Turban Dss9e Im Ch01
Turban Dss9e Im Ch01
Turban Dss9e Im Ch01
Learning Objectives for Part I 1. Understand the complexity of todays business environment 2. Understand the foundations and key issues of managerial decision making 3. Recognize the difficulties in managerial decision making today 4. Learn the major frameworks of computerized decision support: decision support systems (DSS) and business intelligence Learning Objectives for Chapter 1 1. Understand todays turbulent business environment and describe how organizations survive and even excel in such an environment (solving problems and exploring opportunities) 2. Understand the need for computerized support of managerial decision making 3. Understand an early framework for managerial decision making 4. Learn the conceptual foundations of the decision support systems (DSS1) methodology 5. Describe the business intelligence (BI) methodology and concepts and relate them to DSS 6. Describe the concept of work systems and its relationship to decision support 7. List the major tools of computerized decision support 8. Understand the major issues in implementing computerized support systems CHAPTER OVERVIEW This book deals with a collection of computer technologies that support managerial work essentially, decision making. These technologies have had a profound impact on corporate
The acronym DSS is treated as both singular and plural throughout this book. Similarly, other acronyms, such as MIS and GSS, designate both plural and singular forms.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th Edition) Instructors Manual
strategy, performance, and competitiveness. These techniques are also strongly connected to the Internet, intranets, and Web tools, as shown throughout the book. In Part I, we provide an overview of the whole book in one chapter. We cover several topics in this chapter. The first topic is managerial decision making and its computerized support; the second is frameworks for decision support. We then introduce business intelligence. We also provide brief coverage of the tools used and their implementation, as well as a preview of the entire book. The business environment (climate) is constantly changing, and it is becoming more and more complex. Organizations, private and public, are under pressures that force them to respond quickly to changing conditions and to be innovative in the way they operate. Such activities require organizations to be agile and to make frequent and quick strategic, tactical, and operational decisions, some of which are very complex. Making such decisions may require considerable amounts of relevant data, information, and knowledge. Processing these, in the framework of the needed decisions, must be done quickly, frequently in real time, and usually requires some computerized support. This book is about using business intelligence as computerized support for managerial decision making. It concentrates both on the theoretical and conceptual foundations of decision support, as well as on the commercial tools and techniques that are available. This introductory chapter provides more details of these topics as well as an overview of the book. This chapter has the following sections:
1. How are information systems used at Norfolk Southern to support decision making? Norfolk Southern has always used a variety of sophisticated systems to run its business. Becoming a scheduled railroad, however, required new systems that would first use statistical models to determine the best routes and connections to optimize railroad performance, and then apply the models to create the plan that would actually run the railroad operations. These new systems were called TOP, short for Thoroughbred Operating Plan; TOP was deployed in 2002. 2. What type of information is accessible through the visualization applications? Norfolk Southern built a TOP dashboard application that pulls data from the data warehouse and then graphically depicts actual performance against the trip plan for both train performance and connection performance. The application uses visualization technology so that field managers can more easily interpret the large volumes of data (e.g., there were 160,000 weekly connections across the network).
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (8th Edition) Instructors Manual
3. What type of information support is provided through accessNS? accessNS allows more than 14,500 users from 8,000 customer organizations to log in and access predefined and custom reports about their accounts at any time. Users can access current data, which is updated hourly, or they can look at data from the past 3 years. accessNS provides alerting and RSS feed capabilities 4. How does Norfolk Southern use the data warehouse for HR applications? Recently, the HR department needed to determine where to locate its field offices in order to best meet the needs of Norfolk Southerns 30,000+ employees. By combining employee demographic data (e.g., zip codes) with geospatial data traditionally used by the Engineering Group, Human Resources was able to visually map out the employee population density, making it much easier to optimize services offices locations. 5. Can the same data warehouse be used for business intelligence and optimization applications? Yes, Norfolk Southern was the first railroad to offer self-service business intelligence, and its innovation is setting an example that other railroads have followed. Section 1.2 Review Questions 1. List the components of and explain the Business PressuresResponsesSupport model. The components of the pressure-response-support model are business pressures, companies responses to these pressures, and computerized support. The model suggests that responses are made to counter the pressures or to take advantage of opportunities, support facilitates monitoring the environment (e.g., for opportunities) and enhances the quality of the responses. 2. What are the major factors in todays business environment? The major factors in todays business environment are: (Market-related) strong competition, expansion of global markets, electronic markets blooming on the Internet, innovative marketing methods, opportunities for outsourcing with IT support, and need for real time ondemand transactions (Consumer demand-related) wanting customization, wanting quality, diversity of products, and speed of delivery, and customers becoming powerful and less loyal (Technology-related) more innovations, new products and services, obsolescence rate is increasing, information overload is increasing
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th Edition) Instructors Manual
(Societal) growth of government regulations and deregulation are growing, work force becoming more diversified, older, and composed of more women; homeland security and terrorist attacks are prime concerns; compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other reporting-related legislation is a must; social responsibility of companies is increasing.
3. What are some of the major response activities organizations take? Responses taken by organizations include, but are not limited to: Employ strategic planning Use of new and innovative business models Restructure business processes Participate in business alliances Improve corporate information systems Improve partnership relationships Encourage innovation and creativity Improve customer service and relationships Move to electronic commerce (e-commerce) Move to make-to-order production and on-demand manufacturing and services Use new IT to improve communication, data access (discovery of information) and collaboration Respond quickly to competitors actions (e.g., in pricing, promotions, new products and services) Automate many tasks of white-collar employees Automate certain decision processes especially those dealing with customers Improve decision making (Since the question reads some, a correct answer need not list all of these.) Section 1.3 Review Questions 1. Describe the three major managerial roles, and list some of the specific activities in each. 2. Managerial roles fall into the three major categories: Interpersonal activities. Examples of interpersonal activities include being a figurehead, a leader and a liaison. Informational activities. Examples of informational activities include monitoring, disseminating and acting as a spokesperson. Decisional activities. Examples of decisional roles include being an entrepreneur, handling disturbances, allocating resources and negotiating. Why have some argued that management is the same as decision making? Some argue that decision making is consistently rated as either the most important or one of the most important components of managing. However, as also seen in this section, others have defined many managerial roles besides decision making.
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Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (8th Edition) Instructors Manual
Describe the four steps managers take in making a decision. Step 1. Define the problem (i.e., a decision situation that may deal with some difficulty or with an opportunity). Step 2. Construct a model that describes the real-world problem. Step 3. Identify possible solutions to the modeled problem and evaluate the solutions. Step 4. Compare, choose, and recommend a potential solution to the problem. Section 1.4 Review Questions 1. How have the capabilities of computing evolved over time? Computer applications have moved from transaction processing and monitoring activities to problem analysis and solution applications, with much of the activity using Web-based technologies. Business intelligence tools such as data warehousing, data mining, online analytical processing, dashboards, and the use of the Web for decision support have become cornerstones of modern management. High-speed, networked information systems have become necessary to assist managers with their most important task, which is making decisions. 2. List some capabilities of computing that can facilitate managerial decision making. These include speedy computation, improved communication and collaboration, increased group member productivity, improved data management, managing data warehouses, quality and agility support, overcoming human cognitive limits in information processing and storage, using the Web, and the ability to access information anywhere, anytime. (Since the question reads some, a correct answer need not list all of these.) 3. How can a computer help overcome the cognitive limits of humans? Computers can store, access and process vast amounts of information, beyond the limited ability of the human mind to do these. 4. Why is the Web considered so important for decision support? The Web provides: (1) access to a vast body of data, information, and knowledge available around the world; (2) a common, user-friendly and readily available graphical user interface; (3) the ability to collaborate effectively with remote partners; and (4) availability of intelligent search tools that enable managers to find information they need quickly and inexpensively.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th Edition) Instructors Manual
Section 1.5 Review Questions 1. What are structured, unstructured, and semistructured decisions? Provide two examples of each. An unstructured decision is one in which none of the three decision phases (intelligence, design, choice) is structured. Examples: writing a corporate mission statement, selecting a location for a company picnic. A structured decision is one in which all phases are structured. Examples: finding an appropriate inventory level, choosing an optimal investment strategy. Semistructured decisions fall between structured and unstructured problems, having some structured elements and some unstructured elements. Examples: trading bonds, setting marketing budgets for consumer products, performing capital acquisition analysis. (Other correct examples are possible.) 2. Define operational control, managerial control, and strategic planning. Provide two examples of each. Operational control is the efficient and effective execution of specific tasks. Examples: scheduling computer storage backups, planning next weeks company cafeteria menu. Management control is the acquisition and efficient use of resources to accomplish organizational goals. Examples: hiring a production coordinator, planning an advertising program. Strategic planning is defining long-range goals and policies for resource allocation. Examples: choosing which of three new products to develop, deciding whether or not to outsource customer telephone support to a region with lower labor costs than where it is now based. (Other correct examples are possible.) 3. What are the nine cells of the decision framework? Explain what each is for. Each of the nine cells represents a combination of one degree of decision structure with one type of management control. Cell 1 represents a structured decision that falls within the span of operational control, and so on.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (8th Edition) Instructors Manual
How can computers provide support to structured decisions? The high level of structure that structured problems have makes it possible to abstract them, analyze them, and classify them into specific categories. For each category, it is possible to develop a standard solution approach, usually with a standard quantitative model. This model can then be implemented in easy-to-apply software.
Define automated decision systems (ADS). Automated Decision Systems are rule-based systems that provide a solution to a specific repetitive managerial problem, usually in one industry and functional area.
How can computers provide support to semistructured and unstructured decisions? Unstructured decisions can be only partially supported by standard computerized quantitative methods. Usually it is necessary to develop a customized solution. Intuition and judgment play a larger role in this type of decision than they do in making structured decisions. They may benefit from computerized communication and collaboration technologies and from knowledge management. Intelligent systems can also sometimes provide expertise that such solutions require. Making semistructured decisions may involve a combination of both standard solution procedures and human judgment. Management Science can provide models for the portion of the decision-making problem that is structured. For the unstructured portion, a DSS can improve the quality of the information on which the decision is based by providing, for example, not only a single solution but also a range of alternative solutions along with their potential impacts. These capabilities help managers to better understand the nature of problems and thus to make better decisions.
Section 1.6 Review Questions 1. Provide two definitions of DSS. The two definitions of DSS given in the text are: Interactive computer-based systems, which help decision makers utilize data and models to solve unstructured problems. [They] couple the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decisions. It is a computer-based support system for management decision makers who deal with semistructured problems. (Other correct definitions are possible. Students who provide different definitions, unless they wrote those definitions themselves, should be expected to cite their sources.) 2. Describe DSS as an umbrella term.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th Edition) Instructors Manual
Used in this way, DSS describes any computerized system that supports decision making in an organization. An organization may have (for example) a knowledge management system to guide all its personnel in their problem solving, it may have separate support systems for marketing, finance, and accounting, a supply chain management (SCM) system for production, and several expert systems for product repair diagnostics and help desks. The term DSS encompasses them all. 3. Describe the architecture of DSS. The DSS architecture consists of four components, plus optionally a fifth. The four required components are: data: to drive the system; models: to manipulate the data; users: to control the system; and a user interface: through which they control it. DSS may also optionally have a knowledge (or intelligence) component. 4. How is the term DSS used in the academic world? The term DSS is used primarily in the academic world today. It is commonly used to describe the area of research related to computer support for decision making, is the name of a leading journal in the field, and is a standard course title. The industry tends to use the term business intelligence. However, the two are not always seen as identical; see Review Question 4 of Section 1.7. Section 1.7 Review Questions 1. Define BI. Business Intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term that combines architectures, tools, databases, applications, and methodologies. Its major objective is to enable interactive access (sometimes in real time) to data, enable manipulation of these data, and to provide business managers and analysts the ability to conduct appropriate analysis. 2. List and describe the major components of BI. BI systems have four major components: the data warehouse (analogous to the data in the DSS architecture), business analytics and business performance management (together, analogous to models in the DSS architecture), and the user interface (which corresponds to the component of the same name in the DSS architecture). One could also list the user as a component here, as was done there.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (8th Edition) Instructors Manual
List and describe the major tangible and intangible benefits of BI. According to one survey, the major benefits of BI are faster and more accurate reporting, improved decision making, improved customer service and increased revenue. The first three are intangible; that is, they have no directly associated financial value. The last is tangible.
What are the major similarities and differences of DSS and BI? BI uses a data warehouse, whereas DSS can use any data source (including a data warehouse). Most DSS are built to support decision making directly, whereas most BI systems are built to provide information that it is believed will lead to improved decision making. BI has a strategy/executive orientation whereas DSS are usually oriented toward analysts. BI systems tend to be developed with commercially available tools, whereas DSS tend to use more custom programming to deal with problems that may be unstructured. DSS methodologies and tools originated largely in academia, whereas BI arose largely from the software industry. Many BI tools, such as data mining and predictive analysis, have come to be considered DSS tools as well.
Define MSS. The term MSS, or management support system, refers to a broad concept of using technology to support managerial tasks in general and decision making in particular.
Section 1.8 Review Questions 1. What is Alters definition of decision support? Decision Support: The use of any plausible computerized or non-computerized means for improving decision making in a particular repetitive or non-repetitive business situation, in a particular organization. 2. Define work system. Work System: A system in which human participants and/or machines perform a business process using information, technology, and other resources to produce products and/or services for internal or external customers.
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th Edition) Instructors Manual
List the nine elements of a work system. The nine elements of a work system are: business process, participants, information, technology, products/services, customers, infrastructure, environment, and strategy.
Explain how decision making can be improved by changing an element of a work system. One could, for example, change the information element of the work system. This could be done through better information quality, availability, and/or presentation. Since better information leads to better decisions, this change to the work system can improve decision making. Other correct answers are possible, as the student can choose to discuss any of the nine elements of a work system. A correct answer must (a) reflect the content of the text as regards possible improvements in the work system element, and (b) relate improvement in the work system element to better decision making.
Section 1.9 Review Questions. 1. List the nine major categories of decision support tools. The nine major categories are: data management, reporting status tracking, visualization, business analytics, strategy and performance management, communication and collaboration, knowledge management, intelligent systems, and enterprise systems. 2. In what ways can the Web facilitate the use of these tools? The Web facilitates the use of these tools by providing access. This includes (a) a common, familiar way to access a variety of software located anywhere and (b) a standard way for DSS to obtain data from a variety of sources. 3. What is a hybrid system? What are its benefits? A hybrid system combines several tools and techniques to solve a problem. Its benefits are that it takes advantage of the strengths of all the tools used, rather than forcing the system to use a single tool, which may be strong in some areas but weak in others.