400181117 /
Mr Agassi Raksam Marak CANAM CONSULTANTS LTD SCO 83- 84 SECTOR 17 D CHANDIGARH (U.T) 160017 India
Postgraduate Admissions Team Student Services King's Gate Newcastle University NE1 7RU
Dear Mr Raksam Marak, Application for Postgraduate Study - MSc Ops and Supply Chain Management (FT) I am pleased to confirm that your application to study at Newcastle University has been successful. I enclose details of your conditional offer (please see the offer table for conditions). This letter also contains information that you may find helpful at this stage. I look forward to welcoming you to the University.
Acceptance of Offer
The Terms and Conditions of your offer are given in the Annex of this letter. Please secure your place at the University by accepting your offer as soon as possible. There are two ways to accept your offer: 1. The recommended way is to log on to the portal and accept your offer on-line. Go to the Application Status tab, select this programme and click the Accept button. This is a very quick way of accepting your offer and it will avoid postal delays. The portal is accessed at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/apply/form/. 2. Alternatively, sign and return the Annex A, given at the end of this letter. If your offer is conditional, please ensure that you send any necessary documents to the Postgraduate Admissions Team as soon as possible. Applicants who accept an offer, and have satisfied any conditions therein, will automatically receive a Confirmation of a Place to Study. Please note that international applicants will need to apply for a visa well in advance of the start of the course. Also, you should ensure that the visa covers the duration of the course, allowing extra time for possible deadline extensions. See your expected end date in Annex A.
Our International Family Discounts (IFD) are intended to help relatives of current students or graduates of the University to study here too. Further details of the awards may also be obtained on request from http://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/international/finance/awards/uniawards.htm or via the above webpage. General information about funding opportunities for prospective international s tudents is available at the following web site: www.ukcisa.org.uk/index.htm.
Full details of University accommodation and the procedures for applying for accommodation will be sent in April 2012. If you do require University Accommodation (or assistance) please ensure you complete the online Application Form htttps://accommodation.ncl.ac.uk/apply/ as soon as you can. Please note that accommodation cannot be allocated until you have met any conditions set out in your offer, and have accepted your offer of a place.
English Language
All students whose first language is not English must demonstrate that they have achieved a certain standard of English before starting their programme at Newcastle University. If you have an English language condition, this is included in Annex A. There are two ways to confirm that you have met the English language standard: A. Take an international test (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL). You can provide evidence that you have achieved the required standard by taking a recognised test. The most common of these are IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). There are other tests which are also acceptable, and you are referred to the Guidance Notes for further information - see http://www.ncl.ac.uk/students/insessional/standards/. OR B. Take an English language programme - e.g. a INTO Newcastle pre-sessional programme. You can demonstrate that you have achieved the required standard by successfully completing an English Language course at INTO Newcastle's Language Centre before you start your main study programme. Refer to the INTO Newcastle website www.intohigher.com/universities/united-kingdom/newcastle-university/course-listing/pre-sessional-english.aspx. There are minimum language requirements to register with the Language Centre and you will need to study for the appropriate length of time (e.g. 18, 10 or 5 weeks). The benefit of taking a language course at Newcastle is that you will have time to adjust to the University as well as improving your English. Information on these options is available on-line at www.intohigher.com/universities/united-kingdom/newcastle-university/choosing-a-course.aspx. Please contact the INTO Newcastle Centre if you have any particular questions or would like to receive further advice on English language requirements and programmes. Telephone: +44 (0) 191 222 7535, Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 5239, email: INTO@newcastle.ac.uk
Monday 24 September 2012 - Friday 14 December 2012 Monday 7 January 2013 - Friday 15 March 2013 Monday 15 April 2013 - Friday 14 June 2013
Monday 24 September 2012 - Friday 25 January 2013 Monday 28 January 2013 - Friday 14 June 2013 Saturday 15 June 2013 - Saturday 31 August 2013
Please note that the dates quoted above are based on our standard term dates. Please check any information you receive directly from the school for the specific arrangements for your programme.
In the hope that you will accept our offer, may I wish you a happy and rewarding stay at Newcastle. Yours sincerely
Please tick one box only I confirm my acceptance of your offer I decline your offer of a place
120254329 400181117
Applicant's signature
_____________________________________ Date ____________ The Postgraduate Admissions Team will inform the relevant School of your
Postgraduate Admissions, Student Services King's Gate, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU United Kingdom Email pgadmissions@ncl.ac.uk
Send this letter, along with payment by cheque , to the University. Tuition Fees Section Finance Office Newcastle University King's Gate Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne and Wear NE1 7RU United Kingdom
Dear Sir, Re: Deposit - Applicant Reference number 120254329 / Notification 400181117 / Course Code 5154F / 2012
I enclose a deposit payment of 1,500 in order to secure my acceptance of the offer of a place for the MSc Ops and Supply Chain Management (FT) programme. Please ensure that the payment is processed as soon as possible and that the acceptance of my place is confirmed. Yours sincerely,
Mr Agassi Raksam Marak CANAM CONSULTANTS LTD SCO 83- 84 SECTOR 17 D CHANDIGARH (U.T) 160017 India