Colloidal Silver - The Universal Antibiotic
Colloidal Silver - The Universal Antibiotic
Colloidal Silver - The Universal Antibiotic
htm Colloidal Silver - The Universal Antibiotic No nown disease-causing organism can live in the presence of even minute traces of the chemical element of simple metallic silver, and there are ZERO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS! The ancient Romans and Gree s found that liquids would stay fresher longer if pu t in silver containers. Our own American pioneers found that a silver dollar put in a jug of mil would delay spoilage. They also found that if they would eep their silverware "hidden" in their water barrel that the water would not go bad. Some people wonder why the FDA would allow such a powerful antibiotic to be sold over the counter without a prescription. There are two reasons: The first reaso n is that true colloidal silver is a Pre-1938 drug (by over fifty years) and so the FDA has stated that it may continue to be mar eted (grand fathered). The sec ond reason is that the FDA has no jurisdiction over a pure mineral element. "What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that silver illed bacteria, which had been nown for centuries... when antibiotics were discovered, clinica l uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded." - Dr. Robert O. Bec er, M.D. Silver is a very powerful natural antibiotic. It has been used for thousands of years in its less effective solid form but in more recent decades it has been us ed in its' colloidal form...with no side effects. It is a catalyst, disabling th e particular enzyme that all one-celled bacteria, fungi and virus, use for their oxygen metabolism which means they suffocate or starve. Many others are destroy ed because the electric charge on the silver particles cause their internal prot oplast to collapse, and still others are rendered unable to reproduce. Using the proper solution there are never any side effects and using true colloi dal silver does no harm to the essential bacteria found in our intestinal tract. While a person can overdose on virtually anything, the chances of overdosing on colloidal silver is about the same as overdosing on water. (If you drin too mu ch you may pop and if you swim in it you may drown.) WHAT IS A COLLOID? A colloid refers to a substance that consists of ultra-fine particles that do no t dissolve, but remain suspended in a medium of different matter. These ultra-fi ne particles are larger than most molecules but so small they cannot be seen by the na ed eye. Colloidal silver is not a chemical compound containing silver, bu t a pure metallic silver of sub-microscopic clusters of just a few atoms, held i n suspension, in pure water, by the tiny electric charge on each atom. "As an antibiotic, silver ills over 650 disease-causing organisms; resistant st rains fail to develop. Silver is absolutely non-toxic. Silver is the best all ar ound germ fighter we have. Doctors are reporting that, ta en internally, it wor s against syphilis, cholera and malaria, diabetes and severe burns." Silver Our Mightiest Germ Fighter, Science Digest, March 1978. HOW DO YOU MAKE COLLOIDAL SILVER? In the early 1900's there were two main methods of producing colloidal silver. T hese were the grind and the electro colloidal methods. In more recent times a ch emical method has been developed. The main drawbac to the grind process was that the particles were so large that
gravity could pull on them and cause them to settle out of suspension therefore much of the value of the colloidal solution was lost. Stabilizers were often us ed to eep the particles in solution but these stabilizers were too often protei n that would tend to disturb the charge on the silver particles thus causing the m to lose some of their effectiveness. A true colloid does not need a stabilizer of any ind. The silver particles are so small (1-100 billionth of a meter in s ize) THAT GRAVITY HAS NO EFFECT ON THEM AND THEY STAY IN SUSPENSION. "There are two principal ways of producing metallic colloids, viz., chemical and physical (electrical)...The two methods of production yield widely different re sults, and from a therapeutic point of view I need only deal with the electric c olloid metals, since only these present the necessary homogeneity, minuteness of granules, purity, and stability." Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A.M.M.D. (John Hop ins) The Chemical method has been widely used to replace the grind method and provide s a convenient shortcut to the more difficult and costly electro colloidal proce ss. But it too has serious drawbac s and does not create a superior quality true colloidal silver. The problem with using chemicals (acids) to produce the collo ids is the difficulty of getting them bac out of the solution. These acid resid ues can change the pH of the solution and can cause serious side effects to the consumer. Typically the colloid of silver produced by acid has a pH of between 4 .5 - 5.5 while a true colloid of silver has a pH of 6.5. The electro colloidal process allows extremely fine silver particles to be suspe nded in solution by the tiny charge placed on the particles. If done properly th is method replaces the need for any chemicals, stabilizers, or proteins and the product is then a true colloid of silver. Particle size is crucial in producing colloidal silver. If the particles are too large then they may lodge in the lini ng of the digestive tract and possibly cause scar tissue to form. The preferred size for the best results is from 0.005 to 0.015 microns. At this size they can remain in suspension almost indefinitely. A critical indicator of the quality of colloidal silver is the color. The color you want to see is a very pale yellow. If the particles are too big then the solution is more brown. The larger the pa rticles the dar er the solution. Silver is a natural element and occurs as a trace mineral in the soil. As such i t is one of the essential trace minerals required by plants, animals, and humans . The adult RDA for silver is 400 milligrams. Doctors have connected silver with our bodies natural defense system. So, if we are deficient in silver we may be subject to far more illness and disease than if we had sufficient silver in our system. When our body has enough silver it is almost li e having another immune system. WHY HAVEN'T WE HEARD OF COLLOIDAL SILVER BEFORE? Perhaps you have but didn't now it! For many years there was a law that require d hospitals to use a silver solution in the eyes of newborn babies to insure tha t they would not go blind if the mother happened to have gonorrhea. The silver s olution used was very blac and ugly but you could ma e no mista e that the baby was treated because they would have the tell-tale blac eyes for days. Since th e solution was very inexpensive and absolutely effective against nearly all path ogens the pharmaceutical companies could ma e no money. They lobbied for and wer e successful in substituting their narrow band antibiotics. The "antiquated" sil ver solutions were quietly shelved in favor of modern narrow band or selective a ntibiotics. Now the doctor would prescribe an antibiotic designed to ill a spec ific microbe. If it didn't wor or you got another type of microbe then he would prescribe another antibiotic. Since there was no money to be made from the inex pensive colloidal silver that illed virtually all of the pathogenic microbes, i t was no longer considered by the pharmaceutical companies, no longer taught in
the medical schools and no longer available through standard medical supply sour ces. HOW TO USE IT Applications include oral, topical, by injection, as a nasal, ear, or eye drop, or as a spray for other sensitive tissues. Since it ills all disease causing ba cteria, fungi, and virus within six minutes of contact but leaves unharmed the " friendly" bacteria, many people ta e it internally every day as a boost for thei r immune system. It does not sting, burn, or otherwise hurt even the most sensit ive areas . . . even a babies' eyes. It can be used on warts, open sores, or a rinse for acne, eczema, and other s in irritations. It can be used vaginally, anally, or even atomized and inhaled. Th e number of disease organisms presently identified that colloid of silver is fat al to is now over 650. Listed below are some of the organisms colloidal silver ills in less than sixty seconds.
Anthrax Athletes' foot B. Cell Dysentery Tuberculosis Boils Cerebro-spinal Menin gitis Colitis Cystitis Dermatitis Diplococcus Diphtheria Gonorrhea Impetigo Inf uenza Pneumococci Ringworm Sepsis Shingles Sprue Staphylococci Streptococci War s Whooping cough.
Apply directly to cuts, scrapes, or open sores. Put a few drops on a band-aid an d wear over warts. Dab directly on eczema or itchy areas, or acne, mosquito bite s, or any s in problem. Water is purified by adding one half teaspoon per gallon , sha e well, wait six minutes, sha e again, wait six minutes and drin . No home emergency preparedness it would be complete without a method of ma ing water s afe to drin . This purified water ma es a great digestive aid because it elimina tes fermentation. It is the ideal food preservative because it is also good for you. An example of using it to help preserve food is to put about 1/4 teaspoon i n a quart when canning. Colloidal Gold WHAT IS IT? Colloidal GOLD is simply the pure element GOLD and pure water. The GOLD is in io nic form. Those ions are about 1 billionth of a meter in diameter which is so sm all that for them to move one quarter inch would be equal to us going about elev en hundred miles. No physical machine or any other means could grind the GOLD so small. In the natural world only plants can produce GOLD in such small particle s as colloidal GOLD. They do it the same as when they produce iron. They ta e th e metallic iron from the soil which our bodies cannot use and change it into the ionic or colloidal form which we can use. (eat your spinach!). The particles ar e so small they will stay in suspension in pure water indefinitely.
Colloidal GOLD is made by a very technical electro-colloidal or electrolysis met hod that passes pure (triple deionized) water over .999 fine GOLD that is charge
Just as you would never chew in metallic can be more. While metallic gold in tis sufferers externally, no form.
nails to get your iron, you should never ta e GOLD toxic causing problems for digestion, idneys, and foil form is used all over the world to help arthri doctor would ever use it internally in any metallic
Do you have an antibiotic in your home emergency preparedness ay to purify contaminated water?
d with high frequency/high voltage electricity. GOLD ions are driven off the GOL D into suspension in the water which is then treated with Ozone (oxygen), and pa ssed through a powerful magnetic field. The result is simply pure GOLD in pure w ater. Another form of GOLD that is indeed used internally is GOLD cyanide salts which is created by dissolving GOLD using two very powerful acids. The resulting salts have produced some spectacular results especially with arthritis sufferers but is used only as a last resort because of the possible toxic side effects of the salts. Results of GOLD salts injections typically went as follows: Of every six patients, one would have to stop the injections because of side effects. Of the five that continued one had no effects whatever, three were benefited, and one w as completely healed. (the arthritis was not reversed but all pain and other evi dence of active disease was stopped). This is indeed the same ind of GOLD that everyone thin s of when you say GOLD. It's chemical symbol is Au. It's atomic number is 47; its atomic weight is 197. It is one of the heaviest metals with a specific gravity of 19.3 meaning it is 1 9.3 times as heavy as water. Annual world production is about forty million ounc es. It is the most ductile and malleable of all metals. It can be beaten into sh eets so thin it would ta e 300,000 sheets to ma e a pile an inch high. A single ounce can be drawn into a wire so thin it would be over fifty miles long. Ninety to ninety five percent of the worlds production is used for reserves to stabili ze the worlds currency. About half of the balance is used for jewelry, one fourt h in the electrical industry, and about ten percent in the dental industry. Out of the tiny amount left over we get our GOLD for medical purposes but that tiny amount has had tremendous benefits for those who will use it in the colloidal fo rm. HISTORY GOLD has had much to do with the development, direction, and quality of human ci vilization through the millennia. It caused the rapid expansion to the west in A merica because of the GOLD rush frenzy such as the California, Yu on, and Blac Hills GOLD rushes. The beauty and malleability of gold has fascinated humans thr oughout the ages. The effect of GOLD on individuals has been just as dramatic as it's effect on ci vilizations. Medieval alchemists spent many personal fortunes trying to turn bas e metals such as lead into GOLD. While out of their wor sprang modern chemistry , their main goal of creating GOLD was never least no one has admi tted to it. The legends and stories of lost treasure and lost GOLD mines still f ire our imaginations. The use of GOLD for healing and control of pain has long been told in fol lore a nd legends but the earliest documented use in "modern" medicine was in 1890 when Dr. Robert Koch discovered that the Tubercle bacillus could not live in the pre sence of GOLD. Gold was then quic ly found to be of benefit in all of the condit ions listed below. The use of GOLD to treat arthritis has been continuous since 1927. The ancient alchemists equated GOLD with the essence of sun, warmth, life in the hearth, life force, ego, blood, etc. When we see the benefits of using Co lloidal GOLD we can believe that perhaps those ancient scientists new more trut h than we have ever suspected until now. HOW CAN IT BE USED? All of the uses of Colloidal GOLD have not been found. As colloidal technology a dvances it will revolutionize the way we have been using mineral supplements in the past. Medical science has proven beyond any doubt that the body can absorb e ssential minerals in the colloidal form far more rapidly than in the pill, powde
r or any other form. No one seems to now exactly how GOLD does what it does, bu t the problem is not whether or not the GOLD ion can help... it can! The problem is getting the little ion to where the problem is. Remember, for it to go a qua rter of an inch through flesh is li e a person having to wal through a very den se, wet, dar and scary jungle. The solution is to ta e the recommended dosage t opically, internally, or both as your health professional directs until the GOLD arrives at the problem area and has time to do it's job. Already, the new, high tech, colloidal technology has put colloidal minerals and trace mineral products into the mar et that have caused remar able, even revolu tionary results. Colloidal GOLD has ta en the place of metallic GOLD and GOLD sa lts and many believe it is a far better remedy for chronic inflammation, depress ion, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity. People use it topically for many di fferent s in conditions as well as for problems deep inside muscles, tendons, an d joints such as arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism. Ta en internally at about one half to one teaspoon per day it can circulate to all parts of the body. THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING OF CONDITIONS WHERE COLLOIDAL GOLD HAS BEEN USED SUCCE SSFULLY.
Brain function Arthritis Depression Despair Fear Frustration Drug Addiction Alc hol Addiction Melancholy Sorrow Anguish Arthritis Burns Circulatory Problems Chi lls Digestive Disorders Gland Function Hot Flashes Night Sweats Puncture Wounds Obesity Cancer Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) NON TOXIC Promotes a general euphoric feeling of well being. Stimulates the body's restora tive functions. Enhances the body's natural defenses against illness. Promotes v itality and longevity. Report on Colloidal Silver
There has never been a drug interaction with any other medication. Colloidal Sil ver has been found to be both a remedy and prevention for all colds, all flu, al l infections and all fermentation due too any bacteria, fungus or virus, especia lly staph and strep, which are found present in many disease conditions. Through simple high school biology studies we learn that all living things exist in the colloidal form. The body can more readily use medications already in the colloi dal form, as opposed to crystalline. Colloidal Silver is the most useable form o f the most effective disease fighter there is. The body actually needs Colloidal Silver to fight disease-causing organisms, and to aid healing. The adult RDA for Silver is 400 milligrams. Ta en orally each d ay, it's li e having a second immune system. Many older fol s feel younger becau se their body energies are used for other things than fighting disease, and dige stion is better. Medical research has proven that Silver aids the developing fet us in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery. Fantastic successes h
Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic, used for thousands of years, with no nown side effects. Colloidal Silver is a catalyst, disabling the particular enzy me that all one-celled bacteria, fungus and virus, use for their oxygen metaboli sm. It is of no harm to human enzymes or any part of the human body chemistry. I t can ill all disease-causing organisms, in six minutes or less, upon contact, even those pleomorphic, no matter how they mutate. Resistant strains fail to dev elop, and the body doesn't develop a tolerance. Colloidal Silver is both a remed y and a prevention of infections of any ind. Having sufficient Colloidal Silver in your body is to have a superior, second immune system. It was in common use until 1938. Great Grandma put a silver dollar in the mil , to eep it fresh at r oom temperature.
ave been reported in many cases previously given up by establishment doctors. Colloidal Silver is tasteless and won't sting, even Baby's eyes, and won't upset the stomach. It is produced today by a modernized original process, at a fracti on of the pre-1938 cost, and is more concentrated. Colloidal Silver contains no free radicals, as the Silver acts only as a catalyst, and is stabilized. This is not a chemical compound containing Silver, but pure metallic silver of sub-micr oscopic clusters of just a few atoms, held in suspension, in pure water, by the tiny electric charge on each atom. It is absolutely non-toxic, (except to one-ce lled plants and animals), and non-addicting. Colloidal Silver is the remedy for all infections, even the non-apparent, low-grade general body infections most pe ople have. Parasites are also illed, as they have an egg-stage in their reprodu ctive cycle, which is one-celled and therefore illed in six minutes or less. Colloidal Silver Specifications There has been a lot of confusion amongst consumers over the optimum concentrati on of Colloidal Silver to use. Most of this uncertainty has been caused by wrong information given out by misinformed manufacturers who believe in the old axiom that more is better". In the case of Colloidal Silver more silver is not better . A small concentration of silver with a huge number of uniformly sized, electri cally charged, ultra-fine silver particles is better. This is the most crucial c omponent of any Colloidal Silver solution. Silver operates best in the body when the particles are as small as possible, and as separate as possible. In properly manufactured Colloidal Silver the tiny electrical charge placed on t he silver particles creates repelling force that prevents the particles from clu mping together into larger particles. If the silver particles are to large they eventually get pulled by gravity to the bottom of the bottle. In the body, these larger particles cannot be properly absorbed and therefore the effectiveness of the colloidal solution is lost. The preferred silver particle size for optimum results an safety of use is 0.005 - 0.015 microns in diameter. In a true' colloid , these silver particles are animated by what is nown as the Brownian Movement and are enabled to remain in suspension in a liquid medium almost indefinitely w ithout stabilizers. Ma e sure that the Colloidal Silver product you use has small concentration of s ilver, ideally 3-5 ppm, with a huge number of uniformly sized, electrically char ged microscopic silver particles. Remember, higher concentrations of silver do n ecessarily mean greater amounts of silver particles. Quite often these solutions contain silver particles that are very large and therefore fewer in overall num ber. In the case of Colloidal Silver the term parts per million (ppm) Is a chemi stry term designating a concentration of silver but not the total number of silv er particles. This is extremely important to understand when choosing a Colloida l Silver product. Under ideal conditions the average daily diet of an adult should yield at least 0.05 milligrams of mineral silver. A 4 ounce bottle of Colloidal Silver in a con centration of 3 ppm, yields approximately 0.015 milligrams of silver per teaspoo n. So, in this concentration, ta ing four teaspoons a day is sufficient in cases where a person is getting no silver in their diet and a smaller dosage of up to three teaspoons would be adequate for those who do not have a total silver defi ciency. Bear in mind, it requires less than 0.2 ppm or (0.02) milligrams of silv er to ill non-sporulating bacteria in contaminated water and the minimum daily requirement of silver is 0.05 milligrams, so it ma es absolutely no sense for an yone to ta e the ris of using an overly concentrated Colloidal Silver product. SOME QUOTATIONS TO CONTEMPLATE Thompson of the Runcorn Health Laboratory in Cheshire, England, reports: "The co
ncentration of silver necessary to sterilize water contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is between .04 and .20 PPM." -UCLA Medical Center has reported that "colloidal silver..... illed every virus that was tested in the lab." -Dr. Henry Croo s, spea ing about colloidal silver, states: "I now of no microb e that is not illed in laboratory experiments in six minutes." -Dr. Harry Margraf of St. Louis states: "Colloidal silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have." -"The First Wealth is Health".....Emerson COLLOIDAL SILVER The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that Colloidal Sil ver has been nown to have been used successfully against:
abrasion leu emia acne lupus acne rosacea lymphangitis AIDS lyme disease alle es malaria appendicitis meningitis arthritis mosquito bites athlete's foot neur sthenia bladder inflammation parasitic infections (viral & fungal) blood parasit es pneumonia blood poisoning pleurisy boils prostate bubonic plague pruritis an burns psoriasis candida purulent ophthalmia chillblanes pyorrhea cancer rhin s canine parvovirus rheumatism cholera ringworm chronic fatigue scarlet fever c lds/flu (septic conditions of the eyes, ears colitis mouth & throat) conjunctiviti s - seborrhea cuts, scrapes - septicemia cystitis shingles dermatitis s in cancer diabetes sores dysentery staph infections eczema syphilis fibrositis thyroid tritis tonsillitis gonorrhea toxemia hay fever trachoma herpes trenchfoot imp go tuberculosis indigestion virus (all forms) infections warts inflammations wh oping-cough itchy s in yeast infection . MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES: Non-toxic, no nown side effects, is made entirely from the pure mineral element , silver Contains no chemicals or proteins Useful against over 650 disease-causi ng organisms (i.e. germs, fungi & some viruses) Helps strengthen the bodies natu ral defenses (when ta en daily), is highly germicidal Helps growth stimulation o f injured tissues, is a remedy for infections May be used internally or applied topically. DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS: A safe and all around germ-fighter Safe to use, even for children No recorded react ion with other medications Tasteless, odorless, harmless to eyes Helps improve dig estion. Does not upset the stomach Body develops no dependency or tolerance Cannot overdose Helps prevent colds and flu Promotes greater energy, vitality and vigor E xcellent for veterinary uses. Blood Cleaner & Colloidal Silver Resource List Fully assembled instruments may be obtained from the following distributors: 1. SOTA Instruments Incorporated, P.O. Box 26161, Central Postal Station, Richmo nd, BC, V6Y 3V3 Canada; (800) 224-0242 2. Energetic Transformations, LLC, P.O. Box 17614, Boulder, CO 80308-0614; (800) 497-7208 3. Action Electronics, 1300 E. Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92705; (714) 547-51
Web Addresses 1. [Best source for assembled instruments] [e-mail addr ess is] 2. http://www.padra .com/bec / [e-mail address is] 3. [e-mail address is] Colloidal Minerals at Wholesale Prices! 1. Roc land Corporation, (800) 421-7310, 12320 E. S elly Drive, Tulsa, OK 74128 2. Advanced Bio Company, (800) 211-1493; Must give Confirmation Number 1027 to r eceive discount. Cost is about $18.50. Rebounding & Lymphisizing 1. Health & Beyond, (800) 856-4863, 2255 N. University P wy, Ste 15, Provo, UT 8 4604 [Highest Quality Rebounders] Juice Machines These are the best prices available on all top-of-the-line juice machines. 1. Ferns Nutrition, (800) 229-3376; 16912 Gothard, Unit E, Huntington Beach, CA 9 2647 Patented Fast Dry Lozenge Cold Cure 1. George Eby Research, 2109 Paramount Avenue, Austin, TX 78704; (800) 345-3371 (Self Care Catalog)