Press Release: There Is A Race To Develop Appropriate Solar Technology For Deserts
Press Release: There Is A Race To Develop Appropriate Solar Technology For Deserts
Press Release: There Is A Race To Develop Appropriate Solar Technology For Deserts
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Reliance Power Limited, one of India's largest private power developers, are joining forces to build what will be the country's largest solar photovoltaic power plant. The project is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2012. "India's solar energy potential is one of the highest in the world and this plant will help kick-start large-scale, privatesector solar electricity generation in the country," said Michael Barrow, Director in ADB's Private Sector Operations Department in a press statement issued here on from Manila, Philippines. ADB is providing a long-term loan of up to $48 million to finance the 40 megawatt (MW) Dahanu Solar Power Project located in Jaisalmer district in the western state of Rajasthan. The state has one of the highest levels of solar irradiation in India. Reliance Infrastructure Limited, a leading private distribution company, will buy the electricity under a long term power purchase agreement to fulfil its renewable purchase obligations set by India's electricity regulators - the first time for a fully private sector transaction in solar power. The power will be distributed to households in Mumbai. source
* Tapan Solar Energy has started manufacturing Crystalline Solar Modules in Rajasthan
press release
*There is a race to develop appropriate solar technology for Deserts. What is the best solar solution for Rajasthan !!
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems with mirrors, dishes or parabolic troughs focussing the sunlight to raise steam to run a turbines are currently in the lead. There have been some major developments in Spain and the USA, but also now in N Africa and the Middle Concentrating Photo Voltaic (CPV) power - may challenge CSP. CPV uses conventional solar cells but with large arrays and sunlight focussing arrangements, as with CSP. The crucial point is that mirrors are cheaper than solar cellsEast, with new projects opening in Morocco (the 470 MW Ain Beni Mathar hybrid project) and Egypt (the 150 MW Kuraymat hybrid project). A solar industry roadmap, as outlined in a study by A.T. Kearney and the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, ESTELA, sees solar thermal reaching 12 GW of installed capacity globally by 2015, 30 GW by 2020 and between 60 and 100 GW by 2025. CSP had higher operations costs and a higher cost of capital than for the residential rooftop system, and there were also transmission infrastructure and efficiency losses, which would increase the cost of power from the CSP plant further. CSP was a valuable grid-stabilizing renewable energy source with storage capabilities, so a combination might prove to be the best option. You can look at more options for deserts evolving from the source given below.You can keep coming back to this blog for current opportunities in Rajasthan. Read from the source
Part II deals mostly with the Government regulations and guidelines for solar energy in Rajasthan. Part III deals with solar energy business opportunities, solar energy business strategy, and solar energy investment required for different types of businesses all catering to the Private sector from large corporates to small medium ones. Part I Latest News Rajasthan Solar Energy
Part II Solar irradiation in Rajasthan Demographics of Rajasthan RREC Solar policy of Rajasthan Rajasthan Government initiatives and incentives Solar projects in Rajasthan Solar Photovoltaic power plants established by RREC Part III The solar energy business potential in Rajasthan and Business opportunities in Rajasthan
Solar Irradiation in Rajasthan: Highest annual global radiation is received in Rajasthan (Solar insolation ranging between 6-6.4 Kwh/m2/day in about half of Rajasthan). Large areas of land are barren and sparsely populated, making these areas suitable as locations for large central power stations based on solar energy. Rajasthan received the second largest amount of solar radiation in the world as per DOE. Rajasthan is situated in the north-western part of India. The north-west part of the country is best suited for solar energy based projects because the location receives maximum amount of solar radiation annually in the country. City Ajmer Alwar Bali Bharatpu r Bhilwara Bikaner Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 6.08 6.64 5.82 6.26 5.99 5.79 5.9 6.23 6.06 6.36 5.85 6.52 July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg
3.9 4.58 5.42 3.75 4.5 5.32 4.13 4.89 5.59 3.67 4.6 5.43 4.1 4.89 5.62 3.51 4.11 4.9
6.43 5.3 6.06 4.99 4.49 4.09 5.95 4.95 6.08 4.87 6.44 5.77
5.04 5.1 4.76 4.04 3.64 5.08 4.66 4.93 4.59 3.92 3.47 4.86 3.9 3.88 4.32 4.21 4.02 4.61 4.54 4.76 4.62 3.93 3.46 4.84 4.53 5.11 4.9 4.2 3.83 5.05 5.36 4.95 4.38 3.66 3.19 4.89
3.9 4.67 5.4 5.99 6.35 6.21 5.08 4.68 5.05 4.75 4.04 3.84 4.54 5.48 6.27 6.79 6.6 5.57 5.27 5.23 4.64 3.96 4.01 4.87 5.55 6.11 6.31 6.01 4.83 4.36 5.12 4.92 4.19 4.03 4.75 5.55 6.18 6.65 6.38 5.22 4.89 5.18 4.79 4.18 Solar irradiation measured in kwh/m2/day onto a horizontal surface
Rajasthan Demographics: Rajasthan is the largest state of India. It encompasses the Thar Desert, which has an edge paralleling the Sutlej-Indus river valley along its border with Pakistan. The state is surrounded by Pakistan to the west, Gujarat to the southwest, Madhya Pradesh to the southeast, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to the northeast and Punjab to the north. Rajasthan covers an area of 132,150 sq mi or 342,239 km. The proportion of the state's total area to the total area of the India is 10.41 per cent.
Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation: Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited (RRECL) had been formed by merging erstwhile REDA (Rajasthan Energy Development Agency) and the Rajasthan State Power Corporation Limited ( RSPCL) in August 2002. RRECL is working as a state nodal agency for promoting and developing non conventional energy sources in Rajasthan. This agency co ordinate the programme activities between various programmes of non conventional energy sources and the society. It is also engaged in creating awareness among people towards conservation of energy, protection of environment degradation through demonstration projects and other methods. Rajasthan Solar Policy: Rajasthan solar policy came into operation with effect from 19.04.11 and will remain in force until superseded or modified by another policy. The objective of this policy is to establish Rajasthan as a national leader in solar energy in phased manner by creating the policy framework for promoting use of solar energy in various applications and move towards achieving following objectives: a. Developing a global hub of solar power of 10000-12000 MW capacity in next 10-12 years to meet energy requirements of Rajasthan and India. b. Contributing to long term energy security of Rajasthan as well as ecological security by reduction in carbon emissions c. Providing a long term sustainable solution for meeting energy needs and
considerably reducing dependence on depleting fossil fuel resources like coal, oil and gas. d. Productive use of abundant wastelands, thereby utilizing the non-industrialized desert area for creation of an industrial hub. e. Creating favorable conditions to solar manufacturing capabilities by providing fiscal incentives. f. Generating large direct and indirect employment opportunities in solar and allied industries like glass, metals, heavy industrial equipments etc. g. Creation of skilled and semi-skilled man power resources through promotion of technical and other related training facilities. h. Creating an R&D hub for deployment of various combinations of solar power technologies and solar based hybrid co-generation technologies which will focus on improving efficiency in existing applications, reducing cost of balance of system. i. To achieve the grid parity in next 7-8 years, the State will encourage the Solar Power Developers to establish manufacturing plant of their technology in Rajasthan. j. Establishment of an industrial set-up involving both domestic and foreign manpower participation which will promote Rajasthan as a global tourist destination. k. Create a solar centre of excellence which would work towards applied research and commercialization of nascent technologies to accelerate the march to grid parity. Rajasthan Government Initiatives and Incentives: The Government of Rajasthan supports development of both solar thermal and solar photovoltaics power generation. Government of Rajasthan is encouraging private sector projects through fiscal and promotional incentives for the renewable energy sector. Parallel efforts are underway in the area of solar PV in which pilot-scale grid-connected solar PV power systems (25 KW to 100 KW) are under trial operations in addition to stand-alone projects in remote unelectrified areas. In Rajasthan, the State Government plans to establish a Solar Energy Enterprises Zone (SEEZ) in the districts of Barmer, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur by offering a package of incentives to private investors willing to develop various solar power technologies including solar thermal, solar photovoltaics (SPV), solar chimney etc. An International solicitation recently issued by Rajasthan has yielded two 50 MW solar PV power stations as well as one solar chimney project (200 MW) to be operated on an Independent Power Production (IPP) basis. In Rajasthan, the Indian Government is about to complete a huge new power station using hybrid systems. This fossil fuel/solar hybrid power plant is poised to generate a huge 140 megawatts of electric power, out of which 40 megawatt will be produced from a large array of solar parabolic troughs. The technology, which is much more cost effective than photovoltaic cells, uses large parabolic mirrors to focus the sunlight to heat a thermal media, like, gas or steam, which in turn drives a turbine generator. The project cost runs to about $1 million per megawatt and is still considered to
be cheaper than the others. Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited (RREC) Incentives by the State Government under Policy for promoting Generation of Electricity through Non- Conventional Energy Sources, 2004(in brief): 1. Exemption from Electricity Duty: - Consumption of electricity generated by Eligible Power Producers for its captive use or for sale to a nominated third party will be exempted from Electricity Duty @ 50% for a period of 7 years from COD 2. Grant of incentives available to industries: - Generation of electricity from Nonconventional Energy Sources shall be treated as eligible industry under the schemes administered by Industries Department and incentives available to industrial units under such schemes shall also be available to the Power Producers. 3. Single Window Clearance: A State Level Empowered Committee consisting of following will provide single window clearance on proposals received for developing the power plants based on Non Conventional Energy Sources. Allotment of land on consessional rates: The Government land required for power projects based on non conventional sources of energy shall be allotted to Power Producer at concessional rates viz, 10% of DLC rates Rajasthan is likely to emerge as the power house of the country with the possibilities of setting up installed capacity exceeding 100,000 MW. Private sector investment in solar energy: The State Government has been receiving several proposals from potential investors to set up solar power plant in various locations in the State. So far, 49 Nos. solar project proposals totaling of 1524.MW have been registered and many more Investors are keen to set up solar power projects in the State. RRECL being the nodal agency in the State to promote renewable energy projects, its role includes facilitation of investment in solar power projects in the State. Installation of 1524MW solar power plants will result in investment of order of Rs 20,000crores by private entrepreneurs. Rajasthan Solar Projects: The majority of proposals submitted this year by private entrepreneurs to the NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam for establishing 350MW solar power projects based on the solar photovoltaic technique are for Rajasthan. Of the 210 proposals received by the NVVN under the first phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, 145 were for Rajasthan. Land Banks for Solar power plants It is imperative for RRECL to develop a land-bank so that suitable pieces of land can be allotted to set up new projects RREC has accorded a work order to M/s PDCOR. to identify potential sites to set up solar projects at Jodhpur. They have completed the work and handed over a report after identified 5 nos. CSP project sites of 50MW each, 5 nos. SPV Project sites of 50MW each and 32 nos. SPV project sites of 5 MW. Their after to develop further readily available land bank, RREC has awarded work to M/s. PDCOR for preparing land bank in three districts viz Barmer and Jalore in April. Further work order to M/s. PDCOR for preparing land bank for three more districts viz
Nagaur, Hanumangarh, Jaislemer and Bikaner is also in Pipeline. This cost so incurred by RREC will be recovered from such developers who are keen to have land from the above identified land bank and their after allotted them.
Solar power projects: 5MW solar plant in Osiyan: Astonfields 5MW solar plant is located in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. Astonfield secured the allocation of the 5MW solar project under the migration scheme of the first phase of Indias National solar mission. Astonfields EPC partner for the project is Belectric. Thin film technology is used for the project. Reliance power solar project: Reliance power is developing Indias largest solar power project with 40MW capacity in Pokrahn Tehsil, Jaisalmer district. This project is scheduled for commissioning by March, 2012. RPower has got Rs 304 crore from the US Exim bank. The Asian Development bank will provide Rs 221 crore to reliance power for its solar project. This was the first sanction by ADB as a direct loan to a private sector solar project in India. The thin film solar panels for this project are to be imported from US based First Solar. A long term power purchase agreement for the PV project has been signed with group company Reliance Infrastructure at the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission approved tariff. This would be followed by commissioning of another 100MW solar plant in Rajasthan, which would be a concentrated solar power project. This project is expected to be commissioned by May 2013. The long term PPA for the CSP project was signed with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited at a tariff of Rs 11.97 per unit. CESC solar project, Bikaner: RPG group flagship CESC has begun land acquisition for its solar power project near Bikaner in Rajasthan. CESC plans to produce 200-400MW from there in the next five years. Indian Oil solar plant, Barmer: Indian Oil Corporation is setting up a grid tied solar plant worth about Rs 100 crore at Barmer in Rajasthan. Indian Oil will set up the plant as an equal venture with BHEL. The plant will be set up on a parcel of land belonging to the oil companys marketing division, while BHEL will supply the panels. Mathania solar hybrid power project: Mathania Solar Hybrid Power Project to demonstrate and commercialize solar thermal technology
in India, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) is promoting megawatt scale projects such as the proposed solar thermal plant at Mathania in Rajasthan. Mathania is about 30 Kms from Jodhpur. Solar radiation available in this regions is of the order of 6-6.4 K wh/m2/ day which makes it a suitable location foe setting up of large Central Power Station based on Solar Energy. 5MW module solar power plant by Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited: REC modules were selected for a 5MW solar power plant developed by Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited (KCI) which is among the first projects to benefit from the Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism in India. KCI selected high performance REC peak energy series modules for the project. The Main objectives of the project are 1. 2. 3. To demonstrate that operational viability of solar thermal power generation Support solar power technology development and Help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) global emissions in the longer term
This project has been envisaged as the first step in a long term program or promoting solar thermal power in Rajasthan which would lead to development of similar systems in the country. This project involves construction of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) plant with an average solar yield of about 35 MW and a fossil field of maximum 3 times the solar field capacity, the total output of around 140 MW. It will be based on the integrated operation of the parabolic trough solar plant with a combined cycle gas turbine using fossil fuels such as Naphtha, fuel oil or low sulphur heavy stock (LSHS). The ISCC will operate as base load plant with an expected plant load factor of 80%. The proposed project site is at Mathania near Jodhpur, Rajasthan located at 26.18' North Latitude, 73.01' longitude and 224 meter about MSL. In addition to high solar insulation levels, the proposed site involves approximately 800.000 m2 of relatively level land with access to water resource and is in proximity to electric transmission facilities. The ISSC plant will comprise a solar field with a collection area of 219,000 m2 to support a 35 to 40 MW solar thermal plants) combined cycle power block involving two gas turbines each connected the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and a steam turbines connected to both HRSG ancillary facilities and plant services such as fire protection. Naphtha/fuel oil/LSHS supply and storage system, and grid interconnection system, water supply and storage system, and grid interconnection system, water supply and treatment systems, etc. A central building will have a central microprocessor control system that monitoring and controls all operations. Global Environmental Facility (GEF) has decided to grant US $45 million to the project to party neutralize the incremental cost of the project Government of India (GOI) has also decided to sanction a grant of US $15 million and German Development and KW has agreed to provide and load of DM 250 million for the project. For the project GOR has agreed to provide balance required
of funds as loan for the project which has been estimated to cost US $280 million. The operation of the solar plan is expected to avoid emission of 64,000 tons/year of Carbon Dioxide compared to regular combined cycle operation, of 1.6 million tonnes during its lifetime. The cost of Carbon dioxide avoidance based on ISSCC operation is estimated at about US $ 13 per ton compared to US $ 34 ton if based on a conventional solar plant backed, up by a Ranking Cycle power block. These carbon Dioxide avoidance costs are competitive with other Carbon Dioxide avoidance technologies. Under the Generation Based Incentive scheme, the Rajasthan state (RREC) has accorded approval to solar power projects each of capacity 5 MW to M/s. Reliance Industries Limited (M/s. RIL) and M/s. Par Solar Limited. On recommendations of RREC both the firms had acquired land and got power evacuation plan approved from Raj. Viduit Prasaran Nigam and submitted project implementation details for approval of MNRE under Generation Based Incentive Scheme.
Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants (Grid Interactive) established by RREC: The RREC has established 5 KW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant on the roof of its office and two Solar Photovoltaic Grid Interactive Power Plants of 25 KW each at new Assembly Building and Government Secretariat, which are working satisfactorily. A 100 KW capacity Grid Interactive Power Plant has been established at Gorir in District Jhunjhunu by RREC to carryout R&D in the area of power electronics and generation of pollution free electricity from Solar Photovoltaic Systems. MNRE has sanctioned about 2/3rd cost of this project as Central Assistance. Solar photovoltaic power projects in Rajasthan: 1. Par Solar, Jodhpur (5MW) 2. Reliance Industries Ltd., Nagaur (5MW) 3. Vivek Pharmachem (India) Ltd., Barmer (1MW) 4. AEW Infratech Pvt. Ltd., Bikaner (1MW) 5. Nav Bharat Buildcon Pvt. Ltd., Churu (1MW) 6. Rays Power Pvt. Ltd., Jaisalmer (1MW) 7. Asian Aero-Edu Aviation Pvt. Ltd., Jaisalmer (1MW) 8. Lanco Solar Pvt. Ltd., Jaisalmer (1MW) 9. Basant Enterprises, Jaisalmer (1MW) 10.Ganges Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Jhunjhunu (1MW) 11.Zamil New Delhi Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Jodhpur (1MW) 12.Sovox Renewables Pvt. Ltd., Jodhpur (1MW) 13.Conflux Infratech Pvt. Ltd., Jodhpur (1MW) 14.Sun Edision Energy India Pvt. Ltd., Sirohi (1MW) Approval issued by RERC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Moser Baer Photovoltaic Ltd. 5 SPVCPV Astonfield Solar (Rajasthan) Pvt. Ltd. 5 SPV/CPV Videocon Industries Ltd. 5 SPV/CPV Refex Refrigerants Ltd. 5 SPV/CPV AES Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd. 5 SPV/CPV
6. 6.* Zoom Developers 5 SPV/CPV 7. Entegra 1 SPV/CPV 8. Swiss Park Vanijya 5 SPV/CPV 9. OPG Energy 5 SPV/CPV 10.Acme Telepower Ltd. 10 Thermal 11.Essar Power (Essar Abengoa solar one) 10 Thermal 12.Entegra 10 Thermal Out of above two firms (1) M/s. Zoom Developers & (2) M/s. Essar Power Ltd. not deposited Security deposit, so order for installation of power project was withdrawn from them. All the other ten companies have submitted tariff petition to RREC as per requirement and RREC is in process of deciding the tariff for them. Part III Solar Business Opportunities in Rajasthan: The Solar business opportunities mentioned below are not specific to Rajasthan. They are industry specific opportunities. Polysilicon manufacturing Polysilicon is used to manufacture crystalline wafers. Around a quarter of the cost of a Crystalline module goes just for polysilicon. The Ministry is providing soft loan at 5% annual interest rate through IREDA for setting up manufacturing facilities for manufacture of poly silicon material, silicon ingots and wafers, solar cells or integrated solar cell-module plants. No soft loan is available for setting up manufacturing unit for module manufacture or PV system manufacture. The proposals are considered by IREDA as per their lending and project appraisal norms. The details of the scheme are available with IREDA. Type of entrepreneurs/ investors who can benefit - Entrepreneurs keen on building up capital intensive manufacturing facilities for an emerging market. The industry is dominated by a few companies that supply around 90% of the total polysilicon market. Some of the prominent companies are Hemlock, OCI, Wacker Chemie Tokuyama, REC (subsidiary SGS and ASiMI), and MEMC. Scale of investment - Typical investments of $500 million - $1 billion for building a polysilicon production plant. High R&D or commodity manufacturing? - Commodity manufacturing
Bottlenecks/threats - High capital requirements, high energy input requirements and long-term supply contracts could be deterrents to new entrants. Competition - The industry is dominated by a few companies that supply around 90% of the total polysilicon market. Some of the prominent companies are Hemlock, OCI, Wacker Chemie Tokuyama, REC (subsidiary SGS and ASiMI), and MEMC Market size - The world market of polysilicon has been growing 30-40% annually since 2004, primarily from the growth in solar PV industry. The market size of the solar cell polycrystalline silicon market in 2009 was $5.13 billion. Supply and demand - Following undersupply since past few years, polysilicon production capacity entered a fast-growth phase in 2009, which resulted in an oversupply situation, in response to increase in production capacity and growth in demand from the end markets. It is forecasted that the demand for polysilicon will continue to increase at more than ten percent for the period 2010 to 2012. Polysilicon oversupply will also trigger a long term decline in its prices, which peaked to the highest levels in 2008 in response to its supply shortage. Indian scenario - Companies such as Lanco, Bhaskar Solar, Tata BP Solar and Acharya are reportedly setting up polysilicon manufacturing plants in India, though these are pretty much early days for polysilicon in India. It is not advisable to enter into this market at present. That is why I have not even updated some of the information given above. Everyone needs to know that Polysilicon manufacture is an opportunity for those in the solar industry. It is meant now, for those who are already in the business. But the older companies will be able to keep their selling, transporting, costs to the least. The prices are falling, efficiencies are increasing, machineries getting outdated, and thus it is a dynamic industry. Ingot and wafer manufacturing The process of melting polysilicon into ingots and subsequently cutting them into wafers is wedged between polysilicon production and cell manufacturing. Yet, it is a distinct process that does not require physical proximity to upstream or downstream processing. Consequently, some companies specialize in just doing that. Typically, ingot and wafer manufacturing are done by the same company.
Type of entrepreneurs /investors who can benefit - Companies that have been operating in metal cutting and finishing, abrasives and related industries could be ideally suited to enter this segment. This too is avoidable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solar Cell Manufacturing: Cell manufacturing involves creating the all-important pn-junction, coating and layering. It is an important step in the value chain that is responsible for about 15% of a solar PV module cost and it is here where significant technical differentiation is created. Avoidable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crystalline Cell Manufacturing: Type of entrepreneurs / investors who can benefit - Ingot and wafer manufacturers who are keen on forward integration can exploit this opportunity. Scale of investment - Medium-Large. A rule of thumb guide to the capital investment in building a solar cell plant is US$1-1.25 million/MW for crystalline silicon and US$ 2 million/MW or more for thin films. The minimum economical size for a solar cell factory is about 20 MW. Avoidable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thin-film Solar Cell Manufacturing Manufacturing thin-film modules comprises depositing photovoltaic material on a substrate, structuring it into cells to form an electric circuit and wire and frame it depending on application. The key suppliers for the thin-film industry are chemical companies that produce high-purity metals such as CdTe, GaAs etc. The supply chain is less constrained than that for polysilicon (used in crystalline solar) and therefore much more reliable. This industry experiences a diverse mix of bighitters (Sharp), start-up companies and universities. Companies with a long-term vision should start investing in this field. Type of entrepreneurs / investors who can benefit - Chemical companies that produce high-purity metals such as CdTe, GaAs are in a good position to exploit this opportunity. Glass manufacturers are also in a good position to exploit this opportunity. Equipment firms that have traditionally supplied printing machinery or manufacturing equipment to the semiconductor and display industry see the burgeoning thin film industry as a potentially lucrative market, especially as their hardware can often be easily adapted to manufacture thin film cells and panels. At the same time, these equipment manufacturers are not finding it that easy to enter the TFPV space because module
manufacturers are choosing to design and build proprietary equipment rather than buy it in. Scale of investment - This industry experiences a diverse mix of big-hitters (Sharp), start-up companies and universities. A rule of thumb guide to the capital investment in building a solar cell plant is US$1-1.25 million/MW for crystalline silicon and US$ 2 million/MW or more for thin films. The minimum economical size for a solar cell factory is about 20 MW. High R&D or commodity manufacturing? - Opportunities exist for R&D and innovation in this exciting sector. Prominent segments where significant innovation possibilities exist are: efficiency, new thin film materials, design and process. Bottlenecks/threats/barriers - For development and small-scale production, there are few barriers, as companies like Aja International specialize in providing small-scale sputtering equipment. However, when scale becomes important, access to capital might become a barrier. Competition - This is a very dynamic segment with lots of startup companies, some venture-funded. There are also a number of companies that also produce crystalline technologies. Those companies tend to be in the amorphous silicon thin-film segment. The organic photovoltaics segment is mostly covered by research institutes rather than private companies. Market size - The production volume has increased steadily as 165MW in 2007 and 357 MW in 2008. The share of thin films is expected to increase significantly and expected to reach about 25% of total in 2013. (EPIA data). Supply and demand - The thin film solar cell production reached a consolidated figure of 1.68 GW in 2009 out of the total 3.58 GW capacity available, indicating that there is some amount of surplus capacity. However, the demand supply gap could look very different in future with enhanced offtake of thin film world over. Indian scenario - There are only a few Indian companies such as Moser Baer and HHV Solar that make thin film solar cells. A few others such as Kirloskar are also exploring this field. First solar, Abound solar, GE's Primestar etc will soon find inroads into India. CIGS, CdTe and amorphous silicon a-si are the three types. Worthwhile pursuing opportunity. First solar, Abound Solar, Primestar of GE are the companies to associate with. It is a difficult manufacturing process. You may also want to study the below given not yet proven cos. Miasole, (counselled by Intel) Heliovolt,
Nanosolar, SoloPower, Stion, Solar frontier, Sulfurcell, AQT, Telio, Global solar ISET Odersun, Wuerth Solar etc All the above are CIGS manufacturers. Some of them are startups and you need to study their production process and record well. May make sense to tie up with any one of them, who is doing well, now, than going in of your own manufacturing. CdTe thin film companies are CdTe: Abound Solar, Primestar, Solexant, Bloo Solar, Willard and Kelsey, Xunlight26 a-Si - Sharp solar Ascent solar tipped to have the highest upside in the stock market is another company to watch out for. As per the JNNSM guidelines, thin film can be imported for its Phase I Batch I and II as there are no manufacturers. Some of the thin films have been found pretty efficient in India. Viz First Solar. To repeat Worthwhile pursuing opportunity. Required deep pockets. Global play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CSP CSP is an umbrella term for CSTP and CPV.
That is the way I am taking it. The purists may not agree. For the purpose of this note, it is fine to define CSP as above. In concentrating PV (CPV), concentrators use optics to concentrate sunlight onto a small area of solar cells, thus allowing for a decrease in cell size. Because a CPV module needs less cell material than a traditional PV module, it is cost effective to use higher quality cells to increase efficiency. However, the technology makes up a very small portion of the solar industry. CPV system manufacturers assemble the solar cells, concentrator unit and heat sink to form a module. Where applicable, companies will either integrate a tracking device or offer it as a separate product for free-standing module installations. CPV is currently quite R&D driven, with a number of innovations taking place in this area. The types of entrepreneurs who will find this domain suitable are those who have scientific R&D backgrounds and have access to funds for significant R&D investments. As a rather recent technology (being commercialized), there are new entrants, many of whom are venture funded. Some of the prominent ones are: Amonix (California), SolFocu (California), GreenVolts (San Francisco), Concentrix Solar (Germany) etc. CSP Interesting opportunity area for large companies. Very soon India will need utility scale solar energy plants with molten salt so that they can provide electricity 24 hours. As per the Renewables Purchase Obligation, RPO, all utilities are expected to buy 0.25 % every year and that is a considerable amount for each state. This is the only solar technology that allows for storage naturally. Since the solar radiation is indirectly converted to electricity, there is an opportunity to store the collected heat in molten salts, before converting the heat to electricity. The cost of setting up the molten salt system is exorbitant.
The common understanding is CSP is cheaper than PV due to the use of off-the-shelf, commodity components like mirrors, turbine, etc. It also was known to have higher efficiencies in solar to electricity conversion (~15%).
Due to the global oversupply in PV panels and reduced demand due to the financial crisis, the prices of the panels have drastically reduced. On the efficiency front, the PV at 15-20% efficiency is typical now, further adding the cost parity. The result is that PV is now at parity or close to parity with CSP. One western region utility claimed that they pay 0.16 c/Kwh for CSP and 0.14 c/Kwh for PV. This difference was attributed to the timing of the PPAs; generally the difference is not significant anymore.
A CSP project in USA has shifted to PV. Actually it is world's largest project that has shifted from CSP to PV BHEL has tied up with a CSP major. The ability to provide firm power is a clear advantage of CSP at this time. Due to the output being provided by a steam turbine (and not directly from the field) and a ~2 hour built-in buffer in the trough technology, small variations in the in insolation do not affect the turbine output like a passing cloud. CSP will also be needed for many townships, industrial estates etc Large companies which want to take less risk and are happy with predictable rewards can go for this. Here are a list of CSP companies with a note for each of them. You may want to work with one of the best, than go it alone. Abengoa SA, Acciona Energia, Acquasol, Amonix, Aora, Archimede Solar Energy, Arxiel Ventures, Ausra Inc., Bright Source Energy, Capital Sun Group, Circadian Solar, Concentrix Solar, Cool Earth Solar, Enel, Enter-t Global, EPURON, eSolar, Fichtner Solar GmbH, Flabeg, Flagsol, FPL Energy, Giuseppe Farina, Global Warming Solutions,Green & Gold Energy, GreenVolts, HelioDynamics, HelioFocus, Hiro Energy Tech Limited, HuiYinGroup, Industrial Solar Technology Corp., Infinia Corporation, International Automated Systems, ISFOC, Isofoton, Kraftenlagen Munchen, Kernenergien, Lauren Engineers & Constructors, MAN Ferrostaal, MENA Cleantech, Menova Energy Inc., Microsharp Corporation Limited, Mubadala Development Company, M+W Zander GmbH, Naanovo Energy, New power India, Nokraschy Engineering, NOVATEC BioSol AG, Nur Energie, Open Energy Corporation, PSE AG, Pyron Solar Inc., Renovalia Energy, Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Schott Solar Thermal / Schott UK, Senior Berghfer, Solar XXI, SkyFuel Inc, Silicon CPV, Solar Euromed, Solar & Environmental Technologies Corporation, SolarReserve, SolFocus,Soliant Energy, Solar Heat and Power Inc, Solargenix Energy, Solar Millennium AG, Solar Power Group , Solarsphere, Solar Systems, Solar Trust of America LLC, Solel Solar Systems, SolFocus, Solucar, Sopogy,SunBorne Energy, Sunpower, Sunstroom Energy Ltd, Sustainable Resources Inc., Stirling Energy
Systems, Torresol Energy, Tsugino Co., Whitfield Solar, Wizard Power Pty Ltd, Worley Parsons In my ranking, following are the companies to look upto Bright source Energy , Solar Millennium , Abengoa , Areva , Siemens, Acciona, SolarReserve, eSolar, Schott, etc., But then there is no clear basis for my selection. Viability / grid parity is a question as far as CSP is concerned. It will take a little longer than PV. Spains track record sends an encouraging message to newer entrants in the CSP market from India to South Africa and beyond. When Spain started building plants in 2007, the first plants such as PS10 and Andasol 1 were highly dependent on imports of foreign supplies, requiring at least 50% of the requisite parts to be sourced from abroad. The plants that went online in 2010 were built with around 80% of components from Spanish companies. If in doubt, read more ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solar Module Production - Solar PV module manufacturing involves assembling the cells into a module to form an electric circuit. This is the last manufacturing step before it is distributed to wholesalers. Indian scenario - There are about 35 companies in India that produce crystalline solar modules. Avoidable. Dont enter now. The market is crowded. China is doing predatory pricing. It will swallow even local manufacturers, if they are not quick. You may want to talk to some of the present module manufacturers in India: Access Solar Ltd., Ajit Solar Pvt Ltd. Alpex Solar Ammini Group Amro Technology Pvt Ltd. Andromeda Energy Technologies Ltd. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) Central Electronics Limited (CEL) Chemtrols Solar Pvt. Ltd. Ecosol Power Pvt. Ltd ELECTROMAC Solar Systems PVT. LTD Emmvee Photovoltaic Empire Photovoltaic Systems PVT Ltd GreenBrilliance Energy Pvt. Ltd. HHV Solar Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ICOMM Tele Limited India Solar Solutions KCP Solar Industry Kotak Urja Pvt. Ltd. LANCO Maharishi Solar Technology Pvt. Ltd. Microsun
Modern Solar Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Limited Neety Euro-Asia Solar Energy Novergy Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Photon Energy System Ltd. PHOTONIX Solar Private Limited PLG Power Limited Premier Solar Systems Pvt Ltd PV Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd. (REIL) Rashmi Industries Reliance Solar Group SahajSolar Power Pvt Ltd. Shreyansh Electronics Solar Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd. Solkar Solar Industry Limited Sunrise Technology Sova Power Sun Energy Systems Sun Solar Techno Limited Sungrace Energy Solutions (P) Ltd Vksolar Surana Ventures Ltd. Synergy Renewable Energy Pvt. Ltd Tata BP Solar India Ltd. Titan Energy Systems Ltd. Topsun Energy Ltd. Udhaya Energy Photovoltaics (P) Ltd. (UPV Solar) Udhaya Semiconductors Limited (KL Solar Company Pvt. Ltd) Waaree Energies Pvt. Ltd. Websol Energy Systems Ltd. XL Telecom & Energy Ltd If you are already a module manufacturer, it makes sense for you to enter power generation. And to enter Rooftop solar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other Opportunities in Solar energy in India and Rajasthan are
*Ground Zero opportunity Roof top solar! It is a very good opportunity and there are opportunities for very large companies as well as for medium sized companies and individuals to get into business. As an individual you can start a business as an Installer. You will have a few well trained / skill trained employees working under you. At the small, residential scale, there are practically no barriers to entry. There is a wealth of training material available, both in person and online which enables even a oneman contractor to become fit enough to install roof top solar. At the larger, commercial scale, the main barrier to entry is capital, expertise in management, in sales, etc., You will install solar modules in a rooftop as per your Integrator's instructions. An Installer is someone who is technically minded and can manage a few people or if you can manage many people at a time, then you become an area Installer. The installer model is somewhat like a conventional contractor model. Gross margins are thin, from 15 to 30%. Residential Rooftop systems typically receiving larger margins than commercial. Because commercial jobs will be invariably got thru an Integrator or an EPC contractor. It is an opportunity for domestic module manufacturers to get into. The opportunity exists for Installers Area Installers District Installers Integrators Area Integrators District Integrators
Regional companies - covering a few states having similar policies National companies The Installers can choose to work on their own or under the National companies, Regional companies, District integrators, District Installers, etc., The market will evolve as fragmented and unstructured to begin with and will get consolidated. You can get more information about types of Installers in Rooftop solar business models. An integrator is someone who deals with the customer, Electricity board, etc Then there will be a company. Either a national company or a regional company which deals with the Gov, electicity board, corporates etc, You can read all about them in Rooftop solar business models And Rooftop solar technology types Rooftop solar is a viable alternative and the prices / tariff in each state will soon help bring about grid parity and the sooner you get into it, the sooner you will reap the benefits. Rooftop solar comes about in many forms. For example a captive power plant may need a rooftop solar solution as a part of it. Diesel to Renewables may need rooftop solar solution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Business possibilities with MNRE RESCO, System integrator, Financial Institution, Financial Integrator and Program Administrator Each of the above is an opportunity
Implementation of off-grid solar PV project under JNNSM FAQ 1. What is the Procedure to register as Channel Partner? There are 5 types of channel partners and they can participate in the programme through the following procedure: A RESCO is a entity which would install, own & operate RE systems and provide energy services to consumers. These entities may tie up with FIs for accessing the financial support under the scheme. These are in fact the only entities which would approach the MNRE on their own. CRISIL is in the process of putting in place a system of accreditation. From September 2010 these entities could approach either CRISIL, CARE or FITCH to have themselves accredited and if they meet the minimum requirements laid down by MNRE they would be in a position to approach the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) with their proposal for a in principle approval. The PAC would then provide the entity in principle approval and allow it to move forward with the implementation. The PAC would also specify that on completing the project, 50% of the funds would be made available automatically and the remaining on completing monitoring. As far as the Financial Institutions as channel partner is concerned, a comprehensive re-finance scheme has already been notified by IREDA. The SPV Division has also floated an EoI, wherein they have received over 80 applications from entities interested in partnering in the bank led scheme. The SPV Division would shortlist the manufacturers region-wise or across the country depending on the strength of their existing after-sales network. The division will also identify various products after verifying how each of the laid down by MNRE, and then along with product is meeting the standards laid NABARD, design a pre-approved scheme which will allow RRBs to proceed with the lending for the above identified products and empanelled manufacturers. It is highlighted that the process of empanelling both the manufacturers and products would be an ongoing process in order to make sure that if there are new players who meet the requisite standards can also be appropriately empanelled. This process it is hoped will result in enabling NABARD to announce their pre-approved scheme to all the financial institutions, which have a re-finance agreement with them. IREDA will, after signing the agreement in Mumbai on 25th August, place token funds with NABARD to initiate the implementation of this scheme. System integrators can approach the PAC; with their project in the formats finalise to seek an in principle approval. Since these are entities that would first interact with their market and build a project based on the tentative orders that they have been provided by their clients, the PAC would appraise the project on three basic parameters:-
(i) The ability of the entity to implement the project in terms of the skill set of their personnel. (ii) Details of how parameters of quality would be met as per the standards specified by MNRE. (iii) O&M Plan. System integrators would however need to approach bank/banks who would be willing to have a three way tie up with their clients, themselves and the bank. The bank/banks would also need to have a re-finance agreement in place with IREDA, NHB or NABARD. Based on the in principle approval, the bank would be in a position to provide the lending support to the clients that have been identified by the system integrators. It is envisaged that both the capital and interest subsidy would flow to the beneficiaries of the scheme only through the banking channel. Requisite arrangements for providing this flow have already been clearly delianated in the re-finance scheme notified by IREDA. Financial integrators are entities who need to enter into a tri-partite agreement before coming to MNRE. This tripartite agreement has to be between the manufacturers/service providers, financial integrators and any other financial institutions, which is willing to support this kind of a business model. It is envisaged that the financial integrators would approach the PAC with details of their financial model as well as the product or service that they wish to provide through this financial/business model. The PAC would appraise the project on the following parameters: (i) Details of how parameters of quality would be met as per the standards specified by MNRE. (ii) The ability of the entity to implement the project in terms of the skill set of their personnel. (iii) O&M Plan. (iv) Financial/business models and its viability. It is expected that the financial integrators would also tie up with a schedule commercial bank in India so that the subsidy both capital and interest can flow through the banking channel and would be covered under the re-finance scheme of IREDA. In so far as the implementation of the scheme through programme administrators is concerned, there is complete clarity in how to move forward. Formats for both SPV and Solar Thermal have also been prepared.
2. How to submit a project proposal? Formats for submission of proposal are given on the Website of the Ministry. Two sets are required to be submitted to PAC.3. How the project will be approved? Once the proposal of the channel partner is received an in- principle approval from PAC will be given within a maximum of 45 days. In case additional information is required PAC will inform within 30 days. After full information is received proposal will be cleared in two weeks. 4. What is the subsidy disbursal mechanism? The release of funds for the project shall be back ended as reimbursement on completion and verification thereof. However for progamme administrators, the release of funds could be front ended, with installments of 70% on sanction and 30% on completion. However, this could be extended to other entities on provision of appropriate sureties. In respect of credit linked capital subsidy and interest subsidy the scheme would be implemented through IREDA, which will be the designated Nodal agency for disbursement of funds. 5. Procedure for accreditation for channel partner/ financial integrator/ systems integrator/RESCO? As above in (1) 6. Can NGOs directly approach MNRE for implementation of projects? Only the NGOs who have already been working closely with MNRE can access the scheme directly. Otherwise, the NGOs should collaborate with SNAs. 7. Whether lighting systems to be provided should be certified by SEC or other test centers? Compliance to standards is mandatory. Certificate from test centres will help in this regard and should be provided to ensure complainace. 8. What is the policy on local content of modules, batteries and other balance of systems in off grid programme? The scheme requires the project proponents to strictly adhere to the national/international standards specified by the Ministry from time to time. The Use of imported complete PV systems is not permitted under the scheme.
However, use of imported components of a complete PV system is permitted, subject to adequate disclosure and compliance to specified quality norms and standards. The minimal technical requirements and Quality Standards in respect of the off-grid SPV power plants/ systems are given in Annexure-3 of the scheme for solar off-grid applications. These will come into effect from 1st September 2010 to allow sufficient time to the SPV industry to gear up for the same. 9. What are financial limits assigned to channel partners? The financial limits will get decided based on the ability of the channel partner to deliver the implementation of the project within a period of 1 year. But the PAC would not accept any proposal of value less than Rs One crore or 30 kWp. Less than this amount would need to be aggregated at State level. 10. Whether commercial entities can avail accelerated depreciation? The commercial entities can claim all the benefits, which are presently available for renewable energy applications, including solar, under the Income tax act and other notifications, subject to fulfillment of the conditions. 11. Whether any channel partner interested only in capital subsidy whom should he approach? Only accredited channel partner and Programme administrators can access only capital subsidy. The commercial entities can access either capital subsidy or interest subsidy. They should approach a channel partner to avail subsidy. 12. Whether RESCOs require any permission from Electricity boards to produce power? Guidelines under the Electricity Act,2003 and the extant regulations of that particular State will need to be read in conjunction to determine the process for captive power generation. 13. Whether any new technologies invented any where can be introduced in the programme? The Ministry could provide up to 100% CFA for undertaking pilot and demonstration projects through manufacturers and other organizations for demonstrating new and innovative applications of solar systems. The maximum CFA that would be permissible under this provision would be up to Rs 1 crore. The PAC would evaluate the proposal based on parameters like new applications for solar (not merely using solar as a power source), possibility of reduction of cost of BoS or system design improvement, or a new concept etc. You can get all this from
You can discuss your suggestions/ questions etc in the comments column at the bottom of this blog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Floating solar plants. There are three companies namely Sunengy in New southwhales, Australia, Solarsis Synergy in France/ and SGPsolar in California, USA. They have different methods of achieving solar power from floating solar panels, solar plants, etc. They all use captured water bodies. India has 30000 sq km of captured water bodies. If even 1 % of that area is utlised - it will equal 1500 large coal plants. Tata's have tied up with Sunengy, which has a patented technology called LSA. With the other two companies, entrepreneurs/ companies from India can seek to have a tie up. There is a solar business opportunity in terms of research for the research minded. All about this opportunity Tatas have already started building a floating solar plant with Sunengy, somewhere near Pune. There is another company in Punjab doing this. There is a clear opportunity for big companies to tie up with Solaris Synergy and or SGP solar in California USA. This is the French company. I have been recommending these companies for a long time.
NOW, SGP solar has been ranked as one of the fastest growing private company in usa. Or you can fund research in this area. Floating solar plants Great opportunity: For large companies, with deep pockets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Business Possibilities thru MNRE in Villages Manufacture / market solar lanterns, solar home systems, Street lighting system, stand alone power plants, solar pumps. The details of the incentives are given below. It may make sense for individuals to tie up with large cos that manufacture these. Or better still become an agent for a large company that manufacture these products and market them. Pattern of Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for SPV Systems: SPV System Solar lanterns (10W module, 7W CFL) Solar Home System Model 1 (18W module, 1 light) Solar Home System Model 2 (37W module, 2 lights) Solar Home System Model 3 (37W module, 1 light, 1 Fan) Solar Home System Model 4(74W module, 2lights, 1 Fan) Solar Home System Model 5(74W module, 4lights) Street Lighting Systems (74W module, 1-2 lamps) Stand alone power plant of capacity more than 1Kwp CFA for General Category States Nil Rs. 2,500 CFA for Special Category States Rs. 2,400 Rs. 4,500 Administrative Charges Rs.100 Rs. 200
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 8,660
Rs. 200
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 8,660
Rs. 200
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 8,660
Rs. 200
Rs. 4,800
Rs. 8,660
Rs. 200
Rs. 17,300
Stand alone power plants of capacity more than 10Kwp with distribution line Solar Pumps
Rs. 1,50,000/KW
Rs. 2,70,000/KW
Rs. 10,000
For business opportunities about Solar Home lights, Solar Street lights, specifications, visit here Good Opportunity. Aleady players are active. Both manufacturing and trading opportunities exist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------* A low cost solar energy solution for the Indian industries Solar Heat for Industrial Purposes, SHIP for short, the Market in India, the Business, the Opportunity, Cost Advantage of Solar Process Heat The market for industrial heat in boilers is estimated to be 26 billion US dollars per annum in USA alone. Solar steam produced is estimated to cost $ 4.60 per MBTU compared to average cost of natural gas powered steam of about $ 6 to $ 10 per MBTU. This estimate is as per one the companies in Solar Heat for Industrial processes (SHIP). Indian entrepreneurs should take up such projects that cut down co2 emission and is less expensive. There are several companies that are into SHIP in USA. One of them claims that their process is CO2 emission free. Obviously because they use solar energy. The company also claims a reduction in the cost by as much as 50 %. That is a lot. Those interested must act fast. Solar Heat for Industrial Purposes
(SHIP) You can discuss your suggestions, ideas, questions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Captive power plants. Many factories, companies, office complexes, textile factories, cement factories, sugar mills and many other small and medium industries need back up power. What is being talked about as an opportunity is this back up power. Actually already many companies in India already have captive power generation. But there a lot more number of companies in India which can benefit from this captive power plant from solar energy. There are some financial benefits and also the benefits of RECs otherwise known as Renewable Energy Certificates which are tradeable. There is good report on this at Reading up the report will open up the opportunity for the above mentioned factories for their own backup power ie captive power. Those who are marketing minded and those who are solar energy consultants or renewable energy consultants, this is a very good business opportunity in India. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Education and training: MNRE expects that there is going to be a need for 100,000 trained professionals in the next 8 years. I think that is a gross underestimate. This opportunity is not just for individuals who want to learn and get jobs. Or learn and start a business or set up a training center as a businessman. OR u can even set up an online course for the whole world. The limitations are your imagination. I foresee many training centers both for unskilled and for post graduation education courses happening soon. The course contents given in the sample solar education centers, will be Indianised by the shrewed Indian businessmen.
Some of them may go for tie up with universities abroad. For example they may have a tie up with a US university in Pune or a tie up with a European university in Jalgaon. Good opportunity to get into Solar education, Training. Opportunity exists as a nationwide company, as a college, as a university, providing Graduations/ Degrees or practical training for the blue collars, providing certificates /diplomas. When the surge comes there will be a need for trained professionals. Can be a franchisee also. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Solar inverters In a Global Clean Technology Conference on February 23-24 in New York, with more than 100 public and private companies and 700 attendees, including strategic and financial investors, highlevel policymakers and industry thought-leaders in attendance the following question was asked as a part of a Survey. Question: Within solar, which sectors of the supply chain are the most attractive investment themes? (Please rank with #1 being the strongest): Inverters 1 Cells/Modules 2 Projects/Installation 3 Polysilicon 4 Manufacturing Equipment 5 Wafers 6 The result of the survey is given in green color. Inverters!! That is why I am calling it a great solar business opportunity in the Indian market too. 700/800 of the worlds leading practioners have identified Inverters as the most attractive investment theme.
Solar inverters in India, manufacturers, cost and business opportunities - You can get to know the business opportunities here. You may want to at and Manufacturing opportunity is meant for large cos. What is the capital subsidy, interest on loan, rebates if any etc can be got from here Especially for inverters in Residential rooftops, area wise distribution is an opportunity for the sales minded. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Micro grid: The electrical needs of rural households are relatively small (0.5-2.5 kWhr per day) and a microgrid system of 20-35 kW would suffice a small village. This may not be a 100 % solar solution. The solution to the villages can be hybrid. Will research and write more about this opportunity soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*. Solar Irrigation Pumps: This is a big opportunity area. Already being catered to in many villages. Coming soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*. Solar thermal India on an average has 300 clear days of sun and the radiation in most parts is 4.5 to 6 kWh/m2/day, which is pretty high. Solar thermal projects concentrate sunlight on a fixed point and uses a medium to move the stored heat energy to a place where it can be converted into electricity by superheating water into steam and using the steam to turn a turbine that generates electricityultimately the same process that natural gas and coal-fired power plants use to generate electricity. look
Solar dryers can be used in agriculture. At present the waste is just exposed to the sun and dried. Solar water heating. It is being made mandatory in many states to heat water for bathing purposes with solar water heater in all new buildings. Solar thermal can be used for cooking, community cooking in hotels, villages, schools in villages, etc Several industries that need low to medium heat can use solar thermal technology to reduce air pollution and carbon foot print. This opportunity is for the technically minded. This opportunity exists for small medium and even big companies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Manufacture of Solar Refrigerator, DIY Solar Refrigerator, marketing, Maintenance and Repair of Solar Refrigerators The blog gives as of now basic insight of a Solar Refrigerator. It also provides information on manufacturers in India and abroad. There are many villages without electricity and they need refrigeration for the individul households, for preserving the produce of that village. Very soon, we will have information on market potential of solar refrigerators in India's villages, market size of solar refrigerators in other markets. Cost of solar refrigerators and actual cost of refrigeration etc also would be made available soon. For now u can visit (You can discuss your ideas, doubts, questions, etc in this blog) Good opportunity To manufacture. To market. To maintain. Even solar coolers are a good opportunity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Opportunities in Solar cities:
There are going to be about 60 solar cities coming up across India. What business opportunity exists in this solar city concept of mnre is a question in the young minds of Indians. Will try and answer them in the coming weeks. Stay tuned. Besides suggesting business opportunities in solar energy in India for large and medium companies, I thought it will be useful for small and individual players, if I can explain as to how they can get into solar business in India, it will be useful. There are bound to be opportunities for individuals, SMEs to take advantage of Solar City concepts. Let them start coming up and we will identify ' solar city' opportunities there. This opportunity has not been updated, because, there are no proper guidelines from the respective State Governments. Once the policies come out, opportunities will be identified and posted here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Solar Air Heaters With global warming, there is global cooling also that happens. During winter, the North of India becomes too chill to manage. Every urban household would do with an Air Heater, a solar air heater. Even the rural households and the households in the unelectrified villages will need an air Heater. The old and the young suffer in cold and air Heater is not a luxury any more. It is a good opportunity to manufacture AIR Heaters and market in such cold markets.