Abq315 Cohesive Elements
Abq315 Cohesive Elements
Abq315 Cohesive Elements
5 Cohesive elements
Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2
Modeling with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3
Defining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section 31.5.4
Defining the constitutive response of cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section
Defining the constitutive response of cohesive elements using a traction-separation description,
Section 31.5.6
Defining the constitutive response of fluid within the cohesive element gap, Section 31.5.7
Two-dimensional cohesive element library, Section 31.5.8
Three-dimensional cohesive element library, Section 31.5.9
Axisymmetric cohesive element library, Section 31.5.10
31.5 Cohesive elements
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31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
Abaqus oIIers a library oI cohesive elements to model the behavior oI adhesive joints, interIaces in
composites, and other situations where the integrity and strength oI interIaces may be oI interest.
Modeling with cohesive elements consists oI:
choosing the appropriate cohesive element type ('Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2);
including the cohesive elements in a Iinite element model, connecting them to other components, and
understanding typical modeling issues that arise during modeling using cohesive elements ('Modeling
with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3);
deIining the initial geometry oI the cohesive elements ('DeIining the cohesive element's initial
geometry, Section 31.5.4); and
deIining the mechanical, and optionally the Iluid, constitutive behavior oI the cohesive elements.
The mechanical constitutive behavior oI the cohesive elements can be deIined:
with a continuum-based constitutive model ('Modeling oI an adhesive layer oI Iinite thickness in
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section
with a uniaxial stress-based constitutive model useIul in modeling gaskets and/or single adhesive
patches ('Modeling oI gaskets and/or small adhesive patches in 'DeIining the constitutive response
oI cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5), or
by using a constitutive model speciIied directly in terms oI traction versus separation ('DeIining the
constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6).
When pore pressure cohesive elements are used in soils procedures in Abaqus/Standard, the Iluid
constitutive behavior oI the cohesive elements can be deIined ('DeIining the constitutive response oI Iluid
within the cohesive element gap, Section 31.5.7):
by deIining the tangential Iluid Ilow relationship, and
by deIining a Iluid leak-oII coeIIicient that accounts Ior caking or Iouling eIIects in rock Iracture.
Typical applications
Cohesive elements are useIul in modeling adhesives, bonded interIaces, gaskets, and rock Iracture. The
constitutive response oI these elements depends on the speciIic application and is based on certain
assumptions about the deIormation and stress states that are appropriate Ior each application area. The
nature oI the mechanical constitutive response may broadly be classiIied to be based on:
a continuum description oI the material;
a traction-separation description oI the interIace; or
a uniaxial stress state appropriate Ior modeling gaskets and/or laterally unconstrained adhesive
Each oI these constitutive response types is discussed brieIly below.
31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
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Continuum-based modeling
The modeling oI adhesive joints involves situations where two bodies are connected together by a glue-like
material (see Figure 31.5.11). A continuum-based modeling oI the adhesive is appropriate when the glue
has a Iinite thickness. The macroscopic properties, such as stiIIness and strength, oI the adhesive material
can be measured experimentally and used directly Ior modeling purposes (see 'DeIining the constitutive
response oI cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). The adhesive
material is generally more compliant than the surrounding material. The cohesive elements model the initial
loading, the initiation oI damage, and the propagation oI damage leading to eventual Iailure in the material.
Figure 31.5.1-1 Typical peel test using cohesive elements to model Iinite-thickness adhesives.
In three-dimensional problems the continuum-based constitutive model assumes one direct (through-
thickness) strain, two transverse shear strains, and all (six) stress components to be active at a material
point. In two-dimensional problems it assumes one direct (through-thickness) strain, one transverse shear
strain, and all (Iour) stress components to be active at a material point.
Traction-separation-based modeling
The modeling oI bonded interIaces in composite materials oIten involves situations where the intermediate
glue material is very thin and Ior all practical purposes may be considered to be oI zero thickness (see
Figure 31.5.12).
Figure 31.5.1-2 Debonding along a skin-stringer interIace: typical situation Ior traction-separation-based
In this case the macroscopic material properties are not relevant directly, and the analyst must resort to
concepts derived Irom Iracture mechanicssuch as the amount oI energy required to create new surIaces
(see 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description,
31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
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Section 31.5.6, Ior details). The cohesive elements model the initial loading, the initiation oI damage, and
the propagation oI damage leading to eventual Iailure at the bonded interIace. The behavior oI the interIace
prior to initiation oI damage is oIten described as linear elastic in terms oI a penalty stiIIness that degrades
under tensile and/or shear loading but is unaIIected by pure compression.
You may use the cohesive elements in areas oI the model where you expect cracks to develop. However,
the model need not have any crack to begin with. In Iact, the precise locations (among all areas modeled
with cohesive elements) where cracks initiate, as well as the evolution characteristics oI such cracks, are
determined as part oI the solution. The cracks are restricted to propagate along the layer oI cohesive
elements and will not deIlect into the surrounding material.
In three-dimensional problems the traction-separation-based model assumes three components oI
separationone normal to the interIace and two parallel to it; and the corresponding stress components are
assumed to be active at a material point. In two-dimensional problems the traction-separation-based model
assumes two components oI separationone normal to the interIace and the other parallel to it; and the
corresponding stress components are assumed to be active at a material point.
Modeling of gaskets and/or laterally unconstrained adhesive patches
Cohesive elements also provide some limited capabilities Ior modeling gaskets (see Figure 31.5.13).
Figure 31.5.1-3 Typical application involving gaskets.
The constitutive response oI gaskets modeled with cohesive elements can be deIined using only
macroscopic properties such as stiIIness and strength (see 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). No specialized gasket behavior
(typically deIined in terms oI pressure versus closure) is available. Compared to the class oI gasket elements
available in Abaqus/Standard ('Gasket elements: overview, Section 31.6.1), the cohesive elements
are Iully nonlinear (can be used with Iinite strains and rotations);
can have mass in a dynamic analysis; and
are available in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
It is assumed that the gaskets are subjected to a uniaxial stress state. A uniaxial stress state is also
appropriate Ior modeling small adhesive patches that are unconstrained in the lateral direction.
Any material model in Abaqus that is available Ior use with a one-dimensional element (beams, trusses, or
rebars)including, Ior example, the hyperelastic and the elastomeric Ioam material models (useIul in this
context Ior modeling gaskets, sealants, or shock absorbers made out oI poron)can be used with this
31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
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Spatial representation of a cohesive element
Figure 31.5.14 demonstrates the key geometrical Ieatures that are used to deIine cohesive elements.
Figure 31.5.1-4 Spatial representation oI a three-dimensional cohesive element.
The connectivity oI cohesive elements is like that oI continuum elements, but it is useIul to think oI
cohesive elements as being composed oI two Iaces separated by a thickness. The relative motion oI the
bottom and top Iaces measured along the thickness direction (local 3-direction Ior three-dimensional
elements; local 2-direction Ior two-dimensional elementssee 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial
geometry, Section 31.5.4, Ior Iurther details on local directions) represents opening or closing oI the
interIace. The relative change in position oI the bottom and top Iaces measured in the plane orthogonal to
the thickness direction quantiIies the transverse shear behavior oI the cohesive element. Stretching and
shearing oI the midsurIace oI the element (the surIace halIway between the bottom and top Iaces) are
associated with membrane strains in the cohesive element; however, it is assumed that the cohesive
elements do not generate any stresses in a purely membrane response. Figure 31.5.15 shows the diIIerent
deIormation modes oI a cohesive element.
Figure 31.5.1-5 DeIormation modes oI a cohesive element.
General issues related to modeling with cohesive elements
While using cohesive elements, you should be mindIul oI important issues that are speciIic to these
elements. Such issues include special considerations associated with using cohesive elements in conjunction
with contact interactions, potential degradation oI the stable time increment size in Abaqus/Explicit, and
potential convergence problems in Abaqus/Standard. These issues are discussed in detail in 'Modeling with
cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3. Cohesive elements are typically used to bond components together.
'Modeling with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3, also discusses methods Ior connecting a cohesive layer
to adjacent components.
Procedures with which cohesive elements are allowed
Cohesive elements without pore pressure degrees oI Ireedom can be used in all stress/displacement analysis
31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
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types. Although they do not have any degrees oI Ireedom other than displacement, they can be used in
coupled procedures to bond together components made out oI coupled temperature-displacement elements,
and in Abaqus/Standard coupled pore pressure-displacement elements and/or piezoelectric elements, to
simulate mechanical Iailure oI interIaces. The response oI the cohesive element in such coupled procedures
is mechanical only (Ior example, no heat transIer occurs across the interIace in a coupled temperature-
displacement problem).
Cohesive elements with pore pressure degrees oI Ireedom can be used in coupled pore Iluid diIIusion/stress
analyses ('Coupled pore Iluid diIIusion and stress analysis, Section 6.8.1). The mechanical response oI the
coupled pore pressuredisplacement element is the same as the equivalent displacement-only element,
except that the gap Iluid pressure is considered as a traction on open Iaces.
31.5.1 Cohesive elements: overview
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31.5.2 Choosing a cohesive element
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'Two-dimensional cohesive element library, Section 31.5.8
'Three-dimensional cohesive element library, Section 31.5.9
'Axisymmetric cohesive element library, Section 31.5.10
The Abaqus cohesive element library includes:
elements Ior two-dimensional analyses;
elements Ior three-dimensional analyses; and
elements Ior axisymmetric analyses.
Naming convention
The cohesive elements used in Abaqus are named as Iollows:
For example, COH2D4 is a 4-node, two-dimensional cohesive element.
31.5.2 Choosing a cohesive element
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31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Cohesive elements:
are used to model adhesives between two components, each oI which may be deIormable or rigid;
are used to model interIacial debonding using a cohesive zone Iramework;
are used to model gaskets and/or small adhesive patches;
can be connected to the adjacent components by sharing nodes, by using mesh tie constraints, or by
using MPCs type TIE or PIN; and
may interact with other components via contact Ior gasket applications.
This section discusses the techniques that are available to discretize cohesive zones and assemble them in a
model representing several components that are bonded to one another. It also discusses several common
modeling issues related to cohesive elements.
Discretizing cohesive zones using cohesive elements
The cohesive zone must be discretized with a single layer oI cohesive elements through the thickness. II the
cohesive zone represents an adhesive material with a Iinite thickness, the continuum macroscopic properties
oI this material can be used directly Ior modeling the constitutive response oI the cohesive zone.
Alternatively, iI the cohesive zone represents an inIinitesimally thin layer oI adhesive at a bonded interIace,
it may be more relevant to deIine the response oI the interIace directly in terms oI the traction at the
interIace versus the relative motion across the interIace. Finally, iI the cohesive zone represents a small
adhesive patch or a gasket with no lateral constraint, a uniaxial stress state provides a good approximation
to the state oI these elements. Abaqus provides modeling capabilities Ior all the above cases. The details are
discussed in later sections.
Connecting cohesive elements to other components
At least one oI either the top or the bottom Iace oI the cohesive element must be constrained to another
component. In most applications it is appropriate to have both Iaces oI the cohesive elements tied to
neighboring components. II only one Iace oI the cohesive element is constrained and the other Iace is Iree,
the cohesive element exhibits one or (Ior three-dimensional elements) more singular modes oI deIormation
due to the lack oI membrane stiIIness. The singular modes can propagate Irom one cohesive element to the
adjacent one but can be suppressed by constraining the nodes on the side Iace at the end oI a series oI
cohesive elements.
In some cases it may be convenient and appropriate to have cohesive elements share nodes with the
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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elements on the surIaces oI the adjacent components. More generally, when the mesh in the cohesive zone
is not matched to the mesh oI the adjacent components, cohesive elements can be tied to other components.
When cohesive elements are used to model gaskets, it may be more appropriate to tie or share nodes on one
side and deIine contact on the other side as discussed below. This will prevent the gaskets Irom being
subjected to tensile stresses.
Having cohesive elements share nodes with other elements
When the cohesive elements and their neighboring parts have matched meshes, it is straightIorward to
connect cohesive elements to other components in a model simply by sharing nodes (see Figure 31.5.31).
Figure 31.5.3-1 Cohesive elements sharing nodes with other Abaqus elements.
When these elements are used as adhesives or to model debonding, this method can be used to obtain initial
results Irom a modelmore accurate local results (in the decohesion zone) would typically be obtained
with the cohesive zone more reIined than the elements oI the surrounding components. When these
elements are used to model gaskets, this approach is suitable in situations when no Irictional slip occurs
between the gaskets and the surrounding components. The method oI sharing nodes in gasket applications
will lead to tensile stresses in the gasket should the parts connected to the gasket be pulled apart. DeIining
contact on one side oI the cohesive elements will avoid such tensile stresses.
Connecting cohesive elements to other components by using surface-based tie constraints
II the two neighboring parts do not have matched meshes, such as when the discretization level in the
cohesive layer is diIIerent (typically Iiner) Irom the discretization level in the surrounding structures, the top
and/or bottom surIaces oI the cohesive layer can be tied to the surrounding structures using a tie constraint
('Mesh tie constraints, Section 33.3.1). Figure 31.5.32 shows an example in which a Iiner discretization is
used Ior the cohesive layer than Ior the neighboring parts.
Figure 31.5.3-2 Independent meshes with tie constraints.
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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Contact interactions between cohesive elements and other components
For some applications involving gaskets it is appropriate to deIine contact on one side oI the cohesive
element (see Figure 31.5.33).
Figure 31.5.3-3 Contact interaction on one side oI a cohesive zone.
Contact can be deIined with either the general contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit ('DeIining general
contact interactions in Abaqus/Explicit, Section 34.4.1) or the contact pair algorithm in Abaqus/Standard
('DeIining contact pairs in Abaqus/Standard, Section 34.3.1) or Abaqus/Explicit ('DeIining contact pairs
in Abaqus/Explicit, Section 34.5.1). II pure master-slave contact is used, typically the surIace oI the
cohesive elements should be the slave surIace and the surIace oI the neighboring part should be the master
surIace. This choice oI master and slave is based on the cohesive zone typically being composed oI soIter
materials and having a Iiner discretization. The second consideration also suggests that mismatched meshes
will oIten be used in analyses involving cohesive elements. II mismatched meshes are used, the pressure
distribution on the cohesive elements may not be predicted accurately; submodeling ('Submodeling:
overview, Section 10.2.1) may be required to obtain accurate local results.
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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Using cohesive elements in large-displacement analyses
Cohesive elements can be used in large-displacement analyses. The assembly containing the cohesive
elements can undergo Iinite displacement as well as Iinite rotation.
Selecting the broad class of the constitutive response of cohesive elements
As discussed earlier, cohesive elements can be used to model Iinite-thickness adhesives, negligibly thin
adhesive layers Ior debonding applications, as well as gaskets and/or small adhesive patches. You must
choose one oI these broad classes oI applications when you deIine the section properties oI cohesive
elements. The detailed implications oI each choice are discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI
cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, and 'DeIining the constitutive response oI
cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to model a Iinite-thickness adhesive layer using a
continuum-based constitutive response:
Use the Iollowing option to model a negligibly (geometrically) thin layer oI
adhesive using a traction-separation-based response:
Use the Iollowing option to use cohesive elements as gaskets and/or small adhesive
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type: Response: Continuum, Traction Separation, or
Assigning a material behavior to a cohesive element
You assign the name oI a material deIinition to a particular element set. The constitutive behavior Ior this
element set is deIined entirely by the constitutive thickness oI the cohesive layer (discussed in 'SpeciIying
the constitutive thickness in 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section 31.5.4) and the
material properties reIerring to the same name.
The constitutive behavior oI the cohesive elements can be deIined either in terms oI a material model
provided in Abaqus or a user-deIined material model (see 'User-deIined mechanical material behavior,
Section 25.7.1). When cohesive elements are used in applications involving a Iinite-thickness adhesive, any
available material model in Abaqus, including material models Ior progressive damage, can be used. For
applications involving gasket and/or small Iinite-thickness adhesive patches, any material model that can be
used with one-dimensional elements (such as beams, trusses, and rebars), including material models Ior
progressive damage, can be used. For Iurther details, see 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5. For applications in which the behavior oI cohesive
elements is deIined directly in terms oI traction versus separation, the response can be deIined only in terms
oI a linear elastic relation (between the traction and the separation) along with progressive damage (see
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section
To deIine the constitutive behavior oI cohesive elements, you assign the name oI a material model to a
particular element set through the section deIinition. The actual material model Ior a user-deIined material
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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model is deIined in user subroutine 80$7 in Abaqus/Standard or 980$7 in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: cohesive section editor: Material: QDPH
Using cohesive elements in coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analyses
Cohesive elements with, or without, pore pressure degrees oI Ireedom can be used in coupled pore Iluid
diIIusion/stress analyses. Cohesive elements without pore pressure degrees oI Ireedom will only contribute
mechanically, and surIaces exposed when cohesive elements open will be impermeable to Iluid Ilow.
Cohesive elements with pore pressure degrees oI Ireedom provide a more general response, including the
ability to model tangential Ilow and leakage Ilow Irom the gap into the adjacent material. These elements
have additional pore pressure nodes in the gap interior, and you can choose to deIine these nodes explicitly
or have them generated automatically by Abaqus/Standard.
In a typical use you will have these gap interior nodes generated Ior you Ior the majority oI cohesive
elements in the model. You invoke automatic node generation as discussed in 'By deIining the bottom-Iace
element connectivity and an integer oIIset in 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section
Defining contact between surrounding components
Cohesive elements are used to bond two diIIerent components. OIten the cohesive elements completely
degrade in tension and/or shear as a result oI the deIormation. Subsequently, the components that are
initially bonded together by cohesive elements may come into contact with each other. Approaches Ior
modeling this kind oI contact include the Iollowing:
In certain situations this kind oI contact can be handled by the cohesive element itselI. By deIault,
cohesive elements retain their resistance to compression even iI their resistance to other deIormation
modes is completely degraded. As a result, the cohesive elements resist interpenetration oI the
surrounding components even aIter the cohesive element has completely degraded in tension and/or
shear. This approach works best when the top and the bottom Iaces oI the cohesive element do not
displace tangentially by a signiIicant amount relative to each other during the deIormation. In other
words, to model the situation described above, the deIormation oI the cohesive elements should be
limited to 'small sliding.
Another possible approach is to deIine contact between the surIaces oI the surrounding components
that could potentially come into contact and to delete the cohesive elements once they are completely
damaged. Thus, contact is modeled throughout the analysis. This approach is not recommended iI the
geometric thickness oI the cohesive elements in the model is very small or zero (the geometric
thickness oI the cohesive elements may be diIIerent Irom the constitutive thickness you speciIy while
deIining the section properties oI the cohesive elementssee 'SpeciIying the constitutive thickness
in 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section 31.5.4) because contact will eIIectively
cause nonphysical resistance to compression oI the cohesive layer while the cohesive elements are
still active. II Irictional contact is modeled, there may also be nonphysical shearing Iorces.
This is the behavior that will occur by deIault with the general contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit.
Figure 31.5.34, Figure 31.5.35, and Figure 31.5.36 show the deIault surIace Ior general contact.
This surIace:
is insensitive to whether the cohesive elements and neighboring elements share nodes, are tied
together, or are not connected; and
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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does not include Iaces oI cohesive elements.
Figure 31.5.3-4 DeIault surIace when cohesive elements share nodes with surrounding elements.
Figure 31.5.3-5 DeIault surIace when cohesive elements are tied to the surrounding elements.
Figure 31.5.3-6 DeIault surIace when cohesive elements are tied on one side and interact through
contact on the other side.
Figure 31.5.37 shows the situation when the surIaces oI the cohesive elements are also added to the
deIault surIace. Abaqus/Explicit generates a contact exclusion automatically so that the general
contact algorithm avoids consideration oI contact between the bottom surIace oI the cohesive
elements and the top surIace oI Part 2 since these surIaces are tied together.
Figure 31.5.3-7 Top and bottom Iaces oI the cohesive element along with the deIault surIace when
cohesive elements are tied on one side and interact through contact on the other side.
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing options to add the top and bottom Iaces oI the cohesive
elements to the deIault general contact surIace (the cohesive elements are
included in the element set &2+B(/(06):
*SURFACE, NAME'()$8/7B3/86B&2+
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: Tools Surface
Create: Name: GHIDXOWBSOXVBFRK: pick Iaces in viewport
Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit):
Included surface pairs: Selected surface pairs: Edit, select the surIaces in
the columns on the leIt, and click the arrows in the middle to transIer them to
the list oI included pairs
For general contact in Abaqus/Explicit, yet another approach Ior modeling contact between the
surrounding structures involves activating contact only when the cohesive elements are completely
degraded and deleted Irom the model (see 'Maximum degradation and choice oI element removal in
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description,
Section 31.5.6). For this approach the cohesive elements must share nodes with the neighboring
element and the general contact deIinition must include surIaces on the top and bottom Iaces oI the
cohesive elements, as shown in Figure 31.5.38. Since each surIace Iace oI the cohesive elements
directly opposes a surIace Iace oI a neighboring element, the general contact algorithm does not
consider these Iaces active while both parent elements are active. However, iI the cohesive element
Iails, the opposing surIace Iaces become active.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing options to include the top and bottom Iaces oI the
cohesive elements in the general contact deIinition (the cohesive elements
are included in the element set &2+B(/(06):
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: Tools Surface
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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Create: Name: JFBVXUI: pick Iaces in viewport
Interaction module: Create Interaction: General contact (Explicit):
Included surface pairs: Selected surface pairs: Edit, select the surIaces in
the columns on the leIt, and click the arrows in the middle to transIer them to
the list oI included pairs
Figure 31.5.3-8 SurIaces that are involved in general contact when cohesive elements are included in the
surIace deIinition and erosion is used.
Stable time increment in Abaqus/Explicit
The stable time increment Ior a cohesive element in Abaqus/Explicit is equal to the time, , required Ior a
stress wave to travel across the constitutive thickness, , oI the cohesive layer:
where is the wave speed and and represent the bulk stiIIness and the density, respectively,
oI the adhesive material. In terms oI the expression Ior the wave speed, the stable time increment can be
written as
For cases in which the constitutive response is deIined in terms oI traction versus separation, the slope oI
the traction versus separation relationship is and the density is speciIied as mass per unit area
rather than per unit volume: (see 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using
a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6, Ior Iurther details on this issue). ThereIore, Ior traction
versus separation the expression Ior the time increment becomes
It is quite common that the time increment oI cohesive elements will be signiIicantly less than that oI the
other elements in the model, unless you take some action to alter one or more oI the Iactors inIluencing the
time increment. This requires some judgement on your part. The Iollowing discussions provide some
recommendations Ior controlling the time increment Ior the diIIerent methods oI deIining the material
response. However, Abaqus/Standard may be preIerable in some applications where it is necessary to model
a thin, stiII cohesive layer without approximations.
Constitutive response defined in terms of a continuum or uniaxial stress-state approach
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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For constitutive response deIined in terms oI a continuum or uniaxial stress-state approach, the ratio oI the
stable time increment oI the cohesive elements to that oI the other elements is given by
where the subscripts 'c and 'e stand Ior the cohesive elements and the surrounding elements,
respectively. The thickness oI the cohesive layer is oIten smaller than a characteristic length oI the other
elements in the model, so the quantity is oIten small. The quantity under the radical will depend on
the materials involved. For an epoxy adhesive between steel components, the quantity under the radical is
on the order oI unity. The stable time increment oI the cohesive element can be increased by artiIicially
increasing the constitutive thickness, ;
increasing the density, ;
reducing the stiIIness, ; or
some combination oI the above.
In many cases the most attractive option will be to increase the density, which is also reIerred to as mass
scaling ('Mass scaling, Section 11.6.1). However, iI the thickness oI the cohesive zone is very small, the
mass scaling required to achieve a reasonable time increment may aIIect the results signiIicantly. In such
cases it may be necessary to artiIicially reduce the cohesive stiIIness in addition to some mass scaling. This
approach involves the use oI a stiIIness that is diIIerent Irom the measured stiIIness oI the interIace;
however, iI the peak strength and the Iracture energy remain unchanged, the global response will not be
aIIected signiIicantly in many cases.
Constitutive response defined in terms of traction versus separation
For constitutive response deIined in terms oI traction versus separation, the ratio oI the stable time
increment oI the cohesive elements to that Ior the other elements is given by
where the subscripts 'c and 'e stand Ior the cohesive elements and the surrounding elements,
One way to ensure that the cohesive elements will have no adverse eIIect on the stable time increment is to
choose material properties such that , which implies
This is accomplished iI, Ior example, the cohesive element stiIIness and density per unit area are chosen
such that
where represents the characteristic length oI the neighboring non-cohesive elements. By choosing
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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, the stiIIness in the cohesive layer relative to the surrounding elements will be similar to the
deIault stiIIness used by penalty contact in Abaqus/Explicit (relative to the equivalent one-dimensional
stiIIness oI the surrounding elements). This approach involves the use oI a stiIIness that is likely to be
diIIerent Irom the measured stiIIness oI the interIace; however, iI the peak strength and the Iracture energy
remain unchanged, the global response will not be aIIected signiIicantly in many cases.
Convergence issues in Abaqus/Standard
In many problems cohesive elements are modeled as undergoing progressive damage leading to Iailure. The
modeling oI progressive damage involves soItening in the material response, which is known to lead to
convergence diIIiculties in an implicit solution procedure, such as in Abaqus/Standard. Convergence
diIIiculties may also occur during unstable crack propagation, when the energy available is higher than the
Iracture toughness oI the material. Several methods are available to help avoid these convergence problems.
Using viscous regularization
Abaqus/Standard provides a viscous regularization capability that helps in improving the convergence Ior
these kinds oI problems. This capability is discussed in detail in 'Using viscous regularization with cohesive
elements, connector elements, and elements that can be used with the damage evolution models Ior ductile
metals and Iiber-reinIorced composites in Abaqus/Standard in 'Section controls, Section 26.1.4, and
'Viscous regularization in Abaqus/Standard in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements
using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
Using automatic stabilization
Another approach to help convergence behavior is the use oI automatic stabilization (see 'Static stress
analysis, Section 6.2.2, and 'Solving nonlinear problems, Section 7.1.1, Ior Iurther details), which is
useIul when a problem is unstable due to local instabilities. Generally, iI suIIicient viscous regularization is
used (as measured by the viscosity coeIIicientsee 'Viscous regularization in Abaqus/Standard in
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section
31.5.6, Ior Iurther details), the use oI the automatic stabilization technique is not necessary. In problems
where a small amount or no viscous regularization is used, automatic stabilization will improve the
convergence characteristics.
Using nondefault solution controls
The use oI nondeIault solution controls (see 'Commonly used control parameters, Section 7.2.2, and
'Convergence criteria Ior nonlinear problems, Section 7.2.3, Ior Iurther details) and activation oI the line
search technique ('Improving the eIIiciency oI the solution by using the line search algorithm in
'Convergence criteria Ior nonlinear problems, Section 7.2.3) may be useIul in improving the solution
31.5.3 Modeling with cohesive elements
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31.5.4 Defining the cohesive element's initial geometry
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
The initial geometry oI a cohesive element is deIined:
by the nodal connectivity oI the element and the position oI these nodes;
by the stack direction, which can be used to speciIy the top and the bottom Iaces oI the cohesive
element independent oI the nodal connectivity; and
by the magnitude oI the initial constitutive thickness, which can either correspond to the geometric
thickness implied by the nodal positions and stack direction or be speciIied directly.
Defining the element connectivity
The connectivity oI a cohesive element is like that oI a continuum element; however, it is useIul to think oI
a cohesive element as being composed oI two Iaces (a bottom and a top Iace) separated by the cohesive
zone thickness. The element has nodes on its bottom Iace and corresponding nodes on its top Iace. Pore
pressure cohesive elements include a third, middle Iace, which is used to model Iluid Ilow within the
Three methods are available to deIine the element connectivity.
By directly defining the element's complete connectivity
The complete connectivity oI a cohesive element can be given directly (see 'DeIining cohesive elements
in 'Element deIinition, Section 2.2.1).
By defining the bottom-face element connectivity and an integer offset
Alternatively, you can speciIy the connectivity oI the bottom Iace plus a positive integer oIIset (see
'DeIining cohesive elements in 'Element deIinition, Section 2.2.1) that will be used to determine the
remaining cohesive element nodes.
Input File Usage: *ELEMENT, OFFSETQ
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Element oIIsets are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Use with displacement cohesive elements
The integer oIIset will be used to deIine node numbers oI the top Iace oI the cohesive element. Abaqus will
automatically position the nodes oI the top Iace to be coincident with those oI the bottom Iace unless the
nodes oI the top Iace have already been assigned coordinates directly with a node deIinition ('Node
deIinition, Section 2.1.1).
Use with pore pressure-displacement cohesive elements
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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When you deIine only the bottom Iace nodes, the integer oIIset will Iirst be used to deIine the node
numbers oI the top Iace oI the cohesive element, with the numbering oI the top-Iace nodes oIIset Irom the
bottom Iace node numbers. The integer oIIset will again be used to deIine the middle surIace node numbers
oIIset, with the numbering oI the middle-Iace nodes oIIset Irom the top Iace node numbers. Abaqus will
automatically position the nodes oI the top and middle Iaces to be coincident with those oI the bottom Iace
unless the nodes oI the top Iace have already been assigned coordinates directly with a node deIinition
('Node deIinition, Section 2.1.1).
By defining the bottom- and top-face element connectivities and an integer offset
For pore pressure cohesive elements, you also can speciIy the connectivity oI the bottom and top Iaces plus
a positive integer oIIset (see 'DeIining cohesive elements in 'Element deIinition, Section 2.2.1) that will
be used to determine the middle Iace cohesive element nodes.
When you deIine the bottom and top Iace nodes, the integer oIIset will be used to deIine the node numbers
oI the middle Iace, with the numbering oI the middle-Iace nodes oIIset Irom the bottom Iace node numbers.
Abaqus will automatically position the nodes oI the middle Iace to be halIway between those oI the bottom
and top Iaces unless the nodes oI the middle Iace have already been assigned coordinates directly with a
node deIinition ('Node deIinition, Section 2.1.1).
Input File Usage: *ELEMENT, OFFSETQ
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Element oIIsets are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Specifying the out-of-plane thickness for two-dimensional elements
For two-dimensional cohesive elements the out-oI-plane thickness is required. You speciIy this additional
inIormation in the cohesive section deIinition; the deIault value is 1.0.
first aata line
out-of-plane thickness
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: cohesive section editor: toggle on Out-of-plane thickness: and
speciIy the out-oI-plane thickness
Specifying the constitutive thickness
You can speciIy the constitutive thickness oI the cohesive element directly or allow Abaqus to compute it
based on nodal coordinates such that the constitutive thickness is equal to the geometric thickness. The
deIault behavior depends on the nature oI the application.
II the geometric thickness oI the cohesive element is very small compared to its surIace dimensions, the
thickness computed Irom the nodal coordinates may be inaccurate. In such cases you can speciIy a constant
thickness directly when deIining the section properties oI these elements.
The characteristic element length oI a cohesive element is equal to its constitutive thickness. The
characteristic element length is oIten useIul in deIining the evolution oI damage in materials (see 'Mesh
dependency in 'Progressive damage and Iailure, Section 23.1.1).
When the cohesive element response is based on a continuum approach
When the response oI the cohesive elements is based on a continuum approach, by deIault the constitutive
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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thickness oI the element is computed by Abaqus based on the nodal coordinates. You can override this
deIault by speciIying the constitutive thickness directly.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to have Abaqus compute the thickness based on the nodal
Use the Iollowing option to speciIy the thickness directly:
thickness (1.0 by aefault)
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: cohesive section editor: Response: Continuum: Initial thickness:
Use nodal coordinates, Specify: thickness, or Use analysis default
When the cohesive element response is based on a traction-separation approach
When the response oI the cohesive elements is based on a traction-separation approach, Abaqus assumes
by deIault that the constitutive thickness is equal to one. This deIault value is motivated by the Iact that the
geometric thickness oI cohesive elements is oIten equal to (or very close to) zero Ior the kinds oI
applications in which a traction-separation-based constitutive response is appropriate. This deIault choice
ensures that nominal strains are equal to the relative separation displacements (see 'DeIining the
constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6, Ior
Iurther details). You can override this deIault by speciIying another value or speciIying that the constitutive
thickness should be equal to the geometric thickness.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy the thickness directly:
thickness (1.0 by aefault)
Use the Iollowing option to have Abaqus compute the thickness based on the nodal
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: cohesive section editor: Response: Traction Separation: Initial
thickness: Specify: thickness, Use analysis default, or Use nodal coordinates
When the cohesive element response is based on a uniaxial stress state
When the response oI the cohesive elements is based on a uniaxial stress state, there is no deIault method
Ior computing the constitutive thickness. You must indicate your choice oI the method oI determining the
constitutive thickness.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy the thickness:
thickness (1.0 by aefault)
Use the Iollowing option to have Abaqus compute the thickness based on the nodal
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: cohesive section editor: Response: Gasket: Initial thickness:
Specify: thickness or Use nodal coordinates
Element thickness direction definition
It is important to deIine the orientation oI cohesive elements correctly, since the behavior oI the elements is
diIIerent in the thickness and in-plane directions. By deIault, the top and bottom Iaces oI cohesive elements
are as shown in Figure 31.5.41 Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements and Figure 31.5.42 Ior
two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements. Options Ior overriding the deIault orientation oI
cohesive elements are discussed below along with an explanation oI how the local thickness direction and
in-plane direction vectors are established.
Figure 31.5.4-1 DeIault thickness direction Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements.
Figure 31.5.4-2 DeIault thickness direction Ior two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements.
Setting the stack direction equal to an isoparametric direction
The 'stack direction reIers to the isoparametric direction along which the top and bottom Iaces oI a
cohesive element are stacked. By deIault, the top and bottom Iaces are stacked along the third
isoparametric direction in three-dimensional cohesive elements and along the second isoparametric
direction in two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements. You can choose to stack the top and
bottom Iaces along an alternate isoparametric direction Ior most element types (the COH3D6 element can
have only the third isoparametric direction as the stack direction). The choice oI the isoparametric direction
depends on the element connectivity. For a mesh-independent speciIication, use an orientation-based
method as described below. The isoparametric direction choices Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements
are shown in Figure 31.5.43.
Figure 31.5.4-3 Stack directions Ior COH3D8 (leIt) and COH3D6 (right) elements.
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the element top and bottom Iaces based on the
element's isoparametric directions:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: You cannot deIine the stack direction based on isoparametric directions in
Abaqus/CAE. The stack direction will correspond to the deIault discussed above.
Setting the stack direction based on a user-defined orientation
You can also control the orientation oI the stack direction through a user-deIined local orientation
('Orientations, Section 2.2.5). When you deIine an orientation Ior cohesive elements, you also speciIy an
axis about which the local 1 and 2 material directions may be rotated. This axis also deIines an approximate
normal direction. The stack direction will be the element isoparametric direction that is closest to this
approximate normal (see Figure 31.5.44).
Figure 31.5.4-4 Example illustrating the use oI a cylindrical system to deIine the stack direction.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the element thickness direction based on a
user-deIined orientation:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: You cannot deIine the stack direction based on an orientation deIinition in
Abaqus/CAE. The stack direction will correspond to the deIault discussed above.
Verifying the stack direction
The stack direction can be veriIied visually in Abaqus/CAE by using the stack direction query tool (see
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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'Understanding the role oI the Query toolset, Section 71.1 oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual). For three-
dimensional elements Abaqus/CAE colors the top Iace purple and the bottom Iace brown. For
two-dimensional and axisymmetric elements, arrows indicate the orientation oI the element. In addition,
Abaqus/CAE highlights any element Iaces and edges that have inconsistent orientations.
Alternatively, the material axes can be plotted in the Visualization module oI Abaqus/CAE to veriIy that the
3-axis points in the desired normal direction Ior three-dimensional elements; and iI the element is oriented
improperly, one oI the in-plane axes (either the 1- or 2-axis) will point in the normal direction. For
two-dimensional and axisymmetric elements, the stack direction is consistent with the 2-axis material
Thickness direction computation for two-dimensional and axisymmetric elements
To compute the thickness direction Ior two-dimensional and axisymmetric elements, Abaqus Iorms a
midsurIace by averaging the coordinates oI the node pairs Iorming the bottom and top surIaces oI the
element. This midsurIace passes through the integration points oI the element, as shown in Figure 31.5.45
Ior the deIault choice oI the bottom and top surIaces. For each integration point Abaqus computes a tangent
whose direction is deIined by the sequence oI nodes given on the bottom and top surIaces. The thickness
direction is then obtained as the cross product oI the out-oI-plane and tangent directions.
Figure 31.5.4-5 Thickness direction Ior a two-dimensional or axisymmetric element.
Thickness direction computation for three-dimensional elements
To compute the thickness direction Ior three-dimensional elements, Abaqus Iorms a midsurIace by
averaging the coordinates oI the node pairs Iorming the bottom and top surIaces oI the element. This
midsurIace passes through the integration points oI the element, as shown in Figure 31.5.46 Ior the deIault
choice oI the bottom and top surIaces. Abaqus computes the thickness direction as the normal to the
midsurIace at each integration point; the positive direction is obtained with the right-hand rule going around
the nodes oI the element on the bottom or top surIace.
Figure 31.5.4-6 Thickness direction Ior a three-dimensional element.
Local directions at integration points
Abaqus computes deIault local directions at each integration point. The local directions are used Ior output
oI all quantities that describe the current deIormation state oI a cohesive element. Details oI local directions
are discussed separately below Ior cohesive elements with two versus three local directions.
Local directions for two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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The local 2-direction Ior two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements corresponds to the thickness
direction, which is computed as discussed above in 'Element thickness direction deIinition. The local
1-direction is deIined such that the cross product between the local 1- and 2-directions gives the
out-oI-plane direction (see Figure 31.5.47). You cannot modiIy either local direction Ior these elements Ior
a given stack orientation. Transverse shear behavior is deIined in the 12 plane Ior these elements.
Figure 31.5.4-7 Local directions Ior two-dimensional and axisymmetric cohesive elements.
Local directions for three-dimensional cohesive elements
The local 3-direction Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements corresponds to the thickness direction, which
is computed as discussed above in 'Element thickness direction deIinition and cannot be modiIied Ior a
given stack orientation. The local 1- and 2-directions are normal to the thickness direction and, by deIault,
are deIined by the standard Abaqus convention Ior local directions on surIaces ('Conventions, Section
1.2.2). The deIault local directions Ior a three-dimensional cohesive element are shown in Figure 31.5.48.
Figure 31.5.4-8 Local directions Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements.
Transverse shear behavior is deIined in the local 13 and 23 planes Ior these elements. You can modiIy the
local 1- and 2-directions Ior three-dimensional cohesive elements in the plane normal to the thickness
direction by using a local orientation deIinition ('Orientations, Section 2.2.5).
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Assign Material Orientation: select region: select orientation
31.5.4 DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry
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31.5.5 Defining the constitutive response of cohesive elements using a continuum approach
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description,
Section 31.5.6
'Progressive damage and Iailure, Section 23.1.1
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
The Ieatures described in this section are used to model cohesive elements using a continuum approach,
which assumes that the cohesive zone contains material oI Iinite thickness that can be modeled using the
conventional material models in Abaqus. II the cohesive zone is very thin and Ior all practical purposes may
be considered to be oI zero thickness, the constitutive response is commonly described in terms oI a
traction-separation law; this alternative approach is discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI
cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
The constitutive response oI cohesive elements modeled as a continuum:
can be deIined in terms oI macroscopic material properties such as stiIIness and strength using
conventional material models;
can be speciIied in terms oI either a built-in material model or a user-deIined material model;
can include the eIIects oI material damage and Iailure in Abaqus/Explicit; and
can also include the eIIects oI material damage and Iailure in a low-cycle Iatigue analysis in
Behavior of cohesive elements with conventional material models
The implementation oI the conventional material models (including user-deIined models) in Abaqus Ior
cohesive elements is based on certain assumptions regarding the state oI the deIormation in the cohesive
layer. Two diIIerent classes oI problems are considered: modeling oI an adhesive layer oI Iinite thickness
and modeling oI gaskets.
Modeling oI damage with cohesive elements Ior these classes oI problems can be carried out only in
Abaqus/Explicit (see 'Progressive damage and Iailure, Section 23.1.1, Ior details regarding the damage
models currently available in Abaqus/Explicit). You may need to alter the damage model Ior an adhesive
material to account Ior the Iact that the Iailure oI an adhesive bond may occur at the interIace between the
adhesive and the adherend rather than within the adhesive material.
When used with conventional material models in Abaqus, cohesive elements use true stress and strain
measures. When used with a material model that is based on a traction-separation description (see
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description, Section
31.5.5 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a c...
1 von 3 23.11.2011 13:11
31.5.6, Ior details on this approach), cohesive elements use nominal stress and strain measures.
The Irequency characteristics oI cohesive elements are accounted Ior by the algorithms to automatically
choose the time increment in Abaqus/Explicit ('Explicit dynamic analysis, Section 6.3.3). In many
applications involving adhesives or gaskets cohesive elements may be quite thin compared to the other
elements, which tends to decrease the stable time increment. See 'Stable time increment in
Abaqus/Explicit in 'Modeling with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3, Ior Iurther discussion on this topic,
including suggestions on how to avoid signiIicant reductions in the stable time increment when using
cohesive elements.
Modeling of an adhesive layer of finite thickness
For adhesive layers with Iinite thickness it is assumed that the cohesive layer is subjected to only one direct
component oI strain, which is the through-thickness strain, and to two transverse shear strain components
(one transverse shear strain component Ior two-dimensional problems). The other two direct components oI
the strain (the direct membrane strains) and the in-plane (membrane) shear strain are assumed to be zero Ior
the constitutive calculations. More speciIically, the through-thickness and the transverse shear strains are
computed Irom the element kinematics. However, the membrane strains are not computed based on the
element kinematics; they are simply assumed to be zero Ior the constitutive calculations. These assumptions
are appropriate in situations where a relatively thin and compliant layer oI adhesive bonds two relatively
rigid (compared to the adhesive) parts. The above kinematic assumptions are approximately correct
everywhere inside the cohesive layer except around its outer edges.
An additional linear elastic transverse shear behavior can be deIined to provide more stability to cohesive
elements, particularly aIter damage has occurred. The transverse shear behavior is assumed to be
independent oI the regular material response and does not undergo any damage.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing options (the second option is needed only to deIine uncoupled
transverse shear response):
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type: Response: Continuum
Transverse shear behavior is not supported in Abaqus/CAE Ior cohesive sections.
Modeling of gaskets and/or small adhesive patches
The modeling oI gaskets and/or small adhesive patches involves situations where there are no lateral
constraints on the cohesive layer. Hence, the layers are Iree to expand in the lateral direction in a stress-Iree
manner. Application areas include individual spot welds and gaskets. The constitutive calculations assume
only one direct stress component, which is the through-thickness normal stress. All other stress components,
including the transverse shear stress components, are assumed to be zero.
The gasket modeling capability that is oIIered with this option has some advantages compared to the Iamily
oI gasket elements in Abaqus/Standard. The cohesive elements are Iully nonlinear (the element kinematics
properly account Ior Iinite strains as well as Iinite rotations), can contribute mass and damping in a dynamic
analysis, and are available in Abaqus/Explicit. The gasket response modeled in the above manner is similar
to modeling using the special-purpose gasket elements in Abaqus/Standard with thickness-direction
behavior only (see 'Including gasket elements in a model, Section 31.6.3).
Uncoupled, linear-elastic transverse shear behavior, iI desired, can be deIined. The transverse shear
behavior may either deIine the response oI the gasket and/or adhesive patch or provide stability aIter
damage has occurred in the response in the thickness direction. There is no damage associated with the
transverse shear response.
31.5.5 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a c...
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Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing options (the second option is needed only to deIine uncoupled
transverse shear response):
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type: Response: Gasket
Transverse shear behavior is not supported in Abaqus/CAE Ior cohesive sections.
All standard output variables in Abaqus ('Abaqus/Standard output variable identiIiers, Section 4.2.1, and
'Abaqus/Explicit output variable identiIiers, Section 4.2.2) are available Ior cohesive elements that are
used with conventional material models. The stresses due to the additional transverse shear response are
reported separately using the output variables TSHR13 and (in three dimensions) TSHR23. These stresses
are not added to the usual material point stresses reported using the output variable S.
31.5.5 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a c...
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31.5.6 Defining the constitutive response of cohesive elements using a traction-separation description
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section
'DeIining damage, Section 12.9.3 oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
The Ieatures described in this section are primarily intended Ior bonded interIaces where the interIace
thickness is negligibly small. In such cases it may be straightIorward to deIine the constitutive response oI
the cohesive layer directly in terms oI traction versus separation. II the interIace adhesive layer has a Iinite
thickness and macroscopic properties (such as stiIIness and strength) oI the adhesive material are available,
it may be more appropriate to model the response using conventional material models. The Iormer approach
is discussed in this section, while the latter approach is discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI
cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5.
Cohesive behavior deIined directly in terms oI a traction-separation law:
can be used to model the delamination at interIaces in composites directly in terms oI traction versus
allows speciIication oI material data such as the Iracture energy as a Iunction oI the ratio oI normal to
shear deIormation (mode mix) at the interIace;
assumes a linear elastic traction-separation law prior to damage;
assumes that Iailure oI the elements is characterized by progressive degradation oI the material
stiIIness, which is driven by a damage process;
allows multiple damage mechanisms; and
can be used with user subroutine 80$7 in Abaqus/Standard or 980$7 in Abaqus/Explicit to speciIy
user-deIined traction-separation laws.
Defining constitutive response in terms of traction-separation laws
To deIine the constitutive response oI the cohesive element directly in terms oI traction versus separation,
you choose a traction-separation response when deIining the section behavior oI the cohesive elements.
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type: Response: Traction Separation
Linear elastic traction-separation behavior
The available traction-separation model in Abaqus assumes initially linear elastic behavior (see 'DeIining
elasticity in terms oI tractions and separations Ior cohesive elements in 'Linear elastic behavior, Section
21.2.1) Iollowed by the initiation and evolution oI damage. The elastic behavior is written in terms oI an
elastic constitutive matrix that relates the nominal stresses to the nominal strains across the interIace. The
nominal stresses are the Iorce components divided by the original area at each integration point, while the
nominal strains are the separations divided by the original thickness at each integration point. The deIault
value oI the original constitutive thickness is 1.0 iI traction-separation response is speciIied, which ensures
that the nominal strain is equal to the separation (i.e., relative displacements oI the top and bottom Iaces).
The constitutive thickness used Ior traction-separation response is typically diIIerent Irom the geometric
thickness (which is typically close or equal to zero). See 'SpeciIying the constitutive thickness in
'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section 31.5.4, Ior a discussion on how to modiIy the
constitutive thickness.
The nominal traction stress vector, , consists oI three components (two components in two-dimensional
problems): , , and (in three-dimensional problems) , which represent the normal (along the local
3-direction in three dimensions and along the local 2-direction in two dimensions) and the two shear
tractions (along the local 1- and 2-directions in three dimensions and along the local 1-direction in two
dimensions), respectively. The corresponding separations are denoted by , , and . Denoting by the
original thickness oI the cohesive element, the nominal strains can be deIined as
The elastic behavior can then be written as
The elasticity matrix provides Iully coupled behavior between all components oI the traction vector and
separation vector and can depend on temperature and/or Iield variables. Set the oII-diagonal terms in the
elasticity matrix to zero iI uncoupled behavior between the normal and shear components is desired.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine uncoupled traction-separation behavior:
Use the Iollowing option to deIine coupled traction-separation behavior:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine uncoupled traction-separation behavior:
Property module: material editor: Mechanical Elasticity Elastic: Type:
Use the Iollowing option to deIine coupled traction-separation behavior:
Property module: material editor: Mechanical Elasticity Elastic: Type:
Coupled Traction
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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Interpretation of material properties
The material parameters, such as the interIacial elastic stiIIness, Ior a traction-separation model can be
better understood by studying the equation that represents the displacement oI a truss oI length /, elastic
stiIIness (, and original area $, due to an axial load 3:
This equation can be rewritten as
where is the nominal stress and is the stiIIness that relates the nominal stress to the
displacement. Likewise, the total mass oI the truss, assuming a density , is given by
The above equations suggest that the actual length / may be replaced with 1.0 (to ensure that the strain is
the same as the displacement) iI the stiIIness and the density are appropriately reinterpreted. In particular,
the stiIIness is and the density is , where the true length oI the truss is used in these
equations. The density represents mass per unit area instead oI mass per unit volume.
These ideas can be carried over to a cohesive layer oI initial thickness . II the adhesive material has
stiIIness and density , the stiIIness oI the interIace (relating the nominal traction to the displacement)
is given by and the density oI the interIace is given by . As discussed earlier,
the deIault choice oI the constitutive thickness Ior modeling the response in terms oI traction versus
separation is 1.0 regardless oI the actual thickness oI the cohesive layer. With this choice, the nominal
strains are equal to the corresponding separations. When the constitutive thickness oI the cohesive layer is
'artiIicially set to 1.0, ideally you should speciIy and (iI needed) as the material stiIIness and
density, respectively, as calculated with the true thickness oI the cohesive layer.
The above Iormulae provide a recipe Ior estimating the parameters required Ior modeling the traction-
separation behavior oI an interIace in terms oI the material properties oI the bulk adhesive material. As the
thickness oI the interIace layer tends to zero, the above equations imply that the stiIIness, , tends to
inIinity and the density, , tends to zero. This stiIIness is oIten chosen as a penalty parameter. A very large
penalty stiIIness is detrimental to the stable time increment in Abaqus/Explicit and may result in
ill-conditioning oI the element operator in Abaqus/Standard. Recommendations Ior the choice oI the
stiIIness and density oI an interIace Ior an Abaqus/Explicit analysis such that the stable time increment is
not adversely aIIected are provided in 'Stable time increment in Abaqus/Explicit in 'Modeling with
cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3.
Damage modeling
Both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit allow modeling oI progressive damage and Iailure in cohesive
layers whose response is deIined in terms oI traction-separation. By comparison, only Abaqus/Explicit
allows modeling oI progressive damage and Iailure Ior cohesive elements modeled with conventional
materials ('DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a continuum approach, Section
31.5.5). Damage oI the traction-separation response is deIined within the same general Iramework used Ior
conventional materials (see 'Progressive damage and Iailure, Section 23.1.1). This general Iramework
allows the combination oI several damage mechanisms acting simultaneously on the same material. Each
Iailure mechanism consists oI three ingredients: a damage initiation criterion, a damage evolution law, and a
choice oI element removal (or deletion) upon reaching a completely damaged state. While this general
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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Iramework is the same Ior traction-separation response and conventional materials, many details oI how the
various ingredients are deIined are diIIerent. ThereIore, the details oI damage modeling Ior traction-
separation response are presented below.
The initial response oI the cohesive element is assumed to be linear as discussed above. However, once a
damage initiation criterion is met, material damage can occur according to a user-deIined damage evolution
law. Figure 31.5.61 shows a typical traction-separation response with a Iailure mechanism. II the damage
initiation criterion is speciIied without a corresponding damage evolution model, Abaqus will evaluate the
damage initiation criterion Ior output purposes only; there is no eIIect on the response oI the cohesive
element (i.e., no damage will occur). The cohesive layer does not undergo damage under pure compression.
Figure 31.5.6-1 Typical traction-separation response.
Damage initiation
As the name implies, damage initiation reIers to the beginning oI degradation oI the response oI a material
point. The process oI degradation begins when the stresses and/or strains satisIy certain damage initiation
criteria that you speciIy. Several damage initiation criteria are available and are discussed below. Each
damage initiation criterion also has an output variable associated with it to indicate whether the criterion is
met. A value oI 1 or higher indicates that the initiation criterion has been met (see 'Output, Ior Iurther
details). Damage initiation criteria that do not have an associated evolution law aIIect only output. Thus,
you can use these criteria to evaluate the propensity oI the material to undergo damage without actually
modeling the damage process (i.e., without actually speciIying damage evolution).
In the discussion below, , , and represent the peak values oI the nominal stress when the deIormation
is either purely normal to the interIace or purely in the Iirst or the second shear direction, respectively.
Likewise, , , and represent the peak values oI the nominal strain when the deIormation is either
purely normal to the interIace or purely in the Iirst or the second shear direction, respectively. With the
initial constitutive thickness , the nominal strain components are equal to the respective components
oI the relative displacement , , and between the top and bottom oI the cohesive layer. The
symbol used in the discussion below represents the Macaulay bracket with the usual interpretation. The
Macaulay brackets are used to signiIy that a pure compressive deIormation or stress state does not initiate
Maximum nominal stress criterion
Damage is assumed to initiate when the maximum nominal stress ratio (as deIined in the expression below)
reaches a value oI one. This criterion can be represented as
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Maxs Damage
Maximum nominal strain criterion
Damage is assumed to initiate when the maximum nominal strain ratio (as deIined in the expression below)
reaches a value oI one. This criterion can be represented as
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Maxe Damage
Quadratic nominal stress criterion
Damage is assumed to initiate when a quadratic interaction Iunction involving the nominal stress ratios (as
deIined in the expression below) reaches a value oI one. This criterion can be represented as
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quads Damage
Quadratic nominal strain criterion
Damage is assumed to initiate when a quadratic interaction Iunction involving the nominal strain ratios (as
deIined in the expression below) reaches a value oI one. This criterion can be represented as
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage
Damage evolution
The damage evolution law describes the rate at which the material stiIIness is degraded once the
corresponding initiation criterion is reached. The general Iramework Ior describing the evolution oI damage
in bulk materials (as opposed to interIaces modeled using cohesive elements) is described in 'Damage
evolution and element removal Ior ductile metals, Section 23.2.3. Conceptually, similar ideas apply Ior
describing damage evolution in cohesive elements with a constitutive response that is described in terms oI
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traction versus separation; however, many details are diIIerent.
A scalar damage variable, ', represents the overall damage in the material and captures the combined
eIIects oI all the active mechanisms. It initially has a value oI 0. II damage evolution is modeled, '
monotonically evolves Irom 0 to 1 upon Iurther loading aIter the initiation oI damage. The stress
components oI the traction-separation model are aIIected by the damage according to
where , and are the stress components predicted by the elastic traction-separation behavior Ior the
current strains without damage.
To describe the evolution oI damage under a combination oI normal and shear deIormation across the
interIace, it is useIul to introduce an eIIective displacement (Camanho and Davila, 2002) deIined as
Mixed-mode definition
The mode mix oI the deIormation Iields in the cohesive zone quantiIy the relative proportions oI normal
and shear deIormation. Abaqus uses two measures oI mode mix, one based on energies and the other based
on tractions. You can choose one oI these measures when you speciIy the mode dependence oI the damage
evolution process. Denoting by , , and the work done by the tractions and their conjugate relative
displacements in the normal, Iirst, and second shear directions, respectively, and deIining
, the mode-mix deIinitions based on energies are as Iollows:
Clearly, only two oI the three quantities deIined above are independent. It is also useIul to deIine the
quantity to denote the portion oI the total work done by the shear traction and the
corresponding relative displacement components. As discussed later, Abaqus requires that you speciIy
material properties related to damage evolution as Iunctions oI (or, equivalently,
) and .
The corresponding deIinitions oI the mode mix based on traction components are given by
where is a measure oI the eIIective shear traction. The angular measures used in the above
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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deIinition (beIore they are normalized by the Iactor ) are illustrated in Figure 31.5.62.
Figure 31.5.6-2 Mode mix measures based on traction.
The mode-mix ratios deIined in terms oI energies and tractions can be quite diIIerent in general. The
Iollowing example illustrates this point. In terms oI energies a deIormation in the purely normal direction is
one Ior which and , irrespective oI the values oI the normal and the shear tractions.
In particular, Ior a material with coupled traction-separation behavior both the normal and shear tractions
may be nonzero Ior a deIormation in the purely normal direction. For this case the deIinition oI mode mix
based on energies would indicate a purely normal deIormation, while the deIinition based on tractions
would suggest a mix oI both normal and shear deIormation.
There are two components to the deIinition oI the evolution oI damage. The Iirst component involves
speciIying either the eIIective displacement at complete Iailure, , relative to the eIIective displacement at
the initiation oI damage, ; or the energy dissipated due to Iailure, (see Figure 31.5.63).
Figure 31.5.6-3 Linear damage evolution.
The second component to the deIinition oI damage evolution is the speciIication oI the nature oI the
evolution oI the damage variable, ', between initiation oI damage and Iinal Iailure. This can be done by
either deIining linear or exponential soItening laws or speciIying ' directly as a tabular Iunction oI the
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eIIective displacement relative to the eIIective displacement at damage initiation. The material data
described above will in general be Iunctions oI the mode mix, temperature, and/or Iield variables.
Figure 31.5.64 is a schematic representation oI the dependence oI damage initiation and evolution on the
mode mix, Ior a traction-separation response with isotropic shear behavior.
Figure 31.5.6-4 Illustration oI mixed-mode response in cohesive elements.
The Iigure shows the traction on the vertical axis and the magnitudes oI the normal and the shear
separations along the two horizontal axes. The unshaded triangles in the two vertical coordinate planes
represent the response under pure normal and pure shear deIormation, respectively. All intermediate
vertical planes (that contain the vertical axis) represent the damage response under mixed mode conditions
with diIIerent mode mixes. The dependence oI the damage evolution data on the mode mix can be deIined
either in tabular Iorm or, in the case oI an energy-based deIinition, analytically. The manner in which the
damage evolution data are speciIied as a Iunction oI the mode mix is discussed later in this section.
Unloading subsequent to damage initiation is always assumed to occur linearly toward the origin oI the
traction-separation plane, as shown in Figure 31.5.63. Reloading subsequent to unloading also occurs
along the same linear path until the soItening envelope (line AB) is reached. Once the soItening envelope is
reached, Iurther reloading Iollows this envelope as indicated by the arrow in Figure 31.5.63.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to use the mode-mix deIinition based on energies:
Use the Iollowing option to use the mode-mix deIinition based on tractions:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Mode mix ratio: Energy or Traction
Evolution based on effective displacement
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You speciIy the quantity (i.e., the eIIective displacement at complete Iailure, , relative to the
eIIective displacement at damage initiation, , as shown in Figure 31.5.63) as a tabular Iunction oI the
mode mix, temperature, and/or Iield variables. In addition, you also choose either a linear or an exponential
soItening law that deIines the detailed evolution (between initiation and complete Iailure) oI the damage
variable, ', as a Iunction oI the eIIective displacement beyond damage initiation. Alternatively, instead oI
using linear or exponential soItening, you can speciIy the damage variable, ', directly as a tabular Iunction
oI the eIIective displacement aIter the initiation oI damage, ; mode mix; temperature; and/or Iield
Linear damage evolution
For linear soItening (see Figure 31.5.63) Abaqus uses an evolution oI the damage variable, ', that reduces
(in the case oI damage evolution under a constant mode mix, temperature, and Iield variables) to the
expression proposed by Camanho and Davila (2002), namely:
In the preceding expression and in all later reIerences, reIers to the maximum value oI the eIIective
displacement attained during the loading history. The assumption oI a constant mode mix at a material point
between initiation oI damage and Iinal Iailure is customary Ior problems involving monotonic damage (or
monotonic Iracture).
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy linear damage evolution:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Displacement: Softening: Linear
Exponential damage evolution
For exponential soItening (see Figure 31.5.65) Abaqus uses an evolution oI the damage variable, ', that
reduces (in the case oI damage evolution under a constant mode mix, temperature, and Iield variables) to
In the expression above is a non-dimensional material parameter that deIines the rate oI damage
evolution and is the exponential Iunction.
Figure 31.5.6-5 Exponential damage evolution.
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Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy exponential soItening:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Displacement: Softening: Exponential
Tabular damage evolution
For tabular soItening you deIine the evolution oI ' directly in tabular Iorm. ' must be speciIied as a
Iunction oI the eIIective displacement relative to the eIIective displacement at initiation, mode mix,
temperature, and/or Iield variables.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the damage variable directly in tabular Iorm:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Displacement: Softening: Tabular
Evolution based on energy
Damage evolution can be deIined based on the energy that is dissipated as a result oI the damage process,
also called the Iracture energy. The Iracture energy is equal to the area under the traction-separation curve
(see Figure 31.5.63). You speciIy the Iracture energy as a material property and choose either a linear or
an exponential soItening behavior. Abaqus ensures that the area under the linear or the exponential
damaged response is equal to the Iracture energy.
The dependence oI the Iracture energy on the mode mix can be speciIied either directly in tabular Iorm or
by using analytical Iorms as described below. When the analytical Iorms are used, the mode-mix ratio is
assumed to be deIined in terms oI energies.
Tabular Iorm
The simplest way to deIine the dependence oI the Iracture energy is to speciIy it directly as a Iunction oI
the mode mix in tabular Iorm.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy Iracture energy as a Iunction oI the mode mix
in tabular Iorm:
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Energy: Mixed mode behavior:
Power law Iorm
The dependence oI the Iracture energy on the mode mix can be deIined based on a power law Iracture
criterion. The power law criterion states that Iailure under mixed-mode conditions is governed by a power
law interaction oI the energies required to cause Iailure in the individual (normal and two shear) modes. It is
given by
The mixed-mode Iracture energy when the above condition is satisIied. In other words,
You speciIy the quantities , , and , which reIer to the critical Iracture energies required to cause
Iailure in the normal, the Iirst, and the second shear directions, respectively.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the Iracture energy as a Iunction oI the mode
mix using the analytical power law Iracture criterion:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Energy: Mixed mode behavior: Power
Law: Toggle on Power and enter the exponent value
Benzeggagh-Kenane (BK) Iorm
The Benzeggagh-Kenane Iracture criterion (Benzeggagh and Kenane, 1996) is particularly useIul when the
critical Iracture energies during deIormation purely along the Iirst and the second shear directions are the
same; i.e., . It is given by
where , , and is a material parameter. You speciIy , , and .
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the Iracture energy as a Iunction oI the mode
mix using the analytical BK Iracture criterion:
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Energy: Mixed mode behavior: Bk:
Toggle on Power and enter the exponent value
Linear damage evolution
For linear soItening (see Figure 31.5.63) Abaqus uses an evolution oI the damage variable, ', that reduces
where with as the eIIective traction at damage initiation. reIers to the maximum
value oI the eIIective displacement attained during the loading history.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy linear damage evolution:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Energy: Softening: Linear
Exponential damage evolution
For exponential soItening Abaqus uses an evolution oI the damage variable, ', that reduces to
In the expression above and are the eIIective traction and displacement, respectively. is the
elastic energy at damage initiation. In this case the traction might not drop immediately aIter damage
initiation, which is diIIerent Irom what is seen in Figure 31.5.65.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to speciIy exponential soItening:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Mechanical Damage for Traction-Separation
Laws Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, or Maxs Damage:
Suboptions Damage Evolution: Type: Energy: Softening: Exponential
Defining damage evolution data as a tabular function of mode mix
As discussed earlier, the material data deIining the evolution oI damage can be tabular Iunctions oI the
mode mix. The manner in which this dependence must be deIined in Abaqus is outlined below Ior
mode-mix deIinitions based on energy and traction, respectively. In the Iollowing discussion it is assumed
that the evolution is deIined in terms oI energy. Similar observations can also be made Ior evolution
deIinitions based on eIIective displacement.
Mode mix based on energy
For an energy-based deIinition oI mode mix, in the most general case oI a three-dimensional state oI
deIormation with anisotropic shear behavior the Iracture energy, , must be deIined as a Iunction oI
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and . The quantity is a measure oI the Iraction oI
the total deIormation that is shear, while is a measure oI the Iraction oI the
total shear deIormation that is in the second shear direction. Figure 31.5.66 shows a schematic oI the
Iracture energy versus mode mix behavior.
Figure 31.5.6-6 Fracture energy as a Iunction oI mode mix.
The limiting cases oI pure normal and pure shear deIormations in the Iirst and second shear directions are
denoted in Figure 31.5.66 by , , and , respectively. The lines labeled 'Modes n-s, 'Modes n-t,
and 'Modes s-t show the transition in behavior between the pure normal and the pure shear in the Iirst
direction, pure normal and pure shear in the second direction, and pure shears in the Iirst and second
directions, respectively. In general, must be speciIied as a Iunction oI at various Iixed
values oI . In the discussion that Iollows we reIer to a data set oI versus
corresponding to a Iixed as a 'data block. The Iollowing guidelines are useIul in
deIining the Iracture energy as a Iunction oI the mode mix:
For a two-dimensional problem needs to be deIined as a Iunction oI ( in this case)
only. The data column corresponding to must be leIt blank. Hence, essentially
only one 'data block is needed.
For a three-dimensional problem with isotropic shear response, the shear behavior is deIined by the
sum and not by the individual values oI and . ThereIore, in this case a single
'data block (the 'data block Ior ) also suIIices to deIine the Iracture energy
as a Iunction oI the mode mix.
In the most general case oI three-dimensional problems with anisotropic shear behavior, several 'data
blocks would be needed. As discussed earlier, each 'data block would contain versus
at a Iixed value oI . In each 'data block can vary
between and . The case (the Iirst data point in any 'data block), which
corresponds to a purely normal mode, can never be achieved when (i.e., the
only valid point on line OB in Figure 31.5.66 is the point O, which corresponds to a purely normal
deIormation). However, in the tabular deIinition oI the Iracture energy as a Iunction oI mode mix, this
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point simply serves to set a limit that ensures a continuous change in Iracture energy as a purely
normal state is approached Irom various combinations oI normal and shear deIormations. Hence, the
Iracture energy oI the Iirst data point in each 'data block must always be set equal to the Iracture
energy in a purely normal mode oI deIormation ( ).
As an example oI the anisotropic shear case, consider that you want to input three 'data blocks
corresponding to Iixed values oI 0., 0.2, and 1.0, respectively. For each oI the
three 'data blocks, the Iirst data point must be Ior the reasons discussed above. The rest oI
the data points in each 'data block deIine the variation oI the Iracture energy with increasing
proportions oI shear deIormation.
Mode mix based on traction
The Iracture energy needs to be speciIied in tabular Iorm oI versus and . Thus, needs to be
speciIied as a Iunction oI at various Iixed values oI . A 'data block in this case corresponds to a set
oI data Ior versus , at a Iixed value oI . In each 'data block may vary Irom 0 (purely normal
deIormation) to 1 (purely shear deIormation). An important restriction is that each data block must speciIy
the same value oI the Iracture energy Ior . This restriction ensures that the energy required Ior
Iracture as the traction vector approaches the normal direction does not depend on the orientation oI the
projection oI the traction vector on the shear plane (see Figure 31.5.62).
Evaluating damage when multiple criteria are active
When multiple damage initiation criteria and associated evolution deIinitions are used Ior the same material,
each evolution deIinition results in its own damage variable, , where the subscript L represents the Lth
damage system. The overall damage variable, ', is computed based on the individual as explained in
'Evaluating overall damage when multiple criteria are active in 'Damage evolution and element removal
Ior ductile metals, Section 23.2.3, Ior damage in bulk materials.
Maximum degradation and choice of element removal
You have control over how Abaqus treats cohesive elements with severe damage. By deIault, the upper
bound to the overall damage variable at a material point is . You can reduce this upper bound
as discussed in 'Controlling element deletion and maximum degradation Ior materials with damage
evolution in 'Section controls, Section 26.1.4. You can control what happens to the cohesive element
when the damage reaches this limit, as discussed below.
By deIault, once the overall damage variable reaches at all oI its material points and none oI its
material points are in compression, the cohesive elements, except Ior the pore pressure cohesive elements,
are removed (deleted). See 'Controlling element deletion and maximum degradation Ior materials with
damage evolution in 'Section controls, Section 26.1.4, Ior details. This element removal approach is oIten
appropriate Ior modeling complete Iracture oI the bond and separation oI components. Once removed,
cohesive elements oIIer no resistance to subsequent penetration oI the components, so it may be necessary
to model contact between the components as discussed in 'DeIining contact between surrounding
components in 'Modeling with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3.
Alternatively, you can speciIy that a cohesive element should remain in the model even aIter the overall
damage variable reaches . In this case the stiIIness oI the element in tension and/or shear remains
constant (degraded by a Iactor oI 1 over the initial undamaged stiIIness). This choice is appropriate
iI the cohesive elements must resist interpenetration oI the surrounding components even aIter they have
completely degraded in tension and/or shear (see 'DeIining contact between surrounding components in
'Modeling with cohesive elements, Section 31.5.3). In Abaqus/Explicit it is recommended that you
suppress bulk viscosity in the cohesive elements by setting the scale Iactors Ior the linear and quadratic bulk
viscosity parameters to zero using section controls (see 'Section controls, Section 26.1.4).
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Uncoupled transverse shear response
An optional linear elastic transverse shear behavior can be deIined to provide additional stability to
cohesive elements, particularly aIter damage has occurred. The transverse shear behavior is assumed to be
independent oI the regular material response and does not undergo any damage.
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing options:
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Transverse shear behavior is not supported in Abaqus/CAE Ior cohesive sections.
Viscous regularization in Abaqus/Standard
Material models exhibiting soItening behavior and stiIIness degradation oIten lead to severe convergence
diIIiculties in implicit analysis programs, such as Abaqus/Standard. A common technique to overcome some
oI these convergence diIIiculties is the use oI viscous regularization oI the constitutive equations, which
causes the tangent stiIIness matrix oI the soItening material to be positive Ior suIIiciently small time
The traction-separation laws can be regularized in Abaqus/Standard using viscosity by permitting stresses to
be outside the limits set by the traction-separation law. The regularization process involves the use oI a
viscous stiIIness degradation variable, , which is deIined by the evolution equation:
where is the viscosity parameter representing the relaxation time oI the viscous system and ' is the
degradation variable evaluated in the inviscid backbone model. The damaged response oI the viscous
material is given as
Using viscous regularization with a small value oI the viscosity parameter (small compared to the
characteristic time increment) usually helps improve the rate oI convergence oI the model in the soItening
regime, without compromising results. The basic idea is that the solution oI the viscous system relaxes to
that oI the inviscid case as , where W represents time. You can speciIy the value oI the viscosity
parameter as part oI the section controls deIinition (see 'Using viscous regularization with cohesive
elements, connector elements, and elements that can be used with the damage evolution models Ior ductile
metals and Iiber-reinIorced composites in Abaqus/Standard in 'Section controls, Section 26.1.4). II the
viscosity parameter is diIIerent Irom zero, output results oI the stiIIness degradation reIer to the viscous
value, . The deIault value oI the viscosity parameter is zero so that no viscous regularization is
perIormed. Use oI viscous regularization Ior improving the convergence behavior oI delamination and
debonding problems is discussed in 'Delamination analysis oI laminated composites, Section 2.7.1 oI the
Abaqus Benchmarks Manual, and 'Analysis oI skin-stiIIener debonding under tension, Section 1.4.5 oI the
Abaqus Example Problems Manual.
The approximate amount oI energy associated with viscous regularization over the whole model or over an
element set is available using output variable ALLCD.
In addition to the standard output identiIiers available in Abaqus ('Abaqus/Standard output variable
identiIiers, Section 4.2.1, and 'Abaqus/Explicit output variable identiIiers, Section 4.2.2), the Iollowing
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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variables have special meaning Ior cohesive elements with traction-separation behavior:
STATUS Status oI element (the status oI an element is 1.0 iI the element is active, 0.0 iI
the element is not).
SDEG Overall value oI the scalar damage variable, '.
DMICRT All damage initiation criteria components.
MAXSCRT Maximum value oI the nominal stress damage initiation criterion at a material
point during the analysis. It is evaluated as
MAXECRT Maximum value oI the nominal strain damage initiation criterion at a material
point during the analysis. It is evaluated as
QUADSCRT Maximum value oI the quadratic nominal stress damage initiation criterion at a
material point during the analysis. It is evaluated as
QUADECRT Maximum value oI the quadratic nominal strain damage initiation criterion at a
material point during the analysis. It is evaluated as
ALLCD The approximate amount oI energy over the whole model or over an element set
that is associated with viscous regularization in Abaqus/Standard. Corresponding
output variables (such as CENER, ELCD, and ECDDEN) represent the energy
associated with viscous regularization at the integration point level and element
level (the last quantity represents the energy per unit volume in the element),
For the variables above that indicate whether a certain damage initiation criterion has been satisIied or not,
a value that is less than 1.0 indicates that the criterion has not been satisIied, while a value oI 1.0 or higher
indicates that the criterion has been satisIied. II damage evolution is speciIied Ior this criterion, the
maximum value oI this variable does not exceed 1.0. However, iI damage evolution is not speciIied Ior the
initiation criterion, this variable can have values higher than 1.0. The extent to which the variable is higher
than 1.0 may be considered to be a measure oI the extent to which this criterion has been violated.
Additional references
Benzeggagh, M. L., and M. Kenane, 'Measurement oI Mixed-Mode Delamination Fracture
Toughness oI Unidirectional Glass/Epoxy Composites with Mixed-Mode Bending Apparatus,
Composites Science and Technology, vol. 56, pp. 439449, 1996.
Camanho, P. P., and C. G. Davila, 'Mixed-Mode Decohesion Finite Elements Ior the Simulation oI
Delamination in Composite Materials, NASA/TM-2002211737, pp. 137, 2002.
31.5.6 DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a tr...
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31.5.7 Defining the constitutive response of fluid within the cohesive element gap
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive elements using a traction-separation description,
Section 31.5.6
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
The cohesive element Iluid Ilow model:
is typically used in geotechnical applications, where Iluid Ilow continuity within the gap and through
the interIace must be maintained;
enables Iluid pressure on the cohesive element surIace to contribute to its mechanical behavior,
which enables the modeling oI hydraulically driven Iracture;
enables modeling oI an additional resistance layer on the surIace oI the cohesive element; and
can be used only in conjunction with traction-separation behavior.
The Ieatures described in this section are used to model Iluid Ilow within and across surIaces oI pore
pressure cohesive elements.
Defining pore fluid flow properties
The Iluid constitutive response comprises:
Tangential Ilow within the gap, which can be modeled with either a Newtonian or power law model;
Normal Ilow across the gap, which can reIlect resistance due to caking or Iouling eIIects.
The Ilow patterns oI the pore Iluid in the element are shown in Figure 31.5.71.
Figure 31.5.7-1 Flow within cohesive elements.
31.5.7 DeIining the constitutive response oI Iluid within the cohesive e...
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The Iluid is assumed to be incompressible, and the Iormulation is based on a statement oI Ilow continuity
that considers tangential and normal Ilow and the rate oI opening oI the cohesive element.
Specifying the fluid flow properties
You can assign tangential and normal Ilow properties separately.
Tangential flow
By deIault, there is no tangential Ilow oI pore Iluid within the cohesive element. To allow tangential Ilow,
deIine a gap Ilow property in conjunction with the pore Iluid material deIinition.
Newtonian Iluid
In the case oI a Newtonian Iluid the volume Ilow rate density vector is given by the expression
where is the tangential permeability (the resistance to the Iluid Ilow), is the pressure gradient along
the cohesive element, and is the gap opening.
In Abaqus the gap opening, , is deIined as
where and are the current and original cohesive element geometrical thicknesses, respectively;
and is the initial gap opening, which has a deIault value oI 0.002.
Abaqus deIines the tangential permeability, or the resistance to Ilow, according to Reynold's equation:
where is the Iluid viscosity and is the gap opening. You can also speciIy an upper limit on the value oI
Input File Usage: Use the Iollowing option to deIine the initial gap opening directly:
Use the Iollowing option to deIine the tangential Ilow in a Newtonian Iluid:
31.5.7 DeIining the constitutive response oI Iluid within the cohesive e...
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Initial gap opening is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Property module: material editor: Other Pore Fluid Gap Flow: Type:
Newtonian: Toggle on Maximum Permeability and enter the value oI
Power law Iluid
In the case oI a power law Iluid the constitutive relation is deIined as
where is the shear stress, is the shear strain rate, is the Iluid consistency, and is the power law
coeIIicient. Abaqus deIines the tangential volume Ilow rate density as
where is the gap opening.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Other Pore Fluid Gap Flow: Type: Power
Normal flow across gap surfaces
You can permit normal Ilow by deIining a Iluid leakoII coeIIicient Ior the pore Iluid material. This
coeIIicient deIines a pressure-Ilow relationship between the cohesive element's middle nodes and their
adjacent surIace nodes. The Iluid leakoII coeIIicients can be interpreted as the permeability oI a Iinite layer
oI material on the cohesive element surIaces, as shown in Figure 31.5.72.
Figure 31.5.7-2 LeakoII coeIIicient interpretation as a permeable layer.
The normal Ilow is deIined as
where and are the Ilow rates into the top and bottom surIaces, respectively; is the midIace pressure;
and and are the pore pressures on the top and bottom surIaces, respectively.
Input File Usage: *FLUID LEAKOFF
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Other Pore Fluid Fluid Leakoff: Type:
31.5.7 DeIining the constitutive response oI Iluid within the cohesive e...
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DeIining leakoII coeIIicients as a Iunction oI temperature and Iield variables
You can optionally deIine leakoII coeIIicients as Iunctions oI temperature and Iield variables.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Other Pore Fluid Fluid Leakoff: Type:
Coefficients: Toggle on Use temperature-dependent data and select the number oI
Iield variables.
DeIining leakoII coeIIicients in a user subroutine
User subroutine UFLUIDLEAKOFF can also be used to deIine more complex leakoII behavior, including the
ability to deIine a time accumulated resistance, or Iouling, through the use oI solution-dependent state
Input File Usage: *FLUID LEAKOFF, USER
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: material editor: Other Pore Fluid Fluid Leakoff: Type:
Tangential and normal flow combinations
Table 31.5.71 shows the permitted combinations oI tangential and normal Ilow and the eIIects oI each
Table 31.5.7-1 EIIects oI Ilow property deIinition combinations.
Normal flow is
Normal flow is undefined
Tangential Ilow
is deIined
Tangential and
normal Ilow are
Tangential Ilow is modeled. Pore pressure continuity is enIorced
between Iacing nodes in the cohesive element only when the element
is closed. Otherwise, the surIaces are impermeable in the normal
Tangential Ilow
is undeIined
Normal Ilow is
Tangential Ilow is not modeled. Pore pressure continuity is always
enIorced between Iacing nodes in the cohesive element.
Initially open elements
When the opening oI the cohesive element is driven primarily by entry oI Iluid into the gap, you will have
to deIine one or more elements as initially open, since tangential Ilow is possible only in an open element.
IdentiIy initially open elements as initial conditions.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Initial gap deIinition is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Use of unsymmetric matrix storage and solution
The pore pressure cohesive element matrices are unsymmetric; thereIore, unsymmetric matrix storage and
solution may be needed to improve convergence (see 'Matrix storage and solution scheme in
Abaqus/Standard in 'Procedures: overview, Section 6.1.1).
31.5.7 DeIining the constitutive response oI Iluid within the cohesive e...
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Additional considerations
Your use oI cohesive element Iluid properties and your property values can impact your solution in some
Large coefficient values
You must make sure that the tangential permeability or Iluid leakoII coeIIicients are not excessively large. II
either coeIIicient is many orders oI magnitude higher than the permeability in the adjacent continuum
elements, matrix conditioning problems may occur, leading to solver singularities and unreliable results.
Use in total pore pressure simulations
DeIinition oI tangential Ilow properties may result in inaccurate results iI the total pore pressure Iormulation
is used and the hydrostatic pressure gradient contributes signiIicantly to the tangential Ilow in the gap. The
total pore pressure Iormulation is invoked iI you apply gravity distributed loads to all elements in the model.
The results will be accurate iI the hydrostatic pressure gradient (i.e., the gravity vector) is perpendicular to
the cohesive element.
The Iollowing output variables are available when Ilow is enabled in pore pressure cohesive elements:
GFVR Gap Iluid volume rate.
PFOPEN Fracture opening.
LEAKVRT Leak-oII Ilow rate at element top.
ALEAKVRT Accumulated leak-oII Ilow volume at element top.
LEAKVRB Leak-oII Ilow rate at element bottom.
ALEAKVRB Accumulated leak-oII Ilow volume at element bottom.
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31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Element types
General element
COH2D4 4-node two-dimensional cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2
Additional solution variables
Pore pressure element
6-node displacement and pore pressure two-dimensional
cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2, 8 at nodes on the top and bottom Iaces
8 at nodes on the middle Iace
Additional solution variables
Nodal coordinates required
Element property definition
You can deIine the element's initial constitutive thickness and the out-oI-plane width. The deIault initial
constitutive thickness oI cohesive elements depends on the response oI these elements. For continuum
response, the deIault initial constitutive thickness is computed based on the nodal coordinates. For traction-
separation response, the deIault initial constitutive thickness is assumed to be 1.0. For response based on a
uniaxial stress state, there is no deIault; you must indicate your choice oI the method Ior computing the
initial constitutive thickness. See 'SpeciIying the constitutive thickness in 'DeIining the cohesive
element's initial geometry, Section 31.5.4, Ior details.
31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
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Abaqus calculates the thickness direction automatically based on the midsurIace oI the element.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type
Element-based loading
Distributed loads
Distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BX
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in global ;-direction.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BY
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in global <-direction.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in global ;-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in global <-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the mass density per unit volume,
is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Rotational body force
Units: T
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Coriolis force
Units: FL
Description: Coriolis Iorce (magnitude is input as , where is the mass density per unit volume, is the
angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Gravity
Units: LT
Description: Gravity loading in a speciIied direction (magnitude is input as acceleration).
Load ID (`DLOAD): PQ
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on Iace Q.
31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on Iace Q with magnitude supplied via user subroutine '/2$' in
Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Rotational body force
Units: T
Description: Rotary acceleration load (magnitude is input as , where is the rotary acceleration).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation body Iorce in global ;- and <-directions.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on Iace Q.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous body Iorce in global ;- and <-directions.
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure on Iace Q, applying a pressure proportional to the velocity normal to the
Iace and opposing the motion.
Surface-based loading
Distributed loads
SurIace-based distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DSLOAD): P
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on the element surIace.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on the element surIace with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on the element surIace.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure applied on the element surIace. The viscous pressure is proportional to the
31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
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velocity normal to the element Iace and opposing the motion.
Element output
Stress, strain, and other tensor components available Ior output depend on whether the cohesive elements
are used to model adhesive joints, gaskets, or delamination problems. You indicate the intended usage oI the
cohesive elements by choosing an appropriate response type when deIining the section properties oI these
elements. The available response types are discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, and 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
Cohesive elements using a continuum response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with continuum response. Both
the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations using a
continuum response, only the direct through-thickness and the transverse shear strains are assumed to be
nonzero. All the other strain components (i.e., the membrane strains) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI an adhesive layer oI Iinite thickness in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S11 Direct membrane stress.
S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
S33 Direct membrane stress.
S12 Transverse shear stress.
Cohesive elements using a uniaxial stress state
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior cohesive elements with uniaxial stress
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations
using a uniaxial stress response, only the direct through-thickness stress is assumed to be nonzero. All the
other stress components (i.e., the membrane and transverse shear stresses) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI gaskets and/or small adhesive patches in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
Cohesive elements using a traction-separation response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with traction-separation
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain nominal values. The output variables E, LE,
and NE all contain the nominal strain when the response oI cohesive elements is deIined in terms oI traction
versus separation. All tensors have the same number oI components. For example, the stress components
are as Iollows:
S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
S12 Transverse shear stress.
Node ordering and face numbering on elements
31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
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Element Iaces
Face 1 1 2 Iace
Face 2 2 3 Iace
Face 3 3 4 Iace
Face 4 4 1 Iace
Numbering of integration points for output
31.5.8 Two-dimensional cohesive element library
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31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Element types
General elements
COH3D6 6-node three-dimensional cohesive element
COH3D8 8-node three-dimensional cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2, 3
Additional solution variables
Pore pressure elements
COH3D6P 9-node displacement and pore pressure three-dimensional
cohesive element
COH3D8P 12-node displacement and pore pressure three-dimensional
cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2, 3, 8 at nodes on the top and bottom Iaces
8 at nodes on the middle Iace
Additional solution variables
Nodal coordinates required
Element property definition
You can deIine the element's initial constitutive thickness. The deIault initial constitutive thickness oI
cohesive elements depends on the response oI these elements. For continuum response, the deIault initial
constitutive thickness is computed based on the nodal coordinates. For traction-separation response, the
deIault initial constitutive thickness is assumed to be 1.0. For response based on a uniaxial stress state, there
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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is no deIault; you must indicate your choice oI the method Ior computing the initial constitutive thickness.
See 'SpeciIying the constitutive thickness in 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section
31.5.4, Ior details.
Abaqus computes the thickness direction automatically based on the midsurIace oI the element.
Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type
Element-based loading
Distributed loads
Distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BX
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in global ;-direction.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BY
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in global <-direction.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BZ
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in global =-direction.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in global ;-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in global <-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in global =-direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the mass density per unit volume,
is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Rotational body force
Units: T
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Coriolis force
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Units: FL
Description: Coriolis Iorce (magnitude is input as , where is the mass density per unit volume, is the
angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Gravity
Units: LT
Description: Gravity loading in a speciIied direction (magnitude is input as acceleration).
Load ID (`DLOAD): PQ
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on Iace Q.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on Iace Q with magnitude supplied via user subroutine '/2$' in
Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Rotational body force
Units: T
Description: Rotary acceleration load (magnitude is input as , where is the rotary acceleration).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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Description: Stagnation body Iorce in global ;-, <-, and =-directions.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on Iace Q.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous body Iorce in global ;-, <-, and =-directions.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure on Iace Q, applying a pressure proportional to the velocity normal to the
Iace and opposing the motion.
Surface-based loading
Distributed loads
SurIace-based distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DSLOAD): P
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on the element surIace.
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on the element surIace with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on the element surIace.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure applied on the element surIace. The viscous pressure is proportional to the
velocity normal to the element Iace and opposing the motion.
Element output
Stress, strain, and other tensor components available Ior output depend on whether the cohesive elements
are used to model adhesive joints, gaskets, or delamination problems. You indicate the intended usage oI the
cohesive elements by choosing an appropriate response type when deIining the section properties oI these
elements. The available response types are discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, and 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
Cohesive elements using a continuum response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with continuum response. Both
the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations using a
continuum response, only the direct through-thickness and the transverse shear strains are assumed to be
nonzero. All the other strain components (i.e., the membrane strains) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI an adhesive layer oI Iinite thickness in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S11 Direct membrane stress.
S22 Direct membrane stress.
S33 Direct through-thickness stress.
S12 In-plane membrane shear stress.
S13 Transverse shear stress.
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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S23 Transverse shear stress.
Cohesive elements using a uniaxial stress state
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior cohesive elements with uniaxial stress
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations
using a uniaxial stress response, only the direct through-thickness stress is assumed to be nonzero. All the
other stress components (i.e., the membrane and transverse shear stresses) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI gaskets and/or small adhesive patches in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S33 Direct through-thickness stress.
Cohesive elements using a traction-separation response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with traction-separation
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain nominal values. The output variables E, LE,
and NE all contain the nominal strain when the response oI cohesive elements is deIined in terms oI traction
versus separation. All tensors have the same number oI components. For example, the stress components
are as Iollows:
S33 Direct through-thickness stress.
S13 Transverse shear stress.
S23 Transverse shear stress.
Node ordering and face numbering on elements
Element Iaces Ior COH3D6
Face 1 1 2 3 Iace
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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Face 2 4 6 5 Iace
Face 3 1 4 5 2 Iace
Face 4 2 5 6 3 Iace
Face 5 3 6 4 1 Iace
Element Iaces Ior COH3D8
Face 1 1 2 3 4 Iace
Face 2 5 8 7 6 Iace
Face 3 1 5 6 2 Iace
Face 4 2 6 7 3 Iace
Face 5 3 7 8 4 Iace
Face 6 4 8 5 1 Iace
Numbering of integration points for output
31.5.9 Three-dimensional cohesive element library
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31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
Products: Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE
'Cohesive elements: overview, Section 31.5.1
'Choosing a cohesive element, Section 31.5.2
Chapter 21, 'Adhesive joints and bonded interIaces, oI the Abaqus/CAE User's Manual
Element types
General element
COHAX4 4-node axisymmetric cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2 ( , )
Additional solution variables
Pore pressure element
COHAX4P 6-node displacement and pore pressure axisymmetric
cohesive element
Active degrees oI Ireedom
1, 2, 8
Additional solution variables
Nodal coordinates required
Element property definition
You can deIine the element's initial constitutive thickness. The deIault initial constitutive thickness oI
cohesive elements depends on the response oI these elements. For continuum response, the deIault initial
constitutive thickness is computed based on the nodal coordinates. For traction-separation response, the
deIault initial constitutive thickness is assumed to be 1.0. For response based on a uniaxial stress state, there
is no deIault; you must indicate your choice oI the method Ior computing the initial constitutive thickness.
See 'SpeciIying the constitutive thickness in 'DeIining the cohesive element's initial geometry, Section
31.5.4, Ior details.
Abaqus calculates the thickness direction automatically based on the midsurIace oI the element.
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Usage: Property module: Create Section: select Other as the section Category and
Cohesive as the section Type
Element-based loading
Distributed loads
Distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BR
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in radial direction.
Load ID (`DLOAD): BY
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: Body Iorce in axial direction.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in radial direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Body force
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm body Iorce in axial direction with magnitude supplied via user subroutine '/2$'
in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the mass density per unit volume,
is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Rotational body force
Units: T
Description: CentriIugal load (magnitude is input as , where is the angular velocity).
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Gravity
Units: LT
Description: Gravity loading in a speciIied direction (magnitude is input as acceleration).
Load ID (`DLOAD): PQ
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on Iace Q.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on Iace Q with magnitude supplied via user subroutine '/2$' in
Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation body Iorce in radial and axial directions.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on Iace Q.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous body Iorce in radial and axial directions.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Not supported
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure on Iace Q, applying a pressure proportional to the velocity normal to the
Iace and opposing the motion.
Surface-based loading
Distributed loads
SurIace-based distributed loads are speciIied as described in 'Distributed loads, Section 32.4.3.
Load ID (`DSLOAD): P
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Pressure on the element surIace.
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: NonuniIorm pressure on the element surIace with magnitude supplied via user subroutine
'/2$' in Abaqus/Standard and 9'/2$' in Abaqus/Explicit.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Stagnation pressure on the element surIace.
Abaqus/CAE Load/Interaction: Pressure
Units: FL
Description: Viscous pressure applied on the element surIace. The viscous pressure is proportional to the
velocity normal to the element Iace and opposing the motion.
Element output
Stress, strain, and other tensor components available Ior output depend on whether the cohesive elements
are used to model adhesive joints, gaskets, or delamination problems. You indicate the intended usage oI the
cohesive elements by choosing an appropriate response type when deIining the section properties oI these
elements. The available response types are discussed in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, and 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a traction-separation description, Section 31.5.6.
Cohesive elements using a continuum response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with continuum response. Both
the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations using a
continuum response, only the direct through-thickness and the transverse shear strains are assumed to be
nonzero. All the other strain components (i.e., the membrane strains) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI an adhesive layer oI Iinite thickness in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S11 Direct membrane stress.
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
S33 Direct membrane stress.
S12 Transverse shear stress.
Cohesive elements using a uniaxial stress state
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior cohesive elements with uniaxial stress
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain true values. For the constitutive calculations
using a uniaxial stress response, only the direct through-thickness stress is assumed to be nonzero. All the
other stress components (i.e., the membrane and transverse shear stresses) are assumed to be zero (see
'Modeling oI gaskets and/or small adhesive patches in 'DeIining the constitutive response oI cohesive
elements using a continuum approach, Section 31.5.5, Ior details). All tensors have the same number oI
components. For example, the stress components are as Iollows:
S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
Cohesive elements using a traction-separation response
Stress and other tensors (including strain tensors) are available Ior elements with traction-separation
response. Both the stress tensor and the strain tensor contain nominal values. The output variables E, LE,
and NE all contain the nominal strain when the response oI cohesive elements is deIined in terms oI traction
versus separation. All tensors have the same number oI components. For example, the stress components
are as Iollows:
S22 Direct through-thickness stress.
S12 Transverse shear stress.
Node ordering and face numbering on elements
Element Iaces
Face 1 1 2 Iace
Face 2 2 3 Iace
Face 3 3 4 Iace
Face 4 4 1 Iace
Numbering of integration points for output
31.5.10 Axisymmetric cohesive element library
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