Meditation Instructions
Meditation Instructions
Meditation Instructions
The main purposes of meditation are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Purify the mind. Overcome worry. Cessation of desire and discontent. Attain the magga noyna (Path). Enlightenment (Nibbana).
May all beings above be well and happy. May they be free from enmity, disease and grief. May they take care of themselves happily. May all beings below be well and happy. May they be free from enmity, disease and grief. May they take care of themselves happily. May May May May May May May all beings in the surrounding . all beings who are dear to me . all beings who are neutral to me all beings who are unfriendly to me .. all beings be well and happy. they be free from enmity, disease and grief. they take care of themselves happily.
Beginners in meditation are advised to sit comfortably on the floor with legs crossed and back in upright position. He then sits and be mindful of his breath. He breathes in and out naturally. He keeps his awareness on his breath and he will feel relax and calm. Continue to breathe in and out in this natural state without any worry or care for anything else. Hold on to this natural state of breathing in and out for at least 10 minutes or longer if you can. You need to know that you must reach a state of perfection before your meditation can progress to the next higher level. Be patient and you will progress. Check with the instructors/Bhante if in doubt. If for any reasons, you are not able to do so for 10 minutes, stay calm and you may walk mindfully to the second level hall to do walking meditation. Walking meditation will in this instance helps your body to relax and overcome any bodily pain. Walk slowly in the hall with the eyes looking 4 yards ahead and nothing else. Focus your attention on your walking and nothing else. If you need to stop walking, you note stop walking. If you need to make a turn after the end of walking path, you note turn and mindfully you turn in your walking meditation. You may proceed to the upper hall to continue sitting meditation. Progress in Anapanasati Meditation will evolved into one pointedness concentration of the mind (Ekaggata). The mind is now developed into a higher state and through concentration, the mind will develops further. Check with the instructors/bhante for further instructions. If your one pointedness concentration is strong, you would experience Nimitta. Please check with Bhante. Not everybody can gain nimitta and it is not a must for further progress.
Jhana Factors
Piti (Joy)
Sukkha (Happiness)
Piti (Joy)
Sukkha (Happiness)
Piti (Joy)
2) Vipassana / Insight Meditation After absorption, there are four stages to attain. The meditators at this stage are guided by the teacher to develop wisdom, to see, understand and realise the true nature of life. The four stages are realised by contemplating on the Four Foundation of Mindfulness (Satipatthana) as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation Contemplation of the Body (Kayanupassana) of Feelings (Vedananupassana) of Mind (Cittanupassana) of Mind-Objects (Dhammanupassana)