This document is the newsletter from Helensburgh Public School in New South Wales, Australia. It discusses the school's upcoming 125th anniversary celebrations, including the publication of a commemorative book. It also provides updates on new initiatives at the school such as a digital bell system, art programs, and an anti-bullying workshop featuring guest speaker Dr. Patty Rose. The newsletter concludes by acknowledging Reconciliation Week and advertising upcoming community events at the school.
This document is the newsletter from Helensburgh Public School in New South Wales, Australia. It discusses the school's upcoming 125th anniversary celebrations, including the publication of a commemorative book. It also provides updates on new initiatives at the school such as a digital bell system, art programs, and an anti-bullying workshop featuring guest speaker Dr. Patty Rose. The newsletter concludes by acknowledging Reconciliation Week and advertising upcoming community events at the school.
This document is the newsletter from Helensburgh Public School in New South Wales, Australia. It discusses the school's upcoming 125th anniversary celebrations, including the publication of a commemorative book. It also provides updates on new initiatives at the school such as a digital bell system, art programs, and an anti-bullying workshop featuring guest speaker Dr. Patty Rose. The newsletter concludes by acknowledging Reconciliation Week and advertising upcoming community events at the school.
This document is the newsletter from Helensburgh Public School in New South Wales, Australia. It discusses the school's upcoming 125th anniversary celebrations, including the publication of a commemorative book. It also provides updates on new initiatives at the school such as a digital bell system, art programs, and an anti-bullying workshop featuring guest speaker Dr. Patty Rose. The newsletter concludes by acknowledging Reconciliation Week and advertising upcoming community events at the school.
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We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Helensburgh Public School is situated.
We pay our respects to the
Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future. 11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050 email: web Issue 16, Monday 28th May 2012 Week 6 Term 2
Helensburgh Hig Celebrating 125 Years
In 1892, Mr Byrnes and one of the pupil teachers, Miss McDonald, took the oldest pupils from Helensburgh Public School on a rare excursion to the Zoological Gardens in Moore Park, Sydney.
In 1895 there was a large influx of population into the township and the school's enrolment rose from 285 to 350, where it stabilised for some time. This was a bit high for the seating accommodation as the seating was calculated on the average daily pupil attendance. As a temporary measure the school received 6 extra forms (bench seats).
Staffing was also calculated on a similar formula with roughly one teacher per 50 pupils! PRINCIPAL REPORT
NEW SCHOOL BELL Our students are finding the new school bell a refreshing change from the old system that many of our parents had when they were at school. The school has written to all our neighbours informing them of the change and inviting them to make comment. The school can alter the tones and change music as required. ! don't plan to inflict the same music on all of us year in year out. The system will not operate during weekends and school holidays. Student will be given the opportunity to help select appropriate line up music over the course of the year. The school will now have specially designed emergency evacuation alerts and an internal intercom consistent with new Workplace Health and Safety regulations. Later this term we will have an evacuation drill to test our new system.
RAW ART Our special RAW ART lessons were again a great success, with some amazing pieces of art now on display in classrooms. Teachers will be hanging on to student artwork so that excellent pieces can be selected for our 125 th Art Show later in the year. The visiting art teachers have commented that our students were among some of the most creative and well behaved they have worked with. Congratulations everyone!
125 TH CELEBRATIONS Staff and parents have been busily finalizing and proof reading the school's commemorative 125 th Book. The book will be a valued memento of your child's time here at Helensburgh Public School and a great keepsake for those who have strong family ties to the school. It is hoped the book will be available at our School Birthday party on the 22 June 2012.
ANTI-BULLYING PROGRAM Our school continues to provide students with the tools to recognize and deal with bullying. Part of our intensive focus for this term will be exposing students to the work and expertise of Dr Patty Rose an experienced teacher and academic who specializes in empowering students involved in bullying situations. Dr Rose will be in the school for three days working with primary students, their teachers and parents. Students will participate in class workshops throughout the week and a parent afternoon workshop is planned for Wednesday 6 June. I encourage all parents to attend if they would like to know more about this important topic. Infants classroom Pupil Assistant Teacher
Lower Middle & 1st Upper 1st Class Class
55 81 Pupils Pupils Other classroom Assistant
Lower & Upper 2nd Class
89 Pupils Main Schoolroom Pupil Headmaster Teacher
Lower Upper 3rd, 3rd Lower & Class Upper 4th Class
39 86 Pupils Pupils
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Helensburgh Public School is situated. We pay our respects to the Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future. 11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050 email: web Issue 16, Monday 28th May 2012 Week 6 Term 2
RECONCILIATION WEEK National Reconciliation Week gives us an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the history, culture, achievements and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week starts and finishes by marking two significant anniversaries: the 1967 referendum (27 May) and the 20th anniversary of the Mabo decision (3 June). The 1967 referendum gave the Commonwealth the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to recognise them in the national Census. The High Court's Mabo decision legally recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a special relationship to the land, which existed prior to European colonisation and continues today. Both landmark events provided recognition to Aboriginal people. The theme of National Reconciliation Week 2012 is Let's Talk Recognition. Recognition is the starting point for friendship and understanding. Reconciliation involves building positive, respectful relationships between Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal people so we can work together to close the gaps in Aboriginal disadvantage and to recognise the unique contribution of Aboriginal people in our communities.
Christopher Connor Helensburgh Public School 125 th Anniversary Year
Important Dates to Remember Date Event 28th May Gymsports Kinder/Smiths Hill HS Expo Night 6pm-8.30pm 29th May K-2 Assembly 1.40pm 30th May Stage 1 CS!RO Toy Science" Show 1st June 3-6 Assembly 2.10pm 4th June Gymsports Yrs 1-2 5th June Gymsports Kinder 6th June ICAS Science 12th June P&C Meeting 7pm in staffroom 13th June South Coast Rugby League Gala Day 14th June Regional Cross Country 18th June Gymsports Yrs 1-2/ICAS Writing 19th June Gymsports Kinder/ Spelling 20th June School Athletics Carnival 22nd June K-6 Assembly/Reports home/125th Birthday Party 25th June Gymsports Yrs 1-2 26th June Gymsports Kinder/Indigenous Day and show 27th June Yr 5 Canberra Excursion 27th - 29th June 29th June Last day of Term 2
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Helensburgh Public School is situated. We pay our respects to the Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future. 11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050 email: web Issue 16, Monday 28th May 2012 Week 6 Term 2
Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service Just a reminder to all our indigenous families that the Illawarra Aboriginal Medical Service will be attending our school this week on Friday 1 st June, 2012 from 4 pm to 7 pm in our school hall. On this afternoon, the medical service will welcome all indigenous families and children to join them for a general information session to tell us all about the services they offer. The afternoon will include a forum for you to discuss any health issues or difficulties you may face and assist you in accessing medical services which include optometry, dentistry, physiotherapy and occupational therapies. The afternoon will include afternoon tea for everyone and activities for the children to enjoy. Please join us on Friday 1 st June from 4pm. If you have a query please see Mr Connor, Ms Stillwell or Mrs Murray. Wollongong Schools Choral Festival The Helensburgh Public School Choir will again be performing at the Wollongong Schools Choral Festival. Our performance night will be on Wednesday 1 st August, 2012 at the Wollongong Town Hall. Tickets will be on sale at our school office when they become available. Our rehearsal day for the festival will take place at Corrimal East Public School on Wednesday 20 th June, 2012. A full, detailed note will soon be sent home to all choir members. We look forward to another successful musical year! Mrs Louise Murray Choir Teacher
Toy Science Students in K/1G, 1M, 1C, 1/2K, 2S and 2H will participate in Toy Science on Wednesday 30th May. This is a hands-on science program conducted by CSIRO Education. Students should have already received a permission note. Please return notes and money by tomorrow, Tuesday 29th May to enable your child to attend. Ms Stillwell CANTEEN N EWS Monday 4 th June to Friday 8 th . Spaghetti Bolognaise week - Fresh home-made spag bol will be available for lunch orders. $3.50 per serve. Order as per normal at the canteen. 5 days only. We will be operating a canteen at the upcoming School Athletics Carnival. More details to follow. Jaffles are now available as a warm winter alternative. We will continue to sell REAL" coffee from the canteen to parents for $3 per cup. Apples are still 70c each (whole or slinky) and our breakfast items are also still the same:- raisin toast 50c per slice, vegemite on toast 50c per slice and Up N Go various flavours $1.70, milo $1.00 per cup. We cannot accept ANY FOREIGN COIN.
Uniform News The soft yellow sport visors are now available for PSSA players from the canteen for $8. Sport socks (all sizes) are now available from the canteen for $8. Second hand clothes - please drop any good quality second hand uniform items to the canteen. 125 th Anniversary caps are now available from the canteen for $10.
Thank you for you continued support. Jan 4294 1778 Bronwyn 4294 3568 Environmental News Recycling In addition to ink cartridges, batteries and mobile phones, we are now collecting stamps and rubber bands for recycling. Please leave these at the school office. Our new vegies planters have all been filled with soil in preparation for winter planting, by hardworking Stage 3 students and teachers.
Newsflash!!! $10 canteen vouchers to be won!!! Can you think of a fantastic name for our school environment group? Also we need a LOGO (a symbol) to go with the name - something which will clearly identify students who are in the new environment group. This group will be involved in many green initiatives around our school. So get your creativity processing and take a shot at the prizes!
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Helensburgh Public School is situated. We pay our respects to the Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future. 11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050 email: web Issue 16, Monday 28th May 2012 Week 6 Term 2
125th Anniversary Fete, 15 September 2012 Thank you to all those who responded to our requests for class parents to organise class stalls at the 125 Anniversary Fete! We now have stalls for all classes and they look great, ranging from old favourites such as books and plants, to a creepy Haunted House and delicious High Tea! We will also have our Reunion Centre, carnival rides, a petting zoo, fab food, terrific entertainment and much more. To help make it a special day for lots of people, we need prizes for various activities including the Chocolate Wheel and Silent Auctions. If you are able to donate any suitable prizes, please contact Gina ( ) or Sandy ( ). We are also collecting second hand books and DvDs for 3J class stall, so don't keep dusting those old books - send them to school! Please check out your class stall below and contact your class parent if you are able to help in any way. Thank you! Class Parent Stall
KB Sam Neill GIRLS/BOYS STALL KD Wendy Littlejohns + BALLOONS, TATTOOS, INFLATABLES KR Jackie Thoms TOMBOLA, LUCKY NUMBERS KF Maggie Fraser 125 MERCHANDISE K/1G Gill Lehn, Jo Claverie LOLLIES/LUCKY DIP 1M Cath Ryan, Nicole Short CAKES 1C Gemma Williams, Sandy Szewcow SAND ART/ CRAFT 1/2K Gill Lehn, CUPCAKES/CHOC FONDUE 2H Val Churchill HAIR BRAIDING, CRAZY HAIR & NAILS 2S Tamara Crawford, Rosa Wadel COUNTRY STALL, PRODUCE/CRAFTS 2/3M Deborah Loveday, Leisl Lechowicz HAUNTED HOUSE 3 J Cath Ryan BOOKS,DVDS,CDS 3S Gemma Williams, Sandy Szewcow CRAFT AND KITS 4M Angela Fagerstrom HIGH TEA 4L Terese Merchant SHOW BAGS 4/5B Gina Krohn GINGER BEER 5T Gill Lehn PLANTS 5/6C Terese Merchant ARCADE GAMES 6A Rosa Wadel BBQ Merle McPherson WHITE ELEPHANT 125th Anniversary Dinner Our 125 th Anniversary Dinner will be held Saturday 21 st July at the Workers. Tickets are $40 each and are available from the canteen or office NOW. Buy your own ticket or get a table of ten friends together. Ticket price includes: 2 course sit down meal, tea, coffee and drink voucher on arrival. Great value. Enquiries to the school 4294 1332 or please contact Bronwyn Charman on 0423693629.
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Helensburgh Public School is situated. We pay our respects to the Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future. 11 Fletcher Street, Helensburgh, 2508 Ph: (02) 4294 1332 or (02) 4294 1050 email: web Issue 16, Monday 28th May 2012 Week 6 Term 2
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