Women Art and Power by Yolanda Lopéz and Eva Bonastre

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"WOMEN, ART AND POWER", International Women's Day, March 8, 2011

Yolanda Arana Lpez (avatar name: Ina Karura)

MKACs Director. Email: karuramuseo@hotmail.com

Eva Bonastre (avatar name: Noke Yuitza)

Open Science Director and MKACs Coordinator of Technologies, Avd. Diagonal 645, UBs Fac. Biology. Email: openscience.invirtualworlds@gmail.com Women, Art and Power its the collective exhibition organized, in the metaverse of Second Life, for the Direction of the MKAC to commemorate the International Day of the Woman , on March 8, 2011.

The organization of the exhibition Women, Art and Power" is the desire of the management of Museum Karura Art Centre (MKAC), joining the worldwide celebrations of the International Women's Day, March 8th 2011, but in his case from the perspective of art. Its aims to highlight, through it, the important role-played by women in the world of the art throughout the different historical periods, they live in, and through different styles, techniques, themes and resources. Another objective is to highlight the developments that have lived the history of art and the women themselves, since they have started to participate and intervene in areas that until very recently, were heritage for men: management, artist management, direction and management of museums and galleries, curatorship, collecting ...

The exhibition aims to offer a wide range of artistic interpretation of the world seen from the female perspective, based on the personal idiosyncrasies of each and its expressive world throughout the centuries and also from various conceptualizations and different levels. This has been scheduled three exhibitions that complement and reinforce each other, while highlight the impact it has had the appearance of women in the art scene: a) Painters of XXth and XXIst centuries, brings together 21 contemporary artists (Yolanda Carbajal, the author of the exhibition poster, Zenaida Cajahuaringa Rivera, Dora Castro Castro, M Xess Daz, Victoria Fontana, Irene Gomis, Mar Gonzlez Prez, Isabel Gutirrez, Carmen Holgueras, Luz Letts, M Jess Leza, Elisabeth Lpez Avils, Mnica Lowenberg, Lilia Lujan, Imma Merino, Eulalia Peafiel, Roxanna Rignola, Mara Rubio Garca, Raquel Sarangello, Lea Steirensis, Ingrid Tusell, Natalia Veli), of different nationalities and artistic and personal trajectory, to interpret and portray the reality through conceptualization of individual through different resources, styles, techniques, themes, etc.. It contains two works by each artist, with a corresponding sheet, photograph and

Figure 1: Logo of Women, Art and Power project.

biographical texts and curriculum. Located in the Main Building, its the most important exhibition.

Through the election of 21 women for each exhibition, a quantity representation number, we wanted to reflect that the XXIst century is, and will be, the moment for the women in the world of the art.

a) To commemorate the "Day of Women," March 8, 2011, from the perspective of art. b) To show the evolution of painting, made by painters, throughout the history of art. c) To display diversity through different painting and different techniques, themes, artistic resources .... d) To show the influence in all facets of women in the world of contemporary art and the art market. e) To invite reflection on the role of women artists in society past and present. f) To promote and publicize the career of the painters participating in this exhibition. g) To establish professional ties between the painters that are part of this project.

Figure 2: Photography of the exhibition located in MKACs main building. b) Painters from XVIth century to early XXth: located in Schumanns Building, is composed of works by painters who have died (S. Anguissola, L. Fontana, Elisabeth L. Vige-Lebrun). Intended to reflect the history of painting and women between the XVIth and XXth centuries. Two works form the exhibition, each of the 21 selected painters, with their technical specifications, a biography of the artists and a text on his artistic style and curriculum.


The exhibition WOMAN, ART AND POWER is begun to prepare, in October, 2010, with the achievement of a programming in which its decide and mark the principal performances to continue as for targets, contents, methodology, events, calendar of the above mentioned performances... Then, the direction of the MKAC make a selection, depending on several variables, of the artists who participate in it and taking into account the inclusion of artists both emerging and consolidated. It makes contact with the artists selected through public and private institutions, and proceeds to the selection of works to be displayed in the exhibition. Finally, prepare texts about the artists, the technical specifications of each work and a biography and resume of the artist. The selection of the most influential Spanish women in the international art scene is done according to professional criteria.

Figure 3: General view of Painters from XVIth century to early XXth, in Schumanns Building. c) The most influential Spanish women in the international contemporary art: it is formed by the 21 most powerful women in the world of the contemporary international art: gallery owners, curators, directors of museums, big collectors (Juana de Aizpuru, Helga de Alvear, Carmen Cervera). Located in the Aularium of the museum, it consists of a photography of each of her, informative and explanatory texts on their trajectory and professional relevancy in the different positions and charges that they have redeemed in different public, private, national and international institutions.

All texts of the exhibition are conducted in Spanish and English.


It takes place in the Alegret Hall of the museum on March 8 "International Women's Day", at 23.30 h. a lecture by Tanee Almendros (avatar name in Second Life). After finishing the lecture, Karura Art Centre establishes a debate on this initiative of the Direction of the Museum, on the importance of the achievement of this type of projects, the advantages of the use of the technologies of

the information and the knowledge in the achievement and publication of artistic and cultural projects and in the interaction between the virtual and not virtual worlds.

journalists and writers of our panorama. The writer presents her latest novel, Tears in the Rain, characterized as Bruna Husky, her main character, a replicant detective woman, as avatar in Second Life. Because of the big success of this event, the presentation is broadcasted using LiveStream on the net to the whole world and re-transmitted in other Second Lifes SIM, due to the impossibility of people that want to come to the museum to see and listen Rosa Montero and cannot because the capacity of the museum was completed. This event (that was done with the collaboration of Tanee Almendros, Yolamat Amat, Ketk Petrov, Siete Sands, nubleblanca3 Yuhara and Noke Yuitza) conclude with a total of 304 visits that day to the museum, and with the participation of the writer, like voice in off, in Ketk Petrovs video WOMAN, ART AND POWER , that realizes about the exhibition.

Figure 4: Moment of the opening of the exhibition.

Activities and Events

a) Day of the Artist: the establishment of this day is to enhance the trajectory of each of the contemporary artists participating in the exhibition through different activities that differentiates, for one day, from the other participants with information panel in the Velazquez Hall dedicated to the artist, messages in forums and Facebook and in different Second Lifes groups, among others. b) Meetings with artists, explaining their work and career to people attending, as per example the meeting with New York painter Victoria Fontana on April 7th.

Figure 5: Artist Victoria Fontana explaining her artworks. c) Literary events and presentation of books: there is programmed the presentation of two books which contents are related to the feminine subject-matter. The first presentation, which is realized on April 21, is done by writer Alberto Infante of his work Line 53, a book of 14 histories that turn concerning the women. The second presentation, on June 1, in the Alegret Hall, is done by Rosa Montero, one of the most important Spanish

Figures 6: 1) Presentation of the novel Tears in the Rain of writer Rosa Montero. 2) Rosa Monteros avatar characterized as Bruna Husky, her main character. d) Guided tours: there is programmed a whole of 3 guided tours to the entire exhibition by the three buildings of the museum and a whole of 52 assistants. e) Recital of poetry takes place on March 24th in the Aularium and is coordinated by Nubeblanca3 Yuhara (avatar name). In this poetry reading, each of the participants select and recites a poem after which sets a floor for comments and discussion. The show is broadcast simultaneously on radio.

k) Closing Concert: Performed on Thursday, May 5, in charge of the singer Karma Auer with a great attendance (132 people came to this event).

The Direction of the museum programmes 3 central points of action in the publicizing of the exhibition: before the opening (across an invitation and a press release), a month ago and one week before its closing ceremony. The advertising is aimed at different types of media, including virtual media outside and inside metaverses platforms, as newspapers and radio (local, national and international), forums and websites, Second Lifes groups and personal invitations, among others. As a result of this, the impact of the realization of this exhibition transcends the barrier of the virtual which is reflected in: a) Real art in Virtual World, a Vigos teacher of History of the Art manages a virtual museum with more than 32.000 visits: article in Faro de Vigos Newspaper on March 7, 2011, in their paper and digital editions, that talks about the MKAC and its exhibition "WOMEN, ART AND POWER " -in the paper one, the article took 3 / 4 parts of a page-: http://www.farodevigo.es/sociedadcultura/2011/03/07/arte-real-mundo-virtual/524633.html b) Radio interview: the museum's director, ina Karura, is interviewed on March 19, 2011, in the radio show De t a t: http://www.teknoartia.com/podcast_radio.htm c) Other websites, with no relation with the museum, amplify the event on internet, as per example: http://foro.artelista.com/museo-karura-art-centre-mkact10624.html http://realismoenlapintura.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/expo sicion-% E2% 80% 9Cmujer-art-and-can% E2% 80% 9D / http://www.blogger.com/feeds/2712780656349223559/pos ts/default http://www.bogamiaarteymoda.com/index.php?option=co m_content&view=article&id=120&Itemid=168 http://vuestroarte.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default d) Inside Second Lifes world, the result of the impact is felt in articles in various magazines as SVnoticias.Other Events

Figure 7: Moment of the development of the recital of poetry. f) Discussion: During the two months that the exhibit, perform various gatherings whose content runs in three directions: the influence and role of women in art, the trajectory of the artists participating in the exhibition and the "International Women's Day" and the achievements, thanks to this commemoration, in the world of art by women. g) Sculpture competition, takes place during the months of March and April under the title of the exhibition. h) Audiovisual equipment: a video is made about the exhibition "Women, Art and Power" with the voice in off of the writer Rosa Montero making a synopsis of her last novel Tears in the Rain. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWQgqJXnU0k) i) Interaction between the participating artists: the Direction of the MKAC establishes mechanisms of contact and communication between the painters who settle in two directions: between the director of the museum and the painters and between the proper artists who support exchange of e-mails. j) Publicity of the events in Real Life of the participant artists: the direction of the museum realizes, while the exhibition lasts, publicity of Real Life events related to the taking part artists: openings, awards and mentions...


a) Museo Karura Art Centre (MKAC) in Second Life: - Main Building: 3,228 visits - Schumanns Building : 3,126 visits - Aularium: 1,462 visits a.1) Guided tours: - First tour: 16 persons - Second tour: 22 persons - Tour with the artist Victoria Fontana: 14 people a.2) Closing concert: - Attendance: 132 people

b) MKACs Blog Views: http://mkac.wordpress.com/: 2,581 visits http://www.flickr.com/photos/48492520 @ N03/: 1011 visits b.1) Visits to other forums: http://foros.secondspain.es/component/option, com_joomlaboard / Itemid, 42/func, showcat / catid, 27/: 2607 visits http://www.irenemuni.com/foro/25vt1582.html?start=360: 2101 visits c) Audiovisuals and Media: - Interview in print: 1 interview - Radio interview: 1 interview - Videos: 1 video, "Women, Art and Power", uploaded to YouTube on June 7th, with 137 visits, by the moment

attend some events related, as Rosa Monteros book presentation. Due to this, we can conclude saying that metaverse platforms can be used to highlight the paper of the women in history and present time, in this case, "Women, Art and Power", in art history, doing activities that open a social debate about through metaverse users, and non users. Also its clear the importance and great significance of metaverse technologies in the fields of art, culture, science, education... and the great potential that has to establish professional and personal relationships.

As whenever the MKAC realizes a project of this importance, it realizes and evaluation of the project (selfanalysis and self-criticisms) based on quantitative and verifiable data. While it is true that subjective data, (as congratulations, encouragement, demonstrations of affection...), are important, especially on a personal level, when performing a project, the true dimension of social and media impact of project is given by the objective data. After analyzing the data and study objectives, the management of the museum believes that, although any subsequent project has to be improved, the experience with "Women, Art and Power" has being very positive, encouraging us to develop more projects. PHOTO AND VIDEO MATERIAL, BLOG, FORUMS AND CONTACT:




As one can see, the incidence and interaction between virtual and non-virtual, programming and development of this project, reaches a very high degree. As a result, the MKAC, a virtual museum, has established bridges and relationships between the museum and artists, promoting contact between artists that have participated in this initiative, and also between journalists, writers and other interesting people related to the world of the art outside the virtual tag. For the MKAC the relevance of this project is measured not only in numbers, but, and apart of the echo of this project in paper and digital media, in the fact that some of the artists have added this exhibition to their curriculum and presentations (per example, this is the case of the artist Mnica Lwenberg http://elescapararte.es/usuario/MONICA+LOWENBERG), what reaffirms that serious projects using virtual worlds can be done. Another fact supporting this is the participation of the journalist and writer Rosa Montero, translated into over 20 languages, with many awards and recently named Honorary Doctor for the University of Puerto Rico.

AUDIOVISUAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWQgqJXnU0k PHOTOGRAPHY (MKACs Flickr): http://www.flickr.com/photos/48492520 @ N03 / http://www.flickr.com/photos/museo_karura/ BLOG http://mkac.wordpress.com/ FORUMS

The preparation, planning and development of the exhibition "Women, Art and Power", has required a laborious work, attention and a great discipline for prevent any inconvenient. Although the project was oriented to Second Life community, to approach them the social debate about the paper of the women in art and bringing them real life artists, we also know about other people that was following our events outside this metaverse and others that became new Second Lifes users just to see this exhibition and

http://foros.secondspain.es/component/option, com_joomlaboard / Itemid, 100/func, showcat / catid, 27 / http://www.irenemuni.com/foro/museo-karura-art-centreeventos-y-actividades-vt1582.html

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