 63 5 4 45 36 27 18
Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will
receive a uniform mark in the range 017.
Unit 3
Unit grade * A A B C D E F G
Maximum unif or m
mark = 120
10 8 96 8 4 72 6 0 4 8 36 2 4
Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will
receive a uniform mark in the range 023.
Qualifcation results
The minimum uniform marks required for each grade:
GCSE in Drama Cash-in code: 2DR01
Qualifcation grade * A A B C D E F G
Maximum unif or m
mark = 300
270 2 4 0 210 18 0 150 120 9 0 6 0
Students who do not achieve the standard required for a grade G will
receive a uniform mark in the range 059.
B Assessment
44 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Resitting of units
Students can resit the assessment requirements for an internally and
externally assessed unit once before claiming certifcation for the
qualifcation. The best available result for each contributing unit will
count towards the fnal grade.
For internally assessed units students will need to retake the entire
assessment requirement s for t hat unit .
Students that want to resit after they have completed all the assessment
requirements of the course will be required to retake at least 40 per cent
of t he assessment requirement s.
Results of units will be held in Edexcels unit bank for as many years
as this specifcation remains available. Once the GCSE qualifcation has
been certifcated, all unit results are deemed to be used up at that level.
These results cannot be used again towards a further award of the same
qualifcation at the same level.
Language of assessment
Assessment of this specifcation will be available in English only.
Assessment materials will be published in English only and all work
submitted for examination and moderation must be produced in English.
Quality of written communication
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
write legibly, with accurate use of spelling, grammar and punctuation
in order t o make t he meaning clear
select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose and
to complex subject matter
organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist
vocabulary when appropriate.
Assessment B
45 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Malpractice and plagiarism
For up-to-date advice on malpractice and plagiarism, please refer to the
JCQ Suspect ed Malpract ice in Examinat ions: Policies and Procedures
document on the JCQ website www.jcq.org.uk
Student recruitment
Edexcels access policy concerning recruitment to our qualifcations is
they must be available to anyone who is capable of reaching the
required st andard
they must be free from barriers that restrict access and progression
equal opport unit ies exist for all st udent s.
Progression from the GCSE in Drama can lead to study in:
GCE in Drama and Theat re St udies
BTEC National Award in Performing Arts (Acting)
BTEC National Certifcate in Performing Arts (Acting)
BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts (Acting)
14-19 Diploma in Creative Media (Level 3).
B Assessment
46 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Grade descriptions
Grade descriptions are provided to give a general indication of the
standards of achievement likely to have been shown by candidates
awarded particular grades. The descriptions must be interpreted in relation
to the content in the specifcation; they are not designed to defne that
cont ent .
The grade awarded will depend in pract ice upon t he ext ent t o which
the candidate has met the assessment objectives overall. Shortcomings
in some aspects of students performance in the assessment may be
balanced by better performances in others.
Candidates recall, select and communicate detailed knowledge and
thorough understanding of plays and other types of drama. They
demonstrate a thorough awareness of the relationships between texts and
dramatic styles, and of social context and genre, to generate, explore and
develop their ideas.
They apply and adapt effectively an extensive range of practical skills,
which they execute creatively to communicate their ideas. They work very
productively with others.
They have well-developed evaluative and refective skills. They show
critical awareness of work in progress and performance, and of their own
contribution and that of others. They provide, by reasoned argument, full
justifcations, demonstrating insight and sensitivity in developing practical
work. They understand and use terminology accurately and appropriately.
Candidates recall, select and communicate sound knowledge and
understanding of plays and other types of drama. They show awareness of
the relationships between texts and dramatic styles, and of social context
and genre.
They demonstrate secure practical skills, which they apply appropriately to
communicate their ideas. They work constructively with others.
They use evaluative and refective skills appropriately to show critical
awareness of work in progress and performance, and of their own
contribution and that of others. Using appropriate terminology, they
support their views with relevant reasons, demonstrating the ability to
t ake work forward.
Assessment B
47 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Candidates recall, select and communicate basic knowledge and
understanding of plays and other types of drama. They have a superfcial
awareness of relationships between texts and dramatic styles, and of
social cont ext and genre.
They use a limited range of practical skills, which they sometimes apply
appropriately to demonstrate ideas in drama and in working with others.
They provide a basic, critical response at a simplistic and generalised level
to evaluate work in progress and performance, and their own contribution
and t hat of ot hers.
48 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
C Resources, support and training
Edexcel resources
Edexcel aims to provide the most comprehensive support for our
Teacher and st udent suppor t
The new resources from Edexcel will provide you and your students with
comprehensive support for our new GCSE 2009 Drama qualifcation.
This dedicated suite of resources, written by subject experts, will ensure
that you and your department have everything you need to deliver the
specifcation from Edexcel.
The resources will include an accessible student book and teacher
support wit h a range of pract ical approaches for implement ing each unit
of the new specifcation, including video.
Assessment suppor t
The student book and teacher resources will also provide assessment
support including clear guidance and exemplifcation, supporting student
Edexcel publications
You can order further copies of the Specifcation, Sample Assessment
Materials (SAMs) and Teachers Guide documents from:
Edexcel Publications
Nottinghamshire NG18 4FN
Telephone: 01623 467467
Fax: 01623 450481
Email: publications@linneydirect.com
Website: www.edexcel.com
Resources, support and training C
49 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Endorsed resources
Edexcel also endorses some addit ional mat erials writ t en t o support t his
qualifcation. Any resources bearing the Edexcel logo have been through
a quality assurance process to ensure complete and accurate support for
the specifcation. For up-to-date information about endorsed resources,
please visit www.edexcel.com/endorsed
Please note that while resources are checked at the time of publication,
materials may be withdrawn from circulation and website locations may
C Resources, support and training
50 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Edexcel support services
Edexcel has a wide range of support services to help you implement this
qualifcation successfully.
Resul t sPl us ResultsPlus is an application launched by Edexcel to help
subject teachers, senior management teams, and students by providing
detailed analysis of examination performance. Reports that compare
performance between subjects, classes, your centre and similar centres
can be generated in one-click. Skills maps that show performance
according to the specifcation topic being tested are available for some
subjects. For further information about which subjects will be analysed
through ResultsPlus, and for information on how to access and use the
service, please visit www.edexcel.com/resultsplus.
Ask t he Ex per t Ask the Expert is a new service, launched in 2007,
that provides direct email access to senior subject specialists who will
be able to answer any questions you might have about this or any other
specifcation. All of our specialists are senior examiners, moderators
or verifers and they will answer your email personally. You can read a
biography for all of them and learn more about this unique service on our
website at www.edexcel.com/asktheexpert.
Ask Edex cel Ask Edexcel is Edexcels online question and answer
service. You can access it at www.edexcel.com/ask or by going to the
main website and selecting the Ask Edexcel menu item on the left.
The service allows you to search through a database of thousands of
questions and answers on everything Edexcel offers. If you dont fnd
an answer to your question, you can choose to submit it straight to us.
One of our customer services team will log your query, fnd an answer
and send it to you. Theyll also consider adding it to the database if
appropriate. This way the volume of helpful information that can be
accessed via the service is growing all the time.
Ex amzone The Examzone site is aimed at students sitting external
examinations and gives information on revision, advice from examiners
and guidance on results, including re-marking, re-sitting and progression
opportunities. Further services for students many of which will also be
of interest to parents will be available in the near future. Links to this
site can be found on the main homepage at www.examzone.co.uk.
Resources, support and training C
51 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
A programme of professional development and training courses, covering
various aspects of the specifcation and examination, will be arranged by
Edexcel each year on a regional basis. Full details can be obtained from:
Training from Edexcel
One90 High Holborn
London WC1V 7BH
Telephone: 0844 576 0027
Email: trainingbookings@edexcel.com
Website: www.edexcel.com
52 Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
D Appendices
Appendix 1 Key skills 53
Appendix 2 Wider curriculum 54
Appendix 3 Codes 56
Appendix 1
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Appendices D
Appendix 1 Key skills
Key sk i l l s ( Level 2) Uni t 1 Uni t 2 Uni t 3
Communi cat i on
I mpr ov i n g ow n l ear ni n g an d per f or man ce
Wor k i n g w i t h ot h er s
Development suggestions
Please refer to the Edexcel website for key skills development
suggest ions.
Appendix 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
D Appendices
Appendix 2 Wider curriculum
I ssue Uni t 1 Uni t 2 Uni t 3
Spir it ual
Mor al
Et hical
Cult ur al
European initiatives
Health and safety
Appendix 2
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
Appendices D
Development suggestions
I ssue Uni t Oppor t uni t i es f or devel opment or i nt er nal assessment
Spir it ual Units 1, 2
and 3
Unit 1: the use of religious artefacts or texts as stimulus
Units 2 and 3: the use of religious play texts, eg medieval
dr ama
Mor al Units 1, 2
and 3
Unit 1: the topic, theme or issue used in unit 1 could be a
mor al dilemma
Units 2 and 3: the moral considerations of a play with a
war theme, eg Oh! What A Lovely War
Et hical Units 2 and 3 Units 2 and 3: the dilemma dramatised in Brechts The
Caucasian Chalk Cir cle
Social Units 1, 2
and 3
Drama is an intrinsically social activity as it requires
interaction between participants and their audiences
Cult ur al Units 1, 2
and 3
Drama is a fundamentally cultural activity as it requires
interaction between participants and their audiences
Appendix 3
Ldexce| CCSL in Lrama Specication Ldexce| Limited 2008
D Appendices
Appendix 3 Codes
Ty pe of code Use of code Code number
Nat ional
classifcation codes
Every qualifcation is assigned to a national
classifcation code indicating the subject area to which
it belongs. Centres should be aware that students who
enter for more than one GCSE qualifcation with the
same classifcation code will have only one grade (the
highest) counted for the purpose of the school and
college performance tables.
Nat ional
Framework (NQF)
Each qualifcation title is allocated a QCA National
Qualifcations Framework (NQF) code.
The QCA National Qualifcations Framework (NQF)
code is known as a Qualifcation Accreditation Number
(QAN). This is the code that features in the DfES
Funding Schedule, Sections 96 and 97, and is to be
used for all qualifcation funding purposes. The QCA
QAN is the number that will appear on the students
fnal certifcation documentation.
The QAN f or t he
qualifcation in this
publication is:
GCSE 500/4578/7
Unit codes Each unit is assigned a unit code. This unit code is
used as an entry code to indicate that a student wishes
t o t ake t he assessment f or t hat unit . Cent r es will need
to use the entry codes only when entering students for
t heir examinat ion.
Unit 1 5DR01
Unit 2 5DR02
Unit 3 5DR03
Cash- in codes The cash-in code is used as an entry code to aggregate
the students unit scores to obtain the overall grade
for the qualifcation. Centres will need to use the
entry codes only when entering students for their
Entry codes The entry codes are used to:
ent er a st udent f or t he assessment of a unit
aggregate the students unit scores to obtain the
overall grade for the qualifcation.
Please r ef er t o t he
Edexcel I nf or mat ion
Manual, available on the
Edexcel website.
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