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ADDM Report for Task 'TASK_22468' --------------------------------Analysis Period --------------AWR snapshot range from 22079 to 22080.

Time period starts at 31-MAR-12 08.00.48 AM Time period ends at 31-MAR-12 09.00.08 AM Analysis Target --------------Database 'DB2' with DB ID 1859515567. Database version ADDM performed an analysis of instance db2, numbered 1 and hosted at X3430-8831. Activity During the Analysis Period ----------------------------------Total database time was 1438 seconds. The average number of active sessions was .4. Summary of Findings ------------------Description Active Sessions Recommendations Percent of Activity ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------1 Top SQL Statements .33 | 82.44 2 2 PL/SQL Execution .32 | 79.39 1 3 Java Execution .02 | 4.35 1 4 Unusual "Network" Wait Event .01 | 2.6 1 5 Soft Parse .01 | 2.4 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Findings and Recommendations ---------------------------Finding 1: Top SQL Statements Impact is .33 active sessions, 82.44% of total activity. -------------------------------------------------------SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. These

statements offer a good opportunity for performance improvement. Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning Estimated benefit is .32 active sessions, 78.63% of total activity. ------------------------------------------------------------------Action Investigate the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "bkztx736dvtf3" for possible performance improvements. You can supplement the information given here with an ASH report for this SQL_ID. Related Object SQL statement with SQL_ID bkztx736dvtf3. begin wwv_flow_svg.chart(p_region_id=>25553430099829637); end; Rationale The SQL Tuning Advisor cannot operate on PL/SQL statements. Rationale Database time for this SQL was divided as follows: 0% for SQL execution, 0% for parsing, 100% for PL/SQL execution and 0% for Java execution. Rationale SQL statement with SQL_ID "bkztx736dvtf3" was executed 9 times and had an average elapsed time of 119 seconds. Rationale Top level calls to execute the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "50kx8nhsdqr74" are responsible for 100% of the database time spent on the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "bkztx736dvtf3". Related Object SQL statement with SQL_ID 50kx8nhsdqr74. begin f(p=>:1 ); commit; end; Recommendation 2: SQL Tuning Estimated benefit is .02 active sessions, 3.82% of total activity. -----------------------------------------------------------------Action Investigate the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "bj6kd6byg6mm4" for possible performance improvements. You can supplement the information given here with an ASH report for this SQL_ID. Related Object SQL statement with SQL_ID bj6kd6byg6mm4. begin /* Created By Bhavesh Patel 17-OCT-2011 Updated by Vandana Patel 02-FEB-2012 */ --Add New Auto Link Exchange From Our Website. DECLARE --v_err_info XLNTSEO.Q$ERROR_MANAGER.ERROR_INFO_RT;

--REC DOMAINS%ROWTYPE; msg varchar2(2000); V_TMP INTEGER; CNT NUMBER; V_DOMAIN_FK DOMAINS.DOMAIN_PK%TYPE; V_source_DOMAIN_FK DOMAINS.DOMAIN_PK%TYPE; v_GOOGLE_RANK DOMAINS.GOOGLE_RANK%TYPE; v_ALEXA_RANK DOMAINS.ALEXA_RANK%TYPE; v_IP DOMAINS.IP%TYPE; v_COUNTRY DOMAINS.COUNTRY%TYPE; v_REGION DOMAINS.REGION%TYPE; v_CITY DOMAINS.CITY%TYPE; v_LATITUDE DOMAINS.LATITUDE%TYPE; v_LONGITUDE DOMAINS.LONGITUDE%TYPE; v_GMT_OFFSET DOMAINS.GMT_OFFSET%TYPE; v_DST_OFFSET DOMAINS.DST_OFFSET%TYPE; v_reciprocal_url varchar2(32767); v_domain varchar2(32767); v_length number; v_exchange_pk number; v_source_meta_fk number; v_dest_meta_fk number; v_flag boolean:=false; v_cnt_le number; v_le_pk number; v_meta_pk number; v_entity_own number; v_submit_by number; v_entity_type number; v_format_pk number; v_meta_cnt number:=0; --mail v_content clob; v_subject varchar2(32767); v_result varchar2(32767); v_from_email varchar2(32767); v_from_pass varchar2(32767); v_smtp_sever varchar2(32767); v_mail_bcc varchar2(32767); BEGIN insert into trace_table values('1 P47_RECIPROCAL_URL '||:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL,systimestamp);commit; insert into trace_table values('2 APP_ENTITY_OWNER_FK'||:APP_ENTITY_OWNER_FK,systimestamp);commit; insert into trace_table values('3 P47_X'||:P47_X,systimestamp); commit;

if(:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL is not null)then v_domain := CASE WHEN INSTR(:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL,'/',1,3)= 0 THEN :P47_RECIPROCAL_URL ELSE trim(SUBSTR(:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL,1,INSTR(:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL,'/',1, 3)1)) END; -- v_domain:=:P47_DEST_DOMAIN; insert into trace_table values('6 v_domain '||v_domain,systimestamp); commit; select count(*) into CNT from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(v_domain)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); insert into trace_table values('7 CNT '||CNT,systimestamp); commit; IF(cnt=0) then insert into trace_table values('8 in CNT if condition',systimestamp);commit; insert into trace_table values('9 before call to auto_link_exchange.DOMAIN_INFO',systimestamp);commit; auto_link_exchange.DOMAIN_INFO(v_domain,V_GOOGLE_RANK,v_ALEXA_R ANK ,v_IP ,v_COUNTRY ,v_REGION ,v_CITY ,v_LATITUDE ,v_LONGITUDE , v_GMT_OFFSET ,v_DST_OFFSET ); insert into trace_table values('10 before call to XLNTSEO.DOMAINS_CP.INS>>P47_X=='||:P47_X,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('10.1 owner +'||seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X),systimestamp); commit; XLNTSEO.DOMAINS_CP.INS( webmaster_fk_in => seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X), url_in => v_domain, home_url_in => v_domain, login_url_in => NULL, company_in => NULL, industry_fk_in => :P47_CATEGORY, email_in => :P47_EMAIL_ID, google_rank_in => v_GOOGLE_RANK, alexa_rank_in =>v_ALEXA_RANK, ip_in => v_IP, country_in => v_COUNTRY, region_in => v_REGION, city_in => v_CITY, latitude_in => v_LATITUDE, longitude_in => v_LONGITUDE, gmt_offset_in => v_GMT_OFFSET,

dst_offset_in => v_DST_OFFSET, remarks_in => :P47_REMARKS, created_by_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, created_on_in => SYSTIMESTAMP, last_login_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, last_modified_in => SYSTIMESTAMP, last_mc_in => NULL, last_ip_in => owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'),--:F140_IP_ADDRESS, launch_date_in => null, handle_error_in => false ); COMMIT; insert into trace_table values('2 APP_ENTITY_OWNER_FK'||:APP_ENTITY_OWNER_FK,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('6 v_domain '||v_domain,systimestamp);commit; insert into trace_table values('select domain_pk into V_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim('||v_domain||')) and webmaster_fk = '||:APP_ENTITY_OWNER_FK,systimestamp); commit; select domain_pk into V_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(v_domain)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); insert into trace_table values('11 V_DOMAIN_FK '||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('12 before call to meta_info_cp.ins',systimestamp); commit; meta_info_cp.ins ( domain_fk_in => V_DOMAIN_FK, title_in => :P47_LINK_TEXT, description_in => :P47_DESCRIPTION, keywords_in => :P47_LINK_TARGET_URL, default_flag_in => 1, priority_in => 1, created_by_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, created_on_in => systimestamp, last_login_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, last_modified_in => systimestamp, last_mc_in => null, last_ip_in => owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'), --:F140_IP_ADDRESS, handle_error_in => false );

COMMIT; select max(exchange_pk)+1 into v_exchange_pk from link_exchange; insert into trace_table values('13 v_exchange_pk '||v_exchange_pk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('14 V_DOMAIN_FK '||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('15 P47_X '||:P47_X,systimestamp); commit; select domain_pk into V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(:P47_X)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); select meta_pk into v_dest_meta_fk from meta_info where domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK and PRIORITY=1; select meta_pk into v_source_meta_fk from meta_info where domain_fk = V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK AND priority = 1; insert into trace_table values('16V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK '||V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('17 v_dest_meta_fk '||v_dest_meta_fk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('18 v_source_meta_fk '||v_source_meta_fk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('19 before call to link_exchange_cp.ins',systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('20 :P47_CATEGORY '||:P47_CATEGORY,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('21 :P47_REMARKS '||:P47_REMARKS,systimestamp); commit; link_exchange_cp.ins (EXCHANGE_PK_IN => v_exchange_pk, SOURCE_PAGE_FK_IN => NULL, DEST_DOMAIN_FK_IN => V_DOMAIN_FK, DEST_PAGE_URL_IN => :P47_RECIPROCAL_URL, EXCHANGED_ON_IN => SYSTIMESTAMP, SOURCE_META_FK_IN => v_source_meta_fk, DEST_META_FK_IN => v_dest_meta_fk, EXCHANGED_BLOCK_IN=>NULL, AUTO_FLAG_IN=>1, TRANS_FLAG_IN=>1, VERIFY_FLAG_IN=>NULL, CATEGORY_FK_IN=>:P47_CATEGORY, DISPLAYED_ON_IN=>SYSTIMESTAMP, TERMINATED_ON_IN=>NULL, INITIATOR_IN=>2, SUBMITTED_BY_FK_IN=>0, STATUS_FK_IN=>2, --2=Approved

REMARKS_IN=>:P47_REMARKS, LAST_LOGIN_FK_IN=>0, LAST_MODIFIED_IN=>SYSTIMESTAMP, LAST_MC_IN=>'SYSTEM',--NULL, LAST_IP_IN=>OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'), SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK_IN=>V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,--:P47_X, handle_error_in=> TRUE ); commit; select email,password,smtp_server into v_from_email,v_from_pass,v_smtp_sever from login_email_user where login_fk=0 and website_mst_fk is null; select mail_format_pk,content,subject into v_format_pk,v_content,v_subject from entity_mail_formats where mail_format_pk=22 and website_mst_fk is null; select value_char into v_mail_bcc from owner_param where name = 'BCC_MAIL_ID' and owner_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); v_content:=replace(replace(replace(replace(v_content, '#TITLE#', :P47_LINK_TEXT),'#TARGET_URL#',:P47_LINK_TARGET_URL),'#DESCRIPTI ON#', :P47_DESCRIPTION),'#RECIPROCAL_URL#',:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL); insert into trace_table values('22 before send mail',systimestamp); commit; v_result:=XLNTSEO.SEO_MAIL.SEND_MAIL(v_subject,v_content,:P47_EMAIL_ I D,v_from_email,null,v_mail_bcc,null,v_from_email,v_from_pass,v_smtp_s ever,1,null,null,null); /*v_result:=XLNTSEO.SEO_MAIL.SEND_MAIL(v_subject,v_content,'vandana.d',v_from_email,null,null,null,v_from_email,v_from_pas s,v_smtp_sever,1,null,null,null);*/ insert into trace_table values('23 after send mail',systimestamp); commit; select submitted_by_fk into v_submit_by from link_exchange where source_domain_fk = V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK and dest_domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK; insert into trace_table values('24 v_submit_by '||v_submit_by,systimestamp); commit; --select decode(v_submit_by,0,:F140_USER_ID,v_submit_by) into v_submit_by from dual; seo_entity.get_own_type(v_submit_by,v_entity_own,v_entity_type); entity_mails_cp.ins ( entity_own_fk_in => v_entity_own, entity_type_fk_in => v_entity_type, mail_format_fk_in => v_format_pk,

mail_content_in => v_content, last_login_fk_in => 0, last_modified_in => systimestamp, last_mc_in => null, last_ip_in => OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'),--'',-to_add_in => :P47_EMAIL_ID, from_add_in => v_from_email, bcc_add_in => null, cc_add_in => null, reply_to_in => null, subject_in => v_subject, dest_domain_fk_in =>V_DOMAIN_FK , handle_error_in => false ); commit; htp.p('<script language="javascript">'); htp.p('alert("We accept your request regarding link exchange please check your mail for more details.");'); htp.p('window.location = "'||:P47_X||'/links/linksubmit_thankyou.html";'); --htp.p('window.location = ""'); htp.p('</script>'); /*apex_application.g_print_success_message:='We accept your request regarding link exchange please check your mail for more details.';*/ else --apex_application.g_print_success_message:='Domain already exists'; select domain_pk into V_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(v_domain)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); insert into trace_table values('25 V_DOMAIN_FK '||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('26 :P47_X '||:P47_X,systimestamp); commit; select domain_pk into V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(:P47_X)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); insert into trace_table values('27 V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK '||V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); commit; --select count(dest_domain_fk) into v_cnt_le from link_exchange where dest_domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK and source_domain_fk = V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK; /*select count(*) into v_cnt_le from link_exchange where dest_domain_fk=V_DOMAIN_FK and source_domain_fk=:P47_DOMAIN;*/ select count(*) into v_cnt_le from link_exchange where

dest_domain_fk=V_DOMAIN_FK and source_domain_fk= V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK; insert into trace_table values('insert v_cnt_le= '||v_cnt_le,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('insert source_domain_fk P47_DOMAIN= '||:P47_DOMAIN,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('insert V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK= '||V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('insert dest_domain_fk V_DOMAIN_FK= '||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); commit; if(v_cnt_le=0) then --apex_application.g_print_success_message:='Now we are not perform deletion and create new entry for existing domain'; insert into trace_table values('28 In Else after 24 ',systimestamp); commit; /*insert into trace_table values('29 v_le_pk '||v_le_pk,systimestamp); commit;*/ insert into trace_table values('30 In Else after 24 *****************'||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); commit; select count(*) into v_meta_cnt from meta_info where domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK and priority=1; insert into trace_table values('28.1 update domain v_meta_cnt>>'||v_meta_cnt,systimestamp); commit; auto_link_exchange.DOMAIN_INFO(v_domain,v_GOOGLE_RANK,v_ALEXA_R ANK ,v_IP ,v_COUNTRY ,v_REGION ,v_CITY ,v_LATITUDE ,v_LONGITUDE , v_GMT_OFFSET ,v_DST_OFFSET ); update domains set industry_fk = :P47_CATEGORY ,email = :P47_EMAIL_ID ,google_rank = v_GOOGLE_RANK ,alexa_rank = v_ALEXA_RANK ,ip = v_IP ,country = v_COUNTRY ,region = v_REGION ,city = v_CITY ,latitude = v_LATITUDE ,longitude = v_LONGITUDE ,gmt_offset = v_GMT_OFFSET ,dst_offset = v_DST_OFFSET ,last_login_fk = 0 --:F140_USER_ID ,last_modified = systimestamp ,last_ip = owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR') --:F140_IP_ADDRESS

where domain_pk = V_DOMAIN_FK; commit; insert into trace_table values('28.2 after update v_meta_cnt'||v_meta_cnt,systimestamp); commit; if(v_meta_cnt=0) then meta_info_cp.ins ( domain_fk_in => V_DOMAIN_FK, title_in => :P47_LINK_TEXT, description_in => :P47_DESCRIPTION, keywords_in => :P47_LINK_TARGET_URL, default_flag_in => 1, priority_in => 1, created_by_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, created_on_in => systimestamp, last_login_fk_in => 0,--:F140_USER_ID, last_modified_in => systimestamp, last_mc_in => null, last_ip_in => owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'),--:F140_IP_ADDRESS, handle_error_in => false ); COMMIT; else insert into trace_table values('28.3 else inn meta info ',systimestamp); commit; select max(meta_pk) into v_meta_pk from meta_info where domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK and priority=1; insert into trace_table values('28.4 after update v_meta_pk>>'||v_meta_pk,systimestamp); commit; update meta_info set title = :P47_LINK_TEXT ,description = :P47_DESCRIPTION ,keywords = :P47_LINK_TARGET_URL ,last_login_fk = 0 ,last_modified = systimestamp ,last_ip = owa_util.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR') where meta_pk = v_meta_pk; commit; insert into trace_table values('31 v_meta_pk '||v_meta_pk,systimestamp); commit; insert into trace_table values('32 v_domain '||v_domain,systimestamp); commit; end if; select max(exchange_pk)+1 into v_exchange_pk from link_exchange;

insert into trace_table values('33 v_exchange_pk '||v_exchange_pk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('34 V_DOMAIN_FK '||V_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('35 P47_X '||:P47_X,systimestamp); commit; select domain_pk into V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK from domains where lower(trim(url)) = lower(trim(:P47_X)) and webmaster_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); select meta_pk into v_dest_meta_fk from meta_info where domain_fk = V_DOMAIN_FK and priority=1; select meta_pk into v_source_meta_fk from meta_info where domain_fk = V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK AND priority = 1; insert into trace_table values('36 V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK '||V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('37 v_dest_meta_fk '||v_dest_meta_fk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('38 v_source_meta_fk '||v_source_meta_fk,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('39 before call to link_exchange_cp.ins',systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('40 :P47_CATEGORY '||:P47_CATEGORY,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('41 :P47_REMARKS '||:P47_REMARKS,systimestamp); insert into trace_table values('before insert into link_exchnage',systimestamp); link_exchange_cp.ins (EXCHANGE_PK_IN => v_exchange_pk, SOURCE_PAGE_FK_IN => NULL, DEST_DOMAIN_FK_IN => V_DOMAIN_FK, DEST_PAGE_URL_IN => :P47_RECIPROCAL_URL, EXCHANGED_ON_IN => SYSTIMESTAMP, SOURCE_META_FK_IN => v_source_meta_fk, DEST_META_FK_IN => v_dest_meta_fk, EXCHANGED_BLOCK_IN=>NULL, AUTO_FLAG_IN=>1, TRANS_FLAG_IN=>1, VERIFY_FLAG_IN=>NULL, CATEGORY_FK_IN=>:P47_CATEGORY, DISPLAYED_ON_IN=>SYSTIMESTAMP, TERMINATED_ON_IN=>NULL, INITIATOR_IN=>2, SUBMITTED_BY_FK_IN=>0, STATUS_FK_IN=>2, --2=Approved REMARKS_IN=>:P47_REMARKS,

LAST_LOGIN_FK_IN=>0, LAST_MODIFIED_IN=>SYSTIMESTAMP, LAST_MC_IN=>'SYSTEM',--NULL, LAST_IP_IN=>OWA_UTIL.get_cgi_env('REMOTE_ADDR'), SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK_IN=>V_SOURCE_DOMAIN_FK,--:P47_X, handle_error_in=> TRUE ); commit; insert into trace_table values('before insert into link_exchnage',systimestamp); select email,password,smtp_server into v_from_email,v_from_pass,v_smtp_sever from login_email_user where login_fk=0 and website_mst_fk is null; select content,subject into v_content,v_subject from entity_mail_formats where mail_format_pk=22 and website_mst_fk is null; select value_char into v_mail_bcc from owner_param where name = 'BCC_MAIL_ID' and owner_fk = seo_entity.get_owner(:P47_X); v_content:=replace(replace(replace(replace(v_content, '#TITLE#', :P47_LINK_TEXT),'#TARGET_URL#',:P47_LINK_TARGET_URL),'#DESCRIPTI ON#', :P47_DESCRIPTION),'#RECIPROCAL_URL#',:P47_RECIPROCAL_URL); insert into trace_table values('42 before send mail',systimestamp); commit; v_result:=XLNTSEO.SEO_MAIL.SEND_MAIL(v_subject,v_content,:P47_EMAIL_ I D,v_from_email,null,v_mail_bcc,null,v_from_email,v_from_pass,v_smtp_s ever,1,null,null,null); /* v_result:=XLNTSEO.SEO_MAIL.SEND_MAIL(v_subject,v_content,'vandana.d.p',v_from_email,null,null,null,v_from_email,v_from_pass, v_smtp_sever,1,null,null,null); */ insert into trace_table values('43 after send mail',systimestamp); commit; htp.p('<script language="javascript">'); htp.p('alert(" We accept your request regarding link exchange please check your mail for more details...");'); htp.p('window.location = "'||:P47_X||'/links/linksubmit_thankyou.html";'); htp.p('</script>'); /*select decode(v_submit_by,0,:F140_USER_ID,v_submit_by) into v_submit_by from dual; seo_entity.get_own_type(v_submit_by,v_entity_own,v_entity_type); entity_mails_cp.ins (

entity_own_fk_in => v_entity_own, entity_type_fk_in => v_entity_type, mail_format_fk_in => v_format_pk, mail_content_in => v_content, last_login_fk_in => :F140_USER_ID, last_modified_in => systimestamp, last_mc_in => null, last_ip_in => '', to_add_in => :p44_email_id, from_add_in => v_from_email, bcc_add_in => null, cc_add_in => null, reply_to_in => null, subject_in => v_subject, dest_domain_fk_in =>V_DOMAIN_FK , handle_error_in => false ); commit;*/ /*apex_application.g_print_success_message:='3 We accept your request regarding link exchange please check your mail for more details.';*/ end if; end if; end if; exception when others then :P47_VERIFICATION_MESSAGE:=sqlerrm; :P47_SHOW:=0; htp.p('<script language="javascript">'); htp.p('alert("Some error occur in processing. Please try again after some time. Thank you.");'); -- htp.p('window.location = "'||:P47_X||'/links/linksubmit_thankyou.html";'); htp.p('</script>'); END; end; Rationale The SQL Tuning Advisor cannot operate on PL/SQL statements. Rationale Database time for this SQL was divided as follows: 20% for SQL execution, 20% for parsing, 0% for PL/SQL execution and 60% for Java execution. Rationale SQL statement with SQL_ID "bj6kd6byg6mm4" was executed 2 times and had an average elapsed time of 37 seconds. Rationale Top level calls to execute the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "gpq20y9y15yc3" are responsible for 100% of the database time spent on

the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "bj6kd6byg6mm4". Related Object SQL statement with SQL_ID gpq20y9y15yc3. begin wwv_flow.accept(p_flow_step_id=>:1 , p_t09=>:2 , p_t08=>:3 , p_t07=>:4 , p_t06=>:5 , p_t05=>:6 , p_t04=>:7 , p_t03=>:8 , p_t02=>:9 , p_t01=>:10 , p_request=>:11 , p_page_submission_id=>:12 , p_t12=>:13 , p_t13=>:14 , p_t10=>:15 , p_t11=>:16 , p_t14=>:17 , p_md5_checksum=>:18 , p_flow_id=>:19 , p_arg_names=>:20 , p_instance=>:21 ); commit; end; Finding 2: PL/SQL Execution Impact is .32 active sessions, 79.39% of total activity. -------------------------------------------------------PL/SQL execution consumed significant database time. Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning Estimated benefit is .32 active sessions, 79.39% of total activity. ------------------------------------------------------------------Action Tune the entry point PL/SQL "APEX_030200.F" of type "PROCEDURE" and ID 79091. Refer to the PL/SQL documentation for addition information. Rationale 1130 seconds spent in executing PL/SQL "SYS.DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN#2" of type "PACKAGE" and ID 4695.

Finding 3: Java Execution Impact is .02 active sessions, 4.35% of total activity. ------------------------------------------------------JAVA execution consumed significant database time. Recommendation 1: Application Analysis Estimated benefit is .02 active sessions, 4.35% of total activity. -----------------------------------------------------------------Action Look at the "Top SQL Statements" finding for SQL statements consuming significant time in Java execution. For example, the PL/SQL statement with SQL_ID "bj6kd6byg6mm4" is responsible for 52% of Java execution time during the analysis period. Finding 4: Unusual "Network" Wait Event Impact is .01 active sessions, 2.6% of total activity. -----------------------------------------------------Wait event "TCP Socket (KGAS)" in wait class "Network" was consuming significant database time. Recommendation 1: Application Analysis Estimated benefit is .01 active sessions, 2.6% of total activity. ----------------------------------------------------------------Action Investigate the cause for high "TCP Socket (KGAS)" waits. Refer to Oracle's "Database Reference" for the description of this wait event. Symptoms That Led to the Finding: --------------------------------Wait class "Network" was consuming significant database time. Impact is .01 active sessions, 2.6% of total activity. Finding 5: Soft Parse Impact is .01 active sessions, 2.4% of total activity. -----------------------------------------------------Soft parsing of SQL statements was consuming significant database time. Recommendation 1: Application Analysis Estimated benefit is .01 active sessions, 2.4% of total activity. ----------------------------------------------------------------Action Investigate application logic to keep open the frequently used cursors. Note that cursors are closed by both cursor close calls and session disconnects.

Recommendation 2: Database Configuration Estimated benefit is .01 active sessions, 2.4% of total activity. ----------------------------------------------------------------Action Consider increasing the session cursor cache size by increasing the value of parameter "session_cached_cursors". Rationale The value of parameter "session_cached_cursors" was "50" during the analysis period.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional Information ---------------------Miscellaneous Information ------------------------Wait class "Application" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Commit" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Concurrency" was not consuming significant database time. Wait class "Configuration" was not consuming significant database time. CPU was not a bottleneck for the instance. Wait class "User I/O" was not consuming significant database time. Session connect and disconnect calls were not consuming significant database time. Hard parsing of SQL statements was not consuming significant database time. The database's maintenance windows were active during 100% of the analysis period.

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