Batiki Argyle
Batiki Argyle
Batiki Argyle
70 1/2 x 81 1/2
L cb cb C B K G F 17 Tile Blocks J 19 Tile Blocks cb
cb cb
cb cb
Fabric Requirements
Medium to Dark Batiks 82 - 5 charm squares of medium to dark batik fabrics ( 40 Squares for Disappearing Four Patch Blocks, 42 for tile borders) 1/8 yd of 8 medium to dark batik fabrics * (Scraps 1 1/4x 21 will work). Lighter Background - 1 3/4yds Darker Background - 2 3/8 yds Border Fabric - 1 7/8 yds if cutting cross the WOF, 2 1/4 yds if cutting the length of the grain.
Cutting Instructions
Lighter Background Cut 8, 5 strips the WOF, Sub cut 40, 5 charm squares (Disappearing Four Patch Blocks) Cut 18 strips, 1 1/4 x WOF Cut 8 strips in half so it is roughly 1 1/4 x 20. (X Blocks) Keep Remaining 10 strips WOF (Tile Border) Darker Background Cut 2 strips, 12 1/2 x WOF, Sub cut 4, 12 1/2 squares. Cut twice diagonally to make large setting triangles. You need 14 large setting triangles Cut 2, 6 1/2 squares from scrapes, Cut once diagonally to make corner triangles. You need 4. Cut 3 strips, 3 3/4 x WOF, Sub cut 48, 3 3/4 squares (X Blocks) *Note that you may be able to cut these squares from your above scraps. Cut 3 strips, 1 5/8 x WOF. Sew these 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 5/8 x 57 (A). Cut 3 strips, 1 1/2 x WOF. Sew these 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 1/2 x 48 (B). Cut 12 strips, 1 1/4 x WOF. Sew 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 1/4 x 63 (E). Sew 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 1/4x 53 1/2 (F). Sew 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 1/4 x 68 1/2 (I). Sew 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 1 1/4 x 59 (J). 1/8 pieces of medium and dark batiks Cut 2 strips of each, 1 1/4 x 21 for a total of 16 pieces, 1 1/4 x 21. Border Fabric For lengthwise strips - Cut 2, 6 1/2 x 70 (K), Cut 2, 6 1/2 x 71 (L) For Crosswise Strips Cut 6 strips, 6 1/2 x WOF. Sew 3 strips together and sub cut two pieces, 6 1/2 x 70 (K). Sew the other 3 strips together and sub cut 2 pieces, 6 1/2 x 71 (L).
Batiki Argyle is composed of two blocks that look the same but are constructed differently. There are 20 blocks constructed using a technique called Disappearing Four-Patch and 12 alternating X blocks that mimic this look. Also key to this design are two background fabrics. The Disappearing Four-Patch blocks use the lighter background fabric. The X blocks use the lighter background fabric for the X and the darker background fabric for the four main patches in each X block.
Step 2 - Press the seams to one side. For the center seam, I gently remove some of the stiches so the seam can be pressed open for less bulk in the center.
Step 3 - Cut 1 from the center seam on all four sides. After cutting, your pieces should look like this:
Step 4 - Rearrange the pieces. This is your chance to move the pieces around to create opposed seams prior to stitching. Note that a dark fabric is always touching a light or background fabric. Sew the pieces together like a nine patch: create three rows and then sew the rows together.
Your completed block measures 8 1/2square. Make a total of 20 Disappearing Four-Patch blocks.
* Tip for pressing and sub cutting strips: Right sides together, align two strips, opposing seams, and press. Take this unit to the cutting mat and cut the strips together into sub units.
Step 2 - From the 1 1/4 strips sub cut two units 3 3/4 long and one unit 1 1/4 for each block. Do this with two colors for each block. Add four, 3 3/4 squares, of the darker background fabric.
Step 4 - Sew the pieces together to create three rows. Then sew the rows together. You will have to repress some of the seam allowances to create opposing seams. I like to use a small iron and mini pressing board right beside my sewing machine to save time.
Your completed block should measure 8 1/2 square. Make 12 of these X blocks.
Layout your blocks and side triangles to create the design of the main body.
Join the diagonal rows. Now add the first set of inner borders, A and B. Refer to the cutting instructions for the strip sizes for all borders.
Construction of the Tile Borders Continued For Section C, join 17 tile sections. Sew a piece of the lighter background, 1 1/4 x 2 1/2 so that the strip begins and ends with a small strip of the lighter background. You will need to sew this on one side of each tile strip section. Repeat this for the second C section. Add these to the quilt. Now make Section D in the same manner but join 21 tile sections. As before, add a piece of the lighter background, 1 1/4 x 2 1/2 to the side ending with a dark batik square. For the D section, add the 2 1/2 corner blocks (cb) to the tile strip and add these to the quilt.
Before the next set of tile borders, 1 1/4 strips of the lighter background must be added. Refer to the cutting instructions for the sizes of the piecing sections E and F. Join these sections to the quilt.
The outer section of the tile border will be constructed in the same manner as the inner tile border but for Section G there are 19 tile blocks plus the lighter background piece, 1 1/4 x 2 1/2. Attach G to quilt. For Section H, join 23 tile blocks plus the lighter background piece, 1 1/4 x 2 1/2. Then add a corner block at each end of the strips (2 1/2 squares of a dark/ medium batik). Join Section H to the quilt.
There is one final border of the dark background before the final border is added. Please refer to the cutting directions for the sizes of Section I and J. Add these strips to the quilt.
You are almost there. Referring to the cutting instructions, prepare the border pieces using the method of your choice and add to the quilt. Id love to see a photo of your version of this quilt! Email me at Id also appreciate any corrections. Enjoy, Debbie Bailey