Magnum 257 Om

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Copyright © 1999 by Magnum International. All rights reserved.

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
Limited Warranty ................................................................................................. 5
Installation ...................................................................................................... 6 - 7
Front Panel Controls .................................................................................... 8 - 10
Other Features .................................................................................................. 10
Specifications ..................................................................................................... 11
Contact Information ........................................................................................... 12

Congratulations on your purchase of a Magnum 257 10 meter FM/SSB/AM transceiver. The 257 is designed
to provide years of enjoyment and trouble-free service. There are many features and functions designed into
this transceiver. To ensure that your investment is enjoyed to its fullest extent, please take a few moments
and thoroughly read this manual.

The Magnum 257 is a microprocessor controlled, user programmable radio combining high RF performance
with a user-friendly environment. The 257 is a 12 volt DC, HF transceiver designed for mobile use. The
transceiver utilizes the latest in surface mount production techniques. This keeps the size of the unit to a
minimum without sacrificing any of the advanced circuits required for today’s high performance radios, and
as cabin space diminishes in modern vehicles, this concept helps create a wider variety of installation op-
tions. Although engineered with mobile use in mind the 257, with the addition of a high quality 10-amp power
supply, may be easily adapted for fixed station operation.

Some of the features of the 257 are; an advanced design liquid crystal display that provides the operator with
a full visual account of the transceivers operating status, automatic frequency scanning from either the front
panel or microphone, memory storage of your favorite frequencies and modes, programmable frequency
resolution of either 1 kHz, 10 kHz or 100 kHz, and split frequency operation for repeater use. These are just
a few of the features that make the 257 a pleasure to own and operate.

IMPORTANT: The Magnum 257 is designed for amateur radio use. If the transmitter is operated in the
United States or within it’s territories a licensed amateur radio operator must be present at the station. The
minimum license class to operate 10 meter phone is Novice/Technician. If you are studying for your license
and want to familiarize yourself with the operation of the radio, the receiver may be operated with or without
a licensed operator present. For more information regarding FCC licensing, contact your nearest amateur
radio dealer, or for complete details contact the American Radio Relay League.

American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111

Telephone 860-594-0200
Facsimile 860-594-0259

Magnum International warrants this product to be free of defects for a period of one (1) year from the original
date of purchase. This warranty is non-transferable. This limited warranty is subject to repair or replacement
of defective components only. This warranty is void if the radio has been tampered with or misused.


The enclosed warranty registration form must be filled out and mailed along with a photocopy of your sales
receipt within 15 days from the purchase date. If the warranty registration form and copy of your sales receipt
are not received the radio is not covered under warranty. Please fill out the enclosed warranty registration
form and send it along with a copy of your sales receipt to:

Magnum International
PO Box 445
Issaquah, WA 98027

Registering your 257 with Magnum provides several benefits:

1) Validates your warranty.
2) Entitles you to free updates and information regarding your radio and new accessories for your radio.
3) Provides possible recovery of lost or stolen radios through our serial number tracking database.
4) Receive your free Magnum logo baseball cap within 30 days after registering.

1. Contents Connect the positive (+) red wire of the DC power cord
Unpack and inspect your Magnum 257 for missing or to a positive 13.8 volt source at the vehicle fuse block.
damaged components. Your 257 includes the follow- If connecting to the fuse block, it is recommended that
ing items: a switched power source is used so that the power to
the transceiver is disconnected when the vehicle is off.
Quantity Description This will eliminate the possibility of the transceiver drain-
1 Magnum 257 Transceiver ing the vehicle’s battery.
1 Microphone with Up/Down Controls
1 Mounting Bracket with Hardware Connect the negative (-) black wire to a metal part of
1 Microphone Hanger with Hardware Set the vehicle’s frame, or chassis ground. Make sure that
1 Operating Manual with Schematic this is a good ground connection.

2. Microphone Hanger The 257 power cord may also be connected directly to
The microphone hanger may be attached to the side the battery. Connecting directly to the battery has sev-
of the transceiver, or any other convenient location. Use eral benefits, the first of which is to maximize RF out-
the provided screws to attach the microphone hanger put. Secondly, the battery is a very large capacitor and
either vertically or horizontally to the side of the trans- will help eliminate certain types of ambient and vehicle
ceiver. noise. If connecting directly to the vehicle’s battery, ad-
ditional power cable may be required. On runs of 8
3. Mounting feet or less use 14-gauge stranded wire. Use 12-gauge
When attaching the 257 mounting bracket to the ve- wire on longer runs.
hicle, choose a location that will provide easy access
to all front panel controls and air circulation to the rear 5. Antenna Connection
panel. When selecting a mounting location, make sure The transceiver will operate using any standard 50-
that there is ample space behind the control deck for ohm ground-plane, vertical, mobile whip, long wire or
the cables. Do not pinch, or bend sharply, the power or similar antenna. The antenna should be rated at 50
antenna cables. Do not install the 257 in any compart- watts PEP minimum. A standard SO-239 type antenna
ment that restricts airflow and do not install in a loca- connector is located on the rear panel of the 257. Con-
tion that interferes with the safe operation of the ve- nection is made using a PL-259 and high grade co-
hicle. axial cable (RG213, RG58A/U or Mini RG-8 is recom-
Attach the mounting bracket to the vehicle first then
mount the 257 to the bracket. If the rear panel is not A ground-plane antenna provides greater coverage and
accessible you may want to attach the power and an- is recommended for fixed station-to-mobile operation.
tenna cable prior to mounting. For point-to-point fixed station operation, a directional
beam antenna operates at greater distances even un-
4. Electrical Connections der adverse conditions. A non-directional antenna
The Magnum 257 is designed to work on any 13.8 volt should be used in a mobile installation; a vertical whip
DC, negative ground, source. The condition of a is best suited for this purpose. The base loaded whip
vehicle’s electrical system can affect operation. A low antenna normally provides effective communications.
battery, worn generator/alternator, or poor voltage regu- For greater range and more reliable operation, a full
lator will seriously impair the performance of the trans- quarter wave whip may be used. Either of these an-
ceiver. Any of the above conditions could result in a tennas uses the metal vehicle body as a ground plane.
high level of receiver noise generation or a substantial
loss of the transmitter’s RF output. Make sure that all Once the antenna is mounted on the vehicle, route the
of these components of your vehicle’s electrical sys- coaxial cable so that it is not next to any power cables
tem are in good condition prior to installing the trans- or vehicle cables. Connect the PL-259 to the antenna
ceiver. connector on the rear panel of the 257. Make sure that
the cables does not interfere with the safe operation of
CAUTION! the vehicle.
TERMINALS, WITH VEHICLE RUNNING, PRIOR Before use, it is important to determine the antenna
TO INSTALLATION! system’s VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio). First,
make sure the SWR bridge (meter) is in good working
Before making any electrical connections make sure order and is calibrated. To ensure your radio is per-
the AF gain (volume) control on the control deck is in forming properly the VSWR should never exceed 1.5
the “OFF” position. to 1. Never transmit on any antenna system where the

VSWR exceeds 1.8 to 1. This will stress the output
stage and could destroy the RF transistors; this type of
misuse and failure is not covered under warranty.

Measure the VSWR at the center of the operating band.

Tune the antenna (according to the manufacturer’s
tuning instructions) so that the VSWR is as close to
1.1 to 1 at the center of the operating band.

Next, measure the VSWR at the lowest and highest

frequency of the transceiver. If the antenna has a wide
enough frequency range and band-pass, the VSWR
readings should be below 1.5 to 1 across the entire
operating band. If at the lower or upper end of the trans-
ceiver operating frequency, the VSWR measures more
than 1.5 to 1, it is recommended that the antenna be
re-tuned before operating on those frequencies.

If you are experiencing unusual VSWR readings check

for the following possible problems:

1) Make sure that the antenna is installed properly and

2) Check all coaxial cable and connectors for defects
and poor routing.
3) If testing a vehicle installation, make sure that all
vehicle doors are closed when testing.
4) Do not test near or around large metal objects or

7. Ignition Noise
In certain vehicle installations, electrical noise or inter-
ference may be present in the receive audio of the trans-
ceiver. Typically the vehicle’s ignition system or more
specifically the alternator generates this noise. The
Magnum 257 is equipped with a noise blanker circuit
that is designed to improve, and in many instances
eliminate, this electrical noise.

In extreme cases, the noise blanker may not eliminate

all the electrical noise. In such cases, an after-market
alternator noise or ignition noise filter can be purchased
and installed according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. If purchasing an alternator noise filter for the
Magnum 257 make sure the filter is rated for at least
10 amps continuous current draw.

16 17 12 13 14 15

3 5 7 9
1 2 4 6 8 10 11


A 6-pin, lock ring type, microphone connector is used. STEP: Tuning Step. The STEP control selects fre-
Microphone wiring is as follows: quency resolution in either 1 kHz, 10 kHz or 100 kHz
Pin 1 : Microphone Audio steps. Press the STEP button, one of the digits will
Pin 2 : Receive flash on and off. Press the STEP button again to change
Pin 3 : Transmit stepping resolution.
Pin 4 : Down (Up w/ 22K Ohm Resistor)
Pin 5 : Ground To tune frequencies in either 10 kHz or 100 kHz incre-
Pin 6 : +13.8 VDC ments, press the STEP button until the desired digit is
flashing. Rotate the FREQUENCY control in either di-
2. MICROPHONE GAIN CONTROL rection. The entire frequency range of the Magnum 257
Increases or decreases the energy developed in the can be stepped through in 10 or 100 kHz increments.
microphone amplifier circuit. The gain increases as the
control is rotated clockwise. For optimum setting, press To tune in 1 kHz increments, press the STEP button
the push-to-talk (PTT) switch on the microphone, ad- until the 1 kHz digit flashes on and off. Rotate the FRE-
just the mic gain control until all segments of the S/RF QUENCY control. NOTE: When stepping in 1 kHz in-
display are lit. Next, rotate the control counterclock- crements, you are limited to tuning within a 10 kHz
wise until the last segment of the display starts to flicker. frequency range.
The S/RF display is the bar graph located on the lower
edge of the LCD screen. NB: Noise Blanker. Noise blanker on and off control.
This circuit eliminates pulse type interference usually
3. RF GAIN CONTROL associated with automotive ignition systems. To acti-
Adjusts the receiver sensitivity to both signals and back- vate the noise blanker, press the FUNC control and
ground noise. This affects the distance at which a sig- then press the NB button. NB will appear on the LCD
nal can be detected. Turning the control counterclock- indicating the noise blanker is turned on. To turn off
wise reduces the receiver sensitivity. This is particu- the noise blanker, repeat the same process.
larly useful in areas where large volumes of traffic (sig-
nals) are present. The S/RF display indicates the re- 1: Memory Channel 1. After programming this button
ceived signal’s strength. The S/RF display is the bar is memory channel 1. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control
graph located on the lower edge of the LCD screen. for programming instructions.


Operating some of the features in 4 through 9 re- LCR: Last Channel Recall. Press the LCR button to
quire the use of the function control. To activate return to the last frequency that was transmitted on for
the function control, momentarily push the FUNC more than 3 seconds.
(10) control, the FUNC prompt will be displayed in
upper left-hand corner of LCD. Push the control
again to deactivate the function control.
RPT: Repeater Access Tone. Most repeaters require To stop scanning, press the SCAN button, or momen-
an 88.5 Hz tone burst to access. To activate the 88.5 tarily press the PTT button on the microphone (scan-
Hz tone burst, press the FUNC control and then press ning will stop without transmitting).
the RPT button. RPT will appear on the LCD indicating
that the tone burst will now automatically be transmit- SHIFT: Shift Offset. Used for programming offsets to
ted whenever the PTT is pressed. To deactivate, re- operate repeater networks. The 257 can transmit and
peat the same process. receive on different frequencies.

4: Memory Channel 4. After programming this button To program the offset, press the FUNC button and hold
is memory channel 4. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control down the SHIFT button for 3 or more seconds. Three
for programming instructions. digits will appear on the LCD. This is the offset fre-
quency in kHz. Rotate the FREQUENCY control until
6. CALL \ 2 the desired offset frequency is displayed. To return to
CALL: The call frequency is 29.300 MHz, FM. The the main display press the FUNC button and hold down
radio’s operating frequency and mode is automatically the SHIFT button for 3 or more seconds, or momen-
reset to this when the CALL button is pressed. tarily press the PTT button on the microphone (the
transmitter will not be engaged).
2: Memory Channel 2. After programming this button
is memory channel 2. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control To activate the programmed offset frequency, press
for programming instructions. the FUNC button, and then press the SHIFT button
once. +SHIFT is displayed on the LCD. The 257 will
7. MODE \ T. LOW \ 5 now transmit on the frequency that is XXX kHz greater
MODE: Operating Mode. Press the MODE control to than the displayed, or receive, frequency (XXX repre-
select the operating mode. The operating mode is indi- sents the programmed offset frequency in kHz).
cated on the liquid crystal display: AM, FM, USB, or
LSB. To transmit on the frequency that is XXX kHz lower
than the displayed, or receive, frequency press FUNC,
T. LOW: Tone Low. Press the FUNC button, and then then the SHIFT button. Repeat this until -SHIFT is dis-
press the T. Low button to turn on the receive audio played on the LCD.
tone control. LOW will appear on the LCD when the
low tone is activated. This feature will roll-off high fre- To disengage the programmed offset frequency, press
quency noise (i.e. “white” noise). Under many operat- the FUNC button and then press the SHIFT button.
ing conditions this will improve the clarity and under- Repeat this until the SHIFT indicator is no longer dis-
standing of received signals. played on the LCD.

5: Memory Channel 5. After programming this button 3: Memory Channel 3. After programming this button
is memory channel 5. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control is memory channel 3. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control
for programming instructions. for programming instructions.

8. SCAN \ SHIFT \ 3 9. M.SAVE \ M.LOAD

SCAN: Frequency Scan. Scans in increments of 10 M.SAVE: Memory Save. To save in memory a specific
kHz. There are two ways to scan using the front panel frequency and operating mode, select the desired mode
controls. and rotate the FREQUENCY control to the desired fre-
quency. Press the FUNC button, and then press the
(1) Receive Audio On Scanning: Press the SCAN but- M.SAVE button. S will appear on the LCD next to the
ton. Scan rate is one step every 5 seconds. To stop frequency. While S is displayed, immediately press any
scanning press the SCAN button again, or momen- of the memory channel buttons (1 - 5). The mode and
tarily press the PTT button on the microphone (scan- frequency is now saved into memory. If the S indicator
ning will stop without transmitting). disappears before you press the memory channel but-
ton, the information will not be saved and the process
(2) Receive Audio Mute Scanning: Carefully rotate the must be repeated.
squelch control a minimum excursion (refer to 14) until
the receive audio is off. The receiver scan rate will now M.LOAD: Memory Load (Recall). To load, or recall,
be five frequencies per second. When a signal is de- any of the saved memory channels press the M.LOAD
tected the squelch is automatically disengaged and the button. L will appear on the LCD for several seconds.
scanning is paused. The squelch circuit will automati- While the letter is displayed press the desired memory
cally re-engage and the receiver will continue to scan channel button (1 - 5). The programmed mode and fre-
the moment the received signal is no longer detected. quency will be displayed.

CLAR: Clarifier. The clarifier shifts both the TX and This tone sounds each time the CPU is being pro-
RX frequency 1.5 kHz each side of the center fre- grammed. It is helpful, in the beginning so you can be
quency. This is necessary for tuning to an SSB signal. sure the command has been entered. You may elimi-
Rotate the clarifier control clockwise or counterclock- nate the tone by simply pressing the PTT switch on the
wise to tune an SSB signal. microphone and turning on the ON/OFF POWER switch
at the same time.
FUNC: Function. This control is used to operate the
six control buttons on the front panel that are printed in 2. Memory Back Up
blue. Press slightly and release, FUNC will be displayed The 257 features a super-capacitor back up for the 5
on the LCD indicating that the function command is memory channels. The 257 can be disconnected from
activated. After you have pressed one of the buttons a power source for approximately 4 or 5 days before
the FUNC will disappear from the screen. the memory is lost.

11. FREQ: Frequency. Rotate clockwise or counterclock-

wise to select the desired frequency.


OFF: Turns the power to the radio on and off.

VOLUME: Adjusts the AF gain, or volume of the re-

ceived audio. Turn clockwise to increase and counter-
clockwise to decrease.

14. SQ: Squelch. Used to eliminate background or “white”

noise when monitoring strong signals. Also used to
activate SCAN feature (refer to 8). To properly adjust
squelch circuit, start rotating the control slowly clock-
wise until the received white noise disappears.

15. PWR: Variable RF Output Power. Rotate clockwise to

increase RF output power. Rotate counterclockwise to
decrease RF output power.

Variable RF output power allows low power transmit-

ting for QRP operation in compliance with the FCC re-
quest for reduced signal strength during periods when
propagation levels are high.

16. Push-To-Talk Switch: Press and hold the switch to

transmit. TX will appear on the LCD screen when trans-
mitting. Release the switch to receive.

17. UP / DN: Up and Down Frequency Controls. Press the

UP control to increase in frequency. Press the DN con-
trol to decrease in frequency.

1. External Speaker Jack
An external speaker jack is located on the rear panel
of the transceiver. The Magnum 257 is designed to
accept any standard 8 ohm external speaker for use
with two-way transceivers.

- 10 -
Frequency Coverage : Transmit and Receive ...................................... 28.000 to 29.699 MHz
Antenna Impedance : 50 ohm, unbalanced
Frequency Control : Digital Phase-Lock Loop (PLL) Synthesizer
Frequency Accuracy : Better than +10 ppm from 0 - 40 0C after 15 min. warm up
Power Requirement : 12 - 13.8 V DC, negative ground
Current Consumption : 6 amps maximum
Dimensions : 6 x 2 x 9.5 in (W x H x D)
Weight : 2.9 lbs

Power Output : SSB / FM............................................................................... 30 Watts
: AM ................................................... 9 Watts Average / 30 Watts PEP
Tuning Steps : 1 kHz / 10 kHz / 100 kHz
Final Transistors : 2SC1969 (x2)
Spurious Emissions : More than 50 dB below peak output power
Carrier Suppression : More than 40 dB below peak output power
Unwanted Sideband : More than 50 dB below peak output (1 kHz tone)
FM Deviation : +/- 2 kHz maximum
Audio Response : More than 30dB below peak output
Frequency Response : 400 to 2800 Hz
Microphone Impedance : ECM, 600 to 1K ohms

Circuit Type : Dual-Conversion Superheterodyne
Intermediate Frequencies : 1st IF / SSB IF .................................................................. 10.695 MHz
: 2nd IF ..................................................................................... 455 kHz
Sensitivity : SSB ............................................................. 0.25 µV at 10 dB S + N/N
: AM ................................................................ 1.0 µV at 10 dB S + N/N
: FM................................................................... 0.3 µV at 12 dB SINAD
Selectivity : SSB................................................ 4.2 kHz (-6 dB) / 8.5 kHz (-60 dB)
: AM / FM .......................................... 6.0 kHz (-6 dB) / 18 kHz (-60 dB)
Clarifier Range : +/- 1.5 kHz
Adjacent Channel Rejection : Better than 70 dB
IF Rejection : Better than 80 dB for all frequencies
Frequency Response : 250 to 3000 Hz
Audio Output Power : 2 watts minimum at 10% THD with an 8 ohm load
Audio Output Impedance : 8 ohms

- 11 -
A Division of RF Limited

PO Box 445 • Issaquah WA 98027

Telephone 425-558-9592 • Facsimile 425-558-9704
Technical Support Only 1-877-MAGNUM-9 (1-877-624-6869)

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